Aug 14th, 2007: We Get Letters

Part "B" Cover Page The Staff and Sword Ministry August 14, 2007 WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses -- Sticks and Stones By: Chuck-JOHNEL Carol M. On ono dated . (Quote) "Just a note: Stones are coming. Your area, like the Midwest, is seeing weather pattern changes. The ice in December we experienced (5 days no power). But the recent January storm we dodged -just rain. Through the storm the Lord prepared me physically and spiritually. I even was able to share my resources with others. I was constantly moving towards survival. Then in the quiet of the night as candies were lit and no noise to distract you. I began meditating. The weekend before the movie Titanic was on. I don't know why I watched it three times that weekend. Even while watching it I kept saying, turn it off; you just saw it last night. But I kept watching it. Then while sitting on my couch alone the third night of no power the Lord was bringing into my remembrance the movie Titanic. It was the iceberg that caused the sinking. I said Lord, You were trying to warn zee of the coming ice storm by watching the movie over and over again. The thing was established twice by the Lord and soon it will come to pass. Like the pharaoh's dream, I got the warning but couldn't interpret it. Now I am paying attention to dreams, movies, etc. anything in doubled form. Could this be finally a beginning in my walk with the Lord of this scripture:" In the last days my spirit will be poured out your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your young teen shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams. My servants and handmaidens shall prophesy!" (Condensed version). Another note! I read the last copies of "We Get Letters" and want to comment some same concerns I have with others in this prayer ministry. I'm also one who is in question on where I am going to locate and move before major earthquakes destroy entire regions, such as the one in St. Louis, Missouri, coming in the near future. I live about 15 miles east of the Mississippi in Illinois. My whole generation lives here. I have been searching for answers also. I myself believe I'm not only to leave this region, but also this country. Some might think I'm crazy enough to re-locate and move to the nation of Israel. Even Christ had to leave His country and flee to Egypt for a season for His utter survival. If we are part of the Living God then we shall return. Isaiah 10: 21-22 - The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God. For though thy people Israel


Hugs and Kisses -- Sticks and Stones Cover Page The Staff and Sword Ministry August 14, 2007 By: Chuck-JOHNEL

Transcript of Aug 14th, 2007: We Get Letters

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Part "B"

Cover Page The Staff and Sword Ministry August 14, 2007

WE GET LETTERSHugs and Kisses -- Sticks and Stones

By: Chuck-JOHNEL

Carol M. On ono dated. (Quote) "Just a note: Stones are coming. Your area, like theMidwest, is seeing weather pattern changes. The ice in December we experienced (5 daysno power). But the recent January storm we dodged -just rain. Through the storm the Lordprepared me physically and spiritually. I even was able to share my resources with others.I was constantly moving towards survival. Then in the quiet of the night as candies werelit and no noise to distract you. I began meditating. The weekend before the movie Titanicwas on. I don't know why I watched it three times that weekend. Even while watching itI kept saying, turn it off; you just saw it last night. But I kept watching it. Then whilesitting on my couch alone the third night of no power the Lord was bringing into myremembrance the movie Titanic. It was the iceberg that caused the sinking. I said Lord,You were trying to warn zee of the coming ice storm by watching the movie over and overagain. The thing was established twice by the Lord and soon it will come to pass. Like thepharaoh's dream, I got the warning but couldn't interpret it. Now I am paying attention todreams, movies, etc. anything in doubled form. Could this be finally a beginning in mywalk with the Lord of this scripture:" In the last days my spirit will be poured out yoursons and daughters shall prophesy, your young teen shall see visions and your old menshall dream dreams. My servants and handmaidens shall prophesy!" (Condensed version).

Another note! I read the last copies of "We Get Letters" and want to comment somesame concerns I have with others in this prayer ministry. I'm also one who is in questionon where I am going to locate and move before major earthquakes destroy entire regions,such as the one in St. Louis, Missouri, coming in the near future. I live about 15 miles eastof the Mississippi in Illinois. My whole generation lives here.

I have been searching for answers also. I myself believe I'm not only to leave thisregion, but also this country. Some might think I'm crazy enough to re-locate and moveto the nation of Israel. Even Christ had to leave His country and flee to Egypt for a seasonfor His utter survival.

If we are part of the Living God then we shall return. Isaiah 10: 21-22 - The remnantshall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God. For though thy people Israel

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Carol M. On (no date). {Quote continued) be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant ofthem shall return, the consumption decreed shall over flow with righteousness.

Isaiah 43: 5&6 - Fear not; for I am with thee; I will bring thy seed from the east, andgather thee from the west, I will say to the north, Give up, and to the south, keep not back;bring my sons from afar, and my daughters from the ends of the earth.

I pray we all are led to where and when to leave and be worthy to be called theremnant of the Lord." (Unquote)

People seldom live up to their baby pictures. Rodney Dangerfield

Jeff L. On (no date). (Quote)". . Chuck, I had a thought and maybe I am mistaken. butit's worth a try. You were taken to the Mountain of God in Heaven and was shown the mapof the U.S. and God circled 4 or 5 areas and said "I WILL SAVE MANY HERE."I have often heard people writing to you and people on the web saying that those areas thatGod circled were safe areas where people could gather to ride out the judgments that werecoming. I have a different take on what God said to you and would like to run it by you andsee what you think of it. Could it be possible that those areas God circled and said `I willsave many here' are actually areas of great danger because of radiation from nuclearbombs. God would have to save many here in order to preserve His elect. If you look at alot of those areas they are down wind of nuclear targets that could be hit in a nuclear war.So as people flock to these areas, God would definitely have to save many here. Just athought anyway. God Bless." (Unquote)

JOHNEL Reply: Actually GOD THE FATHER circled those areas and said this, "ISHALL SAVE MANY ALIVE HERE." (March 3, 1977)

If you look at a map showing `potential radiation fallout" areas of the U.S. following anuclear attack, just about everywhere gets hits with fallout. The issue is not so muchfallout, rather it is how well prepared Gods people are to cope with it (goingunderground fora minimum of2 weeks.) Generally, a stint of two weeks in a fallout shelter(easily built in 48 hours) is more than likely to be sufficient to see radiation level drop tosafe level (yes, two weeks) following a nuclear attack.

Nonetheless, an interesting thought. Thank you Jefffor your letter. God bless.

F URTHERMORE: It is much farther than "further." __ J

Mar S. On (no date1. (Quote) "Hello JOHNEL, In your next letter could you talk moreon the Arizona Nuke? Has our government found them? Also do you have any friends thatcan look to Bible codes and what it might say about Ness Energy finding oil in Israel?"


