ATL NWSLTT R SSU 165 29 06 2018 - rishworth … 165.pdf · Here was high drama to the very end of...

HEATHFIELD NEWSLETTER ISSUE 165 29 06 2018 Telephone:01422 823 564 e-mail: Top of the World SmartMove Appeal AJ Brown & Lionel Richie Y2 @ Sealife Centre! Year 3 Angles Newsletter News For the second time, a Heathfield class has reached the Number One spot on the Mathletics World Leaderboard! Year 3 had undertaken a secret mission to ensure that they once again reached the dizzy heights of World Number One—working all through a single week, they had to achieve a class average score in excess of 11 000 or so in order to be in with a chance. Come the final Sunday, about four hours before the cut-off, the class were a thousand points behind the then-leader, a School in the Antipodes...but in a dramatic push, the gap was closed until, with just seconds to spare, Heathfield was confirmed as storming into a world lead! So, out of 20 000 schools, four million students of all ages, right across the planet, we were world number one when the table closed on Sunday 17 June. The scale of the achievement is shown by the world total of correct answers given: an amazing 30 BILLION! Meanwhile Year 5 and 6 performed their musical Orphan Day over four days to delighted audiences to some super-positive reviews from capacity audiences. The quality of the performances is a tribute to the work which has gone into the play by all members of the HF community—above all, the young people who acted, sang and danced with incredible spirit, dedication and evident enjoyment!

Transcript of ATL NWSLTT R SSU 165 29 06 2018 - rishworth … 165.pdf · Here was high drama to the very end of...


29 06 2018

Telephone:01422 823 564 e-mail: [email protected]

Top of the World

SmartMove Appeal

AJ Brown & Lionel Richie

Y2 @ Sealife Centre!

Year 3 Angles

Newsletter News

For the second time, a Heathfield class has reached the Number One spot on the

Mathletics World Leaderboard! Year 3 had undertaken a secret mission to ensure

that they once again reached the dizzy heights of World Number One—working

all through a single week, they had to achieve a class average score in excess of 11

000 or so in order to be in with a chance. Come the final Sunday, about four hours

before the cut-off, the class were a thousand points behind the then-leader, a

School in the Antipodes...but in a dramatic push, the gap was closed until, with

just seconds to spare, Heathfield was confirmed as storming into a world lead!

So, out of 20 000 schools, four million students of all ages, right across the planet,

we were world number one when the table closed on Sunday 17 June. The scale of

the achievement is shown by the world total of correct answers given: an amazing


Meanwhile Year 5 and 6 performed their musical Orphan Day over four days to

delighted audiences to some super-positive reviews from capacity audiences. The

quality of the performances is a tribute to the work which has gone into the play

by all members of the HF community—above all, the young people who acted,

sang and danced with incredible spirit, dedication and evident enjoyment!

The wonderful mathletes of Year 3 have achieved a re-

markable world number one spot, beating some 20 000

classes (and about four MILLION children) form across

the globe. There were some heroic individual scores, but

it was a team effort.

Here was high drama to the very end of the qualifying

period—a New Zealand class looked to be holding the

top spot against all comers—but a Sunday push from

the HF Year 3 saw us overtake them in the closing hour

or so of the competition, finishing nearly one thousand

points in the lead (just in case you are wondering, this

score is derived from an average across the class, not a

cumulative total)

Even better news was to come—our Mathletics accounts

managers were so delighted with our results that they

sent a surprise package of congratulation, including

wrist bands for all the children involved and a very

smart ‘Super Mathlete’ trophy for the whole year group!

The recent spell of very hot weather may have left you wondering what to do with

yourself to cool off—well, here are a few tips form FS!

1. Find a shady spot, prefer-

ably with a few like-minded


2. Dip feet in cooling pool

3. Produce some delicious lollies

4. Chill!

On Monday, we were joined in our assembly by ‘Happy Ken’, Dom and Chris from Calderdale SmartMove,

talking about the work they undertake in aid of this wonderful charity and appealing for our help. We make

contributions to SmartMove every Harvest time, but the bad news is that SmartMove have been so busy this

year—the number of clients has risen from just over 100 to 160, with another 34 families on the waiting list —

that they are running very low on some items. Whilst they are very grateful for any contributions, SmartMove

are in particular need of the following:

Tinned Foods such as:

Tinned Meat

Tinned Fish

Tinned Potatoes


Kitchen & Bathroom Cleaning Materials such as:

Dish cloths & cleaning cloths

Sprays, cleaners etc.


Toothpaste / brushes etc.

Toilet Rolls

Please take these into classrooms in the first instance—hopefully there

will be far too much to keep in the School office!

I am sure that many of you will remember A. J.

Brown from his appearance at Prize Giving as

guest of honour, and some of you will definitely

remember him as a HF pupil before that!

The picture here shows A.J. with music super-

star Lionel Richie, who had some very flattering

things to say about A.J. after A.J. was his support

act at Scarborough on Tuesday 19 June.

You can follow AJ on Twitter at:


Year 2 continued with a watery

theme by visiting the SeaLife

Centre in Trafford—they had to

admit to finding more aquatic

creatures here than on their last

hunt, in the KS 1 playground!

There was such a lot to see and

do—one of the highlights was

the tank with giant Japanese

spider crabs—others were

amazed by getting up close to


Year 3 were out in the play-

ground, using angle and di-

rectional language to help

to navigate around fearsome

obstacles—including such

horrors as ‘an infinite pile of


There were other monstrous pitfalls, too

awful to mention in a family Newsletter—

suffice to say that they were best avoided if

at all possible!

The end of the summet term, and the end of the academic year always brings a host of fantastic events, so instead

of delaying this scheduled Newsletter, I have decided to (try to) produce a special edition for last day of term—

that will only report on the final week, of course, but I think that there will be more than enough to fill a final

Newsletter next week.

Watch this space….

Follow the Heathfield story on Twitter @RishworthS