Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam

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Transcript of Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    Sr.No Contents Pg.No

    1. Introduction of Bank

    2. Introduction of Axis Bank

    3. Review of Literature

    . !et"odo#og$

    %. &e'it and Credit Card (aci#it$ of Axis


    ). Swot Ana#$sis

    *. (inding and Conc#usion

    +. Bi'#ogra,"$


  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    C/AP0-R N1

    Introduction of Bank

    Modern commercial banking, in its present form, is of recent origin. Though

    bank is considered to be an ancient institution just like money. Its evolution

    can be traced in the functions of money lender, the goldsmiths and the

    merchants. A bank has been often described as an institution engaged in

    accepting of deposits and granting loans. It can also be described as an

    institution which borrows idle resources, makes funds available to. It does not

    refer only to a place of tending and depositing money, but looks after the

    financial problems of its consumers. This era is the age of specialiation with

    the changing situation in the world economy, banking functions have

    broadened. !inancial institutions which are shaped by the general economic

    structures of the country concerned vary from one country to another. "ence, a

    rigid classification of banks is bound to the unrealistic.

    rigin and &eve#o,ent of Banking

    There seem so be no uniformity amongst the economist about the origin of the

    word #$ank. It has been believed that the word #$ank has been derived from

    the %erman word #$ank which means joint stock of firm or from the Italian

    word #$anco which means a heap or mound. In India the ancient "indu

    scriptures refers to the money & lending activities in vedic period. They

    performed most of those functions which banks perform in modern times.

    'uring (amayana and Mahabharata eras also banking had become a full&

    fledged business activity. In other words the development of commercial

    banking in ancient times was closely associated with the business of money

    changing. In simple words, bank refers to an institution that deals in money.

    This institution accepts deposits from the people and gives loans to those who

    are in need. $esides dealing in money, bank these days perform various other

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    functions, such as credit creation, agency job and general service. $ank,

    therefore is such an institution which accepts deposits from the people, gives

    loans, creates credit and undertakes agency work.

    &-(INI0INS ( BAN4IN5

    A bank is a finanacial institution licensed by a government. Its primary

    activity is to lend money. Many other financial activities were allowed

    over time. !or e)ample banks are important players in financial markets

    and offer financial services such as investment funds.

    $anking can also be defined as engaging in the business of keeping

    money for savings and checking accounts or for e)change or for issuing

    loans and credit.

    Transacting business with a bank* depositing or withdrawing funds or re+uesting a


    $ank a supply or stock held in reserve for future use

    !-ANIN5 ( BAN4IN5

    An organiation, usually a corporation, charted by a state or federal

    government, which does most or all of the following receives demand deposits

    and time deposits, honors instruments drawn on them, and pays intertest on

    them* discounts notes, makes loans and invests in securities* collects checks,

    drafts and notes* certifies depositors checks* and issue drafts and cashiers


    0"e /istor$ of Banking Sector in India

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    $ank is a financial institution that performs several functions like accepting

    deposits, lending loans, agriculture and rural development etc. $ank plays animportant role in the economic development of the country.It is necessary to

    encourage people to deposit their surplus funds with the banks. These funds are

    used &for providing loans to the industries thereby making productive

    investments.A bank is a financial intermediary that accepts deposits and

    channels those deposits into lending activities. They are the active players in

    financial market. The essential role of a bank is to connect those who have

    capital with those who seek capital. After the post economic liberaliation and

    globaliation, there has been a significant impact on the banking

    industry.$anking in India originated in the -th century. The oldest bank in

    e)istence in India is the tate $ank of India, a government&owned bank in -/0.

    $I is the largest commercial bank in the country.After the independence,

    (eserve $ank of India was nationalied and given wide powers. 1urrently, India

    has 20 cheduled 1ommercial $anks, 34 public sector banks, 5 private banks

    and 5- foreign banks.Today, banks have diversified their activities and are

    getting into new products and services that include opportunities in credit cards,

    consumer finance, wealth management, life and general insurance, investment

    banking, mutual funds, pension fund regulation, stock broking services,

    etc.!urther, most of the leading Indian banks are going global, setting up offices

    in foreign countries, by themselves or through their subsidiaries.

    Structure of Indian Banking Sector in India

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    1. Reserve Bank of India6

    (eserve $ank of India is the 1entral $ank of our country. It was established on

    stApril 256 under the ($I Act of 257. It holds the ape) position in the

    banking structure. ($I performs various developmental and promotional

    functions. It has given wide powers to supervise and control the banking

    structure. It occupies the pivotal position in the monetary and banking structure

    of the country. In many countries central bank is known by different names.!or

    e)ample, !ederal (eserve $ank of 8..A, $ank of 9ngland in 8.:. and (eserve

    $ank of India in India. 1entral bank is known as a bankers bank. They have the

    authority to formulate and implement monetary and credit policies. It is owned

    by the government of a country and has the monopoly power of issuing notes.

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    2. Commercial Banks:

    1ommercial bank is an institution that accepts deposit, makes business loans

    and offer related services to various like accepting deposits and lending loansand advances to general customers and business man.These institutions run to

    make profit. They cater to the financial re+uirements of industries and various

    sectors like agriculture, rural development, etc. it is a profit making institution

    owned by government or private of both.

    Coercia# 'ank inc#udes ,u'#ic sector7 ,rivate sector7 foreign 'anks and

    regiona# rura# 'anks6

    a.Pu'#ic sector 'anks6

    It includes $I, seven ;4< associate banks and nineteen ;2< nationalised banks.

    Altogether there are 34 public sector banks. The public sector accounts for 2/

    percent of total banking business in India and tate $ank of India is the largest

    commercial bank in terms of volume of all commercial banks.

    b. Private sector banks:

    =rivate sector banks are those whose e+uity is held by private shareholders. !or

    e)ample, I1I1I, "'!1 etc. =rivate sector bank plays a major role in the

    development of Indian banking industry.

    C. (oreign Banks

    !oreign banks are those banks, which have their head offices abroad. 1ITI bank,

    "$1, tandard 1hartered etc. are the e)amples of foreign bank in

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    d. Regiona# Rura# Bank 8RRB96

    These are state sponsored regional rural oriented banks. They provide credit for

    agricultural and rural development. The main objective of (($ is to develop

    rural economy. Their borrowers include small and marginal farmers, agricultural

    labourers, artisans etc. >A$A(' holds the ape) position in the agricultural and

    rural development.

    3. Co-operative Bank:

    1o&operative bank was set up by passing a co&operative act in 2/7. They are

    organised and managed on the principal of co&operation and mutual help. The

    main objective of co&operative bank is to provide rural credit.

