At BANK BB0, petition Governor Stokes to fix aa earlier date for Arbor Day io Soattt...

Publishers. 'Terms, $1,25 per Tear; $1 in Atlantic County DECEMBER 3Or 1905* e carry a line of andU X & & ,'tilizer j/bp, call on us. »."-,^ comprises— apee' Complete Manures, tie Taylor Provision Com- pany's Special Potato and am and Truck Manures, l'« Pure Giound Fish .VINS, ' Dr. O. E. /^ DENTIIST^ Office Hours; &80 a.m. to 12. 1.80 to 6 p.m. Evening by eogagementa. 106 Belle vue Ave., Hatnmonfcon. John Walther Ihe BLACKSMITH AND Has removed to the shop lately occupied . by Al. Heinecke, on the County . Road, and. is ready to do^ i-Any-WorkJn-His Line. -\_J - _ . IXR. jr, .A.. Dentist '-Cogley Bpilding, : Haramonton, N. J The Jtrown. » Qas and Gasoline ' . Engine . ' gives universal satisfaction J. W. ROLLER, Harnmonton, N. J. Harness, Blankets, Robes, Whips, , Trnnke, etc. At L. W. COGtEYU ousehold Goods ' V You wish to sell, notify i ERANK HOENE, Auctioneer, most news get ,. t Still Keeping a good variety of lueen duality and Walk-Over Shoes for Winter wear. 1 . i ' r T. B. PAUI-LIltf. Tr EPASSING-YEARS. -,, , BY EMILY J. BRYANT. The gracious years of God'ore passing h y. Grieve not tbnu for tbe'iinretnrntng pnst; The sad, dark places of «arth leBl.t£y . '''' vast. Tbe gentle years of grace nre passing by, Like alTrilHer's hand irom tbe bending sty Keaoh'd down w^th blessing richly fraught- Wonderful years are parsingJ>y, Ace and dccny and change^Ue years defy, Uncumbercd us tbe host of midnight's «ky, - ~ Swift as a weaver's sbultle_tbey < fly. ' Wonderful years'for bin dear CburcbVto grow. Wonderful years for the harvest of,l(°pl6, Wonderful years for hearts to work anc} glowt Won'dcrfut years ere eternity rolls, k Wonderful years for the world's redemption. ... To win the race to holy, sweet nccord! 1 Oo Thursday evening the Olub-bac the largest attendance io its history While lacking somewhat in literal; attributes, the programme was entirel; new and novel, and was entered into with great zeal by youbfc and old. The Klinjfenberi< find Austin orcbes tra woo the praise of the company. I is bat fair to slate that tbe Club fully Upgrecmtw. these jgupjg^ artists, an( neve.r*tirc8*of their music. The next meeting will be on January llth, 8 p.m, in Firemen's Hall. The programme will consist of readings anc recilaiibue./and music, with novelty sandwiches. . K. tST List of. uaoalled-for letters in the Hammouton Post Office on Wednesday, Dec. 27, 1805 ,- Mrs. 8. it. Wills Mrs. TJbolt Domenico Berlnuto detlo Marco Peinous, calling for any of the above letters will please state that it has been advertised. M. L. JACKSON, P.M. Young People's Societies. Y, P. 8. 0. E.,—Presbyterian Church: Meets Sunday evening, at 6:45. ' , Topic, "Looking backward. What have I learned this year ?" Deut. 8 : 8-20. Leader, Clarence Little field. . '-> .' Y. P. 8. C. E.,—Baptist Church: Meets Sunday evening, at 6:30. \ , Topic, "Looking backward. W*ajl htfve I learned this year ?'» DeUtf 8 : 8-20. Leader, Mian Emma vYerotor. •:: : "::" Jr. O. E., Sunday afternoon, at 3.00. Epworth League,—M. E. Church : Meets Sunday evening, at 6:45. Topic, "WhatK-havo I learned tbla year?" Deilt. 8 : 2-20. Leader, C. D. Jacoba. Junior League, on Friday afternoon, at 3.00 o'clock. Study the topic on Inaldo pago. Church Announcements. Baptist Church.—Kov. Wiltohlre W. Williams, Factor. llUO a.m., "Obnervn- ttons und roiolntloun of Indebtedness." 7.80 p.m.! "A. youutc nian'a qneatlpn and resolution," DofllmilnK Suudny night, Jan. 7th, Woolc of Pruy.or. M. E,Ohiiiob..—]{<>v. Q. U. Mlddletou Pastor. UNUII! aorvioaK. to - Broflbytorian Church— Ilav. n. Harnliull Thiulow, Pantoi\ 10.110 a. m., "Life's vIolnsltudoB." 7.ttO P.m Ing tho y«ftr." nivorflaliBt Church.—Mm, (Ilov.) J. Ilarnor Wllflon will aouduoc HOT vices. Italian Evangolicol.— Kev. A'rnaldo Btaalo, Paator. . Hunduy Horvioos ; Bab- buth Bohool, 10 to 11 ; pi'uaohlng, ll to 12 [trayor mooting, JI.HO p.m. , St. MarU'u Church,—Hov. Pnul if. lollbiun, Itcotor. Lyford Beverage WTotary : Public C< PondoD executed. .N. J. Ifi?* Gen. D^ A. Russell Post elected tbe following, officers at their meeting last Saturday afternoon : .. Commander, Edwin Adams Senior Vice, A, T. Lobley Jwrwor-Ft'cerBr.- -ErAndrews ------ ,-OrvHla Bassett—-------- ~LOfficer of the Day, H. J. Monfort. i A JJB* We have leceived a copy of tbe ^'Memorial addresses on tbe life and characte^ of William J. Sewell," which were- "delivered by eleveD m fellow,'D'..8. Senators and eight members of tbe House of Eepreaentntivee, including Mr. Gardner. It is a beautiful volume, .and the addresses ate reading. |©VH8ppy New Yeae'toalll .--•. t@- Would it not be a good idea for* our local Grange and tbe School Boardfr to petition Governor Stokes to fix aa earlier date for Arbor Day io Soattt Jersey;—For'aere^a'PjtraiiBlrliaVcoma'r -goJate-here that leaves were davelopiog=- on tbe trees.' They.would be likely to glow if set out about April let. ""' 7: - t&- Saturday, Jan. 6th, will be ihe>- : fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of . ( > Mr. and Mrs. David McAnney. The> ; ^v : ; | family propose to celebrate this golrt^tt; ,..'.'• •veddlnit in^ "flttine BtyleV'"Butrbecap3» 7 " ; 7^'™|7^: of their daughter's absence, tbe friei>J»:_/: : ; '?;''.:•: are invited for the following ;Monda/;;^-•'•^v'-;: evening, Jan. 8th. ._•:".. ; ;"^.'''.'''.'.'i-'':,i;:.-''- lg* Did you receive a green slip ? ;•';•' Years for the cause and kingdom of our I/O The New England Club. Pone neatly and promptly At BANK BB0, '•••.-•. ^T.: The vei^aiiiA ^sse& will Sie marked :' V #V 5 •.••£>-, *.jfiSSW^g»lt prosp^ous one . .' , - : - Jr- - . J. ^BF our hi stor y of'Stdre-keeping. ;' WeWierefore extend our heartiest thanks ; ^^' . *. / r ( " . ' ' ' ' . , our^thousands of patrons ,"*•" "."" for their patronage, *. \ assuring theni'that during the year to come ' ' L ' ' ' ' our facilities lor serving and value giving in first-class up-to-date merchandise. only. ' *•+*> '*ffi$jjj$$tfl will be even better than in the pastf ,, ' » •;• ''••' '•'' •'' : " . ' ' ' ' ,J"*u Rqspectfully Yours, BANK j ' n i Bellcvue Ave.j. !Haninianton, Ivf-' Tne Expense of a Gas Range la confided to the moments, •j ^ > vr "i" When the cooking in done Ike OX] s, if you turn off the flaroo; if you don't, it isn't the range that's ektiavngant- Gaa Rangon sold by Hammonton Gas Oo. •Jv

Transcript of At BANK BB0, petition Governor Stokes to fix aa earlier date for Arbor Day io Soattt...

  • Publishers. 'Terms, $1,25 per Tear; $1 in Atlantic County

    DECEMBER 3Or 1905*

    e carry a line of




    ,'tilizerj/bp, call on us.


    comprises—apee' Complete Manures,tie Taylor Provision Com-pany's Special Potato and

    am and Truck Manures,l'« Pure Giound Fish


    ' Dr. O. E.

