arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from...

arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 New Convex Programs for Fisher’s Market Model and its Generalizations 1 NIKHIL R. DEVANUR 2 KAMAL JAIN 3 TUNG MAI 4 VIJAY V. VAZIRANI 5 SADRA YAZDANBOD 6 We present the following results pertaining to Fisher’s market model: — We give two natural generalizations of Fisher’s market model: In model M 1 , sellers can declare an upper bound on the money they wish to earn (and take back their unsold good), and in model M 2 , buyers can declare an upper bound on the amount to utility they wish to derive (and take back the unused part of their money). — We derive convex programs for the linear case of these two models by generalizing a convex program due to Shmyrev and the Eisenberg-Gale program, respectively. — We generalize the Arrow-Hurwicz theorem to the linear case of these two models, hence deriving alternate convex programs. — For the special class of convex programs having convex objective functions and linear constraints, we derive a simple set of rules for constructing the dual program (as simple as obtaining the dual of an LP). Using these rules we show a formal relationship between the two seemingly different convex programs for linear Fisher markets, due to Eisenberg-Gale and Shmyrev; the duals of these are the same, upto a change of variables. 1. INTRODUCTION The fundamental market model of Fisher has been widely studied in eco- nomics [Brainard and Scarf 2000; Gale 1960] and in theoretical computer science [Codenotti and Varadarajan 2004, 2007; Codenotti et al. 2005; Devanur et al. 2008; Garg et al. 2012, 2014; Jain and Mahdian 2005; Jain and Vazirani 2010; Vazirani 2007]. A remarkable convex program, due to Eisenberg and Gale [1959], captures equilibrium allocations, and its dual variables capture equilibrium prices for this model for several utility functions including linear, CES and Leontief utilities [Codenotti and Varadarajan 2004, 2007; Gale 1960]. Another seemingly very different convex program, C P , for the same market was dis- covered by Shmyrev [2009]: whereas variables in the Eisenberg-Gale convex program represent allocations of goods received by each buyer, variables in C P are prices of goods and the amount of money spent by each agent on each good. We show how these two convex programs are related: one can define a dual convex program for each of these, and these two duals are the same, upto a change of variables. We next present two natural generalizations of Fisher’s market model: In model M 1 , sellers can declare an upper bound on the money they wish to earn (and take back their unsold good), and in model M 2 , buyers can declare an upper bound on the amount to utility they wish to derive (and take back the unused part of their money); see Section 2 for formal definitions. 1 Supported by NSF Grant CCF-1216019 2 Microsoft Research. [email protected] 3 Faira Inc. [email protected] 4 College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology. [email protected] 5 College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology. [email protected] 6 College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology. [email protected]

Transcript of arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from...

Page 1: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,








] 3




New Convex Programs for Fisher’s Market Modeland its Generalizations1






We present the following results pertaining to Fisher’s market model:

— We give two natural generalizations of Fisher’s market model: In model M1, sellers can declare an upper

bound on the money they wish to earn (and take back their unsold good), and in model M2, buyers can

declare an upper bound on the amount to utility they wish to derive (and take back the unused part of

their money).

— We derive convex programs for the linear case of these two models by generalizing a convex program due

to Shmyrev and the Eisenberg-Gale program, respectively.

— We generalize the Arrow-Hurwicz theorem to the linear case of these two models, hence deriving alternate

convex programs.

— For the special class of convex programs having convex objective functions and linear constraints, we

derive a simple set of rules for constructing the dual program (as simple as obtaining the dual of an LP).

Using these rules we show a formal relationship between the two seemingly different convex programs

for linear Fisher markets, due to Eisenberg-Gale and Shmyrev; the duals of these are the same, upto a

change of variables.


The fundamental market model of Fisher has been widely studied in eco-nomics [Brainard and Scarf 2000; Gale 1960] and in theoretical computer science[Codenotti and Varadarajan 2004, 2007; Codenotti et al. 2005; Devanur et al. 2008;Garg et al. 2012, 2014; Jain and Mahdian 2005; Jain and Vazirani 2010; Vazirani2007]. A remarkable convex program, due to Eisenberg and Gale [1959], capturesequilibrium allocations, and its dual variables capture equilibrium prices for thismodel for several utility functions including linear, CES and Leontief utilities[Codenotti and Varadarajan 2004, 2007; Gale 1960].

Another seemingly very different convex program, CP , for the same market was dis-covered by Shmyrev [2009]: whereas variables in the Eisenberg-Gale convex programrepresent allocations of goods received by each buyer, variables in CP are prices ofgoods and the amount of money spent by each agent on each good. We show how thesetwo convex programs are related: one can define a dual convex program for each ofthese, and these two duals are the same, upto a change of variables.

We next present two natural generalizations of Fisher’s market model: In model M1,sellers can declare an upper bound on the money they wish to earn (and take back theirunsold good), and in model M2, buyers can declare an upper bound on the amount toutility they wish to derive (and take back the unused part of their money); see Section2 for formal definitions.

1Supported by NSF Grant CCF-12160192Microsoft Research. [email protected] Inc. [email protected] of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology. [email protected] of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology. [email protected] of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology. [email protected]

Page 2: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

Model M2 is clearly natural: it is reasonable to assume that a buyer would only wantto buy goods that are necessary, i.e., give a certain bounded amount of utility, and shedesires to keep the rest of her money for future use. Our model M1 is also natural, inparticular in the following situation. Assume that each seller is selling his services inthe market. In the last half century, society has seen the emergence of a multitude ofvery high end jobs which call for a lot of expertise and in turn pay very large salaries.Indeed, the holders of such jobs do not need to work full time to make a comfortableliving and one sees numerous such people preferring to work for shorter hours andhaving a lot more time for leisure. High end dentists, doctors and investors fall in thiscategory. Our model M1 allows such agents to specify a limit on their earnings beyondwhich they do not wish to sell their services anymore.

Observe that if many agents desire j’s services and j has a low upper bound on hisearnings, say cj , then the price, pj of this good will be set high enough so that thebuyers demand very little of his services. In particular, he will sell only cj/pj fractionof his services. Thus, in model M1, the supply of a good is a function of the prices.Similarly, in M2, the amount of money a buyer spends in the market is a function ofthe prices. In the presence of these additional constraints, do equilibria exist and canthey be computed in polynomial time?

In this paper, we go further: we give convex programs that capture equilibria for eachof the models. Generalizations of CP and the Eisenberg-Gale programs, respectively,yield convex programs for M1 and M2 for the case of linear utilities. Existence ofequilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show thatboth models admit rational equilibria, i.e., prices and allocations are rational numbersif all parameters specified in the instance are rational. As a consequence, the ellipsoidalgorithm will find a solution to the convex programs in polynomial time. In addition,for M2, we also give convex programs for Leontief and CES (for parameter values0 < ρ < 1) utility functions. Finally, we show that for market M1 under spendingconstraint utilities, a generalization of CP yields a convex program.

A completely different way of deriving convex programs for markets follows from theclassic Arrow-Hurwicz theorem [Arrow and Hurwicz 1965], which applies to Arrow-Debreu markets with weak gross substitutes (WGS) utilities (this includes linear util-ities). We present extensions of the Arrow-Hurwicz’s theorem to markets M1 and M2

for the linear case and hence derive alternative convex programs for these markets.7

We note that the Arrow-Hurwicz theorem applies to utility functions satisfying weakgross substitutability (WGS), which includes linear utilities. Our result opens up thepossibility that one could extend this approach to all WGS utilities for M1 and M2.

Our paper also contributes to convex programming duality theory8. This duality isusually stated in its most general form, with convex objective functions and convexconstraints, e.g., see the excellent references by Boyd and Vandenberghe [2009] andRockafellar [1970]. However, at this level of generality the process of constructing thedual of a convex program is a little tedious, in contrast to LP duality where there is asimple set of rules for obtaining the dual of an LP. In this paper, we consider a specialclass of convex programs, those with convex objective functions and linear constraints,and derive a simple set of rules to construct the dual,9 which is almost as simple asthe LP case.

7The solution of these convex programs requires additional properties, such as finding an initial boundingbox. These details are in Appendix 9.8This part of the current paper is incorporated from the following unpublished manuscript:N. R. Devanur. Fisher Markets and Convex Programs. Manuscript, 2010.9The dual is obtained using the usual Lagrangian relaxation technique. We show a “short-cut” for applyingthis technique, making it especially easy to derive the dual for the special case we consider.

Page 3: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

These rules have found further applications: to derive convex programs for Fishermarkets under spending constraint utilities10 [Birnbaum et al. 2011], for Fisher mar-kets with transaction costs [Chakraborty et al. 2010], and for Arrow-Debreu mar-ket with linear utilities [Devanur et al. 2013]. They have been used in the designof algorithms: for simplex like algorithms for spending constraint utilities and per-fect price discrimination markets [Garg et al. 2013], in analyzing the convergenceof the Tatonnement process [Cheung et al. 2013], in designing online algorithms forscheduling [Buchbinder et al. 2014; Devanur and Huang 2014; Im et al. 2014], andonline algorithms for welfare maximization with production costs [Huang and Kim2015]. They have also been used in bounding the price of anarchy of certain games[Kulkarni and Mirrokni 2015].


Fisher’s model is the following: let A be a set of n divisible goods and B be a set ofm buyers. Each buyer i comes to the market with money mi, and we may assumew.l.o.g. that the market has one unit of each good. Each buyer i has a utility function,fi : R

m+ → R+, giving the utility that i derives from each bundle of goods. Prices p and

allocations x are said to form an equilibrium if each buyer i gets an optimal bundleof goods, and each good having non-zero price is fully sold. Clearly, in an equilibrium,each agent will fully spend her money. For convenience, we will assume that each goodis sold by a unique seller.

Utility function for buyer i fi : Rm+ → R+ is said to be linear if there are parameters

uij ∈ R+, specifying the utility derived by i from one unit of good j. Her utility forthe entire bundle is additive, i.e., fi(x) =

j∈B uijxij . Utility function fi is said to be

Leontief if, given parameters aij ∈ R+ ∪{0} for each good j ∈ B, fi(x) = minj∈B xij/aij .Finally, fi is said to be constant elasticity of substitution (CES) with parameter ρ ifgiven parameters αj for each good j ∈ B,

fi(x) =







Our two generalizations of Fisher’s model are the following. In the first model, M1,each seller j has an upper bound cj on the amount of money j wants to earn in themarket. Once he earns cj , selling the least amount of his good, he wants to take backthe unsold portion of his good. In equilibrium, buyers spend all their money and get anoptimal bundle of goods. In the second model, M2, buyers have upper bounds di on theutility they want to derive in the market. Once buyer i derives utility di, spending theleast amount of money at prices p, she wants to keep the left-over money. Once again,in equilibrium, each good with a positive price should be fully sold.

We next define the spending constraint model. As before, let A be a set of divisiblegoods and B a set of buyers, |A| = n, |B| = m. Assume that the goods are numberedfrom 1 to n and the buyers are numbered from 1 to m. Each buyer i ∈ B comes to

the market with a specified amount of money, say mi ∈ Q+

, and we are specified the

quantity, bj ∈ Q+

of each good j ∈ A. For i ∈ B and j ∈ A, let f ij : [0,mi] → R+ be

the rate function of buyer i for good j; it specifies the rate at which i derives utility perunit of j received, as a function of the amount of her budget spent on j. If the price ofj is fixed at pj per unit amount of j, then the function f i

j/pj gives the rate at which iderives utility per dollar spent, as a function of the amount of her budget spent on j.

10See Section 2 for a definition

Page 4: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

Define gij : [0,mi] → R+ as follows:

gij(x) =

∫ x


f ij(y)


This function gives the utility derived by i on spending x dollars on good j at price pj .In this paper, we will deal with the case that f i

j ’s are decreasing step functions. If

so, gij will be a piecewise-linear and concave function. The linear version of Fisher’s

problem [Brainard and Scarf 2000] is the special case in which each f ij is the constant

function so that gij is a linear function. Given prices p = (p1, . . . , pn) of all goods, each

buyer wants a utility maximizing bundle of goods. Prices p are equilibrium prices ifeach good with a positive price is fully sold.


3.1. Conjugate

We now define the conjugate of a function, and note some of the properties; seeRockafellar [1970] for a detailed treatment. This will be the key ingredient to extendthe simple set of rules for LP duality to convex programs. Suppose that f : Rn → R isa function. The conjugate of f is f∗ : Rn → R and is defined as follows:

f∗(µ) := supx{µTx− f(x)}.

Although the conjugate is defined for any function f , for the rest of the article, we willassume that f is strictly convex and differentiable, since this is the case that is mostinteresting to the applications we discuss.Properties of f∗:

• f∗ is strictly convex and differentiable. (This property holds even if f is not strictlyconvex and differentiable.)

• f∗∗ = f . (Here we use the assumption that f is strictly convex and differentiable.)• If f is separable, that is f(x) =

i fi(xi), then f∗(µ) =∑

i f∗i (µi).

• If g(x) = cf(x) for some constant c, then g∗(µ) = cf∗(µ/c).• If g(x) = f(cx) for some constant c, then g∗(µ) = f∗(µ/c).• If g(x) = f(x+ a) for some constant a, then g∗(µ) = f∗(µ)− µT a.• If µ and x are such that f(x) + f∗(µ) = µTx then ∇f(x) = µ and ∇f∗(µ) = x.• Vice versa, if ∇f(x) = µ then ∇f∗(µ) = x and f(x) + f∗(µ) = µTx.

We say that (x, µ) form a complementary pair wrt f if they satisfy one of the lasttwo conditions stated above. We now calculate the conjugates of some simple strictlyconvex and differentiable functions. These will be useful later.

• If f(x) = 12x

2, then ∇f(x) = x. Thus f∗(µ) is obtained by letting µ = x in µTx − f(x),

which is then equal to 12µ

2.• If f(x) = − log(x), then ∇f(x) = −1/x. Set µ = −1/x to get f∗(µ) = −1 + log(x) =−1− log(−µ).

• Suppose f(x) = x log x. Then ∇f(x) = log x+ 1 = µ. So x = eµ−1. f∗(µ) = µx− f(x) =x(log x+ 1)− x log x = x = eµ−1. That is, f∗(µ) = eµ−1.

3.2. Convex programs with linear constraints

Consider the following (primal) optimization problem.


i cixi − f(x) s.t.

∀ j,∑

i aijxi ≤ bj.

Page 5: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

We will derive a minimization problem that is the dual of this, using Lagrangian dual-ity. This is usually a long calculation. The goal of this exercise is to identify a shortcutfor the same. Define the Lagrangian function

L(x, λ) :=∑


cixi − f(x) +∑


λj(bj −∑



We say that x is feasible if it satisfies all the constraints of the primal problem. Notethat for all λ ≥ 0 and x feasible, L(x, λ) ≥

i cixi − f(x). Define the dual function

g(λ) = maxx

L(x, λ).

So for all λ, x, g(λ) ≥ L(x, λ). Thus minλ≥0 g(λ) is an upper bound on the optimumvalue for the primal program. The dual program is essentially minλ≥0 g(λ). We furthersimplify it as follows. Letting µi = ci−

j aijλj , we can rewrite the expression for L as

L =∑


µixi − f(x) +∑


bjλj .

Now note that g(λ) = maxx L(x, λ) = maxx{∑

i µixi−f(x)}+∑

j bjλj = f∗(µ)+∑

j bjλj .

Thus we get the dual optimization problem:


j bjλj + f∗(µ) s.t.

∀ i,∑

j aijλj = ci − µi,

∀ j, λj ≥ 0.

Note the similarity to LP duality. The differences are as follows. Suppose the concavepart of the primal objective is −f(x). There is an extra variable µi for every variable xi

that occurs in f . In the constraint corresponding to xi, −µi appears on the RHS alongwith the constant term. Finally the dual objective has f∗(µ) in addition to the linearterms. In other words, we relax the constraint corresponding to xi by allowing a slackof µi, and charge f∗(µ) to the objective function.

Similarly, the primal program with non-negativity constraints on variables has thefollowing dual program.

Primal: max∑

i cixi−f(x) s.t.

∀ j,∑

i aijxi ≤ bj,

∀ i, xi ≥ 0.

Dual: min∑

j bjλj + f∗(µ) s.t.

∀ i,∑

j aijλj ≥ ci − µi,

∀ j, λj ≥ 0.As we saw, the optimum for the primal program is lower than the optimum for the

dual program (weak duality). In fact, if the primal constraints are strictly feasible,that is there exist xi such that for all j

i aijxij < bj, then the two optima are thesame (strong duality) and the following generalized complementary slackness condi-tions characterize them:

— xi > 0 ⇒∑

j aijλj = ci − µi,

— λj > 0 ⇒∑

i aijxi = mi and— x and µ form a complementary pair wrt f , that is, µ = ∇f(x), x = ∇f∗(µ) and f(x) +

f∗(µ) = µTx.

Similarly the dual of a minimization program has the following form.

Page 6: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

Primal: min∑

i cixi+f(x) s.t.

∀ j,∑

i aijxi ≥ bj ,

∀ i, xi ≥ 0.

Dual: max∑

j bjλj − f∗(µ) s.t.

∀ i,∑

j aijλj ≤ ci + µi,

∀ j, λj ≥ 0.

3.3. Infeasibility and Unboundedness

When an LP is infeasible, the dual becomes unbounded. The same happens with theseconvex programs as well. We now give the proof for some special cases. Suppose firstthat the set of linear constraints is itself infeasible, that is, there is no solution to theset of inequalities

∀ j,∑


aijxi ≤ bj . (1)

Then by Farkas’ lemma, we know that there exists numbers λj ≥ 0 for all j such that

∀ i,∑


aijλj = 0, and∑


λjbj < 0.

Now g(λ) = f∗(c) +∑

j λjbj , and by multiplying all the λj by a large positive number,

g can be made arbitrarily small.Now suppose that the feasible region defined by the inequalities (1) and the domain

of f defined as dom(f) = {x : f(x) < ∞} are disjoint. Further assume for now thatf∗(c) < ∞ and that there is a strict separation between the two, meaning that for all xfeasible and y ∈ dom(f), d(x, y) > ǫ for some ǫ > 0. Then once again by Farkas’ lemmawe have that there exist λj ≥ 0 for all j and δ > 0 such that

∀y ∈ dom(f),∑


aijλjyi >∑


λjbj(1 + δ).

This implies that g(λ) < f∗(c)− δ∑

j λjbj, and as before, by multiplying all the λj by a

large positive number, g can be made arbitrarily small.


The following is the classic Eisenberg-Gale convex program for Fisher markets withlinear utilities. An optimum solution to this program captures equilibrium allocationfor the corresponding market.


imi log ui s.t.

∀ i, ui ≤∑

j uijxij ,

∀ j,∑

i xij ≤ 1,

xij ≥ 0.

We now use the technology we developed in the previous section to construct the dualof this convex program. We let the dual variable corresponding to the constraint ui ≤∑

j uijxij be βi and the dual variable corresponding to the constraint∑

i xij ≤ 1 be pj(these will correspond to the equilibrium prices, hence the choice of notation). We alsoneed a variable µi that corresponds to the variable ui in the primal program since itappears in the objective in the form of a concave function, mi log ui. We now calculate

Page 7: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

the conjugate of this function. Recall that if f(x) = − logx then f∗(µ) = −1 − log(−µ),and if g(x) = cf(x) then g∗(µ) = cf∗(µ/c). Therefore if g(x) = −c logx then g∗(µ) =−c−c log(−µ/c) = c log c−c−c log(−µ). In the dual objective, we can ignore the constantterms, c log c−c. We are now ready to write down the dual program which is as follows.


j pj −∑

i mi log(−µi) s.t

∀ i, j, pj ≥ uijβi,

∀ i, βi = −µi.

We can easily eliminate µi from the above to get the following program.


j pj −∑

imi log(βi) s.t (2)

∀ i, j, pj ≥ uijβi.

The variables pj ’s actually correspond to equilibrium prices. In fact, we can even elim-inate the βi’s by observing that in an optimum solution, βi = minj {pj/uij}. This givesa convex (but not strictly convex) function of the pj ’s that is minimized at equilibrium.

Note that this is an unconstrained11 minimization. The function is as follows



pj −∑


mi log(minj


It would be interesting to give an intuitive explanation for why this function isminimized at equilibrium. Another interesting property of this function is that the(sub)gradient of this function at any price vector corresponds to the (set of) excess sup-ply of the market with the given price vector. This implies that a tattonement styleprice update, where the price is increased if the excess supply is negative and is de-creased if it is positive, is actually equivalent to gradient descent.Note: A convex program that is very similar to (2) was also discovered independentlyby Garg [Garg 2008]. However it is not clear how they arrived at it, or if they realisethat this is the dual of the Eisenberg-Gale convex program.

Going back to Convex Program (2), we write an equivalent program by taking thelogs in each of the constraints.


j pj −∑

i mi log(βi) s.t

∀ i, j, log pj ≥ log uij + log βi.

We now think of qj = log pj and γi = − logβi as the variables, and get the followingconvex program.


j eqj +

imiγi s.t (3)

∀ i, j, γi + qj ≥ log uij .

We now take the dual of this program. Again, we need to calculate the conjugate ofthe convex function that appears in the objective, namely ex. We could calculate it

11 Although with some analysis, one can derive that the optimum solution satisfies that pj ≥ 0, and∑

j pj =∑

i mi, the program itself has no constraints.

Page 8: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

from scratch, or derive it from the ones we have already calculated. Recall that iff(x) = ex−1, then f∗(µ) = µ logµ, and if g(x) = f(x+a) then g∗(µ) = f∗(µ)−µT a. Thus ifg(x) = ex = f(x+1) then g∗(µ) = f∗(µ)−µ = µ logµ−µ. The dual variable correspondingto the constraint γi + qj ≥ log uij is bij and the dual variable corresponding to eqj is pj(by abuse of notation, but it turns out that these once again correspond to equilibriumprices). Thus we get the following convex program of [Shmyrev 2009], which we callCP .


i,j bij log uij −∑

j(pj log pj − pj) s.t. (CP )

∀ j,∑

i bij = pj ,

∀ i,∑

j bij = mi,

bij ≥ 0 ∀ i, j.

4.1. Extensions to other markets

The Eisenberg-Gale convex program can be generalized to capture the equilibrium ofmany other markets, such as markets with Leontief utilities, or network flow markets.In fact, [Jain and Vazirani 2010] identify a whole class of such markets whose equi-librium is captured by convex programs similar to that of Eisenberg and Gale (calledEG markets). We can take the dual of all such programs to get corresponding gener-alizations for the convex program (2). For instance, a Leontief utility is of the formUi = minj {xij/φij} for some given values φij . The Eisenberg-Gale-type convex pro-gram for Fisher markets with Leontief utilities is as follows, along with its dual (aftersome simplification as before).

Primal: max∑

imi log ui s.t.

∀ i, j, ui ≤ xij/φij ,

∀ j,∑

i xij ≤ 1,

xij ≥ 0.

Dual: min∑

j pj −∑

i mi log(βi) s.t

∀ i,∑

j φijpj = βi.

In general for an EG-type convex program, the dual has the objective function∑

j pj −∑

i mi log(βi) where βi is the minimum cost buyer i has to pay in order to

get one unit of utility. For instance, for the network flow market, where the goods areedge capacities in a network and the buyers are source-sink pairs looking to maximizethe flow routed through the network, then βi is the cost of the cheapest path betweenthe source and the sink given the prices on the edges.

However, for some markets, it is not clear how to generalize the Eisenberg-Galeconvex program, but the dual generalizes easily. In each of the cases, the optimalityconditions can be easily seen to be equivalent to equilibrium conditions. We now showsome examples of this.

Quasi-linear utilities. Suppose the utility of buyer i is∑

j(uij − pj)xij . In particular,

if all the prices are such that pj > uij , then the buyer prefers to not be allocatedany good and go back with his budget unspent. It is easy to see that the followingconvex program captures the equilibrium prices for such utilities. In fact, given this

Page 9: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

convex program, one could take its dual to get an EG-type convex program as well.

Primal: min∑

j pj−∑

imi log(βi) s.t


∀ i, j, pj ≥ uijβi,

∀ i, βi ≤ 1.

Dual: max∑

i mi log ui− vi s.t.

∀ i, ui ≤∑

j uijxij + vi,

∀ j,∑

i xij ≤ 1,

xij , vi ≥ 0.Although this is a small modification of the Eisenberg-Gale convex program, it is not

clear how one would arrive at this directly without going through the dual.

Transaction costs. Suppose that we are given, for every pair, buyer i and good j,a transaction cost cij that the buyer has to pay per unit of the good in additionto the price of the good. Thus the total money spent by buyer i is

j(pj + cij)xij .

Chakraborty et al. [2010] show that the following convex program captures the equi-librium prices for such markets.


j pj −∑

imi log(βi) s.t (5)

∀ i, j, pj + cij ≥ uijβi,

∀ i, βi ≤ 1.


In this section, we give a convex program for each market model and a complete proofthat optimal solution of the convex program gives an equilibrium price of the market.

5.1. Market M1: Sellers have earning limits

Linear utilities. This convex program is a natural extension of program CP pre-sented in Section 4, with an additional set of constraints for sellers having earninglimits:


i,j bij log uij −∑

j(qj log qj − qj) s.t. (P1)


i bij = qj , (6)


j bij = mi, (7)

∀j, qj ≤ cj , (8)

∀i, j, bij ≥ 0. (9)

Here bij is the amount of money buyer i spends on good j, and qj is the total amountof spending on good j. Contraint 8 makes sure that the spending on good j does notexceed the earning limit of seller j.

LEMMA 5.1. Convex program P1 captures the equilibrium prices of market modelM1 under linear utility functions.

PROOF. Let λj , µj , ηi be the dual variables for contraints 6, 8, 7 respectively. By theKKT conditions, optimal solutions must satisfy the following:

(1) ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A : log uij − λj − ηi ≤ 0

Page 10: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

(2) ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A : bij > 0 ⇒ log uij − λj − ηi = 0(3) ∀j ∈ A : − log qj + λj − µj = 0(4) ∀j ∈ A : µj ≥ 0(5) ∀j ∈ A : µj > 0 ⇒ qj = cj

From the first 3 conditions, we have ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A :uij

qjeµj ≤ eηi and if bij > 0 then


qjeµj = eηi . Let pj = qje

µj . We will show that p is an equilibrium price with spending b.

From the above observation, it is easy to see that each buyer i only spends money onhis maximum bang-per-buck (MBB) goods at price p, i.e., goods that give her maximumutility per unit money spent. We also have to check that an optimal solution given bythe convex program satisfies the market clearing conditions. Constraint 7 guaranteesthat each buyer i must spend all his money. Therefore, we only have to show that theamount seller j earns is the mininum between pj and cj . If qj = cj and qj ≤ qje

µj = pj.If qj < cj then µj = 0 and pj = qj < cj . Thus, in both cases, qj = min(pj , cj) asdesired.

Spending constraint utilities. The convex program for model M1 under spendingconstraint utility functions is as follows:


i,j,l blij log u

lij −

j(qj log qj − qj) s.t. (P2)


i,l blij = qj , (10)


j,l blij = mi, (11)

∀i, j, l ∈ S, blij ≤ Blij , (12)

∀j, qj ≤ cj , (13)

∀i, j, l ∈ S, blij ≥ 0. (14)

Here blij is the amount of money buyer i spends on good j under segment l, and qj is

the total amount of spending on good j.

LEMMA 5.2. Convex program P2 captures the equilibrium prices of market modelM1 under spending constraint utility function.

PROOF. Let λj , µj , ηi, γijl be the dual variables for contraints 10, 13, 11, 12 respec-tively. By the KKT conditions, optimal solutions must satisfy the following:

(1) ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A, l ∈ S : log ulij − λj − ηi − γijl ≤ 0

(2) ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A, l ∈ S : blij > 0 ⇒ log ulij − λj − ηi − γijl = 0

(3) ∀j ∈ A : − log qj + λj − µj = 0(4) ∀j ∈ A : µj ≥ 0(5) ∀j ∈ A : µj > 0 ⇒ qj = cj(6) ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A, l ∈ S : γijl ≥ 0(7) ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A, l ∈ S : γijl > 0 ⇒ blij = Bl


Let pj = qjeµj . We will prove that p is an equilibrium price with spending b. The

second KKT condition says that for a fixed pair of buyer i and good j, blij > 0 implies


eγijl= eλjeηi

Page 11: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

Therefore, the ratio ulij/e

γijl is the same for every segment l under which i spends

money on j. From KKT condition 7, γijl > 0 implies blij = Blij . It follows that for each

good j, i must finish spending money on a segment with higher rate before startingspending money on a segment with lower rate.

From the first 3 KKT conditions, we have:


qjeγijl eµj ≤ eηi

and equality happens when blij > 0. For every segment that i can still spend money

on, blij must be less than Blij , and thus γijl = 0. Therefore, for every j and l such that

Blij > blij > 0, we have




qjeµj = eηi

and this ratioulij

pjis maximized among all segments that i can spend money on, i.e.

segments such that blij < Blij . Therefore, we can conclude that each buyer i is spending

according to his best spending strategy.By complementary slackness condition, if qj < cj then µi = 0 and qj = pj . Otherwise,

if pj = cj then qj ≤ pj. Therefore, in this model, the amount seller j earns is theminimum between cj and pj .

5.2. Market M2: Buyers have utility limits

Linear utilities. The convex program for the linear utility with buyers having utilitylimits is a natural extension of the Eisenberg-Gale program:


i mi log ui s.t. (P3)


j xijuij = ui, (15)

∀i, ui ≤ di, (16)


i xij ≤ 1, (17)

∀i, j, xij ≥ 0. (18)

In this program, xij is the amount of good j allocated to buyer i, and ui is the amount ofutility that buyer i obtains. Contraint 16 guarantees that the amount of utility buyeri gets does not exceed his utility limit di.

LEMMA 5.3. Convex program P3 captures the equilibrium prices of market modelM2 under linear utility function.

PROOF. Let λi, µi, pj be the dual variables for contraints 15, 16, 17 respectively. Bythe KKT conditions, optimal solutions must satisfy the following:

(1) ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A : −λiuij − pj ≤ 0(2) ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A : xij > 0 ⇒ −λiuij − pj = 0(3) ∀i ∈ B : mi

ui+ λi − µi = 0

(4) ∀i ∈ B : µi ≥ 0(5) ∀i ∈ B : µi > 0 ⇒ ui = di(6) ∀j ∈ A : pj ≥ 0(7) ∀j ∈ A : pj > 0 ⇒

i xij = 1

Page 12: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

From the first 3 conditions, we have ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A :uij

pj≤ ui

mi−µiuiand if xij > 0 then


pj= ui


We will show that p is an equilibrium price with allocation x. From the above obser-vation, it is easy to see that each buyer i only spends money on his MBB goods at pricep. Moreover, we know that if pj > 0 then good j must be fully sold. Therefore, the onlyremaining thing to prove is that at price p each buyer either spends all his money orattains his utility limit. If ui = di then buyer i reaches his utility limit and the amountof money he spends is mi − µidi, which is at most mi. If ui < di then µi = 0 and theamount of money he spends is mi.

Leontief utilities. The convex program for the Leontief utility model is as follows:


imi log ui s.t. (P4)

∀i, j, uiφij = xij , (19)

∀i, ui ≤ di, (20)


i xij ≤ 1 (21)

∀i, j, xij ≥ 0. (22)

LEMMA 5.4. Convex program P4 captures the equilibrium prices of market modelM2 under Leontief utility function.

PROOF. Let λij , µi, pj be the dual variables for contraints 19, 20, 21 respectively. Bythe KKT conditions, optimal solutions must satisfy the following:

(1) ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A : −λij − pj ≤ 0(2) ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A : xij > 0 ⇒ −λij − pj = 0(3) ∀i ∈ B : mi


j λijφij − µi = 0

(4) ∀i ∈ B : µi ≥ 0(5) ∀i ∈ B : µi > 0 ⇒ ui = di(6) ∀j ∈ A : pj ≥ 0(7) ∀j ∈ A : pj > 0 ⇒

i xij = 1

Notice that in this model, we may assume that ui > 0 for all i ∈ B. It follows fromconstraint 19 that xij = 0 if and only if φij = 0. From the second KKT condition, weknow that if φij > 0, we must have λij = −pj. Substituting in the third condition wehave:


ui− µi =

j pjφij


mi − µiui =∑

j pjφijxij


j pjxij

It follows that mi − µiui is actually the amount of money that buyer i spends. Bycomplementary slackness condition, if ui < di then µi = 0 and i spends all his budget.Otherwise, if ui = di then mi − µiui ≤ mi. Therefore, in this model, a buyer i eitherspends all his budget or attains his utility limit. Moreover, we know that if pj > 0 thengood j is fully sold. Thus, p is an equilibrium price with allocation x.

Page 13: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

CES utilities. The convex program for the CES utility model with parameter ρ is asfollows:


i mi log ui s.t. (P5)

∀i, ui =(∑



ρ , (23)

∀i, ui ≤ di, (24)


i xij ≤ 1, (25)

∀i, j, xij ≥ 0. (26)

Notice that in this model, ∂ui/∂xij = u1−ρi uijx

ρ−1ij has the same term u1−ρ

i uij for all

xij ’s. Moreover, ∂ui/∂xij decreases when xij increases. It follows that the best spendingstrategy for a buyer i is to start with xij = 0 ∀j ∈ A and spend money on goods j that

maximize the ratio∂ui/∂xij

pjat every point. At the end of the procedure, all goods j such

that xij > 0 will have the same value for∂ui/∂xij

pj, and that value is the maximum over

all goods.

LEMMA 5.5. Convex program P5 captures the equilibrium prices of market modelM2 under CES utility function.

PROOF. Let λi, µi, pj be the dual variables for contraints 23, 24, 25 respectively. Bythe KKT conditions, optimal solutions must satisfy the following:

(1) ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A : −λiu1−ρi uijx

ρ−1ij − pj ≤ 0

(2) ∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A : xij > 0 ⇒ −λiu1−ρi uijx

ρ−1ij − pj = 0

(3) ∀i ∈ B : mi

ui+ λi − µi = 0

(4) ∀i ∈ B : µi ≥ 0(5) ∀i ∈ B : µi > 0 ⇒ ui = di(6) ∀j ∈ A : pj ≥ 0(7) ∀j ∈ A : pj > 0 ⇒

i xij = 1

We will prove that p is an equilibrium price with allocation x. From the first thereKKT conditions, we have




pj≤ ui


and equality happens when xij > 0. Therefore, x is in agreement with the best spend-

ing strategy of the buyers, which says that for each buyer i, if xij > 0 then∂ui/∂xij


maximized over all j’s. Moreover, we can see that mi − µiui is the amount of moneybuyer i spends. By complementary slackness condition, if ui < di then µi = 0 and ispends all his budget. Otherwise, if ui = di then mi − µiui ≤ mi. Therefore, in thismodel, a buyer i either spends all his budget or attains his utility limit. Moreover,we know that if pj > 0 then good j is fully sold. Thus, p is an equilibrium price withallocation x.


In this section, we study the existence and the uniqueness of equilibria for the marketmodels. For model M1, we show a necessary and sufficient condition for the existenceof an equilibrium. The condition works for both cases of linear utility and spending

Page 14: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

constraint utility. On the uniqueness side, we show the spending vector, q = (q1, . . . , qm)where qj is the money spent on good j, is unique. For model M2, we show that anequilibrium always exists for all utility functions we mentioned in the previous section.On the uniqueness side, the utility vector is unique.

Despite the fact that in Fisher model we have the uniqueness of price equilibrium,it is easy to see that it is not true in our generalizations. For model M1, consider amarket with only one buyer with utility function u(x) = x1 and one seller. Let m1 = 1and c = 1. It is easy to see every price in bigger than 1 is an equilibrium price. Formodel M2, again consider a market with only one buyer with utility function u(x) = x1

and one seller. Let d1 = 1 and m1 = 2. It is easy to see every price in interval [1, 2] is anequilibrium price.

6.1. Market M1: Sellers have earning limits

LEMMA 6.1. In model M1 under linear and spending constraint utility functions,an equilibrium price exists if and only if

j cj ≥∑


PROOF. An equilibrium price exists if and only if the feasible region of the convexprogram is not empty. We first prove that for the case of linear utility function, theprogram is feasible if and only if

j cj ≥∑

i mi. If∑

j cj <∑

imi then the feasible

region is empty because the set of constraints 6, 8 and 7 can not be satisfied together. If∑

j cj ≥∑

i mi then yij =micj∑


gives a feasible solution because∑

i yij = cj∑



≤ cj


j yij = mi

∑j cj∑jcj

= mi.

Similarly, we can prove that for the case of spending constraint utility, the programis feasible if and only if

j cj ≥∑

imi. If∑

j cj <∑

imi then the feasible region

is empty because the set of constraints 10, 13 and 11 can not be satisfied together.Using a similar argument as in the previous part, we can show that if the amount ofmoney that i spends on j is micj/

j cj then constraints 10, 13 and 11 are all satisfied.

We only need to guarantee that contraint 12 is satisfied as well. This can be done bychoosing appropriate ylij ’s such that

l ylij =


and ylij ≤ Blij .

LEMMA 6.2. In model M1 under linear and spending constraint utility functions,the spending vector q is unique.

PROOF. Consider two distinct price equilibriums p and p′, their correspondingspending vectors q and q′ and their corresponding demand vectors x and x′. Note thatpj ≥ p′j ⇒ qj ≥ q′j because qj = xjpj = min(1,

cjpj)pj ≥ min(1,



)p′j = q′j . Consider price

vector r = (r1, . . . , rm) where ∀k, rk = max(pk, p′k), its corresponding spending vector

qr and its corresponding demand vectors xr. Note that by changing prices from p to rwe may only increasing the prices. Therefore, it is easy to see under linear or spendingconstraint utility functions the demand of good j going from prices p to r would notdecrease if p′j < pj = rj . Therefore, we have qrj = xr

jrj = xrjpj ≥ xjpj = qj ≥ q′j . We can

do the same for all j and show ∀j, qrj = max(qj , q′j). For the sake of a contradiction sup-

pose ∃j, qj > q′j then using the later it is easy to show∑

j qrj >

j qj =∑

j q′j =

i mi

which is contradiction because the money spent on goods cannot be more than the totalbudget. Therefore, ∀j , qj = q′j and the lemma follows.

6.2. Market M2: Buyers have utility limits

LEMMA 6.3. In model M2 under linear, Leontief and CES utility functions, an equi-librium price always exists.

Page 15: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

PROOF. An equilibrium price exists if and only if the feasible region of the convexprogram is not empty. In P3, P4 and P5, xij = 0 for all i ∈ B, j ∈ A is a feasible solution.Therefore, the feasible region is not empty and an equilibrium exists.

LEMMA 6.4. In model M2 under linear, Leontief and CES utility functions, the util-ities of an equilibrium are unique.

PROOF. In section 5.2, we showed every equilibrium correspond to an solution ofa convex program with an objective function of the form

i mi log ui. It is easy to seethat the objective function is strictly concave. Therefore, there is a unique vector u thatmaximizes the objective function and the lemma follows.


In this section, we prove rationality results for the case of model M2 under linearutility, and model M1 under linear utility and spending constraint utility. Specifically,we show that for those market models, a rational equilibrium exists if an equilibriumexists and all the parameters are rational numbers.

7.1. Market M1: Sellers have earning limits

LEMMA 7.1. In model M1 under linear utility functions, a rational equilibriumexists if

j cj ≥∑

imi and all the parameters specified are rational numbers.

PROOF. Let Ai be the set of goods that buyer i spends money on, A be the familyof Ai’s, and L be the set of sellers reaching their earning limits. An equilibrium pricep, the corresponding spending y and inverse MBB value α, if existed, must be a pointinside the polyhedron P (A, L) bounded by the following constraints:

∀i ∈ B, ∀j ∈ Ai uijαi = pj

∀j ∈ A uijαi ≤ pj

∀i ∈ B, ∀j 6∈ Ai yij = 0

∀i ∈ B∑


yij = mi

∀j ∈ L∑


yij = cj pj ≥ cj

∀j 6∈ L∑


yij = pj pj ≤ cj

∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A yij ≥ 0

If an equilibrium price exists, then A and L such that P (A, L) is non-empty mustalso exist. Every point inside that non-empty polyhedron must also correspond to anequilibrium price. Since uij ’s mi’s and cj ’s are rational numbers, a vertex of P (A, L)gives a rational equilibrium price. It then follows from Lemma 6.1 that a rationalequilibrium exists if and only if

j cj ≥∑


LEMMA 7.2. In model M1 under spending constraint utility functions, a rationalequilibrium exists if

j cj ≥∑

imi and all the parameters specified are rational num-


PROOF. For a buyer i and good j, let S+ij be the set of segments l such that ylij = Bl

ij ,

S0ij be the set of segments such that Bl

ij > ylij > 0, and S−ij be the set of segments such

that ylij = 0. Also, let S be the family of all S+ij , S

0ij , S

−ij sets, and L be the set of sellers

reaching their earning limits. An equilibrium price p, the corresponding spending y

Page 16: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

and inverse MBB value α, if existed, must be a point inside the polyhedron P (S, L)bounded by the following constraints:

∀i ∈ B, ∀j ∈ A, ∀l ∈ S+ij ul

ijαi ≥ pj ylij = Blij

∀i ∈ B, ∀j ∈ A, ∀l ∈ S0ij ul

ijαi = pj 0 ≤ ylij ≤ Blij

∀i ∈ B, ∀j ∈ A, ∀l ∈ S−ij ul

ijαi ≤ pj ylij = 0

∀i ∈ B∑


ylij = mi

∀j ∈ L∑


ylij = cj pj ≥ cj

∀j 6∈ L∑


ylij = pj pj ≤ cj

Suppose that all the parameters specified are rational numbers. Again, we can see thata rational equilibrium must also exist if an equilibrium exists. It then follows that arational equilibrium exists if and only if

j cj ≥∑

i mi.

7.2. Market M2: Buyers have utility limits

LEMMA 7.3. In model M2 under linear utility functions, a rational equilibriumexists if all the parameters specified are rational numbers.

PROOF. Let Ai be the set of goods that buyer i spends money on, A be the family ofAi’s, and L be the set of buyers reaching their utility limits. An equilibrium price p, thecorresponding spending y and inverse MBB value α, if existed, must be a point insidethe polyhedron P (A, L) bounded by the following constraints:

∀i ∈ B, ∀j ∈ Ai uijαi = pj

∀j ∈ A uijαi ≤ pj

∀i ∈ B, ∀j 6∈ Ai yij = 0

∀j ∈ A∑


yij = pj

∀i ∈ L∑


yij = αidi∑


yij ≤ mi

∀i 6∈ L∑


yij ≤ αidi∑


yij = mi

∀i ∈ B, j ∈ A yij ≥ 0

Suppose that all the parameters specified in this model are rational numbers. By asimilar argument to Lemma 7.1, we can see that an equilibrium exists if and only if arational equilibrium exists. It follow from Lemma 6.3 that a rational equilibrium pricemust always exist if all the parameters specified are rational numbers.


In this section, we prove the generalized version of Arrow-Hurwicz theorem for bothmodels M1 and M2 for the case of linear utilities. First we give some notation neededfor the proofs. We define a spending function to be a function F : [n] × [m] → R suchthat F (i, j) denotes the amount of money that buyer i spends on good j, and a spendingvector v to be an m-dimensional vector indicating how much money is spent on eachgood, that is, vj =

i F (i, j).

Page 17: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

8.1. Market M1: Sellers have earning limits

THEOREM 8.1. Let p be a equilibrium price in market model M1 under linear utilityfunctions. Then for any non-equilibrium price q, we have f⊤

q p > ∆q where fq is the excess

demand vector at q, and ∆q = f⊤q q is the total excess demand value at q.

PROOF. Again, we assume there are two phases during which the price/spendingvectors pair change from (p, z) to (q, v).

(1) In the first phase, the price vector change from p to q. However, each agent doesnot spend his money on his optimal bundle at q. Instead, he still spends moneythe same way he does at equilibrium p. Therefore, the spending vector z remainsunchanged in this phase.

(2) In the second phase, the price vector remains unchanged, and the spending vectorchanges from z to v. Let y = v − z be a vector reflecting the change between twospending vectors.

Our goal is to prove that fTq p > ∆q, and this is equivalent to proving





pj =∑n






pj =∑n







qj> ∆q

Here sup(j) is the amount of good that seller j is willing to sell under price q.

First we prove that∑n




− sup(j))

pj > ∆q. We may assume that the goods are

arranged so that

— 1 ≤ j ≤ l : pj ≥ cj qj ≥ cj— l + 1 ≤ j ≤ k : pj ≥ cj qj ≤ cj— k + 1 ≤ j ≤ k + s : pj ≤ cj qj ≥ cj— k + s+ 1 ≤ j ≤ n : pj ≤ cj qj ≤ cj

Since p is an equilibrium price, the total budget of all buyers is∑k

j=1 cj +∑n

j=k+1 pj .

The total value of goods that sellers willing to sell at price q is:

∑lj=1 cj +

∑kj=l+1 qj +

∑k+sj=k+1 cj +

∑nj=k+s+1 qj

Therefore, the total excess demand is:

∆q =∑k

j=l+1(cj − qj) +∑k+s

j=k+1(pj − cj) +∑n

j=k+s+1(pj − qj)

Let F (j) =(


− sup(j))

pj , we compute F (j) in 4 different cases:

(1) 1 ≤ j ≤ l : F (j) = pj





= 0

(2) l + 1 ≤ j ≤ k : F (j) = pj



− 1)


qj≥ cj − qj

The inequality follows from the facts that qj ≤ cj and qj ≤ cj ≤ pj .

(3) k + 1 ≤ j ≤ k + s : F (j) = pj








qj/cj≥ p2j/cj − pj .

The inequality follows because p2j/cj − pj ≤ 0 and qj/cj ≥ 1.

(4) k + s+ 1 ≤ j ≤ n : F (j) = pj



qj− 1






= pj − qj .

The reason for the inequality is as follows. If pj ≥ qj then(


qj− 1


≥ 0, and



≥ 0, therefore increasing the denominator decreases the value of the num-

Page 18: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

ber. If pj < qj then(


qj− 1


< 0, andp2


< 0, therefore decreasing the denomi-

nator decreases the value of the number.


j F (j) ≥∑k

j=l+1(cj − qj) +∑k+s

j=k+1(p2j/cj − pj) +

∑nj=k+s+1(pj − qj)

= ∆q −∑k+s

j=k+1(pj − cj) +∑k+s

j=k+1(p2j/cj − pj) = ∆q +

∑k+sj=k+1(cj − pj) + (p2j/cj − pj)

= ∆q +∑k+s

j=k+11cj(p2j − 2pjcj + c2j) = ∆q +



cj≥ ∆q

It is easy to see that if equality happens, q must be an equilibrium price. Therefore, for

every non-equilibrium price q, we must have∑n




− sup(j))

pj > ∆q.

Next we prove that∑n


qj≥ 0. Recall that y is the difference between two spend-

ings vectors v and z. We can break y into primitive spending changes from z to v.





changes δjk of i δjk







where δjk denotes a spending change from j to k of positive value. Since i prefers j tok at price p


pj≥ uik

pk, and since i prefers k to j at price q


qj≤ uik

qk. It follows that for

all primitive spending changes from j to k, pk



qj. Therefore,





changes δjk of i δjk







≥ 0

as desired.

8.2. Market M2: Buyers have utility limits

We first define a maximal spending to be a spending function such that every buyereither reaches his utility limit or his budget limit. Note that in model M2, every spend-ing function should be a maximal spending. We also define an optimal spending to bea maximal spending in which every buyer spends money on his optimal bundle.

First, we state a lemma needed for proving of the theorem. Roughly speaking, thelemma says that among all maximal spendings, an optimal spending results in leastmoney spent and most utility achieved for buyers.

LEMMA 8.2. Let F be a maximal spending and G be an optimal spending of thesame price vector. For every buyer i:

(1) The money i spends with respect to F is at least the money i spends with respect toG.

(2) The utility i gets with respect to F is at most the utility i gets with respect to G.


(1) Assume the money i spends with respect to F is less than the money i spends withrespect to G for the sake of contradiction. Since i spends money on his optimalbundle with respect to G, the amount of utility i gets with respect to F must alsobe less than the amount of utility i gets with respect to G. Therefore, with respectto F , i reaches neither budget limit nor utility limit. This is a contradiction sinceF is a maximal spending.

(2) Assume the utility i gets with respect to F is more than the utility i gets withrespect to G. Since i spends money on his optimal bundle with respect to G, theamount of money i spends with respect to F must also be more than the amount of

Page 19: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

money i spends with respect to G. Therefore, with respect to G, i reaches neitherbudget limit nor utility limit. This is a contradiction since G is a maximal spending.

Now we can prove the main theorem

THEOREM 8.3. Let p be a equilibrium price in market model M2 under linear util-ity functions. Then for any non-equilibrium price q, fT

q p > ∆q where fq is the excess

demand vector at q, and ∆q = fTq q is the total excess demand value at q.

PROOF.We assume there are two phases during which the price/spending vectors pair

change from (p, p) to (q, v).

(1) In the first phase, the price vector change from p to q. However, each agent does notspend his money on his optimal bundle at q. Instead, he still only spends money onthe set of good he wants at equilibirum p. Specifically, if at price p a buyer i spendsx1, . . . , xk on k different goods, we break i into k buyers i1 . . . ik such that it has

budget limit mixt/∑k

1 xl, utility limit dixt/∑k

1 xl, has the same utility function as ibut only spends money on good t. The spending of i in this phase is the combinationof all spendings of its at q. Let F be the spending function of the original buyers,and F be the spending function of the divided buyers B. Note that F is a maximalspending but might not be an optimal spending. Let z be the spending vector withrespect to F (and thus also to F ).

(2) In the second phase, the price vector remains unchanged, and the spending vectorchanges from z to v. Let G be the spending function of the original buyers in thisphase. We know that G is an optimal spending. Let y = v − z be a vector reflectingthe change between two spending vectors.

Our goal is to prove that fTq p > ∆q, and this is equivalent to proving




− 1)

pj =∑n




qj− 1


pj =∑n




− 1)

pj +∑n


qj> ∆q

First, we prove that∑n




− 1)

pj > ∆q. Recall that zj is the amount of money

spent on good j in the first phase, where a buyer is only interested in the set of goodshe buys at equilibrium p. We break the analysis into 2 cases:

— qj ≥ pj: Consider a divided buyer i spending money on j at equilibrium price p. Ifi spends all his budget at equilibrium, his spending on j will remain unchanged inthis phase. If i reaches his utility limit at equilibrium, his spending on j will inreaseby a factor of at most qj/pj. It follows that zj ≤ qj .

— qj < pj: Consider a divided buyer i spending money on j at equilibrium price p. Ifi is at his budget limit at equilibrium, his spending on j may decrease by a factorof at least qj/pj . If i reaches his utility limit at equilibrium, his spending on j willdecrease by a factor of exactly qj/pj. It follows that zj ≥ qj .

Therefore, in both caseszj−qjqj/pj

≥ zj − qj . We have




− 1)

pj =∑n



j=1(zj − qj) =∑n

j=1 zj −∑n

j=1 qj

Since G is an optimal spending with respect to the original buyers and the utilityfunction is linear, G can be translated into a corresponding optimal spending G withrespect to the divided buyers B. Note that

∑nj=1 vj is a total optimal spending with

Page 20: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

respect to G and therefore also with respect to G, and∑n

j=1 zj is a total maximal

spending with respect to F . Since F is a feasible spending and G is an optimal spendingof the same price q, using the first part of Lemma 8.2, we have

∑nj=1 zj ≥

∑nj=1 vj .





− 1)

pj ≥∑n

j=1 vj −∑n

j=1 qj = ∆q. Moreover, it can be seen that

if equality happens, q must also be an equilibrium price. Therefore, for every non-

equilibrium price q, we must have∑n




− 1)

pj > ∆q.

Now we prove that∑n


qj≥ 0 by analyzing over primitive spending changes.

Since F is a maximal spending and G is an optimal spending of the same price, fromthe second part of Lemma 8.2, we know that the amount of utility each divided buyergets in G is at least as much as the amount he gets in F . Consider a divided buyeri ∈ B. In F , i spends money on a single good j. In G, assume that i spends money onk1, . . . , kl. We can break the spending change of i from phase 1 to phase 2 into primitivechanges j → k1, . . . , j → kt, . . . , j → kl. The notation j → k means instead of spendingδj on j according to F , i spends δk on k according to G and attains at least as muchutility. Let uij and uik be the amount of utility i gets from 1 unit of good j and krespectively. Since i prefers j to k at equilibrium price p, we have


pj≥ uik

pksince the

amount of utility he gets by spending δj on j at price qj is at most the amount of utility

he gets by spending δk on k at price qk, uijδjqj

≤ uikδkqk. Therefore, pk

pj≥ uik



. It

follows that δkpk

qk− δj


qj≥ 0. Therefore, summing over all divided buyers





changes j→k of i δkpk

qk− δj


qj≥ 0


9.1. Overview

First, we give an overview of the ellipsoid method. Suppose we want to find a pointin a bounded polyheron P and have access to a seperation oracle that can answer thequestion of whether a point z is in P or not, and give a seperating hyperplane in thelatter case. The ellipsoid method works as follows. We first start with an initial ellip-soid that is guarantee to contain the entire polyhedron P . We then call the seperationoracle on the center z of the ellipsoid. If z is in P then we found a point in P as desired.If z is not in P then the oracle returns a seperating hyperplane such that P and z areon the opposite sides of that hyperplane. Note that this seperating hyperplane cuts ourellipsoid into two half-ellipsoids, one of them contains P and the other contains z. Wethen find another ellipsoid enclosing the half-ellipsoid that contains P and recurse onthat ellipsoid. The algorithm stops when we find a point inside P or when the volumeof the bounding ellipsoid becomes small enough and we are able to claim that thereis no point in P . In this section, we apply the ellipsoid method to find an equilibriumof our market models under linear utility function. Specifically, we show how to checkif a price is an equilibrium or not in polynomial time, implement a polynomial-timeseperation oracle and form an initial ellipsoid.

For the running time analysis, we restate the Theorem 12 from [Jain 2004], whichwe utilize to demonstrate that a separation oracle can be used compute equilibriumsolutions in polynomial time if a rational solution exists.

Page 21: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

THEOREM 9.1. Given a convex set via a strong separation oracle with a guaranteethat the set contains a point with binary encoding length at most φ, a point in the convexset can be found in polynomial time.

This theorem is proved using ellipsoid method and simultaneous diophantine approx-imation, and we refer the readers to the paper [Jain 2004] for a detailed proof.

9.2. Checking if a given price is an equilibrium price

Given a price p, the MBB graph is a directed bipartite graph with directed edge (i, j)between buyer i and good j if and only if j is an MBB good of i at price p. We can build adirected network as follows: assign capacity of infinity to all edges in the MBB graph;introduce a source vertex s and a directed edge from s to every i ∈ B with capacityequal to the amount that i is willing to spend; introduce a sink vertex t and a directededge from every j ∈ A to t with capacity equal to the value of good that j is willing tosell. After that, checking if a given price is an equilibrium price can be done via ones− t max-flow computation in the network.

9.3. Seperation oracle

The generalized version of Arrow-Hurwicz theorem in Section 8 gives us a simple wayto implement a seperation oracle in polynomial time. The theorem says that for anynon-equilibrium price q, the half-plane fT

q x > ∆q, where fq is the excess demand func-

tion and ∆q = fTq q is the total excess spending with respect to q, contains all equilib-

rium prices. Therefore, the hyperplane fTq x = ∆q can serve as a seperating hyperplane,

and since we can compute fq and ∆q in polynomial time, we have a polynomial-timeseperation oracle.

9.4. Bounding box

We choose the initial ellipsoid to be the enclosing ball of an n dimensional hypercube.The hypercube is guaranteed to contain least one equilibrium price.

9.4.1. Market M1: Sellers have earning limits. Consider an equilibrium price p in this mar-ket. If pj > cj for all good j in the market, we can scale prices of all goods down by thesame factor so that there is one good k with pk = ck. Therefore, we may assume thatthere exists some k such that pk ≤ ck. For a good j, let i be a buyer buying j at price p.We have








pj ≤uijckuik

It follows that the hypercube {p : 0 ≤ pj ≤ maxi,kuijckuik

} contains at least one equilib-

rium price.

9.4.2. Market M2: Buyers have utility limits. In this market model, let M be the total bud-get of all buyers. We claim that the hypercube {p : 0 ≤ pi ≤ M} contains all equilibriumprices. This is because any price outside of that cube has a coordinate pi > M , and thuscan not be an equilibrium price.


An obvious and important open question is to obtain a convex program for the commongeneralization of markets M1 and M2 in which buyers have utility bounds and sellers

Page 22: arXiv:1603.01257v1 [cs.GT] 3 Mar 2016 · 2018-10-02 · equilibria for both models follows from these convex programs. We further show that both models admit rational equilibria,

have earning bounds. Despite much effort, we could not find such a convex programeven for the case of linear utilities.

For market M1, we obtained a convex program only for the case of linear utilitiesbut not Leontief or CES utilities since our procedure for obtaining the dual of a convexprogram works only if the constraints are all linear. Can it be enhanced in suitableways?

Finally, the Arrow-Hurwicz theorem works for utilitites satisfying weak gross sub-stitutability. On the other hand, its extension to our models M1 and M2 works onlyfor the case of linear utilities. We believe it should be possible to extend to utilitiessatisfying weak gross substitutability.


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