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Marty S. On (no date) - Chuck-JOHNEL's Reply: We heard of a report that a nuclear

device had been found in Arizona; 'there was however, no corresponding news reports onTV. Suddenly the Governor of Arizona ordered National Guard units to theArizona/Mexico border - a Governor who has been "illegal friendly" did a sudden turnabout. Why? The obvious (to me) was that the Governor knew what had been found andthat it had come across their border - it was a reflex to protect act, meaning the Governordid not like the idea ofsay Tucson being nuked by a nuclear device smuggled across theirborder.All of this followed a time ofprayer by the Net ofPrayer to have that this device be found(visible activity confirmed it), a second device to be damaged and made useless, the thirdnuclear device was disassembled and buried somewhere in Kansas awaiting the day theycan smuggle fissionable materials across the border to make it a nuclear bomb.

All of this has been hushed up by the government - they don't want anyone to know what'sgoing on. An 18 year old Moslem terrorist entered a shopping mall in Utah not long agoand started shooting people to death (an off-duty cop shot him down). The governmentkept it a secret that he was a Moslem until a reporter looked into the matter andlearned/reported that he was a Moslem. Even then it got very little news coveragenationwide - hush--up is the word these days. The recent catastrophic collapse of the

Highway Bridge in Minneapolis was followed almost instantly by a denial by thegovernment (Home Land Security) stating, "There is no reason to suspect a terroristattack. " This announcement came minutes after the bridge fell - how could they know one

way or another that soon?

I'm not a conspiracy fan, nonetheless, Ihave heard some independent reports that several"bangs and puffs of smoke" were heard and seen before the Minneapolis Bridge camecrashing down. Explosive charges or just the sound of renting steel/concrete? I'mpersonally doubtful that if any evidence is found of "explosive charges " having been used

to blow this bridge down that so much as a word of that will ever be released to the

general public.

This government policy of utter secrecy is creating a rich environment for all sorts of crazyconspiracy ideas to flourish; it is also creating a general mistrust of thegovernment in just

about everyone that is well informed.

In the meantime, there are intelligence reports that nuclear suitcase bombs have been

acquired by Islamic terrorists and that they are working to smuggle these into the U.S. Ouropen borders make it certain that they will succeed sooner or later. On top of this Moslemterrorists are paying big money ($25, 000) to be smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico bycoyotes (Mexicans who specialize in smuggling people across the Mexico/U.S. border).This was reported in some TV news channels and then forgotten.

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Marty S. On (no date) - Chuck-JOHNEL's Reply (continued): Heck, this governmentkeeps secrets from itself- the F.B.I. still does not communicate with the C.I.A. and afterall the warnings and advice, the basic faulty communication system in New York City(firemen to police to city government) is still not corrected. It was because of this faultycommunication system that hundreds of firemen, remen, police and other city officers died in theTwin Towers on 9111 - who otherwise might have been saved.

Using the Bible Code to p redict the future is very unreliable to the point of being useless.The hope that oil can be found in Israel is fading fast. While JESUS has not told me oneway or another about oil being found in Israel, I personally believe it is a daydream andhave thought so when ]first heard of it in 1999.

I "I did not attend his funeral but I wrote a nice letter saying that I approved of it." Mark Twain

Fran on August 7, 2007. (Quote)".. .Praying that you are having a great "time-off' andenjoying it all - I guess only by the grace of God as they say - you've sure had one heck ofa ride through this lifetime. Thank you both for all your sacrifices - We couldn't do itwithout you. In Jesus' Love and peace." (Unquote)

"The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it." Woodrow Wilson

Don and PatF. On Jul 2 2007. (Quote) "Hello. The letter you received from the cowardwith "BB's" for brains may think he is hiding from you but the Lord has his name andcurrent and "future" address. He is a loser all the way around.

You're doing a great job - keep up the good fight." (Unquote)

"The diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor the man perfected without trials."Chinese proverb

Elsie M. On July 24 2007. (Quote) "Greetings from New Providence: I received your letterthis morning and I was "shocked" when I read the letter you had received from "Mike" -That was stupid. If he hadn't agreed why in the world did he continue to page 28? I just felt

God "shaking HIS head" when I was reading it.

Well if anyone else was reading it - they, I'm sure are on your side. You are God's

son." (Unquote)

"When a man asks you for advice you can figure he isn't married."

Marilyn B. On July 3, 2007 . (Quote) "Blessings! I'd like to encourage you in your on-

going ministry for Jesus Christ to continue His work. We eagerly look forward to your

mailings and helps to give direction in the onward walk. Thank you so much!" (Unquote)

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"The best time to give advice to your children is while they're still young enough tobelieve you know what you're talking about."

Bro. Ed and Sis. Gzarleen on Jul 7 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI:.lust a note to let you both know that my wife and myself LOVE you. We reallyappreciate your work for our Lord Jesus. As we wander through the Wilderness we growlittle by little. It is lonely sometimes to worship, forgive, repent and pray but it brings forththe fruit of peace, love and joy. Thanks for being faithful." (Unquote)

"I thank God for my handicaps, for through them, I have found myself,my work and my God." Helen Keller

Daveeda-DANIELLE on no date) (Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy: ...God bless youboth. Thank you for the CDs, I feel like I'm at the meeting. Love you in Jesus." (Unquote)

Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. (Ecclesiastes 9: 10)

Ruth S. On August. 2007. (Quote) "Dear Nancy-TONI and JOHNEL, Just a few lines tosimply say I love each of you and am ever so glad to be on the NOP and to have met youboth. Thank you both for your powerful witness to others and myself included. God blessyou both." (Unquote)

"Old age is when you find yourself using one bend-over to pick up two things."

Merille S. On (no date). (Quote) "I am awed by your newsletter - and all the years youhave been on your knees. Would that I could be a fraction of what you are." (Unquote)

"No one is so old as to think he cannot live one more year." Cicero

Stoner on July 10, 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI: It's alwaysgood to get your report. It is sometimes amusing and sometimes down right agitating to getletters like the one from Satan. It would seem that someone twisted that fellers arm to gethim to read your letters that he didn't agree with. Sizzh! If you don't like it don't read it.How goofy can he be?

I'm sure glad you do what you do and let us know your results. I only wish I couldpick your mind more often than once every other month. I find your insights certainlystimulate and broaden my own concepts. I am certainly grateful for that. I have watchedthe earthquakes with more interest after reading your thoughts and commentary. I shareyour information with whoever will listen. I get that same look like `who appointed thisman a prophet.'

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Scotty on July 10, 2007. (Quote continued) Some folks have so little faith and orunderstanding.

