ARIZONA WEEKLY CITIZEN. VOL XVIII. WEEKLY CITIZEN. SATURDAY, JULY 7, 18S8 Tte Citizen PriiiUns & Pnlsliine Co II K IS It K KT UK O TV -- , General Manager. 1 r Ydr i Hen Ui? lum Months . ADTEETISIXa BATES: O.oSqunrn, tint insertion 200 126 tekxs roa the cult: Ir-- yr J10 mths Month Per Week OFFICE So. 19, 81 S3 Church Street. .t 3 OJ 2 00 ft) ii 00 K M 5 00 P.- - 1 W : Jt .. 1 .. t CLEVELAND'S ST A ITS TO THE TVEST-EB- S STATES ON" SILVER. Interviews are being publisned aad assertions are being made by the Demo cratie press to the effect that Grover Cleveland wi"l defeat Harrison m tbt West. To read these fallacious state- ments, an uninformed person wonld b. lead to believe that Cleveland stood to California as the Kmc Bee in a Chines Joss House does to onr almond-eye- d servitors. To assert that the adminis- tration of Cleveland has Riven eatisfao lion to the silver states of the west, is sublimity of c'atm that is creditable even to Democrats, and ought to maks them fall to,andhng themselves, thank- ing their lucky stars for their absoln'i unrpation of that unflinching stock in trade, deiznted as cheek, er Cleveland had scarcely warmer" timself in the White House, ntd filled ti3 ' opacious premises with the wir.i sad honey that flows within, when h sad his Secretary of the Treasury, thi late Daniel Manning, came boldly to tin front as gold ba.s. in the interest o' the bondholders and moneyed men of the east. It ia true that CleveUrd tem- porarily posad ac an advocate cf silve . to the ex ent o! send ng an tmintary abroad, in the person of Manton Marble, to make an arrangement as was alleged by which silver should once more ia its old place ia the fisca' realm.and this was to be accomplish? d b arranging so tha. themints of the worlr Bliould be again opened to the coinam of silver, as they had ever heretofore been from their inception. The mar who was selected to perform this gigon-ti- o task. Mmton Marble, was not a man who believed thit si tit was a suitable mstal for money purposes. He was oni of the moet pronounced enemies of sil ver, be did not believe in its use here or elsewhere, Was he a proper agent for the President to send abroad to ac- complish a great improvement in mone- tary affairs with his prejudices, and biased opinions? Is it for a moment to be believed that if the President wos really desirous of accomplishing the monetization of silver throughout th world, he would select as his medium the worst enemy silver had, as be cer- tainly did in the person of Manton Mar- ble? No, it was one of the President's bluffs, for which he has beoomo cele- brated, it was a piece off of the same stuff whence comes civil service and etc. Manning was pronounced agBiost silver, alleging Up and tbt it hd fallen in relative value to gold because it wn too plentiful. It is true that silver will not purchase as muoh gold as in 1873. but it will buy more wheat, corn, londF ships and manufactures to day than wheu it was interchangeable 15 oza. of silver There has bei n to one ounse of gold. no appreciable fall in silver, but a di vergance between silver and gold. Tbu has not been brought about by an over- production of silver, as Cleveland an Manning asserted, but by a disorimin ntion asa:nst silver by its demonetize tion, and by the large use of gold ii countries form rly using paper. Now had Cleveland and Manning worked as honestly for a more satisfactory state ot affairs, in the coinage of pilver it Europe as they did to discard silver, they might have been appreciated in th silver-producin- g states of the weft, bu tor them to tnke tber ground of on over production of thi? precious meUl, i the light of tho faot that tbr production of silver varies from 90, 5100000,000 per annum, of 000 000 to which it is cetimated from 35,000,000 to ?40 000,000 is used for the arts, tableware and ornament", leaving an annual pro- duction of $00,000 000. much of which disappears iu Icdia, China and Turkey, and never appears again iu the hands ot civilization. But 'et us take it for emot- ed that 560.000,000 is coined annuallj for money purposes throughout the world, its effect on the 53.500.000.000 