AS064-ILST-FATP Issue 1_1 -- Final Acceptance Test Plan - Signed

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  • 7/26/2019 AS064-ILST-FATP Issue 1_1 -- Final Acceptance Test Plan - Signed


    Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium

    National Aerospace Laboratory NLR


    Final Acceptance Test Plan of the Upgrade of the

    ILST Data Acquisition and Data Processing


    Issue 1.1

    E.J.A. Wegkamp

  • 7/26/2019 AS064-ILST-FATP Issue 1_1 -- Final Acceptance Test Plan - Signed


    Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium

    National Aerospace Laboratory NLR

    Anthony Fokkerweg 2P.O. Box 90502

    1006 BM Amsterdam

    The Netherlands

    Telephone +31 (0)88 511 31 13

    Fax +31 (0)88 511 32 10

  • 7/26/2019 AS064-ILST-FATP Issue 1_1 -- Final Acceptance Test Plan - Signed



    Executive summary


    Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium

    National Aerospace Laboratory NLR

    Report no.



    E.J.A. Wegkamp

    Report classification



    April 2014

    Knowledge area(s)





    Wind Tunnel Apparatus

    Data Acquisition

    Data Processing

    Final Acceptance Test Plan of the Upgrade of the ILST Data

    Acquisition and Data Processing systems

    Problem area

    This document is the Test Plan (TP)

    for the Upgraded ILST Data

    Acquisition and Data Processingsystems. The major objective of the

    Upgrade of the ILST Data

    Acquisition and Data Processing

    systems is the replacement of the

    aging equipment for modern PC-

    based equipment, with the aim to

    preserve the current functionality.

    This objective will be achieved by

    the development of new interfaces

    for the existing Conditioning Unitsand associated equipment (PLC

    systems, Subscanner Controllers,

    etc.) and the application of modern

    PC-based computer systems, with

    the Linux operating system. As part

    of the project is identified the

    update of the existing software

    configuration items DA software in

    the DARS host computer and the

    DP software in the DPS host

    computers.During the project the hardware

    modifications as well as dedicated

    NLR furnished equipment will be

    checked for its correct functioning

    during the development and

    manufacturing phase of the project.

    As part of the overall check of the

    integrated functionality of the ILST

    Data Acquisition and Data

    Processing systems a dedicated

    check process will be performed.

    This process is described in this

    Test Plan.

    Description of work

    Testplan for Upgraded ILST Data

    Acquisition and Data Processing


    Results and conclusions

    Testplan for Upgraded ILST Data

    Acquisition and Data Processing


    ApplicabilityUpgraded ILST Data Acquisition

    and Data Processing systems

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    Final Acceptance Test Plan of the Upgrade of the ILST Data Acquisition and

    Data Processing systems

    Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium, National Aerospace Laboratory NLR

    Anthony Fokkerweg 2, 1059 CM Amsterdam,

    P.O. Box 90502, 1006 BM Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Telephone +31 88 511 31 13, Fax +31 88 511 32 10, Web site:
  • 7/26/2019 AS064-ILST-FATP Issue 1_1 -- Final Acceptance Test Plan - Signed


    Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium

    National Aerospace Laboratory NLR


    Final Acceptance Test Plan of the Upgrade of the

    ILST Data Acquisition and Data Processing


    Issue 1.1

    E.J.A. Wegkamp

    No part of this report may be reproduced and/or disclosed, in any form or by any means without the prior

    written permission of the owner.

    Customer Pro-Innov Technology Indonesia

    Contract number SID 7571

    Owner NLR

    Division NLR Aerospace Systems

    Distribution Limited

    Classification of title Unclassified

    April 2014

    Approved by:


    E. Wegkamp


    T. ter Meer

    Managing department

    H. Slot

    Date: Date: Date:

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    This document is the Test Plan (TP) for the Upgraded ILST Data Acquisition and Data

    Processing systems. The major objective of the Upgrade of the ILST Data Acquisition and Data

    Processing systems is the replacement of the aging equipment for modern PC-based equipment,

    with the aim to preserve the current functionality.

    This objective will be achieved by the development of new interfaces for the existing

    Conditioning units and associated equipment (PLC systems, Subscanner Controllers, etc.) and

    the application of modern PC-based computer systems, with the Linux operating system. As

    part of the project is identified the update of the existing software configuration items DAsoftware in the DARS host computer and the DP software in the DPS host computers.

    During the project the hardware modifications as well as dedicated NLR furnished equipment

    will be checked for its correct functioning during the development and manufacturing phase of

    the project. As part of the overall check of the integrated functionality of the ILST Data

    Acquisition and Data Processing systems a dedicated check process will be performed. This

    process is described in this Test Plan.

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    Scope 9

    1.1 Identification 9

    1.2 System Overview 9

    1.3 Document Overview 10

    1.4 Relationship to Other Plans 11

    Referenced Documents 12

    2.1 Government Documents 12

    2.2 Non-government Documents 12

    3 Test Environment 13

    3.1 General 13

    3.2 Software Items 14

    3.3 Hardware and Firmware Items 15

    3.4 Proprietary Nature, and Government Rights 16

    3.5 Installation, Testing, and Control 16

    4 Formal Qualification Test Identification 17

    4.1 General Test Requirements 17

    4.1.1 User Requirements 17

    4.1.2 DARS software 17

    4.1.3 DPS software 17

    4.2 Test Classes 17

    4.3 Test Levels 18

    4.3.1 CSU/CSC level 18

    4.3.2 CSC integration level 18

    4.3.3 CSCI/CSCI validation level 19

    4.4 Test Definitions 21

    4.4.1 DARS-SW 21

    4.4.2 DPS-SW 22

    4.4.3 Regression Testing 22


    Data recording, reduction, and analysis 23

    6 Notes 24

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    Appendix A User requirements verification matrix 25

    Appendix B DARS (derived) requirements verification matrix 40

    Appendix C DPS (derived) requirements verification matrix 42

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    APROPOS Aerodynamic PROcessing and Presentation Open-ended System

    BPPT Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (Agency for Assessment and

    Application of Technology)

    CIDL Configuration Item Data List

    COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf

    CU Conditioning Unit

    DA Data Acquisition

    DAS Data Acquistion System

    DARS Data Acquisition & Reduction SystemDNW Duits-Nederlandse Windtunnels (Dutch-German Wind tunnels)

    DP Data Processing

    DPS Data Processing System

    DRACHME Distributed Real-time Automation and Control Host Multi-platform Executive

    DIL Dual In-Line

    EGOIST Eerste Geheel Online Interface Systeem Tunnels (First Completely Online

    Interface System Tunnels)

    ESM Engine Simulation Monitor

    FMS Facility Management System

    GUI Graphical User Interface

    HMI Human-Machine Interface

    ICD Interface Control Document

    ILST Indonesian Low Speed Tunnel

    LAGG Laboratorium Aero-Gasdinamika dan Getaran (Aero-Gas Dynamics and

    Vibration Laboratory)

    LRU Line Replaceable Unit

    MS Milestone

    NLR Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (National Aerospace Laboratory)

    NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient

    NTP Network Time Protocol

    PC Personal Computer

    PUSPIPTEK Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi (Research Center for Science

    and Technology)

    RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks

    RMS Root-Mean-Square

    TBD To Be Decided

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    TPS Turbo Propulsion Simulator

    WAP Wireless Access Point

    WP Work Package

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    1.1 Identification

    This document is the Test Plan (TP) for the Upgraded ILST Data Acquisition and Data

    Processing systems.

