ATEP, Tunisia

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Transcript of ATEP, Tunisia

  • 8/18/2019 ATEP, Tunisia


     Tunisia’s history goes back to 4000BC. It is believed that the frst population to

    inhabit tunisia was the berber tribes. Ater that ! "hoenicians ca#e ro# Tyr! and

    settled #ainly in the coasts! where they built the historical city o Carthage. It

    was later invaded by ro#ans ! who built #any i#portant #onu#ents! such as the

    the ro#an a#phitheater o el $e#.

    %tarting ro# the &th century A'! Arab #usli# con(uest occured in the region ) it

    was frst governed by the Aghlabid dynasty ! the *ati#ids! the Ayubids! and the

    +asids who#e! during the last years o their reign Tunisia beca#e a part o the

    ,tto#an e#pire.

     Tunisia was later invaded by the rench! in --! an re#ained occupied until

    -/1! the year in which it ac(uired its independance.

    Nice places to visit in Tunisia :

     Tunis )

    2The 3edina o Tunis the old city5 ) the typical tunisian architecture! #arkets

    souks5! streets! and even the doors! will #ake you eel as i you were in a tale

    ro# one thousand and one nights. It is the perect place to have a true tunisian

    e6perience ) ood! clothes! souvenirs! co7eshops! and the genuine kindness o

     Tunisian people.

    photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5

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    photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5

    photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5

  • 8/18/2019 ATEP, Tunisia



    photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5

    2The ruins o Carthage ) the historical city! ho#e to #any legends! is stillbeautiully standing. It is located in a coastal area! and has #any ruins ro# all

  • 8/18/2019 ATEP, Tunisia


    the civilisations that passed by Tunisia. It has been listed a#on the world heritage

    sites o 89:%C, ever since -/&/.


    photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5

    2The Bardo 3useu# ) this #useu# has one o the richest and largest collection o 

    #osaics in the word! all co#ing ro# archeological sites in Tunisia. It also

    displays #any ob;ects !statues! and anti(uities! ro# the pre historical period to

    to the isla#ic period.

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    2%idi Boussaid ) the world2wide2known blue and white village! na#ed ater a

    #usli# religious fgure who lived there! Abou %aid ibn

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    photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5

    photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5

  • 8/18/2019 ATEP, Tunisia



    3onastir )

    2The Bourguiba 3ausoleu# ) this is where the frst president o Tunisia! +abib

    Bourguiba was burried. =ou can also fnd so#e o the belongings o "resident

    Bourguiba! which tunisians oten re#e#ber as ? th *ather o the 9ation @

  • 8/18/2019 ATEP, Tunisia


    photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5

    2The ibat o 3onastir ) the ribat a the #ost i#portant #onu#ent in 3onastir )

    it’s an over -000 years old ortress all around the city on 3onastir. Its location!

    directly in ront o the sea! #akes it a #ust see when you co#e to Tunisia. =oucan take the stairs to the highest point o the ibat and en;oy the breathtaking


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    photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5

     The tunisian south )

    :6plore the tunisian south! go or a tour in the ? lard rouge @! the train that

    takes you through a ;ourney in the sahara. =ou can also visit the place where the

    frst episodes o the %tar Dars were shoot ) yes Tatooine e6ists E and it’s in

     Tunisia E

  • 8/18/2019 ATEP, Tunisia


  • 8/18/2019 ATEP, Tunisia


    ';erba )

     This little island is a little heaven on earth . Fegend has it that ';erba was the

    island o the Fotus2:aters where ,dysseus was stranded on his voyage

    through the 3editerranean. In addition to its abulous beaches! ';erba hasalways been a crossroads o di7erent cultures ) #usli#s! berbers! ;ewish.... Theisland has #any #o#nu#ents ro# the ;ewish tunisian heritage! such as the

    G000 year old synagogue o el >hriba. , course! i you ever visit ';erba! don’t

    orget to try its delicious ? brik @.


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  • 8/18/2019 ATEP, Tunisia


    One of the most famous monuments in Tunisia

     The ro#an a#phitheater o el $e# ) which stands still till today! and which is thesecond biggest ro#an a#phitheater in the world! ater the one in o#e.

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    Famous Tunisian dishes :

    %lata #echouia photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5

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    Brik photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5


     Tunisian couscous

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    Assidet Hgougou photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5

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     Tunisian sweets photo credit ) +ello Tunisia5