said to be a close estimate of the woild's sil ver, is like the effect of a rivulet on tbt ooean soarcely a ripple is perceptible by its addition. It is true that the hos- tile attitude of the present administra- tion towards silver, is not dissimilar tc that of some Republican administra- tions, but why Cleveland's friends should claim that he has captured the Pacific Coa9t in the coming election, is bard to understand. Certainly it ii not bin silver record, which would damn bis ad- ministration in states much le6S inter- acted in the absorbing topic of silver than California, Nevada. Oregon, and Colorado. What protection if to the industries of the country, the general monetization of silver is to the entire went, and tho people living in regions rioh in mineral deposits will be pretty positive in November when they go to the polls. Thy wi"l go there to vote for a better silver administration than Cleveland's. Da. Tagoebt, of Yuma, had on exhi- bition at the depot of that place, on Batnrday last, several very large bunch-- h of ripe grapes, grown :u ais vineyard. He stated that grnppe tad been in fine marketable oondition for tbt two previ- ous weeks, Yuma, notwithstanding what may be said to the c ntr ary by ber competitors, can enter .the market with ripe fruits all the way ffxm ten days to two weeks earlier than r?Py other point in the United States, After this country shall have tjbsorbed our Eosthern neighbor then tnfl than only ill Yuma lose this enviable Utinolion The plank in the Republican platform for home rule in the territories is vast ly superior to the democratic resolution for home rule. Bfter the democratio con vention failed to make it part and par eel of the democratio platform. The f bo is apparent that Cleveland's four years in the White House has taught him a little something. During his novitiate he thought he wanted many things that ho found exceedingly inoonvenientwhsa plaoed at his disposal He wanted oivil service reform and wanted it bad, the Republicans extended all the aid in th?ir power in order that be might hava civil Eorvioe, but after making three or four ridiculous attempts in connection with it he found it an elspbant on hi hands Bnd in spite of his earnest assu- rances to the oivil servioe reformers, he thrust the whole thing from him and showed bis real disposition in the matter He bad no further use for civil service. Axoopt as a decoy to oatoh Toters for hi aggrandizement, Then he amused himself with an idea thBt he wanted his iffloe holders to refrain from offensive jrtisanehip, This he was really in earnest about f t a couple of month1, and bo turned two prominent office hold ers out of office for meddling with poli- tical affairs, One of the ejected offleisle as a Republican, and one was a Dt m rat, After his counsellors had convinc ed him that he would not be able In dictate the personal oocdnct of his offi- cials, he reinstated the ejected Democra oat his outraged conecii noe would no' dmit ot the reinstatement ot the Ra- - oublican. The reason was culpable. one tbs working for him, and the other pre-- tumtbly against him, Like a boy witl i new toy, be soon tired altogether of he non partisan hobby, and told bit. henoanien to wade in, and he would dis- turb them no more, and the work that has been done during the last three sontbs, shows oonclnsively, bo wreadily they appreciated that he meant t?hm he said. Then his pet theory for vhile was that he would not have i second term. This idea probibl -- iginated from b mometary desire tr lo hh duty, and he conceived he coulr ny do bis full duty by laying aide at aipirations tor o second term. Thi' lasted an exceedingly short time, nnr ais thirst for nnother term became gr"H ie was willing, aye. anxious to do any- - hingto accomplish another nomination, ind every effort was directed to tha' )id. He thus deceived himself until lis administration became a chapter o inconsistencies, and was a subject of "neral remark to people of all parties, out he was learning something by all the time. He had dreamt ot home rule in the Territories as a good feature, under the Democratic platform