    The cooperative banks in India play an important role even today in rural co&

    operative financing. The enactment of 1o&operative 1redit ocieties Act, 2/7,

    however, gave the real impetus to the movement. The 1ooperative 1redit

    ocieties Act, 2/7 was amended in 23, with a view to broad basing it to

    enable organisation of non&credit societies.

    0"ree tier structures exist in t"e coo,erative 'anking6

    i. tate cooperative bank at the ape) level.

    ii. 1entral cooperative banks at the district level.

    iii. =rimary cooperative banks and the base or local level.

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    4. Scheduled and Non-Scheduled banks:

    A bank is said to be a scheduled bank when it has a paid up capital and reserves

    as per the prescription of ($I and included in the second schedule of ($I Act257. >on&scheduled bank are those commercial banks, which are not included

    in the second schedule of ($I Act 257.

    5. Development banks and other fnancial institutions:

    A development bank is a financial institution, which provides a long term funds

    to the industries for development purpose. This organisation includes banks likeI'$I, I1I1I, I!1I etc. tate level institutions like !1s I'1s etc. It also

    includes investment institutions like 8TI, ?I1, and %I1 etc.

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    0$,es of Banking6

    $anks can be classified into different groups either on the basis of their structure

    or on the basis of their function. tructurally banking can be divided into

    $ranch banking and 8nit $anking. !unctionally, banking can be divided into

    'eposit $anking, Investment $anking and Mi)ed $anking.

    Branch Bankin:

    This refers to a system under which two or more banks are opened under a

    single ownership. 9)amples are tate $ank of India, =unjab >ational $ank,

    Indian $ank etc. which have several branches spread all&over India.

    !nit Bankin:

    This refers to that system of banking in which banking operations are carried on

    through a single organisation, without any branches. This system used to be

    popular in America.

    @ne great advantage of branch banking is that the same bank can cater to

    several parts of a large country ;through its branches situated in those partsatarajan and Manohar ;225< P1redit 1ardsDan AnalysisQ. A study

    has been attempted to know that to what e)tent the credit cards are

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    utilied by the cardholders and the factors influencing the utiliation of

    credit cards. The study is confined to cards issued by the 1anara $ank.

    A random sampling techni+ue is used to collect the data. Ten

    components i.e. numbers of purchases, shops, percentage of purchases,

    place, fre+uency, type of product, type of services, cash withdrawal

    facilities, add on facility, insurance schemes are identified and used for

    the measurement. 1hi s+uare test has been conducted to know the level

    of utiliation. !or this, both personal and nonpersonal factors also have

    been taken into consideration.

    >atarajan and Manohar ;225< P1redit 1ardsDan AnalysisQ. A study

    has been attempted to know that to what e)tent the credit cards are

    utilied by the cardholders and the factors influencing the utiliation of

    credit cards. The study is confined to cards issued by the 1anara $ank.A random sampling techni+ue is used to collect the data. Ten

    components i.e. numbers of purchases, shops, percentage of purchases,

    place, fre+uency, type of product, type of services, cash withdrawal

    facilities, add on facility, insurance schemes are identified and used for

    the measurement. 1hi s+uare test has been conducted to know the level

    of utiliation. !or this, both personal and nonpersonal factors also have

    been taken into consideration.

    imon and Kictor ;227

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    9!T=o has a higher level of risk than other traditional payment

    methods. tudy shows that 9!T=o has the lowest physical risk and

    highest financial risk, the credit card has the lowest psychological risk

    and highest time loss risk, while cash has the highest physical risk and

    lowest performance risk. =hysical risk, financial risk and time loss risk

    for cash payment are significantly higher when purchase is large while

    performance risk for 9!T=o and credit card payment is significantly

    higher when the purchase is small.

    %eorge ;226

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    and smart cards. 1redit cards are being gradually revolutionised by

    various factors introduction of customersD friendly technology, a

    competitive marketing environment, the rise of the financially

    sophisticated consumer who avoids paying interest and the emergence

    of new competitors. The concept of debit cards as a new emerging

    payment system has gained acceptance in the Asia&=acific region in

    past few years. $eing a new concept, mass acceptance is gradual and

    not instantaneous. It shows that spending on credit cards is higher than

    debit cards but the number of transactions are more on debit cards.

    >ash and inkey ;224

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    use debit, general purpose credit cards, gasoline credit cards, or cash.

    'ebit and credit card users are younger, more educated and hold more

    credit cards.

    teindl ;3///

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    'evlin ;3//4< PAn Analysis of main and subsidiary credit card holding

    and spending.Q This study seeks to e)amine why most multiple credit

    cardholders have a PmainQ card ;i.e. a card used more often than

    others< and PsubsidiaryQ cards ;i.e. cards used less often or only in an

    emergency< and the spending pattern associated with main and

    subsidiary cards. This study is a +ualitative in nature, using a survey

    which contained open&ended +uestions to ac+uire data.

    %an ;3//-< Pingapore credit cardholders ownership, usage patterns

    and perceptions.Q The purpose of this study is to analyse ingapores

    diverse cardholders in search of variations among demographic groups,

    credit card profiles, and their perceptions with regard to credit card

    ownership and use. It then aims to discuss possible reasons governingingaporeans credit card ownership and use. In this study, decision

    trees were constructed using chi&s+uare techni+ue to e)amine the

    association between number of credit cards and the demographic

    characteristics, perceptions and other credit card&related variables.

    C/AP0-R N


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    C/AP0-R N%

    Axis 'ank de'it and credit card

    Axis 'ank de'it card

    A debit card ;also known as a bank card or check card< is aplastic payment

    cardthat provides the cardholder electronic access to their bank accounts at a

    financial institution. ome cards may bear a stored value with which a payment

    is made, while most relay a message to the cardholderBs bank to withdraw funds

    from a payerBs designated bank account. The card, where accepted, can be used

    instead of cash when making purchases. In some cases, theprimary account

    numberis assigned e)clusively for use on the Internet and there is no physical


    In many countries, the use of debit cards has become so widespread that their

    volume has overtaken or entirely replaced che+ues and, in some instances, cash

    transactions. The development of debit cards, unlike credit cards and charge

    cards, has generally been country specific resulting in a number of different

    systems around the world, which were often incompatible. ince the mid&3///s,

    a number of initiatives have allowed debit cards issued in one country to be

    used in other countries and allowed their use for internet and phone purchases.

