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    Deficient Activity in the Neural Systems ThatMediate Self-regulatory Control in Bulimia Nervosa

    Rachel Marsh, PhD; Joanna E. Steinglass, MD; Andrew J. Gerber, MD; Kara Graziano OLeary, MA;Zhishun Wang, PhD; David Murphy, MSci; B. Timothy Walsh, MD; Bradley S. Peterson, MD

    Context: Disturbances in neural systems that mediatevoluntary self-regulatory processes may contribute to bu-limia nervosa (BN) by releasing feeding behaviors fromregulatory control.

    Objective: To study the functional activity in neural cir-cuits that subserve self-regulatory control in women with


    Design: We compared functional magnetic resonanceimaging blood oxygenation leveldependent responsesin patients with BN with healthy controls during perfor-mance of the Simon Spatial Incompatibility task.

    Setting: University research institute.

    Participants: Forty women: 20 patients with BN and20 healthy control participants.

    Main Outcome Measure:We used general linear mod-eling of Simon Spatial Incompatibility taskrelated acti-

    vations to compare groups on their patterns of brain ac-tivation associated with the successful or unsuccessfulengagement of self-regulatory control.

    Results: Patients with BN responded more impulsivelyand made more errors on the task than did healthy con-

    trols; patients with the most severe symptoms made themost errors. During correct responding on incongruenttrials, patients failed to activate frontostriatal circuits tothe same degree as healthy controls in the left inferolat-eral prefrontal cortex (Brodmann area [BA] 45), bilat-eral inferior frontal gyrus (BA 44), lenticular and cau-date nuclei, and anterior cingulate cortex (BA 24/32).

    Patients activated the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (BA32)more when making errors than when responding cor-rectly. In contrast, healthy participants activated the an-terior cingulate cortex more during correct than incor-rect responses, andthey activated thestriatum more whenresponding incorrectly, likely reflecting an automatic re-sponse tendency that, in the absence of concomitant an-terior cingulate cortex activity, produced incorrectresponses.

    Conclusions: Self-regulatory processes are impaired inwomen with BN, likely because of their failure to en-gage frontostriatal circuits appropriately. These find-ings enhance our understanding of the pathogenesis of

    BN by pointing to functional abnormalities within a neu-ral system that subserves self-regulatory control, whichmay contribute to binge eating and other impulsive be-haviors in women with BN.

    Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2009;66(1):51-63

    BULIMIA NERVOSA (BN) TYPI-cally beginsin adolescenceoryoung adulthood. Primarilyaffecting girls andwomen, itis characterized by recur-

    rent episodes of binge eating followed by

    self-induced vomiting or another compen-satory behavior to avoid weight gain. Theseepisodes of binge eating are associatedwitha severesense ofloss of control.1,2 Mooddis-turbancesandimpulsive behaviors are com-monin individuals with BN,suggesting thepresenceof more pervasive difficultiesin be-havioral self-regulation.2 Thus, dysregu-lated control systems may contribute to thebinge eating and associated purging behav-iors, perhaps by releasing feeding behav-

    iors from regulatory control. Concomitantwith familial and sociocultural determi-nants,1 disturbancesin these systemslikelycontribute to the pathogenesis of BN.

    The functions of self-regulatory con-trol rely on frontostriatal components of

    cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuits, in-cluding projections from the ventral pre-frontal cortex (PFC) and anterior cingu-late cortex(ACC) to thebasal ganglia.3 TheSimon Spatial Incompatibility task4 en-gages these functions by requiring partici-pants to ignore a prepotent feature of astimulus to respond to a more task-relevant one. Participants must indicate thedirection that an arrow is pointing (left orright), regardless of the side of a screen on

    Author Affiliations: Division of

    Child and AdolescentPsychiatry (Drs Marsh, Gerber,Wang, and Peterson;Ms Graziano OLeary; and MrMurphy), and The EatingDisorders Clinic (Drs Steinglassand Walsh), Department ofPsychiatry, New York StatePsychiatric Institute and theCollege of Physicians andSurgeons, Columbia University,New York, New York.