of '81, but it was only a dream. and the reality was never experienced, bat nevertheless be oonoeived that Ter- - -- Morial homo rule wanld bo disagreea ble to him. It wonld limit his power to make gigantio mistakes, and commit uopardonablo wrongs. He conld not end as the political scum, that wts conroo of annoyance to him. Without ha Territories he bad no political ewer, and ho had learned just enough luring bis presidential career to appre ciate the tact that there must be an out-- 1 it for the rag, tag snd bobtail of the Damocratio party, hence no home rn! jlank in the Democratic platform, I as no oversight on Cleveland's part, i was intentional. In the spirit of patriot m he wanted a further opportunity tc inflict more Zulicka on us. He wanted i convenient asylum for the politician' of mushroom growth, for the antiquated fossils, that peBter tho life out of President, and the helpless condition ff he Territories reeommended them to ais narrow mind as affording the desira- bilities requisite for his foundling asy- lum. The DamoorBts might as well un- - larstand that the omission of a hom rile plank was with malaoo afore thought, Cleveland's nightmares over the con- - tion of affairs in Now York must br iiihtf nl. Harrison's and Morton a pop- - rity. coupled with the New Yorker- - (.trust of him. and his free trade pla - 'orm, is enough to drive nway sound leen and peaceful fancies. Then again he Demoorata in their spirit of enthu i&sm over Thurman s bandanna arr liable at uny minute to insist on his varmg one for a necktie, and the very bought of getting one around bis 23 nek is suestivo ot straneuliti n. altogetb t tbe Czar's lot ii not a mere uaa.ii! one tban our own Cleveland's. Haii. to the Chief will nevr ba played by a brass band, under be demncratio bandanna. The bass viol might bring forth a couple nasal jotes, but even they would die with rsnvy, in tho presence of the august mnsio made by the Democratio nominee for t, when he has anv use for the baudanna, and that is all the use Thurman has ever had for it, It was left to the peculiar genius ot the Demo-crati- c party to discover its further use and to tho great unwashed is duo its transformation trom the nose, to the Democratio flag stsff. The free trade policy has been aban- doned by the Island ot Tahiti acd a protection duty of fifty per cent placed on all goods shipped from English and Amerioan ports. Free trado will, when fairly tried, bring the smallest as well as the largest ot nations into the ranks of the protectionists. To proteot home industry against foreign competition is the duty of all Amerioan loving citizens. TnE milk of human kindness floWH freely through the breasts of the good people of El Paso. Their contributions to the sufferers by the recent disastrous floods in states of Mexico by which ao many people were rendered homeless and destitute, have been large and gen- erous. The removal of General Sheridan to ., : . otmnrr reminder ot the ine BBBSIUO ia " d.. last trip ot the lamented Garfield. The people's beat ffishog awompwiief lie brave eeldior, TUCSON, PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, SATLRDAY JULY 7 1888. Tna recent disastrous fire at Hoi brook entails a loss of about 8100,000 with but a nominial amount covered by insuranoe. The worst feature of the af fair is that the loss falls upon many bat uttlo able to bearit.5 The Prospector of the 80(h nit. in an article discussing printer's wages in tbe territory, erroneously states that the Tuoson offices pay but 25 cents per thousand ems. The Citizen pays its journeymen printers 40 cents and not 25 oents as stated. And further the OmzKf takes pleasure In atating that although a. non-Unio- n ofllci it pays as high wages as paid by the Union's offices with tbe notable exception of the Jour nal-Mi-ner whioh olaima to pay SOcentr, and it farther takes pleasure in saying that it pays its employees, not on jaw bone, but cash. Oa Saturday, tbe Crt- - xzxk's pay-da- y, it owes soman a dime. We sinoeroly trust that all the Union offices throughout the territory can say th same, bnt we tear not, UxTOi the blood is cleansed of tmpu