Average Rate of Change - Weebly

Name: _________________________ Period: ___________ Average Rate of Change Do Now Space: Question That Needs To Be Answered: What is the significance of the slope of a line connecting two points on a function? Let’s take a closer look at the cow that went skydiving using a function. Let ! ! be a function of the cows’ position in the air. ! ! = 600! ! + 15000 What is the change between ! 0 !"# !(1)? ! 1 !"# !(2)? ! 2 !"# !(3)? ! 3 !"# !(4)? ! 4 !"# !(5)?

Transcript of Average Rate of Change - Weebly

Name: _________________________ Period: ___________

Average Rate of Change

Do Now Space: Question That Needs To Be Answered: What is the significance of the slope of a line connecting two points on a function? Let’s take a closer look at the cow that went skydiving using a function. Let ! ! be a function of the cows’ position in the air.

! ! = −600!! + 15000

What is the change between ! 0 !!"#!!(1)? !

! 1 !!"#!!(2)?!!!!

! 2 !!"#!!(3)?!!!!

! 3 !!"#!!(4)?!!!!

! 4 !!"#!!(5)?!!!!!

What!is!the!average!of!those!five!changes!in!position?!!!!!!!!!!If!we!were!to!plot!points!at!! 0 !and!! 5 ,!and!connect!them!with!a!straight!line,!what!would!the!slope!of!that!line!be?!!


When!we!look!at!a!line!connecting!two!points!on!a!function,!the!____________________!of!that!line!is!known!as!the!Average'Rate'of'Change.!!Practice:!! For!the!function,!! ! = 2!! − 3,!calculate!the!average'rate'of'change!for!the!given!interval.!!

! 0 !!"!!(4)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! 4 !!"!!(8)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

! 0 !!"!!(8)!!!