    8nlike credit and charge cards, payments using a debit card are immediately

    transferred from the cardholderBs designated bank account, instead of them

    paying the money back at a later date.

    'ebit cards usually also allow for instant withdrawal of cash, acting as the ATM

    card for withdrawing cash. Merchants may also offer cashback facilities to

    customers, where a customer can withdraw cash along with their purchase.
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    C/SIN5 A &-BI0 CAR&

    A0! access6 If you choose a provider that doesnt have any ATMs nearby or

    doesnt refund the fees, youll find yourself paying out&of&network ATM fees to

    your bank, plus E3O in surcharges that go to the ATM owner. Make sure you

    have convenient access at college and at home.

    !iniu 'a#ance re?uireents6 Though many checking accounts will waive

    monthly fees because youre a student, some re+uire you to keep a minimum

    balance. If you cant meet that re+uirement, dont get that account.

    In,erson services6 1an you get by with an entirely online bank, or do you

    need to go into a branch If you forgo physical services, you can easily find free

    or even rewards checking accounts

    Rewards6 ome credit unions, online banks or even traditional banks offer

    rewards on your debit card spending or interest on the balance in your account.

    :eep an eye out for good deals.

    The A)is $ank 'ebit 1ard is a Multifunctional 1ard. It can be used at

    Axis Bank A0!s

    !or transactions such as cash withdrawals, balance in+uiry, che+ue or cash

    deposit, =I> change, transfer of funds, mini statement etc.

    =ISA or =ISA P#us A0!s!or cash withdrawals and balance in+uiry transactions.

    !erc"ant esta'#is"ents

    ;displaying the KIA 9lectron sign and having 9lectronic wipe Terminals

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    Axis Bank de'it card offer

    1ustomise and craft your own A)is $ank debit card with My 'esignU

    "igher withdrawal and purchase transaction limits on every A)is $ank debit

    card. 1omplimentary access to KI= airport lounges.

    !uel surcharge waivers at petrol bunks across India.

    9nhanced insurance coverage for the primary debit card holder.


    A)is $ank is the third largest private sector bank in India with a network of

    37/3 branches and 3,233 ATMs spread across the country. The bank also has

    its presence in the international arena with offices in ingapore, 'ubai, "ong

    :ong, 1olombo and hanghai. A)is $ank caters to a diverse clientele

    comprising of retail businesses, MM9, agriculturists and large and mid&

    corporates. A)is $ank holds the distinction of being the first Indian private

    sector bank to upgrade their representative office in hanghai to a full&fledged

    overseas branch. Fith a wide spectrum of innovative banking products, A)is

    $ank provides an array of debit cards offering customers convenient cashless

    shopping, e)citing discounts, rewards from the e'%9 ?oyalty program and

    personalied card designs. A)is $ank debit cards come with enhanced security

    features for purchase transactions on Kerified by Kisa ;KbK< and Master1ard

    ecure1ode platforms.


  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    1.Preiu Cards

    8i9.Burgund$ >or#d &e'it Card6

    The $urgundy Forld 'ebit 1ard is a global card with lifestyle privileges tailor

    made to meet the re+uirements of a =remium banking customer. ?oaded with

    benefits, this card offers higher transaction limits, dining and travel benefits,

    rewards redemption, free ATM withdrawal options and insurance coverage to a

    =remium debit card holder.

    (eatures and Benefits6

    /ig"er transaction #iit6

    9njoy an enhanced daily cash withdrawal limit of (s. 3 lakh and purchase


    of (s. 0 lakh on your $urgundy Forld 'ebit 1ard subject to the balances held

    in your account.

    Book $ S"ow6

    1omplimentary movie tickets ;$uy one, get one< through booking at

    $ and bookmyshow mobile app.

    (ue# Suec"arge >e#ver6

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    wipe your debit card at petrol pumps without any fuel surcharge on Jour


    -#igi'i#it$ and docuentation6

    The $urgundy Forld 'ebit 1ard is available only to $urgundy Account holders

    8ii9.>ea#t" &e'it Card6

    Fealth Account holders can design their own version of the A)is $ank Fealth

    'ebit 1ard available with unlimited privileges, complimentary access, no

    issuance and annual fee charges, fuel surcharge waivers and free ATM

    withdrawal options.

    (eatures and 'enefits6

    5enerate $our de'it card PIN

    Jour 'ebit 1ard just got more secure and easier to useU

    Jou can now generate your 'ebit 1ard =I> anytime at your convenience at the

    nearest A)is $ank ATM or by calling A)is $ank =hone $anking.

    /ig"er transaction #iit6

    9njoy an enhanced daily cash withdrawal limit of (s. 3 lakh and a purchase

    limit of (s. 6 lakh on your Fealth 'ebit 1ard, subject to the balances held in

    your account.

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    (ree usage at a## A0!@s6

    9njoy free ATM withdrawals from any bank ATM anywhere in India.

    &ining &e#ig"ts6Automatic membership to the A)is $ank dining delights program where you

    %et over 6 off at more than 7,/// restaurants in India visit for further details

    No c"arges on wea#t" de'it card6

    9njoy Issuance and Annual 1harges waiver on your A)is $ank Fealth 'ebit



    The A)is $ank Fealth 'ebit 1ard is available only to Fealth Account holders.

    8iii9Priorit$ P#atinu &e'it Card6

    Introduced mainly for =riority customers of A)is $ank, the =riority =latinum

    'ebit 1ard offers 36 cashback on movie spends, fuel surcharge waivers,

    issuance and annual fee waivers and insurance coverage for the debit card


    (eatures and Benefits6

    /ig"er 0ransaction #iit6

    9njoy enhanced daily cash withdrawal limit of (s. lakh and purchase limit

    of (s. 7 lakh on your =riority 'ebit 1ard subject to the balances held in your


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    2% cas"'ack on ovies s,end6

    As a =riority =latinum 'ebit 1ard holder, you are entitled to 36 cash back on

    your movie spends ;both online and bo) office bookings< using your 'ebit


    !$ &esig"n6

    'esign your card with an image of your choice or choose from a wide array of

    gallery images on www.a)isbank.comGmydesign.


    The A)is $ank =riority 'ebit 1ard is available only to =riority Account holders.

    8iii9Priorit$ P#atinu C"i, &e'it Card6

    The =riority =latinum 1hip 'ebit 1ard works on the Kisa&=latinum platform

    designed e)clusively for A)is $anks =riority customers with an embedded

    platinum chip. The card offers higher transaction limits, free ATM withdrawals,

    rewards redemption program, 36 on movie tickets and complimentary access

    to premium airport lounges in all the Metros.