    2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.on May 4, 2010www.archgenpsychiatry.comDownloaded from
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    which it appears. When the direction matches the sideof the screen on which the arrow appears, participantsperform the task easily, as demonstrated by their rapidresponses andinfrequent errors. When the direction doesnot match the side of the screen (eg, a leftward-pointingarrow on the right side), the task is more difficult, as in-dicated by slower responses and more errors. Ignoringthe task-irrelevant feature on these incongruent trials re-quires the mobilization of attentional resources, resolu-

    tion of cognitive conflict, inhibition of automatic re-sponse tendencies, and thus the engagement of voluntaryself-regulatory control processes.

    Healthy individualsactivatelarge expanses ofACC,PFC,and striatum while performing the Simon Spatial Incom-patibility task5-7; this is consistent with findingsfrom stud-ies of healthy individuals performing other tasks requir-ing conflict resolution and response inhibition (eg, Stroop,go/no-go, flanker, and stop tasks).7-12 By comparing brainactivation during successful and unsuccessful trials, thesestudies have additionally highlighted the differential con-tributions of various prefrontal regions to self-regulatoryfunctions. Some findings suggest thatthe dorsal ACCpref-erentially mediates performance or error monitoring,7-10

    whereas others implicate the rostral ACC in affective re-sponses to the commission of errors.13-15

    Patients with BN perform worse than controls on vari-ous executive function tasks.16-18 Findings of increasedinterference from disorder-salient words (eg, food- and/orbody shaperelated stimuli) on modified Stroop tasks19-24

    suggest that poor inhibitory performance in patientswithBN reflects their attentional bias toward food, weight, andbody shape. However, patients with BN also tend to makemore inhibitory failures than controls on go/no-go tasks25

    and show deficits in cognitive switching,26,27 which sug-gests thatthey are cognitively impulsive26,28 andhave moregeneralized deficits in response inhibition and volun-tary control processes. No functional magnetic reso-

    nance imaging study to date has investigated these pro-cesses in BN with a standard task of response inhibition.We report on an event-related functional magnetic

    resonance imagingstudyin whichwe used theSimon Spa-tial Incompatibility task to investigate differences in theneural substrates of self-regulatory control in women withand without BN. Our a priori hypothesis was that pa-tients with BN would not engage frontostriatal regula-tory circuits to the same extent as healthy comparisonparticipants. Based on prior electrophysiological find-ings of reduced error monitoring in patients with an-orexia nervosa,29 we suspected that exploratory analy-ses would reveal an altered pattern of error-related brainactivity in the ACC of patients relative to controls.



    Patients were recruited through the Eating Disorders Clinic atthe New York State Psychiatric Institute, where they were re-ceiving treatment. Controls wererecruited through flyers postedin the local community. Patients and controls were womenmatched by age and body mass index. Participants with a his-tory of neurological illness, past seizures, head trauma with loss

    of consciousness, mental retardation, pervasive developmen-tal disorder, or current Axis I disorders (other than major de-pression in the patients) were excluded. Controls had no life-time Axis I disorders. The institutional review board at the NewYork State PsychiatricInstitute approved this study and all par-ticipants gave informed consent before participating.

    Formal diagnoses of BN were established through clinicalinterviews conductedby a board-certified psychiatrist. The pres-ence of comorbid neuropsychiatric diagnoses were estab-lished using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disor-



    Bulimicsymptomseverityand prior diagnoses of anorexianervosa were assessed using the Eating Disorders Examina-tion.31 The Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II)32 and theHamilton Depression Scale33 quantified depressive symptoms.The DuPaul-Barkley attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder rat-ing scale quantified symptoms of inattention and hyperactiv-ity.34 Full-scale IQs were estimated using the Wechsler Abbre-viated Scale of Intelligence.35


    Stimuliwere presented throughnonmagneticgoggles (ResonanceTechnology Inc, Northridge, California) usingE-Prime software(Psychology SoftwareTools Inc,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). A se-riesofwhitearrowspointingeitherleftorrightweredisplayedagainst

    ablackbackgroundeithertotheleftorrightofamidlinecrosshair.Stimulisubtended1verticaland3.92horizontalofthevisualfield.Stimuli were either congruent (pointing in the same direction astheir position on the screen) or incongruent (pointing in the op-posite direction of their position on the screen).

