Atmospheric Pollution Caused by Industrial Activities

Atmospheric pollution caused by industrial activities 1. General information Iasi municipality is the Iasi county seat and it is the main urban center in northeastern Romania. According to the census of 2011, Iasi numbered 290.422 inhabitants and was the fourth largest city in Romania. Iasi Metropolitan Area, which includes 13 neighboring localities, had a population of approximately 400.000 inhabitants. According to data from the National Statistics Institute, from 1 January 2014, resident population of Iaşi was 332.271 inhabitants, returning to second place in the top of the cities in Romania. Iasi is the cultural, economic and academic center of Moldova Region. Over 60.000 students cross the threshold of universities of the city. Here was founded and operates the first university in Romania, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, today one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the country, antoher four public universities and seven private universities.



Transcript of Atmospheric Pollution Caused by Industrial Activities

Atmospheric pollution caused by industrial activities

1. General informationIasi municipality is the Iasi county seat and it is the main urban center in northeastern Romania.According to the census of 2011, Iasi numbered 290.422 inhabitants and was the fourth largest city in Romania. Iasi Metropolitan Area, which includes 13 neighboring localities, had a population of approximately 400.000 inhabitants.According to data from the National Statistics Institute, from 1 January 2014, resident population of Iai was 332.271 inhabitants, returning to second place in the top of the cities in Romania.Iasi is the cultural, economic and academic center of Moldova Region. Over 60.000 students cross the threshold of universities of the city.Here was founded and operates the first university in Romania, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, today one of the most prestigious academic institutions in the country, antoher four public universities and seven private universities.

Figure no. 1The position of Iasi county in Romania

2. The main pollution sources and types of pollutants2.1. Current urban sources. Industrial sources of pollutionIn recent decades, urban environmental quality has undergone a number of changes: air quality, noise intensity, heavy traffic is a growing problem in most cities. Open spaces and green areas are increasingly threatened by the already limited space needs. In addition to those listed, the city is a major consumer of resources and a major producer of pollutant emissions and waste, being a growing threat to the environment both locally and globally.The most important sources of pollution and the impact most pronounced over the environment and human health is industry and urban traffic, which in recent years is growing bigger.The industry is the economic sector with the greatest impact on the environment due to exploitation of natural resources, high energy consumption, pollution and waste production. Industrial activities affect all environmental factors, generating waste and occupying large areas of land.Industrial activities produce and emit into the atmosphere a range of gaseous pollutants, whose quantity, quality and concentration are strongly dependent on the industrial sector, such as technological process, the quantity and quality of raw materials used, the size of the industrial plant, machine wear etc.The main industrial sectors that affect the environment of Iasi are: power industry, production and processing of metals, chemical industry, textile industry, food and furniture industry.The industry has a particular impact on air quality, causing exceeding of maximum allowable concentrations for air emissions for pollutants such as particulates, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides, ash, heavy metals and volatile organic compounds.In Iasi, industrial sectors with the most significant impact on the environment are energy industry, metal processing, surface treatment of metals and plastics, ceramics manufacture, production of basic organic chemical substances, intensive livestock farming, disposal and recovery of waste and chemical industry.With the increasing emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere due to the growth of industrial production, have evolved and technical possibilities of cleaning particulates and pollutant gases. It has been estimated that 75% of industrial origin particulates are held by different filtration methods. A remaining problem is the emissions of dust and toxic gas from fuels (most pronounced by the metallurgical industry); removing them from a great height does not solve the problem of protection of the atmosphere.Figure no. 2: Map of air pollution in Iasi municipality and some sources of pollutionIn Iasi, in order to prevent and reduce air pollution, the following measures are taken: are established conditions for implementation of plans, programs and projects for investment and for existing activities by regulatory acts issued: agreements, approvals and environmental authorizations respectively; verification by the National Agency of Environmental Protection and the National Environmental Guard conform to the conditions imposed by regulatory acts issued; upgrading as required by industrial pollution control and IPPC Directives; implementation of waste management systems; measures are taken to prevent major accidents with an impact on people and environment and limitation of their consequences; better cooperation between environmental institutions, local authorities and civil society on integrated pollution control.

2.2. Types of pollutants2.2.1. ParticulatesSolid powders (PM10 and PM2.5) are one of the most important sources of air contamination because in the atmosphere is always present in large enough quantities. They represent a serious problem in Europe, as a result of frequent exceeding of the limit imposed by the Directive in most of the countries. Measured concentration is directly correlated with the source, with the humidity due to particle agglomeration, with the speed and direction of wind which causes soil homogenization and transport at long distance from the source, with the influence of air masses and atmospheric precipitation.The most important sources of particulate pollution are the road traffic and industrial emissions. The highest values are registered between January and May when the weather conditions, especially wind speed, thermal inversions and lack of vegetation, favors this. It should be noted that during the winter, traffic emissions are higher and the energy industry operates at full capacity. The most contaminated areas of the city are those with heavy traffic, those located near the train station and the industrial area. Also, areas with intense powders pollution are near construction sites, in areas where rehabilitation works are carried out, underground works, pollution being accentuated by difficulties in traffic. But it should be noted that in those areas after cessation of work will be an improvement of contamination as a result of removing these sources of pollution. The less polluted areas in Iasi are Copou, Galata and partly Nicolina where industrial activity is low, the use of motor vehicles is lower than in other places and the green areas are wider.The chart below represents the evolution of the quantities of particulates during the period 2000-2010. From this graph we see exceeding only in 2006, 2007 and 2008, the highest being in 2006 with a value of 61.69 g/m3. The frequency of exceeding is 30% in this period.Figure no. 3: The evolution of the amount of particulates eliminated during 2000-20102.2.2. GasesThe pollutants considered in assessing air quality are sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O3), suspended particulates (PM10 and PM2.5), benzene (C6H6), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (BaP). Thus will be further analyzed each pollutant separately.

