Article - 370 The National Shame, A - Heritage Explorer · 28 Pages, Size - A4 Demy ... Shiksha...


Transcript of Article - 370 The National Shame, A - Heritage Explorer · 28 Pages, Size - A4 Demy ... Shiksha...

Page 1: Article - 370 The National Shame, A - Heritage Explorer · 28 Pages, Size - A4 Demy ... Shiksha Guru (Teacher who imparts the worldly knowledge) and Deeksha Guru ... course any body
Page 2: Article - 370 The National Shame, A - Heritage Explorer · 28 Pages, Size - A4 Demy ... Shiksha Guru (Teacher who imparts the worldly knowledge) and Deeksha Guru ... course any body


Heritage Explorer September 20143

Edited by : Amarendra Brahma,C/o. Heritage Foundation, K.B.Road, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati-781008, Published &Printed by : Narayan Dev Sarma on behalf of Heritage Foundation, K.B.Road, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati-781008,Published at: Heritage Foundation, K.B.Road, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati - 781008 (Assam). e-mail:[email protected], Website:, Printed at: Arindam Offset & ImagingSystems, Rajgarh, Guwahati - 781003 and Angik Press, GNB Road, Guwahati - 781001 and Saraighat OffsetPress, Bamunimaidan, Guwahati - 781021

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Ø Article - 370 The National Shame, Ablack spot over Indian Unity and Integrity P-5

Ø Glory to All Pervading Mother P-6

Ø Why Not Hindu India? P-7

Ø U.S. Views on God and Life AreTurning Hindu P-9

Ø What ISIS’s New ‘Islamic State’Means for the World P-10

Ø Pope Francis Says CommunistsStole Christianity P-11

Ø Pope Says Communists arecloset Christians P-11

Ø USA, Barely a Christian Nation P-12

Ø Church turned into ‘temple’ after72 Valmikis reconvert to Hinduism P-12

Ø If you cannot find solace in your religion,you will never be able to find it in anyother religion.’ P-13

Ø Defaming America in the war of jihadists P-14

Ø Fact of the Matter P-15

Ø Tribal leaders call on Union Ministersover illegal settlement in tribal beltsand blocks P-16

Ø Banana fibre has goodmarket potential P-17

Ø Mapping the Route toMinority Success P-18

Ø Mind-blowing Facts of Love Jihad :Planned Methods of Luring Hindu Girls P-19

Ø Spiritiual RetreatProgramme Concluded P-24

Ø Design in Mayhem:The Making of a Mini–Bangladesh P-25

Ø National Seminar on the occasionof the Birth Centenary Celebration ofRani Ma Gaidinliu at Guwahation the 24th & 25th November 2014 P-26

Heritage ExplorerHeritage ExplorerHeritage ExplorerHeritage ExplorerHeritage ExplorerA Monthly News BulletinA Monthly News BulletinA Monthly News BulletinA Monthly News BulletinA Monthly News Bulletin

VOL. XIII. NO.9, SEPTEMBER 201428 Pages, Size - A4 Demy

Page 3: Article - 370 The National Shame, A - Heritage Explorer · 28 Pages, Size - A4 Demy ... Shiksha Guru (Teacher who imparts the worldly knowledge) and Deeksha Guru ... course any body


Heritage Explorer September 20144



A recent development that attracts the people is a suggestion from Human ResourceDevelopment Ministry of observing the Teacher’s Day (5 September 2014) as GuruUtsav. Further the ministry suggests the state government to hold essay competition orthe like on this Guru Utsav. So, at once a hue and cry, has been created by somepoliticians on the new terminology. The Ministry says it has no intention to change thename as such but insists on student know the age old guru tradition of the land.

In Hindu thought, we have four Gurus - Adi Guru (parents), Anadi Guru (the creator),Shiksha Guru (Teacher who imparts the worldly knowledge) and Deeksha Guru(Preacher who shows the vistas of wisdom and Divinity). Teachers call those whocome to learn from them, students, whereas Gurus call those who come to them forspiritual knowledge and wisdom as disciple. Here lies the basic difference. The inculcatethe Guru- tradition among the teachers, on the occasion of the auspicious Teacher’sDay, the ministry of the new government advances the proposal. It is well and good andtimely.

Now-a-days, except a few all teachers are employees. They get emoluments fortheir academic achievement rather than for their academic commitment in rearing thegeneration of tomorrow for the betterment of them individually and of the country as awhole.

Guru Parampara is a part and parcel of Hindu Heritage. It teachers the present dayteacher his position as Guru next to Adi, Anadi. It inspires the present day pupil torecognize and revere all the four Gurus as earmarked by his Heritage.

A good start, before many yet to comes, indeed. We appreciate it and approve itwhole heartedly.

Tailpiece: Almost all schools authorities of the state have arranged and managedfor viewing and/or listening to P.M. first ever address to the children of the country. Thestate govt. of Assam has issued a fatwa that listening to “Modi’s lecture” is not mandatory,because, Perhaps, for the government it is not “Prime Minister’s address”.

Guru and T eacher

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Heritage Explorer September 20145

During the hectic debate in theconstituent assembly between Dr.Bhim Rao Ambedkar andJawaharlal Nehru over Article 370,the former (read Dr. Ambedkar)chid Nehru saying that - “thoughthis article-370, you want to giveKashmiris all including to settlereside in any part of India but nonKashmiris i.e. the people of Indiaare deprived of such rights why?If India / Bharatvarsh is a nation(one country) then why this Articleendorses Jammu and Kashmir tohave its own constitution, flag andseparate identity”, he added.

The provisions of Article-238shall not apply in relation toJammu and Kashmir. The lawpassed by Indian Parliamentwould not come into effect inKashmir until the state legislativeassembly of Jammu and Kashmirapprove it. Even the PrimeMinister of India - Hon’ble ShriNarendra Modi can not purchasea single yard of land in Kashmirnor reside, but the Kashmirisincluding Omar Abdulla mayreside/settle in any part of India,why? Dr. Ambedkar wasnationalist and visionary whounderstand that if this Article gotcontinued then it could irrigate theplant of separatism,secessionism and anti-nationalism so he pressurisedNehru not to corporate this Article-370 in Bharatiya Constitution. Sounder intense pressure from allcorners including congressmembers of constituentAssembly, Nehru agreed to thisArticle-370 purely as temporarythat finds mention in Indian

Article - 370 The National ShameA black spot over Indian Unity and Integrity

- G.K. Srivastava

constitution, but why this Article-370 is still being continued thathas become a major hurdle/hindrance in making bridgebetween Kashmir and rest ofIndia. Nehru did it all to appeaseSeikh Muhammad Abdulla (thegrand father of Omar Abdulla - theCM of J&K).

During the partition ofIndia, in which 50 lakhHindus were made intopieces by MuslimFundamentlists (readMuslim League of Jinnah)and those ill-fated Hindus,who some how escaped thewrath of brutualityexperimented by the MuslimGoon in 1946-47, came inKashmir for their survivalwith dignity and honour arestill living in refugee campsdeprived of basic needsbeing victim of hate,communalism andnegligence meted out to him.Even these Hindus are notallowed to cast their vote duringthe assembly local bodieselections. They cast their votesduring the General election. Whatdoes it mean? But those Muslims,who came in Kashmir fromPakistan in 1946-47 under wellplaned strategy, have been givenred carpet welcome by SeikhAbdulla, who got them settled inKashmir valley that has becomethe hub of anti-nationalism, anti-Hinduism, anti-secularism andpro-secessionism - separatismwith Mr. Alisah Gillani, Yasin Malik,

Sabbir Seikh, Mir Wayas omanFarookh and the like mindedelements who determined toseparate Kashmir for Pakistan.

Under this Article-370, thepeople of Jammu (read theHindus) were in majority but nowthey are being minoritied with thedwelling of Muslims from the valleyas well as the Pakistani migrantjust to change the demography ofJammu thus converting thisregion to Muslim Majority so that,the demand of so calledreferendum could be fueled thatendorses the secession ofKashmir from India (as monthsback both Kejriwal and PrashantBhushan - the Maoist ideologuesraised the demand of referendumfavouring the Gillanis andCompany

All kinds of help, finance andaid being given by the center isonly meant for the people ofKashmir valley and not for thosein Jammu and Laddakh region.The region of Jammu alone electsmore member in state legislativeassembly than the region ofKashmir valley as the populationof Jammu is much more than thatof Kashmir valley but the wind ofdevelopment is far from them - thepeople of Jammu. In the Govt.Jobs, the Kashmir valley is havingupper hand over Jammu andLaddakh region because of thisArticle-370.

It is to be noted that this Articlewas temporary then why it is notabrogated from the BhartiyaSambidhan (the Constitution of

(Contd. to Page 8)

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Heritage Explorer September 20146

Mother is really one and sheis the source of all.

When she is realize she usesus and she has written us. Sheproved me 3 things that is -

1. That she knows every thingabout me. She told my one wrongdoing that I did in my adolescentage which I totally had forgotten.Only after she told me that Irealized that I really had done thatguilt.

2. That she told me not tocourse any body (because all aremanifestating of Mother herself).

3. That she directed me toburn down a pornographic CD(which was the last remaining ofmany).

Other than above she alsohelped me to avoid chewingtobacco. She taught me a lot. Icannot write down all that Mothermade me to realize her. Motheris so intricate that we humanbeing can never know in singlebirth. In short, it is to be knownthat Mother is all and all. It is quitetrue that everything depends onMAYA but it is also quite true thatthese Maya ought to be used inrightful way. I have realize Mothertoo is instructing to do.

Hinduism is so old and preciseabout knowing Mother that Iseven times think not to write allthese but I have to write to makeknown this to others. Peopleshould not/never think that IRikkir Zirdo is something of myown it is all the works of Motherand I am just trying to be good.Mother loves mother India as her

“Glory to All Pervading Mother”

RIKKIR ZIRDO, Arunachal Pradesh

descripting of Mother and religionis very true. Let us know ourselves and be ourselves (knowyourself and be yourself).

I am also a simple humanbeing and a son of a poor illiterateparents (farmer). I cannot writedown all but when I was in theheight of realization of Mother. Ifelt as if I was in an “Ashram” andthen I felt I have to go to an“Ashram” and follwed sayings ofSri Ramakrishna Paramhangshawhich means is this way for thishouse holders the religiousworks should be done only afterthe children are made to standon their feet. Whether this willhappen or not I donot know butyou all pray for me to happen inthis life itself and I also praymother to bless me.