    Participants were instructed to respond quickly to the di-rection of the arrows by pressing a button on a response boxwith their right hand, using their index finger for a left-pointing arrow and their middle finger for a right-pointing ar-row. The button-press recorded responses and reaction timesfor each trial. Stimulus duration was 1300 milliseconds, withan interstimulus interval of 350 milliseconds. Each run con-tained 102 stimuli (185 seconds), with an incongruent stimu-lus presented pseudorandomly every 13 to 16 congruent stimuli(21.5-26.4 seconds apart). In each run, 51 arrows were left-pointing and 51 were right-pointing; 51 appeared to the left ofthe midline and 51 appeared to the right. Half of the incon-gruent stimuli required the same response as the preceding con-gruent stimulus. Each experiment contained 10 runs, totaling68 incongruent and 952 congruent stimuli.


    The functional images were obtained using a T2*-sensitive, gra-dient-recalled, single-shot, echo-planar pulse sequence (rep-etition time=2200 milliseconds, echo time=30 milliseconds,90 flip angle, single excitation per image, 2424-cm field ofview, 6464 matrix, 34 slices 3.5-mmthick, no gap, coveringthe entire brain). We collected 80 echoplanar imaging vol-umes for each run.


    Reaction times and accuracy scores were entered as depen-dent variables in separate repeated-measure, linear mixed mod-els in SAS, version 9.0 (SAS Institute Inc, Carey, North Caro-lina) with diagnosis (BN or healthy control), age, full-scale IQ,and BDI-II scores as covariates. Stimulus type (congruent orincongruent) was the within-subject variable in each model.Group differences in performance on congruent and incon-gruent trials were tested by assessing the significance of thediagnosisstimulus interaction in each model. We used an un-


    2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.on May 4, 2010www.archgenpsychiatry.comDownloaded from
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    paired t test to assess group differences in interference scores(mean reaction times for incongruent mean reaction times forcongruent trials). Posterror adjustments in performance werecalculated for both groups.36,37 In patients, correlation analy-ses assessed the association of behavioral performance with theseverity of symptoms.


    Preprocessing procedures are described in Supplemental Mate-rial available at

    /supplementalmaterial/MarshR_0804.doc. First-level paramet-ricanalyseswereconductedindividuallyfor eachparticipant usinga modified version of the general linear model in statistical para-metricmapping 2 (SPM2)(WellcomeDepartment ofImagingNeu-roscience, London, England). Preprocessed blood oxygenationleveldependenttime seriesdata at each voxel,concatenatedfromall 10 runs of the Simon Spatial Incompatibility task (800 vol-umes), weremodeled using 3 independentfunctions foreach run(30 independent variables in total): (1) a boxcar function repre-sentingincongruentcorrect trials, convolvedwitha canonical he-

    modynamic response function, (2) a boxcar function represent-ing congruent correct trials, convolved with a hemodynamicresponse function, and (3) a constant, following the principlesof SPM.38 Euclidean normalization and orthogonalizationof para-metric variables (SPM2 default functions) were not performed.For each participant, least-squares regression estimated para-meters for the 30 independent variables. These estimates for the10 runs were summed to produce 2 contrast images per partici-pant: (1) incongruent-correct vs congruent-correct, and (2) in-congruent-incorrectvs incongruent-correct, whichassessed brainactivity during engagement of self-regulatorycontroland thecom-mission of errors, respectively.


    We tested whether patients and controls differed in brain ac-tivity during correct responses on incongruent trials com-pared with correct responses on congruent trials. An analysisof covariance with interference scores as covariates identified

    group differences in brain activity, independent of task perfor-mance (Supplemental Material).