    Identification of the ILST system:

    System name: ILST Data Acquisition and Data Processing systems upgrade

    Acronym: ILST upgrade

    NLR system number: AS064

    Specification document: Ref [2] + Ref [3]

    1.2 System Overview

    This document is the Test Plan for the upgrade of the Data Acquisition and Data Processing

    systems of the Indonesian Low Speed Tunnel (ILST) of the Aero-Gas Dynamics and Vibration

    Laboratory (LAGG).

    The ILST is in operation since 1988 and has been developed within a framework of bilateral

    technological cooperation between the governments of Republic Indonesia, represented by the

    Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), and the Netherlands,

    represented by the National Aerospace Laboratory NLR.

    The mentioned systems, actually consisting of the Data Acquisition & Reduction System

    (DARS), the Calibration System and the Data Processing System (DPS), have been developed

    by NLR and are already in service for more than 25 years. The last years however obsolescence

    problems with the used HP 1000 and HP 9000 computers have become a major issue.

    Besides this, the on-going development at NLR of the Conditioning Units (the main

    instrumentation units at the ILST) has resulted in a huge increase of its capabilities, in particular

    the replacement of the proprietary Data Acquisition Systems bus by standard Ethernet.

    The replacement of the current HP computers by robust personal computers with Linux

    operating system and the related transition to Ethernet as the standard communication bus for

    wind tunnel instrumentation constitutes a major upgrade of the ILST Data Acquisition and Data

    Processing systems.

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    The major objective of the Upgrade of the ILST Data Acquisition and Data Processing systems

    is the replacement of the aging equipment for modern PC-based equipment, with the aim to

    preserve the current functionality.

    This objective will be achieved by the development of new interfaces for the existing

    Conditioning units and associated equipment (PLC systems, Subscanner Controllers, etc.) and

    the application of modern PC-based computer systems, with the Linux operating system. As

    part of the project is identified the update of the existing software configuration items DA

    software in the DARS host computer and the DP software in the DPS host computers.

    During the project the hardware modifications as well as dedicated NLR furnished equipmentwill be checked for its correct functioning during the development and manufacturing phase of

    the project. As part of the overall check of the integrated functionality of the ILST Data

    Acquisition and Data Processing systems a dedicated check process will be performed. This

    process is described in this Test Plan. Since the emphasis of the functionality check is on the

    software as the typical realization of the functionality (although the involved hardware is

    checked implicitly) the test plan is based on Software Test Plan practices.

    It must be noted that the formal check of the ILST upgrade as described in this document will

    be performed in three dedicated areas:

    1. the general user requirements, which are defined in the ILST upgrade proposal;

    2. the data acquisition software as operational on the DARS host, which is effectively the

    core functionality of the acquisition process;

    3. the data processing software as operational on the DPS host, which is the core

    functionality of processing raw data files.

    The execution of the Final Acceptance tests as described in this document are projected to take

    place at NLR in the Netherlands, before final delivery of the software (V2) for DARS and DPS

    to the user/customer. The test results of the Final Acceptance tests will be documented in a Final

    Acceptance Test Result report, see Ref. [5].

    The tests or demonstrations to be accomplished at ILST in Indonesia will need to be defined at a

    later date.

    1.3 Document Overview

    This test plan is structured according to DI-MCCR-80014A of Ref. [1]. The document is

    organised as follows:

    Chapter 1 gives the scope and overview of this document,

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    Chapter 2 gives a list of referenced documents,

    Chapter 3 identifies all resources for the tests,

    Chapter 4 presents the test classes and levels,

    Chapter 5 describes the process of data analysis to use during and after tests,

    Chapter 6 provides applicable notes,

    Acronyms are provided in a dedicated list in the first part of the document,

    Appendix A provides the user requirements verification matrix,

    Appendix B provides the DARS (derived ) requirements verification matrix,

    Appendix C provides the DPS (derived) requirements verification matrix.


    Relationship to Other PlansNot applicable.

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    Referenced Documents

    2.1 Government Documents

    [1] Defense System Software Development Standard DOD-STD-2167A, US Department of

    Defense, 1986, DOD-STD-2167A.

    2.2 Non-government Documents

    [2]NLR Proposal SID: 7571 V2, Upgrade of the ILST Data Acquisition and Data

    Processing systems (Revised version) February 15, 2013.

    [3] Memo ASAQ-2013-008 Technical description and planning for the upgrade of the ILST

    Data Acquisition and Data Processing systems, Version 1.1, October 2013[4] Memo ASAQ-2013-025 AS064-ILST-ICD Version 1draft 6 Interface Control

    Document for the ILST FMS, December 2013.

    [5]NLR-CR-2013-551, Final Acceptance Test Result Report of the upgrade of the ILST

    Data Acquisition and Data Processing systems.

    [6] Memo ASAQ-2013-019 Software design document for the Data Acquisition System and

    Calibration System.

    [7] Memo ASAQ-2013-020 Software design document for the Data Processing System.

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    Test Environment


    This chapter specifies the test environments which are needed for the verification of the user

    requirements and the requirements for the various systems in the ILST Data Acquisition and

    Data Processing systems. The software and hardware items needed for verification can be

    divided in items for verification of user requirements, DARS requirements, and DPS

    requirements. The various environments are divided in hardware and software items.

    For the verification of the user requirements, an ILST simulation environment is available at

    NLR, as depicted in Figure 1.

    Figure 1. ILST simulation environment as available at NLR

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    3.2 Software Items

    Table 1 lists all software items that are necessary to perform the DARS software testing


    Table 1. DARS Software Items

    Component Purpose HW Platform

    Linux Operating System PC

    FEA-CuMk3-EXT Front End Acquisition task for CU PC

    FEA-DasHub* Front End Acquisition task for DasHub PC

    FEA-NtcHub* Front End Acquisition task for



    FEA-PLC* Front End Acquisition task for PLC PC

    FEA-ESM* Front End Acquisition task for ESM PC

    FEA-SC* Front End Acquisition task for

    Subscanner Controller


    FEA-PSI* Front End Acquisition task for PSI PC

    CalCtl* Calibration application PC

    DataSelection Data Selection Task PC

    CIT Command Interface task PC

    MeasurementControl Measurement Control PC

    Synthetic* Calculation of tunnel parameters PC

    MessageFile Captures messages PC

    StrobeEdit* Strobe number editor PC

    CU simulator (Real-Time) Simulation Environment PC

    DasHub simulator* (Real-Time) Simulation Environment PC

    NTC simulator* (Real-Time) Simulation Environment PC

    PLC simulator*

    (Real-Time) Simulation Environment PC*: Item is not part of Factory Acceptance Test, but tested at lower level.

