August 21, 2016 - 10:00am - Clover...

Following Christ. Growing in Faith. Serving Together. Caring for All. August 21, 2016 - 10:00am Sacred Scribble by Will Johnson Cleveland Heights, Ohio #fpccle

Transcript of August 21, 2016 - 10:00am - Clover...

Following Christ. Growing in Faith. Serving Together. Caring for All.

August 21, 2016 - 10:00am

Sacred Scribble by Will Johnson

Cleveland Heights, Ohio



CHILDREN IN WORSHIP Worship materials for children are available from an usher. Nursery care is available in Room 2, lower level, all morning.

TESTIMONY This is a tradition of sharing our faith journey with the hope of encouraging others.

THE CANDLE ON THE TABLE We have lit a candle in celebration of the birth of Megan Elizabeth Miller, the daughter of Scott and Erin Miller, who was born on August 4th. We will keep this candle lit until Megan joins us in worship for the first time as a reminder of this new light in our midst.  As we hold vigil for this family, we also hold vigil for those who have lost a child and those who struggle with infertility - in all of life and in death we belong to God.

ALL WHO ARE THIRSTY All Who Are Thirsty serves as our call to confession and opening hymn today, inviting all of us into communion with God. We learned it as a part of worship at Presbyterian Youth Triennium. 

READ ALL ABOUT IT PART III  Read All About It Part III was released in 2012 by Emeli Sandé in her debut album, Our Version of Events. This song tells of the inner strength and significance found in  yourself and everyone around you. During these times of terror it is important to acknowledge the differences which make us who we are, and that these differences shouldn’t be feared. This song is important to me because I believe all people matter, and togetherness is more important than anything. I am not afraid to speak out and deliver this message, for everyone should hear it, and read all about it. - Emma Young

SEEK YE FIRST During Bridges to Bateys trip we sang Seek Ye First as a part of a worship service in La Romana in the Dominican Republic. 

Order of Worship

PRELUDE Anna Walker, Ukulele Getting Into You Reliant K Beautiful Things Gungor

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Derek Starr Redwine and Sarah Kok

Attendance pads, Intercessory Prayer cards

*CALL TO WORSHIP Jackson Fowler Jackson Fowler and Participants on the Asheville Youth Mission Trip

All: Lord, prepare me, to be a sanctuary,  pure and holy, tried and true.  With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living, sanctuary for you.

TELLING OUR STORY: Biblical Litany Annie Mills, Maggie Mills, Mac Stewart, Molly Stewart, William Cha, Lili Bosler, Isaiah Kyremes-Parks, Laura Desmond, Brendan Pham, Laura Migneco-Frentzko

TESTIMONY Natalily Kyremes-Parks

CALL TO CONFESSION Matthew Bailey, Guitar All Who Are Thirsty Brenton Brown, Glenn Robertson

(see insert)


Refrain: Come Lord Jesus, Come (4 times)

ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS Brett Parsons One: Friends, believe the good news: All: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven and restored to new life!


RESPONSE: All Who Are Thirsty Brenton Brown, Glenn Robertson One: As deep cries out to deep, we sing All: Come, Lord Jesus, Come, Come, Lord Jesus, Come,

Holy Sprit, Come,  Holy Spirit, Come,

As deep cries out to deep, As deep cries out to deep,  We sing Come.

TESTIMONY Owen Tafe Brett Parsons

LECTIO DIVINA - Meditation on Psalm 40 Carson Fowler Meredith Pope Jackson Fowler

TESTIMONY Eliza Bennett Morgan Fowler

CALL TO OFFERING Derek Starr Redwine

OFFERTORY SOLO Emma Young, Soloist; Barbara Lang, Accompaniment Read All About It   Emeli Sandé

All are invited to stand at the beginning of the Doxology. *DOXOLOGY, Hymn 606 Old Hundredth

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; *Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*or “Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Amen.”




COMMUNION PRAYER Isaiah Kyremes-Parks One: The Lord be with you. All: And also with you. One: Lift up your hearts! All: We lift them to the Lord. One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

THE LORD’S PRAYER (unison) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


SERVING OF THE BREAD AND CUP Today the elements will be served by intinction. To receive the bread and the cup, all are invited to come forward on the left side of each aisle. Please raise your hand if you would like a server to come to you. Gluten-free bread and a designated gluten-free cup for dipping are available in the center aisle.