    8iii9Privee &e'it Card6

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    (eatures and Benifits6

    /ig"er 0ransaction Liit6

    9njoy an enhanced daily cash withdrawal limit of (s. 3 lakh and purchase limit

    of (s. 0 lakh on your =rivee =remium 'ebit 1ard subject to the balances held in

    your account.

    No C"arges on Privee &e'it Card6

    9njoy Issuance and Annual 1harges waiver on your =remium =rivee 'ebit


    ;n#iited Lounge Access6

    8nlimited 1lipper ?ounge access at select domestic international airports in


    (ue# Surc"arge >a#ver6

    wipe your debit card at petrol pumps without any fuel surcharge on your card.

    (ree ;sage at A## A0!@s6

    9njoy free ATM withdrawals from any bank ATM anywhere in India.


    The A)is $ank =rivee 'ebit 1ard is available only to =rivee Account holders.

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    3.Segented Cards


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    All consumer durable goods purchased using the debit card are insured against

    fire, natural calamity, burglary and housebreaking up to 2/ days from the date of

    purchase. Jou will be eligible for a combined lost card liability and purchase

    protection of up to (s 7/,///.

    -#igi'i#it$6Jouth 'ebit 1ard is meant e)clusively for youth customers from

    the age of - to 36 years.

    8ii9Ladies (irst &e'it Card6

    'esigned e)clusively for homemakers, the ?adies !irst 'ebit 1ard helps themmanage their household finances better with a monthly spends tracker, interest

    on savings, spa and lifestyle privileges, rewards on grocery and apparel

    purchases, convenient transaction options and an instant debit card procurement


    (eatures and Benefits6

    % e&5- Lo$a#t$ Rewards ,oints on ,urc"ases of 5rocer$


    The ?adies !irst 'ebit 1ard comes with an e)citing e'%9 ?oyalty (ewards. It

    allows you to earn e'%9 ?oyalty (ewards points on your spends at merchant

    outlets. The accumulated reward points can be spent on over 6// carefully

    selected reward items just for you to make your card e)perience more


    9arn 6 e'%9 ?oyalty (ewards =oints for every (s. // spent on spent on

    grocery apparel purchases. All you need is just 5// points for a well&deserved

    B(ewardsB from our 0 e)citing categories & B'ream (ewards, ?ittle Indulgences,

    !avourites, Amaing 'eals, !estive pecials and Fhats newB.

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    !ont"#$ Stateent wit" s,ends tracker6 (eceive a pends Tracker with

    your monthly statement which gives detailed information of where have youspent your money D so no more writing down your e)penses in a diary or a


    -as$ Cas" in and Cas" out6

    ?oading using the ?adies !irst 1ard is really easy.

    1ard can be loaded through

    !unds transferG I


    1ash deposit


    Fe give you one free cash transaction ;depositG withdrawal< at our branches

    every monthU

    And cash can be taken out through

    1ard swipe at shops, with a daily limit of (s. //,///V

    1ash withdrawal at any ATMW ;A)is $ank or >on&A)is $ank

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  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    The >(I 'omestic Titanium debit card comes with insurance benefits, purchase

    protection, ero lost card liability, 37G4 customer support mainly issued for

    >(@ accounts.

    (eature and Benefits6

    0ransaction Liits6

    9njoy a daily cash withdrawal limit of (s.7/,/// and purchase limit of (s.

    ,//,/// on your >(I 'omestic 'ebit 1ard, subject to the balances held in your


    -n"anced Insurance Coverage6

    The A)is $ank Titanium 'omestic 'ebit 1ard comes with special insurance

    features that protect you and your loved ones.

    Purc"ase Protection6

    All consumer durable goods purchased using the debit card are insured against

    fire, natural calamity, burglary and housebreaking up to 2/ days from the date

    of purchase. Jou will be eligible for a combined lost card liability and purchase

    protection of up to (s 6/,///.


    >(I Titanium 'omestic 'ebit 1ard is meant e)clusively for >(@ accounts.

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    .=a#ue Added Cards

    8i90itaniu Rewards &e'it Card6

    As a rewards debit card holder, customers can be part of the A)is $ank e'%9

    rewards program enjoying privileges on shopping and dining and get other

    benefits like airport lounge access, 6 cashback on movie spends, higher

    transaction and withdrawal limits, fuel surcharge waivers and design their own

    Titanium (ewards 'ebit 1ard.

    (eatures and Benefits6

    /ig"er 0ransaction Liit6

    9njoy enhanced daily cash withdrawal limit of (s.6/,/// and purchase limit of

    (s. 7 lakh on your Titanium (ewards 'ebit 1ard subject to the balances held inyour account.

    (ue# Surc"arge >e#ver6

    wipe your debit card at petrol pumps without any fuel surcharge on your card.

    % Cas"'ack on !ovies S,ends6

    tarting 3/th >ovember 3/7, you are entitled to 6 cash back on movie

    spends ;both online and bo) office bookings< done using your Titanium

    (ewards 'ebit 1ard.


    8pgrade from 1lassic 1ards & issued to all savings account.

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    8ii9!$&esign Iage &e'it Card6

    ?et your A)is $ank debit card be a reflection of #Jou. 1hoose or create an

    image of your choice to be printed on your debit card along with the variant of

    the card that you need. 'epending on the type of card, A)is $ank will charge a

    nominal designing fee for every My'esign debit card created.

    (eatures And Benefits6

    Print an iage of $our c"oice on $our &e'it Card6

    "ave a look at yourself and your family every time you take your card out to

    shop, or re&live that glorious moment from your vacation or graduation day.

    ?eave your friends and colleagues spellbound every time you take yourpersonally designed card out to pay.

    C"oose an iage fro our 1*%iage ga##er$6

    1apture a batsman playing a pull shot or a goalkeeper diving full&length to save

    the ball. (e&live your memories of the Taj Mahal, the tatue of ?iberty or the

    9iffel Tower. (eproduce your Nodiac sign and all that it reflects about yourself.Adore that cute puppy you have always wanted as a pet and much more right on

    your card.

    No need to visit $our 'ranc" if $ou are a#read$ our custoer6

    If you already hold a avings Account with us, you can now apply for your

    'ebit 1ard online using Internet $anking. Cust visit

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    www.a) and keep your image and Internet $anking

    passwords with you as we help you obtain the 'ebit 1ard of your choice from

    the comfort of your home or office.

    "owever, our entire Image %allery is available at the $ranch, and you can apply

    for one of the images from the gallery by filling in a 'ebit 1ard Application

    form where you indicate the Image 1ode of your choice.