    Twenty BN patients and20 controlsparticipated. Allwereright-handed. Patients included 9 inpatients who under-went testing within 1 month of admission and 8 outpa-tients. The remaining 4 patients were no longer receivingtreatment but were still symptomatic. No one met criteriafor major depression or attention-deficit/hyperactivity dis-

    order (Table 1). Six patients were taking selective sero-tonin reuptake inhibitors. Groups did not differ in move-ment during the scan (Supplemental Material).


    There was a significant diagnosis stimulus typeinteraction (F1,38=4.67; P =.03) that derived from fasterreaction times in the patients during incongruent cor-rect trials compared with controls (t38 = 2.33, P =.02;mean [SD], 634[8.6] vs 664 [8.6] milliseconds). Inter-

    Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Study Participants


    Mean (SD)



    ValuePatients With Bulimia Nervosa


    Age, y 25.7 (7.0) 26.35 (5.7) 0.32 .75

    Height, cm 165.4 (8.9) 164.8 (4.8) 0.18 .85

    Weight, kg 62.0 (5.8) 59.9 (5.8) 1.11 .27Body mass index a 22.92 (2.3) 22.24 (2.2) 0.96 .34

    Duration of illness, y 9 (7.2)Education, y 15.52 (2.2) 16.4 (1.7) 1.36 .18


    Full-scale 111.9 (10.9) 118.55 (13.0) 1.68 .10

    Verbal 112.5 (12.4) 121.15 (11.4) 2.28 .02

    Performance 109.15 (10.9) 110.75 (13.5) 0.41 .68EDE rating, mean (SD), range

    OBEs in past 28 d 35.8 (30.7), 8-135

    Vomiting episodes in past 28 d 65.25 (75.2), 2-28

    Preoccupati on wi th shape and wei ght 4.4 (2.0), 2-6

    HAM-D score 12.05 (7.9) 1.05 (1.2) 6.09 .001

    BDI-II score 17.35 (14.5) 1.55 (2.8) 4.75 .001

    ADHD rating scores

    Total current 14.21 (10.8) 5.6 (5.9) 3.09 .004Inattention 8.36 (6.7) 2.95 (3.8) 3.09 .004

    Hyperactivity 5.85 (5.3) 2.65 (2.4) 2.42 .02

    Past AN, No. (%) 6 (30)Taking medication, No. (%) 6 (30)

    Subclinical bulimia nervosa, No. (%) b 3 (15)

    Abbreviations: ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; AN, anorexia nervosa; BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory II; EDE, Eating Disorders Examination;HAM-D, Hamilton Depression Scale; OBE, objective bulimic episode; WASI, Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence.

    a Calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.b Patients who presented with subclinical bulimia nervosa, with no binge eating (n=2) or vomiting episodes (n=1) during the 28 days prior to participation.


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    ference scores were significantly lower in patientsowing to their faster responses on incongruent trials;they also made significantly more errors on incongru-ent trials (Table 2). Accuracy on incongruent trialsdecreased across runs in the patients, suggesting adiminishing reserve for inhibitory control with time

    (Figure 1). Full-scale IQ, BDI-II, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder rating scores did notaccount for significant variance in reaction times or

    Table 2. Group Differences on Performance Measures


    Mean (SD)




    Patients WithBulimiaNervosa Controls

    Mean reactiontime, ms

    Incongruent 634 (8.6) 664 (8.6) 2.57 .01

    Congruent 462 (8.6) 480 (8.6) 1.49 .14Interferencea 172 (4.4) 185 (4.4) 2.08 .04

    ErrorsI ncongruent, % 10.1 (0.7) 7.4 (0.7) 2.59 .01

    Congruent, % 4.5 (0.7) 4.2 (0.7) 0.33 .75

    Effectb 5.5 (0.76) 3.2 (0.76) 2.18 .04

    Posterroradjustments, ms

    40.69 (59.3) 24.5 (79.1) 0.69c .49

    aInterference=mean reaction time for incongruent tasksmean reactiontime for congruent tasks.

    b Error effect=errors for incongruent taskserrors for congruent tasks.c t18.














    Congruent stimuli

    Healthy controls

    Incongruent stimuli

    Patients with bulimia nervosaCongruent stimuli

    Incongruent stimuli







    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Task Run





    Figure 1. Mean latency (A) and accuracy (B) of responses on the SimonSpatial Incompatibility task as a function of bulimia nervosa.