    /^ DENTIIST^Office Hours; &80 a.m. to 12. 1.80 to 6 p.m.

    Evening by eogagementa.

    • 106 Belle vue Ave., Hatnmonfcon.

    John Walther


    Has removed to the shop lately occupied. by Al. Heinecke, on the County .

    Road, and. is ready to do^

    i-Any-WorkJn-His Line.-\_J -_ .

    IXR. jr, .A..

    Dentist'-Cogley Bpilding, : Haramonton, N. J

    The Jtrown. »Qas and Gasoline ' .Engine .

    ' gives universal satisfaction

    J. W. ROLLER, Harnmonton, N. J.

    Harness, Blankets,Robes, Whips,, Trnnke, etc.

    At L. W. COGtEYU

    ousehold Goods'V

    You wish to sell, notify

    i ERANK HOENE, Auctioneer,

    most newsget

    ,. t

    Still Keepinga good variety of

    lueen duality and Walk-Over Shoesfor Winter wear.1 . i ' r

    T. B. PAUI-LIltf.


    The gracious years of God'ore passing hy.Grieve not tbnu for tbe'iinretnrntng pnst;

    The sad, dark places of «arth leBl.t£y .' ' ' ' vast.

    Tbe gentle years of grace nre passing by,

    Like alTrilHer's hand irom tbe bending styKeaoh'd down w^th blessing richly fraught-

    Wonderful years are parsingJ>y,Ace and dccny and change^Ue years defy,

    Uncumbercd us tbe host of midnight's «ky, -~ Swift as a weaver's sbultle_tbey . '

    Y. P. 8. C. E.,—Baptist Church:Meets Sunday evening, at 6:30. \ ,Topic, "Looking backward. W*ajl

    htfve I learned this year ?'» DeUtf8 : 8-20. Leader, Mian Emma

    vYerotor. •:: : "::"Jr. O. E., Sunday afternoon, at 3.00.

    Epworth League,—M. E. Church :Meets Sunday evening, at 6:45.Topic, "WhatK-havo I learned tbla

    year?" Deilt. 8 : 2-20. Leader,C. D. Jacoba.

    Junior League, on Friday afternoon,at 3.00 o'clock.

    Study the topic on Inaldo pago.

    Church Announcements.Baptist Church.—Kov. Wiltohlre W.

    Williams, Factor. llUO a.m., "Obnervn-ttons und roiolntloun of Indebtedness."7.80 p.m.! "A. youutc nian'a qneatlpn andresolution," DofllmilnK Suudny night,Jan. 7th, Woolc of Pruy.or.

    M. E,Ohiiiob..—]{v. Q. U. MlddletouPastor. UNUII! aorvioaK. to-

    Broflbytorian Church— Ilav. n.Harnliull Thiulow, Pantoi\ 10.110 a. m.,"Life's vIolnsltudoB." 7.ttO P.mIng tho y«ftr."

    nivorflaliBt Church.—Mm, (Ilov.)J. Ilarnor Wllflon will aouduoc HOT vices.

    Italian Evangolicol.— Kev. A'rnaldoBtaalo, Paator. . Hunduy Horvioos ; Bab-buth Bohool, 10 to 11 ; pi'uaohlng, ll to 12[trayor mooting, JI.HO p.m. ,

    St. MarU'u Church,—Hov. Pnul if.lollbiun, Itcotor.

    Lyford BeverageWTotary : Public


    PondoD executed..N. J.

    Ifi?* Gen. D^ A. Russell Post electedtbe following, officers at their meetinglast Saturday afternoon :.. Commander, Edwin Adams

    Senior Vice, A, T. Lobley— Jwrwor-Ft'cerBr.- -ErAndrews ------

    ,-OrvHla Bassett— — --------~LOfficer of the Day, H. J. Monfort.

    i AJJB* We have leceived a copy of tbe

    '̂Memorial addresses on tbe life andcharacte^ of William J. Sewell," whichwere- "delivered by eleveDmfellow,'D'..8.Senators and eight members of tbeHouse of Eepreaentntivee, includingMr. Gardner. It is a beautiful volume,.and the addresses atereading.

    |©VH8ppy New Yeae'toalll .--•.

    t@- Would it not be a good idea for*our local Grange and tbe School Boardfrto petition Governor Stokes to fix aaearlier date for Arbor Day io SoatttJersey;—For'aere^a'PjtraiiBlrliaVcoma'r-goJate-here that leaves were davelopiog=-on tbe trees.' They.would belikely to glow if set out about April let. ""' 7: -

    t&- Saturday, Jan. 6th, will be ihe>- :fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of . ( >Mr. and Mrs. David McAnney. The> ; ^v : ; |family propose to celebrate this golrt^tt; ,..'.'•

    •veddlnit in^ "flttine BtyleV'"Butrbecap3»7";7^'™|7^:of their daughter's absence, tbe friei>J»:_/: :; '?;''.:•:are invited for the following ;Monda/;;^-•'•^v'-;:evening, Jan. 8th. . _ • : " . . ; ;"^.'''.'''.'.'i-'':,i;:.-''-

    lg* Did you receive a green slip ? ; • ' ; • 'Years for the cause and kingdom of our I/O

    The New England Club.

    Pone neatly and promptly

    At BANK BB0,' • • • . - • . ̂ T.:

    The vei^aiiiA ̂ sse& will Sie marked:'V#V • 5 •.••£>-, •

    *.jfiSSW^g»lt prosp^ous one •. .' , -: - Jr- - .

    J. ^BF our history of'Stdre-keeping.

    ;' WeWierefore extend our heartiest thanks ;^^' . * . / • r ( • " • . ' ' ' ' . , •

    our^thousands of patrons , "*•" ".""

    for their patronage, *. \

    assuring theni'that during the year to come' ' L ' ' ' 'our facilities lor serving and value giving

    in first-class up-to-date merchandise. only. ' *•+*> '*ffi$jjj$$tfl

    will be even better than in the pastf ,, ' » •;• ''••' '•'' • ' ' :" . ' • ' ' • • ' ,J"*u

    Rqspectfully Yours,

    BANKj '

    n i Bellcvue Ave.j. !Haninianton, Ivf-'

    Tne Expenseof a Gas Range

    la confided to the moments,•j ^ > vr "i"When the cooking in done Ike OX]

    s, if you turn off the flaroo; if youdon't, it isn't the range that's ektiavngant-

    Gaa Rangon sold by Hammonton Gas Oo.


  • death of George LIlllc Cra.Ik, of~~ "•" "Wbikatoue, England, whose ursf wife

    fteu, ___ and.there's the rub"

    _ which—Is ..agitatingm a n y Amorlcnnscientist1), - and -Hko*wise many ownersof wooden struc-tures In the . JJnl'iedStates.'

    The termite lookslike an ant, but Is

    THE QUEE.-V.

    lly. It Is really allied to the dragonflies and-May-fllcSi— It-Is- of • -tropicalorigin, but somehow managed to colo-

    .In .the land of. tho- free 4tnd the iiasson, whose "Corner in Wo-anep? ria just1 out, has-bad a varied•carjeei^^-He^waa born tnc 1866, ^sailed•over- the globe w^eh .'Jig was a mere

    s»la, NorTftay^g-w'e'den, Spdln-and other

    Abbott coinm'ented.fois.' tweijty he went througb:'^stages'of business life, and5£(;b.e$an ' his newspaper

    ireer in The New York Sun,-with*tie?8>cduragement atd help of Charles

    Mr. Massou began contfl-10 Xlje a. few years after Itshe^s.-^sA-lts managing >and

    aitejary eaito^. The humorist lives In

    Greenaway fills a very ,smalli th,e Temple- of'-^ame;; anVTyet

    „ ajfdeclded infl'uej^ce' upon'Tpub-'r'lilc1 taste.'*She'did a ' gijefci deal

    pu;,^aid-- developingi-aifasliloni to'

    home of the brave. Fifty years ago atraveling entomologist reported, jthat.

    I'bTe'was surprised to find termites "colo-nized in San Francisco and oh theshores of Lake Brie, near Cleveland,O." The termites at some later, date;moved into Cleveland but their Sevas-r

    _tatlons ..were .attributed, to other, caifijes-until Prof. Qldenbach, a Jesuit ic^eri-tlst of that city, discovered &,'••fo±r'family of about a million of them 'andreported his find to Washington. Since


    then the termites have greatly extend-ed themselves In a residential way.How to Offset their destructlve'aesShas become a very serious proposition.