It is quite true that we shouldnot say anybody a sinner. Seeme or observe me, I am gettingpayment more then Rs. 15000/- per month without sependi nga single rupee for the society .Is this not sin? To be true I amhelpless as I have to rear up mychildren.

Nevertheless I still feel theeffect of realization of Mother. Ithink a person cannot do his/herduty without having therealization of God. The effectcannot be explained but thesefeeling of God is very, veryintriate. I sti l l sometimes inloveliness cry. Such feeling andthe messages coming fromthese feelings may be blessingsfor the society and the countrybut the person who feels

becomes like a cursed one.

It is known that our soul notbody eternal and this soul has toreturn again and again with anew body, may be in a newcommunity, caste or raw or in anew place or country. So, theplace (Mother earth) to where wehave to return again and againshould not be made a “Hell”. Itshould be collective effort. MotherIndia is so pious that unless anduntil She is there is this MotherEarth she was/is /will be the soulof the Mother Earth.

Now a days the human rolehas changed so much that wehave forgotten the Creator theMaster of all, the master planner.We are thinking for our own only,even we who realized Mother.So we are having the curse ofour own self and every birth isbecoming more and moreharder to live.

This body has thecontributing of all the heavenlybodies likewise, I think I havebeen made to realize mother bythe society. Knowledge comesfrom mother only. She “Uses”when I say “uses” it carriesmany meaning.

It is too early to unite too manythings. So I want to stop here.Let us remember mother (God)as she is “EVERYTHING”.

Let us pray for the country asif the country will fall we all willfall.

Let us pray for ourselves aseverything starts from us only(let us be guided by the Mother).

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Heritage Explorer September 20147

THOUGH I HAVE LIVED ININDIA A LONG TIME, there are stillissues here that I find hard tounderstand. For example, why doso many educated Indiansbecome agitated when India isreferred to as a Hindu country?The majority of Indians areHindus. India is special becauseof its ancient Hindu tradition.Westerners are drawn to Indiabecause of Hinduism. Why thenis there this resistance by manyIndians to acknowledge the Hinduroots of their country? Why dosome people even give theimpression that an India whichvalued those roots would bedangerous? Don’t they knowbetter?

This attitude is strange for tworeasons. First, those educatedIndians seem to have a problemonly with “Hindu” India, but notwith “Muslim” or “Christian”countries. Germany, for example,is a secular country, and only 59percent of the population areregistered with the two bigChristian churches (Protestantand Catholic). Nevertheless, thecountry is bracketed under“Christian countries” and no oneobjects. Angela Merkel, theChancellor, stressed recently theChristian roots of Germany andurged the population “to go backto Christian values.” In 2012 shepostponed her trip to the G-8summit to make a public addresson Katholikentag, “Catholics Day.”Two major political parties carryChristian in their name, includingAngela Merkel’s ChristianDemocratic Union.

Why Not Hindu India?


Germans are not agitated thatGermany is called a Christiancountry, though I actually wouldunderstand if they were. After all,the history of the Church isappalling. The so-called successstory of Christianity dependedgreatly on tyranny. “Convert ordie” were the options given—notonly some five hundred years agoto the indigenous population inAmerica, but also in Germany,1,200 years ago, when theemperor Karl the Great orderedthe death sentence for refusal ofbaptism in his newly conqueredrealms. This provoked his advisorAlkuin to comment: “One canforce them to baptism, but howto force them to believe?”

Those times, when one’s lifewas in danger for dissenting withthe dogmas of Christianity, arethankfully over. Today many in theWest do dissent and are leavingthe Church in a steady stream.They are disgusted with the less-than-holy behavior of Churchofficials and they also can’t believein the dogmas, for example that“Jesus is the only way” and thatGod sends all those who don’taccept this to hell.

The second reason why I can’tunderstand the resistance toassociate India with Hinduism isthat Hinduism is in a differentcategory from the Abrahamic

religions. Its history, compared toChristianity and Islam, wasundoubtedly the least violent as itspread in ancient times byconvincing arguments and not byforce. It is not a belief system thatdemands blind acceptance ofdogmas and the suspension ofone’s intelligence. On thecontrary, Hinduism encouragesusing one’s intelligence to the hilt.It is an enquiry into truth based ona refined character and intellect.It comprises a huge body ofancient literature, not onlyregarding dharma and philosophy,but also regarding music,architecture, dance, science,astronomy, economics, politics,etc. If Germany or any otherWestern country had this kind ofliterary treasure, it would be soproud and highlight its greatnesson every occasion. When Idiscovered the Upanishads, forexample, I was stunned. Here wasexpressed in clear terms what Iintuitively had felt to be true, butcould not have expressed clearly.Brahman is not partial; it is theinvisible, indivisible essence ineverything. Everyone gets againand again a chance to discoverthe ultimate truth and is free tochoose his way back to it. Helpfulhints are given but not imposed.

In my early days in India Ithought every Indian knew andvalued his tradition. Slowly Irealized I was wrong. The Britishcolonial masters had beensuccessful in not only weaningaway many of the elite from theirancient tradition but even makingthem despise it. It helped that the

Germany , with it s minority

religions, still calls itself

Christian. Why not call

India Hindu?

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Heritage Explorer September 20148

British-educated class could nolonger read the original Sanskrittexts and believed what the Britishtold them. This lack of knowledgeand the brainwashing by theBritish education may be thereason why many so-called“modern” Indians are againstanything Hindu. They don’t realizethe difference between Westernreligions that have to be believed(or at least professed) blindly, andwhich discourage, if not forbid,their adherents to think on theirown, and the multi-layered HinduDharma which gives freedom andencourages using one’sintelligence.

Many of the Indian educatedclass do not realize that thosewho dream of imposingChristianity or Islam on this vastcountry will applaud them fordenigrating Hindu Dharma,because this creates a vacuumwhere Western ideas can easiergain a foothold. At the same time,many Westerners, including

staunch Christians, know thevalue of Hindu culture andsurreptitiously appropriateinsights from the vast Indianknowledge system, drop theoriginal Hindu source and presentit either as their own or make itlook as if these insights hadalready been known in the West.As the West appropriatesvaluable and exclusive Hinduassets, what it leaves behind isdeemed inferior. Unwittingly,these Indians are helping whatRajiv Malhotra of InfinityFoundation calls the digestion ofDharma civilization into Westernuniversalism. That which is beingdigested, a deer for example, inthis case Hindu Dharma,disappears whereas the digester(a tiger) becomes stronger.

If only missionaries denigratedHindu Dharma, it would not be sobad, as they clearly have anagenda which discerning Indianswould detect. But sadly, Indianswith Hindu names assist them

because they wrongly believeHinduism is inferior to Westernreligions. They belittle everythingHindu instead of getting thoroughknowledge. As a rule, they knowlittle about their tradition exceptwhat the British have told them,i.e., that the major features are thecaste system and idol worship.They don’t realize that India wouldgain, not lose, if it solidly backedits profound and all-inclusive Hindutradition. The Dalai Lama saidsome time ago that, as a youth inLhasa, he had been deeplyimpressed by the richness ofIndian thought. “India has greatpotential to help the world,” headded. When will the WesternizedIndian elite realize it?

(MARIA WIRTH, 63, afreelance writer, has lived in Indiafor the past 33 years.mar iaw i r th12@gmai l . com,


India). The fact is that no successive Govts. at the centre till date shown their political willcourage even to take nation wide debate on this Article-370 whether it needs removal from theconstitution.

What Dr. B.R. Ambedkar did foresee 67 years ago pertaining to article-370 has becomebonafide and true with the mushrooming of various outfit in Kashmir and Pakistan, Organisationof Islamic Country (OIC) Jamate Islami and Indian Muslim League minded ones and the notoriousleftists (who write and advocate that Bharat is not a country rather it is the country of variousnationalities) dancing in the tune of Alisah Gillani and Omar Abdullah etc.

After a long gap, a nationalist Govt. under the dynamic vibrant leadership of Shri NarendraModi, the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India has come to power at New Delhi, promised the countrymen to hold debate/discussion over this anti-national, anti-secular Article-370 that needs itsabrogation from our constitution, thus making the bridge between the Kashmiries and the restcitizens that would strengthen the bond of unity and integrity, across the nation among thepeople that gave no chance to the enemies within and outside. Sooner this Article-370 is removedfrom the constitution better for the Bharat and Bharatiyata because the country is no longerready to been further the burden of this Article that divides Jammu and Kashmir on communalline that made Hindus - The Victim.

Article - 370 The National Shame...(Contd. from Page 5)

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Heritage Explorer September 20149

America is not a Christiannation. We are, it is true, a nationfounded by Christians, andaccording to a 2008 survey, 76percent of us continue to identifyas Christian (still, that’s thelowest percentage in Americanhistory). Of course, we are not aHindu—or Muslim, or Jewish, orWiccan—nation, either. A million-plus Hindus live in the UnitedStates, afraction of thebillion who liveon Earth. Butrecent poll datashow thatconceptually, atleast, we ares l o w l ybecoming morelike Hindus andless l iket r a d i t i o n a lChristians in the ways we thinkabout God, our selves, eachother, and eternity.

The Rig Veda, the mostancient Hindu scripture, saysthis: “Truth is One, but the sagesspeak of it by many names.” AHindu believes there are manypaths to God. Jesus is one way,the Qur ’an is another, yogapractice is a third. None is betterthan any other; all are equal. Themost traditional, conservativeChristians have not been taughtto think like this. They learn inSunday school that their religionis true, and others are false.Jesus said, “I am the way, thetruth, and the life. No one comesto the father except through me.”

Americans are no longerbuying it. According to a 2008

- Lisa Miller

U.S. Views on God and Life Are Turning Hindu

Pew Forum survey, 65 percentof us believe that “many religionscan lead to eternal l i fe”—including 37 percent of whiteevangelicals, the group mostlikely to believe that salvation istheirs alone. Also, the number ofpeople who seek spiritual truthoutside church is growing. Thirtypercent of Americans callthemselves “spiritual, not

religious,” according to a 2009NEWSWEEK Poll, up from 24percent in 2005. StephenProthero, religion professor atBoston University, has longframed the American propensityfor “the divine-deli-cafeteriareligion” as “very much in thespirit of Hinduism. You’re notpicking and choosing fromdifferent religions, becausethey’re all the same,” he says. “Itisn’t about orthodoxy. It’s aboutwhatever works. If going to yogaworks, great—and if going toCatholic mass works, great. Andif going to Catholic mass plus theyoga plus the Buddhist retreatworks, that’s great, too.”

