Assignment - General Psychology

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Transcript of Assignment - General Psychology


Date13/10/2015Time: Total Mark:


Students Name

Students ID


Course CodeGEN201

SemesterFALL - 2015

Instructors NameSuneel Ahluwalia

Scope and focus:Human development/ Human Temperament

Contributing to the following CLO:

CLO# 4: Discuss the various types of development that an individual experiences across the course of their life.


Points10 10

Student Points

Note: This assignment accounts for 10% of the Student Final Grade.Temperament in Infants

The type of temperament i have easy or flexible children tend to be happy, regular in sleeping and eating habits, adaptable, calm, and not easily upset. I adjust easily to new situations, quickly establish routines, am generally cheerful and easy to calm my family are very happy because i am adapt quickly and easily to family daily routines and get along well with their siblings.My parents are usually very easy. And parents are delighted at how predictable and adaptable but my parents spend less time stimulating me and relating to me and feeling good about the world around them.