ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia Relative Location: South of Russia, East of...


Transcript of ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia Relative Location: South of Russia, East of...

Page 1: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.


Page 2: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.
Page 3: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

5 Themes of Geography for Asia

Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia

Place: Culturally, Asia has many similarities and differences. Physical features cause human and climate divisions (Himalayas separating India and China).

Movement: Mekong River flows through many countries (China through to Vietnam); major shipping resources; Silk Road (ancient roadway carrying merchants, ideas, facilitating trade

Region: South, East, & Southeast; Rice Bowl: region in China devoted to rice farming; technology region (Japan, Taiwan, South Korea); Indian Subcontinent

Human Environment Interaction: terrace farming

Page 4: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.


Population Density








0 200 400 600 800 1000People per square mile



North America


Middle America

South America

N. Africa/S.W. Asia

Subsaharan Africa

South Asia

Southeast Asia



North America



Middle America

South America

N. Africa/S.W. Asia

Subsaharan Africa

South Asia

East Asia

Southeast AsiaPacific

World Average = 117/mi2


Page 5: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Globalization & Diversity: Rowntree, Lewis, Price, Wyckoff


PopulationMap ofSouth Asia

Page 6: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Globalization & Diversity: Rowntree, Lewis, Price, Wyckoff

6Population Map of East Asia

Page 7: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Globalization & Diversity: Rowntree, Lewis, Price, Wyckoff

7Population Map of Southeast Asia

Page 8: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.



UNITED STATES 77 people/sq mile


50,3002,644 people/

sq mile

Alabama 4.8 million people

91 people/ sq. mile

Page 10: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.


Population and Settlement

Jakarta, Indonesia

9.6 million

Bandung, Indonesia

2.3 million

Bandung (2nd), Surabaya (3rd), and Medan (4th)combined

7.1 million

Southeast Asia is less than 30% urbanized

Many of region’s countries have primate cities (single, large urban settlements that overshadow all others)Efforts to

encourage growth of secondary cities

Squatter settlements are common in this region

Page 11: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.


Population and Settlement Migration and the Settlement Landscape

South Asia is one of the least urbanized regions of the world Majority live in compact rural

villages Rural-to-urban migration because

lack of prosperity in agriculture Most settlement near fertile soils

and dependable water sources Urbanization in East Asia City Systems of Japan, and South Korea

South Korea noted for urban primacy Urban Primate City– the

concentration of urban population in a single city

Japan: Megalopolis; a huge zone of metropolitan areas

Page 13: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.


Population and SettlementIndia has more than 1

billion people Concern about producing

enough food Overcrowding, poor

sanitation, servicesPakistan has 145 million

people Low rate of female

contraceptionBangladesh has 133.5

million people Has one of the highest

settlement densities in the world

“According to official figures, the projected population for Pakistan in 2015 is 191 million, up from the 170 million in 2011, making it the sixth most populous nation on earth. By 2050 it is expected to climb into fourth place. 

This is bad news for a country that has struggled to provide its people with adequate food, health care or education. Malnutrition rates are high and are linked to 50 percent of infant and child deaths; there is one doctor for every 1,183 people; and the literacy rate of 57 percent is among the lowest in South Asia.”

-IRIN – Integrated Regional Information Networks (a service of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Page 14: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Population and Settlement Urban South Asia

About 25% of the South Asian population resides in urban areas Many live in bustees (sprawling squatter

settlements, slums)

Mumbai (Bombay) Largest city in South Asia Financial, commercial, and industrial center Less-fortunate immigrants live in “hutments”

– crude shelters built on formerly busy sidewalks

Delhi/New Delhi More than 11 million people India’s capital, has British colonial imprint Air pollution a problem

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Population and Settlement China: only 30% urban Japan: 92% urban Taiwan is most densely

populated; 22 million; 1,500 per square mil

KOREA: NORTH-SOUTH CONTRASTSNORTH KOREA: 55% of the land on peninsula, 1/3 of the population, extremely rural

SOUTH KOREA: 45% of the land, 2/3s of the population, highly urbanized, modern factories

70 million on peninsula…North 20 mill, South 50 Mill); 1,150 per square mile

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A city-state, with modern infrastructure and no squatter settlement

SingaporeTop 3 most densely populated in the world!

