Attendance Policy

College study is a higher form of educational qualification that is required for one to apply for many jobs. In our journey of learning, beside the tests and experiments, attendance is also one of the most important factors that decide our results. People who have their own situation and cannot go to class every day, but the policy of college do not allow to missing too three times. Although many people feel that attendance is the most important things, I believe that attendance should be optional for three reasons. A mandatory attendance policy discourages independent thinking, self-discipline, and self-study. Students are adults. Adult students can decide what is best for them. With younger students this policy is necessary for many reasons such as safety reasons. However, adult students cannot be forced to do what they don’t want to do. That will form in them a habit of dependence on another person's wish and thinking. In other words, if students are forced to go to school regularly, their rights to make decisions are being violated. That will soon turn them into people lacking of self-discipline. The first reason is that most the people who attend a college are adults, so they should be responsible in their life. college students are capable of handling their own learning process and therefore there is no need of having such classroom discipline in order to ensure they complete their studies properly. In college, we do not only learn about what in the textbook is, but college also teaches us how to show our thinking, how to work with others, how to get life's experiences, and how to be responsible. Therefore, people who are in college have the right way to decide to go to class or not because they are not children or teenagers anymore. They are supposed to figure out that they go to class because they need to, and they have thought about school clearly, so that they can notice the important of college in their life. If they choose to stay at home instead of going to classes, they were willing to deal with the result. So there is no reason to make attendance to be imperative.


Attendance Policy

Transcript of Attendance Policy

College study is a higher form of educational qualification that is required for one to apply for many jobs. In our journey of learning, beside the tests and experiments, attendance is also one of the most important factors that decide our results. People who have their own situation and cannot go to class every day, but the policy of college do not allow to missing too three times. Although many people feel that attendance is the most important things, I believe that attendance should be optional for three reasons.

A mandatory attendance policy discourages independent thinking, self-discipline, and self-study. Students are adults. Adult students can decide what is best for them. With younger students this policy is necessary for many reasons such as safety reasons. However, adult students cannot be forced to do what they don’t want to do. That will form in them a habit of dependence on another person's wish and thinking. In other words, if students are forced to go to school regularly, their rights to make decisions are being violated. That will soon turn them into people lacking of self-discipline.

The first reason is that most the people who attend a college are adults, so they should be responsible in their life. college students are capable of handling their own learning process and therefore there is no need of having such classroom discipline in order to ensure they complete their studies properly. In college, we do not only learn about what in the textbook is, but college also teaches us how to show our thinking, how to work with others, how to get life's experiences, and how to be responsible. Therefore, people who are in college have the right way to decide to go to class or not because they are not children or teenagers anymore. They are supposed to figure out that they go to class because they need to, and they have thought about school clearly, so that they can notice the important of college in their life. If they choose to stay at home instead of going to classes, they were willing to deal with the result. So there is no reason to make attendance to be imperative.

Second, nowadays, most college classes use computers to control all work, and most teachers have a private web-page for their own class. For instance, my friend Peter, who had been in a serious car accident, was luckily secured on last Christmas. Unfortunately, he has had to stay in the hospital for six months, but he is international student and must come to school legally to stay in the United States. Both his teachers agreed to give him a priority to study through the computer instead of going to classes. After that semester, he came back to school without problem about attendance and graduated with an excellent degree. How it could happen? That is because the computers can have all information, such as lectures, handouts, schedule, grades, events, or homework, so that the student can know everything just by staying at home. That is why attendance is becoming less and less importance in college.

Finally, attendance should not be required because our society has a diversity of people in college including single, married, and workers. Moreover, every single person has their own situations to prevent them make a perfect attendance. To single people, they might go to school every day, but to married and workers, most of the time college cannot be a first choice for them. For example, some they might have family members sick, they have to work extra time to get money for their life, or most college and children's school don't have the same holiday. In that

case, parents have to decide stay home instead of being an outstanding student. So if attendance is required and someone fails because of it with a justifiable reason, it will be a pity for them even though they can still catch up with the class. Vanessa, one of my classmates, told me," I am going to fail my classes because I missed too many hours. I do not want to, but my son, he is really sick, and he might have just only 3 months left. I am his mother, so that my son is the most importance to me."

To summarize, attendance is importance in education, but college is a place of people who are intelligent and responsible enough to make their own decisions. There are many difficult reasons to prevent students going to classes every day. Therefore, the attendance should be optional in college to help some unlucky people who will complete their course works even if they do not attend classes.

In conclusion, I assert that university students should have the right to make their own decision whether to attend classes or not. However by saying that, I do not mean that attending classes is not important or unnecessary. What I try to stress is that the students, who are matured enough to be responsible for their own actions, should have the liberty to choose what is good, suitable and convenient for them with respect to studying.

Nowadays, it has many ideas supporting that college students are old enough for positive in their studies. Therefore, whether regular class attendance is important to students or not is still on debate. Many people think that sometimes students can learn themselves by many sources information without waste of time at class. In my opinion, it is essential to college students to be present at class frequently for grasping the fundamental knowledge efficiently and enhancing their necessary skills proficiently.

Firstly, gaining firmly knowledge at school is the most important benefit to attend class regularly. Students are able to memorize information longer when participating in class discussion, working group or sharing opinion. These activities are better for learner to keep knowledge in their mind. Moreover, students also have the direct instruction from the teacher, so they will realize and learn from their mistake. It is clear that students take many advantages to be present frequently at class.

Some people think it necessary for university students to attend classes, others do not think it necessary, for diverse reasons such as business in part time job or club activity, other activity outside university and contends of classes. Different people have dissimilar thought on such kind of issue. Personally speaking, I agree with the idea that it is important for university students to attend classes. I have two reason to support my view which are stated below.