    The Invasion of the United Statesby .the termite has become very tbor-Jough. It has been found on mountau/fops" 6iM3olorado at "a height of, 17,<

    Acetylene la ORed for lighting over100 towns In France; The gas is

    -4iiaderfi'oui calchinj-carbiae; liTiSOSthe consumption of the latter was

    -HjOOO-tonSr 7—^rrrr^r--' '." : "The power generated In _a modern

    steamship In a single voyage acrosstile Atlantic is more than enough toraise from the Nile and set In placeevery stone of one of the great Egyp-tian pyramids.

    Aluminum Is a difficult metal totool, as It clogs the cutter. It alsoshows a teCdeucy .to split and checkon bending.. Some~0t~~lt8™airoys,nis~that with magnesium and called

    SUPPOSE WE SMILE.• • _£1



    - Plensnnt—-Ii?cldent»i~OccnrrJmr~~tttr|World Over—Saylnjrs thnt Are Cheer

    ;. TRUMPET

    Barn'* Horn Sounds a Warnlnto the Unrcdeec

    OVK mart!l lml tn t , I ! q |Christian

    that Bycrybpdjr Will Enjoy.

    Dome'*t!o Diplomacy.

    - Mra, DeSweet— I'd go and spend "aweeK with my sister In the country Iffthought you could manage the housealone. •

    •;. DeSweet— Oh, I can manage It all

    the love ; of:1will look like!

    mnnim a s s itlielr chlldrerjHis mercy.

    Mrs. DeSweet — But I'm afraid you

    workable. ' ^_ .Arnew. typo of submarine ̂ torpedo-boat :ls undergoing tests in/England,

    is only 34 feet Jftnfe by 0 feetIn dluuieteiv^nd can be car-

    ried on the deck/^f" a .battleship, andlaunched when^t hi desired 'to'.bringHHnto-actloar It has a speed,, whensubmerged, aft eight knots, carries twotorpedo tuKes, and is navigated by acrew of t&ree men. . . =• The government of .Ontario--, is ex-

    pected ijo announce shortly a definite

    Not long ago an accumulation /Ofbooks and papers, belonging.)to, *heState of Illinois was thoroughly rujfiledbyV

    tttt least graceful

    ;s Greenaw;" In" large octavo;"

    •..imany Illustrations, by• Vthi•'ijfiers was a Hf i' of' hard;'"wuccess coming liite; i t ;

    .•singularly uneventful 'llfej^nd bsr(biographers would have, had little tolehrolucle but for heir correjpvpndencoi»vlth Riiskln, some of which; 3a rc-

    It'was not a speqliaV.* ,inl-:

    ^>rtant/ -correspondence, ,buj/ yCrtnble,fUT/nlshlng some slight. Injffes to

    ireenaway's opinions. 'Tb,0 flc-IFare a particularly atfraptlve'

    > thuse~lrra large majority of them.^appeared before.

    'f j; Apropos of the rejection of IMgfcrAllan Poo as eligible to .tho American^jatall of Paine,", John; Sv Tabb 'Is

    ^•neplred totwrlte d-stanza bo entitles;>Jeoted5"

    > the charpel,Hall of Famele dead alOne'should go;: wrlto not there tho living nameEdgar/"Allan P6«.


    .Uv».M>.~v. by lt«'IpvontoV, It- Pnlnton,

    .of Ixindon, to*enable n.v^sso) to croud•tile Atlantic in three d«iy« or lea»'< In-utrnd of a nlngrlo screw or twlir ficroirs•till BchoBio la to"equlp>'a .viuBpl',wltJifcnlf a dorqu: They rtre la4-«atloiM-nre at uroik 'upon a map

    •Poor ^

    y-rWhy .dofis Freddy hftve sodeuced many broken cigars In tls vestpocket

    'feiarence—Sh!chaps to think he hugs so many'glrls^tp^oent pin only proy%ih'so he breaks the cigars and puts' themIn hut vest pocket every evening.

    r a- Bad Debt. .;• BJenks—Sayv' BJones, recommend

    fSe-to your tailor, will you? v^-rJ3Jones-?-Sure.!.̂ rf-yon" wlirpay :mithat;$50 thajjypu owe me flrst;"^!ervllle J

    ' In. Earnest.The -Woman—No! But t; can be .a'

    mister to your--*:---- *"; y"All rl^ht CarLyiOUF sfsjer down and

    I'll propose tp-liejrat one^."-^-ClerelandLeader.^" .* 0s

    /' Wnrm Knoucb.

    "Do you, think the new •janitor hasa vocabulary . that is sufficientlywarm?"'

    a man bythings he wan

    Many preachers prove their cour|by whipping the lambs _ _ JL

    A chance comes to every man. Vftyour chance comesr-ba ready _ - _|

    T>oarTTTwuys has b-.use for the •who cannot make a truce with jsl/

    He who Justifies the mean9?byend will be Judged by thejimethe end.

    Giving men .the. 'chujfChrist ; Is aa'_ successful igfienioli chaff.i'^ome people...'

    era'nt because 'it exanican; only .croak.; j^-j''

    : The only, ;thin!s^hatag^KfeC^rigbt^ to; riiieg

    "*" '"""J^tfWX?tef^gopdjc.can ent

    to d In the service.Many men, hold their

    as an ice-ticket to beneeded In tn^Blc own count^fi *-*

    Freddy wants the I .The j»uceesa-of "ft cpookedt sttc

    of a good pole ~wlth abehind It

    Thereo£h m e n | K t h e p r e i \ 8 courM1

    cluyed n tenn In the rough andble of dally life. _ j. •

    self he. hns- done notbiij6tprlspn-tnay go,to"pfirditloii^he has left undone.

    The church member who-winter Is always the one whojto .say. about the devil pojtjvacation In summer.

    ' . '_..'• m' . THE SALARIED FOLKS.

    Who Do ;-ol Share In cu Era ofProsperity, bat Pur

    I "C

    Happy Thought.'remarked the cheerful Idiot,

    distinguished,no such

    The iacoi

    . ...j prosiierlty uk'flj^-Jinil :;M|!ial

    Ila Vnit Ntrnlii* Ilio IAfnny bf tin) olllcors of B

    ninnhiK In thin port aro nllllotud wi thn now dlamiAn, which for wiint. of abetter inline oonio Of thoni call the"foil oyo." It In an l i i l lnniuint l i i i icnimod by peering Into Out fog, midwhi le pa in fu l It HOOII PIIHHCH uwiiy.

    ( 'nj) t ( i ln n iKKlim anil t lm oltlcurn ofHie United Hlu t f« li'nilt Coinpany'Mpnimenger and mail nlcnincr Admira lKninpHon, whli^h arrived at I.oilBWharf this morning nfter a good runfrom Junmlcnii ports, wornthoio whono «yon wnre nn*e(;lud bytots.. Uliniilng (hroug)) fo« and tryingto dlnt l i iKUlnh objuota wJ|op It In nl-inont'lmpocalbleto Roe a vrn.iol'H lounlli

    « lieavy •irnln .on tho eyn»,and j tog, riiiiib|nod with tlio |iim||prodflft a nnlui'tlng Bonmitlon.—IIQU-

    "I've got a scheme for stopping thesale of. cigarettes." ) j World that tho it

    'What 'tis?" queried tho blooming ' tt i6n'e"way ttfterjchump.

    "Compel tho makers to give the plc-j country;ture of the user with each package,"] _^fromexplained tlie c. I.

    j clerks, schQoT^bacher|̂ ^^)«|̂ ||rj[^ «t

    ,. 1_ a great disadvantage, because, with. . . thpdQYtt|0nuiw)t0Mli


    t(i Cootre of the Dlrlne Ke»«I»tlon

    oplrlt at Pentecost-1..12-13). • :

    7'he divine announLord Jesus' before

    since. (Jonn,

    pment of"' ourUs birth, was.

