Astana, Kazakhstan Innovation Forum November 2012

Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko Innovative networks and technoparks of the third generation Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
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Scenarios of the options for innovation environment and science park development, innovative and structured networks (CNOs) highlighted as well as Oasis approach

Transcript of Astana, Kazakhstan Innovation Forum November 2012

Page 1: Astana, Kazakhstan Innovation Forum November 2012

Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

Innovative networks and technoparks of the third generation

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

Content of the presentation

I. Emerging trends of global innovation landscape

II. Technopark scenarios

III.   “Innovative networks” – vital elements of dynamic CNOs

IV.   3GSP approach and Oasis way of working


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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

Trends setting the context for technology regions and research parks over the next 5-20 years.*)

•  Economy & society

1.   From Free Markets to Stimulus Capitalism

2.   The Group Economy

3.   Ecological Economics come from Age

•  Science & Technology

4. Biology by Design, Nature as Source and Code

5. Ubiquitous Computing

6. From Artificial Intelligence to Hybrid Sensemaking

7. The New Scientists

8. Science Institutions Transformed


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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

Trends setting the context for technology regions and research parks over the next 5-20 years.*)

•  Models and Places for R&D

9.   New Global Map of Science

10.   Lightweight Innovation

11.   Universities: From Ivory Tower to Economic Engine

12.   From Knowledge Diffusion to Sticky Know-How

13.   The Social Life of Small Research Spaces

14.   From Research Parks to Regional Knowledge Ecosystems

* ) Ref Institute for the Future report ” Future Knowledege Ecosystems – The Next 20 Years of Technology-Led Economical Development”, June 2009,

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

Emergence of regional knowledge ecosystems *)

•  Focus on dynamics of interaction between organizations and various innovation communities

>> “Networks” – the challenge is to specify “networks” and how they operate

>> CNO (Collaborative Networked Organizations) theoretical approach and methodologies will help to understand

•  A holistic approach – focus not on isolated activity (inside a company or cluster) but what happens within specific firms and clusters as a cohesive system

>> ecosystem thinking

>> how to manage the flow of knowledge (vs stocks of knowledge)

•  To understand how organizations and ”none institutional elements” perform in hyper-turbulent environments

*) Ref Ref Institute for the Future report ” Future Knowledege Ecosystems – The Next 20 Years of Technology-Led Economical Development”, June 2009,

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

Technopark scenarios *)

1)  Science and Technology Parks 3.0

”Slow progress, existing institutions, no radical change in structure or management”

2) The Rise of Research Clouds

”This is closest to our 3GSP thinking, flexible and smaller interconnected units will emerge, coworking and open innovation take momentum”

3) Dematerialized innovation

”Technoparks will loose their influence and status, new structures will replace them”

* ) Ref Institute for the Future report ” Future Knowledege Ecosystems – The Next 20 Years of Technology-Led Economical Development”, June 2009,

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

•  Science and Technology Parks 3.0

NC State’s Centennial Campus has the real feel of a community, with condominiums, a middle school and a golf course adjacent to university academic “neighborhoods,” private corporations, non profit institutions and government agencies. In coming decades, this greater interweaving of research parks with their communities might indeed become the standard paradigm.” James Zuiches, Vice Chancellor for extension, engagement and economic development at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, USA

•  Research Clouds

“Research parks should work on trying to increase the diversity among their clientele. So far, it looks like science parks are no longer very attractive to the younger generation. Young people feel they parks too rigid or too business like. They like this more relaxed environment. You have to develop methods for “serendipity management” and “open innovation” to discover ways to best facilitate the ad hoc collaborations. Otherwise it

will happen in coffee shops and bars.” Ilkka Kakko, Managing Director of Karostech Ltd, Finland

•  The decline of STPs because of their unability to match the needs of new era

“Collaboration is not often pretty, It’s rarely easy to understand. You can’t pass a rule that says, Tomorrow

we’re going to collaborate. It has to become embedded in the culture.” Rick Weddle, President of Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

•  ,

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

New innovation landscape – a challenge for science parks *)

•  The complexity of traditional organizational structures

•  The increased market requirements for flexibility call for better usage of resources and connectivity to global competence pools.

•  The key players in a new innovation landscape are truly nomadic and well inter-connected

•  They work and live in a world powered and inspired by CNOs

•  Open innovation and social capital creation widely

•  The rise of new individual entrepreneurship and the power of communities

•  == > Vital innovation activities are happening outside the walls of traditional STPs •  Continue….