Then there’s the question ofwhat happens when you die.Christians traditionally believe

that bodies and souls are sacred,that together they comprise the“self,” and that at the end of timethey wil l be reunited in theResurrection. You need both, inother words, and you need themforever. Hindus believe no suchthing. At death, the body burns ona pyre, while the spirit—whereidentity resides—escapes. Inreincarnation, central to

H i n d u i s m ,selves comeback to earthagain andagain ind i f f e r e n tbodies. Sohere isanother wayin whichA m e r i c a n sare becomingmore Hindu:

24 percent of Americans say theybelieve in reincarnation,according to a 2008 Harris poll.So agnostic are we about theultimate fates of our bodies thatwe’re burning them—likeHindus—after death. More thana third of Americans now choosecremation, according to theCremation Association of NorthAmerica, up from 6 percent in1975. “I do think the morespiritual role of religion tends todeemphasize some of the morestarkly literal interpretations ofthe Resurrection,” agrees DianaEck, professor of comparativereligion at Harvard. So let us allsay “om.”



“Truth is One, but the sages speak of it by many names.” A

Hindu believes there are many paths to God. Jesus is one

way, the Qur ’an is another , yoga practice is a third. None is

better than any other; all are equal. The most traditional,

conservative Christians have not been taught to think like

this. They learn in Sunday school that their religion is true,

and others are false. Jesus said, “I am the way , the truth,

and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.”

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Heritage Explorer September 201410

July 1, 2014: What is acaliphate? How will it impactMuslims in India and across theworld? Vicky Nanjappa speaks toexperts who analyse the IslamicState in Iraq and Syria’sdeclaration of an ‘Islamic state’

Dreaded militant group IslamicState in Iraq and Syria on Sundayannounced the establishment ofa ‘caliphate’ that ended nearly 100years ago with the fall of theOttomans. Experts see this moveas a “holy war” and a bid tochallenge the central leadershipof the Ayman Al-Zwahiri-led AlQaeda that considered the ISIStoo violent.

The ISIS renamed itself as theIslamic State in an audiomessage and written statementpurportedly from its officialspokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani al-Shami on Sunday.

He said ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is the caliph or head ofthe state. “It is incumbent upon allMuslims to pledge allegiance toand support him. The legality ofall emirates, groups, states, andorganisations, becomes null bythe expansion of the caliph’sauthority and arrival of its troopsto their areas,” the statementsaid.

Sunday’s development raisesseveral big questions as expertstry to analyses the ISIS’sannouncement.

What is a caliphate?

A Caliphate is an Islamic state,which heads all Muslims, and itsemir is known as a caliph. The jobof the caliph is to interpret andensure the implementation of

What ISIS’s New ‘Islamic S tate’ Means for the W orld

God’s will. The decision of thecaliph is binding on all Muslims.

However, Sunnis and Shiashave differences on thefunctioning of the caliph. TheShias believe that a caliph shouldbe a religious teacher or an imamwhile the Sunnis are of the opinionthat he should be elected by thepeople. How will the declarationof an ‘Islamic state’ impact theworldwide Muslim population?

Several analysts have termedthis a development moreimportant than 9/11.

Animesh Roul, executivedirector, Society for Study ofPeace and Conflict, said, “AlQaeda breakaway group ISIS’sdeclaration of a caliphate on theday of Ramzan speaks a lot aboutthe militant strategy of influencingthe Sunni world for larger support.After taking over most of theborder territories between Iraqand Syria, ISIS and its insurgentaffiliates are expected to marchfurther dividing the governmentforces and their supporters in thisgrowing conflict. It could alsocreate a rift within the globalIslamist movement and oneshould wait and watch for anysigns of infighting or anyopposition from the Al Qaeda.”

“The declaration of caliphateand the caliph — al-Baghdadi —would undermine Al Qaeda’ssupremacy over the global jihadistmovement and of course its coreaffiliate in Syria — the Al Nusra.”

“However, it’s very prematureto conclude that both groups —Al Nusra and ISIS — would nowconfront over territory or ideology.There would be an increased

effort for reconciliations within thewarring factions. And if supportcomes from Afghanistan and orPakistan or from other Sunni-dominated countries, it wouldprovide major boost for al-Baghdadi and the whole caliphatemovement.”

It is expected that the call of thecaliph would influence Muslimsacross the world. But what aboutIndian Muslims? Roul said, “Idoubt that any Indian Muslimswould subscribe to the call rightaway. Those who are alreadyradicalised, even though they area minuscule number, would beready to join or must becelebrating in their houses orsecret camps.”

“We received reports earlierthat some Indian Muslims in Iraqand Syria have joined themovement, but we have nosubstantial information aboutthem and their involvements.Scouring the social media wouldgive us any immediate hint onradicalised Indian youths.”

Other analysts point out thatthere is a possibility of a tusslebetween some of the Gulf statesthat are now left divided by thedifferences in the Al Qaeda andthe ISIS. Many cadres of the AlQaeda may switch over thusresulting in a power imbalance inthe outfit.

The other concern is aboutSaudi Arabia where peoplesubscribing to the extremeWahabi school of thought couldjoin the Islamic state declared bythe ISIS, analysts said.


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Heritage Explorer September 201411

RUSH, June 30, 2014 : Thepope, Il Papa, Pope Francis - getthis opening paragraph. By theway, this is a Reuters story. Iwant to see if this jogs yourmemory, just the first paragraph. “Pope Francis, whose criticismsof unbridled capitalism haveprompted some to label him aMarxist, said in an interviewpublished on Sunday thatcommunists had stolen the flagof Christianity.”

Does that ring any of yourbells? Who was it that — I thinkit was me that labeled the pope. What I said was that his attack oncapitalism sounded just like aMarxist attack on it. I said itsounds like Marxism and thatmade big news. Now, I didn’tmake the first paragraph, butthey’re referring, when they saythat prompted some to label him

Pope Francis Says Communist s Stole Christianity

a Marxist.

“The 77-year-old pontiff gavean interview to Il Messaggero,Rome’s local newspaper, to markthe feast of Saints Peter and Paul,a Roman holiday. He was askedabout a blog post in theEconomist magazine that said hesounded like a Leninist when hecriticized capitalism and called forradical economic reform.”

Oh, yeah, some obscure blogpost in the Economist said hesounded like a Leninist, that goteverybody riled up. Weremember that. Don’t you? Idon’t remember. Anyway, hesaid, “I can only say that thecommunists have stolen our flag.The flag of the poor is Christian.Poverty is at the center of theGospel. Communists say that allthis is communism. Sure, twentycenturies later. So when they

speak, one can say to them: ‘butthen you are Christian’,” he said,laughing.


RUSH: I don’t know if the popeis saying that Jesus was acommunist. I mean some peoplecould read it that way. He saysthe communists stole our flag,and if our flag is rooted in solvingpoverty, and the communistswant to claim that’s what they did,I mean, you connect the dots ifyou wish. He was asked about“you claim unbridled capitalism.”I don’t know, who practicesunbridled capitalism? Hong Kongis as close as we’ve ever had to— unbridled capitalism? It was afalse premise to begin with.



VATICAN CITY, June 29,2014: Pope Francis conducts amass before presentingArchbishops with their palliums inSaint Peter’s Basilica at theVatican June 29, 2014.

Credit: Reuters/AlessandroBianchi

(Reuters) - Pope Francis,whose criticisms of unbridledcapitalism have prompted someto label him a Marxist, said in aninterview published on Sundaythat communists had stolen theflag of Christianity.

The 77-year-old pontiff gave aninterview to Il Messaggero,Rome’s local newspaper, to markthe feast of Saints Peter and Paul,

Pope Says Communist s are closet Christians

a Roman holiday.

He was asked about a blogpost in the Economist magazinethat said he sounded like aLeninist when he criticizedcapitalism and called for radicaleconomic reform.

“I can only say that thecommunists have stolen our flag.The flag of the poor is Christian.Poverty is at the center of theGospel,” he said, citing Biblicalpassages about the need to helpthe poor, the sick and the needy.

“Communists say that allth is is communism. Sure,twenty centuries later. So whenthey speak, one can say tothem: ‘but then you are

Christian’,” he said, laughing.

Since his election in March2013, Francis has often attackedthe global economic system asbeing insensitive to the poor andnot doing enough to share wealthwith those who need it most.

Earlier this month, hecriticized the wealth made fromfinancial speculation asintolerable and said speculationon commodities was a scandalthat compromised the poor ’saccess to food.

(Reporting by Philip Pullella;Editing by Stephen Powell)



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An increasing number ofAmericans are identifying withEastern spiritual religiouspractices. Just consider thegrowing popularity of yoga,meditation, tai chi, qigong.According to a Pew ForumResearch poll, a whopping 24percent of American Christiansbelieve in reincarnation, afoundational concept in Hinduism.Even more striking is this: thesame Pew Forum poll discovered65 percent of American Christiansbelieve that “many religions canlead to eternal life.” Included inthat group were 37 percent ofevangelical Christians who, in thepast, argued fervently thatsalvation is through Jesus Christalone. Again, the idea that thereare many paths to God is afoundational Hindu principle asoutlined in their scripture, the RigVeda: “Truth is one, but sagesspeak of it by many names.”

It seems that though Americais a Christian nation, it is only

USA, Barely a Christian Nation

barely so. More and moreevidence continues to presentitself that Christianity is losing it’sgrip on many Americans. Why isthis? Why are traditionalChristians in America embracingEastern spiritual philosophies inever growing numbers? Theanswer is not complex: they’retired of rigid theologies whichseparate people and suspiciousof doctrines which are an affrontto reasonable thought.

They are drawn to Easternthought because practices suchas yoga and meditation can givethem a spiritual life without thebaggage of Christian theology anddoctrine. In the East, the spiritualapproach is to harmonize, whilein the West, Christianity hassought to categorize: the “saved”and the “unsaved.” In the East,they have spiritual teacherswhose role is to expandconsciousness. In the West,Christianity has theologians whodefine and therefore confine.

Christianity places the focus ondifferences. Hindus arecomfortable with multipleviewpoints of truth, all facets of thesame Ultimate Reality.Christianity has a much lowertolerance for differing viewpoints,declaring that there is but onetruth, the one preached byChristians.