ritios, it ia useless to attempt tbe cure ot any disease. Rhenmatir m, whioh is traceable to an acid in the blr-n- ha been cured in numerous ea-e- s by th use ot Ay era Sarsapanlla, external treatment being ot no avtil. Thctr feet a lt-ini- ro war in this llttbj ple. I foand. of betrothing tie girls to tho young men befors tho Utter Uajc tho town. As Ttuy fow of thea aro ablo to either rad or write. Icair rtsra pus br without a word from tho lovor or reosa retching the patient girl at homo It Is not a rao thing to meet hero yoosg eon pleo who wtsro engaged for ton. twtlrr or 8Ta nftoen years boforo fortnno wis aufileienUy farorablo to allow them to marry Ono cnnot tooa got rich on thirty eenta a day. and that is tho wages of a man la Capri TLU Is. pcrLics. tho reason why co many men learnt he ulond. leaving tho women at homo to t&ko ciro of tho ineyardo and oliro grove. it la a very tricturr&qae acene. tbeie women with tnelr gar costumes, rich com plexions. brigkt. fluViing oyn. at work In the fields, or leading their flocks of coats up tha mountain side to pasters. Their tvz ars always bar, and beoomo so hard that it U simply wonderful what they can ndcre They will walk over the road covered with sharp, flinty stons. climb the ruggod mountain ndei. and bo quit as eoafortable as If walking cn the soft ut carpet In fact, fcr hardness, their root reoemble tnosa or tno western rtri. who. when told by bar motnor that there was a red hot coal under her foot, drawled out. without raoring aa lack. "Which foot Is It under. minmrT" Yet the feet of these women are br ao means mis shapen, but, oa the contrary, are perfect models or an artist. Woaiaa. ContoDU af a Tf enu'i Handbag- - "What do you carry In that barf said the big man to the basinets woman, pointing to tbe tittle black handbag &st Is ber Inseparable companion. "r-- u shun ;." m&J aaa xlima a& took out two hsadkerchiefs. one for djm and one for show, a lead pencil with to point broken, a stick or gum. nasnswed. a lump of gnat, chewed; Oeorgo WUlUat Curtis' editorial oa Haiti r- - Arnold's death, out out of Harper's W &kly; three keys that don't fit anything In particular, on latch key that does fit. a Bond street library card, three Daly's theatre see.t conpons, a tiny box of face powder, three oapanlas of quinine, five visiting cards, seven letters, five of them from one man. spring suits cut out of the Sunday psper. a season ticket to ths American Art asso- ciation's prizo exhibition, aa unposted letter to ber mother, three rubber (unds. three portal cards, a shoe buttousr dan tist's appointment card, four hairpins, aa unpolished mots agate, coral brtxich with the pin broken off. half a mustard leaf, a of paper with quotations from Mas Avatsky on theoiepUy written on it. a sample of yellow ribbon to be raatched, a card photograph of another girl aud a purse containing one three cent piece and s ncstage stamp. Now fork Graphic. Th Sioallpax im Max!. There Is one peculiarity about tbe Mex- ican people which I do not raeoUect ever having seen bo print, and that la their Ot- ter disregard of the dUeas eo dreaded by sno-lre- ns smallpnT I have bees la Duraago several years, aad It Is quit common there to see children In au ad vanced stage of the disease playing on the streets with perfectly baslthV children. To say that I was sstounded but tsiatly expresses my feelings when I first west to that country, but 1 eoou learned that the dlseaso was considered au eaperial dispensation of Providence for the el can-al- e g sway of the wickedness of huzsaalty. and those who pass throcgh it are consid- ered as among the purified. Smallpox Is not nearly so rlroUct ia Mexico as we bar It In this oouatry. and there Is no such a thing as v aa illation thought of by native Msxicsas. I could nsTcr find any vaccina virus there, sad had to send to tbe Ststes for It Ameri cans take tho precaution of vacdnsting. and I can call to mind but one fatal ceit outside of natives during ay star la ilex leo that one a younfr fjoglith oQcer who fell a victim to tbe disease a abort time after arriving In tho country If tLre la such a place as a pest bouM In