    A B C

    z =0















    z =2

    z =4

    z =16

    z =30

    z =32

    z =44


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    accuracy (P .1). Neither group exhibited posterrorslowing; to the contrary, patients responded signifi-cantly faster on trials following incorrect (vs correct)responses to incongruent stimuli (BN, mean, 40.7[SD, 79] milliseconds, paired t18 = 2.91, P =.01). Sig-

    nificant inverse associations of accuracy scores onincongruent trials with Eating Disorders Examinationscores (objective bulimic episodes: r=0.21, P .001;vomiting episodes: r=0.26; P .001; preoccupationwith weight and body shape ratings: r=0.09, P =.003)indicated that the most symptomatic patients madethe most errors on trials that required volitional con-trol. These inverse associations remained significanteven when covarying for depression severity and when4 patients with BDI-II scores greater than 29 wereremoved from the analyses.


    Correct responding on incongruent trials was associ-ated with greater activation of frontostriatal regions incontrols than in patients (Figure 2 and Table 3), in-cluding the left inferolateral PFC (Brodmann area [BA]45, P =.004) and left lenticular nucleus (P =.008). On theright side, these regions included the ventral and dorsalACC (BA 24/32, P =.01), putamen (P =.01), and caudatenucleus (P =.001). Increased activation in controls wasdetected bilaterally in the inferior frontal gyrus (BA 44,P =.005) and thalamus (P=.01).


    Interference Correlates

    Significant interactions of diagnosis with interferencescores during correct responses to conflict trials were de-tected in prefrontal cortices (inferolateral PFC, inferiorfrontal gyrus, and dorsolateral PFC) and the dorsal stria-tum(Figure 3C) deriving from stronger correlations inthe patients, in whom higher interference scores accom-panied greater activation of the dorsolateral PFC and pa-rietal cortices (Figure 3B). In contrast, greater subcorti-cal activation (dorsal striatum, lenticular nucleus, and

    thalamus) and less activation of the ventral ACC and thesuperior temporal and posterior cingulate cortices ac-companied greater interference scores in controls(Figure 3A).

    Neural Activity During the Commission of Errors

    Activity in subcortical brain areas during the commis-sion of errors relative to correct responses on conflicttrials was greater in controls than in patients, particu-larly in the right caudate (P =.01) and right lenticularnucleus (P=.01), and less in the dorsal ACC (BA 24/32)and dorsolateral PFC (BA 9/46) (Figure 4 an dTable 4). These findings suggest a differential role ofsubcortical and cortical regions in task performance incontrols, with greater subcortical activity accompanyingerrors and greater dorsal ACC and dorsolateral PFCactivity accompanying correct responses. In contrast,slightly greater dorsal ACC activity was detected in

    patients during errors than during correct responses(BA 24/32, P = .006) (Figure 4C), suggesting that theneural origin of errors and the response to them likelydiffers between BN patients and controls.

    Correlations of activation during correct responses toconflict stimuli with the number of errors committedthroughout the task support this interpretation. More er-rors were committed by the controls who activated sub-cortical regions (ventral striatum and lenticular nucleus)and the inferior supplementary motor area the most(Figure 5A). In contrast, patients who made the mosterrors generated the least activation of the PFC (ventralACC and inferior frontal gyrus), insula, ventral stria-

    tum, and supplementary motor area (Figure 5B). Thesegroup differences produced diagnosiserror interac-tions in frontostriatal regions (Figure 5C). Moreover, cor-relations of posterror adjustment scores with activationduring errors indicated that less dorsal ACC activationduring errors (relative to correct responses) accompa-nied greater posterror slowing in controls (Figure 5D).Time course analyses revealed that dorsal ACC activa-tions following correct and incorrect responses were pro-longed in controls compared with activations in pa-tients, rising earlier and declining later (Figure 6).