Given the corner whichChristianity has painted itself into,it is not surprising that the numberof Americans who say they are“spiritual but not religious”(meaning they don’t attendChristian churches) continues togrow. A recent Newsweek poll(2009) revealed that 30 percent ofAmericans define themselvesthat way, up from 24 percent in2005. As more Americansdiscover the openness of Easternspiritual paths, it’s a numberwhich will continue to grow.



ALIGARH, Aug 28, 2014: Achurch with a cross on it thatbelonged to the 7th DayAdventists overnight turned intoa temple adorned with a portraitof Shiva after what some Hindugroups in Aligarh termed thesuccessful “ghar wapasi”(reconversion) of 72 Valmikiswho had become Christians in1995.

There was an elaborateshuddhi karan (purification)ceremony on Tuesday inside thechurch in Asroi, 30km fromAligarh. Children from the village

Church turned into ‘temple’ after 72 Valmikis reconvert to Hinduism

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soon took over the premises andwere seen playing in it byafternoon on Wednesday. A crosswas removed from the churchand placed outside the gate anda portrait of Shiva installed.

Khem Chandra, Sanghpracharak and pramukh ofDharam Jagran Manch in Aligarh,said, “This is called ghar wapasi,not conversion. They left bychoice and today they haverealized their mistake and want tocome back. We welcome them.We can’t let our samaj scatter, wehave to hold it tight. I have told

them that honour comes fromwithin the community and notfrom outside.” Chandra addedthat in the years that followedtheir adoption of Christianity, hemet heads of the eight Valmikifamilies numerous times toconvince them to reconsider theirdecision.

However, as news of thereconversion spread, tensionstarted building up, with sleuthsof the Local Intelligence Unit(LIU) converging on the spot.Some villagers told Times of India

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“I hear that many Hindus havewondered why many Americansand Europeans are rejectingChristianity in order to convert toHinduism. ‘Why would someonereject their own culture toembrace someone else’s?’ Thereare very specific reasons why thisis the case. At one time, thepeople of the European countriesdid not practice Christianity. Theypracticed religions that were verysimilar to Hinduism. Hinduismand the various forms ofPaganism that were practiced inEurope have a common root,hence the terminology ‘Indo-European.’ If you were tocompare the Elder Edda (thesacred text of the ancient NorthernEuropeans) to the Rig Veda, youwould find striking similarities.

“Christianity, on the otherhand, is not really a Westernreligion. It was directly spawnedfrom Judaism. Later on, it wasembraced by power hungryCaesars and popes of Rome whoin turn used this religion as ameans of spiritual, mental andphysical domination. All who did

not agree with their viewpointswere murdered, burned, rapedand destroyed. Missionaries weresent to other countries outside ofRome as a means to spy on otherreligions as well as seduceleaders into giving up their nativereligions (usually with bribes ofgold and land) and to join theRomans in their unholy missionof destroying other cultures—which they perceived as ‘helping.’

“I would like to address a fewpoints made by Sri SriChandrasekhara Bharati TirthaMa-ha-swamigal in his interviewfor your March/April, 2001, article‘On Dharma, the Pope, Kids, andMore...’ He said, ‘When foreignersapproach my guru’s guru seekingconversion to Hinduism, headvises them to “become betterChristians.” That is the essenceof Hinduism. If you cannot findsolace in your religion, you willnever be able to find it in any otherreligion.’

“I agree with his statement toa certain extent. True, folks shouldseek out their own roots first and

foremost. However, SriChandrasekhara Bharati may notrealize that there is no solace orsubstance in Christianity for suchseekers, as it does not trulyresonate in the soul of theAmerican or European, becauseit has roots outside of our bloodand soul. If Euro-Americans orEuropeans are ever to find solaceand substance in anything, it willbe found in the pre-ChristianEuropean religions. The reasonfor foreigners being attracted toHinduism is based on the fact thatit is more in line with their blood/soul than Christianity is (whichhas Semitic/Middle-Easternroots).

“If you wish to direct non-Indians away from Hinduismtowards something that is of theirown blood and soul, then directthem towards the elder ways ofEurope, which capture the samespirit of polytheism, animism,mysticism and philosophicalthought that is found in Hinduism.”



If you cannot find solace in your religion, you will never be able tofind it in any other religion.’


(TOI), on condition of anonymity,that the Shiva portrait had beenremoved and kept inside thehouse of a local resident. AnilGaur, one of those who returnedto the Hindu fold, said it wasbecause they were unhappy withthe caste system that theychanged their religion. “But wefound ourselves in no betterposition among Christians,” hesaid. “As Hindus we had no statusand were restricted to doing

Church turned into ‘temple’ ...

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menial jobs, but even afterremaining a Christian for 19 years,we saw that no one came to usfrom their community. There wasno celebration of Bada Din(Christmas). The missionariesjust built a church for us in thevicinity where some of the villagersgot married. That was all.”

Seventy-year-old RajendraSingh said he, too, was happy toreconvert. “While sleeping

outside the church one day Isuffered a paralytic attack. I foundmyself unable to move. Ithappened last year and sincethen I have been thinking that itmay have been Mata Devi’spunishment for abandoning myfaith,” he claimed.

Osmond Charles, a lawyerand community leader in Aligarh,isn’t convinced though. “Ghar

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Regarding Shia-Sunnicommunal-strife raging in Iraqthere is also a section of peoplevehemently trying to showAmerica’s hands behind it. Seentoday in the TV debates, these arethe people who belonged to thatvery same jamaat [faction] whichonce did its’ utmost to establishAmerica as a villain againstSaddam. But truly what Americais, that may best be known fromthe people themselves living therein Iraq, who once suffered terrorof Saddam; and communalfrenzy of Sunnis today. Thejihadists grew in influence in Iraqthen, when they got unstintedsupport from Saddam. It was notdifficult for Saddam to understandthat it was not possible for him torun unchallenged, as alsoarbitrary rule in Iraq with thebacking of military alone. And, assuch, to have vice-like grip on theIraqis one more section of peoplehe found reliably suitable, otherthan military, were the religiousfanatics. And there, on the otherside, what the hell they couldunleash when they have on theirheads the hands of dictator like

Defaming America in the war of jihadist s- Er.Rajesh Pathak

Saddam to show this the fanaticsspared no effort. How distressfulthe lives of people would have gotto be then in that period oneexample alone is enough to havea glance of it: It was the time whenno compromise was acceptablein the way of following Islamic-tenets. Such was the conditionthat the children with just the ageof 10-12 were put into the jailridiculously for the crime of notkeeping the beards, so-calledsymbol of Islamic identity! Abovethis, there was none to show thecourage of telling to theseSaddam’s trusted fellows thatthey should have at least waitedthe age when the children wouldget matured enough to have thatmuch hair as to keep their beards.

Tormented this way, and suchmany other ways, people, moreparticularly Shias, therefore sawAmerica as their savior. It was,notably, due to the support andhelp rendered by the local peoplethat America faced not muchdifficulty in overpowering Saddam.No matter they who sit in TVchannels’ room and claim to have

the news of world over try toproject America a villain, andwhatever its’[America] vestedinterest be, but for the commonmen of Iraq it in fact did come asan angle of God. And, therefore,on the defeat of Saddam thestreets of Iraq were outpoured bythe crowd of people makingjubilation.

To give one or the other excusein favor of jehadists behind theirmisdeeds is very common thing,an old and oft-repeated practice.Who are finding fault in Americafor the plight of Iraq today, theyhave always done the work ofblaming security-forces in India inJammu-Kashmir, and police –force and administration in therest of the country. As far as Shiasare concerned their condition isno better in Pakistan itself. Soworse is it that few months backShias had to plead General Kyanifor the military intervention, that’stoo, in order to recover and burythe bodies of their kith and kin diedin terror incidents! ShouldAmerica be blamed for theseincidents here too in Pakistan?

wapasi sounds like aconspiracy,” he said.“Sometimes we hear ‘love jihad’and now we have ‘ghar wapasi’.Is this the sign of a HinduRashtra in the making?”

Father Jonanthan Lal, pastorat City Methodist Church, said,“The ‘purification’ pooja took placeinside the church which belongsto 7th Day Adventists. Such anactivity shouldn’t have taken placethere. Faith is a personal matter

Church turned into ‘temple’ ...but havan inside a church is not.”

Meanwhile, there is a sudden,eerie quiet in Asroi. Villagershurry inside their houses if they

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are asked about thereconversion and most say theyknow nothing about it. Thepresence of cops has added totheir anxiety. “Don’t askanything. I don’t know whathappened,” a young man said,turning away swiftly from a TOIteam.




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Now that the Ministry of HomeAffairs (MHA) has confirmed theentry of Maoists in the Northeastand their association with severalmilitant outfits of the region, thesecurity scenario here has got anew dimension. The MHAdocument says that Maoists ‘‘aremaking incursions into Assam andArunachal Pradesh, which willhave serious long–term strategicimplications’’.

To a question whether the CPI(Maoist) has links with otherterrorist organizations and foreignagencies, the document says,‘‘The CPI (Maoist) has closefraternal ties with many insurgentgroups of the Northeast, mainly thePLA of Manipur. Most of theseoutfits have links with externalforces inimical to India. The CPI(Maoist) has also frequentlyexpressed its solidarity with J & Kterrorist groups. These strategicties are part of their ‘StrategicUnited Front’ against India. Theoutfit has close links with Maoistorganizations in Philippines andTurkey and is also a member ofthe Coordination Committee ofMaoist Parties and Organizationsof South Asia (CCOMPOSA),which includes Nepal Maoists.’’

The MHA document hasdiscussed the steps an ordinarycitizen can take against Left–wingextremism. This includeslaunching an attack on socialnetworking sites like Facebook.The ministry has asked the peopleto condemn the violent and brutalatrocities of the CPI (Maoist) andother Left–wing extremist groupson innocent civilians through anyavailable media like socialnetworks, learn to recognizepropaganda against the country by

Fact of the Matterthe Maoist front organizations,ideologues and sympathizers,sensitize fellow countrymen on thedangers of Maoist ideology, andcherish and nurture thedemocratic way of life asenshrined in the Constitution.

According to the MHA, frontorganizations that are offshoots ofthe parent Maoist party profess aseparate existence to escape legalliability and carry out propagandafor the party, raise funds for themilitancy, assist the cadres in legalmatters and also provide shelterto underground cadres.‘‘Functionaries of frontorganizations provide intelligenceveneer to the inherent violence inMaoist ideology. They sanitize thebloodletting and attempt to makethe Maoist world–view palatable tourban audiences and the media,’’says the ministry document.