Richard-DANIEL's letter prompted me to write and let him know that a fellow justSouth of me in Oklahoma designed a solar panel and solar pump that works really well.The advantage of course is it doesn't require purchased electricity. It works good to amaximum of 100' lift. It's simple to install. The little submersible pump attaches to a %zinch plastic pipe (most use the rolled black plastic pipe) and attach the power wire to thepipe with the tape. Depending how much lift is required, it will pump 2 to 3 gallons perminute at the 100' lift. More as less lift is required. I think the pump and panel is about$1,200.

Also wondered if he knew most garden seeds you buy are hybrids. You have to lookto find seeds that you can grow and keep their seed for next season. But the non-hybridseeds are a must for continued sustained capability.

Thanks for your diligence with your work and newsletter. I always sit down and readit when it arrives. I pray for you folks regularly." (Unquote)

Chuck-JOHNEL Comment: Yes, Richard-DANIEL is aware of the hybrid versus heritageseeds. It seems that one outfit is trying to eliminate the "heritage seeds " by buying outthose who produce the heritage seeds (not succeeding so far). Interesting bit of info on thesolar pump - thanks for that and your prayers. God bless.

"You may easily play a joke on a man who likes to argue — agree with him." Ed Howe

L n-ELIZ4BET H on July 171 2007 . (Quote) "CJINT and RD/AS (Adele-SARAH)-Praise the Lord Jesus! Something suddenly flashed through as a fleeting thought and thenjust "clicked" both yesterday and today when I was talking to RD (Richard-DANIEL)onthe phone. I was not able to grasp what that fleeting thought was, until I talked again withRD this afternoon. We talked on both days about how this was, in essence, just about 30years for our respective relationships with the Staff and Sword Ministry. ..RD first heardabout CJ in 1977 after communication with Reg Dunlop about his Pyramid-Biblical timingbook and I first heard about CJ on March 28, 1978 when the little bookshop/storefront

ministry I attended first heard the A Call to Arms takes in hand (it was, interestinglyenough, also Reg Dunlop who suggested that we contact CJ about the tapes back then —Reg told the bookstore owners about CJ in 1977, but they did not share about that until thetapes arrived in 1978!) So, 2007-1977 is 30 years!

The thought that flashed through yesterday was: 30 years is just about the length oftime of Jesus' ministry on earth. And, more precisely, 30 years + 3 %z years. Thecomparison of the Staff and Sword ministry to Jesus' ministry on earth was suddenly verystriking. And, 3 '/z years plus 2007 is roughly mid-2010! Wow-20l0 just keeps comingup over and over again. I have said to RD/AS, MJ and others: "All roads just keepingpointing to 2010."

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L ^i-ELIZABETHon Jul 17 2007. uote continued Somehow there is likely moreof a comparison here than I can grasp -- but the timing of it is stunning all on its own."


"The best thing about an air conditioner is that the neighbors can't borrow it." 1Note by Chuck-JOHNEL: I've shared these more recent letters (pages 4 to here) becausethey were short and sweet - thank you for the kind comments one and all.

"HOSPITAL BED: A parked taxi with the meter running."

Jo Ann G. On February 17 2007. (Quote) "Dear friends in Christ, Just a note to tell youthat I've been immersed in the Net of Prayer manual for over a month. The Lord has taughtme so much through your experiences, teachings, and revelations.I don't think I can rightly express the eternal value that I've received from all of this. I dogive our Lord Jesus and our Father God praise and the Holy Spirit for opening this doorfor me.I live in a very "parched" area. There is very little fellowship in the Spirit - almost nogathering of believers on a regular basis, But the Lord hasn't left me without fellowshipwith a very dear sister-in-the-Lord. It seems we live out of His Word - Where 2 or 3 aregathered together in His Name there He is in the midst.. ,He has been so precious to us andspeaks to us very often.I do attend a Wesleyan Church with my husband. They don't embrace the full expressionof the gifts of the Spirit. But the pastor does preach the salvation message, growing in yourrelationship with the Lord and for that I'm grateful.I've/we've been thru Pentecostal, Charismatic, Mainline denomination (Methodist), non-

denominational fellowships, home fellowships (which I prefer) over a thirty plus yearperiod.I am grateful for the thread coming thru your writings of humility, love for our Lord Jesus,our Father God and the Holy Spirit. Love for the brethren. And, spiritual warfare In the

Spirit . Not in the flesh. I've learned a lot this last month as I've reviewed the Prayermanual and I've been putting it into practice.It was the Lord Jesus who asked me to become part of the Net of Prayer. In all honesty myresponse was less then stellar! I groaned and said, "Oh Lord, You know how bad I am athaving to pray daily." It's not that I don't pray. It was more to do with my wanting to bespontaneous. I get bored easily and know it.I knew that I needed more discipline in my life. So I said yes to Him and checked the box.Just wanted to let you know." (Unquote)

"ITALICS: The language spoken by ancient Italians."

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Bill S. On February 23, 2007. (Quote)". . .Does a person tithe on the gross pay, net pay,or not at all? We've heard many views. We play it safe (and in our opinion safe) by tithingon the gross, and any additional income: finding money, rebates, etc. Are we too strict?Yet, we do this cheerfully anytime we give, and at certain times, give offerings as well. ..Also in Jude 9, when Michael said "the Lord rebuke thee": if Jesus gave us all authorityover the devil, "power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of theenemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you," (Luke 10:19) isn't it in our authority to"Rebuke thee in Jesus' Name," when casting out spirits in a person, not in otherapplications - just for deliverance purposes! I say, "the Lord Jesus rebuke thee and I rebukethee in Jesus' Name, go in Jesus' Name." Am I out of bounds?" (Unquote)

Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: Net or gross? It depends entirely on how you are led afterpraying about it. It can be "Gross " or "Net" as the HOLY SPIRIT leads you.

Tithing ought not be approached as a lawful requirement but as a loving obligation. Isimply see any gift sent to us personally as a gift from JESUS through a brother or sisterin Christ and I recognize that the tenth part BELONGS to JESUS and that He hasentrusted that into my care and keeping to dispose of as He Wills. In that you are a"cheef fu1 giver" you are not too strict but right where you ought to be.

It is always an excellent idea to be sure you are rightly applying Scripture before youbegin to apply it. In Luke 10: 19 JESUS said, "...BEHOLD I GIVE UNTO YOUPOWER TO TREAD ON SERPENTS AND SCORPIONS, AND OVER ALL THEPOWER OF THE ENEMY, AND NOTHING SHALL BY ANY MEANS HURTYOU.,,

Keep in mind that Michael the Archangel (one powerful Archangel of God) did NOTpresume to have power over the Devil, thus said, "The Lord rebuke you " not, "1 rebukeyou.