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    Table 2 lists all software items that are necessary to perform the DPS software testing activities.

    Table 2. DPS Software Items

    Component Purpose HW Platform

    Linux Operating System PC

    Apropos Data Processing System PC

    DARS Software Items (Real-Time) Simulation



    DA Data files Off-line simulation environment PC

    Table 3 lists all software items that are necessary to perform the user requirements testing


    Table 3. User Requirements Software Items

    Component Purpose HW Platform

    Linux Operating System PC

    DPS Software Items (Real-Time) Simulation



    3.3 Hardware and Firmware Items

    Table 4 lists all hardware items that are necessary to perform the DARS software testing

    activities and DPS software testing activities. For the performance of user requirements tests, a

    number of hardware items will be needed at NLR (delivery of the dedicated hardware has

    already taken place to ILST).Table 4 specifies the list of hardware items.

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    Table 4. Hardware items for user requirements tests

    Quantity Item

    After DECEMBER

    delivery: Remarks

    1Data Acquisitie


    General purpose

    computer (ODIC)

    Dedicated computer, 2 GBE

    ports for 2 networks

    1Data Processing


    General purpose

    computer (ODIC)Dedicated computer

    1 Data serverGeneral purpose

    computer (ODIC)Dedicated computer

    1DA-DP Ethernet


    General purpose

    switch (ODIC)-

    1DARS Ethernet


    General purpose

    switch (ODIC) -

    2 Parallel I/O card* NLR spare cards -



    - Try to borrow from DNW?

    1Calibration source

    (Burster)*- Try to borrow from DNW?

    1 Conditioning UnitProto ILST CU,

    ETW CU

    2 DAS Hub* ETW DAS Hub -

    1 NTC DAS Hub* - Try to borrow from DNW?

    1 NTC Conditioning* - Try to borrow from DNW?



    -Try to borrow from DNW

    (availability unsure)?



    -Try to borrow from DNW

    (availability unsure)?

    1 Low Level Interface* -Try to borrow from DNW

    (availability unsure)?

    1 High Level Interface* -

    Try to borrow from DNW

    (availability unsure)?

    1Engine Monitor




    Develop an EMS simulator,

    executing on simulator


    n CU simulatorsGeneral purpose

    computer (ODIC)

    CU simulator software is

    ready, executes on simulator


    *: Item is not part of Factory Acceptance Test, but tested at lower level.

    3.4 Proprietary Nature, and Government Rights

    Not applicable.

    3.5 Installation, Testing, and Control

    To be detailed in Final Acceptance Test Report, see Ref.[5].

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    4 Formal Qualification Test Identification

    4.1General Test Requirements

    4.1.1 User Requirements

    The objective of verification of the user requirements is to evaluate compliance with the

    applicable requirements as documented in Ref[2].

    The criteria for verification/test case definition are:

    Coverage of all user requirements as stated in Ref [2] and Appendix A of this


    4.1.2 DARS software

    The objective of testing the DARS software is to evaluate compliance and robustness with the

    applicable DARS requirements as documented in Ref[2] and Appendix B.

    The criteria for test case definition are:

    Testing of complete functional chains between DARS I/O involving the DARS-SW


    Focus on interfacing between DARS-SW CSCI and other CSCIs.

    Verification of DARS-SW timing aspects.

    Coverage of all DARS-SW system requirements as stated in Ref [2] and Appendix B of

    this document.

    4.1.3 DPS software

    The objective of testing the DPS software is to evaluate compliance and robustness with the

    applicable DPS requirements as documented in Ref[2] and Appendix C.

    The criteria for test case definition are:

    Testing of complete functional chains between DPS I/O involving the DPS-SW CSCI.

    Coverage of all DPS-SW-system requirements as stated in Ref [2] and Appendix C of

    this document.

    4.2Test Classes

    The following test classes are identified:

    1. Performance tests: Test cases shall be designed to show that the performance of the

    DARS and DPS CSCIs is according to the requirements as stated in Ref [2].

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    2. Functional tests: Test cases shall be designed to show that the behaviour of the system

    is according to the specified or designed behaviour, as defined by either high-level

    requirements or low-level (software) requirements.

    3. Robustness tests: Existing test cases shall be enhanced and further test cases shall be

    designed to determine the extent to which the software continues to operate correctly

    despite invalid inputs. The purpose is to show that the software does not do anything

    that it is not specified to do. This step depends primarily on error guessing, relying upon

    the experience of the test designer to anticipate problem areas.

    4. Configuration tests: The DARS software can be configured by means of a dedicated

    configuration file. Test cases will be defined to check the behaviour of DARS with

    different configuration files.5. Hardware/software tests: Tests shall be performed to verify that the software is

    compatible with the target hardware.

    4.3Test Levels

    The following three test levels are identified:

    1. CSU/CSC level. Applicable test classes: 2,3,5

    2. CSC integration level. Applicable test classes: 1,2,3,5

    3. CSCI/CSCI validation level. Applicable test classes: 1,2,3,4,5

    The test levels are described below.

    4.3.1 CSU/CSC level

    Not applicable.

    4.3.2 CSC integration level

    The purpose of (integration) testing of an integrated CSC is to load its executable object code in

    to the target environment and to verify that the CSC correctly fulfils its functionalities. The

    approach for the ILST-project is to load a complete CSCI executable and to test it on its merits,

    using a host computer environment due to unavailability of the target computer(s).

    For each integrated CSC of the ILST-project, verifications are performed on the following


    validation of high-level requirements that are to be qualified on the integration testing

    level and allocated to one or more specific CSCs. These requirements typically refer to:

    o meeting of performances and constraints, interfaces with the hardware,

    o detection and processing of hardware failures, and

    o possible violations of software partitioning (if applicable).

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    sequencing of the elements issued from the CSC architecture,

    interface between software functionalities (CSCs), and

    possible incorrect initialization of variables and constants.

    4.3.3 CSCI/CSCI validation level ILST system level - User Requirements

    The purpose of this level of testing is to validate that the ILST CSCI is compliant to the user

    requirements as specified in Ref. [2] and in Ref. [4].

    This level of verification consists of validation of the various system parts and conformance tothe ICD, to verify compliance with the high-level requirements as specified in Ref. [2] and Ref.

    [4]. In most of the cases there is no need for an actual test: DARS and DPS related requirements

    will be verified as part of these CSCI tests (see sections and of this document). DARS CSCI

    The purpose of this level of testing is to validate that the DARS CSCI is compliant and robust to

    the software requirements as specified in Ref. [2] and the dedicated DARS software

    requirements as specified in Appendix B of this document. Preferably these tests would be

    executed on the actual target hardware, but this is not possible for the ILST project due to early

    delivery of the actual target hardware. The CSCI level tests will therefore be mainly executed on

    the ILST simulation environment at NLR.

