Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Phone: (02) 59587300 Estella Public School Email: [email protected] 56 Estella Rd, Estella Website: Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 2021 ■ Term 2 ■ Weeks 5 & 6 Principal: Tracy Delaney

Transcript of Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

Page 1: Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

■ Phone: (02) 59587300 Estella Public School

■ Email: [email protected] 56 Estella Rd, Estella

■ Website: Wagga Wagga NSW 2650

■ 2021 ■ Term 2 ■ Weeks 5 & 6 ■ Principal: Tracy Delaney

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Estella Public School

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In this issue ...

In this issue ... ................................................................................. 2

Principal’s Note ............................................................................. 3

Cross Country ............................................................................ 3

National Sorry Day AND Reconciliation Week ............ 3

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea ........................................ 4

Kindergarten Enrolments...................................................... 4

Kiss and Drop ............................................................................ 4

Work Experience ...................................................................... 4

P & C ................................................................................................. 5

School Counsellor ........................................................................ 6

SRC Report ...................................................................................... 6

Sports Report – by Mrs Mitchell ............................................ 7

Cross Country -......................................................................... 7

Katrina Fanning Cup - Thursday 10th June ................... 7

Red Ball Tennis – Stage 2 Thursday 10th June ............ 7

News from the Office ................................................................. 7

Assembly ......................................................................................... 9

Cross Country .............................................................................. 10

Cross Country continued .................................................... 11

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Principal’s Note

Cross Country

This week we held our very first Estella Public School

Cross Country Carnival at Peter Hastie Oval, adjacent to

the school. Once again, we were blessed with blue skies

and sunshine and the students enjoyed their run, albeit

a little exhausted at the end. Congratulations to our

students and the excellent behaviour they displayed.

Thank you to our Estella Public School families, carers

and friends who attended, helped and supported our

students. Miss Bird and Mr Harris did a wonderful job

organising the event.

Best of luck to our students who have travelled out to

Ladysmith today to compete in the next round of Cross

Country events.

At Estella Public School we strive for excellence and

continual improvement. We invite you to provide

feedback and include areas we can further develop,

moving into our 2022 Cross Carnival. A feedback sheet

is included with the newsletter and can be returned to

the school. Thank you to all the parents who took the

time to return the surveys from the Athletics Carnival.

We will take all your comments on board and provide

you with an update on future changes for next year.

I would also like to wish our Athletics Team the best of

luck when they compete in the next round of

competition next Friday.

We hope you enjoy looking at some of the photos in

this issue of the newsletter.

National Sorry Day AND Reconciliation


2021 marks twenty years of Reconciliation Australia and

almost three decades of Australia’s formal reconciliation

process, shaping Australia’s journey towards a more

just, equitable and reconciled nation. It is a time to learn

about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements,

and to explore how each of us can contribute to

achieving reconciliation in Australia. The dates for

National Reconciliation Week remain the same every

year; 27th May to June 3rd. These dates commemorate

two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey

– the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court

Mabo decision respectively. This year the theme is ‘More

than a word. Reconciliation Takes Action’.

Observed annually on the 26th May, National Sorry Day

remembers and acknowledges the mistreatment of

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were

forcibly removed from their families and communities,

which we now know as 'The Stolen Generation'. Our

school came together to acknowledge this day and

steps towards healing.

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Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea

As part of the Cancer Council’s fundraising program,

Estella Public School hosted an Australia’s Biggest

Morning Tea to support families affected by cancer.

Students were able to purchase cupcakes for fifty cents.

A massive thank you to our families and staff who baked

an abundance of cupcakes to sell on the day. We had so

many cupcakes that we held a second stall today. We

raised a total of $217.20. This money will go to the

Cancer Council. Thank you for your support for this very

worthy cause.

Kindergarten Enrolments

We are currently taking Kindergarten enrolments for

2022. If you are aware of any families wishing to send

their children to Estella Public School next year please

ask them to contact the front office so they can be

included in the mailing list. This way they won’t miss out

on information relating to our Kindergarten Transition

Program and won’t miss any upcoming events.