When it comes to deliverance ofsomeone who wants to be delivered ofdemonic possessionor obsession or oppression we do have the empowerment through CHRIST to do what youwrite. However, it is far better to know the Will of God for you, to seek to be led of by theHOLY SPIRIT before applying this authority. If we do so in our flesh, it can bounce backat us, especially if we are dealing with demonic powers who have "grounds " andlor"opportunity" to be where they are at. The enemy in such situations (where they havegrounds andlor opportunity) can and will kick back like a mule (a good wack).

The needful component here is PRAYER seeking to be found in the Perfect Will of God andan openness to hearing His Word and knowing His Will for you.

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Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL (continued : Keep in mind that in Luke chapter 10 JESUSwas sending out His disciples by two 's to cast out demons, to preach the Good news, toheal the sick They were operating under JESUS' Commission, doing His Will. Before webegin to work with His empowerment we best be praying to know His Will . for us and whatHe wants us to do or not do.

Until you have a living intimate relationship with JESUS Himself and know what is Hispeffect will for you, saying, "The Lord JESUS rebuke you?" is smarter than saying, "Irebuke you in Jesus' Name."

"PROFESSOR: One who talks in someone else's sleep."

Lenora S. on February 27, 2007. (Quote)".. .On page 95 - dated Feb. 9, 2005 - it is veryinteresting information to me... the northern part of Washington state, each time saying"I SHALL SAVE MANY LIVES HERE."Does that include Whidbey Island across the bay from Seattle? My son and his family livethere on about a 10 acre plot. He's preparing facilities for me - his widowed mother of 80plus years and with health problems. Would this be an advisable move?" (Unquote)

Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL: Problem is that JESUS told me years ago that the west sideof the mountains in Washington State will be uninhabitable. We do know that whenjudgments coming flooding in that a massive earthquake (15 minutes+ duration) at a 9.5Magnitude intensity, will strike from just north of San Francisco northwards all the wayto Vancouver, Canada - destroying the cities of San Francisco, Portland, Seattle andVancouver -followed by a massive Tsunami (tidal wave). Besides, Father God circled anarea of "northern Washington State" which never included Seattle.

"UPPER CRUST: A lot of crumbs held together by dough."

Alex D. On March 12, 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, Greetings from Colorado.I hope you are well.Perhaps you can clarify some things for me.First, some years back you quoted the Wolfgramm (a Polish prophet?) prophecy, where hestated the U.S. economy would collapse in 2007. Do you believe that will happen thisyear?Second, based on things you wrote in late 2004 or January 2005, you seemed almostcertain that the great Los Angeles earthquake would occur 2 years before the massiveSeptember hurricane and the accidental nuclear attack. Thus, l included that in a timeline,which I posted on the KOAA bulletin board back in January 2005 (copy attached). Yet, inyour mailing dated 2-8-07, page 14, you stated: "There is a faint possibility that it (themega San Francisco quake) could hit this year but 1 perceive [note: perceive - reliability

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Alex D. On March 12, 2007. (Quote continued) level = 70%] that a quake in LosAngeles is more likely first."More likely? This indicates a fairly large amount of doubt. Has your thinking changedhere? Is it uncertain that the L.A. quake will hit 2 years before the accidental nuclearattack?If the great L.A. quake must occur 2 years prior, then it would most likely occur this year,and that pushes the accidental nuclear attack out to 2009. Is that probable?Another thought that occurred to me is that if Los Angeles (an important center ofbusiness) were destroyed by an earthquake this year, that could induce an economiccollapse, as the Wolfgramm prophecy indicated would happen this year. Perhaps the twoare related.Please let me know your thoughts here. I look forward to your reply." (Unquote)

Response by Chuck-JOHNEL; I believe Wolfgramm is a German or Swiss Prophet (don 'tremember exactly). In any event I share these prophecies of others when I see that we areall on the same page (God's Page). I was not certain of his timing then or now; but I willsay this: the stock market, housing market and banks took a major hit this year and thewhole system is strongly shaken. While I do not perceive that it will collapse this year. Ido perceive that it has taken a fatal blow from which it will ultimately collapse. One cantrace this coming collapse to what's already happened this year.

Timing is very thorny especially in that JESUS has made it clear that He will NOT revealthe timing of judgment. JESUS commissioned me to work to understand the timing ofjudgment back in 1979. What I've learned since then (28 years) tells me that we are at thethreshold of major judgments.

What makes timing even more difficult is that church decisions have resulted in giving theenemy power to decide and execute many judgments. The only way I can accurately trackwhat the enemy is doing is when I can recognize "known judgment patterns" which theylaid down years ago. I've devoted a report with this newsletter to this very issue.

What I'm seeing this year is that the enemy has more flexibility in how they work throughestablished judgment patterns than I initially understood. I'd pondered these possibilitiesyears ago but had no way of knowing just what Lucifer and company would do exactly.

At this juncture in time, should the 2 year pattern hold, then the LOS ANGELES quakeshould happen this October and the big SAN FRANCISCO quake would come in 2009along with the major earthquake in St. Louis/Chicago, the accidental nuclear attack, etc.

I'm also aware that the enemy could work through a 1979 judgment pattern and bring inboth major quakes from Los Angeles to San Francisco in the same year. While it seems

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Response by Chuck-JOHNEL continued : unlikely, I recognize it could happen.

In another scenario the Los Angeles quake could hit this year and the San Francisco quakea year later (2008).

You wrote suggesting that I was reflecting a certain amount of doubt about the timing.Well, it is not so much "doubt" as it is a simple fact - I don 't know. There are any numbero f timing scenarios possible as the enemy of our souls has gotten a considerableflexibilityin how they can execute judgments. I'm aware of a number of judgment patterns observedover the years and more focus on JESUS WORD about these matters.

I'm certain they will happen, the when is the uncertainty— until things begin to take a formand shape which we recognize. I believe we have seen the "start" of such a pattern thisyear which tells me it can happen this year, this October. There is a significant level ofearth activity surfacing from the rent in the earth's mantle - this will with absolutecertainty reach into the U.S. with deadly and destructive force. Again, the only realquestion is "when?"

Could a massive quake in Los Angeles trigger an economic collapse? No question that itwould be a serious blow to the economy, but whether it would collapse the economy or notis not known.

In years past and up until 1989-1991 the Lord enabled me to pinpoint dates and times forjudgments with a clarity and certitude that was easily visible. Since JESUS told me thatHe would not reveal the timing of judgment, timing is now very difficult.