The MHA has added thatMaoists are in the business ofbrainwashing and indoctrinatingyoung children, as well as ofthreatening the poor Adivasiparents who usually prefer to partwith their girl children. ‘‘This is thereason behind the presence oflarge number of womenMaoists who are also pushed toengage themselves with thesecurity forces,’ ’ says thedocument.

While the MHA document hasnot named any foreign agency,hostile to India, having links withMaoists, Assam Chief MinisterTarun Gogoi, after a meeting withUnion Home Minister PChidambaram in Guwahati onFebruary 19, said that ‘‘Pakistan’sISI is trying to involve itself in thegrowing Maoist problem in theState’’.

A media report has quotedhighly placed official sources assaying that the Maoists haveworked out a grand plan forcreation of a confederation ofStates comprising the Northeast,parts of Myanmar and Sylhet areaof Bangladesh. According to thereport, they have also hatched aplan to set up a strong base inMyanmar, which is why they areconcentrating on setting up basesin Arunachal Pradesh.

The Sadiya subdivision ofupper Assam’s Tinsukia districtand Tirap and Lohit districts ofArunachal Pradesh are nownotorious for Maoist activities.These are also areas notorious forpoverty and backwardness, whichis a recipe for armed rebellion bya section of frustrated youths; dueto poverty, backwardness, andinjustices against them, their drifttowards militancy can beconstrued natural — in a systemthat has only failed them.

Reports say that the police andother security forces hadmanaged to obtain the names ofat least a hundred Maoist cadresin Assam, of whom 27 werearrested but most of them werereleased on bail and they simplyjumped bail. Of them, the mostprominent one was Aditya Bora,who was arrested in a Maoistcamp in a jungle bordering Orissaand Jharkhand.

The CPI (Maoist) is trying toforge ties with Northeast militantgroups — and it has already anagreement with the RevolutionaryPeople’s Front (RPF), the politicalwing of the Manipur–basedPeople’s Liberation Army (PLA) —

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An eight–member delegationof different tribal bodies, at thebehest of Janajati SurakshaMonch (JSM), left for New Delhiand called on Union Ministers andChairman of ST Commission,Government of India, to discussthe issue of illegal settlement inprotected tribal belts and blocksin Assam and the BTC region.

During their three–day stay inNew Delhi, starting from July 10,the delegation met the UnionHome Minister, Tribal AffairsMinister, Minister of StateSarbananda Sonowal, Chairmanof ST Commission and RegistrarGeneral of India and submittedmemoranda demandingimmediate eviction of all illegalsettlers in protected tribal lands toensure safety and security of tribalpeople.

The memorandum, which wassigned by the president of theJSM, Bagiram Boro, Secretary ofKokrajhar district, Ashok KumarBrahma, Senior Citizens’ Forumleaders DD Narzary, BakulChandra Basumatary andpresident of Kokrajhar districtBathou Afat, Songraja Narzary,stated that the massivesettlements in protected tribalbelts and blocks land bysuspected Bangladeshis hadmade the ethnic tribal people aminority in their land and theabnormal rise of certaincommunities had threatened theexistence of the tribal people. Thememorandum also stated thatthe illegal settlers were trying tocapture political power in theregion.

Talking to this correspondent,

Tribal leaders call on Union Ministers over illegal settlement in tribalbelt s and blocks

senior citizen leader DD Narzarysaid the Chairman of STCommission took serious note ofthe concerns raised by the triballeaders and assured them thatappropriate measures would betaken to meet their demands. Hesaid the Chairman assured themthat government officials wouldevict the illegal settlers in theprotected tribal lands and returnthe land to the tribal people, as perthe Prevention of Atrocities on SCand ST Act, 1989.

The tribal leaders in theirmemorandum said that as perSection 164 of Assam Land andRevenue Regulation Act(ALRRA), amended in 1947, non–tribal people cannot settle inprotected land belonging to tribalpeople. They said theGovernment of Assam, bynotification No–RP 69/46/19dated December 5, 1947 issuedunder sub–section (2) of section160 of ALRRA and had notified theplain tribe and hills tribe asbackward people for protectionunder the Act. Some communitieslike Scheduled Caste, Nepali,Rajbongshi and Santhali wereadded to the protected list as perprovisions of Chapter X of theALRRA in 1985.

Narzary said the illegal settlersshould be evicted from the tribalbelts and blocks as per the act.But the State government, insteadof protecting tribal land, wasencouraging non–tribals to settlein tribal land. As per Section 164of the ALRRA, no person to whomany land is transferred in the beltsand blocks in contravention of theprovision of chapter X, will acquire

any right or title in that land bylength of possession whetheradverse or not, he said, addingthat they were liable to evictedfrom the tribal belts and blocks.

On the inclusion of sixcommunities in the ScheduledTribe list, the tribal leaders statedin the memorandum that most ofthem did not fulfil the criteria forinclusion in ST list as the Adivasiswere brought by the British inAssam as contractual labourersand they had migrated foremployment. The tribal leadersalso said that the othercommunities who weredemanding ST status were muchadvanced in all respects to beincluded in the ST list.

Meanwhile, the Chairman ofST Commission, Dr RameswarUraon assured the tribal leadersthat he would visit tribal areas inAssam and the BTC region inSeptember to study the groundrealities of illegal settlement intribal lands.

The tribal leaders expressedthe hope that Uraon would takeappropriate measures againstillegal settlement. They calledupon all tribal communities toextend their cooperation andcome forward to deal with theissue of illegal settlement in triballands.

It may be mentioned that onJuly 3 different tribal organizationsstaged a three–hourdemonstration in front of theDRDA office, Kokrajhar,demanding the implementation ofAssam Land and Revenue

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Banana is cultivated in Erodedistrict all through the year. Everyyear, after the plant bears fruitsthe main stem (called pseudostem) needs to be removed,since the main plant starts towither and the crop continues togrow through offshoots for two ormore years.

Normally farmers employlabour to either cut or uproot thepseudo stems and throw them bythe roadside. For this, a farmerneeds to invest Rs. 10,000 peracre as labour charge for cuttingand removing the plant from thefield.

Very few farmers showinclination to use the stem asmanure by shredding andincorporating it in the fields. Theyfeel that it is time consuming andlaborious.

Not aware

The fibre from the plant hasbeen traditionally used forstringing flowers and in themanufacture of paper and rugs.But farmers are still not aware ofthe potential of fibre generationfrom an acre of bananaplantation.

As part of promoting ruralentrepreneurs in the field ofagriculture and animal husbandry,the Myrada KVK in Erodedesigned a skill trainingprogramme on banana fibreextraction for unemployed ruralyouth in the region.

Mr. S. Prasath, an unemployedyouth from Alukkuli village nearGobichettipalayam, was also aparticipant of this trainingprogramme. Hailing from a

Banana fibre has good market potential- M. J. Prabhu

farmer ’s family, Mr. Prasathstudied to be an engineer and wasdreaming to become anentrepreneur.

With the help of Myrada he setup a small banana fibreproduction unit near his villageand initially produced 10 kg ofbanana fibre from the machine.

However, he was not satisfiedwith the production, so he furtherapproached the institute for abetter and more efficient machineand was advised to makechanges to his existing machine.


“Since the innovator isbasically an engineering graduatehe understood our suggestionsand made suitable refinements tothe machine. This enhanced hisproduction to 120 kg per day andnow he produces about 5 tonnesof fibre a month. In a month heearns Rs. 4,200 as net incomefrom this enterprise.

“In addition, he providesemployment to 25 agriculturallabourers on a regular basis,”says Dr. P. Alagesan, ProgrammeCoordinator, Myrada.Simultaneously the entrepreneuralso worked to utilise the by-products of banana fibreextraction like pith and sap water.


“In case of managing bananapith, a series of trials has beentaken up at the institute to find asuitable method for compostingthe pith, which can be mulchedinto the soil. The pith compost isa rich source of soil nutrient as ithelps increase the beneficial

microorganisms in the soil. Thesap water from the stem is beingexperimented to be used asdyeing material for clothes, anduse for as growth promoter incrops,” explains Mr. Alagesan.

“Since there is a huge demandand scope for banana fibre I amworking on manufacturing bulkproduction, producing of yarnfrom the fibre and efficientlymanaging the waste generatedfrom it. I am trying to manufacturehousehold materials, agriculturalinputs and handicrafts from thewaste,” says Mr. Prasath.

From an acre

An acre of pseudostem isrequired for generating about 120kg of banana fibre a day. From anacre of land you can produceabout 1,000 to 1,500 stemsapproximately.

Roughly 10-13 stems give youaround one to two kg of fibredepending upon the soil, waterand plant condition. Companieswillingly pay Rs 110—200 for a kgof fibre today, according to Dr.Alagesan.

Apart from this Mr. Prasath isusing the pith to make bananafibre pots and pellets as growthbase material for nursery plants.

For more details interestedfarmers can contactMr.S.Prasath, No 20,Mahalakshmi nagar, Modachur,Gobichettipalayam, Erode district– 638476, Phone: 9790039998,Email: [email protected] [email protected]



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There are columns that get youinto trouble, and this might just beone of them. However, some thingsmust be said simply because toomany hypocrites have run theminorities agenda for too long. Theresults are there for all to see.

While many individual successstories exist, Muslims, the largestminority, are still well below thenational average in terms ofincome, education and levels ofinfluence in society. It isn’t easy forMuslims to live in a society thatdiscriminates against them.However, even many so-called‘keepers’ of Muslim causes (thesame ones who will attack me onthis column) have done little forthe community other thansuggestions such as: “Never voteBJP, always vote Congress” .

Such over-simplification andpoliticization has done more harmthan good. It pains me to see atalented community beingrepresented by regressive,parochial and divisive leaders whofrankly do not care about India orits youth, and therefore, don’t careabout the Muslim youth either. Withthe intent to get through to somepositive thinking, open-mindedpeople, I give some suggestions.

Take a leaf out of the book ofother successful communities. TheJews in America, and the Parsisand Sikhs in India are examples ofminorities that have doneextremely well in their respectivecountries. Jews form less than 2%of American population, butdominate lists of Forbesbillionaires, Nobel laureates, mediamoguls and Hollywood bigwigs.How did this happen? Severaltheories abound. However, somefactors seem firmly in place.

Mapping the Route to Minority Success

Learning pays: The greater theemphasis on education, thegreater the likelihood thatmembers of a community will besuccessful.

