Avvocating 2012 Keynote by Rich Barton

Power to the People And now they are mobile, cranky, and impa6ent Rich Barton CoFounder & Chairman of Zillow TwiAer: @Rich_Barton


Power to the People: Transparency and the New Super-Empowered Consumer

Transcript of Avvocating 2012 Keynote by Rich Barton

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Power  to  the  People  

And  now  they  are  mobile,  cranky,  and  impa6ent  

 Rich  Barton  Co-­‐Founder  &  Chairman  of  Zillow  TwiAer:    @Rich_Barton  

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Barton’s Power to the People Laws

•  If  it  can  be  known,  it  will  be  known  •  If  it  can  be  rated,  it  will  be  rated  

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I  read  that  this  property  was  in  a  “Methane  Area”.    What  does  that  Mean?    Anything  to  do  with  a  Meth  Lab?  

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Freeway or catpiss thing on zillow

The property is located around an old oil field

which can produce methane... To my

knowledge there are no Meth Lab issues…

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I  wonder  what  a  paralegal  at  Baker  &  McKenzie  makes?  

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Glassdoor  Salaries  at  a  big  law  firm  

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Barton’s Power to the People Laws

•  If  it  can  be  known,  it  will  be  known  •  If  it  can  be  rated,  it  will  be  rated  

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Let’s  live  it  up  tonight.    What  are  the  highest  rated  restaurants  in  SeaAle?  

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What  are  the  highest  rated  hotels  in  SeaAle?  

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Trip  Advisor  on  Iphone  

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How  do  employees  feel  about  working  at  Latham  &  Watkins?  

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Glassdoor  CEOs  of  Law  Firm  approval  ra6ng  

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Clearly,  Avvo  is  On-­‐Trend  

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Now  they  are  super-­‐powered  with  Mobile  

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You  are  here  

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What  does  all  this  power  do  to  the  people?  

Makes  them  cocky,  cranky,  and  impa6ent  

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15  minutes  Later…  

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Ne[lix  Screen  Shot  

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“42%  of  consumers  surveyed  indicated  they  would  contact  another  service  provider  if  they  have  not  heard  back  

within  one  hour.”  -­‐    Jason  Rasmussen,  Avvo  Sales  Overlord  

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So,  What  Can  I  Do  About  All  This?  

Watch  the  Wizard  of  Oz    and  be  Kelly  Slater  

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Surf  the  Wave  Like  Ke11y  Slater  

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Ques6ons?  My  Affilia6ons  

Rich  Barton  @Rich_Barton  on  TwiAer  

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Power  to  the  People  

And  now  they  are  mobile,  cranky,  and  impa6ent  

 Rich  Barton  Co-­‐Founder  &  Chairman  of  Zillow  TwiAer:    @Rich_Barton