Why did JESUS do that? It has everything to do with the HOLYSPIRIT and offences to theHOLY SPIRIT! The church system of man has not only rejected God's Word but oftenspoken evil of the Spirit of God. Sometimes it has moved into the area of blasphemy andI have long since discerned the Wrath of God about that. This is so serious it cannot beminimized or ignored — they have sown and they will now reap.

"YAWN: A silent shout."]

Sr. Marguerite M. On February 18. 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck. Peace, Love and Joy

of the Lord be with you and yours.Wow, did you ever wake me up! Your explanation of demonic attack gave me insight asto what happened the morning of Jan. 30 th In checking glaucoma eye pressure my doctorwas so surprised to see such a high elevation of the pressure she asked me, "Whathappened, Sister?" This can cause blindness. She now has me on three types of eye drops.Please pray that the Alphagan will bring down the pressure, Chuck. I was so depressed I

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Sr. Marguerite M. On Februar y I8 2007. (Quote continued) wanted God to take mehome! In school that afternoon praying with the first graders gave me a lift especially whenone tot said she liked praying with me. At the end of teaching grade 6 they applauded soloudly I think the principal heard them from the opposite side of the building! Is Godtelling me through these student reactions I'm needed and am not going blind? Well,anyway it perked me up a bit. One second grader told me she would rather pray then play.She goes to her room and prays a lot. When she told me that I make her so happy - myheart melted!Chuck, many students pray the short prayers I taught them when they pass by me in thecorridors and even when I meet them in grocery stores and church. I must be touchingsouls deeply to be receiving all these accolades from preschoolers up to 8 th graders.Teaching career would end if sight is lost.Chuck, I'm hit with sciatic problem again. You woke me up to the fact that these illnessesstem from demonic attacks.Now for a happy note! On Feb. 10 the Lord Blessed me with another gift so sacred I keepit in my heart. It is so awesome.I appreciate your prayers and you and all the members of the NOP have a special place inmy daily prayers." (Unquote)

JOHNEL: We have you in our prayers Sister Marguerite. Thank you for sharing.

ZOO: A place devised for animals to study the habits of human beings.

John J. On (no date). (Quote) "Dear JOHNEL and TONI, greetings and blessings fromWisconsin. It has been such a blessing these years past to be able to pray with you and injust the past few years be part of the N.O.P. and to be involved in what the Lord is doingthrough the Staff and Sword Ministry for His Kingdom.I don't usually watch news programs like this but a while back I caught part of Hardballwith Chris Matthews and a journalist, who is very proudly and openly homosexual, madea statement during a discussion saying, the far religious right, Bible-believing Christiansare getting more and more extreme in their views. Right then the Spirit of God showed methat as we stand firmly in the truth of the Word of God, and the world waxes colder andcolder they think it is us who are changing in our world views. Now I know the spirit ofdeception is causing them to believe this, but I would like to know if you have any furtherinsight into this or what your views are on it." (Unquote)

Re l v b y JOHNEL: Those in this world are becoming both more hostile to Christians andChrist as well as more deprave in their moral views of life as time passes. This nation haslost its moral moorings in Christ and is drifting into the grip ofperdition thinking that theyare holding "advanced and modern social values" and that we are retards clinging to adying way of life. In truth they are dying and are embracing death. That part of the church

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Reply by JOHNEL: which is more than willing to compromise the truth of the Gospel ofJesus Christ with the world view of morality (which has no moral values) is marchingdown the highway to hellfire. I've seen in The Spirit 'where they are going and their end.Perchance some may be spared through intercession and the testimony of Jesus Christ -of that we can hope for, pray for those be drawn away from hellfire.

CLARITY: The ability to give directions without taking your hands out of your pockets.

Gerardo D. On (no date} . (Quote) "Dear Mr. Youngbrandt, May the Lord find you andyour loved ones in good health as He is keeping us here. Mr. Youngbrandt, can you pleaseanswer a question of curiosity that I have? Can you explain who the children of perditionare, and how these come to be of such? Did they willingly choose to be such when theywere not yet on earth or was it after they were born? What makes them the children ofperdition? How do they differ from us? Can we recognize then? Will there be someconflict between us and them or will God deal with them on some different terns? I amjust curious because you have mentioned them in the past but I have not heard very muchabout who they are. Is it possible that we ourselves can become children of perdition? Iwould very much love to hear any response you can give me. By the way, are theymentioned in the Bible? Thank you again for all the help and guidance you have given allof us." (Unquote)

Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL: First of all let me say that we are all born into this worldthrough fallen Adam, we all have afallen nature, a sin nature, an innate capacity to sin.So in that broad sense any of have the potential to be a "son of perdition ". But let us lookat Scripture.


"Jesus answered them, HAVE NOT I CHOSEN YOU TWELVE, AND ONE OF YOUIS A DEVIL?" (John 6: 70)

It boils down to is being a "son of perdition " hereditary or is it the consequence of one'senvironment? The modern day liberal would say it is "environment" and that all men arebasically good. While some liberals are well meaning they are just dead wrong.

The Scripture is clear, JESUS recognized just "who and what " Judas was from the start -he was a "son of perdition. "

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Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL (Continued : However, Gerardo specifically asks, "...did they(sons of perdition) willingly choose to be such when they were not yet on earth or was itafter they were born?"

Excellent question! I perceive that Esau (whom God hated, Romans 9: 13, even in thewomb) was among those that rebelled against God, in Heaven, joining Lucifer's rebellionfrom the start of that rebellion. This is to say that this inclination, leaning towardsrebellion against God, was in them BEFORE they were conceived. It all started in Heaven"in the beginning" and before there was even this physical earth in all probability.

Years back I met a man who was in every sense a "son of perdition " - he was likeable onone level but evil to the core on a deeper level. It was entirely possible that he "could"have received Christ and been saved; but there was absolutely no inward inclination to

do that whatsoever.

Keep in mind that Judas walked with JESUS, saw His miracles, was a close companion;JESUS loved him and even called him 'friend"

and yet Judas betrayed Jesus the firstchance he had. The tragedy is that Judas could not bear his sin and took his life and yet

he was wholly unable to resist that act of betrayal of God's Son.

Years ago JESUS told me NOT to try and grasp their mentality. it is a whirlpool of evil anddarkness one does best not looking into. A "son of perdition " is not one by accident, norGod 's design, nor environment but is one by willful choice made in the beginning of allcreation. That is just the way it is.

DERMATOLOGIST: A person who makes rash judgments.