Assimilating with themajority community : Assimilationdoes not mean abandoning one’sculture, or bending to the majority.It simply means finding as muchcommon ground as possible. It alsomeans not heeding leaders whoare encouraging people to votealong communal lines. Even if oneignores the right and wrong ofcommunal voting, it’s also not aproductive strategy. Instead,Muslims need to put forth achecklist – a set of conditions – onwhat it would take for them to trustthe BJP again. They mustn’t onlyoppose the BJP. They must alsoentice them with support if theirconditions are met. Keeping allpolitical parties on their toes, andlobbying for your own cause isperfectly acceptable and evennecessary. However, takingpermanent sides is not. Pleasenote, this doesn’t mean Muslimsshould vote for the BJP. It justmeans they engage with it ratherthan shun it completely. There isanother important point aboutassimilation. It can’t happenwithout trust, and assuming thebest in people. It is understandablydifficult to trust when that trust hasbeen broken in the past. However,successful minority communitieshave been able to do that andallowed the wounds to heal.

Politicians often scareminorities, making them believe theworst in people. It isn’t a great wayto live. Hope for, and spread asmuch goodness as possible in yourlifetime.

Accepting liberal values andpersonal liberties: Most minoritycommunities that have done wellhave also represented the liberalcause. This helps increaseinfluence in society for a simplereason: most intellectuals areliberal. The youth, too, is attractedto liberal values. If you haveintellectuals and youth by yourside, you already have adisproportionate influencecompared to your actualpopulation. Thus, theultraconservative and orthodoxinterpretation of religion will notfind as much traction as a modern,open-minded approach. IndianMuslims are more liberal thanMuslims in many other Islamiccountries . Such voices should beencouraged.

Encouraging merit: As ashortcut to appease Muslims, toomany politicians have beensuggesting quotas and waivers forthe community. What makescommunities rise is their owninternal talent and merit, nothandouts. Reservations on offerare minuscule. However, it tags thecommunity as in need of gracemarks and antagonizes themajority. It isn’t worth it. Rise witheducation, hard work, creativityand business acumen. Therereally is no other way.

Our minorities are notminor; they are an importantpart of India. In their successlies India’ s success. Abouttime we focus on what wouldenable them to do so.



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August 30, 2014: The Jihadiorganisations active in the field of‘Love Jjhad’ in Kerala have fixeda time of 2 weeks for establishingan affair with a young Hindu girland 6 months for marrying andconverting her. If a girl does notfall into the love-dragnet within 2weeks, the Jihadi boy is supposedto try for another girl. A list isprepared of young Hindu girls whohave recently taken admission incolleges and are likely to fall intothe trap.’ (Kerala Kaumudi[Malayalam Daily], Feb. 2009)Given ahead are some methodsadopted to lure these girls into thelove-dragnet.

1. Loitering around schoolsand colleges on two-wheelers

‘This is a routine method usedfor luring Hindu girls from schoolsand colleges. Pretending to havea sophisticated life style, theymove around schools andcolleges like ‘Road Romeos’. - Ms.Mamata Tripathi, Columnist

‘Jehangir Razzak, a student ofthe Kozhikode Law College,deceived 42 girls using thismethod.’

2. Contacting on the mobilephone

‘Mobile phones are used on alarge scale for contacting Hindugirls. Jihadi boys are trained inhow to sweet-talk Hindu girls onmobile phones. This method ismainly used against the schooland college-going girls, working-women and girl students of‘Information Technology’ branch ofengineering.

2A. Mobile phone numbers

Mind-blowing Fact s of Love Jihad :Planned Methods of Luring Hindu Girls

of Hindu girls are provided toJihadi boys by shop ownerswho provide the facility ofrecharging mobile phones :According to information providedby a Malayalam Daily in Kerala,mobile numbers of Hindu girls aresupplied to Jihadi boys by shopsthat provide phone rechargefacility in Jihadi dominated areasof Mallapuram-Edappal andKozhikode-Palayam.

2B. Method of luring a Hindugirl using a mobile phone :Once a Jihadi boy receives themobile phone number of a Hindugirl, he begins to send her SMS’on her mobile and contacts her inthe night. Initially she resists, buthe persists with sweet-talk. Later,she eagerly waits for his calls. Atthis juncture, the Jihadi boy beginsto talk to her in somewhatobscene language and she isthen ensnared in his love-dragnet.’

2C. Luring the girl studentsby gif t ing them mobilephones : ‘Jihadi boys gift mobilephone to those girls who do nothave ability to purchase it. Whilepersonally visiting the houses ofthe girls who had committedsuicide due to ‘Love Jihad’ I founda common thing that, in all thosecases the girls had received amobile phone handset from theirlovers. When I studied severalsuch cases in Kerala as ajournalist, I concluded that mobilephone is the single most effectiveweapon of ‘Love Jihad’. - Mrs.Leela Menon, Editor,Janmabhumi (Malayalam Daily)

3. Giving prizes to Jihadiboys in cultural programmes to

impress non-Jihadi girls

Young Jihadi boys fromeconomically weaker sectionsare encouraged to participate in‘Love Jihad’ by providing themeconomic assistance and otherfacilities for taking admission inprofessional colleges andtechnical institutes.Subsequently, various culturalprogrammes are arranged andthese boys are given prizes toenable them to impress Hindu orChristian girls. After this initialpreparation, the sinister plan offalse love is put into action.(Kalakaumudi [MalayalamWeekly], 10.6.2012)

4. Internet

Internet is used on a largescale to develop closeness withHindu girls. This conspiracyconsists of using websites suchas ‘Facebook’ and ‘Orkut’ fordeveloping friendship with Hindugirls, enhancing relationshipfurther and later accomplishingtheir objective.

4A. Facebook : ‘WaseemAkram cheated a girl calledDaksha through a facebookaccount using a false Hindu name– Sharma. Upon realising that shehad been cheated, Daksharefused to marry Akram.Subsequently, Akram starteddefaming Daksha on facebook.His Jihadi friends went toDaksha’s house and demandedRs. 5 lakh so that Akram wouldagree to ‘not marrying her’. Theyalso threatened to attack Dakshawith acid and blades if thepayment was not made. NewDelhi Police have arrested Akram

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in this case.’ (Daily ‘IndianExpress’, 30.8.2012)

4B. : ‘Somecases have come to light whereHindu girls were repeatedlycontacted through this websiteand compelled to marry.’ (Monthly‘Ekata’, September 2011)

5. Taking the help of Jihadigirls to lure Hindu girls

Help from Jihadi girls is alsosought for success of ‘LoveJihad’. These Jihadi girls do thejob of introducingtheir Hindufriends to Jihadiboys.’

6. Arranginga fake incidentand coming tothe rescue of aHindu girl

As part of theconspiracy to pulla Hindu girl intothe love dragnet,some Jihadi boys indulge in eve-teasing. Thereafter, a Jihadi boypretending to be virtuous comesforward to her rescue. Later, hedevelops closeness with herthrough meetings over tea, coffeeetc. and achieves his objective. InAhmednagar (Maharashtra)alone, nearly 300 girls have beenensnared in the love-dragnet usingthis technique; they were laterconverted. (Year 2010)

7. Adopting Hinduetiquettes

JIhadi boys wear religiousthreads and amulets around theirwrist to sham that they are Hindus.Similarly, they also adopt namesthat resemble those of Hindu boyssuch as Sameer, Raju etc.’ - Ms.Mamata Tripathi, Columnist

8. Utilising occasions like‘Valentine’ s Day’, that arecelebrated in the west

Girls who are given unlimitedfreedom in their house celebrate‘Valentine’s Day’, ‘FriendshipDay’, ‘Rose Day’ etc. along withtheir friends as per the westernculture. Jihadi boys becomefriendly with such Hindu girls, andtaking advantage of occasions like‘Valentine’s Day’, drag them intotheir love-dragnet.

9. Participating in garba (A

dance form prevalent inGujarat, played duringNavaratra) dance along withHindu girls during Navaratrafestival

‘At many places, Jihadi boys tryto entice Hindu girls during theNavaratra festival of GoddessDurga by participating in the garbadance (or Dandiya Ras). Suchincidents have taken place inBelgaum (Karnataka).’ - Mr.Shivajirao Gaundadkar, Editor,‘Saptahik Rashtraparva’,Belgaum, Karnataka.

10. Hypnotising

‘Sometimes, Jihadi boys usehypnotism to ensnare Hindu girlsin the love-dragnet. Girls who arethus hypnotised do not listen totheir parents, nor do they care for

their sentiments.

11. Use of some specialmedicines for brainwashingHindu girls

In order to develop a ‘loverelationship’, sometimes Jihadiboys take Hindu girls to ice-creamparlours or juice centres ownedby Jihadis. There, some specialmedicines are mixed with thedrinks to be served to these girls.These medicines are meant fortaking control of the intellect of aperson.’ - Prof. Unnikrishnan


12. Vashikaranor karni (Blackmagic)

V a s h i k a r a ntechnique is usedat times to lureHindu girls into thelove-dragnet afterbefriending them.(Note : Vashikaran- A tantrik method

that uses mantra, yantra, bhasma[Ash] and various types ofmedicine to bewitch, subjugate,attract, influence, allure, excite orentice the desired person; Karani- The method or technique ofperforming it. In other words,vashikaran refers to bringing aparticular person under yourcomplete control. Similarly, evilexperiments like witchcraft,magic-spells, subtle-attacksdirected at a person etc. areknown as karni)

12A. A Hindu girl who hadfallen prey to ‘Love Jihad’through black-magic behavingaccording to Jihadi customsdespite being brought back toher home, and coming tosenses after spiritualremedies : ‘A young girl, Preeti

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(name changed), from animmensely rich Rajasthani Hindufamily, eloped with and marriedAbdul, a Jihadi who was stayingin a local slum. The Police locatedher and took her to a remandhome. However, it was difficult forthe Police to keep her there forlong as she was over 18 years ofage and hence, legally a major.Therefore, her family memberscame to me with high hopes. Oncollecting full information aboutAbdul, it became clear that hewas earning his bread by workingas a coolie. We alsocame to know that Abdulhad received Rs. 50,000for having ensnared Preetiin the love-dragnet.

