Audience research1

Audience research

Transcript of Audience research1

Page 1: Audience research1

Audience research

Page 2: Audience research1

Where might they shop?

Page 3: Audience research1

What are their hobbies?

Malvern Theatre

Page 4: Audience research1

Who do they listen to?

Page 5: Audience research1

What type of image may they have?

Page 6: Audience research1

As shown my the mood board , I have chosen to produce a Jazz magazine to be aimed at both genders aged between 40-55 as an initial audience, with a secondary audience of young adults who may be really passionate about the genre of music. The reason why my magazine will be aimed at both genders because even though the majority of Jazz artists I researched are male, the genre itself is not gender specific and the magazine should interest both genders. Furthermore through my research of other magazines, the ones I studied seemed to appeal to both genders as they were not gender specific and contained information and articles to satisfy both men and women.

It should interest those who enjoy playing musical instruments and Jazz is full of different sounds which people might play. The genre is not a mainstream music genre as therefore it only attracts the passionate people who are interested in the artists which come from it.

The people I will be aiming at are Radicals who refuse to accept what people want them to do, such as following the crowd and being mainstreamers as Jazz is not a mainstream genre. Also I aim to target individualists who aim to break the mould , which would be a part of radicals as that they do not want to follow the crowd but to have their own style and listen to their own music which they enjoy even if it might not be to everyone else’s taste.