Bill and Ma D. On no date . (Quote)"Hello Chuck, Nancy and everyone, How are youall? We don't write very often because we know how busy you are. May we say we arevery thankful for all the work you do. We realize that your work is very difficult and wepray that God continues to hold you up (and everyone else helping). Praise be to GodAlmighty for His blessing and grace.God has greatly blessed our family with this ministry and the prayer campaigns we havebeen part of over the years. As many have said, we love to see the newsletterltapeslcd's toarrive. I read them all cover to cover the day it arrives. God has blessed us mightily and wepray that we may press in closer as the end time draws near. We often listen to themeetings in our home church and in the car. We wish we could attend the meetingsourselves, but the drive from Ohio could be a slight problem! We are praying for theLord's guidance. He is working in us daily and we are praying for a great harvest. Thanksbe to God and thanks for your work....Also, in your last newsletter "Time is Running Out" you stated that a Ministry prayer

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Bill and Mar D. On (no date).jQuote continued leader heard that the missile defensesystem was inoperable. We were watching a show called "Future Weapons" on theDiscovery Channel and they did a segment on the missile defense system, They showedactual tests of the missile hitting the incoming rocket. What struck me was how the actualimpact reminded me of your account of the impact. The missile is traveling at such a highrate of speed that when it hits the other missile (no warhead, just the velocity and impact)there is nothing left of either missile. There was a thump and a circular orange wispy cloudfor a second. Quite impressive! As I watched this footage I had the feeling as if I wasseeing it as you had.We would like to express our condolences on the passing of Nancy's father. Although weknow he is where we want to be, he will still be missed. Also enclosed are two lovingappeal funds for Victoria Modrich and Wilma Weaver. Please pass along our heartfeltsympathy..." (Unquote)

ADOLESCENCE: The period in which the young suddenly feel a great responsibility aboutanswering the telephone.

Bob and Donna A. On March 21.2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, Have you everconsidered devoting a page or two to "homesteading-survival advice-information?" Thishas become vitally important for those who have relocated or not. Since moving toArkansas nearly 2 years ago we have learned a_ lot as I'm sure you have since yourrelocation. Food and energy become paramount.

Our food plan includes chicken eggs and poultry, goat and sheep milk, cheese andmeat, rabbit meat, garden vegetables, bee-hive honey, fruit trees, berry bushes, 5 gallonbuckets of grain bought retail, hunting deer, and fishing. Our construction plans includesolar, wind and hydro power; exterior log burning home furnace, root cellar, smoke houseand greenhouse and would highly recommend COUNTRY SIDE magazine (715-785-7979)and MAHINDRA TRACTORS which are same quality but Literally hal f the price of JOHNDEERE.

As always we welcome calls regarding the above or information or regarding "THENATURAL STATE." Phone number 501-335-7227.P.S. The Holy Spirit reminded me lately it was a very small group with Noah, withAbraham and Lot and with the disciples in the upper room." (Unquote)

The only people who listen to both sides of an argument are the neighbors.

Debra K. On (no date). (Quote) "The Lord truly is joining us in the Spirit! He wasspeaking to me strong the past month about unbelief. He was also impressing my heartabout being baptized into His Name and the meaning of this. Then the "new and improved"prayers arrived addressing these issues. Praise Him for His Spirit of oneness." (Unquote)

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I got nervous after the copilot asked me how to get to the cockpit.

Joel and Arlene on March 22 x 2007 (Quote) "Greetings, Dear Ones in Christ: I wassaddened to hear of Nancy-TONI's dad, Brother Bill Weaver, and Capt. Michael-GREGORY Modrich's passing. It is a lot easier when you know they are with our Lord.I love hearing old time gospel music but 1 can't imagine the wonderful sounds these twosaints must be listening to. Praise the Lord Jesus for the opportunity we have that we canjoin them in the future.

I really appreciate the prayers we are praying now. I know we will be protected byJesus' angels. I was on the roof of a Pentecostal church we were attending several yearsago with an elderly church Elder. I was showing him what we were going to do to the roof.When we finished I went back to the church office to see the pastor. The church secretaryasked me who was the other person on the roof with the Elder and myself? I told her thatno one else was with us. She repeated, "I saw three people." We had numerous wonderfulencounters with the Holy Spirit at that church. My God is so good, Ilallelujah! I feel likepreaching.

On another subject, "The Covenant Lots".The same day I received the February "Net of Prayer Report", February 14 th , which

discussed the Lots and the Covenant Agreement, I was on a local manufacturing plant rooflooking at some work we had to do. When I finished and was driving out of the parkinglot to leave, I happened to look up at the sky toward the east. I saw a perfect horse shoe.At first I thought it looked like a portal. Stewart Best and Larry Taylor have beendiscussing in the "Best Global Reports", portals that seem to exist around the world atancient sites where stones with writing on them have been found. Maybe, these are theGates of Hell which seem to have been opened. I could not figure out how this horseshoecame into being. It covered maybe one-fifth of the sky. When I got home and saw theFebruary "Net of Prayer Report", I dropped everything and started reading. When I got tothe part about the Lots, I immediately knew that sign in the sky was a horseshoe, and itcertainly was a good time to enter the lottery. Our Lord's Divine Blessings will carry usthrough when times get tough.

I pray every Net of Prayer Intercessor is filled with the Holy Spirit and feels the HolySpirit's presence daily. The canopy that used to cover the earth in Noah's day in now overeach one of us. "Glory, Glory!" We are seeing prayers answered on a daily basis. As forall our Intercessors, keep those prayers ascending toward the Throne of our God. They arebeing heard." (Unquote)

"Do you file your nails?""No, 1 just cut them off and throw them away."

Liz D. On March 29 2007. (Quote)". . On another note - I was rereading a portion of"The Sealing Report of May 20, 1983" and read on page 5 at the bottom of the page about

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Li 0. On March 29 2007, ( Quote continuedthe 52 hostages in Iran in 1980 (1979?). The report said that 417 was a revelation of daysconnected to captives (hostages) being set free and 52 was the number of weeks (1 year).-(365 days). 417— 365=52At the same time, on "Night Line" tonight on TV, I was listening to a report discussing thecurrent and past hostages in Iran. They mentioned on the program three times that'Iran hastaken hostages:1979 - lasted 444 days - American (and ?) hostages.444-79 79 = 365 or 444 — 365 = 79...(52 weeks) 1979 hostages.2004 - 8 British hostages.2007 - 15 British sailor hostages.Do you think it is possible that the current 15 hostages will be released after 17+ weeks?15 x 7 = 105 days. . .105+15 =120 days. ..120 divided by 7=17+ weeks." (Unquote)

Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL: Excellent math work, but the Iranians let the Brit's go a lotsooner. Boy you sure dug deep into the old Newsletters. Thanks ,fbr the letter.

My wife just had plastic surgery. ..I took away all her credit cards.