Marino 1 aevw heard of It. Globe-Democra- t. J - Armour Packing C. Kassas Oitt, Mo., Feb, 9, 1688. JosFrn Dnan, Tucson, Ariz,: Dbaii 8ib: Desiring to quote you ia accordance with tbe amount ot your trade in the provision line, behave taken tbe liberty to place your name on oar Jobbora' List, and will for the coming eenson furnish you with Jobbers' pitoee -- Confidential.'' We believe priots quoted nd quality ot goods will secure us the bulk of your favors. Very truly, abhuCB Packtho Co. Col. Darr, tbe grandson ot bis most generous and respected grandmother, was made inexpressibly happy this morning by the arrival of aa fine a lot of Gilroy, California roll butter aa was ever turned out of that famous creamery. It is fresh, Bweot and choice. He baa also secured a fine lot ot Ar- mour's Kansas Oity pickle pork, with aour kraut to make the oouutry safe. This is a new article and has been spe- cially prepared for family nee,. Though never before introduced in this it is, wherever used, muoh relished, and will no doubt beoome a favored dish oa the tables of Tucson families. On account of the near approach of holidays, the Colonel's grandmother wrete to one of her friends on the other side ot the big fish pond, and the result is an invoice of Holland HernngCMelck- - iha 1R37 nark. They arrived ia nrime condition and are now waiting lo r . . u..1.11a M ran be eaten, a large ioi oi owwiir, w- - ..I .11 ma.kaklhlA deliaaOiefl were also received, The Colonel keeps every kind ot oheese made, no matter what it may ie, me una iur will be forthcoming. For Different sized safes for sale, o the (n.tallnent lan. both fire and oarglar proof, FM Mti8lMi U cfflflfi gales Sale, TELEGRAPH Washington, June 23. Mills contin- uing the dbbate ob the tariff bill aid the platform of th Republican party de- clared, in favor of tbe repent ot all In- ternal taxea and that is what he under- stood as being in favor ut treo whieky. The Republicans hnd for the first time takeu a positive step iu favor ot keeping taxes on the necessities and demuuding that the treasury be emptied by taking the tax off whisky. Eelley, ot Pennsplvania, said tho gen- tleman from Texas oould not deny ihai tbe Democrats in 1SS4 promued tobcecu and distilleries ot tbe south should be rrlieved (rem national eurveilance atid supervision. Reed, ot Maine, said tbe gentleman (rom Texas did not mean to be believed when he said the Republican party war for f rte whisky because tae genilca;i anew inere weald not bo enongn ilea ocrats left to mako up tbe eltctorui licxet in half ot the states ot tLe Doi-.i- . it tner believed bis atatement. LauKb- - ter. The position of tbe Kepu ItciL party on the sntj-o- t was too plain to b timed in lui ay, bat it Ibe Demo cratio party should ever oomnirnce without talsu atatement, itr-otr- fiiends wonld not know it. The report of tbe oommittee on pen- - tiocs upon eight pension hills veto--d ti President Cleveland whicb ccmmittts rooamend be parsed uotwitbeiandioy. diusses veto power and says einoe J! a 8, 18S6. 136 speoial acts granting pen- sions to individuals have been d Li h im proved of by the Pre-idcn- t. In mos- cases on the grounds that Congrtrs erred in iu judgment upon men tant. It is impossible, tbe oommitte- )i, for the Preiaent to r xim nt tb uridenoe in each ewe, nnd when be dis- agrees with Cong-es- s hia judgment mua cot be based upon thj report ot tu oommittee bat on that ot some suboroi otlo in tbe bureau of pensions, and thus his bureau wbi-s- action Oiovie-- s re- - vored. is eoabled by express direction ot the President to review tbe BCbon of CongietH, while tbe power nf tho tz-oati- ve to disapprove any legislative meaam exists it should not enorohcr awn the powers of olner departmtnis ot th- - goverment. Tho commitlco stv in its judgment the power o so n this exeoaiivo disapproval as to cbani;1 tha o'dinary methods of legislative ac- tion by a vole on proper sub jclt of Ieui-lnlio- rstel bucanse thi- - xeculive differn In m Uoccress on s IU- - cieocy of proof or expsndienoy ot rehec, doe not Baker s amendment was finally reject ed and tbe emm-tte- o rose. Mills presented committee