    "Thou shalt call His name Jesus. Heshall' be great and shall be called Ou-Son of the Highest; and the Lord Godslinll give unto Him the throne of Hitfather Davi(I. .mini, I I I . , :.'). Tlitj

    Mliow l|ial Ilio fill-ers nf ( l l i r l N t wore aiTo|>to(l of the

    ids off them

    very fine witfi 'one-half .pound, ealch, ofcelery and mushrooms. Add a oablo-spoonful of (6nlon juice, one-fourtrn tea-spoonful -of/flnely minced parsley,\pne"fourth teasBoontul- each of lemon jrulce,thyme and Jwe'et basil. In^orporatol thewhole and'atwa teaspoon! .','.pf salt landa dusting, af pqoper. Stul ii'je tur*ey.truss and roast"as usual.!"?fe'.rye onv alarge platter/'and garnish I Vj^ Pars:and lemon points.; '\ -. - !i

    Turkish Stuffing.—One c\: 4^f- rice.'one dozen French cwestnuts,1 L"?4-fourtbpound :-of. well-washed curp'A'fi, one>

    - - i'-'-£fr*U ' Vf^Ai4'*^lc^rt''"'v trfh£'ii "''fi '.'rt f

    monda", "one-fourth^Siaspoonful each':-saIti paprika—anf < l o i l ? Why, then , I I I , - s lalei i iont .i l ial Ilii' li'allier, the Nun anil the lloly

    l l i i i M l iit-e wl l i iKM,s l i iH In heaven Uni tII-NIIS IH I He Hun of Goil? Kvery In le r -

    I H i l M t l i i n , ani l \ve a iv Kind ( 'lint, l imy nn-few. i n i i r l tH l lNi 'H' I I H mi a l i M i i r i l l l y , a n i lI ' M i i i i o t In* l ianiioid/.rd u- l l l i ||n> I n -

    .| tut VV'« i'i(,— 'Vhlni5-ni'Vlili 'iu'-

    tu i ' i 'N I IH Klvc i i li.v ( f u l l are nf i l l v l n o In-f j i lni l lon, jnut Ilial nolliliiK .Hlnnilil liemil led |o t l ieni nor l a K e i i I'l'oiu t l ioin,

    Imwovi'i', II IN Die duty ofovvry'"dilld ol' 'Joil

    IllV1' / I H when li i 'KulU'i i id' tin! It l l i lo uny por l lnn ,I I I I ' l ' I IHl l

    nn Hiltl i ln


    t l i ( > fate of HID S u l t n i n i L.MiM-oivo will, hi all |iii>l>abl)liy,cldvil" ui'ioii ny tlu; l i i te i - i ia t lu i i i i lw ( i roi i -ICrenee noon t i > lie held :a 'tile III IKSlii inli-l i town of Algecli-nn, In Ainl : i - ln-Mlii . o|ip(i.slte the Knek nf ( l lhrii l tar, UTfollow.lllK. l lOl i -H will bo. of, ( l iemore tin aw t in* I 'njted SlatuH will b.:'i-i'Pti'Hfiitei'l by two ileltfrfiite.t ;it l l l t wCl)Ilfl:l'lMl,' Is rap/dfy depred«tinf;e least- surprise theman-

    ill-fcnown linn of Jewelers., , j , :r?ar|B«:r nf -said, "must b^ w-onnI* ;Vwi'*' 'reQnen^y to preserve them. Iff'a-jgoon,;. fotm . „„„„, neck,ace and Jock y.j

    necklaLworth'}did no;ager of

    The Prince of Wales has made u.jB""«,;- iotimpression on thq Indian rajahs by' ltis^;talcegun shooting. He killed his first tlg;err,,,-you will find that In the course of'v"m0ahmnliayhotai Ja'"ur> on *?i I'"^'-frin6% pearls vtjhecome dull and lose-w i g s o . i^V^'i^/^iiilie^n^OSat. makes them so vali

    A nephew of the Kinperor of"fcniffl(j',[ ;|ieorlooms' whlfrR .nave beenand the chief engineer of thevOhlnec(Js • :jf|Oovernment aro In England "hjakjn:?-.>'.iirranKome.nts for the bu|ldlrig fii Chin*.'./"

    I will ^qtnetlmes behaveide'teriorntod' ln'"ithls.yay.

    or a great ^arsenal or facthinking of Military

    •'•̂ t- Is the fashionHotocudos (o dllatthoIFght wood. In

    >r factory^fpt' thc^) lose;thelr glow and,In some instancesl!"*5ii>*:'''' ?; become almost block. Pearl neclclace«>iffllJIiPilC'*savagte1. nev-0r'!keep so well QH when..they ar»^^jpiver lips and'* cgns'tantly on tlie neckH-.of' their •

    round piece~6f t'-'eff '"."•'••""-'• "-•

    ilece of wood Insert- 'al Influences have to do wltfcichild grows, largpr1, the matter, but I thlilk it is'-roore iUf*-:;pieMa aro Intro- . Jy ̂ ̂ effectr,^duc ^ *~

    i .air. You can

    -IN THE DARKThe amoilpt of {8,000,000 will hi.- .spent

    for i l n - aii ieM(ji-atloii and einliJl l lMlrnicntof the Tiaii.svaal capital, /


    I t e i 'M wb(i\»:rnw Hull'rfi,- iviu'l Jl'O" inlva'iicii

    wu| lor. \|n Ji ' ranco t l io I n - i t hrcud of I

    irdih-tvd to Ii'; (he 1 Yaotuial ' i .' f l . - u i i t l a l n t h e VelHl i t of f i . ' l t l 110,11'll'l'H In el|;||ti-)'m l l l i l l l l l l f l .Mil ' welched 7i;:i i n j i i i i d i i al the ai ini i thi i nnd t \ V u i K y - l l v n day.-i.

    en >

    Kress nn lll. (Mil), (Hill,

    Itor«m-rtv»#y, old Man. do yoa•ld«r ||f* w»Hh Uvlnft

    , v llurfui»n-—yhat' depends. Do>Moxino in m»att-niy Hf^oV your*?

    rinon eolo- ('' -' - - ;

    -e nlThe nil welln near I 'Mni iu i pnulmin-eiiein. a l i c i n l ::IMHI l i a r re la n day.M . - x I r u i i I ' . l i l i n l I ta l l r i ind linn nilI n t o a r i i n l i a e l w i t h (l ir M e . v l i - i i i i

    I lie nilli'""cl will IINII Ml• nn l'ia-1 finHa |i>eiiiilii|lvei4 Tin-V ,,III|MIny \\-lllitntl'ii ahotit .'twill,DUD bttrielii a yi'iir.

    Tin; |K»(t nl' .Si ' i .-n'liirVnr I l ie I c . w nm u i h - l l nl' i ' . i i I., l u - wh l i l) 1 , 1 ' l l u n u v a i i

    IM.-I h, en ; i | i | n i h i l i ,l| |>ay'n a > a liir.\- Hi1 }lii(> a month.

    .She (eloping on tho .trn!n)--l thinkwe're Mife, .laeli, dour,

    Tie Why?Nlie I 'np t i won't iiursi|4» ui until b«

    laud* n

  • A Few Straight

    Are you a wageretttber? .Have you any depen d-ent upon you? Howmuch would7 they loseif yon were to dieprematurely ?You should insure inThe Prudential, andprotect your familyagainst misfortune.--':—

    In su rce do;

    Write for information of Policies.

    PrudentialHome Office^

    . • ' •*?:•.•'i..' In'corporatedaB _ ._, .

    i^ r r by; the Stale of Kcw Jersey.