    Jou would be charged (e. only as online application charge in addition to the

    Issuing !ee for your 'ebit 1ards.

    C"oose w"at &e'it Card variant $ou want as we##6

    Jou can choose not only the image on your 'ebit 1ard face but also the variant

    of the card you want. In other words, even if you presently possess a standard

    Kisa 'ebit 1ard, you can choose a Master1ard Titanium (ewards 'ebit 1ard

    ;or any other 'ebit 1ard that you are eligible for, according to your Account

    type< and customie it with an image from our gallery. o, let your 'ebit 1ard

    reflect not only your personality but your affluence as well.

    8iii9Secure &e'it Card6

    Jour ecureO 'ebit 1ard ensures you can freely use your debit card without

    ever worrying about misuseGfraud on your card.

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    (eatures and Benifits6

    0ransaction Liit6

    9njoy daily cash withdrawal limit of (s. 6/,/// and purchase limit of (s.

    46,/// on your ecureO 'ebit 1ard subject to the balances held in your account

    ne ca## service to '#ock a## #ost or sto#en &e'it and Credit Card6

    (eporting loss of your valuable 'ebit 1redit 1ards to each $ank is painful

    and time consuming. It is not easy to remember which cards you were carrying

    and which number to call. Fith your A)is $ank ecureO 'ebit 1ard now avail

    single call card loss reporting service to block all your cards with just a single

    phone call, in case you lose them.

    -ergenc$ cas" assistance6

    In the event if you lose your cardsGcash while travelling in India and need

    emergency cash advance up to (s. 6/// to meet your basic needs and return

    "ome, you can contact 1== to avail the same.

    (raud Protection6

    8nder this plan your cards are covered for fraud due to lossGtheft, skimming,

    counterfeiting, online usage, phishing and =I> based transactions. The fraud

    protection cover is upto (s. 46,/// and it begins 6 days prior to the loss of

    your card.

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    -ergenc$ 0rave# and /ote# Assistance6

    In the event if you lose your cardsGcash while travelling away from home, 1==

    will help facilitate the emergency advance that helps you pay your hotel bills

    and travel tickets up to (s. -/,/// so that you can return home safely.


    Issued to all savings and salary account customers.

    %.Basic Cards

    8i90itaniu Prie &e'it Card6

    =rime savings account holders can enjoy rewards program benefits, ero

    issuance charge, insurance coverage and higher purchase limits with their

    Titanium =rime 'ebit 1ards.

    (eatures and Benefits6

    0ransaction #iits6

    Jour Titanium =rime 'ebit 1ard comes with higher withdrawals of (s. 6/,///

    and purchase transaction limit of (s. ,//,///

    No Insurance C"arges n 0itani Prie &e'it Card6

    9njoy a waiver on the Issuance 1harges on your A)is $ank =rime 'ebit 1ard.


    Titanium =rime debit card is available to =rime avings account customers only.

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    8ii90itaniu Prie P#us &e'it Card6

    Titanium =rime =lus 'ebit 1ard is an out and out shopping card offered to

    =rime =lus savings account holders, loaded with benefits like insurancecoverage, / cashback on movie tickets, rewards program, ero issuance

    charges along with My'esign options.

    (eatures And Benefits6

    Transaction ?imit

    Jour =rime =lus 'ebit 1ard comes with higher withdrawals of (s. 6/,/// and a

    purchase transaction limit of (s. ,//,///.

    / cash $ack on movies

    As a Titanium =rime =lus 'ebit 1ard holder, you are entitled to / cash back

    on your movie spends ;both online and bo) office bookings< using your 'ebit



    Titanium =rime =lus debit card is available to =rime =lus savings account

    customers only.

    8iii9=isa C#assic &e'it Card6

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    As an international debit card, the Kisa 1lassic debit card offers enhanced

    protection to users as a chip or =I> enabled debit card along with unlimited

    shopping, dining, and travel benefits.

    (eatures and Benefits6

    0ransaction and Purc"ase Liits6

    9njoy daily withdrawal limit of (s. 7/,/// and purchase limits of (s. ,//,///

    through with your Kisa 1lassic 'ebit 1ards.

    /ig"er Securit$ on C"i, and PIN Cards6

    Jou can choose to apply for 1hip =I> enabled visa debit card for enhanced

    security of your purchase transactions. 9nabling international usage on your

    1hip =I> debit card will also give you the freedom to use your debit card

    across the world, includingtransactions on International websites.


    Kisa 1lassic 'ebit 1ard is being issued to as a default debit card to select

    savings banking account.

    ).Coercia# &e'it Cards

    !asterCard Business &e'it Card6

    The Master1ard $usiness 'ebit 1ard is a commercial card packed with

    attractive benefits, safety features and high transaction limits mainly for self&

    employed entrepreneurs, helping them manage their business e)penses


    *.Business P#atinu &e'it Card6

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    Jour A)is bank debit card can be your business identity with your business

    name and logo printed on your cardU $usiness banking customers can benefit

    immensely from the $usiness =latinum debit card with specially designed

    programs like $usiness avings =lan and other value&added benefits helping

    them to efficiently manage their businesses. The card also offers other privileges

    like fuel surcharge waivers, insurance coverage, rewards program and airport

    lounge access.

    +.Business 0itaniu Rewards &e'it Card6

    @ffering the best rewards program to its business banking customers, A)is $ank

    presents the $usiness Titanium (ewards debit card with enhanced insurance

    coverage and high transaction limits.

    D.Sart Privi#ege &e'it Card6

    The mart =rivilege 'ebit 1ard is issued to women customers holding mart

    =rivilege accounts with A)is $ank. The card comes with withdrawal and

    purchase limits of up to (s ,//,///, rewards program and insurance coverage

    for the card holder.

    1E. t"er &e'it Cards6

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    8i95o#d &e'it Card6

    A)is $ankBs %old 'ebit 1ard is more than just a debit card. It comes with a host

    of enhanced benefits and reward program.

    (eatures And Benefits6

    /ig"er 0ransaction Liit6

    9njoy enhanced daily cash withdrawal limit of (s. 6/,/// and purchase limit of

    (s. .46 lakh on your %old 'ebit 1ard subject to the balances held in your


    (ue# Surc"arge >a#ver6wipe your debit card at petrol pumps without any fuel surcharge on your card.

    Persona# Accident Insurance Cover6

    In the unfortunate event of loss of life in a mishap, the customerBs beneficiaries

    will receive the benefit of accident insurance of (s 6 lakh.