    Table 3. Greater Frontostriatal Activations in Controls Compared With Patients With Bulimia Nervosa During the Engagementof Self-regulatory Control

    Activated Region

    LocationNo. ofVoxels

    Peak Locationt


    ValueSide BA x y z

    Inferolateral prefrontal cortex L 45 112 40 42 6 2.55 .004

    Lenticular nucleus L NA 917 22 4 2 2.77 .008

    Inferior frontal gyrus L 44 448 52 6 4 2.55 .007

    R 44 322 48 2 6 2.68 .005

    Thalamus L/R NA 55 24 26 2 2.39 .01Anterior cingulate cortex R 32 205 12 36 32 2.40 .01

    R 32 33 12 50 0 2.34 .01

    Putamen R NA 151 22 6 0 2.16 .01Caudate nucleus R NA 32 20 6 16 2.14 .01

    Abbreviations: BA, Brodmann area; L, left; NA, not applicable; R, right.


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    Correlations With Symptom Severity

    The number of objective bulimic episodes in the patientgroup correlated inversely with activation of the right me-dial prefrontal (P=.005), temporal (P=.003), and inferiorparietal(P=.001) cortices andthe caudate nucleus (P=.005)(Figure 7A), indicating reduced frontostriatal activationin those with themost severesymptoms. In addition, theirratings of preoccupation with body shape and weight cor-related inversely with activationof the leftcaudate (P=.03)and left insula (P=.03), indicating that the most preoccu-pied patients engaged these areas the least (Figure 7B).

    Medication, IQ, and Comorbidity Effects

    Comparing the group average activation map of only thepatients who were not taking medications with a map ofall patients suggested that medication did not contrib-ute to our findings. Likewise, a history of anorexia ner-vosa, depressive or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor-der symptoms, and IQ scores were not associated with

    A B C

    z =0

    Interference correlates

    z =2

    z =4

    z =16

    z =30

    z =32


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    cies. Increasing deficiencies in activating these circuitsin patients accompanied proportionately faster (more im-pulsive) responses during conflict trials.

    Our findings of deficient frontostriatal circuits are con-sistent with a previousreportof decreasedactivationof thelateral PFCin responseto food stimuli in patients with BNcomparedwithanorexianervosapatientsandcontrols50 who

    wereinstructed to focuson feelingselicitedby food vsnon-food stimuli.Becausethe lateral PFCis thought to contrib-utetothesuppressionofundesirablebehaviors,51diminishedactivity in this region may account for the impulsivity andloss of control in BN patients when eating.


    Analyses of brain activity during the commission of errorsrelative to activity when responding correctly to conflictstimuli further suggested that frontostriatal systems may

    function abnormally in patients with BN. Controls acti-vated the dorsal ACC more during correct than during in-correct responses to conflict stimuli (Figure 4B). Further-more, greater dorsal ACC activation during correct vsincorrect responses accompanied more posterror slowing(Figure 5D), likely reflecting a role for dorsal ACC activa-tion in supporting correct responses to conflict trials

    (Figure 4B) and in adjusting performance to ensure a cor-rect response following an error.Patients with BN,in contrast, activated the dorsal ACC

    slightly more during incorrect than correct responses toconflict trials (Figure 4C); its activation did not modu-late their performance on subsequent trials (Figure 5E).These findings may suggest the presence of heightenederror detection, but limited attempts at error correction,in patients with BN, as their reaction times did not slowfollowing errors. In contrast, an electrophysiological studyof persons with anorexia nervosa reported lower error

    A B C D E F

    z =0

    z =12

    z =24

    z =36

    z =6

    z =18

    z =30

    z =42


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    The time course of the blood oxygenation leveldependent response in the dorsal ACC during processingof incongruent stimuli differed in patients and controls(Figure 6). Activation in controls following both correctand incorrect responses roseearlier anddeclined later thanin patients. Peak activity also occurred earlier in controls.Given that patientsmade more errors thatincreased across