Then, we chalked out aplan with the help ofPreeti’s family.Accordingly, as soon asshe was released fromthe remand home, we tookher to an unknown place.Upon reunion with herfamily members, therewas no visible guilt on herface. She kept addressingherself as ‘wife of Abdul,Ayesha’. According to ourplan, Preeti was told thatif Abdul became a Hindu,her family would allow them tomarry. She then called up Abdulfrom her mobile and asked himto become a Hindu; but hecategorically refused and on thecontrary, threatened her with‘talaq (Divorce)’ in a forcefulvoice. Despite this insult, Preetishouted at her mother in Urdu thatshe would go to her husband andstay with him in any state he kepther. Preeti was an educated girlwho spoke pure Hindi; here shewas speaking like a traditionalJihadi girl. Her attire too was


Realising a sudden ‘Islamic’change in her attitude, I consulteda renowned astrologer. After anastrological study, he concludedthat Preeti was a victim of ‘black-magic’. The next day he went toher house and recited somemantras for two hours. Usinglemon and Vibhuti, a ritual of utarawas also performed on her. Thatnight she was able to sleeppeacefully for the first time inmany days. When she woke upthe next morning, she asked her

parents to forgive her. Presently,she is advising her friends also tobe vigilant about ‘Love Jihad’.’ -Ms. Arunatai Acharya, ‘NariRaksha Manch’ Section(Chembur, Mumbai), VishwaHindu Parishad

12B. A Hindu girl ensnaredin ‘Love Jihad’ could not co-operate in counsellingbecause of vashikaran ! : InKottayam, a young Hindu nursewas lured by a Jihadi youth withhis sweet-talk on mobile phone,and later they began to roam

together. Her family membersopposed her affair and in herpresence warned the youth not tohave any relationship with her.Despite this, she was hell-bent onmarrying him. On further inquiryit was found that a person withthat name did not exist at all.Besides, his address was alsofalse. She was not allowed to gooutside the house for two months.She was also told that her loverwas a fraudster and wascounselled on the dangers of‘Love Jihad’. Despite these

attempts, she was notready to listen to her family.Several months havepassed now but she is stilladamant on marrying theJihadi. It is possible thatshe was subjected tovashikaran.’ - Dr. Mallikaand Mrs. SangeetaSharma, ‘ManahshaktiSamupadeshan Kendra’,Kerala

12C. PrecautionsHindu girls should taketo avoid vashikaran

A. Do not give yourundergarments to anyonefor washing or any otherpurpose.

B. Dispose fallen hair orcropped nails by burning them, sothat no one can misuse them. Insome beauty parlours, men areemployed to cut the hair of womenor massage women. Thepossibility of these women fallingprey to vashikaran are greater.

C. Possibility of falling prey tovashikaran through consumptionof a pan (Betel leaf) offered bysomeone is high. Hence, neveraccept pan from a knownindividual or a stranger.

D. Jihadis practice vashikaran

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by offering objects such as taviz(Charm used to enslave theindividual) that is worn around theneck, surma (Kohl) that is to beapplied to the eyes, flowers to beworn in the hair etc.

O Parents ! Advise yourdaughters to be cautious !

12D. How to identify if a girlhas been affected byvashikaran ?

1. After vashikaran, changesare noticed in the normalbehaviour, nature, style ofspeech, commonly used wordsetc. The relatives of a girl who hasfallen victim to ‘Love Jihad’ shouldbe advised to note such changesin her.

2. Pray to Shrikrushna - ‘Maythe distress of _____ (Name thegirl) be eliminated and may aprotective sheath of God’s Namebe created around us’. Also, todispel the distress, chant theName of Bhagawan Shrikrushna- Om Namo BhagavateVasudevaya. This distresses theenergy bringing about vashikaranand the individual begins to shout,scream etc. Such symptoms helpconfirm that vashikaran has beeneffected. Since the help ofvashikaran is sought in mostcases of ‘Love Jihad’ (about 30%),it is advisable not to waste anytime in trying identifying if thecause is indeed vashikaran;instead, take corrective action aslisted ahead.

12E. Some spiritualremedies to eliminate theharmful effects of vashikaranor karni

In some case, if it is felt that agirl has been affected byvashikaran, besides medical andpsychological treatment, also try

spiritual remedies on her as givenahead.

12 E 1. Take away object ssuch as taviz, various types ofthreads (charged with mantra),bhasma etc. in her possessionand destroy them in a fire : Asthe first step, take away objectsused for affecting vashikaran withthe girl such as taviz, bhasma,various types of threads, etc. onher body, or kept in her purse.These objects are used forvashikaran and should bedestroyed in a fire. In fact, takeaway all objects in herpossession.

12 E 2. Give the girl gomutra(Urine of a cow of Bharatiyabreed) to drink; also sprinklesome gomutra on her .Subsequently , chant the Nameof the girl’ s Family Deity forhalf-an-hour by placing yourpalm on her head.

12 E 3. Eliminating theharmful effects of evil-eyeusing lemon and Vibhuti(Sacred ash) of burnt incense-stick as ut ara (Waving arounda possessed individual inorder to eject negativeenergies and casting off the

evil-eye mentally) : The affectedgirl should be asked to sit on awooden seat facing the east. Theindividual performing the utarashould stand in front of theaffected girl holding uncut lemonsand Vibhuti of burnt incense-stickin the hands and pray thus - ‘Maythe distress due to negativeenergies be eliminated throughthe medium of this utara (of lemonand Vibhuti)’. Then, he/she shouldmove the hands holding thelemon and Vibhuti thrice aroundthe girl’s body, starting from thefeet and proceeding towards thehead and back to the feetclockwise. In the end, the utarashould be immersed in flowingwater. The individual performingthe utara should continuouslychant the Name of his Deity ofworship till the immersion ofutara. Afterwards, he/she shouldwash the hands and feet. The girlshould also be asked to wash herhands and feet. Then, gomutra orwater mixed with a little Vibhutishould be sprinkled on the girl aswell as on the self by theindividual. Vibhuti should beapplied to the forehead of the girl.

12 E 4. Casting off the evil-eye using a coconut, followedby breaking the coconut in aHanuman temple or offering itto fire : Despite performing theabove-mentioned remedies, ifthe harmful effects of vashikarancontinue and if the girl’s abnormalbehaviour and craving for theJihadi who has affected thevashikaran continues, then theevil-eye should be cast off usinga coconut. Casting off the evil-eye eliminates the distress dueto karni. The affected girl shouldbe asked to sit on a wooden seatfacing the east. A shelled coconutwith a tuft should be used. The

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individual casting off the evil-eyeshould hold the coconut in hishands with the tuft facing the girland pray thus - ‘O Hanumanji !Please draw all the distressingvibrations affecting the girl thatare inside and outside her bodyinto this coconut and destroythem completely’. The coconutshould be moved around thebody of the girl thrice, startingfrom her feet and proceedingtowards her head and back to thefeet clockwise. Then, theindividual casting off the evil-eyeshould circumambulate the girlthrice holding the coconut in amanner that the tip is alwaystowards the girl. Subsequently,the coconut should be broken ina Hanuman temple or offered tofire. While doing so, hail thus -‘Victory to Hanumanji’. (Even ifthe girl who is trapped in ‘LoveJihad’ has not returned, theharmful effects of vashikaran orkarni can be eliminated by

casting off the evil-eye using aphotograph of the girl.)

12 E 5. Asking the girl tobathe in salt water : Af terperforming the remedies ofutara or casting off the evil-eyewith a coconut, the girl shouldbe asked to bathe with abucketful of water in which afistful of rock-salt has beendissolved.

12 E 6. Asking the girl tochant the Name or reciting theMaruti stotra (Spiritual versesin Marathi in praise ofHanuman) or Hanuman chalisa(40 spiritual verses in Hindi inpraise of Hanumanji) : To ensurethat vashikaran or karni do notrecur, the girl should be asked topray to God and chant the Nameof her Family Deity or Deity ofworship for an hour. She shouldbe asked to recite Maruti stotra orHanuman chalisa once. She

Regulation Act, 1886 andamended in 1947 to save the landbelonging to tribal people from thesystematic occupation by non–tribals and suspectedBangladeshis. The demonstrationwas brought out in Kokrajhar atthe behest of Janajati SurakshaMonch (JSM) where the leadersand activists of Senior TribalCitizens’ Society, Dularai BathouAfat and Tribal Sangha took part.They also submittedmemorandum to Kokrajhar DCurging him to take effectivemeasure for implementation ofthe protective provision of chapterX of the Assam Land and RevenueRegulation.

The chairman of newly floated

Tribal leaders call on Union Ministers...

should be asked to perform thisworship every day.

12 E 7. Residing for sometime in a place of pilgrimagesuch as Ganagapur , where theDeity is in an awakened stateor in the Ashram of a Saint. Theremedies mentioned above willcertainly restore the originalstate of the girl affected byvashikaran.

13. Abduction

‘For targeting Hindu girls, notjust weapon of love but force isalso used if required. Jihadis frommetro cities like Delhi andHyderabad abduct 15,000 Hindugirls every year. From this, aconclusion can be drawn aboutthe real number of victims in theentire country.’



(Contd. from Page 16)

All Assam Bodo People’sConfederation (AABPC) andformer MP SK Bwiswmuthiaryrecently said a delegation of theconfederation would move to NewDelhi soon to meet Prime MinisterNarendra Modi, Union HomeMinister Rajnath Singh and otherCentral Ministers to urge them totake steps for bringing about alasting and amicable politicalsolution to the long–pendingissues like the question ofcreation of separate state ofBodoland, granting of grandautonomous councils to the Bodotribal people living outside BTCand Dima Hasao AutonomousCouncil, inclusion of Bodo Kachariliving in Karbi Anglong and NC

Hills districts in the list of ST (Hills)as per clause 8 of BTC accordsigned in 2003.

He said the confederationwould also pressurize the NDAgovernment for granting ofpermanent land pattas to theindigenous tribal people,restoration of illegally encroachedland of the tribal people,enforcement of ST reserve quotain the State government servicesand in admission in to variouseducational institutions from thepresent quota of 10 per cent to 20per cent, maintenance of reservequota in promotion in services ofthe ST (P) and maintenance oflaw and order in the BTC region.

(The Sentinel - 16.07.2014)

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The Spiritual Retreatprogramme concluded at GoldenPagoda,Tengapani districtNamsai of Arunachal Pradesh on24th August 2014. Theprogramme was organised byJanjati Faith & Culture ProtectionForum. While delivering hisblessings for the audienceRevered Pragya Sara, Delhiexpressed, “for universal peaceand harmony, tolerance and nonviolence are the most essentialvalues which we Indians have inheritage and every community ofthis earth has to inculcate it”.

