August Newsletter

- 1 - Region 2 Division 21 Monthly VOLUME I | ISSUE III | AUGUST 2011 The Hip Life. D21 Hungry Hungry HIPPOS Go on, ask us how we feel! ’Cause we feel good, oh we feel so good… Continues on page 7 What’s hot this month? Officer Training Conference! RADY CHILDRENS HOSPITAL, AUGUST 14. D21 officers filed into the Kiwanis-sponsored rooms last Sunday in the hopes of becoming exceptional leaders of their home clubs. 11 out of 11 schools showed up, so the turn out was fantastic! Presidents, VP’s, secretaries, and other officers attended this conference to get trained and to get active. Prospecting officers also attended to get a gist of how the board works. Key Club Alumnus, Circle K members, and Mr. Crawford joined... 1 Photo Courtesy: D21 sign: Nina Nguyen OTC sign: Jennifer Le By Zabrina Reyes


August 2011 Newsletter

Transcript of August Newsletter

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Region 2 Division 21 Monthly VOLUME I | ISSUE III | AUGUST 2011

The Hip Life.

D21 Hungry Hungry HIPPOS

Go on, ask us how we feel! ’Cause we feel good, oh we feel so good…

Continues on page 7

What’s hot this month?

Officer Training Conference!


D21 officers filed into the

Kiwanis-sponsored rooms last

Sunday in the hopes of

becoming exceptional leaders

of their home clubs. 11 out of 11

schools showed up, so the turn

out was fantastic! Presidents,

VP’s, secretaries, and other

officers attended this

conference to get trained

and to get active.

Prospecting officers also

attended to get a gist of how

the board works. Key Club

Alumnus, Circle K members,

and Mr. Crawford joined...


Photo Courtesy:

D21 sign: Nina Nguyen

OTC sign: Jennifer Le

By Zabrina Reyes

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Cover 1

Contents 2

Member Spotlight 3

A Word from our LTG 4

Past Events 5-6

Featured Event 7

Upcoming Events 8

From the Editor’s Desk 9


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Hippo Spotlight:


Jihui Jin

Photo Courtesy—

Isabella Tran

Jihui has demonstrated spectacular community service. He has helped raise over $300.00 through the Ice Skating Fundraiser, an event he organized to benefit D21! Having joined Key Club as a sophomore, he became more active as the years go by. Summer did not stop his passion for helping our community.

Now as a senior, he plans to assist Mira Mesa’s Key Club in becoming the best it can be.

D21’s HOT HIPPO for the month of August 2011

If you were a fruit, what would you be and why?

I would be a watermelon mainly because

they’re green and delicious. Of course,

considering I can’t eat myself and cannibalism

would be immoral…the decision does seem to

be a poor choice. But, that doesn’t change my

choice. I’ll just be the most narcissistic

watermelon out there, loving myself, until I got


Why did you join Key Club in the first place? I joined my sophomore year because Tiffany

Tran…told me I could skip a day of school if I

went to DCON. After going, I caught the Key

Club fever and became slightly more active.

One thing people may not know about you? I have a brother named Josh.

You’re stranded on an island, but you can only keep three things with you. What three would you choose?

Because of popular request…[I’m bringing] a

girl, a sword, and a lighter….The sword is to pass

time. I’ll have a lot of free time on the island, so

might as well master the art of sword fighting.

The lighter is my one item for actual survival.

Favorite Key Club moment? Considering I have a terrible memory and Key

Club moments seem to blend together, I’d have

to say my top five include the time I spent at

DCON and ICON. Going around meeting

people, whether it was crashing random

pictures or swimming in the lazy river, was the

most interesting experience I got from Key Club.

I used to be extremely lazy... I was never

social mainly because I didn’t feel like it,

not because I was shy. Key Club made me more open to meeting random people and acting like

a complete fool in front of strangers.

You could say [Key Club] gave me confidence, but it’s more like it gave me an incentive to act like an idiot and mess around in the name of Key Club.