Sulfur dioxide (SO2)Sulfur dioxide is a colorless gas that irritates the mucous membranes, with a pungent odor, sour, it dissolves well in water to form sulfurous acid. It is a toxic gas.The largest amount of sulfur dioxide is eliminated in the combustion processes of fossil fuels, particularly in the energy industry by burning in thermal power plants. Significant amounts of sulfur dioxide is eliminated in industrial processes such as metallurgy, refining, sulfuric acid production, cellulose and paper industries, emissions from diesel engines, but also the heating systems of the population which is not using methane.The biggest elimination of sulfur dioxide is corresponding to winter and spring season, when the fuel consumption is maxim and CET (electric thermal station of Iasi) is working at full capacity. The thermal inversions have a negative impact favoring increased concentrations in the lower layer of the atmosphere.Figure no. 4: The evolution of the amount of SO2 eliminated during 2000-2010

Nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2)Among the atmospheric pollutants nitrogen oxides, the most important are monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. Nitrogen monoxide (NO) is a colorless gas, odorless and poorly soluble in water; nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a reddish-brown gas with a characteristic odor, irritating and caustic. Nitrogen dioxide in combination with airborne particles can form a reddish brown coat.The most important sources of pollution with nitrogen oxides are industrial processes based on burning of fossil fuels, when are burned at high temperatures. The largest contribution has thermal power plants based on natural gas (emissions in this area making more than 9%). Another source is the industrial processes based on the manufacture of nitrogen compounds: nitric acid, nitrogen fertilizers etc.

Figure no. 5: The evolution of the amount of NO2 eliminated during 2000-2010Carbon monoxide (CO)Carbon monoxide in environment temperature is a colorless gas, odorless, tasteless and slightly heavier than air. CO is the most common or most widespread pollutant. CO is formed mainly from incomplete combustion of fossil fuels.The main sources are power plants based on coal, fuel oil and gas. In these combustion systems, the amount of CO emitted depends on the air/fuel ratio. Thus, the amount of air in the system will be higher than the amount of CO emitted will be lower. Other industrial sources include: iron and steel industry, petrochemical and pulp and paper industry.

Heavy metals (Hg, Cd)Because heavy metals are particularly harmful to the environment and human health, will be further analyzed the main heavy metals that are found in high quantities in the atmosphere of Iasi municipality.These metals derived from the combustion of coal, oil, household waste and several industrial processes, as well as traffic.The main sources of heavy metal pollution in the city of Iasi are: energy production industry (CET Iasi - electric thermal power plant of Iasi), industrial processes - combustion in manufacturing, residential combustion installations, as well as traffic emissions.Below I am going to present the evolution of heavy metals emissions over a longer period of time.Figure no. 6: The evolution of the amount of Hg eliminated during 2001-2010Figure no. 7: The evolution of the amount of Cd eliminated during 2001-2010

Greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O)The greenhouse effect is the process of heating the earth's surface due to radiation reflected that under the conditions of the presence of some greenhouse gases in the atmosphere it maintains the radiation for a longer period. The main consequence of greenhouse effect is the increasing temperature, which brings a host of other problems, the effect being a domino one.The most important greenhouse gases emitted in Iasi are CO2, CH4, N2O.The sources of the release of these gases are the industrial facilities, particularly those of combustion of power stations (CET Iasi).To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases in Iasi, CET II was converted from lower fuel operation (lignite), to the functioning of superior fuel (pit coal) and was installed low NOx burners. Thus, has increased boiler efficiency and has reduced specific consumption. This has reduced SO2 emissions, slag and ash.Other pollutants found in Iasi atmosphere in a smaller amount, are persistent organic pollutants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, hexachlorobenzene. Their main sources are metallurgical industry, railway transport, coke ovens, incineration of hospital waste.Figure no. 8: The evolution of the amount of CO2 eliminated during 2000-2010

Figure no. 9: The evolution of the amount of CH4 eliminated during 2000-2010Figure no. 10: The evolution of the amount of N2O eliminated during 2000-2010