Chief Guest of the Valedictoryfunction Shri Chawna Mein,Minister Veterinary & AnimalHusbandry, Agriculture, Dairy ofArunachal Pradesh stressed onthe importance of spiritualeducation for strengthening vitalvalues of tolerance and nonviolence. “We the people ofnortheast are sentinel of easternborder of our motherland, we areIndians and all the countrymenshould recognise this fact. Wehave to develop institutes for suchspiritual, philosophical guidanceand its documentation.” He saidfurther that he is very muchimpressed with the newlymodified system of worship in Tanibelt like weekly prayer hallsnamely Nyedar Namlo, MedarNello, Ganggiing etc.

Main speaker of the sessionShri Sureshji Soni, Delhi ventilatedhis thoughts and said, “Diversityis plan of nature which is widelyaccepted in all Janjati faith andbeliefs. Denying this beautifuldiversity is denying the will ofGod. Janjati communities don’t

Spiritiual Retreat Programme Concluded- Latsam Khimun

have any religion; it is a mythwhich is intentionally propagatedby western thinkers. This seminarproved that the myth is absurd”.He emphasised the necessity ofmodernisation with retaining moralvalues. He depicted theresolutions of the world summitof 127 countries at Rio di Generioin 1992; it discussed and resolvedon ‘Sustainable and equitabledevelopment, Peace andprotection of environment’. Buteven after 21 years, the world isfacing huge and ever increasinggap between rich and poor, globalterrorism instead of peace anddestruction of natural resourcesin place of protection ofenvironment. Now, the scholarsare rethinking saying that thewhole universe is inter related andthey analyse that root cause islimitless greed of human being.Therefore, if we want sustainabledevelopment, sustainableconsumption is must. Thewestern thought ‘earth for thepleasures of human beingonly’, has to be changed andworld should recite the hymnof Indian thought “SarveBhavantu Sukhinah (may allthe beings be happy),Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam(whole world is one family),Sarvam Khaluidam Brahma (tosee divinity in each and everything).” He also stressed on todevelop the oral tradition oftribal communities of NorthEast into written form as it hasthe treasure to save thisbeautiful mother earth fromdestruction.

While explaining the objectivesof the programme Shri L Khimun,convenor said, “We areassembled here to discussphilosophical aspects of ourfaiths. Af ter thread barediscussion on various topicslike concept of God, nature,man, Dharma and culture werealise that basics of ourphilosophy are same and varyonly in interpretations. Ourfaith teaches us to remainsynchronised with nature andachieve perfect evolution. Wealso understood that we haveour own religion and culture,we have to protect, promoteand practise it”.

The prominent personalitieslike Shri Y D Thongchi, Shri TabinKarlo, Shri Gyatio Rana, ShriAmoso Khamlai of Arunachal ShriRatneswar Deori, Shri LunseTimung, Shri Jaleswar Brahma,Smti Pratibha Brahma of AssamShri R Sungho, Smti Mira Dakhar,Shri Arnab Hajong of MeghalayaDr Lozhoho of Nagaland, PuRorerliana of Mizoram were theresource persons of the seminar.Total 119 delegates representing33 tribal communities of NorthEast participated in the seminar.

In the presidential speech ShriB B Jamatiya, President of JanjatiFaith & Culture Protection Forumappealed the delegates to protecttraditional faith and culture whichis based on truth for the sake ofhumanity. Shri Jaleswar Brahma,General Secretary of the forumgave vote of thanks to all.Programme ended by Donypoloprayer presented by Dadumjonavillagers.

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Guwahati, August 17: Smokestill bellows out of the embers ofthe razed houses at Yampha in BSector of Golaghat district. Almostall the hard–earned belongings ofthe Adivashi villagers have beengutted in the raids by maraudingNaga miscreants that have takenover eleven lives so far.

“It was on Tuesday morning.They (armed Naga miscreants)barged into our village and raidedthe houses one after the other.Some of the villagers fledinstantly. Those who were insidethe houses were assaulted andbeaten up. They even fired shotsand bombs,” recalls Vikram Ekka,who is now taking shelter at a reliefcamp at Uriamghat.

“They looted all our belongings,including our savings. We havelost everything,” he says indespair.

“Surprisingly, they left some ofthe families unharmed… theMiyas… They migrated here fromplaces like Nagaon and Dhubri.These people also work for them(Nagas) in their fields,” Ekka said.

A police officer who led a patrolteam to Yampha noticed thatwhile almost the entire village wasravaged by the Nagas, somehouses were ostensibly leftunharmed and the migrantsunscathed.

“In fact, though all the Adivashivillagers ran for their lives in thewake of the rampage, the familiesof the immigrants are still living intheir houses and going about theirregular chores without anytrepidation whatsoever, as if

Design in Mayhem: The Making of a Mini–BangladeshArmed Naga miscreants leave unharmed suspected Bangladeshi migrants, whom they will

need later as cheap labour after gaining control over the disputed land

nothing has happened,” theofficer said in a tone of surprise.“Only a few immigrants whosehouses were inadvertently set onfire, are now taking shelter in therelief camps at Uriamghat.”

The design is clear. TheAdivashi settlers own the lands,not the migrants.

“Perhaps, the motive of theNagas is to gain control of the landfrom the hands of Adivashis. Theyleft the migrants unharmed,because they will need them to tilland cultivate the lands and forother such laborious jobs,” saidan official of an intelligenceagency who is observing thesituation.

This pattern has now becomecommon throughout the A, B andC Sectors of the inter–stateborder with Nagaland.

The population of il legalmigrants has been rapidlyincreasing in the A and C Sectorof the border, where they arecultivating the fields for theNagas.

The B Sector has around 171villages, of which around 110belong to people from Assam. Thepopulation ratio of Assamese andNagas is 50,000:25,000. Of late,the population of the illegalmigrants is also said to beincreasing in this Sector,especially in places like Nokhuti.

Not far from there, thecommercial hub of Dimapur isestimated to have severalthousand of Bangladeshis andhas become a den of illegalmigrants. These illegal migrants

constitute the leading labour forcein the agriculture sector owned bythe Naga community. The majorityof rickshaw–pullers, auto–driversand other manual labourersbelong to the Bangladesh–originMuslim community.

The State population ofNagaland as per the 2001 censushad shown a decadal jump from56.08 per cent in 1981–1991 to64.41 per cent between 1991 and2001. The decadal growths werehighest in the country.

The decadal growth rate ofDimapur was further high.Between 1981 and 1991, thepopulation grew by 67.53 per cent.In the next decade, the growthwas 57.35 per cent.

The Bangladeshi immigrantsoften marry local tribal girls tosecure social sanction for theirstay in the State. Thisintermingling has in fact given riseto a new community calledSemiyas – resulting from thematrimony between a Sema anda Miya.

It is said that on any Muslimreligious holiday, more than halfof the shops in Kohima and some75 per cent in Dimapur remainclosed. The control over thebusiness establishments is fastgoing out of the hands of the localtribals.

According to a surveyconducted some time back, 71.73per cent of the total businessestablishments in the State arebeing controlled and run by non–locals. Out of the 23,777 numbersof shops in the State, the localpeople own only 6,722 shops.

(The Sentinel 18.08.2014)

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National Seminar on the occasion of the Birth Centenary Celebration ofRani Ma Gaidinliu at Guwahati on the 24 th & 25 th November 2014

As a part of the Birth Centenary Celebration of National freedom fighter Padmabhushan Rani MaGaidinliu, a Two-day long National Seminar is going to be organized jointly by the National Committee forBirth Centenary Celebration of Rani Ma Gaidinliu and Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Samiti, Assam incollaboration with Cotton College, Guwahati on 24th and 25 th November , 2014 in Cotton College premises.The theme of the Seminar is Freedom Struggle of North – East Bharat against the British (from1828 to 1947) with S pecial Reference to Rani Ma Gaidinliu . Academicians from various departmentsor any interested person may attend the Seminar and present paper on any of the following sub- themes:

(a) Struggles against the British by the Khasi, Jayantia and Garo Community.(b) Struggles against the British by the Manipuri Community(c) Struggles against the British by the Naga Community(d) Struggles against the British by the Arunachalies (Adi, Aka, Daphala, Michmi etc.)(e) Struggles against the British by the people of the Brahmaputra Valley and Barak Valley(f) Struggles against the British by the Mizo Community(g) Struggles against the British by the Tripuries(h) Role of Women in Indian Freedom Struggle with Special Reference to Rani Ma Gaidinliu(i) Any other topic related to the main theme.

The abstract of the papers ( not more than 500 words), duly typed in A4 size paper should reach theorganizers on or before 30th September ,2014 either through post or through email, and the full paper(within 3000 words) should reach the organizers on or before 31st October , 2014, through sameprocess. The papers should be sent along with the CD. The papers can be written either in Assamese orin Bengali or in Hindi or in English. Selected papers will be published in due course. The Registration feeis Rs 500/- (Five hundred) only. The paper presenters while writing their papers are requested toemphasize on Indian Nationalism & Indian Heritage and Culture. Research papers should be send to co-ordinator of the seminar Dr. Sudeshna Bhattacharjya, Associate professor, Dept. of Sanskrit, GauhatiUniversity, Jalukbari, Guwahati -781014 (Mob. No. 9435102228) or Joint coordinator Shri Hemanta DhingMazumdar, Organising Secretary, N.E. States, Akhil Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Yojana, Keshab Dham, K.B. Road, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati - 781008 (Mob. No. 9435043359) or Joint co-ordinator Dr. ParamitaDey, Dept. of Political science, Cotton College, Pan Bazar, Guwahati -781001. The same can be sentthrough email to [email protected] or [email protected]

not so much because the outfit shares any ideology with them as it is because of the common denominatorcalled ‘‘India is our enemy’’ that characterizes them. The Maoists are not secessionist, while most of theNortheast militant groups are so — the former want to topple the Union government in the next two–threedecades and wield power from Delhi, while the latter want to separate from the country as they believethey have the right to the sovereignty as defined by their ‘‘unique histories’’.

The fact of the matter is that violence in the Northeast has stemmed primarily from lack of developmentand a sense of alienation among its people from the so–called mainland, and it is this lack of developmentand sense of alienation, still persisting, which the CPI (Maoist) is trying to exploit in order to expand itscorridor of influence. The alarming rate of unemployment in the region is one of the chief reasons behindmilitant groups, including the CPI (Maoist), finding it so easy to add to their rank and file. The mosteffective way to counter the above problem is, therefore, development — which is a function of politicalwill, including the will to fight the canker of corruption, responsible for underdevelopment in most of thecases. (The Sentinel. 19.08.2014)

(Contd. from Page 15)Fact of the Matter ...

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