Jim W. On March 28 2007. (Quote) "...A few years ago 1 had a dream /vision: I amliving the dream now. "We went camping in a well known park - got there early, set upcamp, making all things ready for great camping - tent fixed and ready. Late in the dayothers came in to camp. A black storm was also in sight. We knew they would not havetime to be ready for the storm in time. We were not able to help them. (We were notfamiliar with their stuff.) We were not afraid of the coming storm - and continued to enjoyfellowship with the others that were ready also." (So few are ready).

Thanks for sending the "Introduction to the Net of Prayer". You would think Ishould know all that. So good to have it in this form. (Good)..." (Unquote)

Did you hear about the graduation ceremony at night school? Everybody wore a nightcapand nightgown.

Don B. On (no date . (Quote) "CO 3 just had a question. When the nations attack America(probably in 2010), you have been calling it WWIII. I have always heard WWII/ will beginin the Middle East. Will the Middle East be involved in some way when this attack onAmerica occurs?

I heard someone say several years ago that when Russia attacks the U.S. she will atthe same time attack Israel. (Ez. 38-39).

I believe Perry Stone, a prophecy teacher from Tenn., is who I heard say this. Is thispossible? Just wondering.

Thanks for the newsletter confirming that others had not received moving orders

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Don B. On no date). (Quote continued from our Lord Jesus. I was beginning to thinkthere was something wrong with me, that I wasn't hearing Him or something.

Thanks for yours and N.T.'s faithfulness." (Unquote)

Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: That appears to be the direction Scripture points - theU.S. being attacked at about the same time as Israel. It also appears that WWIII willindeed start in the Middle East/Persian Gulf Region. Keep in m ired that JF_SUIS has shewnme that Iran will nuke our Army in this region of the world and that this will lead to aserious confrontation with Russia which will result in the accidental nuclear attack whichwill lead directly to W VIII in about 2 years time from that event that the accidentalnuclear attack happens. Indeed, it all STARTS in the Middle EastlPersian Gulf.

This IS the '1 WAR TRAP" that JESUS has had me warn (in turn) President Carter,President Reagan, President George H. Bush and President George W. Bush againststarting in 1980. God bless.

Teacher: Do you know who built the ark?Student: No, Teacher: Correct.

Teri V. On April 24, 2007 (Quote) "Hi Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI! Just want tosay that since the Islamic prayer operation, I have received a couple of dreams in which Iwas preaching the gospel of JESUS' Love to Moslems by the Spirit of God. The mostrecent one occurred on April 19 t", and went like this:This a.m. I dreamt I saw two learned, respected men from the Muslim community. Theywere reading a book that upheld the teachings and beliefs of Islam. They mentionedsomething to me about what the book said, and I responded by saying, "Islam is a falsereligion. "I encouraged the men to further research Islam, to prove it as being true or not.Finally, I said, "In all your searching in ay you f nd the Truth, and once you , find the Truth,embrace it with all your heart!" Then, as I was exiting the building these men had beenin, I saw lines and lines of women coming to the building, dressed in the traditional burkas.The women seemed to be sad, and the word "Mecca" came to mind. One of the women ranup to me crying, afraid for my life. Then I was apprehended from behind by an unseenfigure cloaked in a dark robe who held in his hand a sharp scalpel or carving instrumentof some kind. This figure then proceeded to engrave an "X" or a "T" into the top of myhead along with scripture quotations, scriptures of which I was not certain of their origin.(From the Bible, or the Koran?) The thought occurred to me that I may be suffering at thehands of the Muslims for JESUS' sake, and this was a price I was willing to pay, but Ididn't feel any pain. I have prayed and asked JESUS to reveal to me the meaning of this,but it is still a mystery to me. Who was the unseen figure behind me, what did he write onthe top of my head, and why? What does it mean? Do you have any discemments on this?I would appreciate your response if JESUS shows you anything! God bless you both and

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Teri V. On April 24, 2007. (Quote continued) keep you ever in His care!" (Unquote)

Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: There are three sources of dreams; (1) GOD, (2) Satan,

and (3) Our own soul (set. A dream from GOD usually carries with it a knowing of itsmeaning (there are exceptions) and/or if you ask the Lord the meaning of a dream He willgive that to you, He usually gives you the meaning. He will not respond if the dream is notfrom Him. In this case I perceive it is not from God - that leaves either Satan or your ownself-life as being the source. Plead the Blood ofJESUS on this dream and ask JESUS tohelp you forget it and let it go to Him.

Meaning? The enemy will have power over you. This is why I say it is not from GOD, butfrom other. The enemy will at times inject thoughts into our dream life to get the upperhand over us or to spiritually demoralize us. When you come away with an uncleanfeelinglknowingfrotm a dream it is time to turn your dreamlife over to JESUSand to rejectit. God bless.

He that has learned to obey will know how to command.

David S. On (no date). (Quote) "Dearly Beloved, your wonderful selfless lives are a non-ending encouraging guide and blessing to us and those who are sincere followers of theMaster! When He called me to this area in 1973-41 thought the great troubles in U.S.A.and the church would "explode" in ruin before 1978. Well it is very difficult to get the"timing" right! We have seen and understood the need to be an overcomer, for this is whatscripture declares! Much to write. ..but you see!" (Unquote)

JOHNEL Comment: Amen!

The fellow who's busy pulling on the oars hasn't got time to rock the boat.

Bob A. On April 2&2007. (Quote) "Dear Nancy-TONI, Again I think you're confusingthe keeping of the law with salvation. Both are still important and we are not saved bykeeping the law.

It is still wrong to kill and lie! We are to "renew our minds" with God's law,commandments and admonitions so they line up with our spirits where God has written thelaw (on our hearts).

Jesus added to the law, put a finer point on it. He didn't take it away or nail it to thecross. It's this very thinking that has caused the Laodicean church of today. Judgment iscoming because of wide spread sin, just like in Noah's time.

We are able to keep God's law as Jesus did because we now have His Holy Spirit.How? By dying to self, renewing our minds with His word (the milk and meat of


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Bob A. On April 20. 2007. (Quote continued) Forgive me but I try not to kill people,

eat pork, keep all the Sabbaths which are "forever". All kingdoms, ie. governments havelaws to be kept. This church will be judged just as Adam and Eve, Sodom and Gainorah,Satan and Lucifer, the nations Israel and Judah for their rebellion against God's rule oflaw.

