Asking and Giving Opinions

Asking and Giving Opinions Asking for Opinions What do you think? What's your opinion? What are your ideas? Do you have any thoughts on that? How do you feel about that? Giving Opinions I think we should get a new car. I don't think we need one. I believe (that) smoking should be outlawed. I don't believe (that) it should be illegal. In my opinion, Gone with the Breeze is the best movie ever made. I feel that it's the right thing to do. I don't feel that it's such a good idea. Giving a strong opinion "I'm absolutely convinced that…" "I'm sure that…" "I strongly believe that…" "I have no doubt that…"

Transcript of Asking and Giving Opinions

Page 1: Asking and Giving Opinions

Asking and Giving Opinions

Asking for Opinions

What do you think?

What's your opinion?

What are your ideas?

Do you have any thoughts on that?

How do you feel about that?

Giving Opinions

I think we should get a new car.

I don't think we need one.

I believe (that) smoking should be outlawed.

I don't believe (that) it should be illegal.

In my opinion, Gone with the Breeze is the best movie ever made.

I feel that it's the right thing to do.

I don't feel that it's such a good idea.

Giving a strong opinion

"I'm absolutely convinced that…"

"I'm sure that…"

"I strongly believe that…"

"I have no doubt that…"

Page 2: Asking and Giving Opinions

Personal OpinionsI agree with you.

I don’t agree with you / I disagree.

You want to ADD somethingI’d like to make another point:

I’d also like to say /add (that)…

Another argument would be…

You want to give an EXAMPLE For example, for instance

Use LINKING WORDS to connect your ideas In addition I’d like to say that…Furthermore I think that…Moreover the point is…Apart from the fact that…In addition to this accurate argument…Besides this point of view…

I’d also like to say…I think this argument is coherent too.

Page 3: Asking and Giving Opinions

Reading and Comprehension1. Complete the text with the comparative or superlative forms (nicer than, the

nicest). Don’t forget the “than” when it’s a comparative and the “the” when it’s a superlative.

Americans are among (energetic) ________________ and mobile people. They are

always rushing from one appointment to another. As a result, they are (less, ready)

________________ some families to take time and prepare

elaborate meals. Italians are normally (relax)

________________ Americans when it comes to food. Slow

food is known to be (healthy) ________________. In many

American homes it is rare for the whole family to sit down

at dinner together. Clubs and commitments force them to

have a quick meal rather than a sit-down meal. When

they have the chance to eat at home, it is often the

working housewife who prepares meals. Some people say that American wives are

(bad) ________________ cooks in the world. They say that Italian wives are (good)

________________ cooks than American ones. Anyway, today, people need food which can

be eaten (quick) ________________. This great transformation occurred after World War

II. Many women wanted to be (independent) ________________ and find work full-time

jobs. Therefore, they spent less time at home preparing food. It was necessary to make

their life (easy) ________________ at home in the preparation of the family dinner. The

TV dinner was invented. Frozen meals were (fast) ________________ solution: They could

be put into an oven and prepared within minutes. They were conveniently carried into

the living room and consumed alone in front of a TV set. Then, people wanted (fast)

________________ and ________________ food. From fast dinners at home the next step

was ever (quick) ________________: eating on the road. With the development of the

highways, America saw the beginning of fast-food chains. McDonald's was the first to

open and is still (popular) ________________. Today dozens of fast-food chains can be

found along every highway: (small) ________________ to (big) ________________. Fast-

food chains are also found in shopping centres in America. Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Roy

Roger's, Burger King and Wendy's are just a few example. Fast food is (unhealthy)

________________ food there is. However, it is now part of American culture. They offer

chicken, donuts, tacos and pizza, all quickly produced in (big) ________________

quantities. These establishments have influenced the health and diet of the American

people who are getting (fat) ________________ and ________________.

Page 4: Asking and Giving Opinions

2. True or False? Underline the sentence on the text to support your answer.





a. When TV became popular in America, families started eating together at

the dinner table.

b. The growth of fast food chains was encouraged by the expansion of the


c. Fast food hasn’t influenced the way of life of American people.

d. Everything changed after the Gulf war.

e. There are less people going to Mc Donald’s than in other fast-food chain.

f. In a way, TV dinner is the result of women going back to work.

3. Use these expressions to give your opinion on this statement. Write at least 40 words.

“Fast food is great because it saves time and money. It’s exactly what we need in our modern society.”

Moreover / Therefore / Another argument would be / Too / To me / Personally, I think that,







4. Underline the right answer.

Jane: Hello, Adrian! I will / I am going to shop. Do you want to come with


Adrian: Ok. I am going to come / I’ll come with you.

Jane: I’m going to / I’ll cook tonight. Some friends are coming at my house.

Adrian: What are you going to / will you cook?

Jane: I’m not sure yet. I will probably / I’m probably going to bake a pizza.

5. Fill the gaps with the verbs in the simple past. 5 pts.

Page 5: Asking and Giving Opinions

When I (to be) ______________ in Italy, I (to eat) ______________ a lot of pizzas and pasta. I (to

go) ______________ to a special restaurant where the dishes (to be) ______________ really

cheap. I (to think) ______________ that Italian people (to look) ______________ healthier than

American people. I (to make) ______________ me think about fast food. I (to know)

______________ that in Italy food was great, I (not / to know) ______________ that they (to

spend) ______________ so much time eating. It’s really a slow-food philosophy.

Reading and Writing

Pocket MoneyWhat is pocket money? Read this paragraph to find out. (There is an irrelevant sentence. Cross it out.)

Pocket money means that you have money in your pocket

that you can spend on what you want. It may be that your

parents give you money every now and again, or you may get

a regular amount of money, for example every week or once a

month. Some parents also help their kids with their homework

in order to improve their school results. Some families don't

give pocket money regularly, they just hand over money to their kids when they want it.

What teens say about pocket money.

"I have to do 10 chores a week to get pocket money. I don't get it if I don't do the chores."


"I don't have to do chores but I get $1 a week anyway." John

"I get $6 a week, it goes up with my age." Rachel

"I get money sometimes, so I put it into my piggy bank and I use it when I need

to." Matilda and Alex

"I don't save any. I spend it when I go shopping." Amber

Here are other sayings about money. Match each one with its meaning.

Saying Meaning Answer

1/ Health is better than wealth

a/ We don't have to pay for the things that are really valuable, like love, friendship and good health. 1 + …….

2/ Money doesn't grow on trees

b/ There are other important things in this world, not just money

2 + …….

3/ Money isn't everything c/ Being free from illness is better than being rich. 3 + …….

4/ The best things in life are free

d/ It's not easy to get money. We have to work hard to make money. We can't just walk around and pick it like fruit from the tress

4 + …….

Page 6: Asking and Giving Opinions

Most kids think that having regular pocket money is a good idea because they say it helps them to understand money better. What is your say about this topic? Are there any lessons to learn from the fact of having pocket