    This level of testing consists of a black box test of the software by simulation of the operational

    inputs to verify compliance with the high-level requirements as specified in Ref. [2]. Test cases

    may be derived using the same techniques as for testing on CSC integration level, using the

    high-level requirements as reference.

    During the verification program of the DA CSCI, a DARS test system will be used. This test

    system will have the capability of simulating a number of outputs of Conditioning Unit (CU)

    equipment and be able to collect also the output of the DARS. The output of the DARS can be

    analysed and be verified for the correctness of the response. The system is able to perform

    DARS functional and performance tests under manual control. Figure 2 shows a block diagram

    of the system.

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    Figure 2. DARS test system setup

    The DARS test system uses a COTS PC, executing Linux with at least the following interface


    - Ethernet I/O.


    The purpose of this level of testing is to validate that the DPS CSCI running on the actual target

    is compliant and robust to the software requirements as specified in Ref. [2] and the dedicated

    DPS software requirements as specified in Appendix C of this document.

    This level of testing consists of a black box test of the software by simulation of the operational

    inputs to verify compliance with the high-level requirements of the SRS/IRS documents. Test

    cases may be derived using the same techniques as for testing on CSC integration level, using

    the high-level requirements as reference.

    During the verification program of the DPS CSCI, archived raw data files and processed data

    files from the ILST will be used. With these files the processing of the original, archived files

    can be repeated with the DPS CSCI on a host PC. The archived processed data can be compared

    with the output of the DPS CSCI, to conclude the correct functioning of the DPS CSCI. This

    setup will be used to perform DPS functional and performance tests under manual control.

    Figure 3 shows a block diagram of the system.

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    Figure 3. DPS test process flow

    The DPS test system uses a COTS PC, executing Linux with at least the following interface


    - Ethernet I/O.

    4.4Test Definitions

    The tests planned for DARS-SW and DPS-SW are described in the following sections. In this

    section only a summary of the objective(s) and the methods used will be documented. The

    verifications/tests will be further detailed into test cases and procedures, but not documented in

    this test plan.

    4.4.1 DARS-SW


    The objective of this test is to verify that DARS produces the correct output data, based on the

    input of, among others, CU generated data and user commands. The data is specified in Ref. [4]

    and Ref. [6].


    DARS (derived) requirements verification matrix, see Appendix B.

    Test Level

    CSCI/CSCI validation level.

    Test Class

    Applicable test classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

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    Qualification Method

    Any of the available qualification methods can be used in the process of verification of the

    DARS software requirements. The methods available are: demonstration/test, analysis, and


    4.4.2 DPS-SW


    The objective of this test is to verify that DPS produces the correct output data (format: file).

    The correct data is specified in Ref. [4] and Ref. [7].


    DPS (derived) requirements verification matrix, see Appendix C.

    Test Level

    CSCI/CSCI validation level

    Test Class

    Applicable test classes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    Qualification Method

    Any of the available qualification methods can be used in the process of verification of the DPS

    software requirements. The methods available are: demonstration/test, analysis, and inspection.

    4.4.3 Regression Testing

    The objective of regression testing is to check the integrity of the system after a (software)

    modification. Regression testing is not foreseen for the ILST software items1.

    1The testing of the DPS software in itself can be seen as a large regression test, since the DPS software has been adapted for use

    on a PC with Linux-based operating system software. The tests are based on comparison of the test results of the old and newversions of the DPS software, typically a regression mechanism.

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    Data recording, reduction, and analysis

    The test results will be recorded into test log files and are analysed by the relevant test tool or

    the user to perform comparison with the specified expected test results.

    The resulting test result files are analysed manually to check on the pass or fail of any test. All

    test result files will be stored and either included or referenced in the Software Test Report. All

    test results will be placed under configuration management.

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    There are no notes.

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    Appendix A

    User requirements verification matrix

    A.1 Requirements identification

    Ref.[2] defines the outline of the ILST-project. The user requirements are acquired from that

    document by analysis of the provided text. The sentences of chapter 2 of Ref.[2] are

    categorized as providing information or defining an actual requirement. The summary of the

    requirements, without stating the informational sentences, is provided inTable 5.The

    requirements are identified using the following identification method:

    [v-ps], with the following parameter explanation:

    : identification of the applicable proposal;

    v: applicable version of the proposal;: section identification of the applicable proposal;

    p: paragraph in the section;

    s: sentence in the paragraph.

    As an example:


    Project: ILST

    Proposal: V2 version 1.0

    Section: 2.2

    Paragraph: 2

    Sentence: 1

    A.2 Requirements matrix

    The following table (Table 5)provides the user requirements and defines the need for

    validation, stating either Y (Yes) or N (No) in the column validation. If a validation is

    identified, then the method for performing the validation is provided in the column method.

    Table 5. Summary of user requirements

    Seq. ID Description validation method

    UR-021 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Except for both data

    acquisition subnets, all

    components of the DA-DP

    network will consist of COTS



    UR-022 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The Host computers and GUI

    computers will be

    implemented as rugged

    personal computers with Red

    Hat Enterprise Linux x86_64

    operating system with KDE

    desktop software.

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

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    Seq. ID Description validation method

    UR-023 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Except for the wireless

    devices, these computers will

    also be equipped with dual

    monitor outputs, in order to

    allow connecting additional

    GUI screens in the future.

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-025 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The main DA-DP network

    consists of six Host


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-026 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The Data Acquisition &

    Reduction System Host

    (DARS Host) for control of all

    measurement activities of

    the Wind Tunnel Data

    Acquisition (D/A) System;

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-027 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The Calibration System Host

    for all sensor calibration


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-028 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Two Data Processing System

    Hosts (DPS Host) for all

    online data processing tasks;

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-029 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Two General-Purpose Data

    Processing System Hosts

    (DPS-GP Host) for all pre-

    processing and post-

    processing tasks.

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-030 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Data from the Host

    computers is stored on a

    dedicated Data Server with

    RAID (Redundant Array of

    Independent Disks).

    Y Analysis: verify whether data transfer

    from host computer to Data Server is

    performed, inspect presence of Data

    Server with RAID setup.