COMMUNION HYMN 175 Seek Ye First Lafferty

MUSIC DURING COMMUNION Jerry Mason, Pianist Lamb of God                                                         Joel Raney


*HYMN 475 Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Nettleton

*CHARGE AND BENEDICTION  Lili and Ben Bosler  Leader: What can come between us and God’s amazing love? Congregation: Nothing, absolutely nothing! Leader: Can trouble or hatred, hard times or hunger? Congregation: Nothing, absolutely nothing! Leader: Can homelessness, injury, bullying or threats? Congregation: Nothing, absolutely nothing! Leader: Can danger or poverty, loneliness or grief? Congregation: Nothing, absolutely nothing! Leader: Can past mistakes, failures, accidents or death? Congregation: Nothing, absolutely nothing! Leader: So what can come between us and God’s amazing love? Congregation: Nothing, absolutely nothing! Leader: Amen! Congregation: Amen!

POSTLUDE Postlude on "Thaxted"                                           Gordon Young *rising, as able

After worship all are invited to a time of fellowship in Andersen Hall.


Worship is a participatory activity. As you seek to discern what God is saying to you this day, we encourage you to write, draw, or doodle as you worship.

What is a significant moment in your faith journey?

Who has had the greatest influence on your life?

Hearing and seeing our youth, what hope do you have for the future of the church?

THANK YOU to our Sunday Volunteers! Head Usher: Michael Campbell Service Recorder: LeAnn Davis Office Volunteer: Jan Spalding Elder Greeter: Carol Giltz Communion Assist Volunteer: Hedy Westra Hospitality Sponsor: Trevor Jones Deacon Flower Delivery: Tuni Chilcote Congregational Care Connectors: Pam MacWilliams, Liz Lehfeldt Chancel Flowers: “Peace” The Chancel Flowers are given today for peace.

Congregational Care Connectors: On Sunday mornings, you will notice members of the church wearing brightly colored stoles over their shoulder. These Congregational Care Connectors will listen to your joys, concerns and prayer requests. The CCC will share this information with the pastors so that we can follow up in appropriate ways.

Members Requesting Prayer: Joe Mosbrook and family, the family of Alice Robbins, Marge Carlson, Ruby Williams, Ginny Bruch, Clark Pope, Julia Thomas, Jenna Watt

Online Documents: To access the Annual Report, Session minutes, sermons, and newsletters; to submit creative service and building use requests; and to view the church calendar, visit

Connecting with #FPCCLE Whenever you post a picture on social media of a Fairmount ministry or mission activity, remember to use #FPCCLE to let the rest of the church know what we are doing. Why is a (#) hashtag important? Whenever you put a # in front of words on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, it becomes a clickable link that allows people to find all the posts with that hashtag. It helps bring us all together.

Construction on Fairmount Boulevard The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District has begun a sanitary sewer upgrade on Fairmount Boulevard. The construction will take place on the north side of Fairmount, in the westbound lanes. Traffic will be maintained in one lane, both directions, between Wellington and Idlewood roads.

Welcome to Fairmount Presbyterian Church

Whether you are visiting for the first time or are a longtime member, we are more fully who God wants us, and the world needs us to be, because you are here. And for that we give God thanks.  At Fairmount, all are welcome to follow Christ, grow in faith, serve together, and care for all.  This is our vision, and we are striving to make it true. We don't all look alike, or act alike, and God knows we don't think alike. We bring different questions, experiences, perspectives, and burdens to the table. But every Sunday, we worship together as one, because we believe God has brought us together for a purpose.  In worship, we discover who we are and to whom we belong.  This process of discovery isn't always easy. Sometimes we leave church with more questions than answers, but we believe that through studying the ways of Jesus, singing the hymns of our tradition, praying with words and silence, and openly wrestling with the challenges of the modern world, we are strengthened in our call to be disciples of the one who is the light of the world and the hope of all our hearts.  It is my hope that you will leave worship today both comforted and challenged by God's presence and this community of faith. God is here, doing what God loves to do - shaking things up with grace to remind us just how much we are loved.  After worship, stick around. Grab a cup of coffee in our fellowship hall. Take a walk around our building.  Spend a few moments of quiet in our garden, walk the labyrinth outside, or introduce yourself to a member of the church or one of our staff.  There are many opportunities here to feed your soul, serve others, and expand your spirit. Try one out. You never know - you might have found your spiritual home.

-Derek Starr Redwine, Senior Pastor

Staff Availability for the Week of August 22nd through August 26th Each Sunday during the summer, we will list which staff members will be available during the week. Amy Kim Kyremes-Parks, Sarah Kok, Susan Holderness, Nancy Cochrane, and Christine Winters will be available this coming week. Pastor Derek will be available through Wednesday, then out of the office Thursday, August 25th through Friday, September 2nd.