    %old 'ebit 1ard is not Issued any more.

    8ii95o#d P#us &e'it Card6

    A)is $ankBs %old =lus 'ebit 1ard is more than just a debit card. It comes with a

    host of enhanced benefits and reward program.

    (eatures and Benefits6

    /ig"er 0ransaction Liit6

    9njoy enhanced daily cash withdrawal limit of (s. 6/,/// and purchase limit of

    (s. .46 lakh on your %old 'ebit 1ard subject to the balances held in your


    (ue# Surc"arge >a#ver6

    wipe your debit card at petrol pumps without any fuel surcharge on your card.

    Air,ort Lounge Access6

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    9njoy lounge access to select airports in the country just by flashing your A)is

    $ank Fealth 'ebit 1ard.


    %old =lus 'ebit 1ard is not Issued any more.

    8iii9!aster Card C#assic &e'it Card6

    A)is $ankBs Master1ard 1lassic 'ebit 1ard is more than just a debit card. It

    comes with a host of enhanced benefits.

    (eatures and Benefits6

    0ransaction Liit6

    Transaction limit of ,//,/// for purchase transactions and 36,/// for ATMwithdrawals.

    !$ &esign6

    'esign your card with an image of your choice or choose from a wide array of

    gallery images on www.a)isbank.comGmydesign.


    Master1ard 1lassic 'ebit 1ard is not Issued any more.


  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    9njoy a daily cash withdrawal limit and purchase limit of (s. ,//,/// on your

    mart =rivilege 'ebit 1ard, subject to the balances held in your account.

    ero Lost Card Lia'i#it$6

    As an A)is $ank 'ebit 1ard customer, you will be insured for risk of loss due

    to fraudulent use of a lost or stolen or missing debit card. All you need to do is

    communicate the loss of your card by calling our 37&hour customer service


    !$ &esign6

    'esign your card with an image of your choice or choose from a wide array of

    gallery images on www.a)isbank.comGmydesign.


    mart =rivilege 'ebit card is issued only to mart =rivilege account holders.

    Benefits of "o#ding an Axis Bank &e'it Card

    1ustomers are entitled to world class offers, discounted prices, lu)ury

    indulgences and fle)ible banking options with their A)is $ank debit cards.

    My'esign & Make your A)is debit card as uni+ue as youU 'esign a card with

    your favourite image and special effects in just three easy steps.

    @nline shopping is now safer with your A)is $ank debit card, enabling users to

    transact on secured platforms using Kerified by Kisa ;KbK< and Master1ard

    ecure1ode services.

    =urchase transactions using your A)is $ank debit card are also secured and

    validated using your debit card =I> at all retail outlets.

    Fuick ti,s to use Axis Bank &e'it Card

    9nsure completion of a debit card transaction at merchant outlets and ATMs

    to avoid fraudulent activity on your card.

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    A)is $ank customers are advised to take necessary precautions to safeguard

    their =I> details and not disclose it unnecessarily.

    Fhile using your A)is $ank debit card at =o terminals customers should

    make sure that the merchant establishment has subscribed to Kisa or Kisa

    9lectron services.

    1ustomers should mandatorily sign at the back of their debit cards for

    merchants to validate their signatures at the time of purchases.

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    5et t"e 'est credit cards fro Axis Bank t"roug" BankBaGaar

    Axis Bank Credit Card verviewIn the year 227, A)is $ank, a private sector bank, began operations as one of

    the first new generation banks in India. In 225, it was jointly promoted by

    several organisations. Among all the private sector banks in India, A)is $ank

    ranks third. It caters to MM9, Agriculture, ?arge and Medium 1orporates and

    (etail $usinesses. A)is $ank has 37/3 branches and 3233 ATMs spread all

    over the country.

    A credit card can be of great help, if and when used wisely. The credit amount is

    readily available and the payments can be made immediately. In case of an

    emergency, it can prove to be e)tremely useful. There are varieties of credit

    cards offered by A)is $ank for its customers.

    >"$ c"oose Axis Bank credit cardsH

    1atering to every lifestyle re+uirement, an A)is $ank credit card is the perfect

    companion for shopping, dining, travel and for purchasing movie tickets.

    1ustomers can choose a card that fits them the best and enjoy attractive offers

    and rewards on each and every credit card purchase.

    (eatures and 'enefits of an Axis Bank credit card6

    A)is $ank credit cards offer world class privileges and card holders can enjoyunlimited discounts from various merchant outlets.

    1ashback options

    "igher purchase limits

    @ver 6// rewards from A)is $ankBs e'%9 ?oyalty program

    'iscounts on dining, shopping and e&commerce transactions

    Airline vouchers

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    KI= ?ounge access at airports

    1reate your own credit card using My'esign.

    1redit cards with embedded 9MK chips for enhanced security.

    >"$ a,,#$ for Axis Bank credit cards t"roug" BankBaGaarH

    $ank$aaar is your one&stop shop for procuring an A)is $ank credit card with

    easy online application and processing. 1ustomers can compare the different

    kinds of cards provided by A)is $ank and understand what each one offers. Fe

    provide information regarding eligibility and other features of a particular credit

    card helping customers make a well&informed decision. Applicants can also get

    instant e&approvals from $ank$aaar after they apply for their credit cards.

    /ow to a,,#$ for Axis Bank credit cards t"roug" BankBaGaarH

    $ank$aaar offers an e)tensive array of A)is $ank credit cards and customers

    can choose the card that meets their financial re+uirements. The 1redit 1ard

    menu on the $ank$aaar home page contains a list of banks offering credit

    cards and customers can choose the link featuring A)is $ank. This will lead

    them to the A)is $ank credit card page, where they can understand and evaluate

    different cards and also check their eligibility. @nce the card selection has been

    done, customers can apply for an A)is $ank credit card using the #Apply >ow

    feature and they will get an immediate e&approval from $ank$aaar via email.

    The application will then be forwarded to A)is $ank for further processing.

    Axis Bank Credit Card Eligibility and Documentation:

    Axis Bank Credit Card -#igi'i#it$6

    =rimary 1ard holder should be within the age limit of - to 4/ years.

    hould be an Indian resident

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    Add&on card holder must be above the age of 6 years.

    Axis Bank Credit Card &ocuentation6

    =an 1ard photocopy or !orm 0/

    Income =roof !orm 0G ?atest =ayslipGIT (eturn copy

    (esidence =roof =assportG (ation 1ardG 9lectricity $illG ?andline

    Telephone bill

    Axis Bank Credit Card &etai#s6

    1.Preiu Card

    8i9Signature Credit Card wit" Lifest$#e Benefits6

    8pgrade your lifestyle and enjoy top class benefits. A)is $ank 1redit 1ard with

    ?ifestyle $enefits is definitely the key&card to the gateway of a classy life.