    UR-031 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    To prevent a possible loss of

    data during the execution of

    a wind tunnel test, the

    relevant measurement data

    will initially be stored locally

    on the respective Host


    Y Analysis: verify that data is stored locally

    during a test

    UR-032 [ILST-V2v1.0-

    2.2.1p2s3 ]

    After completion of a run the

    data will automatically be

    transferred to the Data


    Y Analysis: verify that the data is

    automatically transferred after

    completion of a test

    UR-034 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The following GUI devices

    are foreseen on the following


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-036 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Two (extendable to four) GUI

    devices for real-time wind

    tunnel parameter data and

    text (wall and desk);

    Y See UR-034

    UR-037 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Four (extendable to eight)

    GUI devices for plots and

    graphics (wall);

    Y See UR-034

    UR-038 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    One Operator GUI device for

    control and manual input of

    parameters (desk);

    Y See UR-034

    UR-039 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Instrumentation Room: One

    GUI device;

    Y See UR-034

    UR-040 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Customer Room: One GUI


    Y See UR-034

    UR-041 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Test Section Hall: Two

    wireless portable GUI


    Y See UR-034

    UR-044 [ILST-V2v1.0- Figure 2 Proposed upgraded N architecture definition, no user

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    Seq. ID Description validation method

    2.2.1p4s3] DA-DP network architecture requirement

    UR-045 [ILST-V2v1.0-2.2.1p5s1]

    The network is alsoconnected to the ILST Video

    System, in order to be able

    to display overlay

    information on monitors,

    such as text and wind tunnel


    Y ILST video system test will be part ofApropos test (ref XXX)

    UR-046 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    NLR will propose a video

    matrix system to LAGG after

    further discussion on the

    detailed specifications, such

    as the required type of

    cameras and interface

    requirements, pan & tilt

    possibilities, audio

    possibilities, etc.


    UR-047 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Foreseen is the use of an

    8x16 or 16x16 matrix switch.

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-048 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    A total of four printers are

    connected to the DA-DP

    network and its subnets:

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-049 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    A line printer to print raw

    data in engineering units

    from the DARS Host;

    Y See UR-048

    UR-050 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    A line printer to print

    calibrated data and

    calculation results from the

    DPS Hosts;

    Y See UR-048

    UR-051 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    A colour laser printer for

    general printing purposes;

    Y See UR-048

    UR-052 [ILST-V2v1.0-2.2.1p6s1d]

    A colour laser printer for theCalibration D/A System


    Y See UR-048

    UR-053 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    A firewall between the DA-

    DP network and Internet is

    installed to allow remote

    support (for maintenance,

    software upgrades, etc.) by

    external parties, such as NLR.

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-054 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The network includes two

    dedicated subnets for data

    acquisition; the DARS Host

    and the Calibration System

    Host each control the

    networks for the Wind

    Tunnel D/A System and theCalibration D/A System


    Y Analysis: verify that the network

    architecture is defined in the ICD

    UR-062 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    For the control of the two

    Subscanner Controllers, one

    or more COTS parallel I/O

    cards are necessary in the

    DARS Host.

    Y Inspection: verify that the parallel I/O

    cards are present in the ICD

    UR-063 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    These controllers, on their

    turn, control the Low Level

    Scanners and the ScaniValve

    units (both not drawn here

    for clarity).

    ? December demo?

    UR-064 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The ScaniValve equipment

    will be replaced in the future

    by PSI equipment.


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    Seq. ID Description validation method

    UR-065 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Besides to the data

    acquisition equipment, the

    DARS Host is also connected

    to the ILST PLC systems for

    Model Control and Tunnel


    Y Test: verify that the DARS HOST can

    receive data generated by the PLC

    Simulator as defined in the ICD.

    UR-066 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The Central PLC (PLC System

    #1 in Figure 3) acts as the

    main hub for the other PLC


    N From DARS point of view, there is only

    interaction with the main hub.

    UR-068 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The existing RS-422 link

    between the DARS Host and

    the Central PLC will be

    replaced by an Ethernet link

    using TCP/IP and/or UDP/IP

    communications protocol.

    Y Inspection: verify the network

    architecture as defined in the ICD

    UR-069 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Figure 3 Proposed Wind

    tunnel D/A System subnet

    N architecture definition, no user


    UR-072 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    LAGG will be responsible for

    the purchase of this card, the

    development of the required

    PLC software and the

    composition (in cooperation

    with NLR) of the Interface

    Control Document (ICD).

    N No NLR requirement

    UR-073 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The Time Code Generator

    will be replaced by the

    Network Time Protocol (NTP)

    as a means to synchronize all

    computers and to provide a

    unique time stamp for the

    acquired data points.

    ? TBC: has this been configured? Default

    setting in linux?

    UR-075 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    In general, the use of

    Ethernet instead of the DAS-

    bus as the main data bus will

    result in the following

    changes of the Data

    Acquisition and Data

    Processing network


    UR-076 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Replacement of the HP 1000

    computers, HP 9000

    computers and DAS

    Interfaces by PCs with Linux;

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-077 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Installation of standard

    Ethernet switches to connect

    the Conditioning Units and

    DAS Hubs directly to the

    DARS computer.

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-078 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    For the Conditioning Units:

    Replacement of the DAS-bus

    interface by an Ethernet

    interface (see section;

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-079 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    For the remaining

    unmodified equipment

    (Calibration Generators,

    Inclinometer Conditioning

    Units, etc.): Connection to

    Ethernet via a number of 8-

    channel DAS Hubs (see


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

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    Seq. ID Description validation method

    UR-080 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    The upgrade of the

    Conditioning Units to

    Ethernet requires two

    modifications on the

    Conditioning Units:

    Y Inspection: see Modification Kit

    UR-081 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    The replacement of the

    current Digital Interface

    board by an Ethernet

    Interface board;

    Y Inspection: see Modification Kit

    UR-082 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    The modification of the rear


    Y Inspection: see Modification Kit

    UR-084 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    All the functions for on-

    board control, data

    processing, data storage and

    the interfacing with Ethernet

    are implemented as

    firmware in a COTS Linux-

    embedded computer

    module, the Toradex Colibri.

    N No user requirement

    UR-088 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    Particular attention has been

    paid to the synchronization

    of measurements between

    Conditioning Units, other

    DAS-bus equipment and

    external equipment.

    Y see UR-089

    UR-089 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    This is supported by means

    of an External Trigger input,

    which replaces the original

    DAS-bus Strobe signal, as

    well as by several software

    trigger options (using

    Ethernet command


    Y Test: verify that the DARS can provide a

    trigger signal via ethernet. The CU itself is

    not subject of this test, trigger

    functionality is verified after modification


    UR-091 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    The modification of the rear

    panel is required to replace

    the current DAS-bus and

    accompanying Strobe

    connectors with Ethernet

    and External Trigger input


    Y Inspection: see Modification Kit

    UR-093 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    Two External Trigger input

    connectors are placed to

    allow daisy-chaining of

    cabling between

    Conditioning Units.

    Y Inspection: see Modification Kit

    UR-094 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    It should be noted that this

    version has another type of

    Calibration Bus connector.

    Y Inspection: see Modification Kit

    UR-095 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    Also, a cavity has been added

    on top, intended glue a serial

    number plate in.

    Y Inspection: see Modification Kit

    UR-096 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    The ILST Conditioning Units

    will have comparable rear


    Y Inspection: see Modification Kit

    UR-097 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    With the DAS Hub (see

    Figure 6) unmodified DAS-

    bus equipment can be

    connected to Ethernet using

    a communication protocol

    very similar to the version

    used in the Conditioning


    Y Test: verify that the DAS Hub can provide

    data via ethernet to DARS (TBD

    availability of test equipment).

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    Seq. ID Description validation method

    UR-098 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    A maximum of eight DAS-bus

    units, either Binary or BCD

    devices, can be connected to

    a single DAS Hub.

    N No change w.r.t. previous DAS bus units.

    UR-099 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    A common External Trigger

    input is provided for all

    connected devices.

    N No part of DARS, will not be validated

    UR-101 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    For the NTC Conditioning a

    dedicated DAS Hub is


    Y Inspection: list of delivered equipment

    UR-102 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    This unit connects a single

    NTC Conditioning to Ethernet

    and is equipped with an

    additional Step/Home


    N No part of DARS, will not be validated

    UR-109 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    For a proper implementation

    it is necessary that the

    actually applied excitation

    voltage is measured for the

    on-board calculation of the

    normalized value (i.e. no

    post-processing required)

    and that this measurement

    does not influence the

    overall conversion speed of

    the Conditioning Unit.

    N No part of DARS, will not be validated

    UR-111 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    This requires a modification

    on the Ethernet Interface

    board (see section,

    i.e. electronic circuitry will be

    added to measure and

    digitize the actual voltage, so

    it can be read by the on-

    board computer module.

    N No part of DARS, will not be validated

    UR-112 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    The firmware will also be

    modified in order to

    calculate the normalized

    output, so it can be read by

    the external DA computer.

    N No part of DARS, will not be validated

    UR-113 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    Figure 7 Calculation of

    normalized output

    N No part of DARS, will not be validated

    UR-114 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    A total of fifteen additional

    Conditioning Units are

    offered to extend the

    measurement capabilities of

    the DA system.

    Y Inspection: list of delivered equipment

    UR-115 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    Because of obsolescence

    problems with electronic,

    electromagnetic and

    mechanical components a

    number of printed-circuit

    boards will have to be


    Y Inspection: see Modification Kit

    UR-116 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    The printed-circuit boards

    will be regarded as Line

    Replaceable Units (LRU) and

    will therefore be functionally

    the same to allow

    exchanging with the original


    Y Inspection: see Modification Kit

    UR-117 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    The technical specifications

    will also remain unchanged.


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    Seq. ID Description validation method

    switch-off in case of


    UR-138 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    Remote Data Concentrator


    Y Inspection: list of delivered equipment

    UR-139 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    The Remote Data

    Concentrator has to be

    mounted on-board the wind

    tunnel model and is used to

    limit the amount of wiring

    between the model and the



    UR-140 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    It acquires and conditions

    the onboard temperature

    signals from thermo-couples

    and Pt-100 sensors.


    UR-141 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    Figure 9 Block diagram of the



    UR-142 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    LAGG intends to update the

    current ScaniValve pressure

    measurement equipment of

    the Wind Tunnel D/A System

    (see Figure 1) in the future

    by a more modern system of

    Pressure Systems Inc. (PSI).


    UR-144 [ILST-V2v1.0-]

    NLR will incorporate the

    required external interface in

    the DARS DA software (see

    section 2.2.5) as soon as the

    hardware has been selected

    by LAGG.


    UR-146 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The software for the DARS

    and Calibration System Host

    computers will be based on

    the DRACHME kernel.

    Y Inspection: TBD verify Drachme in

    application title or About menu?

    UR-155 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    In short, the DRACHME

    kernel software provides the

    following services:

    Y See UR-156 to/incl UR-159

    UR-156 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Automatic (re-)configuration

    of nodes;

    Y Test: TBD

    UR-157 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Real-time distribution blocks

    of data between tasks;

    Y Test: TBD

    UR-158 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Distribution and routing of

    commands between tasks;

    Y Test: TBD

    UR-159 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    One-to-many distribution of

    text messages betweentasks.

    Y Test: TBD

    UR-160 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Together with a number of

    open source and industry

    standard toolboxes, the

    DRACHME kernel can be

    used to develop any Facility

    Management System (FMS)

    for wind tunnel applications

    and may consists of one or

    more nodes.

    Y See UR-156

    UR-162 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The ILST DARS software will

    be developed using GNU and

    Linux tools.

    N No user requirement

    UR-163 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The specific GUI tasks will be

    developed using easy to useopen source development

    N No user requirement

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    Seq. ID Description validation method

    tools and applications.

    UR-164 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The development package

    will be used is Qt.

    N No user requirement

    UR-165 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The software for the

    Calibration System (CS) will

    be more or less identical to

    the software of the DARS,

    although the Calibration

    System will have less

    external interfaces and less

    GUI tasks.

    Y Inspection: verify that DRACHME is used

    for both CS as well as DARS.

    UR-168 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Main control task

    (DRACHME); Node: DARS, CS

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-169 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Graphical User Interfaces;

    External interface: Ethernet;Node DARS, CS

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-170 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Control of the DARS line

    printer; External interface:

    Ethernet; Node DARS

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-171 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    DPS Host interface ; External

    interface: Ethernet; Node


    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-172 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Control of the Subscanner

    Controllers ; External

    interface: Parallel I/O; Node


    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-173 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Control of the PSI system ;

    External interface: Ethernet;

    Node DARS

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-174 [ILST-V2v1.0-2.2.5p5s3g] Control the ILST Wind TunnelD/A System hardware;

    External interface: Ethernet;

    Node DARS

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task isperformed on the identified node(s)

    UR-175 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Control the ILST Calibration

    System D/A hardware;

    External interface: Ethernet;

    Node CS

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-176 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Interface with the Calibration

    Database (CDB); External

    interface: Ethernet; Node:

    DARS, CS

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-177 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Interface with the ILST PLC

    systems; External interface:

    Ethernet; Node: DARS

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-178 [ILST-V2v1.0-2.2.5p5s3k] Control of the Burstercalibration source; External

    interface: RS-232; Node:

    DARS, CS

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task isperformed on the identified node(s)

    UR-179 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Control of the Configurable

    EMS; External interface:

    Ethernet; Node: DARS

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-180 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The software for the DPS

    Host computers is based on

    the APROPOS C07 data

    processing software, ported

    to 64-bit Linux.

    Y Inspection: verify that the DPS software

    has Apropos as its origin. Verify that the

    DPS software runs on 64-bit Linux.

    UR-181 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Since the accompanying

    original user interface and

    plotting software packages

    are not supported anymore,

    these components will be re-

    Y Test: verify that the UI (NLR tcl/tk GUI) is

    able to control the DPS software. Verify

    that the DPS can generate plots using the

    plotting software.

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    Seq. ID Description validation method

    developed using open source

    and license free tools.