Calvary Hot Meal On Wednesday, August 24th, we will join with our friends from Park Synagogue to serve our summer picnic meal at New Life Community. Beginning at 4:00pm we set the tables and prepare the food, at 5:00pm we serve, and we clean up by 6:00pm. Our picnic meal consists of kosher hot dogs, baked beans, carrot and celery sticks, watermelon and cookies. If you would like to bake cookies or serve, please contact Hedy Westra at [email protected]. We will carpool from Fairmount at 3:30pm.

Celebrate Sunday: September 11th, one service at 11:00am All are invited to the Celebrate Sunday luncheon on September 11th, immediately after 11:00am worship. The church will provide the main dish, side and ice cream! Bring fruit or dessert to share if you wish. See folks you missed over the summer. Help your children meet those who will be in their classes! Make new friends! Volunteers are needed to help set up, serve and clean up. Please sign up in Andersen Hall.

Contacting Fairmount Councils Do you have a question for, or need to contact someone on Care Council, Serve Council, Faith Formation Council or Administration Council? You can send an email to those council teams. Please use the following email addresses: Care Council - [email protected] Faith Formation Council - [email protected] Serve Council - [email protected] Administration Council - [email protected]

Save The Date: September 18th - Serve Sunday at Fairmount In celebration of 100 years of worship and mission, we are sponsoring fourteen opportunities to serve God at Fairmount and in the community on Sunday, September 18th. There will be no worship service that day, as our service will be our worship. Stay tuned for further details.

Party of the Century, Friday, October 21 We are looking for volunteers to help with the "Party of the Century," our all-church celebration of Fairmount's 100th birthday on Friday, October 21. Whatever your skill level or interest - from decorations to invitations, entertainment to transportation - we need your help. We are also still receiving donations to help underwrite the event so that every dollar of the “price of admission” will be directed to our mission work. For either, contact John Zitzner ([email protected] or (216) 469-0386) or Ginger Van Wagenen ([email protected] or (216) 402-8820).

Welcome to Fairmount Presbyterian Church

Vision/Mission Statement: Following Christ. Growing in Faith. Serving Together. Caring for All.

Core Values: authentic, generous, inclusive, innovative, and relevant.

Diversity Statement: As beloved children of God, we welcome all persons to join our family of faith as full participants, regardless of age, race or ethnicity, national origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, mental or physical ability, economic status, differences of thought and expression, or any other human condition. We celebrate and find strength in our diversity.

Sunday, August 28th 9:30am Childcare - Infant and Toddler Room 2 (Lower Level) 10:00am Worship with Communion - Sanctuary 11:00am Fellowship - Andersen Hall and Garth

2757 Fairmount Blvd., Cleveland Heights, OH 44118 - - 216.321.5800


Session LeAnn Davis, Clerk of Session

Class of 2016 Karen Dakin Ulrich Hopfer Mark Johnson Tom Johnston Keith Mills Peter Scheid Hedy Westra

Class of 2017 David Bosler Gina Kashuk Laura Migneco-Frentzko Nora Murphy

Class of 2018 Walter Cha Rick Smith Ginger Van Wagenen Jewel Williams

Class of 2016 Marnee Anderson Melissa Breedlove Michael Campbell Mary Giffin Willa Jordan Ann Kieger Jerry Parker Jean Rathbone Leslie Richer Stephanie Washlock Bourbon Zeigler

New Class of 2016 Nicole Bush Deborah Erwin  Pete McWilliams  Becky Medearis Deborah Punshon  Joyce Tedrick 

Class of 2017 Tuni Chilcote Melissa Hensel Trevor Jones Pam MacWilliams Kathy Mason Grace Mawhorter Sally Mortimer

Endowment TrusteesClass of 2016 Dan Austin Mimi Lord

Class of 2017 Liz Boncella Carolyn Cheverine Jennifer Chevraux

Class of 2018 Brian Frentzko Chin-Tai Kim

At-Large Nominating CommitteeLaura Desmond Liz Lehfeldt Sharon Milligan Lisa Mortimer Kevin Petru


Nancy Cochrane, Church Administrator [email protected]

Rev. Eric Dillenbeck, Associate Pastor [email protected] (on sabbatical)

Gabriella Guy, Church Hospitality Associate [email protected]

The Rev. Susan Holderness, Parish Associate [email protected]

Sarah Kok, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry [email protected]

Amy Kim Kyremes-Parks, Director of Spiritual Formation [email protected]

Barbara Lang, Music Ministry Assistant [email protected]

Robert Moncrief, Minister of Music and Organist [email protected] (on sabbatical)

Peggy Quarles, Early Childhood Coordinator [email protected]

Ann Randall, Financial Secretary [email protected]

Rev. Derek Starr Redwine, Senior Pastor [email protected]

Christine Winters, Office Manager [email protected]

Rebecca Rubenstein, Batey 105 Tutor