    (eatures and Benefits6

    Jou can have a fle)ible limit on your card. This card lets you spend more than

    your credit limit without any e)tra charges. This feature is only available for

    A)is $ank $urgundy 1ustomers. The Taj 9picure =lan Membership is an e)tremely interesting feature of this

    card. It gives you a discount of / for dining at the Taj, which eventually gets

    converted to 9picure points. Jou also get a 6/ discount on buffet lunch at Taj

    1offee hop, e)cept on undays. Fatching your favourite movies at a theatre near you never got betterU Jou are

    entitled to a 6/ cashback on both bo) office and online tickets, all through the


  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    The card comes with a %lobal 9mergency Assistance. In case of any emergency,

    A)is bank can transfer credit even when you are overseas. 9mergency

    replacement can also be done in case of loss of card.

    The e'%9 ?oyalty (ewards program helps you earn / points for every 3//

    I>( domestic e)penditure and 3/ points for international e)penditure. It helps

    you earn // points on your first transaction only.


    =rimary card holder should be in the age bracket of - years to 4/ years. Add&

    on card holder should be - years and above

    >et Income & (s. 2 lakhs and above per annum

    hould be a resident of India

    The above eligibility criteria are only indicative. The bank reserves the right to

    approve or decline applications for 1redit 1ard.


    =A> card photocopy or !orm 0/

    Income =roof ?atest payslipG !orm 0G IT return copy

    (esidence =roof =assportG driving licenseG ration cardG electricity billG landline

    telephone bill

    The above list is only indicative and documents re+uired may vary on a case to

    case basis.

    8ii9Signature Credit Card wit" 0rave# Benefits6

    If travelling is your passion, this is definitely the card you should get.A)is $ank

    ignature 1redit 1ard with Travel benefits is absolutely the #magic carpet for

    you and will fulfil your dream of being a traveller.

    (eatures and Benefits6

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    Jou receive an Indi%o Airlines voucher within 76 days from activation.

    Jou are entitled to 36 cashback on both online and bo) office movie ticket


    9njoy special benefits at airport lounges. it back and rela) at over 4//KI= lounges in more than 2/ countries and 346 cities worldwide.

    Jou will be offered assistance during your travel, no matter where you

    are in the world.

    (efuel your vehicle at any station across India and enjoy fuel surcharge


    8pto 3/ discounts on dining.


    =rimary card holder should be in the age bracket of - years to 4/ years. Add&

    on card holder should be - years and above

    >et Income & (s. 2 lakhs and above per annum

    hould be a resident of India.

    The above eligibility criteria are only indicative. The bank reserves the right to

    approve or decline applications for 1redit 1ard.


    =A> card photocopy or !orm 0/

    Income =roof ?atest payslipG !orm 0G IT return copy

    (esidence =roof =assportG driving licenseG ration cardG electricity billG landline

    telephone bill

    The above list is only indicative and documents re+uired may vary on a case tocase basis.

    2.Co Branded Cards

    8i9!i#es !ore Credit Card6

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  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    The 9MK certified chip gives this card a top notch security status.

    Jour e'%9 loyalty points multiply by / times when you use your A)is

    $ank MJ None 1redit 1ard for dining out on weekends.

    Jour e'%9 loyalty points multiply by 6 times when you use your A)is

    $ank MJ None 1redit 1ard at supermarkets or apparel store on weekends.

    36 cashback on purchase of both online and bo) office tickets for



    =rimary card holder should be in the age bracket of - years to 4/ years. Add&on card holder should be 6 years and above.

    hould be an individual resident of India or non&resident Indian.


    =A> card photocopy or !orm 0/

    1olour =hotograph

    Income =roof ?atest payslipG !orm 0G IT return copy

    (esidence =roof =assportG ration cardG electricity billG landline telephone bill

    Identity =roof =assportGdriving license G =A> card GAadhaar card

    8iii9!< >ings Credit Card6

    This particular credit card is e)tremely beneficial if you travel a lot. Fhether it

    is a bus, train or flight it does not matter since this card will definitely come in

    handy for all your travel purposes.

    (eatures and Benefits6

    Jou will be entitled to two base fare flight tickets.

    Jou will get 3/ cashback on base fares for booking domestic flights.

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    9very time you use your MJ Fings 1redit 1ard on the I(1T1 website

    you get a discount of 36 I>(.

    9very bus ticket you book using the card, gets you a I>( // cashback.

    7// I>( cashback can be earned by booking a car from any car rental in



    =rimary cardholder should be in the age bracket of - years to 4/ years. Add&on

    cardholder should be 6 years and above. hould be an individual resident of India or non&resident Indian.


    =A> card photocopy or !orm 0/

    1olour =hotograph

    Income =roof ?atest payslipG !orm 0G IT return copy

    (esidence =roof =assportG ration cardG electricity billG landline telephone bill Identity =roof =assportG driving license G =A> card G Aadhaar card

    8iv9!< Business Credit Card6

    MJ $usiness 1redit 1ard is best suited for the business banking customers of

    A)is $ank. The offers available with this card help customers manage

    businesses efficiently. The card comes with low interest rates, substantial

    savings and much more.

    (eatures and Benefits6

    The card offers 3/ cashback on base fares of flight bookings on

    6// I>( cashback on domestic return flight bookings and 6// I>( cashback

    on international return flight bookings.

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    Jou can earn 7 points for every 3// I>( you spend from your card. Jou are

    entitled to a // points on your first online transaction.

    Jou can enjoy complimentary access to several airport lounges across the

    country, twice in every three months. Jou can get 5/ cash from your credit limit even when you are overseas.

    .t"er Credit Cards

    8i90itaniu Sart 0rave#er Credit Card6

    A)is $ank Titanium mart Traveler 1redit 1ard is very beneficial from people

    who travel. This card will definitely make your journey a happy one.

    (eatures and Benefits6

    Jou can earn - e'%9 loyalty points for every 3// I>( you spend while

    travelling abroad.

    In India, you can earn 7 e'%9 loyalty points for every 3// I>( you

    spend on booking hotels, buses, flights etc.

    3.6 fuel surcharge waiver on all fuel transactions.

    The protection is top notch and you are safe from fraud attacks.

    !or all other spends, you will earn 3 e'%9 ?oyalty (ewards =oint for

    every (s. 3// spent.