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Hello Hippos,

What a wonderful crazy month it has been! There was Summer Board

Training OTC, and we managed to cut our debt in half. This month in

particular, I have seen a surge of leadership in this division; members and

officers have been designing shirts, lanyards, key covers, and more. I see

Presidents and officers planning out events for the year on Facebook. By

the time Fall Rally rolls around, Division 21 is going to have some of the best

spirit wear, no doubt.

It brings me joy to see all this enthusiasm and initiative for Key Club when

school hasn’t even started. The recent Officer Training Conference

was a very exciting experience for me. Thank you again, to all 75 of you

who came out to make this the best OTC ever. Never have I ever been in

a room so filled with motivation and spirit.

By far the best part of OTC was seeing everyone bond and work as a

team. I hope that we continue to grow together as a division and as a Key

Club family. The only thing missing from this month was enough service. I

know every single club can do better and have more events than they are

having right now. The Executive Assistants and I are enforcing a new policy

of No-More-Blank-MRFs, so start looking for August service events.

Remember, if you ever need help with events or anything else, my inbox is

always open!

Enjoy these last few weeks of summer,

Amanda Sani

LTG's Monthly Challenge: Email me and tell me something you learned at OTC!


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” [The Ice Skating Fundraiser] was rather fun—a good way of putting a social

and a fundraiser to support Key Club.

-Luan Phan (Mira Mesa senior)

July 23

Navajo Canyon Cleanup

Whitney Cheng Oleman, along with members from

Patrick Henry, helped out the beauty of San Diego by

weeding, unnecessary plants, watering the wanted ones,

and cleaning up the remainder of the area.

“…The clean up I think went pretty well, it being

summer and all,” Andrew Tran (Patrick Henry senior)

states, “It was something that wasn’t too difficult but

still a great thing to do.”

Ice Skating Fundraiser San Diego Ice Arena, July 29.

In the dark hours of the night, you would expect

all of the D21 hippos to be in bed, resting after a hard

day of service. But this was not the case. At least, not on

July 29—the night of the Ice Skating Fundraiser!

Key Clubbers, along with their guests, skated to

their heart’s content to pounding music and the

company of others. “Ice skating with Key Clubbers

makes ice skating more fun than it already is,” Michael

Tran (Mira Mesa senior) explains, “I enjoyed D21’s

company and had fun joining ice skating trains with

everyone. With an astounding profit of $300, the

event that was meant to raise money for the division

proved to be exceptionally useful for the future. This

success and amount of fun was blatantly evident, as

Jennifer Le (Scripps Ranch junior) emphasizes: “A lot

of people came to skate, it was a lot of fun, and I

didn’t fall down once!” Thanks to the awesome

planning skills of Jihui Jin (Mira Mesa senior), D21 is

off to a great start this year.


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Tierrasanta, August 13

On August 13, Key Clubbers volunteered

with their local Tierrasanta Kiwanis members for

the “Sports For Exceptional Athletes” program.

They served lunches to the athletes and

received free food themselves. Ross Massey

(Serra senior) jokes, “It’s not a Key Club event

until we get free food!” Kool-Aid was also

served, and Key Clubbers realized that “making

Kool-Aid [actually] requires math!” (Isabella

Tran, senior).

The photo on the left shows Josh Joo

(event coordinator), Jihui Jin, Jimmy Trinh (Mira

Mesa junior), and Isabella measuring Kool- Aid

for the athletes. This event was a great way to

bond with Kiwanians.

Sports For Exceptional Athletes

18 Key Clubbers woke up

bright and early on August 6 to

attend the Pancake breakfast from

7:30am to 11:00am. Members were

able to help out with the pancakes,

and benefited from free food! Says

Anida Vongdeuane (Clairemont

High School junior and coordinator

of the event): “It was nice seeing

different Key Clubs coming to help

serve, eat, and prepare for

pancakes ☺.”




” Working with our local Kiwanis Club was

great. It was really fun working with them

to serve lunch to all the athletes that


-Joshua Joo (Serra High School, senior)

Pancake Breakfast Clairemont, August 6

6 Photo Courtesy—

Pancake Breakfast: Anida V.

