art of contended Living and happiness

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How to cope up with recessionFew Tips to make life easy and cope with difficulties

These are drawn from sayings of great people and not created by me

3 simple steps Simplify-life style Clarify- life's values Purify-the mind

When we simplify we attain the gift of being able to give of ourselves more, as well as gaining the time to do it.

The Philosophy of Voluntary Simplitudes

material things must be put into their proper place. they are there for use. all right to use them; but when they have oulived their usefullness, be ready to reliquish them and perhaps pass them on to someone who does need them.

anything that you cannot reliquish when it has outlived its usefullness possesses you, and in this materialistic age a great many of us are possessed by our possessions. we are not free! from steps toward inner peace

Simplification is a choice that can only bring good to our life. When we choose to simplify all aspects of our lives we soon begin to live with purpose and truth. The realness of our lives appears and not only can we get on with doing what is really important but receive answers on what we are truly meant to do.

When you simplify you are in a sense purifying, which in turn leads to clarity.

You are suddenly free from negative thought patterns, habits and unnecessary rituals, which consume your time and money.

Simplicity will not only affect us as a whole individual but our spiritual, environmental, and financial areas as well.

Once we have brought your living to your own basic need level we can begin our journey.

What Is Simple Living? Simple living aka voluntary simplicity has just about as many definitions as there are individuals who practice it. Simple living is not about living in poverty or self-inflicted deprivation. Rather, it is about living an examined life one in which you have determined what is important, or "enough," for you, discarding the rest. "Living in a way that is outwardly
simple and inwardly rich." Duane Elgin

Simplicity means taking charge of a life that is too busy, too stressed, and too fragmented. An uncluttered simplicity means cutting back on trivial distractions, both material and non-material, and focusing on the essentials -- whatever those may be for each of our unique lives. As Thoreau said, "Our life is frittered away by detail... Simplify, simplify." Or, as Plato wrote, "In order to seek one's own direction, one must simplify the mechanics of ordinary, everyday life."

Does Money Own You? There's A Big Difference Between "Making A Living" And Making A Life. Do you spend more than you earn? Does making a living feel more like making a dying? Do you dislike your job but can't afford to leave it? Is money fragmenting your time, your relationship with family and friends?

Do you have enough money? Are you spending enough time with your family and friends? Do you come home from your job full of life? Do you have time to participate in things you believe are worthwhile? If you were laid off from your job, would you see it as an opportunity? Are you satisfied with the contribution you have made to the world? Are you at peace with money? Does your job reflect your values? Do you have enough savings to see you through six months of normal living expenses? Is your life whole? Do all the pieces -- your job, your expenditures, your relationships, your values -- fit together?

Here are some of the methods of thinning out the Vasanas (desires). (1) Self-denial: Curtail all unnecessary wants, activities and mixing. Too much of contacts with friends and promiscuous mixing stimulate the old habits, previous Samskaras (latent impressions). Hence worldly contacts should be reduced as far as possible. Exert a little pure will. Deny then and there and say, No, I dont want it, since it is not going to help my spiritual well-being. Seek the counsel from the pure intellect and it will give you sure protection at the required moment. Slowly you will develop an attitude of looking at sense-objects as poison and delusive, a clever entrapment of Maya and then you will naturally deny them for your spiritual welfare.

(2) Vigilance: The past Samskaras are like dormant forces and coiled-up potential energies which sometimes assume violent forms and produce tremendous agitation in the mind, totally confuse and bewilder it and make it assume the very forms of desires. This is called Vishayakara Vritti. So vigilance must be resorted to. No amount of leniency should be given to the mind.

3) Non-cooperation: All the senses must be withdrawn slowly from their respective centres of pleasure. If you go on denying all the desires, then they will die a natural death. So continue this incessant process of dynamic self-denial and become a conqueror of all desires. Thus having washed clean the mind of all Vasanas, the aspirant ultimately rejoices and sports in the pure consciousness, bliss and self-delight of Atmic awareness. --Sri Swami Chidananda DIVINE LIFE SOCIETY

Don't struggle so much,best things happen when not expected.