    ^ JTOHN F. DRYi)EK, Pr08't. , EDGAR B. WARD,,/I^SLtE 1). WARD, yofe-Pees't ,\ EDWARD GRAY. Beo'y.'̂ fr:-f- 'FOR^E&T y.vCRybEN.srdVioe-Pres't.' ir >:gv^- • _____^ Ĵ,;̂ ._i-.̂ ..-^^ySllfes. TRUNCBR, Asrt/Snpt., /WjlliamBtownVNTji \M:-.:* ..six;-.1 X- - - - - -*-•••-- •-• ' .•-.£>•'-•" ••"• '" '",•'•'".-^' '•—rv.:~- ••

    ^^The^^i^lloJ^iiocola^l^ %ery box



    F«ĉ s"iv-K, ^^^$C* ••^f.r^-'l'• •••"• ••• ,^\u'". •**- ' ' " ' _ - • ' - - * r - f - -i . •' " • ^ M v i' -I" rJVL..JA' ? .•P5 !̂"- ' ' • • • ^ v 'viil''y$**^'xQv&. -. i ...' . r-" n.̂ "

    f, BeMievue Aveiiue. /",-;

    W' • • 'ly .̂iite'11^. . . T;

    There's no economy in "cheap" paintIt's a waste of matliials, waste of labor, waste of

    time, waste of wood, because the paint cracks and' blisters and'exposes the surface to dampnesa'and decay, r : •,-•;i 'There Ja nothing to risk with . - » • - . . • .:•-.; . '

    •Js-to^ ;̂

    P4|i • 4'">

    Lucas n.̂ Paints[Frf.'yTpK: 1,'. They.arc boclced by tbo-knoWle'dce and experience of sixty years making; bjr

    PPri*' . » • ' , ' . t h e te»lii«iony of thousands of satUfiJd users; hy our/"Challenge" of superiorte^f!;,, . ~™Hmjincyjr"glos», covering capacity, and durability. Aak your dealer.

    m^if'r '''' '''y^.'"V John Lucas «L,4? Philadelphia•?M*'- '•*>yVjr • • ' • ' • _'T-j^ .. —

    Cnmden, N, J. T.Capital . . . , . jjtlOOJOOO.OOSurplus . . . . . . SOO^tfO&OOUndivided 1'rolits . . ,10(},907.40l)epoiill> S,8«,141.21

    Interest|>er cent on depo^ltii,

    14 Jiiyn' nuiico tu• withdraw. 'Daaklafc by Mall

    onn he done

    Truat Deport'meiit. Acin 119 Ivx-

    . Trustee,etc'. VVIII^ kept willO

    >a iinil upwardW()O1>,

    (.'.'itiiiivu I Win. J, liriulloy

    -{Entt red aa second class matter,1


    SATURDAY. DEO. 30,1905


    To-morrow will olose the year1305,-—a year fraught with eventsthat make history interesting andimportant.- ••-

    OnMondaywe. open Jiew:page8-inour Ledger, and, so far as possible,begin a ne~w yea'r with clear finaticial

    " aonTdFlfie'jnext twelve months will,date from

    y, and all things human haveje to Jan. Isjb' jMany:of nsgladly wipe/out all 'Onr old

    scores and begvn'a clean new recordbook with J#06 at the> head. Weare none ctf%s altogether proud ofthe pag^/iast filled.'"But/there's the rub.:. This division

    of course, on ^ture's"in the dryine economy

    not recognized. Eternity' ise b&sis of God's plans, and days,onths and years have no recogni-

    tion, in his decrees.1 The 'earth's/revolutions continue, without inteVfruptibn, and leave 'no mark at theyear's close ; the placets move on intheir fixed orbits-, 'wfthpiit a break ;man's heart-beat&jtfe as' regular asbefore, and his' Fquty towardInfl nite is not affected- Ijy.V changingdate? '-'^ •~~«^;f "r^.r;

    It iB-^ell 'that ma^ shoiildnize. these facts, and while preparingfor the new yearjsee to it;that hisrelations to his Creator, are /properlyadjusted, that his ne.vfer-cbarigingobligations of love, and obediencebe realized and.acknpwledged.

    This will nrakent "a tr.ulyNew Year. .' : '• v.ti ;. :Vr


    tion of M. B. fidylb'rtbe following otilcaia were elbcud andappointed :

    "~''W" ' ^ y

    Bueeelt. A. Wane, Dr. Waas ..


    Ih'i ijiliun I'H nidi'K u« u rallinrtlo ,,"

    O,IU|ili Hyrujificilii

    t|io liownlil. ItoVii* Utf l«viiil(*li f(»Ml4tli>nii o( Dm tliront, (IritWM

    it tho InnaiMiMtttl i i i i , »ur«.« |ho i^MitjiiHtHlHtr^n^tliriiiitllm liMiroiiN rnrnihmiiiw of tint IllUK* Al'il liroitulilal

    tlw»«- Kwocmiy* IjAHnilro llnnnj nnil Tur ti u cnrtatiitfo, )>ritin|tt mill liiiriiil«an cur« Inr noKU, t:|-(n)]i i


    Ir lc i i i lHol H«v. H. MumlmllTliurlow, ptiHtor of Lhu I'rcMliylnrliin

    , and hln wife, must havu appro-claliid thulr ivoili ( lur ing thu puut year,nu t|)(j'y rwAlvvd no IUHH thitn ten prtiM-cutn Iron) thurn on (;iirltitni|\«, loulu-

  • p, after Education < meets

    log;.resume tbeir early

    •week. ; ; '-,,,lulldlnglotson Pleontnt

    u Btreet, at reasonable

    -"Dutch jcakesl"> week.|lvlns was a Christ-

    I borne.tjMeetiDg to-nlght,

    few. Year "shooters"ISunday night.RNK our. many friends

    «r our iucoesa of the year5»ppy New 'Year and tbut[nt- success" 18 oar cordial

    I, oyne C^dy Kitchen. *"-lie pofe ID front ofi

    (Tyeatwitay.biladelphia, is




    will eater the


    a Zietz andhome comers at

    -a bound — white, brown, at the Lake.

    IT. Williams entertainedf t from Collmswood,-v

    irleht and wife, of,rii, Christmas with

    IfsJi Monday. Theill clone, accord-

    k Al^iotic City,oton after


    ft Loveland

    Christm?All of oor schools report a very cood

    atle)idupco at tbeir o-orcitos, nod theweather could not hatfe buou better,—clear ahd cool "~

    Un Christmas night, the UniverpnlistSunday School presented, a cantata,which pleased all. This wns followed

    T>y BiDgins; 'by flVe'ITttTe nirls, a solo by"Mies Nama Layer, and a tableau, "Thethree ^wlse tnou." It was one of theheai eDtertaiuiiiBDts given by them for.seyi' years. Ainoiig the good thingsthe tree bore was a substantial gift ofoioney J^ the Ladies' Society, fromMrs. Oagood.

    The decorations in the*"M. E. Church;that same evening, were remarkably"tttlcj Tb^ ujdiD I'Ooro was fiHed, and:the overflow were seated in the SundaySchool room. The music was excellent,

    And well rendered by choir and school.The little folks took tbeir parts,.in reci-latinos and exercises, with confidence,'and; Pastor Middleton's address was,KOdd. . They, always have an interestingeptertaiameol'. After the audience was•rfiemlssed, the children received boxes*of candy, etc.'J The Preshytenans^had ̂ n unhsnallygood time, and plenty of visitors to'helpthem enjoy it. Tbeir well arrangedjJOUBe enables all to see) and bear. Thescholars' were ready and willing, and"did tbeirpart la tbe entertainment well.Tbe singing was aided by a cornet andclarinet. , Miss Phebe Newcomb sang a

    u, Candy was distributed.v- v- Baptists bad a crowded bouse-on

    Wadbesdtay.eveniog,— about a estimated, tdmed" away on

    no room. Their programmejWas1 improved by tbe add-on of severalJuBphets. Frorn the Binging, to .thedfffltEclasa exercises, primary ̂ depart.meut, aj|j| -recitations, ilif wa'ttliyl' from"Pastor" William's"Dic^purse of money }remetrtbered*, .Uandall members of tbedrawback waselectric lights,several minutes.

    tit. Mark's gave tbeiron Wednesday evening, 'in; tljiSiir 'hall.Magic lantern views, appropriate to'ttftjioccasion, were, thrown, on a tureen; andexplained by Rector HuOman. ''Follow-ioK wan a distribution of presents tochildren, teacbeis and Rector. .Eachchild received a floe box of'caody. Notthe least enjoyable feature of tbe eve-ning was the games, In which all thn



    The*nlyu« of the



    took part.Finely decorated trees were promi-

    nent in euch church.

    Anew Idea In a Cough Syrup It ndnncn) In Kcnnd)'> Lixatlve Iloni'j anil Tar. nnlilu ouuMln-aiKflUB Tiu, lluuej uuU uthCT-ralmibl« rmiwrcndnml Laxative, «o tliattu »«e Iniurei a jiromptand efficient «Tacuailon of Hie boweli. It relaxM ibebflproui nyiitem, and ouree all ooughiteoldi,iuoup, etc.-4 rod clover hloMom and the honey We l«3aa 'every.bottlo or th«Original Ijixntlte Oougb Syrui>-4t»riiie.M Unlive Uunoy and Tar. Bold by Matluclc &Hereon.

    -Associations- next—week,iremen'B Hall. The Worklnguien's

    tl, with election of officers, onIHV tivotilou;; on -Thursday cveuiuK,lumiuonton Aeaociullon.