    1onvert =urchase to 9MI.

    Nero ?ost 1ard liability up to credit limit.

    8ii9P#atinu Credit Card6

    A)is $ank =latinum 1redit 1ard offers several benefits such as cashbacks,

    loyalty points, etc. and hence this card is definitely very useful.

    (eatures and Benefits6

    The 9MK certified chip provides added security and consumer


  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    Jou can get a 36 cashback on both online and bo) office movie ticket


    A)is $ank will replace the card is case of loss or theft of card. The %lobal

    9mergency Assistance feature is e)tremely useful.

    Jou can earn 0 e'%9 loyalty points for every 3// I>( that you spend

    domestically and 3 points for every 3// I>( spent internationally.

    "ighest level of ecurity.

    Nero ?ost card liability up to credit limit.

    1onvert =urchase to 9MI

    %et a 3.6 fuel surcharge waiver on all fuel transactions with your A)is

    $ank =latinum 1ard

    8iii9Insta -as$ Credit Card6

    Jou need minimal documents to get this credit card. The card can be availed at

    any A)is $ank branch, provided you have a fi)ed deposit of minimum 3////

    I>( in A)is $ank. A lot many rewards and benefits are associated with this


    (eatures and Benefits6

    This card offers a great amount of security. The =latinum chip is

    e)tremely effective against fraud.

    This card offers upto // cash withdrawal.

    9very 3// I>( you spend domestically, you earn 0 e'%9 loyalty points

    and every 3// I>( you spend internationally, you earn 3 e'%9 loyalty points.

    The credit limit is pretty fle)ible. Jou can decide your own credit limit.

    1redit ?imit as highGlow as you Fant.

    %raranteed Approval.

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    1onvert =urchase to 9MI.

    8iv9S"rira Credit Card6

    This is a co&branded credit card. A)is $ank launched it in association with

    hriram Transport !inance 1ompany ?imited ;T!1?(.

    1redit shield amount is 6/// I>(.

    ?ost card liability is 6/// I>(.

    The cardholder can have his own photo on the credit card.

    1omplementary 1omprehensive Insurance $enifits.

    !ree Mobiile Alerts.

    New Launc"es6

    Neo Credit Card6

    9njoy the world of e)citing offers and benefits with your A)is $ank >eo 1redit


    (eatures and Benifits

    Felcome $enefits

    9njoy the B=ower of /B

    e'%9 ?oyalty (ewards =rogram

    "ighest ?evel of ecurity

    Nero ?ost 1ard ?iability up to credit limit

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    Pa$ Axis Bank Credit Card utsatnding in 3 si#,#e ste,s

    1. Provide $our Credit Card &etai#s6

    9nter your 0 digit A)is $ank 1redit 1ard number and the amount you would

    like to pay.

    elect your bank account from which you would like to e)ecute this payment

    ;we partner only with select bankset $anking 8ser I' and =assword of your

    $ank Account G 9+uivalent detailsumber.

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    Axis Bank &e'it Card A,,#ication (or

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    Axis Bank Credit Card (or

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    C/AP0-R N)

    S>0 Ana#$sis


    A)is bank has been given the rating as one of top three positions in terms

    of fastest growth in private sector banks

    !inancial e)press has given number two position and $T&:=M% has

    rated AZI bank as the best bank with some 30 parameters

    The bank has a network of ,725 domestic branches and -,537 ATMs

    The bank has its presence in 24 cities and towns

    The banks financial positions grows at a rate of 3/ every year which is

    a major positive sign for any bank

    The companys net profit is [5!J3 is ,/3.34 which has a increase of

    36.2 growth compared to 3/


    %aps D Majorly they concentrated in corporate, wholesale banking,

    treasury services, retail banking

    !oreign branches constitute only - of total assets

    Kery recently the bank started focusing its attention towards personal

    banking and rural areas

    The share rates of AZI bank is constantly fluctuating in higher margins

    which makes investors in an uncomfortable position most of the time

    There are lot of financial product gaps in terms of performance as well as

    reaching out to the customer

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    There are many fraudulent activities involved in credit cards as the banks

    process credit card approval even without verification of original documents

    Their financial consultants are not wise enough to guide the customers

    towards right investments

    1ustomer service has to improve a lot in order to be in race with other

    major players


    Ac+uisitions to fill gap

    In 3//2, Alliance with Motilal @swal for online trading for / million


    In 3//, ac+uired 9nam ecurities =vt ?td D broking and investment


    In ep 3//2, 9$I approved A)is Asset Management 1o. for mutual fund


    >o. of e&transactions increased from /.4 million to around 3 million

    %eographical e)pansion to rural market D -/ of them have no access to

    formal lending

    70 use informal lending channels

    37 unregulated money lenders

    >ow number of branches increased to 725 from 552.

    ?ast +uarter there were 7- new branches opened across the >ation

    ince its a new age banking there are lot of opportunities to have the

    advance technicalities in banking solutions compared to e)isting major players

  • 7/25/2019 Axis Bank Debit and Credit Card Sonam


    The assets in their international operations are growing at a very faster

    pace with a growth rate of 2.

    The concept of 9TM ;9verywhere teller machine< by AZI $ank had a

    good response in terms of attracting new customers in personal banking



    ince 3//2, ($I has increased 1(( by // basis points

    Increased repo rate reverse repo rate by 6/ points D times of late

    Increasing popularity of [I=s due to ease in fund raising

    ($I allowed foreign banks to invest up to 47 in Indian banking

    %overnment schemes are most often serviced only by govern banks like

    $I ,Indian $anks, =unjab >ational $ank etc

    I1I1I and "'!1 are imposing strong threats in terms of their e)pansion

    in customer base by their aggressive marketing strategies

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    C/AP0-R N *

    (inding and conc#usion

    The study mainly was on the debit and credit card facility provided by the

    a)is bank.

    In this study I found that the bond of a)is $ank with its customer is very

    strong, because A)is $ank mainly focus on retaining their customers.

    The study finds that however A)is $ank is not athe lendingprivate sector

    bank but its vast range of products and availiability of options make it one of

    the better in India.

    The bank should pay more attention on giving updates and should increase

    the level of services providing because the competitors of A)is are better in

    the area.

    The study finds that A)is $ank provided best debit and credit card facility to

    their customers. The bank should focus on mass banking in order to increase their market


    The bank should launch such products which would be within the reach of

    the lower middle class.

    The A)is $ank facilitates different types of debit and credit cards to their


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    C/AP0-R N+
