Artifact (where is it)

Julio Katherine Nashaira Gentry Raegan Some may wonder what the study of body structures is Yet here I am to tell you that Anatomy is what it is The study of body’s functions you may ask Physiology is your answer to that task But both these words are the show biz Why don’t you come join our organization? You have the Biochemical Unit of our generation The internal changes you’ve been going through is all part of your metabolism The way you react to stimuli makes your responsiveness beyond naturalism Your internal environment is all part of your stability standardization You may ask why there are changes in form or functions throughout our lifetime Well the answer to that question is development lifeline Yet do not confuse this with an increase in size through a chemical change Because then we would be talking about growth and that’s a different range Daughters yearn for the day they become mothers In order to do this they must go through reproduction to produce brothers The new baby who has been born will go through evolution Causing him to go through genetic changes passed on by generations These are all part of our life’s characteristics which our life covers

Transcript of Artifact (where is it)

Page 1: Artifact (where is it)

Julio Katherine Nashaira Gentry Raegan

Some may wonder what the study of body structures is

Yet here I am to tell you that Anatomy is what it is

The study of body’s functions you may ask

Physiology is your answer to that task

But both these words are the show biz

Why don’t you come join our organization?

You have the Biochemical Unit of our generation

The internal changes you’ve been going through is all part of your metabolism

The way you react to stimuli makes your responsiveness beyond naturalism

Your internal environment is all part of your stability standardization

You may ask why there are changes in form or functions throughout our lifetime

Well the answer to that question is development lifeline

Yet do not confuse this with an increase in size through a chemical change

Because then we would be talking about growth and that’s a different range

Daughters yearn for the day they become mothers

In order to do this they must go through reproduction to produce brothers

The new baby who has been born will go through evolution

Causing him to go through genetic changes passed on by generations

These are all part of our life’s characteristics which our life covers

Page 2: Artifact (where is it)

Our bodies can be considered conceptually at seven structural levels

Smallest to largest is the way to categorize these levels

Atom, molecule, macromolecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system and complete organism

The list cannot be altered due to the composition and size of each organism

Therefore that is why their each at their own multilevel

What are the interactions between atoms and their combinations into molecules?

Chemical is the answer and water is one of these molecules

We ask what the microscopic structure in a cell is

The answer to that is the organelle

That’s why the basic unit of living organism is a cell because it creates solitude

A group of cell with similar structure and function is a tissue

Therefore an organ is composed of two or more different types of tissues

We ask ourselves what is a group of organs with a unique collective function?

Yet we neglect to remember that the digestive system is an organ system with a unique function

Therefore a single complete individual is an organism just like you

As an organism our bodies try to maintain fairly stable chemical and physical internal fluid conditions

This terminology is referred to as homeostasis which is taught by physicians

Sometimes we wonder how it is that we sense the changes in our bodies

I must let you know the reason for this is because of the receptors in your body

This is why we should take care of ourselves because it is our mission

Page 3: Artifact (where is it)

In our bodies we have a structure that processes the information which is called the integrating center

We also have a structure that carries out the response that restores homeostasis, called the effector

Thanks to these structures we are able to produce a self-amplifying cycle that causes rapid change

This cycle is called positive feedback, with an opposite cycle: negative feedback which opposes change

In other words called Homeostasis which is our bodies most important process yet our center

If we wished to divide our bodies into right and left we would cut a sagittal plane

Yet dividing ourselves in half from the midline would create a midsagittal plane

Our bodies can be divided into many parts and another form is Parasagittal

This is a plane to the right or left of the midline also referred to as the midsagittal

These are the most common cuts that our body can be divided into also known as planes

If you’re wondering, can’t our bodies be divided into more parts? You’re right

Our bodies can be cut into a transverse cut which divides the body into superior and inferior parts

Also a section that divides our bodies into anterior and posterior portions is called a coronal

We refer to something that is towards the belly it is called ventral and towards the spine it is dorsal

Anterior is to the front as posterior is to the back, as the aorta which is anterior goes to the heart

The study of anatomy consists of many directional terms

When something is close to the point of attachment it is called proximal term

What is something that is farther from the point of attachment origin?

This term is called distal, near or toward the midline of the body, central is the way to go

If you’re looking for what’s away from the midline or the center of the body that is the peripheral term

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If you feel the heat of the stove it means it is closer to your body surface which means it’s superficial

Now when we talk about your bones they are farther from your body surface so they’re not superficial

Your bones are deep

When you divide your body into right arm and right leg that’s ipsilateral and that’s no peep

Right arm and left leg; contralateral it is and that’s official

Above you’re superior

Below you’re inferior

When you move toward the midsagittal your body is medial

But when you move away from the midsagittal your body is lateral

Now let’s move on to the body organizations because their cheerier

Let’s talk about the urethra, the tube that leads from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body

We have the anatomical positions: symmetry, ipsilateral and contralateral of the body

Body cavities and major organs in each includes dorsal: cranial and spinal

Ventral: thoracic cavity, pelvic and abdominal

Abdominal regions we have nine in our bodies

There are four abdominal quadrants

We have two body regions: axial and appendicular

Our body has its own body types also known as somatotype

Endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph are the types

The region most distal it’s the digital and that’s quite articular

Page 5: Artifact (where is it)