    runs (Figure 1), the association of more errors with lessdorsal ACC activity (Figure 5) suggests that the reducedduration of the blood oxygenation leveldependent re-sponse in patients likely contributed to their reduced ac-tivation of this region during correct responses on con-flict trials(Figure2), therebycontributing to their impulsive,erroneous responses.ReduceddorsalACCactivationin con-trols during incorrect responses (Figure 4 and Figure 5)suggests that the dorsal ACC mediates resolution of cog-nitive conflict induced by incongruent stimuli, presum-ably through the exertion of top-down control over auto-matic response tendencies. In controls, these automaticresponse tendencies were likely represented by increasedactivity in the lenticular nucleus during the commission

    of errors (Figure 4 and Figure 5). Thus, the shorter dura-tion of dorsal ACC activity in patients may have contrib-uted to their poorer performance throughout the task,whereas failure to generate sufficient amplitude of the re-sponse in this region contributed to erroneous responsesin the controls. Both groups generated activations that de-clined moreslowly following incorrectresponsesthan fol-lowing correct ones (Figure 6), suggesting the invocationof either compensatory strategies or error-monitoring ac-tivities in both groups. Posterror adjustments in perfor-mance, however, were not associated with dorsal ACCac-tivity in patients (Figure 5E), which may indicate that thiscompensatory strategy or error-monitoring activity failedto reduce their errors on subsequent trials.


    An excessive reliance on automatic responding, per-haps in the service of responding quickly, would pro-duce incorrect responses on incongruent trials. Indeed,self-regulatory control is required to overcome auto-matic and habitual responses, such as the stimulus-response mappings that are acquired during the more fre-quent congruent trials. The dorsal striatum mediates thegradual acquisition of stimulus-responseassociations, vari-ously termed procedural or habit-based learning.53 Top-down control from the PFC via projections to the stria-

    tumis requiredto modulate processing in these areas andto produce a desired action.44,55 Thus, in controls, incor-rect responding on incongruent trials wasassociated withincreased striatal activity, whereascorrect responding onthese trials (the desired action) engaged both prefrontalandstriatalregions. A proper balance of corticaland sub-cortical activity is likely required to respond correctly andrapidly to incongruent stimuli.

    Multiple functions have been assigned to roles that theACC plays in self-regulation.10,43,56 Some functional mag-netic resonance imaging studies indicate that healthy par-

    A B

    z =0 z =2

    z =2 z =4

    z =4 z =6

    z =16 z =8

    z=30 z=16

    z =32 z =20

    z =44 z =34


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    ticipants activate the rostral ACC during incorrect re-sponses on the go/no-go9,13 and stop8 tasks, suggestingthat this portion of the ACC preferentially monitors re-sponse errors. A conflict-monitoring theory maintains thatACC function enhances cognitivecontrol during the pro-cessing of conflicting stimuli, thereby reducing conflicton subsequent trials.10,41-43 For example, conflict moni-toring of the dorsal ACC on a Simon task predicted ad-justments in reaction times to incongruent stimuli in

    healthy participants.


    Another study of healthy indi-viduals reported significantly less dorsal ACC activity forincorrect than for correct incongruent trials on a Strooptask,41 consistent with our findings. Thus, dorsal ACCengagement likely helpshealthy individuals overridecon-flict to respond correctly on both tasks. Discrepant find-ings regarding the roles of the ACC and other prefrontalregions may reflect differences in the control processesthat are elicited by different tasks.57 Failing to distin-guish the conflict-mediating and error-processing func-tions of the dorsal ACC from the performance-monitoring functions of the rostral ACC may have addedto the discrepant findings.14,58


    The number of objective bulimic episodes correlatedinversely with activation of the left caudate nucleusand temporal and inferior parietal cortices, indicatingthat the most symptomatic patients engaged theseregions the least, suggesting the presence of a dose-dependence in the association of cortical-subcorticalactivation with symptom severity. The most sympto-matic patients also performed the worst on the task,further suggesting that disturbances in self-regulatorycontrol in individuals with BN may be a consequenceof their reduced engagement of frontostriatal systems.Patient ratings of their preoccupation with shape and

    weight also correlated inversely with activations in theleft caudate nucleus and left insula, indicating that themost preoccupied patients engaged these brain areasthe least, consistent with evidence showing that theinsula-opercular region is involved in the resolution ofcognitive interference.57


