Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint -...

Author: Hock, Source:

Transcript of Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint -...

Page 1: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM

Author: Hock, Source:

Page 2: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM

Accelerating solutions for highway safety,renewal, reliability, and capacity

Page 3: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM




Operations & Maint


Get in,Get out,Stay out

Page 4: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM

R09. Risk ManualR09. Risk Manual

R06. High-Speed NDT*R06. High-Speed NDT*

R04. Innovative BridgeDesigns

R04. Innovative BridgeDesigns

R01. Locating Utilities*R01. Locating Utilities*

R02. Geotech SolutionsR02. Geotech Solutions

R05. Modular PavementR05. Modular Pavement

R07. Performance SpecsR07. Performance Specs

R16. Railroad-DOTMitigation Strategies

R16. Railroad-DOTMitigation Strategies

R15. Integrating Utilityand TransportationAgency Priorities*

R15. Integrating Utilityand TransportationAgency Priorities*

R23. Using ExistingIn-place Pavement &Achieving long Life

R23. Using ExistingIn-place Pavement &Achieving long Life

R21. CompositeSystems

R21. CompositeSystems

R26. PreservationApproaches

R26. PreservationApproaches

R19. Bridges forService Life

of 100 Years*

R19. Bridges forService Life

of 100 Years*

Rapid Approaches Long-Lived FacilitiesMinimize Disruption

28 Research Projects $32million

R11. StrategicApproaches at

Corridor/Network Level

R11. StrategicApproaches at

Corridor/Network Level

R10. ProjectManagement for Large


R10. ProjectManagement for Large


R03. Worker FatigueR03. Worker Fatigue

Technology Related

Project Delivery Related

Indicates Multiple Projects*

Page 5: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM

• Recommendations for LRFD Designand LOAD RATING Specs• Analysis methods, details• SLS approach, method for re-calibration, toolbox database,examples• Implementation plan

Focus on

- Improving existing and prove promising concepts for systems,subsystems, and components that historically limit the service lifeof bridges

- New design codes that incorporate a rational approach basedon Service Limit State

What SHRP 2 is doingWhat SHRP 2 is doing …… 100100--Year BridgesYear Bridges

Recommendations forLRFD CONSTRUCTION


Stand-alone guide devoted toDesign for Life.

PlanningPlanning DesignDesign Operations & MaintOperations & MaintConst.Proc.

Page 6: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM

Innovative Bridges for Rapid RenewalInnovative Bridges for Rapid Renewal

Focus on

Developing standardized approaches

to designing, constructing, and reusing

complete bridge systems

WhatWhat SHRPSHRP 2 is doing2 is doing…… Accelerating constructionAccelerating construction

• Recommendations forLRFD Design Specs• Analysis methods• Details

Recommendations forLRFD CONSTRUCTION


PlanningPlanning DesignDesign ConstructionProc. Operations and Maint.

Page 7: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM

Reducing Worker, Inspector and ManagerReducing Worker, Inspector and ManagerFatigue in Rapid Renewal EnvironmentsFatigue in Rapid Renewal Environments

Focus on

developing a best practices toolbox that can be used in reducing

workforce fatigue on rapid renewal projects.

WhatWhat SHRPSHRP 2 is doing2 is doing …… Improving safetyImproving safety

PlanningPlanning DesignDesign ConstructionProc. Operations and Maint.

Tool Box:• Recommendations for reducing fatigue and improvingsafety• Fatigue risk management plans• Implementation guidelines and training materials

Tool Box:• Recommendations for reducing fatigue andimproving safety• Fatigue risk management plans• Implementation guidelines & trainingmaterials

Page 8: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM

Focus on

- Developing performance specifications and identifying strategies to

manage and minimize the risk to all parties involved in rapid highwayrenewal projects

- Addressing risk and risk transfer decisions associated with thediffering contracting approaches that may be used for rapid renewal

WhatWhat SHRPSHRP 2 is doing2 is doing …… EnablingEnabling

PerformancePerformance--Based RenewalBased Renewal

PlanningPlanning DesignDesign ConstructionProc. Operations and Maint.

• Performance specifications for rapid renewalscenarios

• Guide for implementing risk managementprocesses

• Training materials for implementing riskmanagement guide

Page 9: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM

What SHRP 2 is doing … Inspection

PlanningPlanning DesignDesignOperations & Maint.Operations & Maint.Construction

Construction QA/QC

Evaluation of FieldSpectroscopy Devices

Condition AssessmentNDT to Identity Bridge Deck


NDT for Tunnel Linings

Page 10: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM

Potential Users and Beneficiaries

• Taxpayers

• Motorists

• Commercial drivers

• Bus riders

• Shipping and logisticsprofessionals

• Environmental agencies

• Communities, businessesand event owners

• Railroads

• Utilities

• Auto manufacturers andsuppliers

• MPOs

• Law enforcementproviders

• Firefighters

• EMS providers

• State and localtransportation agencies

• Highway designers,contractors andsuppliers

Page 11: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM

TRB S.R. 296 Recommendations: Summary

1. A SHRP 2 implementation program should beestablished

2. FHWA should serve as the principalimplementation agent in partnership withAASHTO, NHTSA and TRB

3. Funding: $400 million for 1st 6 years

4. Establish a formal stakeholder advisorystructure

5. Develop detailed implementation plans

Page 12: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM

Implementation Activities

• TRB, FHWA and AASHTO implementation staff

• Form SHRP 2 Implementation SteeringCommittee

• Form Communication and Marketing work group

• Prepare product lists based on a strategicapproach

• “Early products”— Railroads, Utilities, Land Use,TCAPP, Performance Measures

• Extensive national and international outreachprogram: meetings and presentations

Page 13: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM
Page 14: Author: Hock, Source: … SCOBS...Microsoft PowerPoint - GeneralSessionItemT-Starnes.ppt Author Kelley Created Date 6/10/2010 4:30:29 PM[email protected]

Thank you for listeningThank you for listening