S4EA: Isabella Tran

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What’s hot THIS month? Cover story


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Circle K members, and our Region 2 Advisor

joined some of our Key Club leaders from 1:00pm

to 4:30 to teach the duties of certain offices.

Workshops such as Project Planning and Making

Bank advised others how to properly plan an

event and how to plan a successful fundraiser.

There were also presentations about Project

EliMiNaTe, a newly established program to expel


In the closing session, Amanda explained

her goals for our division and promoted the

cheers for Fall Rally (more information on page


The following are a few of Amanda’s (meant-to-

be-exceeded) goals for the year:

• 750 paid members by the end of the year • $3,000 for PTP (“Pediatric Trauma

Prevention”—a program designed to stop unexpected childhood trauma).

• One project per month, per club

OTC was a great way to promote

leadership, involvement in Key Club, and unity. It

also provided valuable information to the big

clubs and small ones. Now that our officers are

properly trained, we can provide a strong base

for our other members!


Photo Courtesy—

Photo 1: Jennifer Le

2: Kim Luu

3. Benjamin Lam

Tiffany Tran, Mira Mesa alum and past Key Club president,

teaches the duties of Presidents and VP’s. Posters leading to the rooms, drawn by members of

Scripps Ranch High School

Graphic used on the front

of the program

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Divisional Luau Tierrasanta Rec Center


Get your casual gear on and join us for the Divisional Luau! It’s the last weekend before school starts,

so let’s end summer with a night full of fun! Tickets cost $10 (presale) and $12 (at the door). All

members of Region 1 and 2 are invited, so invite your friends! However they must have permission

from their advisors.

Tickets will be sold periodically—the next time you’ll be able to buy them is at the upcoming DCM

(link to the Facebook event: See you there!

Mr. Key Club Pageant Ocean Beach Rec center

4726 Santa Monica Avenue

Time: TBA

Start sharpening up, gentlemen, and sign up to become the next Mr. Key Club! Help us fundraise

while you participate in three rounds of pageantry, including speeches and talent shows.

Contact Amanda or any of the EA’s for details.

Region 1+2 Training Conference! RTC: “Radical Time Change” Taft Middle School

Time: 10:30am

Be a part of one of the biggest events of the year! The theme this year is 80’s, so dress

appropriately—the crazier, the better!

RTC is open to all Key Clubbers within Region 1 and 2. This is a good chance for new members to

experience what it’s like to participate in a big Key Club event. RTC, known to be a “mini DCON”, is

far cheaper and includes Spirit Battles, workshops, Service Fairs, and dancing! The Spirit Trophy is up

for grabs—can the Hippos win for the third year in a row?

Admission price is currently set to $10.00—free, for advisors who decide to come. Dinner will be

served; bring extra money for lunch. Check your calendars, clear your schedules, and spread the





OCT 29

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Mark your calendars and stay in the loop by joining our divisional group:

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Send in your submissions via:

E-mail: [email protected]

(858) 395 – 1697

Deadline Sept 15 6:00 PM

Hey there, Hippos!

It was nice seeing you all at OTC! Let’s take our training back to

our home clubs and lead them to community excellence!

Tech editors: here is the website where you can find Key Club’s

graphic standards and pointers -


You can also browse the CNH website:

School is fast approaching and summer is coming to a close… let’s

keep the service up and exceed our divisional goals!

Cheers, Zabrina Reyes

Wanna be featured? Now accepting submissions for the

next issue of D21’s newsletter!

• Submit photos that fit the criteria

of Key Club visuals

• Attend all events; social and


• Tech Editors: submit a bulleted list

of events you participated in on


• Suggest something creative to

include in the next issue


Tips for a healthy first week

of school.



• Wear your best outfit and strut. It. Out.

Studies have shown that those who

wear clothes they love boosts their

confidence. Set the tone for the rest

of the school year!

• Smile. Smile at someone—make their

day. It never hurts :D • Service – don’t forget your

community! A healthy environment =

A healthy you.

DDOONN’’TT FFOORRGGEETT!! Practice the divisional cheers for fall


“Jungle Cheer”

“Jump On It”


Or, just search the youtube channel:

Graphics courtesy: Kim Luu