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

New innovation landscape – a challenge for science parks *)

•  A new approach is needed à third generation of science parks (3GSP). •  The 3 GSP environment encourages diversity on all layers and respects serendipity, even

a new management paradigm - serendipity management – is emerging. •  The competitive edge for 3GSP is:

•  To attract nomadic talent

•  To be able to create sustainable professional communities

•  To be able to harvest the innovation potential in more fruitful way

•  To be able to create ”sticky knowledge” in order to maintain and improve regional competitiveness

*) Ref

•  ,

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

Virtual Organisation Breeding Environment - VBE •  VBE represents an association of organizations and number of

related supporting institutions, adhering to a base long term cooperation agreement, and adoption of common operating principles and infrastructures, with the main goal of increasing their preparedness towards rapid configuration of temporary alliances for collaboration in potential Virtual Organisation. Namely, when business opportunity is identified by one member (acting as a broker) a subset of VBE organizations can be selected to form a VE/VO.

(Camarinha-Matos&Afsarmanesh 2008)

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

Professional Virtual Community - PVC

•  PVC is an alliance of professional individuals that aim at being prepared for collaboration under a business perspective, and provide an environment to facilitate the agile and fluid formation of Virtual Teams (VTs) similar to that what VBE aims to provide for VOs.

(Camarinha-Matos&Afsarmanesh 2008)

•  Three dimensions: social, knowledge and business

•  Physical space

•  Virtual platform

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

The challenge for technoparks = innovative networks

Existing innovation environments like technoparks are serving a traditional structure based on institutions and individual companies

•  Supporting start ups by incubation activities

•  More emphasis on pre-incubation stage needed

•  Technology oriented and research based R&D in focus

•  More cross disciplinary teams, wider competence basis needed, ”soft sciences” and ”users as developers”

•  Strong connectivity with regional development bodies

•  Global connections in harvesting the networks of individuals and related communities, ways to create ”sticky knowledege”

è  To summarize the new challenges, let’s examine closer the elements and interconnectivity in CNO business ecosystems

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

Training Camp in February 2004

Kuva: Jaakko Kilpiäinen

“Open universe” of organizations

Getting ready to collaborate1.a

VO BreedingEnvironment


VOCreationin VBE


•Cooperation agreement•Common infrastructure•Common principles•Base trust

•VO planning•VO partners selection•Fast contract negotiation•VO setup

2 Open VO creation•Wide partners’ search & selection•Establish common infrastructures•Common principles•VO planning•VO partner selection•Collaboration agreement•Contract negotiation•VO setup•Base trust


Ready to collaborate !


© ECOLEAD Hamideh Afsarmanesh

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko


Research Centres

Consultancy Companies


Standard Professional Services

Basic Research

Applied research Lifelong


New Methods

Innovation driven New Knowledge


The PVC positions itself at the intersection of the traditional actors value proposition, with whom the PVC is intended to collaborate instead of competing.

VT Clients: Enterprises needing Knowldege based services


© ECOLEAD, Roberto Santoro

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

The timeline for 3GSP development

2002 2008


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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

The main characteristics of 3GSP

•  Focus on supporting innovation activities on individual and CNO level, communities and creation of social capital is important

•  ”glocal” - local but with access to global competence pools

•  Facilitating activities and supporting the creation of new combinations of competences

•  ”Oasis type cocreating and coworking space” as an elementary part of physical facilities

•  Extensive use of virtual community platforms – social media and specific tailored software (like GLOW in Oasis)

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

Vital elements of Oasis philosophy


• “Connecting generations”

•  Combining Arts, Science and Business

•  Multidisciplinary approach


•  Intersectional innovations

•  Ad-hoc interactions

•  “Expect the unexpected” FlexLab opening in Joensuu Science Park, September 2004

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

© Lee Fleming 2004 /HBR November 2004

Diversity and Value of Innovation

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

Characteristic Project Management Serendipity Management

Approach Project Journey, exploration

Type of innovation Directional Intersectional, sustainable

Type of human resources Homo faber Homo ludens, Homo aestheticus-informaticus, Homo creativus

Organisation Fixed in the beginning Flexible during the process

Focus Effective process Best possible result in the end

Structure Closed innovation Open innovation

Mission Goal decided in the beginning Vision decided in the beginning

Competence search While defining the project Training camp approach

Resources, time schedule Fixed Flexible

Management style Command and control Connectivity and collaboration

© Kakko & Inkinen, Science and Public Policy, 36(7), August 2009, pages 537–548,

DOI: 10.3152/030234209X465570;

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

GLOW Mindworks Ltd., Tilamedia TM 2005 GLOW is used in 3GSP network to:

•  Expand social networks

•  Provide profiles with skills and wills

•  Search for individual competence

•  Enable fast and easy interactions between Oasis members present or on-line

•  Support collaboration between Oasis members

•  Facilitate serendipitous interactions

•  Create new connections and combinations of competences

Mindworks Ltd., Tilamedia TM 2005

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Global Oasis Network 17.11.2012, Ilkka Kakko

Thank You! Further information:

Oy Karostech Ltd,,

Contact person: Ilkka Kakko

E-mail: [email protected]

+ 358 50 536 2941

Twitter: Serendipitor


In LinkedIn: Third Generation Science Parks – 3GSP:

In Facebook: Serendipity Management: