.as. -- AL (PARIS OM ST. JOHTE PS IA1...

. .as. C UAcWOB A WEEKLY" NEW•',&PEIE r -- -- AL (PARIS OM ST. JOHTE PS IA1 ;j.00 A Y•e. Payable in dve. Published ou •n.-.,. Entered as second-class matter No- vember ith 1909, at tile i'ost-Otike I U l" ' - Z at AEGard, I.D(, RInder the Act ot T z TUD r. VOL 59 EDGARD (PARISH OF ST. JOHN THE BAP~Ir), LOUISIANA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1911. No. 53. !IY razz. TBXAS AND RhCWWC RBAILWAY. CDGAER STATLONI uinaassr S. Joss. ) iImmar SE~A" gems Fas 5.1 PeaBli 0J5 A. N S&L 51.ue u kiema ML... ........ 5...t 6AP. Y N.. it. Aieuadaa as A. Y e. US. Te. ., .............. _O.8. A. X "i MI W. w ide .......... .6... I P. Y S.. - > Teat....... a .. a....-.4. P. N lie. k M Hsu Bc#tret .-.. ...-... 8.27 P. i .a s LSL Ther ............- 1tW5 P. Y r~~;WI;~"Ri~UIS,,~~,1 ~ ibP. M The LuwaI LAt mufoar meew uiuans Ue,.1wiw ~Jaad tihr* ANAI MUSL49MPP1 VALLEY In.LWAY. UEMYMBV STAIoN. Itse,1~u mwiuFoigoth S& IL -m ~ ~A. M. S..*. A k . 4.4.iL v ts'Sss koxx .North ,1e. !3. Vice.~ i..d rl :~'.... *.a &.l . N. '. $G. u V. aiwg1aeA le&04 a$.................5M-B P. M. MJBC UMIWAT. Awuml31LIVMUlAl6ATl CM I3WNWI TALUM WY1VE trrAT!ON. .IWr4Wr-t apiasins - B& (6Sip on UsuaL) ?amegstr uaaiIia5g~ Wt &. ate t.... ....... ........... T SA. II. . 3...,...a .... ....... ... 5.31 P. X .W I 1 The 41.n*f twa ilext ewetAilteem trai~sdadlp i OURc~E ICHOICEEtE FVtr Giwenur WIT MIS,,L WO~6S.~ c. BArPlar. ILuW' SANTDERS J~fl~ Z: WrPDE k 'SW tee=R ;e-; aa 411 ' 'R HERE'S WISHING YOU THE BEST YEAR YET I Miss B. Joseph spent Christmas with a friends in the Crescent City. Mr. Claude Jones, of St. James, was the guest at the Misses Jones on Christ. -as day. Mr. and Mrs. O. Webre, of White Coa- . tie, were guests of lon. and Mrs. P. j Barr6 on Sunday nad Monday. Mr. A. B Jones visited relatives in St. James parish on Monday. Miss 'biola Laurent. a bright sobol. I ar of the Holy Ores Oonvent, is spend- ing the holidays with her parents. li isibiaess:t&l week'kstay wih relatives, has returned to her horne in &. James parish. blasters Louis-lrio and Aubin Whbre arrived .ho S t. Stantslaus Commuercial Ooaege, of Bay St. Iouwn, atil after the holidays. Captain and Mrs. Albert F. Chauvin and daughter. Mirs Marguerite. of Chau. in. La. 4e.e guests of Islatives this Pae week. Mr. Walter Oubs. who is attending .8ool in the city, is now home until atter New Year's. Master Edward Champagne, of Jefer. son College, spent the week with his parents on the Gold Mine plantation. Misses Oddade WAbre and Valerie Ma. dre left for Convent, La., where they intend speniing a couple of weeks. ' Dr. and irs. M. J. Beenel visited rela- tives in the Cre•ent City on Sunday Mie ) .loa 2 *Jon spaht the week- end as the guest of Mi•. B. Dumes. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Berthelot, of Plaquemines, ~a., were visitors here last week. Mr. and Mir. Rena Keller, of St. James parish, were guests of relatives and friends on Wednesday and Ther. day. Mr. F.D. Pdrillont, of the big Dutch Bayou Emporium, was a business visitor to the Court house on Wednesday. Ir. Jntia Laurent, who has just On. ished the griding campaign as elariler akt he Waubas RBenery, in Terreboenne perish, returned los and srepote all theeasecmaopeairedbherringdstengthean- ing of he tape in cutting. Mr. Joseph A. Faunheuz, a well. known and enpedsiaed pnlater, has ac- e.pted a position ss manager of the ' Cap plantation, in Ibervile parish, which was lately acquired by Mr. Theu. Mr. C. Joseph. member of the firm of y p.ptimeirch an.. -e.a4y ndMen4ayi . Whi.e hers Mr. Joseph sent us hi. sbasupMin to the Oer eold aind, Mr. adouars andsel, .sm id ast our oes em W edesday, 0td a peels) chat. Tho eiar being absent, Mr. Disasel lef t best wi as in writ- af aw wen are grarl. 4n we S jsr rrid-, o (Btb1; 1P t The hunting and hifli g Of deer one rov inning thew and bBjP eaie mad. to payPa t ate h S,,if ed at u rii-Reeerve -secs~t~e wtho has the Ka n c ate - n- 6seidnd to asowid fldjn Isr~ii re~l togu emsr&i lathinseu a aem~ 9 The WI e acelbi. . To those of our readers who have been receiving the Mescha- A cebe regularly each week and e who owe us for their subscription, a we would kindly ask tliem to fa- vor us with a remittance. We are reluctant about sending you a personal "dun" for what is honestly due this office fr sub- B scriptiou, but we owe bills that must be paid. A neglect of this duty on your part will force us to place the amrunts due in the hands of a collector, compelling as to pay heavy commissions, which can be avoided by an early remittance. The Local Elaper. The local weekly paper Is thi only one identified with home in- terests. It takes note of every happening in your parish and you will find a weekly record of everything transpiring in the place. It furnishes a complete compendium of its history, and the longer it continues the morp are its interests interwoven with yours. It gives your parish noto- riety and reputation abroad and puts it in close relation with the outside world. It is a living'indi- cator of your daily business and a chronicler of all that transpires from day to day. Stand by it I and encourage it to go on improv- ing and adding to your prosperity during the year 1912. Laululaas's Record Ia Laat The figures just compiled by the Census Bureau give the State of Louisiana a population of 1,656,388, compared with a pop- ulation of 1,381,625 in 1900 re- presenting an increase during the last decade of 274,763, or 19.9 per cent. During the same period the total population of continen- tal United States increased 21 per cant. Principal Cities - Louisiana has eleven cities. New Orleans, the largest city, hasa population of 889, 075, and the next largest, Shreveport, a population of 28,015. Baton Rouge, Lake.Char- les, AlexandriaandMonroe, with 14,897, 11,449. 11,213 and 10,209 'inhabitants respectively, are the other cities in the state" having over 10,000 inhabitants. There are also three cities having- from 5,000 to 10,000 and two having less than 2,500 inhabitants Parishes--Louisiana hassixty 'parishes, New Orleans city being co-exteasive with Orleans parish. The population of theses parshe ranges from 4,288 in Cameron to 339,072 in Orleans parish. Since 1900 part of Catahoula parish wastaken in 1910 toform La Salle parish. The total lan•area of thertate is 4,409 square miles. The aver- age number =of persons to- the eqsuaremile in .10o was 36.5. The political divisions into which the parishes are etuib - aed, ollectvelytermed " - o ctiil dtciavons." ThepSM are divideda Into 47 prima y d- vins, prn 470 polce ju- r1w1' ds :and the city of New O'eans, which is co-extensive with Odeams parisa. There are aleor0 incorporated towns and 57 inoorporated villages. ea . s ds Des , x...e Sei. a L m s m4 a. i s ;ageia;shar s WBInA s~gi Wbdti ie. M aates. a ueags edsia s. m Caelii d , N ., -meal--' Calmeiir aleeeLvN. The Meechacebe returns thanks to Mr. R. E. Rosenberger, pro- prietor of the Dixie Subscription - Agency and Mr. G. Montz, own- er of the weR-known livery, feed and sales stables, of Garyville, for copies of attractive calendars for 1912, issued by these enter- prising firms. -ert•lot School Progra- lost Enjoyable to All. 1 The Christmas program rendered by the children of the Berthelot School last 1 Thursday, was as follows: 1.-Welto.we, C uriesn Waguespack and Roger Butcah. 2.-Recitaton, Leopold Haydel. 8.--Music, Lucie Morel. 4.-Recitation, Clarence Rodrigue. 5. - Pantomine, 'Lead kindly Light." ..-- Recitation, Ama6lie Haydel. S.-Song by the pupils. &.-Recitation, Ninas I14eteu. 9.-Music, Minnie Butch. 10.-Recitation. Louise Gtendron. 11l.--&Sng, The School. The even;ng wais the most enjoyed by both parents aud children. The young artisite re to be c~)ugratulated or toe talent displayed by one end sil. They have tendered the first prograL in the history of the Berthelot School. but dhey Smust remember that they can do still better. The literary program lasted one hour, after which Santa Claus made his'ap- pearance right opposite the school house, having come from a far-away laud in his splendid little boat. His appearance in the school caused great tumult, for the children were overjoyed to receive their Christmas gifts from the hands of Santa Qlaos. The tree and the stage deonra- i Ps re beautifully and artistically ar. rgag. Parents, teachere and children left the sebool very happy over the suc- se•-•-t the performances. As was espected, the organs of Judge Hall, in their efforte to stem the tide of : popular indignation and censure that hasset in against their candidate as a s result of publication of Chairman Bightor's charges, are now endeavoring to set up in his behalf the plea that it I i no crime to owe money. It is tanta- mount to a ple of guilty, withan appeal lw the mercy of the court It is very true, indeed, that it is no crime to owe money. It it were, a very large proportion of the, human family would be criminals. . But the Issue is not whether Judge Hall owes money: but whether, while drawing a fat salary from the state, he deliberately contracted debts which he gld not pay, knowing that his position as Judge of the District Court or Appellate Quart protected him against civil action for the cancellation of his $aial obligations. 1his is the question which Judge Hall's m ertere and organs must meet, I they cans and it is hoped, for the sake of the good name of the Louisiana judiiary, they will be able to meet it. Let these gentlemen tell the public why aleged.debts, contracted years ago, wese permitted to rua to prescription When they have done so they will disabuse the public mind of the impree- alohairman Bightor's chrges have created---that the creditors of Judge Ball were denied the protection at the qarts because no attorney could be found toe o the Monroe jurist. Theb*ttsmpt to compare the ae of Judge Hal and senator Vardaman, of Mssi•sppi, is puerile. Mr. Vardaman wa poor man. Judge Halbias drawn tr h oers of the thosands of dpflars during his long pqriod of wiervi on the bench. As. district Judge Id lary was• •,000 per annum; a -. ia .a jge he w d ,proOW per Bua is begging he question. The -ai issue, a has been said. is not what Jpdge all owes, but the attitud in wisha rpiesdciscredtors- by irtue his ees . A dgs, more-than syone sipehenld have a scrupulous regardtor tlr re's in his dealings with his , or net alone his own asand- uweh ago Judge1 a was being held up to lme peopleof Lotisinasa chabampson without fauilt. Today his organs and clasgeesisseineking to condone and es- e.rms faults which they ouce claimed e idpry ietsiel, situated on the sig~t bnk of te river, opposite Gary- Sl-pa i et ar well adapted to the cgattwei dq = ddeanes and cabins -, -i~Q1L 4~ .jtOn desaB:~ trrretsd (Cbomnwzueated.) A CARD. At a friendly reunion on November a 10, I was viciously assaulted by one u )aniel Ory. I made personal demand b )n said Ory, for an apology. Not hearing from him within a reason- i. ible time, I now denounce said Daniel L 3)r as a contemptible, sneaky coward. 1 (Signed) STANISLAUs ST. MARTIN. ci Laplace, La., 0 December 13 1911. [N MEMORY Or" FELIX BOSSIER. 1 I have just learned wicit inex- a pressible regret and sadneut s of s your measureless bereavement, u by which a cruel fate has robbed o all of one of the best of husbands a and the community of one of its 0 noblest citizens. A blow so crushing cannot be Iitigated by words of sytipathy in this early hour of your great grief, but even at the sacrifice of obtruding upon -the sadredhees of c your sorrow, mly sympathy fort your loss is such as compels me I to briefly express to you thecom- passion and distress which I ee• I realize, however, than t alove can comfort one so deeply afflicted as yourselves. Look, therefore, to Him whose wise purposes, though often myster- ious, are nevertheless directed always toward infinite good. It is in the order of Nature that death shall come to all, and though wA reckon it a hardship, the inexorable should be accepted as the will of Him who is wise beyond our understanding. May all receive strength from Heaven to bear your loss with the resignation of a trusting and lov- ing heart willi-g to sacrifice it- self to God's desire. From a friend in all tribula- tions, an old schor.lmate of Bard s town, Ky., class of 1867; L. LEDOUX. 'New Roads, La., December S5, 1911.* Beware of Oiatments for Catarrh that Contain Nercury, a mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole sys sem when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable peysi- cians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 0.. contains no mer- cury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the bleeood anl m ses sorfaes of the system. In bauying Hal's tstarr Came be sareyou get the genuine. It is takes inter- nally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney &t0. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price. 75a. uer bottle. Take Hall's tamily Pills forcomutipaion. DEMOGRATIC GANDIDATE FOR Sit Seail, Ea Wh SeI ril IMdi S amr SrmWr Vu.E ML EN UMB L. ROBERT RIVARDE Notice to Stockholders. IA P CE. LA. DEC. 12, 1912. 1The sannual meetinag of the stock. holder of tdO Woodland Planing and Mlanuacturlng Company, Ltd., for the lection of directors, wil be held at the toffce at the Company on Tuesda. Jan- eary , 1919. S A. LASEIGN secsetry. Natice to Stockholders LIONS. LA. DEC. 1. 1911. The annual meetin;g a the stork. holders of the San Prancico Planting and Manufacturing Company, Ltd., tor the election af directors, will be held at the ofoe odbte Company, on Tueaday, January 9, 91. I IN ORY. scretay. TrICE TO TI ElPLi. For prompt, and woteoua m-ni Oroe at Bonnet Carrd Point. Good lading on both sides otthe river. A No 1 UAINCH AND FLAT. We solicit JOBS AND UXCUR. :r YVA -Iii~sV 58ci~IJji PARISH IJCENSE ORDINANCE. An ordinance to levy, collect and en- orce payment of an annual license tax apon all pers..e association of persons or musiness firms and corporations pursuing my trade profession, calling or businees n this Parish of St. John the Baptist. Lmoisiana except those that are express- y exempt from such license tax by Arti- .le 229 of the Constitution of the State t Lonisi ma. Be it ordained by the Police Jury of he Parish of St. John the Baptist. state if Lpmisiana in regular session conveue d in the 7th day of December in the year 1911. Section 1. That there is hereby levied in annual licen~e tax for the Parish of 3t. John the Baptist for the year 1911 ipoo each person, association of persons, )r business firm, and corporations par- uing any trade, profession, vocation, m~ling or business conducted, pursued, carried on or operated within the limits of this Parish of St. John the Baptist, Lonisiana, which may be subject to such license tax under Article 229 of the Con. stitution of the State of Louisiona. Section 2. That the anoual Parih li- cense Lereby levied is hereby declaled to be thesse ms to tmiato and one half in amonl t as the license laws of the State of Louisiana now in force provid- ed otr the Btate purposes and are to be trinied in a.eurdance therewith to- wif : Ac 171 of the GOneral Amsebly of theStstt. or Louisiana of the Session of 1898 and the eubsequent act of the General Amembly of Louisiana except as hereinafter provided. It is hereby declared to be the inten- tion of this Body to herin levy the same license taw for parochial purposee as to graduation and one half a to amount as is now imposed by the General Amem- bly for State purposes to which laws special reference is hereby made as be- ing part hereof for the purposes afore- said except as herein provided. Be it further ,rdainied etc., that from and after the adoption of this ordinance the tax collector shall begin to collect from each of the persons or business firms, association of persons and ourpor- ations pursuing within the lihits of said Phrish any trade. profession, alling, vo- iWAtstNSess ra lieema tax as here-. in provided. All lieeswahall be due and collecti' ble during the tist two months of each year and all unpaid licenses shall be- come delinqueint on the first day of Ltarch each year and all firms who com- mence business after that date shall be. come delioquent unless the lieense is paid within ten days. Section 3. That whenever any distilled, malt, vinous or other kind of mixed Ii. quote shall be sold in connection with the business of grocery, retail merchant, restaurant. oyster-house, confectionery or druggist u• less quantities than five gallon, the license for soeh additioma business shall be Five hundred dollars, Section 4. That for every basinsem of bar room, cabaret, eoffee housem, beae saloon, liquor exchange. drinking saloon; grogehop, beer honuse, beer garden or any other place where any thing ti be drunk or eaten on th, premises i sold directly or indirectly the license shall be and the soam is hereby declared to be Five Hundred Dollars. Section 5. That for all "travelling shows giving performances in the Par- ish, a tax of Twenty-.fve ($5.00) dol- lars a year shall be paid for each and every asuch show. Section 6. That for the busmnes of peddling and hastking, the licenee shall be and m graded as follows : Peddling on foot - $ 600 Peddling on Horie back I0.00 Peddling in one hore vehicle 10.00 Peddling in two horse vehicle 95.00 Peddling in Automobile 25.00 Peddling in Boats, luggme, skift or other water crafts 25.00 Sectio 7. Be it further ordained, etc., that the ed rin the -ll op f parc licensee herein levied ad thatb to aseertsin the amount due for same by the tz colleetor al bethe same as a now provided by law, fordete purposm and particularly in Act 171 of the OGn- eral Amembly of the State of Louisians of theemion of 1898 a amended by subsequest act of the Goanera Asem. bly and at mua equet .emioos and the penatie posed pon an interest nad eats to be cobleeted fhom delinquets ar declared t be the ame and to be eollecte4 in the se menrr aspovidv. ed by sIld act of the General Aeaembly a amnended by sebesquent acte for stae 5e6 8 S. Be it further ordained ete., That the parochial onases which ae herein levied are declared to be for the purposes which any be required by the Caonitation and laws of thi Stats for peroehial prposes. There being no further bonem, on mo. tion duly seconded, the Ju adjourned. A. L OGNE, President A true copy: Secretary. Neotice to Taax-Payers. Noioes I. hereby given that the State and Parih taxes for theyear 111. alsoPoll taes for the sid year due by the male laebIitan over the age of 1 years as per slist on le t m aMes. ane now dse and esolectrabe n unlm patm within the imt pbl ertibed law; . the sas will be cesllasd with intarsi eiSts ' PAS Tazgeleto. tlierdfs 0o jmrh. tibs i sp' fri.p'trserr hb1

Transcript of .as. -- AL (PARIS OM ST. JOHTE PS IA1...

. .as. C UAcWOB A WEEKLY" NEW•',&PEIEr -- -- AL (PARIS OM ST. JOHTE PS IA1;j.00 A Y•e. Payable in dve. Published ou •n.-.,.

Entered as second-class matter No-vember ith 1909, at tile i'ost-Otike I U l" ' - Z

at AEGard, I.D(, RInder the Act ot T z TUD r.




uinaassr S. Joss. )

iImmar SE~A" gems Fas5.1 PeaBli 0J5 A. NS&L 51.ue u kiema ML... ........ 5...t 6AP. Y

N.. it. Aieuadaa as A. Y

e. US. Te. ., .............. _O.8. A. X"i MI W. w ide .......... .6... I P. Y

S.. -> Teat....... a .. a....-.4. P. Nlie. k M Hsu Bc#tret .-.. ...-... 8.27 P. i

.a s LSL Ther ............- 1tW5 P. Yr~~;WI;~"Ri~UIS,,~~,1 ~ ibP. M

The LuwaI LAt mufoar meew uiuansUe,.1wiw ~Jaad



Itse,1~u mwiuFoigoth

S& IL -m ~ ~A. M.S..*. A k . 4.4.iL

v ts'Sss koxx .North,1e. !3. Vice.~ i..d rl :~'.... *.a &.l . N.

'. $G. u V.

aiwg1aeA le&04 a$.................5M-B P. M.




.IWr4Wr-t apiasins - B& (6Sip on UsuaL)

?amegstr uaaiIia5g~ Wt &.ate t.... ....... ...........T SA. II.

.3...,...a .... ....... ... 5.31 P. X .W I 1

The 41.n*f twa ilext ewetAilteem trai~sdadlp i



WO~6S.~ c. BArPlar.


k 'SW tee=R


aa4 11 ' 'R


Miss B. Joseph spent Christmas with afriends in the Crescent City.

Mr. Claude Jones, of St. James, wasthe guest at the Misses Jones on Christ.

-as day.Mr. and Mrs. O. Webre, of White Coa- .

tie, were guests of lon. and Mrs. P. j

Barr6 on Sunday nad Monday.

Mr. A. B Jones visited relatives in

St. James parish on Monday.

Miss 'biola Laurent. a bright sobol. Iar of the Holy Ores Oonvent, is spend-

ing the holidays with her parents.

li isibiaess:t&l week'kstaywih relatives, has returned to her hornein &. James parish.

blasters Louis-lrio and Aubin Whbre

arrived .ho S t. Stantslaus CommuercialOoaege, of Bay St. Iouwn, atil after the

holidays.Captain and Mrs. Albert F. Chauvin

and daughter. Mirs Marguerite. of Chau.

in. La. 4e.e guests of Islatives this

Pae week.Mr. Walter Oubs. who is attending

.8ool in the city, is now home untilatter New Year's.

Master Edward Champagne, of Jefer.

son College, spent the week with his

parents on the Gold Mine plantation.

Misses Oddade WAbre and Valerie Ma.

dre left for Convent, La., where they

intend speniing a couple of weeks.'

Dr. and irs. M. J. Beenel visited rela-

tives in the Cre•ent City on Sunday

Mie ) .loa 2 *Jon spaht the week-end as the guest of Mi•. B. Dumes.

Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Berthelot, ofPlaquemines, ~a., were visitors here lastweek.

Mr. and Mir. Rena Keller, of St.

James parish, were guests of relatives

and friends on Wednesday and Ther.

day.Mr. F. D. Pdrillont, of the big Dutch

Bayou Emporium, was a business visitorto the Court house on Wednesday.

Ir. Jntia Laurent, who has just On.ished the griding campaign as elarilerakt he Waubas RBenery, in Terreboenne

perish, returned los and srepote alltheeasecmaopeairedbherringdstengthean-ing of he tape in cutting.

Mr. Joseph A. Faunheuz, a well.known and enpedsiaed pnlater, has ac-e.pted a position ss manager of the

' Cap plantation, in Ibervile parish,which was lately acquired by Mr. Theu.

Mr. C. Joseph. member of the firm of

y p.ptimeirch an..-e.a4y ndMen4ayi . Whi.e hers Mr.Joseph sent us hi. sbasupMin to the

Oer eold aind, Mr. adouars andsel,.sm id ast our oes em W edesday, 0td

a peels) chat. Tho eiar being absent,Mr. Disasel lef t best wi as in writ-

af aw wen are grarl. 4n weS jsr rrid-, o (Btb1; 1P t

The hunting and hifli g Of deerone rov inning thew and

bBjP eaie mad. to payPa

t ate h S,,ifed at u rii-Reeerve -secs~t~ewtho has the Ka n

c ate - n-

6seidnd to asowid fldjnIsr~ii re~l togu emsr&ilathinseu a aem~

9 The WI e acelbi. .

To those of our readers whohave been receiving the Mescha- Acebe regularly each week and ewho owe us for their subscription, a

we would kindly ask tliem to fa-vor us with a remittance. Weare reluctant about sending youa personal "dun" for what is

honestly due this office fr sub- Bscriptiou, but we owe bills that

must be paid. A neglect of thisduty on your part will force us to

place the amrunts due in thehands of a collector, compellingas to pay heavy commissions,which can be avoided by an earlyremittance.

The Local Elaper.

The local weekly paper Is thionly one identified with home in-terests. It takes note of everyhappening in your parish andyou will find a weekly record ofeverything transpiring in theplace. It furnishes a completecompendium of its history, andthe longer it continues the morpare its interests interwoven withyours. It gives your parish noto-riety and reputation abroad and

puts it in close relation with theoutside world. It is a living'indi-cator of your daily business anda chronicler of all that transpiresfrom day to day. Stand by it I

and encourage it to go on improv-ing and adding to your prosperityduring the year 1912.

Laululaas's RecordIa Laat

The figures just compiled bythe Census Bureau give the Stateof Louisiana a population of1,656,388, compared with a pop-ulation of 1,381,625 in 1900 re-presenting an increase duringthe last decade of 274,763, or 19.9per cent. During the same periodthe total population of continen-tal United States increased 21 percant.

Principal Cities - Louisianahas eleven cities. New Orleans,the largest city, hasa populationof 889, 075, and the next largest,Shreveport, a population of28,015. Baton Rouge, Lake.Char-les, AlexandriaandMonroe, with14,897, 11,449. 11,213 and 10,209'inhabitants respectively, are the

other cities in the state" havingover 10,000 inhabitants. Thereare also three cities having- from5,000 to 10,000 and two havingless than 2,500 inhabitants

Parishes--Louisiana hassixty'parishes, New Orleans city being

co-exteasive with Orleans parish.The population of theses parsheranges from 4,288 in Cameron to339,072 in Orleans parish.

Since 1900 part of Catahoulaparish wastaken in 1910 toformLa Salle parish.

The total lan•area of thertateis 4,409 square miles. The aver-age number =of persons to- theeqsuaremile in .10o was 36.5.

The political divisions intowhich the parishes are etuib -

aed, ollectvelytermed " -o ctiil dtciavons." ThepSMare divideda Into 47 prima y d-vins, prn 470 polce ju-r1w1' ds :and the city of NewO'eans, which is co-extensivewith Odeams parisa. There arealeor0 incorporated towns and57 inoorporated villages.

ea . s ds Des , x...e

Sei. a L m s m4 a. i s

;ageia;shar s WBInA s~gi Wbdti ie.M aates. a ueags edsia s. m Caelii

d , N .,-meal--'

Calmeiir aleeeLvN.The Meechacebe returns thanks

to Mr. R. E. Rosenberger, pro-prietor of the Dixie Subscription -Agency and Mr. G. Montz, own-er of the weR-known livery, feedand sales stables, of Garyville,for copies of attractive calendarsfor 1912, issued by these enter-prising firms.

-ert•lot School Progra-lost Enjoyable to All. 1

The Christmas program rendered by

the children of the Berthelot School last 1

Thursday, was as follows:1.-Welto.we, C uriesn Waguespack

and Roger Butcah.2.-Recitaton, Leopold Haydel.

8.--Music, Lucie Morel.4.-Recitation, Clarence Rodrigue.

5. - Pantomine, 'Lead kindly Light."

..-- Recitation, Ama6lie Haydel.S.-Song by the pupils.&.-Recitation, Ninas I14eteu.9.-Music, Minnie Butch.

10.-Recitation. Louise Gtendron.

11l.--&Sng, The School.The even;ng wais the most enjoyed by

both parents aud children. The young

artisite re to be c~)ugratulated or toe

talent displayed by one end sil. They

have tendered the first prograL in the

history of the Berthelot School. but dhey

Smust remember that they can do still

better.The literary program lasted one hour,

after which Santa Claus made his'ap-

pearance right opposite the school house,having come from a far-away laud in hissplendid little boat. His appearance inthe school caused great tumult, for the

children were overjoyed to receive their

Christmas gifts from the hands of Santa

Qlaos. The tree and the stage deonra-

i Ps re beautifully and artistically ar.rgag. Parents, teachere and children

left the sebool very happy over the suc-

se•-•-t the performances.

As was espected, the organs of JudgeHall, in their efforte to stem the tide of :popular indignation and censure thathasset in against their candidate as a s

result of publication of ChairmanBightor's charges, are now endeavoringto set up in his behalf the plea that it Ii no crime to owe money. It is tanta-mount to a ple of guilty, withan appeallw the mercy of the court

It is very true, indeed, that it is nocrime to owe money. It it were, a verylarge proportion of the, human familywould be criminals.

. But the Issue is not whether JudgeHall owes money: but whether, whiledrawing a fat salary from the state, hedeliberately contracted debts which he

gld not pay, knowing that his positionas Judge of the District Court orAppellate Quart protected him againstcivil action for the cancellation of his$aial obligations.

1his is the question which Judge Hall'sm ertere and organs must meet, Ithey cans and it is hoped, for the sakeof the good name of the Louisianajudiiary, they will be able to meet it.

Let these gentlemen tell the publicwhy aleged.debts, contracted years ago,wese permitted to rua to prescriptionWhen they have done so they willdisabuse the public mind of the impree-alohairman Bightor's chrges havecreated---that the creditors of JudgeBall were denied the protection at the

qarts because no attorney could befound toe o the Monroe jurist.

Theb*ttsmpt to compare the ae ofJudge Hal and senator Vardaman, ofMssi•sppi, is puerile. Mr. Vardamanwa poor man. Judge Halbias drawntr h oers of the thosandsof dpflars during his long pqriod ofwiervi on the bench. As. district Judge

Id lary was• •,000 per annum; a-. ia .a jge he w d ,proOW per

Bua is begging he question. The-ai issue, a has been said. is not what

Jpdge all owes, but the attitud inwisha rpiesdciscredtors- by irtue

his ees . A dgs, more-than syonesipehenld have a scrupulous regardtor

tlr re's in his dealings with his, or net alone his own asand-

uweh ago Judge1 a was being held upto lme peopleof Lotisinasa chabampsonwithout fauilt. Today his organs andclasgeesisseineking to condone and es-e.rms faults which they ouce claimed

e idpry ietsiel, situated on thesig~t bnk of te river, opposite Gary-Sl-pa i et ar well adapted to thecgattwei dq = ddeanes and cabins

-, -i~Q1L

4~ .jtOn desaB:~ trrretsd

(Cbomnwzueated.)A CARD.

At a friendly reunion on November a10, I was viciously assaulted by one u)aniel Ory. I made personal demand b)n said Ory, for an apology.

Not hearing from him within a reason- i.ible time, I now denounce said Daniel L3)r as a contemptible, sneaky coward. 1

(Signed) STANISLAUs ST. MARTIN. ciLaplace, La., 0

December 13 1911.

[N MEMORY Or" FELIX BOSSIER. 1I have just learned wicit inex- a

pressible regret and sadneut s of syour measureless bereavement, uby which a cruel fate has robbed oall of one of the best of husbands aand the community of one of its 0

noblest citizens.A blow so crushing cannot be

Iitigated by words of sytipathyin this early hour of your greatgrief, but even at the sacrifice ofobtruding upon -the sadredhees of cyour sorrow, mly sympathy fortyour loss is such as compels me Ito briefly express to you thecom-passion and distress which I ee•

I realize, however, than talove can comfort one so deeplyafflicted as yourselves. Look,therefore, to Him whose wisepurposes, though often myster-ious, are nevertheless directedalways toward infinite good.

It is in the order of Naturethat death shall come to all, andthough wA reckon it a hardship,the inexorable should be acceptedas the will of Him who is wisebeyond our understanding.

May all receive strength fromHeaven to bear your loss with theresignation of a trusting and lov-ing heart willi-g to sacrifice it-self to God's desire.

From a friend in all tribula-tions, an old schor.lmate ofBards town, Ky., class of 1867;

L. LEDOUX.'New Roads, La., December S5, 1911.*

Beware of Oiatments for Catarrhthat Contain Nercury,

a mercury will surely destroy the sense ofsmell and completely derange the whole syssem when entering it through the mucoussurfaces. Such articles should never be usedexcept on prescriptions from reputable peysi-cians, as the damage they will do is ten fold tothe good you can possibly derive from them.Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 0.. contains no mer-cury, and is taken internally, acting directlyupon the bleeood anl m ses sorfaes of thesystem. In bauying Hal's tstarr Came besareyou get the genuine. It is takes inter-nally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.Cheney & t0. Testimonials free.

Sold by Druggists. Price. 75a. uer bottle.Take Hall's tamily Pills forcomutipaion.


S amr SrmWr Vu.E ML EN UMB


Notice to Stockholders.IA P CE. LA.

DEC. 12, 1912.1The sannual meetinag of the stock.

holder of tdO Woodland Planing andMlanuacturlng Company, Ltd., for thelection of directors, wil be held at the

toffce at the Company on Tuesda. Jan-eary , 1919.

S A. LASEIGNsecsetry.

Natice to StockholdersLIONS. LA.DEC. 1. 1911.

The annual meetin;g a the stork.holders of the San Prancico Plantingand Manufacturing Company, Ltd., torthe election af directors, will be held atthe ofoe odbte Company, on Tueaday,January 9, 91.

I IN ORY.scretay.

TrICE TO TI ElPLi.For prompt, and woteoua m-ni

Oroe at Bonnet Carrd Point.Good lading on both sides otthe


We solicit JOBS AND UXCUR.:r YVA -Iii~sV 58ci~IJji

PARISH IJCENSE ORDINANCE.An ordinance to levy, collect and en-

orce payment of an annual license tax

apon all pers..e association of persons ormusiness firms and corporations pursuingmy trade profession, calling or busineesn this Parish of St. John the Baptist.Lmoisiana except those that are express-y exempt from such license tax by Arti-.le 229 of the Constitution of the State

t Lonisi ma.Be it ordained by the Police Jury of

he Parish of St. John the Baptist. state

if Lpmisiana in regular session conveue din the 7th day of December in the year1911.

Section 1. That there is hereby leviedin annual licen~e tax for the Parish of3t. John the Baptist for the year 1911ipoo each person, association of persons,)r business firm, and corporations par-uing any trade, profession, vocation,m~ling or business conducted, pursued,carried on or operated within the limitsof this Parish of St. John the Baptist,Lonisiana, which may be subject to suchlicense tax under Article 229 of the Con.stitution of the State of Louisiona.

Section 2. That the anoual Parih li-cense Lereby levied is hereby declaledto be thesse ms to tmiato and onehalf in amonl t as the license laws of theState of Louisiana now in force provid-ed otr the Btate purposes and are to be

trinied in a.eurdance therewith to-wif : Ac 171 of the GOneral Amseblyof theStstt. or Louisiana of the Sessionof 1898 and the eubsequent act of theGeneral Amembly of Louisiana exceptas hereinafter provided.

It is hereby declared to be the inten-tion of this Body to herin levy the samelicense taw for parochial purposee as tograduation and one half a to amount asis now imposed by the General Amem-bly for State purposes to which lawsspecial reference is hereby made as be-ing part hereof for the purposes afore-said except as herein provided.

Be it further ,rdainied etc., that fromand after the adoption of this ordinancethe tax collector shall begin to collectfrom each of the persons or businessfirms, association of persons and ourpor-ations pursuing within the lihits of saidPhrish any trade. profession, alling, vo-iWAtstNSess ra lieema tax as here-.

in provided.All lieeswahall be due and collecti'

ble during the tist two months of eachyear and all unpaid licenses shall be-come delinqueint on the first day ofLtarch each year and all firms who com-mence business after that date shall be.come delioquent unless the lieense ispaid within ten days.

Section 3. That whenever any distilled,malt, vinous or other kind of mixed Ii.quote shall be sold in connection withthe business of grocery, retail merchant,restaurant. oyster-house, confectioneryor druggist u• less quantities than fivegallon, the license for soeh additiomabusiness shall be Five hundred dollars,

Section 4. That for every basinsem ofbar room, cabaret, eoffee housem, beaesaloon, liquor exchange. drinking saloon;grogehop, beer honuse, beer garden orany other place where any thing ti bedrunk or eaten on th, premises i solddirectly or indirectly the license shallbe and the soam is hereby declared tobe Five Hundred Dollars.

Section 5. That for all "travellingshows giving performances in the Par-ish, a tax of Twenty-.fve ($5.00) dol-lars a year shall be paid for each andevery asuch show.

Section 6. That for the busmnes ofpeddling and hastking, the licenee shallbe and m graded as follows :Peddling on foot - $ 600Peddling on Horie back I0.00Peddling in one hore vehicle 10.00Peddling in two horse vehicle 95.00Peddling in Automobile 25.00Peddling in Boats, luggme, skift

or other water crafts 25.00Sectio 7. Be it further ordained, etc.,

that the ed rin the -ll op fparc licensee herein levied ad thatbto aseertsin the amount due for same bythe tz colleetor al bethe same as anow provided by law, fordete purposmand particularly in Act 171 of the OGn-eral Amembly of the State of Louisiansof theemion of 1898 a amended bysubsequest act of the Goanera Asem.bly and at mua equet .emioos and thepenatie posed pon an interest nadeats to be cobleeted fhom delinquetsar declared t be the ame and to beeollecte4 in the se menrr aspovidv.ed by sIld act of the General Aeaemblya amnended by sebesquent acte for stae

5e6 8 S. Be it further ordained ete.,That the parochial onases which aeherein levied are declared to be for thepurposes which any be required by theCaonitation and laws of thi Stats forperoehial prposes.

There being no further bonem, on mo.tion duly seconded, the Ju adjourned.

A. L OGNE,President

A true copy:


Neotice to Taax-Payers.Noioes I. hereby given that the State and

Parih taxes for theyear 111. alsoPoll taesfor the sid year due by the male laebIitanover the age of 1 years as per slist on le tm aMes. ane now dse and esolectrabe nunlm patm within the imt pbl ertibedlaw; . the sas will be cesllasd with intarsi

eiSts ' PAS Tazgeleto.tlierdfs 0o jmrh. tibs i sp'

fri.p'trserr hb1