    The causes of the impulsive, erroneous responding anddeficient frontostriatal activation in women with BN dur-ing performance of the Simon task are unknown. Wespeculate that these deficits may be caused by previ-

    ously reported decreasesin serotonin metabolism in fron-tal cortices in persons with BN.59,60 Altered serotonergicfunction likely contributes to their disturbances in self-regulatory control and mood.59,61 Even in healthy indi-viduals, transient decreases in serotonergic neurotrans-mission (induced through the acute depletion of dietarytryptophan) produce impulsive and aggressive behav-iors62 and reduces inferior PFC activity during tasks thatrequire inhibitory control.63 Thus,the impulsive respond-ing andreduced prefrontal activation in our patients, withprior reports of abnormalities in various serotonin indi-

    ces in BN, suggests that altered serotonergic neurotrans-mission likely decreased frontostriatal activation and im-paired self-regulatory control. In addition, reducedserotonin transporter availability in the thalami of per-sons with BN61 is consistent with our finding of reducedactivation in thalamic portions of frontostriatal circuits.The thalamus plays a crucial intermediary role in trans-mitting information through frontostriatal circuits,64 whichsuggests that abnormal serotonin transmission in tha-

    lamic nuclei contributes to the overall dysfunctionof fron-tostriatal circuits in individuals with BN. Also notewor-thy,frontostriatal regions dependheavily on dopaminergictransmission for proper functioning.65 Failure to suffi-ciently activate frontostriatal regions in patients there-fore argues prima facie for the future study of dopamin-ergic systems in BN.


    The fewextant neuroimaging studies in persons with BNhave investigated brain function at rest under con-trolled conditions using body shape or food-relatedstimuli to elicitsymptom-relatedprocesses in the brain.50,66

    We instead used a task to assess the functioning of self-regulatory control processes in individuals with BN inthe absence of disorder-specific stimuli. A limitation ofthis study was the absence of a control group consistingof impulsive individuals with healthy weights and eat-ing behaviors, which would permit assessment of thespecificity of frontostriatal abnormalities in persons withBN. In addition, we did not account for menstrual sta-tus, which can affect neural functioning in women.67Wehave no reason to suspect, however, that menstrual sta-tus differed systematically across groups to confound ourfindings. Our inclusion of only adult women makes im-possible the generalization of findings to men or adoles-cents with BN. Moreover, impaired self-regulatory con-

    trol could be a consequence of chronic illness in thepatients. Thus, future studies should evaluate the func-tioning of frontostriatal systems in adolescents with BNcloser to the onset of illness. Our sample was heteroge-neous in symptom severity, and patients were at differ-ing stages of treatment. Thus, future studies should in-clude larger samples of patients with eating disorders.Studying patients after the remission of symptoms wouldprovide insight into whether impairments in self-regulation are trait- or state-related.

    Submitted for Publication: December 3, 2007; final re-vision received June 13, 2008; accepted June 18, 2008.

    Correspondence: Rachel Marsh, PhD, Columbia Uni-versity and the New York State Psychiatric Institute, 1051Riverside Dr, Unit 74, New York, NY 10032 ([email protected]).Financial Disclosure: None reported.Funding/Support: This study was supported in part bygrants K02-74677 and K01-MH077652 from the Na-tional Institute of Mental Health, by a grant from the Na-tional Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and De-pression, and by funding from the Sackler Institute forDevelopmental Psychobiology, Columbia University.


    2009 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.on May 4, 2010www.archgenpsychiatry.comDownloaded from
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    Additional Information: Supplemental material is avail-able at


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    Error in Funding/Support. In the Original Article byStrigo et al titled Association of Major Depressive Dis-order With Altered Functional Brain Response DuringAnticipation and Processing of Heat Pain, published inthe November issue of theArchives (2008;65[11]:1275-1284), there was an error in the Funding/Support sec-tion. It should have said that Drs Paulus and Simmonswere supported by the University of California San DiegoCenter of Excellence for Stress and Mental Health, notDrs Paulus and Strigo.