Bmecd- - ments placing on the free list Germn looking classes and plates and striking out plum-- i aud prune. Adopted. Bynum, f Indiana, from toe on wars and mrans. moved to strike out pulp for paper makers. Adopted. Tbe oomm-.tte- e amendments auretd to striking from the freo list batters furs, linseed, flax se- - d and marble. All k nd nt plaster pari when ground was also ttroken from free list. Several other amendments were lost. Conference report on oontulate and diplomatin appropriation bill agreed to. Home adjourned, Hu FsAjrmnoo, 3aao 2S Oire-- r are being sent oat by a committee of ntizens to icnaenttal people tn all parts if the city, asking them to unite in n "ffort to reform the cit g- - von trentand assist In tbe "overthrow of bossism, and elevate to plaoes ot trust and hoaest and oompeient men." be circular asserts that national and statr politios will not be meddled with. Nooales, June 28. Under tn'trnc- - tion from President Diaz theM xicin officials ia every town or village in tbe Btate ot Sonora will beam collrotiog subscripti ns for tbo benefit cf stiff rers by tbe recent floods ia uiino exid Leon, Bklletce, Idaho, June 2S. Governor itevetison has Botitlnd the Department ot Interior that 300 Indians are csmoed in Juniper mountains, 30 mtlea from au- ra r City, killing cnttle and intimiditiog etilers, and neaad that they re com pelled to return and remain on tnoir res ervation. Wahikotok. Jane 23 After several amendmeniB to tbe rivrr and harbor bill had been adopted making appropriations for certain localities, tieoator Ed- munds said that hn bad eivan op tbe idea of persuading the msj irity in the senate (a udiiosh more wiso ana patriotio than be) that any item could be rejected that as supported earnctl by a member from thit locality. It wo useless perhaps for any one senator to resist the judgment ot the majority ot the senate in n gard to a bill wmoh no a tamed so large a percentae e ot things that ought not to be drne. Thr consid- eration ot tbe bill was half completed and it was then laid anide. Iho onfereacs report on dipl maiio and consular bill was agreed to. ine oniy poioi u-ti- said where tbe oonfert-nc- railed to agree was on tbe provision for soio it;flo rv.Bimtttee on Upref Congo Bsstn, to btoh tho bons was oppnsr-a- . aneim n, UnMrun nd Edmonds SDikii on he grcal importance ot such a command. Amend- ment to the army appropriation bill was then taken un, and amendments appro nnatinr 1600.000 tT torpedo experi menu wss ndopttd, and tbe other am- endments offered, inolnding one for ap- propriation of 85.000,000 for the purchas of steel for bigb power coast defenst tfuue, bat without aonon tnereon. Ane 8eaate tben adjourned, Nooales. Jane 23. Work began to-,t- ou new lice of railway to ran from Fairband on New o and Arizona railroad, branch o' the Fe tapi ing iho Southern Pso.flo at Bonson to Bis-b- ee whe'e tbe mines ot the Gnpo--r Queen Mining Company are iocted. ine diaiQDOO win oe bo' ih rj wum It i said the road will be built by iht-Om- Mioioir Company tbonas in all probability it will be operated by Santa re company. una. Ohio. June 23 The oom mittee ot notification, headed by Gen Collins, of Mas, and rlon. otepnen White, of California, called on Jndgr Tnurman this afternoon. Gen. Collins briefly stated ths object of their visit, acd introdnw-- Major Jaeob-o- f Louis- ville, who read tbe letter of notification, whicb in patt said, inaiispouiBeuurij and emphatichlly demanding his returr to that political arena which Thurman has graced with so much assiduous dig- nity and vigor. Democracy in this coun trr hftTft honored themselves by retriev ing their party from a charge of :nroti-tud- e. and that in November people i'l efface sucb taint irom ine nepuono o; iMiirtir him to oreside over tbe moet - .V- .