    UR-182 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    For the GUIs, Qt will be used. N No NLR requirement

    UR-183 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The choice for the plotting

    facilities has yet to be



    UR-186 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Ported APROPOS C07 to

    Linux x86_64; Node DPS,


    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-187 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Graphical User Interfaces;

    Node DPS, DPS-GP

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-188 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Plot interface; Node DPS,


    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-189 [ILST-V2v1.0-2.2.6p1s6d]

    Control of the DPS lineprinter; External interface:

    Ethernet; Node DPS, DPS-GP

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task isperformed on the identified node(s)

    UR-190 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    DARS Host interface;

    External interface: Ethernet;

    Node DPS

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-191 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Interface with the Calibration

    Database (CDB); External

    interface: Ethernet; Node


    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-192 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Interface with the ILST Video

    System; External interface:

    Ethernet or other standard

    data bus; Node DPS

    Y Inspection: verify that identified task is

    performed on the identified node(s)

    UR-194 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Besides the hardware and

    software components, alsothe relevant documentation

    will be delivered to LAGG in

    order to provide the

    information needed for

    LAGG to be self-supporting.

    Y See UR-269 up to/incl UR-284

    UR-197 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    DARS Host; Quantity 1 Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-198 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    DARS Host; Personal

    computer with Linux

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-199 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    DARS Host; 24 widescreen


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-200 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    DARS Host; Two Ethernet


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-201 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    DARS Host; Two parallel I/O


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-202 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    DARS Host; Dual monitor


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-203 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Calibration System Host;

    Quantity 1

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-204 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Calibration System Host;

    Personal computer with


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-205 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Calibration System Host; 24

    widescreen monitor

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-206 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Calibration System Host; Two

    Ethernet ports

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-207 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Calibration System Host;

    Dual monitor output

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-208 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    DPS Host/DPS-GP Host;

    Quantity 4

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

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    Seq. ID Description validation method

    UR-209 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Personal computer with


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-210 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    24 widescreen monitor Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-211 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Dual monitor output Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-212 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    GUI computers (for tunnel

    parameters, text, plots and

    graphics); Quantity: 8

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-213 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    GUI computers; Personal

    computer with Linux

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-214 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    GUI computers; Dual monitor


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-215 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    GUI computers; Widescreen

    monitors: Control Room (6);

    Instrumentation Room (1);

    Customer Room (1)

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-216 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Operator GUI computer;

    Quantity: 1

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-217 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Operator GUI computer;

    Personal computer with


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-218 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Operator GUI computer;

    Touch screen or widescreen


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-219 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Operator GUI computer;

    Dual monitor output

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-220 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Portable GUI computer;

    Quantity: 2

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-221 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Portable GUI computer;

    Ruggedized laptop computer

    with Linux

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-222 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Portable GUI computer;

    Tablet computer (iOS or


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-223 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Data server; Quantity: 1 Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-224 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Data server; Network data

    storage computer server

    with RAID

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-225 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Wireless Access Point (WAP);

    Quantity: 1

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-226 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Wireless Access Point (WAP);

    To be mounted in the Test

    Section Hall

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-227 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Line printer; Quantity: 2 Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-228 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Line printer; DPS Line Printer

    and DARS Line Printer

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-229 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Line printer; Ethernet and

    USB ports

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-230 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Colour laser printer;

    Quantity: 2

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-231 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Colour laser printer; For DA-

    DP network and Calibration

    D/A System

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-232 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Gigabit switch; Quantity: 5 Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-233 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Gigabit switch; 24-port

    Gigabit Ethernet switches:

    DA-DP network (1); Wind

    Tunnel D/A System (3);Calibration D/A System (1)

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

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    Seq. ID Description validation method

    UR-234 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Firewall; Quantity: 1 Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-235 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Firewall; To enable remote

    support via a secured


    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-237 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Software packages for the

    Host computers; Quantity: 6

    Y Inspection: list of delivered software

    UR-238 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Software packages for the

    Host computers: DARS Host,

    Calibration System Host, DPS

    Host, DPS-GPS Host

    Y Inspection: list of delivered software

    UR-239 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Software packages for the

    GUI computers; Quantity: 10

    Y Inspection: list of delivered software

    UR-240 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Software packages for the

    GUI computers: GUI

    computers (8), Operator GUI

    computer (1) and wireless

    GUI laptop computer (1)

    Y Inspection: list of delivered software

    UR-241 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Software package for the GUI

    tablet; Quantity:1

    Y Inspection: list of delivered software

    UR-242 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Software package for the

    data server; Quantity: 1

    Y Inspection: list of delivered software

    UR-243 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Operating System software

    package; Quantity: 1

    Y Inspection: list of delivered software

    UR-244 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Operating System software

    package; Linux Operating

    System for all DA-DP

    computers, including 17


    Y Inspection: list of delivered software

    UR-245 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Test software; Quantity: 1 Y Inspection: list of delivered software

    UR-246 [ILST-V2v1.0-2.2.7p1s5f2] Test software: For testing ofthe upgraded Conditioning


    Y Inspection: list of delivered software

    UR-248 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Modification kits for the

    Conditioning Unit Mk3 DAS;

    Quantity: 50

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-249 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Modification kits for the

    Conditioning Unit Mk3 DAS;

    Ethernet Interface board, as

    a one-to-one replacement

    for the current Digital

    Interface board

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-250 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Modification kits for the

    Conditioning Unit Mk3 DAS;

    Partial rear panel to mount

    on the current rear panel

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-252 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    DAS Hubs; Quantity: 5 Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-255 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    NTC DAS Hub; Quantity: 1 Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-257 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Additional Conditioning

    Units; Quantity: 15

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-260 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Modification kits for the Low

    Level and High Level

    Interfaces; Quantity: 18

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-263 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Calibration Sources;

    Quantity: 2

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-265 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Engine Monitor System;

    Quantity: 1

    Y Inspection list of delivered equipment

    UR-269 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Instruction manual for the

    upgrade of the ConditioningUnit Mark III

    Y Inspection: list of delivered


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    Seq. ID Description validation method

    UR-270 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Instruction manual for the

    upgrade of the Low Level


    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-271 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Instruction manual for the

    upgrade of the High Level


    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-272 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Documentation set for the

    upgraded Conditioning Unit

    Mark III

    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-273 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Documentation set for the

    upgraded Low Level


    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-274 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Documentation set for the

    upgraded High Level


    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-275 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Software design document

    for the Data Acquisition

    System and Calibration


    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-276 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Software design document

    for the Data Processing


    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-277 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    User manual for the Data

    Acquisition System and the

    Calibration System

    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-278 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    User manual for the Data

    Processing System

    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-279 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    User manual for the Engine

    Monitor System

    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-280 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Binder with all manuals all

    COTS hardware and software


    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-281 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Software installation

    instructions for all computers

    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-282 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Configuration Item Data List


    Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-283 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Final Acceptance Test Plan Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-284 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Final Acceptance Test Report Y Inspection: list of delivered


    UR-286 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    LAGG is requested to send

    one unmodified Conditioning

    Unit, one Low Level Interface

    and one High Level Interface.

