Au Psy492 M7 A2 Ppt Revpaper Sonson Erevised

Running head: PARENTING STYLES AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT Topic Proposal: Parenting Styles and Child Development- What are the Correlations between Parenting Styles and Child Behavior Development? Elisha Sonson Argosy University, Pittsburgh

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Topic Proposal: Parenting Styles and Child Development-

What are the Correlations between Parenting Styles and Child Behavior Development?

Elisha Sonson

Argosy University, Pittsburgh

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Title: Parenting Styles and Child Development: What are

the correlations between Parenting Styles and Child

Behavior Development?

The purpose for this literature review is to draw attention on the types of

parenting styles used by parents and its impact on children’s behavior

development. In addition, the literature review would also support the

hypotheses that “there are convincing links between parenting styles

and the impact these styles have on children’s behavior development.”


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Parenting Styles and Child Development cont’d

Research has supported that the parenting styles embraced by parents

time and again have an immense repercussion on the development of

the child, in perspective of the issue, analysis on parenting styles and its

intense influences on children, particularly in belligerence and behavior.

In today’s modern world, the development of children is an important

concern. The parenting styles children are subjected to creates great

influence on their behaviors and how they deal with trials and confronts

in their lives. In earlier cohorts, child rearing came with strict rules;

discipline and children were stricken by obedience. The parenting styles

of this era were essential to foster the self-control, reinforce good

behavior and discipline demanded by societies’ where rigorous

compliance to authority was required by children.



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Parenting Styles and Child Development cont’d

Although these types of parenting style are still prevalent in modern society, many parents are grounded to certain parenting styles that are not creating positive behaviors in children’s development. Ange (2005) describes Baumrind’s parenting style classification as authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive.

Developmental psychologists have conducted numerous researches to study how different parenting styles influence child development. The authoritative parenting practice used according to research, have found to generate beneficial effects in children’s behavior development and parents who embrace this type of parenting style are thought to have very distinct definitions on the boundaries and liberty of their children. Authoritarian parents are insistent, domineering of the children and are less receptive to their children. The permissive parenting style compels less of their children because they are very lenient (Ange, 2005).



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Parenting Styles and Child Development cont’d

In the studies that were manipulated as referenced, parenting styles practices and their influence on children was the central core of the study particularly in very young children. Gender also influenced the study and the parenting styles exercised through the parent. The findings outlined in the referenced articles show a clear correlation of the proposed hypothesis.


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Literature Findings:

Article: Do parenting styles and adolescents adjusting to self-perception and relationships? Ang, Rebecca P.

Summary: The study looked at the effects of perceived parenting

styles on self-reliance, interpersonal relations, sense of

inadequacy and attitude to school after controlling for effects on

adolescents’ self-esteem. Included in the study were 548

adolescents from Singapore, Malay, Asian and Asian Americans.


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Discussion cont’d

The findings of the study showed that Asian and Asian Americans samples were mixed in that both authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles appeared to be associated with positive adolescent outcomes. The findings also stated that this outcome could be a reflection of culture. Malay adolescents who perceived their father as authoritative were self-reliant and confident. Perception of the paternal parenting styles influenced the outcome more than the perception of adolescents of maternal parenting styles (Ang, 2005).

Strength and weakness: The strength of the study is that the sample was sizeable and contained a mixed population. The weakness is that culture could have been the biggest influenced in the study.



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Discussion cont’d Article: How do mothers’ childrearing histories, stress and

parenting affect children’s behavioral outcomes? Assel, M. A; Landry, S. H; Swank, P. R and Steelman, L

Summary: The longitudinal study observed 180 preterm and 112 termed children and their female primary caregivers up to age 4. The cohorts were of middle to low socio-income status from South-east Texas. The study was conducted to investigate the direct and indirect relations of maternal childrearing history and emotional stress and observed parenting styles. The investigation began when the children were age 3 up to their 4th year. The mothers parenting styles were measured on a 5-point scale to capture warmth, responsiveness and flexibility.