    Mr. VVm. Durnnhnuee bus ro-uruui) from his trip to Norih Carolina.le\lravels with and^oars open,

    vea uu outerlamiug account of

    thebad a



    fiflli the eye•UflMOAN.

    Twugon, fromlipuny, subject

    tlioflshts and morn-

    Ceives no salary,

    fMtom ilcnlKHB 111 porfootPualtiuieg,

    «y A vu., uour Jlulluvuo.

    C. KomBliouBo spent ahis parents, then vlelted

    r Is being treated ut Whiteha.

    U. Marshall IH\D moved h|s•lid wogon shed ^f-J-bm Wublilng.

    ut, to tlio rear of liln'otoic, on

    lt»«|ih«rry 1'litntn fnr KII|U, doi.a•'"Hit. ". MANT01HI.

    Coineiery\Avo. nml Third Htroet.

    . Phillips Co.ling, Atl«ntlo City., ; '-

    his vlo t, vyilh puncll illuelrutioua.

    I t I* Iniiioiulbld to liava a clour liiiul, an ncllve lirnlii.u vlnor,iu« cunalltutliiti in u «truiiK Uiily wlion tin,dlitudlloii la woak or wtioii ilie iituumuli In ?emi if ahoiiau. Mrs. I). C. Moore will be athome with them during the winter." ". I«y I |l»n,| H,ilvo. A ilwilllo lur lillet. del thegolHiluo. Hjld liV ll«llu,:ll A l')e»un.

    It Is aold that ilia next Htateturo will, ha, unkud for 4(125,0(10

    I'J.IW. for 25,Q(ja aar.t)H of Iniid bulwoeulieni and May 'a Lund ing. Thlu IH to bita roitorvy whereon to H'VU praulloalilustioua III loroetry, •

    HaT QoorRo Carson and wlto, withtbolr^djiughtar uud bunbund;— VictorFmhor— nil of Atlivntin City, 'altto lliupuniius ot Mrs. Cuiwin— Mr. und Mm.Ditvld MoAunoy— ulu ClnlHtums Ulniidrwith Mr. and MI'H. Win, A Frunoh.

    N i> I 'HMnui |ilon»nt ami iiu'lflvo u l igWIiu Mill,,Karl? Illivri. 'l,1l,»«u lf,,niuii. 1,1m,, I ' l l lnura •«by

    *Sy All town accounts will ha closrdwith the -year to-night. The. auditorscan then complete their work, and- a

    t/3F The January petit jurymen fromIlamuionioa will be1 Messrs. Fred.Nicolai, Cht»a. K N«)son, Albert L.Jackson, Michael K. B»yer. .rpHE ANNaAL'MEBTlNQ of QrcaDmount-jLr~t,'enTetCTy AnBOotiitttn,-,— fni^-Hie-u'eoi.nta01 rru«tci!Buiiil oilier timlneM, will l>« ti«la IntneHi-cremiy'd olllcobn KrlUayovouloB, Jan.6th, 1900, at 8 o'clock.,

    OK.V1LLE E. HOYT. Hi-orotury.

    t&~ Miss Phoebe Newcomb is thewelcome guest ol her parents for theholiday vacation, tibe is teaching in a

    __ There will be another last of theseasori' foot-ball gkme.'^oa' New Year'sBay, at three o'clock,"between the High

    -ffchooi uud the Ilaiiiniorrtqnr

    F)R 'WALE— OHKAP.— two-story,liocm', and lot SOxlft), Third Sireei uBellevun A venue. Hummontou, tt«\aafflaeestuto of Z.U. Maubewx,. uowoodmiled •

    - ' —.'W. KTONE, Adca'c. Oil BitrtleW -'B.aildl _.Atlantic

  • Danny Deever.

    •What .are the bugles blowin' for?" saidFllea-on-Parade.

    TTo turn you out, to turd you out,"the Color Sergeant said.

    "What makes you look BO white, so__ 'white?" said Flles-on-Parade." Tm draadlu' what I'»o jjot toiyatch,"

    the Color Sergeant said.For they're hangin' Danny Deerer,

    "you-can 'ear the.Dead Mi^rch ploy,

    cut his stripes away, . .^i An' they're hangia' Danny Dcever

    ' t In the morning'.

    "What makes the rear rank^ breathe so, * 'ard?" said Files o^-Parade

    fc»,l "Ifa blttervcoldt> It's -bitter cold," ths' Oolor Sergeant said V M '

    1 *' "What makes that front rank nuuffall•^p t down?" laid Files-om^at^de)

    "A. touch of sun, a touch of sjjii,', * ' X 1 Color Sergeant said *» ̂

    * * Tfe>y are hangin' DannS JDeevor"S»ey are marchln' of 'litt round, ,̂ .

    'ave 'alted Danny DVever b'li:*nmn nn «hn j^nimdr''*

    Vll swing in 'art a mfnute ft>jnctkin' nhootln' honnd-r-

    f, they're hangin' Danny MDeeveIp .Ujennornln'. \

    , right-'and cor to~mliySton-Parade, 'j -tL1 ^uWan' .fwrffeOrnfglit,"

    ' time*,"


    Anecdote* of tlio Monarch Who HalJu«t l.o«t a Crown.

    Although the people of Norway hn rt'"

    have little against :KlngT Oscar as ademocratic Individual. He. Is a tall,erect, handsome old gentleman, court-ly and kind In .manner, and is, perhaps,'the most approachable monarch. Sev-eral years ago, while aboard bis yacbt"Drott," In northern waters, a partyon a passing steamer asked permis-sion to go aboard. It was courteouslygranted.

    King Oscar, In greeting his visitors,njUd, "f fear I can not show you sucha ya(±t_as~you .me;.thls.morning, but she Iscomfoitablp enoughfor. an old gentleman, and I have spenttT/enty-two happy summers on her."—'go-a-jonrnallstJn tho pacty_th.o_Klns_granted a few minutes' cotiversjltlpn,and hla first question, li/pt-rfect Engllsb, was, "You have u great many olby countrymen In your j^gBthwesteriJ*territories!—Wli at gortthey make?" )"•

    "Tho best we have, y>Smiling, and thlnk'nfe"


    Kdward Rutledge was the youngestof the famous Itutledge family of SouthPnrnllnn «nd-ihg_brothpr_qf thnf

    Rutledge who wasthe boldest of revo-lutionists and pro-nounced by PatrickHenry the greatestorator at the firstcontinental con-gress... ._.;_.- _:_!

    Edward Rutledgehad been a studentof;-law, In the Tenr-




    t 'v. '


    foe*,r, yon

    r*— ; <

    an' thy

    • DteVet


    .•nby's soul ihajColor "I

    ™ti *•*vyou can

    P'̂ S.̂'he •* regiment's Iv they're marchm*

    Ho! thtf yqnnp




    hr Danny Dee-the. quicUtep; fcolumn,

    ..Good Grny I'oet.'!;j ( •

    At West IIIlK.'fn tli>pjte*\jslilp tntrtngton, \4 I,.' a tablJTliai releSt"

    greeted at the blFUVlace. of

    Itf1'*̂ .: îij


    THE wrwontAi..

    or la It a newspaper inanls~dlpl«naticanswer^' / ? -

    Not long ago Klrtg Oscar was sittingIn the smoking room of a Wiesbadenhotel, where • a: group of gentlemenwere discussing the questions of thehour, strikes, socialism, comnvanlim,the revolutionary tendencies of thetime, ACT--One" of the party, expatiat-.lng/6pon bis pet theories with constd-ejrable vehemence, wound up with the/emark, "The days of .monarch!*) arennnJbered." ; •;,/',., King Oscar' looked up and' smiled.i "Evidently you don't agree withme," resumed' the speaker, "but can"you" give me any good - reasons forthjnklng otherwise?" : •, •'.""""Only one.-l-anr-tbe^Klnsrof™St(r*T.

    derf," he replied. ;

    Oqnstly OnrloJltle».;., ..'•.pajuato, the ruined, crtj; of Mex-

    .was destroyed"'"! ' """ "burnt' fbi'njHtiesi one .of th^eeurI«J|ftfii^P"the.vaults'many Wuthe '•oil. Tlrtence of the fflerdes of the en:

    'pnd dead In theribbon counter!"

    i-rleil the floorValkev, exrltcilly.'How: inopportune!" • exrlitlnmil -tho

    lioiid nf the OrniJ "Our unilertaklnt;i?sp»rtment won't jueri,slstent. And at present' the^Ssbuld ;ri8t',be turned .from therr'psttll^lthey.^hfeid;chosen for themselves. ,.They.were t66;

    'corrupt to be able to call upoh'God;with any confidence. In-order tp»ask'His aid they must put away ,customs and learn again th* wa$truth, and they were not .refldythat. ^ Indeed, vaS expressed }~ '"*'turesque, phrase of Isaiah's, .*h^Sij'engaged in drawing sin, or Bmiljtoward them, "as it were" jVlthi-Sfcrone." They jfere not Just'drirUn|to sin, But 4w«ee actually ftulllnthem aiitt,hwteing \t -\riaJai *nounces^wtfe upon tnenV'ifor-^

    "Ah,"—a supercilious young womanraised her lorgnette and gazed, at theemblem,—"yon belong to: some—ah—secret society or organlzatlpn'?"!

