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Good morning to everyone. My topic for social issues are smoking.In the tobacco smoke, nicotine is the addictive substance in that causes smokers to continue their smoking habit. Along with nicotine, tobacco also contains other chemicals that can harm nearly every organ in the body. The most dangerous components in tobacco are tars. Tar contains the carcinogen benzo(a)pyrene that can cause cancer. The next chemicals is carbon monoxide. This odourless gas is fatal because it takes the place of oxygen in the blood. So when the body require more oxygen during exercise, less oxygen reaches the brain, heart, muscles and other organs. Next is hydrogen cyanide. It stops the lung clearance system from working properly, in other words the poisonous chemicals in tobacco smoke can build up inside the lungs. Other than that oxidizing chemicals is the highly reactive chemicals that can damage the heart muscles and blood vessels. Tobacco also contains metals in it including arsenic, cadmium and lead. Several of these metals and radioactive compound are carcinogenic. That is some of the chemicals that contains in tobacco smoke. Now, I will be talking about the effects that is often happen in the smokers body. In the circulatory system, it will raised blood pressure and heart rate. Then, even less oxygen carried by the blood during exercise which is reduced blood flow to extremities. It also increased risk of stroke and heart attack due to blockages of the blood supply. Next is the effects of tobacco smoke on the immune system. They will get greater susceptibility to infections such as pneumonia and influenza or maybe more severe and longer-lasting illnesses. Other effects of tobacco smoke on the body are irritation and inflammation of the stomach and intestines, increased risk of painful ulcers along the digestive tract, reduced ability to smell and taste, higher risk of blindness and gum disease known as periodontitis.Those who is a long-term smoker is at high risk of developing a range of potentially lethal diseases, such as cancer of the lung, mouth, nose, larynx, tongue, nasal sinus, oesophagus, throat, pancreas, bone marrow (myeloid leukaemia), kidney, cervix, ovary, ureter, liver, bladder, bowel and stomach. Examples for the lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which includes obstructive bronchiolitis and emphysema. They will also get heart disease, heart attack, stroke, ulcers of the digestive system, and poor blood circulation in feet and hands, which can lead to pain and, in severe cases like gangrene and amputation. My final word is to remember that there are many chemicals in tobacco smoke are chemically active and trigger profound and potentially fatal changes in the body. So, live your life with no smoking. Thank you.