3. Evolution of the level of air pollution due to industrial activities in IasiAnalyzing the evolution of the emissions into the atmosphere of different types of pollutants, we can note that measurements taken are indicating values significantly below the limit set by law at all gaseous pollutants. Emissions of SO2 present downward trend since 2000, as in 2005 and 2006. The emissions were reduced by about 50% due to the placing on the market of fuel with low sulfur content. Most nitrogen oxide emissions come from traffic - about 81.24% of the total, emissions from the energy industry have been reduced as a result of the of mounting of low NOx burners at both power stations (CET Iasi). Is taking place an increase of emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the cold season when both power stations are operating at full capacity. A decrease is observed in the emission of greenhouse gases due to the efficiency in the energy field.A problem for Iasi is the particulate matter PM10 the frequency of exceedings ranging between 28-88%. An important role in PM10 pollution have natural sources such as pollen emissions during flowering, soil resuspension during drought, land neighborhood where is carrying out farm work, the particles being blown by the wind. An important role in particulates pollution, it also have it weather conditions. Higher values recorded during atmospheric calm and high humidity due to particle agglomeration, and when are recording high wind speeds is taking place the dispersion.I can say that exceedings of limit values are recorded only in terms of particulate matter (PM10), other indicators are below the limits set by law.

4. The effects of air pollution on urban environment and populationQuality of life for everyone living in urban areas is directly affected by the state of its environment, being exposed to pollution levels which are often exceeding the established standards.The effects of pollutants on the environment and people can be different, depending on the pollutant concentration, exposure time, weather conditions and physiological possibilities of the body.Pollution effects may be direct, which are manifested by changes in the health of the population, as a result of exposure to polluting agents. These changes have the effect of increasing mortality, growth of morbidity, the emergence of symptoms or physiological-pathological changes, the emergence of direct physical changes etc. Long-term effects are characterized by the occurrence of pathological phenomena after prolonged exposure to air pollutants. The effects may be due to the gradual accumulation of cumulative pollutants such as lead, mercury, fluoride etc. until they reach the threshold of toxicity; or may be caused by repeated impact of harmful agents on different organs. Long-term effects occur long after, which may be years or even decades.Air pollution constitutes several respects from other types of pollution; air pollution is present diffusely in the air affecting all individuals, especially children, the elderly and people with respiratory diseases; exposure has long-term effects and sometimes irreversible health effects. Pollution is a factor that determines a complex pathology, favoring the development of several infectious and allergic pathologies. Not all the effects of air pollution on health can be quantified, but most affected are respiratory and cardiovascular system. The effects can have various manifestations: from small biochemical changes, to respiratory failure, cough, aggravation of existing respiratory and cardiac diseases and cancer.Components of the worst air pollution health effects are particulates matter, nitrogen dioxide and ozone. Given that the indicators of ozone and nitrogen dioxide in Iasi are not exceeded, the most dangerous remaining particulates matter (PM10 and PM2.5). It is estimated that in Europe, there are around 100.000 annual deaths from PM2.5. Even if the human body is designed to filter particles, it is still vulnerable to the small size, penetrating into the respiratory system.Increasing concentrations of pollutants such as carbon dioxide and methane, leads to climate change by enhancing the greenhouse effect. Chlorofluorocarbons contribute to ozone depletion which leads to an increase of the amount of radiation coming from the sun with very serious effects on everything is alive; also, sulfur and nitrogen oxides can form acid rains which lead to degradation of both the natural and man-made environment. Pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, volatile organic compounds, nitrates, are part of photochemical smog, which participate in the formation of solar radiation, the radiation being one which promotes the reaction between components. Besides the negative effects that it has on people, shall be added environmental effects. Its acid character can destroy almost any material, from lightweight materials to metal and marble and even monuments of historical interest. The forms of life in such an environment develop very slowly.5. ConclusionsPollution phenomenon appeared and developed with the first urban settlements, but then emitted substances were few and largely degradable. With the development of urban settlements, increasing population, technology development, pollution phenomenon begins to grow. The phenomenon of pollution, knows the largest increase since the Industrial Revolution, when production capacity improves visible.Pollution phenomenon is closely linked to the evolution of the factors that led to the emergence and development. These factors, such as population, urbanization, industrialization, transport, though they are necessary to society, had negative effects on the environment, and with their evolution, effects began to be increasingly serious. The evolution of urban settlements is also a consequence of the increasing number of inhabitants, which attracted by the benefits of the city life, has led to extend of their growing, encompassing more and more territory in the environment. At first, the migration to the city was a consequence of urban attraction with the development of industry, new jobs being the new attraction.One of the main sources of urban pollution is industry. The main pollutants emitted in urban areas are: particulates matter, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, ozone, benzene, volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, hydrocarbons etc.At the level of Iasi, the main pollutant that is frequent exceeding is particulate matter. Other pollutants are registered generally well below the maximum allowed. Moreover, particulate matter is a problem at European level.The municipality of Iasi tries to implement increasingly more projects regarding this kind of atmospheric pollution problems. It tries combat air pollution modernizing the electric thermal stations of Iasi using other kinds of fuel or using special filters. Most of the projects are supported by the state budget or by European funds.

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