- ti nnonat dsliDsratlvn oouy iu iuo muiiu. the Senate of the United States. Judge Thurman tendered his sincere ttinnVa tn tha committee and profound rofrn.i fnr the honor conferred. H said: "Oentlanien, with unMsned diff- l- denoe m my aoiiiT o ,uo Unna that lfni to my nomination, I feel it air dntr to accept and do all in my marked a dutinotton tk. MKnin ; hlanaed with an able and honist adminiatrotion or me general government. Applause. We have nruM.nt vin wisely, bravely, diligent yl and patriotically discharges the du- ties ot his high offlioe Applause I flrmU twltxre tbo beat interests ot the oouatry require hw and hope, I nay be able to contribute to bringing, ibont tola mult. Willi ibis stow? itud feeling I should labor for tbe reduo- - i u oi taxation and to put a atop to that uu.umi.on ,n De uea-ur- y which in y juogment is not only prejudicial ojcr unauoiai weirare, but is in uibu aegree danserrns to hnnu.1 ant constitutional rovernment, indno-- s mp to accent th position on yonr ticket. x reoeotion and grand oollitinn follow iu. rnotovrapbers then took iotureof the gathering. a gronp iMEw Ioiik. June 29 Mrs. LHian uammersirv wis marriml n lh TViWa 't Marl boron pb by Msyor Howitt at tho wy nun this afternoon. NEW YoHK. Jinn 'JO Tha imtl. oflr.i ed n dimilelo oaruer tn aruil n..fT- - id the Utfi hoar ot baKioirss at be CLff-- eichnuire nrirM rlr,nf..l - " "-- c . .tu a qasrier o nts p- -r pound. Opn ingat teelte and three-qasrt- -r cents t. -- Whtren cents bi-- J at noon and ni o fr- -( tonnd for sale. 1 he corner was contin- ued iu the a.fternoou Lu th brokers act- - ng tor IU bull homes fix-- d settling cricea at twent-on- o and twenty-on- e tod five huodfdtb8 oents per pound. h,ushlc8 oi two points. Washinotok, Jint 29. Senate nmnd uei.t to the ixn film aporopriaMnu bill, ippmiT-Hfink- " a mi. lion dollars for audi t'oocl force of lel'er whs con- - arred by the committee to-dh- ill other im 'odmenis io nd a conference will askid. rr JosEPa, Jnoo 29. Peter Broaok wis hanved iiere t"-d- ay for the murder of bis wife tbire eas ngo. New Bzcfoud, Moss.. Juoa 29 O n. iberidinVonldreu and mcuhira of hi taff, and, catiH to thii ci'y In p Of car nt ach-- d to tha reanlar rain to-da- v. and wre forwarded by enr-tC0- 3 lo Nnqaitt, here tbey will wait theGrorra'a arrtv I by steamer, tie will not Attempt to leive WusMrston boacvor, until ttf weather clears. LrTPViiiLB, Jn'-- e 29 -- Ia the eoure f lii- - sp cb ut the prest democratio T.eftine In t niffht, Hery WaltHron isi-- t that it tbe term of the repubiioitn la'form c iu'd b- - ctrri-- d on? m good would oulmiriHte in such a ulnt it home ma-k- et nod such coim. qnm os of emplovaent to American ouer- - as would fU'elr brinz the whole didci cf th prntective syaiem down upon its aaihors. Hp e id like the irttfionl ordionnce which wr. tiiteadi'd 'o preserve elsvsry, th repuh-ica- n rla'form was the first step tona'd hp complete overthrow of the easterns ys'em. NewYrk Janp29 A delsosfiin of tudeut- - f b Utlveri-i- - o O'foni '.'smbridgiDahlin,and U'.rinh,H Hand rnved here to-d- ay on te steompr Sn'ttanie. from Liverpool. Ibey csm-- o Into part in s coufetenrp on d if Corislian work and in Bible study, a of D. L. Mooty, Moc'v mkey fame, at Nfrtbflld, Miv Jrli lot. will also be in attendance tbout 40) from vriou bran- - abes ot the Young Men's Christian As sociation of AnicrioA. Waejiisoiok. June 29 Uouso to-d- ent into committee of tbe who p. Springer of Illinois in the chair, on tbe tariff bill. Dmley of Mi ine moved to "'nke trom tho free list raps, of what- ever material composed. Mo'ion lot. On motion of of A kn- - ia, psiotiDRStn oil or water cmo'O, sua atuary not otherwise provided for, were s tnoken from tbe free list. Wamh sotos. June 29 After some dobbte ilawlc)'e amendment tn rmy t- - propriation bill appropiltinir SCSLO.uXi Cor tbo constrnotirn if a beuvy ordi- - ance factory in NdW i rk. tbe mattei xr.s dropprd to adopt tb- - joint resoln- - lon recortrd by Allison eitrrdinc tte appropriation for tbe pre-e- it A.chI yeat for ih'rty days from Juue30, in the de partments for wbich appropriations bill.