Assignment Observation

Dear Students, It is advised to all of you who are enrolled in the course of Advanced Research Methods to perform the following tasks in advance. Perform the following tasks: o Make a group of two students and visit any superstore/bus stop/hospital/commercial bank/Nadra Office, any other place. In exceptional case one student may do the same alone. o Spend there atleast 2 hours using any of the four roles of observers we studied in the class and do the following tasks: Observe activities/behaviors that are delicate and rarely notice by others Look for the problems/significant issues Look for the possible causes of those noticed problems Look for the possible solutions of those noticed problems Conclude your observations What is the key takeaway/learning lesson from this whole activity o In the light of the above mentioned tasks, maintain a log sheet of your observations of every 10 minutes 1-10 minutes: I observe that people were…. 11-20 minutes: I observe that people were…. 110-120 minutes: I observe that people were….

Transcript of Assignment Observation

Page 1: Assignment Observation

Dear Students,It is advised to all of you who are enrolled in the course of Advanced Research Methods to perform the following tasks in advance.

         Perform the following tasks:

o   Make a group of two students and visit any superstore/bus stop/hospital/commercial bank/Nadra Office, any other place. In exceptional case one student may do the same alone.

o   Spend there atleast 2 hours using any of the four roles of observers we studied in the class and do the following tasks:

  Observe activities/behaviors that are delicate and rarely notice by others

  Look for the problems/significant issues

  Look for the possible causes of those noticed problems

  Look for the possible solutions of those noticed problems

  Conclude your observations

  What is the key takeaway/learning lesson from this whole activity

o   In the light of the above mentioned tasks, maintain a log sheet of your observations of every 10 minutes

  1-10 minutes: I observe that people were….

  11-20 minutes: I observe that people were….

  110-120 minutes: I observe that people were….

o   Bring that log sheet both in hard and soft copy in class to share with the instructor and other students.

o   Read chapter on collecting primary data through questionnaire from the book of Saunders.

Page 2: Assignment Observation

Time Observe activities/behaviors problems/significant issues possible causes of those noticed problems

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1-10 minute

i. There are a lot of people around the Ticket Ghar and Booking office.ii. A family present on the station setting their luggage.iii. A women after coming from the station outside might wait for her relatives.iv. Some Coolies are also gathered there.v. Ticket checker is present on the stairs of the outside door of the A women beggar sit on the stairs of the station.vii. Some passenger playing cards there. viii. Most of the Rikshas are present there without any arrangement.ix. A passenger checking fair from the table shown left side of the Ticket Ghar.

i. There is no other Ticket ghar there. Most of the passengers quarreling with each other for their turn.ii. Fair are not clearly seen from the board. Also most of the fairs from the list are not put there.

11-20 minute

i. A boy asked from the Ticket Checker about the train.ii. One of the Train arrived.iii. Rikhsha drivers scattered there causing problems to the passengers going out.iv. Customers dealing with Riksha drivers.v. Most of the Passengers are There present most of the gathering of the passengers waiting for the train and seems like waiting from too long.

i. There is no proper management of outside traffic near the station. Riksha drivers creating problems for the passengers.ii. Time arrival of the Train are not clearly negotiated to the passengers.

21-30 minute

i. There present a rush of passengers in the inquiry office. ii. A telephone set looking almost obsolete is present there in the inquiry office.iii. A man continuously busy on the mobile, rush of the passengers, not listening anyone.iv. In the right side of the inquiry office

i. Only one person is appointed for giving information to the lot of passengers.ii. Inquirer not taking care of the passenger’s voice.iii. Inquirer’s behavior is almost ruid.

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there is a room of station master having 4 chairs of old versions and a table and two benches.v. A system of checking the arrival of the train is there beside the Station Master A bell is hanging there.vii. Passengers are making noise in the inquiry room.viii. A person come in the room and asked about how to return the Ticket.

