ASAE Tech Conference: Anatomy of a Video

Presented by Michael Hoffman, See3 @michael_hoffman [email protected] How associations can use online video to fill conferences, grow membership and educate the public Anatomy of a Video

Transcript of ASAE Tech Conference: Anatomy of a Video

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Presented by Michael Hoffman, See3 @michael_hoffman

[email protected]

How associations can use online video to fill conferences, grow membership and educate the public

Anatomy of a Video

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See3 Communications

• Interactive communications agency for associations and nonprofits specializing in video, web, and engagement

• Results-driven online strategies• Believe in technology and media to

help organizations reach their goals

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Your Audience is Watching

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5 Video Myths

• “We need a viral video”• “We don’t have enough money for

video”• “No one on our staff can do video”• “This one video will transform our

organization”• “The video company will figure it


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Anatomy of a Video

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The Strategy

• What is your objective?• Who is your audience?• What do you want to say?• How will you use the video?• How will you distribute the video?• What tools will you need?

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Good Objectives Bad Objectives

Create a communications tool supporters can share

Go Viral

Connect with supporters on deeper level

Make a Video

Fundraise using video Fill a YouTube Channel

Illustrate and influence a particular legislative bill

Do Something New

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Good Audience Bad Audience

Women 18-35 Everyone

Parents of Young Children The Public

Members of Congress The World

Our Current Supporters People Who Care About Our Issue

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The Staffing and Budget

• What skills does your team have?– Storytelling– Editing– Social Media

• Who needs to be involved?• Who has the passion?• How can we maximize our

budget for the future?

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The Message & Style

• What themes do your audience care about? Right now?

• What story are you telling?• What can video accomplish that text

and images cannot?• How will video compliment your

other creative?

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Staff Produced

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Public Service Announcement

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Animation / Motion Graphics

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Personalized Video

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Broadcast Events

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The Production

• Do you need outside help?• How much media

(video/photography) do you already have?

• What new footage do you need?• How will you script the piece?• Do you have a contingency plan?

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Your Website Is Your Channel

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Your Site Visitors Expect Video – Give It to Them

Graphic courtesy of HubSpot

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You Made The VideoNow What? - Distribution

• Bring people to your video• Website• Email• PR (earned media)

• Bring your video to people

• YouTube• Social Networks (Facebook, etc.)• Blogger Outreach• TubeMogul

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KPIs – How do we measure?

• Marketing 101 – What are you trying to achieve?

• Setting goals at the start• Experimentation and capacity building is also

a goal

• Be realistic• Unless you have puppies or kittens you aren’t

getting 1 million views• One video will not have a transformative

impact on your fundraising

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KPIs – How do we measure?

Views• Compared to previous efforts• Compared to other web traffic• As a percentage of actions (conversion rate)• Demographics – Are they who we want?• Viral vs. outreach efforts

Referrals - Who is sharing? Impact of Search

Actions• Conversion totals, compared to other content

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ISACAThe Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) is an IT governance organization that provides globally singular certification programs. They fill a specific niche and were challenged to put a human face on their very specific set of benefits

Recognizing that they had to tell the stories of their members, and that video told this story most dynamically, ISACA succeeded through creation a series of videos around their certification levels

Video LinkVideo Link

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ISACA understood that their website is their channel and they created a branded environment to highlight their video assets to give these videos a place to live, not just temporarily feature. They are telling their members’ stories on their site in a place where the content makes sense


ISACA even went so far as to call it “ISACA TV” and embedded videos across the spectrum of their accreditations. It creates the look and feel of an egalitarian member forum, however content is on-message and slickly produced.

Video LinkVideo Link

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American College of Physicians: ACP Cures

American College of Physicians (ACP) needs to recruit younger members – medical professionals who haven’t been practicing long and might feel overwhelmed in their daily practice – who can use ACP and it’s benefits to ultimately become better doctors and provide better care to their patients

Video LinkVideo Link

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American College of Physicians: ACP Cures

• ACP knows their audience• ACP knows that their audience cares about being overloaded with work and is looking for a network• ACP knows what key stories to tell

• The story of self – what ACP does and what it offers

• The story of us – the young medical community

• The story of now – what ACP does to help the young medical community and why joining and sharing with colleagues matters

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American College of Physicians: ACP Cures

What They’re Doing Right:

• Using a video that speaks to their audience directly and speaks to themes that they know this audience cares about

• Tells the 3 stories of self, us, and now

• Uses personalization to drive people to interact and actively experience and participate in the video – and share!

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American Association for Cancer Research

The American Association for Cancer Research utilizes motion graphics, uses text smartly, and tells the 3 stories

Self – What AACR is doing

Us – Where the cancer research community is going and how far they’ve come

Now – Their 2010 first annual meeting for members to meet and collaborate to share research

Video LinkVideo Link