The findings of the investigation showed mothers who recalled more punitive and neglecting memories of how they were parented were more likely to report higher emotional stress levels and those parents displayed less warmth towards their children. Those parents who reported low- moderate levels of anxiety appeared to have difficulty responding to their children’s need and interest (Assel, et al, 2002).



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Discussion cont’d

Strength and weakness: The strength of the study is the reliability of the observational measures. Multiple observers were used to code the parents’ behaviors and their child’s initial skills. Other observational study correlates well with the findings of this study. The weakness of the study is that a longitudinal analysis is rarely used to examine the influence of maternal emotional functioning and observed parenting behavior on children’s behaviors


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Discussion cont’d

All the researched articles showed a commonality in their goals. The commonality shown focused on the parenting style practices of parents with children through adolescent and the effects these parenting style practices have on children’s development and later behavior problems. A few of the articles concentrated on various cultures in order to explore whether these issues varied within culture or whether the various parenting styles of certain ethnic group influences the behaviors in children. The realization for me was that I had limited knowledge in the differencing styles of parenting and how these styles can influence later behaviors in children


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Discussion cont’d

Most children who reported their parents as being punitive and demanding had parents who used the authoritarian parenting style of parenting. These children did have the most significant outcome in behavior problems compared to children who reported their parents as authoritative. Prior researches have supported these findings as quantified in the listed referenced articles (Fagan, 2000). Although there were some usual factors like low-income and environmental conditions within specific cultures namely African Americans that could have contributed to parental stress and how parents respond to their children, overall, the findings in all the articles were quite similar.


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Parenting has always been a complex role that includes certain behaviors that work exclusively and mutually to influence child outcomes. The concept of parenting style practices is used to seize variation in parents’ endeavor to control and socialize their children.

Research psychologists, particularly developmental psychologists have had a keen interest in the influence parents have on the development and later behavior problems of children. One of the most vigorous advances to this area is the investigation of what is known as “parenting style practices.” The typology of the parenting styles includes the “authoritative parents, who are reported as responsive and demanding, the authoritarian parents, who are highly demanding, always giving directives and are less responsive to the needs of their children.


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Conclusion cont’d

The permissive parenting style of parenting involves parents that are non-directive, very lenient in their parental practices, responsive, not demanding, allows considerable self-regulation and avoids confrontation with their children. These parenting style practices have been observed to forecast child well-being in realms of social aptitude, academic functioning, psychosocial development and later problem behavior. Much literature reviews have been conducted and supported the observed domains and how the different parenting styles influence these domains and later behavior in children.


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Conclusion cont’d

During my investigation, I took a closer view of the finding from various literature reviews to analyze how the findings of these studies were manipulated and how well the argument discussed supported my own hypothesis that “there are convincing links between parenting styles and the impact these styles have on children’s behavior.” The prevailing argument in Ang, (2005) is the perceived effect certain parenting styles have on self-reliance, attitude towards school and self-esteem of children from Asian, Singapore and Malay. Ang, in her findings associated the authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles as being associated with positive outcomes on adolescent. However, the other argument is that culture may have influenced the outcome of the findings (2005).


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Ange, Rebecca. P., (2005) Parenting styles and adolescents adjusting to self-perception and relationships, Social Service Training Institute Journal 2(2)

Assel, M. A; Landry, S. H; Swank, P. R & Steelman, L (2002) How do mothers’ childrearing histories, stress and parenting affect children’s behavioral outcomes? Childcare Health Development Scholarly Journal of Medical Science-Pediatrics 28(5)

Aunola, Kaisa, & Nurmi, Jari-Erik (2005) The role of parenting styles in children’s problem behavior. Children Development 76(6) 1144-1159 doi: 10.1111/J. 1467-5624.2005.00841x

Bolkan, Cow; Sano, Yoshie; De Costa, Jennifer; Acock, Alan C & Day, Randal D (2010) Early adolescents’ perceptions of mothers and fathers’ parenting styles and problem behavior, Marriage & Family Review (46)8 563