Kiss and Drop

To reduce pedestrian congestion at the front gate at the

end of the school day, we have been trialling students

exiting from the Peter Hastie Oval gate. This process is

working well and will continue. Please provide us with

any feedback on the new process.

Thank you to the families who have provided us with the

required information to commence our number system

for Kiss and Drop pick up. Next week we will send out

additional information on how this system will work and

distribute families with ‘Kiss and Drop’ vehicle numbers

to be displayed on the dashboard behind the

windscreen. Thank you for your cooperation regarding

this matter.

Work Experience

This week we welcomed Mr Masyn Pavitt to our school.

Masyn has been completing a week of work experience

to see if teaching might be a profession he enters in his

future. Masyn had the opportunity to work alongside

some teachers, supporting our students in Wilay,

Gugubarra and Maliyan. While Masyn is still getting

used to being called Mr Pavitt and working with Mrs

Hodges, who was a teacher when Masyn was at primary

school, he has enjoyed his experience with us. We wish

Masyn all the best for his future.

Enjoy your weekend!


Tracy Delaney

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P & C

At the last P&C meeting an idea was raised for a Lego

drive to provide the students with some additional

activities during recess and lunch.

We are now seeking donations of any Lego that you

could provide to the school. This Lego will then be

placed in tubs for students to play with during break

times. If enough Lego is provided, a Lego Club may also

be established in the future.

Until a playground is able to be built, the school and the

P&C are trying to come up with other ideas to keep the

students entertained and provide playing opportunities.

Lego is something that all students can participate in

and enjoy.

All Lego donations can be taken to the school and

dropped off at the front office.

The P&C has finally been provided all official approvals

and we can now start fundraising activities. Thank you

to everyone who has assisted us in getting to this point.

You will see in this newsletter that we have started with

a Thermomix raffle. Make sure you get your tickets soon

as I’m sure they’ll go fast.

We are also working on applying for a number of grants

to raise funds to provide resources for the students. If

anyone has any experience in applying for or writing

grant applications, or would just like to get involved,

please contact me on 0408 011 322.

The next P&C meeting will be at 7:30pm on 8 June 2021

at the school. All parents are welcome. I look forward to

seeing you there.

Graham Cotter

President – Estella Public School P&C

Win a brand new Thermomix TM6

The Estella Public School P&C is giving you a chance to

win a brand new Thermomix TM6 valued at $2,269.

Tickets are now available for $30 each.

With only 200 tickets to be sold, we recommend you get

in fast.

Proceeds from this raffle will go towards purchasing

resources for the students of Estella Public School.

Tickets can be purchased online making it quick and


Please visit our raffle

page to

purchase your tickets!

Alternatively, you can scan the below QR code which

will take you to the raffle page.

We appreciate your support and wish you luck in

winning this great prize.

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School Counsellor

When we see signs that our children are struggling,

whether it be learning a sport, doing homework or

getting along with friends, we as adults can be a great

help. Sometimes we don’t realise that children need

assistance and we rely on them to ask for help. For kids

this can be really hard.

Sometimes kids feel embarrassed about asking for help.

It is natural for them to worry about what their family,

friends, or teachers might say. Older children and teens

can feel a sense of failure, a loss of independence or

might feel weak and inadequate if they have to ask for

help. It is important that they know that asking for help

is not a problem and that they won’t be in trouble and

won’t be laughed at. In fact, asking for help takes

courage and they should be proud of themselves for

being honest about needing support. As adults we can

teach asking for help through our example, by letting

children see us asking people for help when we need it.

Sometimes children and teens don’t know the best

person to ask. Sometimes they worry that everybody will

find out about their problem. As adults we can talk to

children about the right person to talk to. We can talk

to them about the people they trust. This might be their

teacher, mum or dad, the school counsellor, an older

sibling or maybe it’s their sports coach or a family friend.

They just need to trust them. Next, we need to teach

children to choose a time when their trusted person isn’t

busy so they can tell them what they need help with

without interruptions. Finally, and most importantly,

children need to learn that if they don't get the help they

need right away, they might need to pick a different

person and try again. They can’t give up until they get

the help they need!

