
How to disable/enable Autodesk Exchange Do you want to enable Autodesk Exchange or learn to know how to disable Autodesk Exchange? Upon installing and starting the AutoCAD 2012’s family of products Autodesk Exchange is automatically started. Many AutoCAD users, administrators or CAD Managers might want to avoid the dialog at start-up and will uncheck the Show this window at start up. This will also speed up start of AutoCAD. Registry location is: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R18.2\ACAD-A001:409 and when LaunchNFW is 1 Autodesk Exchange will auto-start. When the LaunchNFW is 3 Autodesk Exchange will not show when AutoCAD starts. Autodesk Exchange can also be started manually by clicking on the Exchange icon in InfoCenter, pressing F1 for help or run the EXCHANGE command. This will also give accessAutodesk Exchange Apps. To disable Autodesk Exchange uncheck “Access online content (including Help) when available” in Options>System. To disable Exchange for all users at deployment, uncheck the option "Use Online Help from Autodesk when available" in the deployment wizard. The end-user can easily enable it the Options dialog though. Another trick to disable Autodesk Exchange is to edit this registry key where R18.2 is for the 2012 version and ACAD-A001:409 is depending on the product and language. See also AutoCAD registry details for more explanation: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R18.2\ACAD-A001:409


Installation procedure for AutoCad13.

Transcript of AutoCad13

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How to disable/enable Autodesk Exchange

Do you want to enable Autodesk Exchange or learn to know how to disable Autodesk Exchange?

Upon installing and starting the AutoCAD 2012’s family of products Autodesk Exchange is automatically started. Many AutoCAD users, administrators or CAD Managers might want to avoid the dialog at start-up and will uncheck the Show this window at start up. This will also speed up start of AutoCAD.

Registry location is: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R18.2\ACAD-A001:409 and when LaunchNFW is 1 Autodesk Exchange will auto-start. When the LaunchNFW is 3 Autodesk Exchange will not show when AutoCAD starts.

Autodesk Exchange can also be started manually by clicking on the Exchange icon in InfoCenter, pressing F1 for help or run the EXCHANGE command. This will also give accessAutodesk Exchange Apps.

To disable Autodesk Exchange uncheck “Access online content (including Help) when available” in Options>System.

To disable Exchange for all users at deployment, uncheck the option "Use Online Help from Autodesk when available" in the deployment wizard. The end-user can easily enable it the Options dialog though.

Another trick to disable Autodesk Exchange is to edit this registry key where R18.2 is for the 2012 version and ACAD-A001:409 is depending on the product and language. See also AutoCAD registry details for more explanation:


And then edit the value name HelpBaseURL to anything other than the default value

When that is done Autodesk Exchange will show this:

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Server Connection Unavailable

You must be connected to the Internet to access the Autodesk Exchange server. Most problems are due to one of the following:

Your Internet connection is currently unavailable You can display the offline Help system in your current web browser by pressing F1.

The Autodesk Server is temporarily unavailable You can reload the current Autodesk Exchange page by clicking here to "Connect"

Your Proxy server is blocking Autodesk Exchange Contact your network administrator.

It is also possible to block or unblock the Autodesk Exchange base url: in your proxy server. Here is what TS16732564 says:

2012: AutoCAD requests to Autodesk servers blocked by proxy servers

Disable AutoUpdate Feature

You could use this simple vbs to modify the registry: on error resume next Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.RegWrite "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\DWF Viewer\Settings\AutoUpdate\InitialCheck", 1, "REG_DWORD" -- Best Regards, Jimmy Bergmark CAD and Database Developer Manager at Take a look at JTB FlexReport (FLEXlm report tool) - SmartPurger (Purges automatically) - or download

some freeware at More on AutoCAD 2005; "cheeko" wrote in message news:[email protected]... > I'd like to distribute DWF Viewer on several computers in our company. How > can I disable the AutoUpdate Feature in DWF Viewer NO, i don't > want to point the clients to an internal update server, i want to disable > the update check completly. Thanks! > > cheeko

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 Disable InfoCenter in 2013(vl-registry-write (strcat "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" (vlax-product-key) "\\InfoCenter") "InfoCenterOn" 0 )

Disable InfoCenter in 2013(vl-registry-write (strcat "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\" (vlax-product-key) "\\InfoCenter") "InfoCenterOn" 0 )

How to disable the Communication Center in Autocad?

IssueYou are working in a secure location and you do not want the system to connect to the internet. You would like to disable the Communication Center. 

SolutionYou will need to open Regedit and search for InfoCenterOn. You will need to change the value from 1 to 0. 

Windows 7

linky (


(defun c:InfoCenterOff ()(princ "\rINFOCENTER: ")(princ(vl-registry-write(strcat"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\"(if vlax-user-product-key ; If 2013(vlax-user-product-key) ; Use 2013 function(vlax-product-key) ; Use legacy function)"\\InfoCenter")"InfoCenterOn"0))(princ))

... More on vlax-User-Product-Key (

** Edit - You may want to close and open a new session for the GUI components to actually be removed. If that can be done within the active session (without closing, reopening), I am unsure how to accomplish this via LISP.

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Numeber: 154-27071993 : 001E1

Numeber: 154-27071993 Product Key: 001E1

Numeber: 154-27071993 Product Key: 001E1

sl no= 110-10061620, = 781E1


Installing Dotnet Framework 1.1 on Windows 7 beta editionWhen I installed Windows 7 beta version on my laptop, it was a relief as i was fed up with vista. The first problem popped while I tried to install Daemon Tools.

( For people who still have problem installing Daemon Tools, try installing Virtual Clone Drive. It seems Daemon Tools dont have support for beta editions.)

The next problem arose when I tried to install dotnet framework 1.1. When I tried doing that, the following error showed up.

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If user click “OK’, the installation of .NET 1.1 will be cancelled, while clicking “CANCEL”produces another error message similar to below:

RegSvcs.exe - No debugger found Registered JIT debugger is not available. An attempt to launch a JIT debugger with the following command resulted in an error code of 0×2 (s). Please check settings.

cardbg.exe !a 9×8e

Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1(Service Pack 1) has resolved the issue. However, Microsoft does not provide download to standalone .NET Framework 1.1 installer that integrated with SP1.

To fix this, we need to follow the following steps, which is called slipstreaming. We need to sliptstream .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 into .NET Framework 1.1 installer, so that both the .NETFramework and the Service Pack can be installed at the same time.

Follow these steps:1. Create a new folder named DotNet in C:\ drive. (The path i used was C:\DotNet )2. Download Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Redistributable Package (dotnetfx.exe). Makesure the setup file is saved as dotnetfx.exe.3. Download Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 (NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe). Rename the file to dotnetfxsp1.exe.4. Copy both installation files into the same directory (i.e. C:\DotNet),.5. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.6. Change to the directory where the two installation files are stored, ie C:\DotNet.7. Run the following commands one by one.

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--> dotnetfx.exe /c:"msiexec.exe /a netfx.msi TARGETDIR=C:\DotNet"

Click on Yes and wait for this dialog which says installation complete.

--> dotnetfxsp1.exe /Xp:C:\DotNet\netfxsp.msp

--> msiexec.exe /a c:\DotNet\netfx.msi /p c:\DotNet\netfxsp.msp

Wait for the installer to disappear automatically.

8. Install Microsoft .Net Framework 1.1 with slipstreamed Service Pack 1 by running netfx.msi from the working folder.

Dotnet Framework 1.1 is successfully installed. :-)