Asma ul husna Al Jabbar

The Compeller, The Restore वववव वववव squeeze, coerce, constrain, enforce, compel, force वववव ववववव dictate, pressurize, press वववववव …. ववववव वववव लललललललललल - Restorer लललल लललल लललल - renovator ललल ललल ललललल लल लललललल लललल ललललललललललल - AL JABBAR

Transcript of Asma ul husna Al Jabbar

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The Compeller, The Restorer squeeze, coerce, constrain, enforce, compel, force dictate, pressurize, press . - Restorer - renovator - regenerator AL JABBAR

And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allh so call on Him by them, and leave the company of those whobelie or deny (or utter impious speech against) His Names. They will be requited for what they usedto do.

() ( ) (Araf : 180)This statement Allah has the Asma ul-Husnais mentioned in 5 places in theQuraan in different forms. He has many names which are all Husna (most beautiful).

Oh Allah!Indeed Iam Yourslave Son of Your male abd (my father) and female abd (my mother)My forehead is in Your Hand (i.e. You have control over me)And Your Judgment upon me is assured, and Your Decree upon me is just I ask you with every namethat You have namedYourself with Or revealed in Your Book(Quran), or taught to any of Your creation Or kept with Yourself in the knowledgeof the unseen that is with You That You make the Quran the life of my heart, and the light of my chest And the banisher of my sadness and the reliever of my distress.Musnad Imam Ahmad

, , , , , ( ), 59:23Jaabir is one who compels or restores,but Jabbaar is the Compeller, the complete Restorer.

to pressurize, to compel and force someone to do somethingto tyrannize someone and be tyrannical.

! 26-130

Jabr The first meaning is to pressurize.

- 19-14 19-31

(nakhlatunJabbaarah) is used fora tall date palm tree that is very strong and gives a lot of fruit

5-22 , " !

Secondly, Jabr also means to be strong, tall and great

Also when something is incomplete and you complete itthat is alsocalledjabr.Also when there is a deficiency and you make upfor it thatis called jabr.The third meaning is to restore, tofix, to do islaah of something.From the same root is algebra, you fix the equation.Jabeerah is usedfor a splint, tohelp broken bones.The third meaning of Jabr is to repair the broken

Al Kitab al mukhtasar fil hisaab al jabr w'al'muqabala("Rules of restoration/ completion and reduction"); another word, "algebra," stems from the title of his bookPersian author, Abu Ja'far Mohammed ibn Msal Khowrizm (825 CE)

The word Jabbaar appears10 times in the Quran, but only once forAllah taala.So nine times it is used forpeople who are oppressive,who do dhulm, who compel, who force and are strong. The last time it is used in the Quran in Suratul Hashr, it is used for Allahtaala.Proof for this Name

He is the One who forces His creation upon what He commands and upon what He has forbidden. In other words, whatever Allah wills, His will is executed. The first meaning of jabbaar is Compeller, so whatever He wills is what happens.He is the One whoimplements His will.If Allah is Jabbaar,what does it mean ?

Secondly, it means al aali fawqa khalqihi, the One who is Exalted, High above His creation. In other words, He is theGreatest One. Just as nakhlatun jabbaarah isthe tallest tree in the orchard, Allah taala is the Greatest andthere is no one else who is greater than Him. He is the One who isQawwiy, Atheem.He is the One who has tawl, He owns alot and can give a lot. The Supreme Power and Authority belongs to Allah taala.

Thirdly, Jabbaar means Al Muslih, the One who Reforms, the One who fixes the situation for His creation. When we find our resources to be incomplete, Allah taala makes them complete. When we are unable to reach our goals, Allah taala assists us.He is the One who amends the affairs ofHis creation. It means ifa slave is unable to reach His goal,Al Jabbaar will enable Him and provide Him with the sources to reach this goal

When Jabbaar is used forpeople, it is in a negative sense, because there is no right that they can betyrannical and oppress other people.If Jabbaar is used for humans as one who restores, it is negative again because they use their oppressive nature to fix things.Example: a government moving families out of their old homes, they want to fix things but it is oppression in away. When Allah taala fixes things, it is not in an oppressive nature, it is ina positive sense.Jabr does not befitor suit human beings, they are supposedto be abd.Difference when Jabbaar is used forpeople and for Allah taala

Allah is Ar Rahmaan and we should have rahmah,but because Allah is Al Jabbaar doesnt mean we becomejabbaar. Why ? Because He has told us tonot be Jabbaar, He doesnt like the arrogant. If Allah is Al Jabbaar whatare we supposed to do? , 50-45

when (the prophets and believers) asked (for victory), every oppressive, every rebellious, every stubborn (opposer of the Prophet) was lost. 14-15

- So if we become jabbaar on the earth, we are the ones who are going tolose.


( ) , 40-35Allah put seals on their hearts

- , , , abomination , aversion

Bukhari :: Book 6 :: Volume 60 :: Hadith 373Narrated Abu Huraira:The Prophet said, "Paradise and the Fire (Hell) argued, and the Fire (Hell) said, "I have been given the privilege of receiving the arrogant and the tyrants.' Paradise said, 'What is the matter with me? Why do only the weak and the humble among the people enter me?' On that, Allah said to Paradise. 'You are My Mercy which I bestow on whoever I wish of my servants.' Then Allah said to the (Hell) Fire, 'You are my (means of) punishment by which I punish whoever I wish of my slaves. And each of you will have its fill.' As for the Fire (Hell), it will not be filled till Allah puts His Foot over it whereupon it will say, 'Qati! Qati!' At that time it will be filled, and its different parts will come closer to each other; and Allah will not wrong any of His created beings. As regards Paradise, Allah will create a new creation to fill it with."

So jabbaar means one who is forceful against his parentsin this context, their parents tell them to do something and the child doesnt listen. So jabbaar is not justa mighty tyrant ruler, jabbaar can be anyperson who refuses to obey, harms and hurts other people and doesnt listen to the authority. The first lesson for us isthat we are abd, we should recognize ourselves as ebaad Allah, if we dont, the consequences are very severe because Allah does not like those who do jabrWe must be abd ebaad Allah

The second lesson we learn is that if someone is unable to reach their goals, find constriction in time, ability, we should ask Al Jabbaarto fix our deficiencies. When we are unable to achieve a goal and find ourselves weak, ask Al Jabbaar who willmake up allof the deficiencies.When you find yourself in a mess, and unable,ask Al Jabbaar

Duaas with this Name b/w sujoodGlorified is the the One who possessesjabaroot- which means greatness here, wal malakoot is all of His dominion, wal kibriyaa and the greatness, wal athamah, andthe grandness. How perfect He is, The Possessor of total power, sovereignty, magnificence and grandeursaheeh hadeeth in Abi Dawood