31-40 minute

i. Passengers inquire about the next down train.ii. One of the passengers inquire us about Train and we are nodding answering “No” iii. Two police man bargaining with a family for Booking adjustment.iv. A young guy busy on mobile for last 15 minutes.v. Two young boys carry their luggage and crossing the A coolie is present there on the stairs seeing with deep eyes for having some task.vii. Most of the passenger looking illiterate hesitates to go to inquiry office and inquiring to the other passengers or just sit awaiting.

i. Passengers feel unrest about not arrival at Train at time.ii. Most of “Maafia” making fool to the passengers and dealing with them for seat adjustments.iii. A bridge is present there but most of the persons even using crossing lines directly.

41-50 minute

i. A passenger sleeping the benchii. A couple wandering and is searching for suitable place.iii. A baby assisting his parents to go to shop and father replying nothing.iv. There is no rush on the vending contractors’ shop.v.

i. Benches are too short for the passengers.ii. Lighting is not proper on the station.iii. Policemen are weaponless.

Time Observe activities/behaviors problems/significant issues possible causes of those noticed problems

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51-60 minute

i. Oh, a person slips while he is crossing the line.ii. Two persons are smoking and chatting with each other.iii. Many beggars are sleeping on the floor of the station.iv. Three young boys are playing with each other, Jumping, climbing and lifting each other.v. A group of passengers talking about the cleaning of the station which is not properly Two groups of the passengers have garland on their hands might be waiting to receive the passengers who are coming after performing Hajj.vii. A passenger quickly go toward the station probably for the purchasing of the Ticket.

i. Floor of the station is not properly cleaned.ii. No proper ways of receiving guests.iii. Most of passengers not using bridge to go to other second station.

61-70 minute

i. Light off.ii. Bell is ringing informing about the arrival of the train.iii. Passengers collecting their luggage to prepare for uplifting. iv. Children of a family running here and there and their parents taking care of them.v. Vendors shopkeepers set different things on the counter after listening the Music playing on the riksha outside the station listning on the station.vii.

i. No generator facility is there.ii. Prices of each good is more than the market on the vendors shop.

71-80 minute

i. Light is available only on the Vendors’ shops.ii. One person inquiring about in which side of the station, Lahore sides train arrives.iii. Some young boys spooning round the ladies.iv. Some people purchasing bottles of water.v. A luggage train reached the station and Passenger get ready and thinking

i. There is not mention on the station about the number of the station.ii. Proper water is not available on the station.iii. There is no announcement of the train. So the passenger ready their luggage even when the luggage train is arriving.

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that their train has arrived but it was luggage train.vii.

81-90 minute

i. Train whistled.ii. Passangers on the other side of the station gathered near the lines.iii. Train arrived.iv. Passengers coming out of the train and most of the passengers trying their level best to get in the train by pushing others.v. There is hustle and bustle around Passengers running here and there to get in into the train.vii. Two Passengers already have in the train saying there is no place is here in this compartment.

i. Seats are not available in the train.ii. No one taking care of each other.


i. Vendors Hawking loudly.ii. passenger running to search for water and some food from the vendors.iii. The persons who have come to receive the guests quickly picking up their luggage from the train.iv. Train again whistled and giving information to the passengers that be ready.v. Receivers giving honor to the Hajis and hug each Train left the station.vii. Two persons quarreled with each other to getting in into the train because not having space even to board on the train.viii.

i. Passengers who already have in the train not helping to the new passengers.ii. Passengers running here and there even in the out of light and striking with each other.

Time Observe activities/behaviors problems/significant issues possible causes of those noticed problems

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101-110 minute

i. Vendors sit silently now.ii. Most of the passengers left the station.iii. Policemen has caught two persons having no ticket.iv. Its now power on electricity.v. Passengers again coming quickly for next A family spread his sheet on the floor and start eating dinner.vii. Two old person helping each other crossing bridge.

111-120 minute