    N No user requirement

    UR-287 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    These three units will be

    modified at NLR and will be

    used for:

    N No user requirement

    UR-288 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Testing of the DA and DP


    N No user requirement

    UR-289 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Verification of the

    normalized output

    modification on the

    Conditioning Units (see


    N No user requirement

    UR-290 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    Verification of the

    refurbishment on the Low

    Level and High Level

    Interfaces (see section and the proper

    operation in combination

    with the DAS Hub;

    N No user requirement

    UR-291 [ILST-V2v1.0-2.2.8p1s2b4] A means to develop themodification kits for these N No user requirement

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    Seq. ID Description validation method


    UR-292 [ILST-V2v1.0-2.2.8p1s3a]

    LAGG is also requested toprovide a data set of an

    existing wind tunnel test,

    consisting both of raw data

    and results, in order to

    compare and verify the

    behaviour of the original

    system with the behaviour of

    the upgraded system (in

    particular the DARS-DPS


    N No user requirement

    UR-293 [INFO-V2v1.0-


    This NLR in-house testing will

    assure a proper operation of

    the DA-DP network before

    delivery to LAGG.

    N No user requirement

    UR-294 [ILST-V2v1.0-2.2.8p1s4a]

    Finally, LAGG is requested todeliver the Interface Control

    Document of the interface

    between the PLC systems

    and the DARS Host computer


    N No user requirement

    UR-295 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    This document will describe

    the interface in detail, both

    with respect to protocol and


    N No user requirement

    UR-296 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    An initial version will be used

    as a basis to discuss the

    optimal and most efficient

    interface implementation on

    both sides.

    N No user requirement

    UR-297 [ILST-V2v1.0-2.2.8p1s4d]

    A template for the ICD willbe provided by NLR.

    N No user requirement

    UR-298 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    After mutual agreement the

    final document will be the

    basis for NLR to develop a

    PLC System Interface

    Simulator that will be used

    to test the required external

    interface software for the

    DARS computer.

    N No user requirement

    UR-300 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    A part of the software

    development activities will

    be performed by LAGG.

    N No user requirement

    UR-301 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    This concerns the

    development of the

    Graphical User Interfaces(GUIs) of the DA and DP

    systems, the development of

    the DP plotting facilities and

    the development of the DP

    software interface with the

    ILST Video System.

    N No user requirement

    UR-302 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    The joint development of

    software by NLR and LAGG

    has been defined such, that

    it is possible to describe a

    clear and well-defined

    software interface between

    the activities of both parties.

    N No user requirement

    UR-303 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    NLR will compile the

    interface definitions, whichwill be based on the

    N No user requirement

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    Seq. ID Description validation method


    software, and propose this to


    UR-304 [ILST-V2v1.0-


    After mutual agreement, the

    software development

    activities of both parties can

    commence and can be

    performed more or less

    independently and will

    therefore not interfere with

    each other.

    N No user requirement

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    Appendix B

    DARS (derived) requirements verification matrix

    B.1 Requirements identification

    The summary of the derived requirements of the DARS is provided inTable 6.The

    requirements are identified using the following identification method:

    [---v], with the following parameter explanation:

    : identification of the applicable proposal;

    : source identification

    : functional part

    : sequence number

    v: applicable version of the proposal.

    As an example:


    Type: SW (Software)

    Source: DR (Derived Requirement)

    Part: DARS

    Sequence id: 1

    Version: 1.0

    B.2 Requirements matrix

    The following table (Table 6)provides the derived requirements for the DARS software.

    Table 6. Software Derived Requirements DARS

    Derived Requirements


    Requirement text

    SWDR-DARS-1-v1.0 In order to allow for a standard numbering scheme for connection of measurement equipment to the

    Data Acquisition process, the Data Acquisition process shall support 160 measurement channels, of

    which maximal 125 can be measured and processed simultaneously.

    SWDR-DARS-2-v1.0 The times at which the physical quantities are sampled for one datarecord will be no more than 50

    milliseconds apart, except for the quantities sampled by the Computer-aided Tunnel Control process.SWDR-DARS-3-v1.0 It shall be possible that measurement values be averaged in the Data Acquisition process over an

    operator -specified number of samples, to produce one averaged measurement value.

    SWDR-DARS-4-v1.0 It shall be possible that a number of 20 measurement values and associated ranges be entered manually

    via thumbwheel switches.

    SWDR-DARS-5-v1.0 The Data Acquisition process shall keep a backup copy of all measurement data sent to the Data

    Processing process, except the measurement data read out for real-time display.

    SWDR-DARS-6-v1.0 The data acquisition process shall signal all detected malfunctions of its measurement equipment, such

    as: power off

    SWDR-DARS-7-v1.0 The data acquisition process shall signal all detected malfunctions of its measurement equipment, such

    as: local control instead of computer control

    SWDR-DARS-8-v1.0 The data acquisition process shall signal all detected malfunctions of its measurement equipment, such

    as: overload of conditioning units

    SWDR-DARS-9-v1.0 The data acquisition process shall signal all detected malfunctions of its measurement equipment, such

    as: wrong filter setting

    SWDR-DARS-10-v1.0 The data acquisition process shall signal all detected malfunctions of its measurement equipment, suchas: malfunctioning of subscanner devices

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    Derived Requirements


    Requirement text

    SWDR-DARS-11-v1.0 The data acquisition process shall check on a correct sequence of measurement commands during a run

    SWDR-DARS-12-v1.0 Each measurement run shall start with a precycle record containing run-related constants, that areentered by the DA-operator

    SWDR-DARS-13-v1.0 Idle conversion of the sensor output shall have a rate of at least 2 times per second

    SWDR-DARS-14-v1.0 Data transfer to the Data Processing process shall be possible: immediately after each measurement

    (on-line transmission)

    SWDR-DARS-15-v1.0 Data transfer to the Data Processing process shall be possible: at any time after a run (off-line

    transmission of backup data)

    SWDR-DARS-17-v1.0 Data that has been measured for Real-time Display processing can only be transmitted immediately

    after the measurement

    SWDR-DARS-21-v1.0 Status messages of the data acquisition process shall be sent to the data acquisition operator and to the

    Computer-aided Tunnel Control process when the latter is commanding the Data Acquisition process

    SWDR-DARS-22-v1.0 The data acquisition process shall be able to compute and display the current values of Ma, Re, V and q

    at least twice per second.

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    Appendix C

    DPS (derived) requirements verification matrix

    C.1 Requirements identification

    The summary of the derived requirements of the DPS is provided in Error! Reference source

    not found.. The requirements are identified using the following identification method:

    [---v], with the following parameter explanation:

    : identification of the applicable proposal;

    : source identification

    : functional part

    : sequence number

    v: applicable version of the proposal.

    As an example:


    Type: SW (Software)

    Source: DR (Derived Requirement)

    Part: DP (DPS)

    Sequence id: 1

    Version: 1.0

    C.2 Requirements matrix

    No derived requirements for the DPS software have been determined. The DPS software has

    been ported to another platform, but has in essence the same functionality. This is particularly

    valid for the internal functionality. The interface functionality has seen a number of changes,

    such as the delivery of the results of data processing via udp sockets in xml format. Validation

    of the DPS software will be performed with existing data sets of wind tunnel measurements.