In sum, the keeping of the law with our renewed minds, as we are led by ournewborn spirits and with the help and power of the Holy Spirit in order to build Christ-likecharacter is our goal. Countless new testament scripture commands us to obey God's law.This is having Jesus as "Lord". This is where Lucifer, Adam and Eve, Judah and Israel andtoday's church have failed. It's the oversimplified liberal gospel that is about to bring thebiggest catastrophe since the flood. The church in general is not sophisticated enough tobe told 'just be led by the Spirit." LOVE YOU NANCY-TONI? !" (Unquote)

My husband is so old that he remembers Eve when she was just a rib.

Reply b y JOHNEL: I do not disagree with you in some of the detail you numerate (do notkill, etc.), but in the substance, you miss the point.

Having gone out on JESUS' direction and traveling over this nation I've witnessed thetrouble in the church system of man first hand, year in and year out, for the better part of31 years. The real problem was evident from she start and it was seen consistently for thenext 31 years in innumerable ways. Whether God 's people observed His Law or not wasnever an issue with God Himself. The consequences of sin are unavoidable - as you sowyou reap, and this is an immutable law. JESUS Himself addressed the problem 2, 000 yearsago when He said this: "BUT WOE UNTO YOU, PHARISEES! FOR YE TITHEMINT AND RUE AND ALL MANNER OF HERBS, AND PASSOVER OVERJUDGMENT AND THE LOVE OF GOD: THESE OUGHT YE TO HAVE DONE,AND NOT TO LEAVE THE OTHER UNDONE." (JESUS in Luke 11: 42)

In other words, to conform to and seek to do all the Law means nothing in itself In fact,lacking "JUDGMENT" and the "LOVE OF GOD", negates any attempt to do the law.

Those who are "led by the HOLY SPIRIT" are the only ones who can do the Law"perfectly. " Being "led of by the HOLY SPIRIT" is implicit with an intimate, personalrelationship with JESUS CHRIST Himself

The church system of man (many of which embrace the observation of the Law) goes outof their way to distract, discourage and divert God 's people awayfrom having an intimatepersonal relationship with JESUS Himself. Without such a relationship being LED OFBYTHE HOLY SPIRIT is impossible. The notion that "it is what we do" that makes us holyis an old idea that utterly fails because it has everything to do with " Who we know " not

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Reply h JOHNEL ('continued : "what we know, what we do, what we observe. ".

Bob writes: "The church in general is not sophisticated enough to be told `just be led bythe Spirit." That is true only in the sense that they do not have an intimate personalrelationship with JESUS, in which case they will be led of by their own understanding ofGod 's Word (the Logos) which is heavily colored by their carnal mind. They think they areled by the Spirit of God, whereas in truth their carnal nature is leading them. I've seen itover the years enough times to know this.

The term "sophisticated" by Webster 's definition means: ' vorldlywise knowledge" God'speople need to be grounded in Christ Himself not mere knowledge.

The church system of man holds up roan as being "lord" and utterly rejects JESUSCHRIST'S Lordship over His own Church, His people. This severe rejection of JESUSHimself opened the door to the kind of judgment that boggles the mind it is sofiercesome. But these same "little lords "have in recent years gone beyond that, they havevisibly blasphemed the HOLYSPIRIT of GOD. Thus, as we (Nancy-TONI and 1) witnessedJanuary 21, 2004, the WRATH OF GOD has been unleashed on this vile system of'manthat hates God and has become an offence to the HOLYSPIRIT

The church system of man when it sees someone "conceiving Christ in- themselves*" willgo out of their way to extinguish that new life, that budding living relationship with JESUSCHRIST! That half of the church system of man accepts "abortion " as being ok reflectson this inward disposition, if not readiness, to abort the Manchild within God 's people.This IS the active sin in the church system of man that is a key thing that is bringing this

fierce judgment on America; this and rejection ofJESUS' Lordship, and blasphemy of theHOL Y SPIRIT

*Note - When a Christian begins to meditate on God's Word and draws near to JESUS(abides) they will conceive Christ in their soul life and this Christ within will begin to growjust like a baby in a fema'e's womb.

These sins of the church system of roan are the "key" things that have and is bringing inthis fierce judgment, even the Wrath of God. The least weighty has to do with observanceof the Law. However, as Nancy- TONI has much shared, as we come to know JESUSintimately and walk with Him, we are thereby led by HIS HOL YSPIRITand are conformedperfectly to God's Law. We don 't do it ourselves, He does it through us. BOB, WE LAVEYOU TOO. God bless.

"Why did the strawberry need a lawyer? It was in a jam."

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Don C On April 24, 2007. (Quote) "Hi Nancy-TONI- Happy anniversary to you and

Chuck-JOHNEL for 2 years in Colville. Time is flying by. You are precursors for many

of us to move to Jesus' appointed places, also.Thank you Jesus for the continuing excellent teachings through Nancy-TONI on` Manifesting Christ.' The current one `In The Flesh' is most timely, as they all are, to helpus in this preparation time. Our soul certainly needs to come into unity with our spirit-manin Christ Jesus. God desires our full redemption to enable us to come into oneness withHim.Yes, we are to ` mind the things of the spirit'. Jesus' words are truly spirit and life. Full ofthe Spirit - full of the word - full of Jesus. Thank you, Father God.Thank you both for continuing to minister to us with Jesus' unconditional love andgraciousness. You are our teachers, mentors, and encouragers and precious friends ofJesus.In Jesus' abundant love, mercy, and grace for us." (Unquote)

Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI: You are welcome and thank you for your kind words.

Work is the yeast that raises the dough.

Geraldo D. On May 17 2007. (Quote) "Dear Mr. Youngbrandt, I hope the Lord iskeeping you well as He is us. Praise the Lord.

Mr. Youngbrandt, you had mentioned that after the collapse of the U.S. resistanceto the invaders that China and Russia would be at war. Do you have a time frame of howlong afterwards and do you know if they would fight each other here in the U.S. orAmerica?

My son has a question that I cannot answer very well. I hope you can help me. Canyou explain the difference between Lucifer, Satan, and the devil.

Thank you for all answers to our letters. May the Lord keep blessing you and all ofus Christians, Amen." (Unquote)

C-J REPL Y: Only a little space to respond so some short answers: Not really but itseemed to be at the time of deliverance, the 7`' years of occupation (war between Russiaand China). Difference: Lucifer =fallen created son of God; Satan = fallen Adam; devil= accuser. God bless.

"Dan: What does your mother do for a headache? Stan: She sends me out to play."

SPECIAL NOTE BY CHUCK JOHNEL : We issued a ` WE GET LETTERS" Part "A"(12 PAGES) with a special report sent to the Net of Prayer this August. We make thatavailable to anyone who would like it on the enclosed RESPONSE FORM at the cost ofpostage and paper (S 1.00). End Of WE GET LETTERS PART "B"