    • "T5s,"_8aidj_Uncle Sam's nephew,nmiabiy0"lt'8 my club, you know; anil

    of us." " "^

    '}" ttoneaty of thr Moderu Kdiil.•"Aind now. my KOII." said the haul!

    >re$HU>at, "on tblH the tbrcsbold ofyouf-VusIn'eHS.llfo I desire., to-lmprcfif!due tlHlUgb^ upon you. Honesty, over

    ry,'.H,, father." said the young man.

    Ihn^ .y * — - • • • . - - - - - - - v ->- -«c i "

    **"And, l>y the wny," appendediruybenrd. "I'would urge you to rendUp a Jlttle...rat|n law. It _wllj

    ' timnze yon tf' Hnd how inany tilingsy'on enn ilo In 11 l i l lHi lK'Rfi vrttf anilstill be Inmost," -MlmKWiiollft . ' . lour.n«L, . ,.,""• V''

    Her Objection..'

    \ • . . . ;' . , ' / , .V

    .:'. Van, .I.'jiid. .Thnt,'a. w)iflf"y6't|;pH(y1

    /'My dear,',' whispeircd Uie huabaiuiwho had accompliulud kla butter halfto, the shop where She expected to pur-

    a si>rlnK • gown. "I tliliik tliut

    Walt Whitman by the Colonial SoclotjHnntlngton. It waq llrst proposed)lkc« a tablet on the old homesteajt

    the poot won born nnd spent I)U-toji^thSW^aent owner of'thcl dress with tlift black lace fixings on

    to/becftuse^Tt 'w.rm. thtwghtjjjfl It la nobby. Why don't you get UV""Pli, It would never do," anxwered

    the wlf«. "Everybody In wearing tt.itrt"." . . . - , .:"Then, here's iinothfir Kd-looklnu

    .''•.,-' (MalnO*ll «• n doctor wlinu I grow lip,

    and 1 thought I'd brgln liy ciittlnn imfthe npprndlx," ..... Iildge.

    «*•««*• of rrlriidnhlp.

    Ho — Thoro goflu Hmlth-JonoM and binwlfo. Uiitli ffltll intothe 'hajjds of the Persians;' And noneof tnese empires was built upon right-eousness, such as the law, of God hadtaught them. Force ruled, and ItH au-thority wus enforced very' ruthlesslyon the weak and poor. ._...!..

    The Jews them»elveH had, no doubt,JfiJiny a taste lottiejr captivity of what,power that w~as~nbT"cb'ntfoiled-by injcr-Hlre to serve God meant to those. Who,eame under It. Tho Htory of tho Booko{ .Ksther gives UH one notable exam-ple1, the whole Jewish race In exile wua

    'made the prey of a bad man by thewhim of a weak king. The JoWB .weretoj be maRsucred to KMtlfy tlic';;prlde«rtil-ai)lte..ot .u.courtloVi (inil only es-c-alied this horrlblo fate throiiKiv.nrSlitoicc, of God by meanH of tho

    Then remember how Hhadrach, aHhek and AbedneKO wvro • treated'....rufuHl i iK to worship an Idol, and hojj|>unlel \yiiB thrown lino n tlV-ii of Ilo;

    "for ViofUHfiiB""ti>"~«'orahl1p~tr-iynirHtupld king1, uml for openly prlij;(Soil nccordliiK t" »!H e.uslom,

    • ArbltrarlnesH without any HOII'oHpoiiHlblllty to u supremo In ,rlghtflousnoHH marked the il«cdH ofI'ulei'H of Ibo Vmp!re.H under which1.'.?.JeWH wero living In exile. Tl)«y wouloften lliiiib-Tluit they had ul«o hfl l>efor< you accepthim?

    "That nuin tfolng down tho strtat Isnvldontly onn of your uiout prominenteltlzeiiH," remarked the Htninger wltli-In thu K'ttoH, (

    "Tliat'n what ln> IN, ntnuii{«r," r»-Dlniiil tiin native, "Hut how did yougiuisa ItV"

    "Why. ovorybody turns uronnd to.louk n f l e r him," Mii l i l tin) hlriingor.

    "VeM," rontlniuid tho nntlvo, "tlioroInn't 11 man in tMiM town lio dooan'tOH'O." v '


    UH 111bo evilto Halvf


    • Manimvo


    It IH u \1look hunkImvii

    Kraei). Hutillicit,. u nil thailwhnro w« havo \llilVti iHii ' i i help?There fire m n u y (>lwrong bi'eiiiiMu wa'a null'! hour amiwhat u'nyw wo h»va ipoHHlblc to nln wlthoul

    'of wi doing, \Vu «hni!inlnilH to know the woi1no IIH to i in i iw whut

    '—Thu JnpnncHO lump ehin(my in Hwiuow IB doing a. gilni-HH, mid la working1 n conntifri'i'iiHi/iK forco of ^nnn. It IMIO I I L a rlicap iii'Dihiot, whlvli,iinuui in i i ia in lH of i lii) chlne,mi,inark|

    l l l | y M * , l l l ' l ' l « * t , v « B X | » ; . ' vlunvn him

  • ipp̂ iî ip̂ife .̂̂ s^ liner

    ^SS^̂ iiiilî K^S *̂i*V' ?»^T28sR*£y**'••>''. '•'• . ' ' " • ' ' , ' v 't '•.£;.•'. "A'?'* • ' ' • - , - ' - • ; • •; .- ' \ - • , ' ' ' , • . . " ' , , - : \ , •-,.'•-l^hAYlll

    M;il̂ ^S:l'S;v''̂ S'̂ Siî î îi'LiiSli'w: "'•»• T r ' - ' . ' ' •• ' : ' : •iSijIgi^afti-'1:.-'--' .f':raia'V^BWII«"U«*M**-^«'«'*- • ' ," ' : ;£g>ak^ ;̂;e-aff̂

    jiVV-'.'fW-'ili'."'..'-' ' " • ' «-r^=^';-'V:'\).,;':.*Ml«raMlg»lIl

    ^^^^^^v^ IMSf̂ l*0* !̂*^^iK^i^WW^^VJff^

    , . ,

    Kf|̂ »K,!:v;-:;.';v;:,-;u i S-;;iV-^.:.i.";r>^'.v.JHlulr>^-1'''^4.'

    ra^|g5^|^^g^":£wffi*liK^i'V'^V:-;::^:r';?^;''''l^::v; Cor^pondenwBollcited. •

    il|||lS^ '.:S- -';;1^W^®3pn»fc^s6'

    Hllll'̂ ^

    Commiflsioner of Deeds,Eailroad Ave.Hammonton

    i -

    Council Meeting.The'out-going Council had ife last

    mwWpg .|p.m.]|«.ni.

    500S'126196976406445SB6.02608618619625632639647;6 Sdl704

    9.009 10




    8006806002 008106426122108 19 6 60 5 228286685268 46 7 12 5 878 48 7 16 5 89869

    O i l


    10 011016,10(10



    7 26(5 471


    [769810J2426 12618;

    6 24 2 64,6 81

    ...... fl 48;(3|315

    6 69lai 88


    1120,1180 7 421

    7 8l'800H I S,8 218421«4b;862;9 12

    1158010'924,082!9 409 < S1000

    8TATIOKS. la.]

    .......I'hUadelphl.̂ ...,

    ..M..M' Oandaii^....H.,.^Wf •( Colllnginood..

    Baddon Uelghti».,.-._La«rcl Sprlngî .....

    ...Wlllfiniilown Jonc....

    Bine 'AncbbvZ.........Wlnilow JDDC. (I've)....... Eammonton .....

