Articulo Discriminacion

DISCRIMINATION AND SEGREGATION owadays, we are used to hear the word ‘’discriminate’’ in a very bad sense, however it’s necessary to know that this concept in fact means the capacity to realize the many differences that exist in our world; but this turns into a bad action when we start to segregate the people that we think are different of us for having a particular cultural or physic characteristics, it means, when we segregate we are excluding the other that we consider ‘’strange’’, N The segregation is result of the different prejudices that society has created in us, but we don’t stop for a moment to know the kind of people that are around us. Prejudices are created because some kind of characteristic, for example the color of the skin, the occupation, social and cultural condition, religion, or sexual inclination. It’s important to understand that anybody was born with ‘’those prejudices’’, they were learnt from people that live with us, for example, if adults show segregation to the others, obviously children that are near, will learn this kind of behavior. Discrimination and Segregation in the daily routine. In most of the cases in our family, in the high school, in the job or with our friends we can see that we have different and harmful attitudes over the people, and therefor this can determinate a discrimination or a segregation. Always we can see during the different relationships in the daily routine that there is no consideration to the


Es un articulo referente al problema de la Dicriminación expresando un punto de vista muy personal

Transcript of Articulo Discriminacion


Nowadays, we are used to hear the word discriminate in a very bad sense, however its necessary to know that this concept in fact means the capacity to realize the many differences that exist in our world; but this turns into a bad action when we start to segregate the people that we think are different of us for having a particular cultural or physic characteristics, it means, when we segregate we are excluding the other that we consider strange,

The segregation is result of the different prejudices that society has created in us, but we dont stop for a moment to know the kind of people that are around us. Prejudices are created because some kind of characteristic, for example the color of the skin, the occupation, social and cultural condition, religion, or sexual inclination.

Its important to understand that anybody was born with those prejudices, they were learnt from people that live with us, for example, if adults show segregation to the others, obviously children that are near, will learn this kind of behavior.

Discrimination and Segregation in the daily routine.

In most of the cases in our family, in the high school, in the job or with our friends we can see that we have different and harmful attitudes over the people, and therefor this can determinate a discrimination or a segregation. Always we can see during the different relationships in the daily routine that there is no consideration to the people, it means, their religion, ideology, likes arent respected.

Discrimination and segregation done by those that believe themselves superior than the others damage the humble people, nevertheless I think that nobody is superior to nobody, I mean, for God everybody are equal. Only a moron could believe that he is superior to the others.

By: Diego Hernn Orozco Delgado2 BI 1