Page 19: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

TIME OUT!1.) Settlement throughout Asia is a matter of ________________.(highly urban/modern cities mixed with extremely rural/impoverished areas)2.) What are some of the less urban parts of Asia?3.) What places are known for being urban and industrial?

Page 20: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Asia and the Demographic Transition Think-pair-share with a partner

answering the following: Draw out the DTM together stages 1-

4. Can you do it without notes? Brainstorm: based on your prior

knowledge of Asia what factors, events, and economic characteristics have had an effect on the transition of Asian countries through the DTM.

Page 21: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Using the demographic statistics below, place a dot on the DTM handout where you think that country would go. On the back of the

handout explain WHY you think that country is in that stage.


Bangladesh 1950: 48.32012: 21.5



South Korea 1950: 35.82012: 10.2



Japan 1950: 28.22012: 5.2



India 1950: 21.62012: 33.9



Vietnam 1950: 44.72012: 5.2



Page 22: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Place a dot and label it based on the CBR & CDR statistics given

Page 24: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Can you guess the country? How does history relate to the DTM…

why the red?

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Population growth

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Comparing Europe to Asia

Page 27: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Population Pyramid Observation Share.

We are going to look at some population pyramids. Think-pair-share with a partner and analyze like the human geographer that you are.

Each group will share one observation with the class!

Page 28: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.
Page 29: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Globalization & Diversity: Rowntree, Lewis, Price, Wyckoff


Total fertility rates

0 0.5 1 1.5 2






Page 30: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Globalization & Diversity: Rowntree, Lewis, Price, Wyckoff





0-14 Years 18.4% 14.9%15-24 Years 15.4% 11.6%25-64 Years 54.5% 49.6%65+ Years 11.7% 23.9%


100% 100%

1990 2025


Page 31: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Japan’s population of centenarians continues to growAPSEP 15, 2014

Reaching the century mark remains a relative rarity for humans, but it is increasingly less so, and perhaps nowhere more than in rapidly aging Japan. The number of Japanese who are at least 100 years old, known as centenarians, has reached 58,820, according to the latest government estimate, released before Respect for the Elderly Day on Monday. A Japanese woman is the oldest person in the world, 116-year-old Misao Okawa, according to Guinness World Records. The oldest man is also Japanese, 111-year-old Sakari Momoi. Somewhat appropriately, one of the kanji in Momoi’s surname means “100,” and his given name translates as flourishing or the prime of life. Advances in health care are contributing to increased longevity in Japan and elsewhere. Japan now has 46.21 centenarians for every 100,000 people. In Japan, women live longer, with nearly 90 percent of the country’s centenarians females. Japan ranks near the top in average life expectancies: 86.61 years for women and 80.21 years for men.

Page 32: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Why Asia’s Greying Matters

Asia, long associated with its youthful armies of factory workers, is growing older fast. That threatens to slow the region’s turbo-charged growth in the years to come, and means investors will need to shift their Asian holdings to match the region’s maturing profile.

For some, that could mean shifting over time from markets in greying nations, such as China, South Korea and Taiwan, and into Asia’s more youthful economies – India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Asia’s population is aging faster than any other region’s. While Japan’s population is already shrinking, in others population growth is slowing to nearly a halt. The average number of children born to women in South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore is currently the lowest in the world, according to the CIA World Factbook.

The result is a declining number of workers due to retirement, and this means losing productivity due to not having the numbers of young labor to replace.

Page 34: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Asia… a land of contrasts

Shanghai, China

Rural village, China

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Pagoda in China Mosque in Indonesia

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Sony electronic components assembly in Japan

Clothing factory in Bangladesh

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Page 38: ASIA HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. 5 Themes of Geography for Asia  Relative Location: South of Russia, East of Europe, North of Australia  Place: Culturally, Asia.

Rice farming in Nepal

Rice farming in Indonesia

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Public transportation in South Korea

Public transportation in India

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Tokyo, capital of Japan

Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia

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Who can wrap up the main points of this first wave of information?

Topics to consider: population distribution, settlement patterns, issues caused by population growth, demographic transition causes and effects…anything else?