    -.B»Co«t»...„....„.™~ Klwood

    «.PlcuantTlllrn ......

    «25lM66 10 108060510286 64 101658810036849696269615 19 9 456 15 9 41811S 87605758



    8 46 11408 85 1180




    8 OS io&U SslgW48»4284 :r859|R60I

    12S|fi25-«J»8*|»n|6M« 08 ...... 0 07 „ J0,,o po *" '


    Mortlhg expr«» down IMTWPhlla.at9.00, HamraoDlon 9.42,anrlTlngjitjllllinifcjOltjJO.15.- MsfninglccommodatfbiiTifrriMTeirHammblitof at S^^^bftg'T'iriiidarati44.,~" *~

    BfQraljyLeJtBPtM up Itarn AtlnnllcflJW, Kgg Harbor 9.19^^^ Hannnoalon 0^2, PhUada. 10.1G.

    7- 61 7*7861J7254

    80'7 16

    848644|88»6J512J880-.*21 6 28-816filg*12B14-P04P07;76flr


    v-We carry-a.Hne_of

    .Geo Elvlns ..'..........., «Jacob Pitting, watching....

    THE AMERICAN INVENTORA fwtlhl ntntnlri leml-mnUIr Itma.



    1!-P?~~S''v .t i '.Bills for salaries, etc., amounting-*oMbout 9600, were laid over until funds

    l^reAvailable. -f L'.' BeVBral yrltnury

    When in need of honie painting:at reasonable price* . -

    IW, H. ^HITE^ P.O. JBoxBlS

    blistersThere/ . ,3729 Qbanl ATB.,

    Philadelphia, Penna.' ' " '





    lp:-|;- ; . 'SMALL'15.te^l.' .-'-BAKEEY


    Sohwftrz'a Greenhouse12th Bt. »ml Oliew Ilo»d.

    Deslgpi inide np ut »boite*t notlo«rfuoeral detJBii* » •ptoUUjr. Duk«t»


    the County Collector refused to pay,"Were referred to CMrman for legalInvestigation;"with an for legal advice,

    lved from Board of Trade,commen lng and recommending workon drain; Sg ditches.

    Beslgnatlon of W. J. Leib from theBoard of Health accepted.

    CominlaBloriora of Appeal reported.List of unpaid taxes for 1002 and '04,

    presented by Collector and abatementasked for. Granted.

    Fire Chief reported three flrua thepaet month; Aest. Chief, one lire.

    The Town being delinquent In thepaymeuipf taxes on Ita properties, 'anorder wutj'druwn In settlement.

    ComplnJQt was made of telephonepoles, with1 '.houaea and whiskers onthl'm, ''ipjy'i wires attached to trees,etc. Uoljjrred.

    AbatcrtlRit of Atigolow Olatto'g tax(broken, tack Italian), UHkcd for byOvorse«r,:«if, the Poor liurnHhoiiHOi wattallowed. V-flvormx-r WHH authorized tooonHiiltap'al^ornuy (If Hio family lU'tinot doing uo)( and If deemed advisa-ble, to proceed ugtiliist the, nil I roadcompany for Glatto'tt Injuries.

    Partlcfton Tlilrteiiiith Btrcut doing awater diitutnliiK lniHliieoHon tho utroet,to lie wiirned to ruinovo olmtructloiiHor bo lockuil In thu coolur.

    At) lawidoou not provldu for mid I tornof Wattiij ComnilHulon accountx, thoClmlriunu WHH iiuthorlxeil by vote, andnamed AJfoanrH. A. J. itlder, Win. L.Black, mid VV. H. Hcoly for thbduty,at throe dollurH per day.

    Chairman asked to secure ud vice oato following Charter In tallug doga.

    » fow appropriate word* ofOliulrni»ti Uernehoudo for

    om«.o»Tn» AinmiotN ravnreox rtra. oo.BluokOflM,lNir8ltMtK.V., • '

    The Peoples Bankor

    Hammonton, NTJ.

    Capital, . 8530,000Surplus and Undivided

    Profitb,. $41,000

    Three per cent interest paidon time Deponitfl.

    Safe Deposit Boxes for BentB. J. BYENE&, President

    M. L. JACKSON. Vloo-ProB't .W.». TII.TON. CoaWor.

    DIRECTORSR. J. Byrnoa0. F. OagoodKlnm HtookwollWm. J. Smith

    L. H. Puikluirat

    M. li. JaoKaonUoorge KlVlimWm. L. niuolcJ. (L AnilomonW. 11. TUUm ,

    SHOESGood variety to aeleot fnini.

    Twenty «tyle« of

    Bboon for Mtin and Itoya.

    Tho WaltonBti(K) i* tlio beat tint onn b«bouibt for IX>JT».

    Take ft look At tiiem.



    Central Ave., Hsmmonton, N. J.

    Large assortniont of .PnlniH. FeniH. Houce PlniitH.

    Cut Flower*. Fniiernl L>cHlifii8In Kre»b Flowers, Wax, or Metal.

    WATKIS & NICHOLSON,Florista und Lnndsonpo Oardon^ra.

    Phono 1-W

    JOS. H.JUSTICE of the PEACE,

    Notary Public, Commlflalomir of Deeds.

    Hammonton, N. J. *Oflloo at HeBldonoe.


    No appetite, IOM ol ilronglh, nervou*-nosj, handacho, constipation, bad breath,funeral debility, lour rUlnga, and catarrhol tho atomaoh are all due to Indigestion.Kodol ourea Indignation. This now dlicov-«ry roprosonti lha natural Juices ol diges-tion u they exlat In a healthy stomach,combined with the greatoat known Ioniaand reconstructive properties. Kodol Dya-pepila Cure doe* not only cure Indigestionand dyopepila, but this famoui remedyourea all itomaoh troubles by cleansing,purifying, awe'etenlng and strengtheningthe mucous membranaa lining the itomaoh.

    Mr. S, S. D«ll, o( R>Y«n>wood, W, V«., ««n:—" I w>a troubled with nour alomich (or Iwtnty »o«r«.Kodol curad ma and w« ara now uilnf It In ml*lorbiby,"

    Kodol DIsciU What You Eat.BottUi only. 11 .00 Sli» holdlni 2H lints lha trial

    •lia, which i«ll« for 00 c«nU.Pr*pv*d by I. O. DaWITT * OO.. OMIOAQO,

    Bold by HATLAOK ft PERSONthe 1000 Kodol Almauao knd

    800 year Calendar. \

    (Bit the 8, J. H. fcr flr«t liimd new*


    Herbert G. HensonAtLTHB' !;


    Stationery & Confectioneiy.- ' / __

    317 BellevBe~At«me,'""~.'""• \~;

    Hammonton. N. J.

    The Hammonton


    Telegraph Co.The above Company is now-

    fully organized, and will pro- \ceed nt once with (he woik ofinstalling the plant and erect- J 'iflg lines. •

    The Plant will be Un-to-data -.The Service Perfect

    And the Prices Eight ILeave your order for .1'honea •

    at tlio (>fli(!C,

    No. 1 Egg Ilnrbor Koad,

    L. FBANK HORNE,Beorelary.

    For Artistic Signsof ovory dosorlptlon >

    TryJ. O. YOHO,

    IIMIU 1UMU),

    :, U*»intoBt$£ Chocolates. Every boxa useful souvenir. 40 cepts to 103.50. •

    Perfumes. Imported-^fegMr andi GalletX 'Jl to &&

    Domestic—Paul Rigers, 10 cents to $3.50Colgal^ 25 cents to $3Eastman 25 cents to gl

    Toilet Articles' Combs, Brashes,Lather Brushes, Puff Boxes, etc,

    Cigars,—Imported and Domestic.!* Prescriptions accurately coitipounded. <



    ELWOOD ?. JONES,^ finoceaaor to .

    W'. A. HOOD & CO.', A

    OffioQ.and Reeiden(je, 216 Bollevue Ave. Phone 8-Y

    - ,v'Jf! ~~" 'Wax Flower;?, Figures, etc., for funerals and

    memorial series, furnished on short notice.

    The Expenseof a Gas Range

    IB confined to the momenta of'actual une.When the cooking^is done the*expenaeceases, if you turn off the flame; if youdon't, it isn't the range that's extravagant..

    Gaa Ranges sold by Hammonton G*a Oo.

    |i!':J:;''Mr : - ^

    ' • • "" .''f.;