For older children and teens, the difficulty asking for

help might be more about their mindset. So as adults

we need to teach them that they don’t have to do

everything themselves. Young people need to learn that

it is ok not to be perfect. It is also important for young

people to learn that when they share their problem with

a trusted person, it can strengthen their relationship and

bring them closer together. Finally, it is a positive thing

to share a problem with a trusted person because

helping others often helps us to feel good. It is really is

a good thing to ask for help sometimes.

Asking for help can feel uncomfortable and it takes

courage to reach out and say that you’re not managing,

you’re unsure about something, or you just need a

shoulder to cry on. This is true for all of us. Teaching

young people to ask for help is a really important skill

they’ll use throughout their lives.

Have a great week,

Kirsty Cochrane

Assembly Awards for Week 4 Merit Awards

Garru: Anmar and Violet

Wilay: Blake and Mila

Wambad: Manahil and Aryan

Gugabul: Ryan and Imogen

Maliyan: Hossam and Sophie

Gugubarra: Liam and Eliza

Wambuwuny: Akshaya and Charlotte

PBL Award

Garru: Holly

Wilay: Scarlett

Wambad: Tyler

Gugabul: Ayden

Maliyan: Sam

Gugubarra: Oliver

Wambuwuny: Holly

Principal’s Award

Gugabul: Sara

SRC Report

Hello everyone, we have been working very hard

thinking of ways to support the community by donating

to various organisations. Some of the ideas that we

thought of are Jeans for Genes day, which donates to

the Children’s Medical Research Institiute; Pyjama Day

supporting the Asthma Foundation of Australia and a

Colour Fun Run for National Charities around Australia.

Our internal fundraiser aims are crazy hair day, a fete,

and a sausage sizzle. These will be fundraising for a gift

from the Year 6 class of 2021 to be donated to the

school at the end of the year. Notes will be sent out


Jana, Joel, Riley and Holly.

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Sports Report – by Mrs Mitchell

Cross Country Congratulations to all students who participated in our

first Estella Public Cross Country event. We have a

huge number of students, 24 of those who have

proceeded to the next round which is to be held this

Friday 28th at Lady Smith. Mrs Webb is looking forward

to attending.

Up and coming events

Riverina Touch Trials – Thursday 3rd June

Sophie Lange will represent Estella Public at the

Riverina Touch trials. This is fierce competition within

Riverina schools and we wish Sophie the best of luck.

PSSA Athletics Carnival Friday 4th June at Jubilee Athletics Field, Wagga. A

huge display of excellent sportsmanship and

excellence with 28 students qualifying for individual

events. Mr Harris and Mrs Webb will be cheering on

our students on the day.

Katrina Fanning Cup - Thursday 10th June

As this gala day will be many girls first experience

playing tackle Rugby League. NRL Game Development

Staff will run an Introductory Tackle Safe Clinic in the

morning of the Gala Day. This will ensure all

participants feel confident prior to their first game.

Year 5 and 6 students are invited to attend and a note

will be sent home for more information.

Red Ball Tennis – Stage 2 Thursday 10th


The Hot Shots program is fun and inclusive for children

of all abilities. It is designed for participants at different

development levels and uses modified equipment to

make the game easier to learn. Mrs Hodges is the

tennis guru of Estella Public and will be taking stage

two students along for a great day out!

News from the Office

Just a reminder that the GRIP Leadership permission

notes for the years 5 and 6 children, along with their

$20.00 needs to be returned to school ASAP as the

conference is Thursday 3rd June.

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6 K Wilay 1 Wambad 3 / 4 Gugubarra

8 K Garru K Wilay 5 / 6 Wambuwuny

10 3 / 4 Maliyan K Garru 1 Wambad


Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday




School Cross


25/5 26/5

National Sorry



School Assembly

Biggest Morning Tea


PSSA Cross



31/5 1/6 2/6 3/6

GRIP Leadership

For Yrs 5 & 6





7/6 8/6

P&C Meeting


9/6 10/6

Katrina Fanning Cup

Red Ball Tennis

For Stage 2






Public Holiday



15/6 16/6 17/6 18/6



Naidoc Activities

this week

22/6 23/6 24/6 25/6



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Cross Country

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Cross Country continued

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