Async’ing Your Way to a Successful App with .NET



Async’ing Your Way to a Successful App with .NET. Stephen Toub Visual Studio 3-301. Agenda. 6 Tips for Building Better Apps. #1. Wrap Events with Tasks to Improve Control Flow. public async Task RunStoryboardAsync ( this Storyboard sb ) { - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Async’ing Your Way to a Successful App with .NET

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Async’ing Your Way to a Successful App with .NET

Stephen ToubVisual Studio3-301

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6 Tips for Building Better AppsAgenda

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Library SupportTaskCompletionSource<T>

Can be used to wrap arbitrary operations as a TaskOnce operations are exposed as Tasks, you can compose over them as you

would any Task

Patternpublic async Task RunStoryboardAsync(this Storyboard sb){ var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();

EventHandler<object> handler = (s,e) => tcs.SetResult(true); sb.Completed += handler; sb.Begin();

await tcs.Task; sb.Completed -= handler;}

public Task<T> RunAsync(Func<T> func){ var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();

ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate { try { tcs.SetResult(func()); } catch (Exception e) { tcs.SetException(e); } }); return tcs.Task;}

public Task Delay(int milliseconds){ var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();

new Timer(_ => tcs.SetResult(true)).Change(milliseconds, -1);

return tcs.Task;}

public async Task WaitForClickAsync(this Button button){ var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();

RoutedEventHandler handler = (s,e) => tcs.SetResult(true); button.Click += handler;

await tcs.Task; button.Click -= handler;}

Wrap Events with Tasks to Improve Control Flow


public Task<T> FooAsync(){ var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<T>();

// schedule something asynchronously // to invoke tcs.Set*

return tcs.Task;}

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Awaiting tasks makes it easy to compose sequences or graphs of operations.

Wrapping Events with Tasks to Improve Control Flow

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Use Cancellation to Improve ResponsivenessLibrary SupportCancellationToken as a composable cancellation mechanism var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); SomeMethod(cts.Token); cts.Cancel();



public async Task FooAsync(){ … await SomeDotNetAsync(); await SomeWinRTAsync(); …}

public async Task FooAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken){ … await SomeDotNetAsync(cancellationToken); await SomeWinRTAsync().AsTask(cancellationToken); …}

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Responsiveness isn’t just about keeping the UI available for interaction. More broadly, it’s about doing what the user wants when the user wants.

Using Cancellation to Improve Responsiveness

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Be Wary of “Async Void”Language Supportasync void, async Task, & async Task<T>

async Task & async Task<T> return handles to the outstanding workasync void is a “fire-and-forget” mechanism

GuidanceUse async void methods only for top-level entry points (e.g. UI event handlers)

(Use and await async Task-returning methods everywhere else)

Avoid passing async lambdas to void-returning delegates(Don’t pass async lambdas to WinRT methods unless you really know what you’re



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Many problems in async code can be traced back to using “async void” incorrectly.

Avoiding “async void”

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Use ConfigureAwait for Perf & ResponsivenessSynchronizationContext represents a target for workDispatcherSynchronizationContext (Post: Dispatcher.BeginInvoke)WinRTSynchronizationContext (Post: CoreDispatcher.RunAsync)

Await Behavior

GuidanceUse ConfigureAwait(false) on all awaits in all methods with code that’s context agnostic (which is most libraries)


await task; // force continuation back to the current sync contextawait task.ConfigureAwait(false); // try to continue executing where awaited task completes

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Using ConfigureAwait

Use ConfigureAwait(false)

async void button1_Click(…){ await DoWorkAsync();}

async void button1_Click(…){ DoWorkAsync().Wait();}

async Task DoWorkAsync(){ await Task.Run(…); Console.WriteLine("Done task");}

1. DoWorkAsync invoked on UI thread

3. Await captures SynchronizationContext

and hooks up a continuation to run when

task completes

4. UI blocks waiting for DoWorkAsync-returned Task to

complete6. UI thread still blocked waiting for async operation to

complete.Deadlock! .ConfigureAwait(false) avoids


async Task DoWorkAsync(){ await Task.Run(…).ConfigureAwait(false); Console.WriteLine("Done task");}

2. Task.Run schedules work to run on thread


5. Task.Run task completes on pool & invokes continuation which Posts back

to UI thread

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Avoiding using the UI thread unless you actually need to.

Using ConfigureAwait for Responsiveness & Perf

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Avoid “Sync over Async”, “Async over Sync” in Libraries


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What does asynchrony really mean?SynchronousPerform something here and now.I’ll regain control to execute something else when it’s done.

AsynchronousInitiate something here and now.I’ll regain control to execute something else “immediately”.

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public static void PausePrintAsync() { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => PausePrint());}

public static Task PausePrintAsync() { return Task.Run(() => PausePrint());}

public static Task PausePrintAsync() { var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(); new Timer(_ => { Console.WriteLine("Hello"); tcs.SetResult(true); }).Change(10000, Timeout.Infinite); return tcs.Task;}

public static async Task PausePrintAsync() { await Task.Delay(10000); Console.WriteLine("Hello");}

Sync vs Async“Pause for 10 seconds, then output 'Hello' to the console.”Synchronous Asynchronous

public static void PausePrint() { var end = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10); while(DateTime.Now < end); Console.WriteLine("Hello");}

public static void PausePrint() { Task t = PausePrintAsync(); t.Wait();}


over sync”



Possible responsiveness problems

Possible scalability problems

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Avoid “Sync over Async”, “Async over Sync” in LibrariesGuidanceBe honest! Suffix should help caller to understand implementation.Define “FooAsync” iff you’re not thread-bound (with a few notable exceptions).

Don’t just expose FooAsync as “return Task.Run(() => Foo());”Define “Foo” iff you have a faster sync implementation that won’t deadlock.

Don’t just expose Foo as “FooAsync().Wait();”

ExceptionsMethods exposed from .WinMD assembliesOverrides in some class hierarchies


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Use Visual Studio’s async toolingVisual Studio 2012: Stepping with AsyncStep InStep OverStep Out


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Stepping through your code as if it were synchronous.

Stepping in, over, and out with async

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Debugging Async in Visual Studio 2013Visual Studio 2013: Call Stack WindowProvides a “call stack” across async points.

Visual Studio 2013: Tasks WindowSee and navigate from a list all active async operations.


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Knowing how you got here and what’s going on

Using the Call Stack and Task Windows with async

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6 Tips for Building Better Apps1. Wrap events with tasks to improve control flow2. Use cancellation to improve responsiveness3. Be wary of “async void”4. Use ConfigureAwait to improve perf &

responsiveness5. Avoid exposing “sync over async” or “async over

sync”6. Use Visual Studio’s async tooling

Questions? Comments?

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ResourcesParallel Programming in .NET Blog:

Task-based Async Pattern Whitepaper

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