Audience profile

Audience Profile Abbie Shuttleworth

Transcript of Audience profile

Page 1: Audience profile

Audience ProfileAbbie Shuttleworth

Page 2: Audience profile

Introduction Looking at all my information so far I am going to create an audience profile in which I will develop to get a clear profile of my audience members. I will include information such as age, gender, likes and interests, dislikes, lifestyle, geographical location, social class and psychological groups. This will be helpful as my audience is important. For example if I didn’t have people to view my product then it wouldn’t successful.

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Age – We have targeted the age range of 15 – 30 as we thought it would be most suitable. Age 15 – 30 is suitable as its my age range where as I can relate to it. I know what people of my age like.

Gender – We feel that our opening sequence will fulfil both genders. However it would appeal more towards the female gender as females tend to relate to the female characters more in which is going to be our main character. This is why in the image the women figure appears to be bigger than the male. Interest – Our audience is going to be interested in following celebrities lives. For example they would like to keep up with the media and read lots of magazines as our opening sequence is going to be based on a celebrities life. Our audience likes to know a lot about different celebrities by following gossip from magazines and the TV.

Dislikes – Our audience might dislike to much gore and films that contain too much strong violence.

Lifestyle – We estimate that the typical lifestyle of our audience would be people that are educated or maybe working. We think that our audience would be outgoing that is maybe a family person.

Affluence – We think that our audience would have a range of wealth. For example I don’t just think that people who have a lot of wealth are going watch it, maybe also people with a low wealth will.

Social class – B, C1, C2 and D would be the main audience for our opening sequence. This means that intermediate managers, junior managers, skilled manual workers and semi unskilled manual workers would be the audience. I disagreed that social class grade e would be my main audience as they tend to be people that rely on the state therefore they might not be able to have spare money in order to go to the cinema.

Psychographic group – Our audience psychographic group would be an ‘Aspirer’. It means that the person is materialistic, acquistive, affiliative, oriented to extrics, image appearance, charisma, persona and fashion, attractive packaging more important than quality. I think this as our film is going to be based on a celebrity so the audience will be into the media and care about image/fashion. My audience will care more about who the celebrity is rather than how good the content of it is.

Geographical location – Our audiences geographical location will be in cities and suburbs that have access to TV’s/cinema’s etc.

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Conclusion In conclusion, looking at my audience profile it shows that my target audience is age 15- 30 with a gender of both male and female, they are interested in keeping up with top celebrity gossip and read lots of magazines. They dislike too much gore or violence. Have a range of wealth with a social class of B, C1, C2 and D. Their psychographic group is aspirer. Our audience will live in a city and suburbs. This information has helped me as it has developed an idea of what my target audience members might be.