- - or the next year eubll no: have bcoiut aw. Hawley e amendment neoin lakes nr. So sroke earnestly ia support of it He said w .h an appropriation ot five mil- - ion dollars '270 goes could bo built and the Aoproprirtt'oa wnnld lat five or six ve a Stewi.rt rp xe ci ine untied 8t e bnia "good fit roc to to be (ducked by v-- ty bony, and referred tc alarm fel at Han Francisco a few years rtffo when trouble with Chi i was oppie- - ndfd. Cock-el- l. of Missouri, spoke sarcatn- - eai y nf the fears displaced by tbe se- n- tors from Unnnecttout and rtevada. tie persisted that tbe British nnd North merioans reg'efed the burning ot ine oaoitol at Wbthinelon in the war ot 1S12 Whn pressed by btewart of -- vndatosay whether or not he up proven ot the of tbe S m inn Is- land" by Garmaoy, C-c- ell rvponded that it was none of the s natoi bui-ne- ss want be tbongbt. The Anwicat. peop?e fear nobody. They wrshipM be shrine cf the everlasting Aimigmy Jehovd Ki,d not a tbe feet of nny si gle sower on eartb, or nil armbmtri. lilv about f rtiflcatiocs wa not inly womsc-l- y but ch lli-- h. The senator from N -- vada ned have no fetr Bbnnt foreicr Dowers ard a- - for Canula if ber forces crossed thc;barder io rotile arjy tvert foot oT thai country would oe un-er- iu Dower and jnriliot'on of the United States wi'hio s xty days. W.tbout vote un the bill the senate adjourned. 8k F Avoiflo Jnne 29. Goneral W Elliott aud sadJenly of hi-a-- t disene hia aft-rno- in thei-ffle- of the o-f- e and 1 rust Oompnuy of whrh institution he was nae-pte-ie- Gtn-er- al Elliott was a nat.veof P nnsrivacm and abent sixty-bv- e vea-- s ciee. lie enteted the Army from U a. alilitsr Acsdemr arul servrd ibroucu v e o.tx - can and 0vll wvs. In the Inter h Attained ibermkof B evc Mf.ior-Gene- - ral of vdno'eers. lie era ine rpgulsr services at tbe close of be war n't was plaoed on 'he retired lit Mar. 1879. being at that time colonel of third cavalry. Daoostt June2C TbP prelimi nary eihmmaiion of J. eph Sullivan is bMna htld here. Hp is chireeJ with the murder of f how Qmnc a Coin-m- ar and witn murder ore nnenocx whom he shot In the le at Hhsleit lajt WMnesdav. Sullivan had with Chinese laborers and kn- - eked oce seosplees with a pick handle acd then .ti.mntnl tn fttmanlt conductor an-- i en- - mnapr nf n fneffhl train on wnicu me others took refnge. WiRirrvoTos. June 23-S- sve ral amend msntfl tn the tar ff bill, Biiinnir oiaero, i,r Tini..naii of New lcrk. provtd ing tbnt whenever any of the articles in the free lit arp imrorted in i.t forpion registry toev sunn py rinliu innnaMl liV hCt of 1S3, WhB te-- jsoted; and one adopted placing primi tive dye used in oonun uuuiu.. .ea tha IfdJ 1IJ11 Ujx,tt u mw uu a aa f - . i:ti f...A t;,t rln uh e DOrilOD Ol U- - OUI i tl Jl" "uu s . - ensme in ra.e o Tbe clause pioviding autiss tKKicBenci jui u over Dincley of Maine m vea i" my a m Aanv in iirrria. I 1:1 l . a aaiy or uiireu ' T Adams of moved tostnke n t,A nlanaAS 11X102 rate Ol uuij i . - threw ivnm a douuu. nl .tt. m.a and house concarred in ... nf mnt resolution PXtending appropnaiions wrww ja snd took a recess oniuruwt aideration of pension bills. t, i t .Tnns 29 Geo. Helm .i .Atr driver, was found dradW;i.haV;mVry-laranumt.,,i- n . j - SSm- - toto He baa been drink Vlng bsafily ot late. Washisotos June 29 Tbe post office establ shed at Crown K'nir, Yovapai Oo. Ariz. Geo. P. H.trriciton postmastrr, and offic at Ash, Fork, sane couoty. will be discontinued fiom the tenth of July. Washisotos Jane A letter of the Secretary of Hie Tmriinpt vm to the bon Io-J- eadariloir theolmm nf Jo. H Cumibell.H. AI. Alexander and L. (1. tlh mhl fnr tnx trassi via rflaiaf. anU to Uniteo t States . Attorney in certain uiuruer iriaj in Arizoua, WAntNOT-'- June 30, General 8her- - Wai rdHiOtPd hnnoA ids 29. nwHtara aoonr ii ''clock this mornini'. n a dr a H I rum hta in Ihn Uo.Shorldan was carried f rr m bla bed om on a smell cot by five orderliaa WI.1 out placed in an ambnlence and So noon nnd hid t ids at me door where a sm-.l- l oroad fl lAAltrf ' 'ha IimKr. lnnn . ven tn the navy yard and followed by oarnnge iu wnicn wer airs nceridnn nnmflv (ion .Qhrtrln .nnr ir.n freely wiih the attendants while on hi- - i i , . war io ao jura hua appeared to be in excellent nnirila. Tti nit si. earria.t nr. tbe vessel by six ltra and placed io me oaptaio cabin. Liitiie time as los-whe- Castatn JicGowan curt. ordefH a net un ler wr.y. Tlie ateier sung out froc an wi tne dock and proceeded dosrn tbe Km. The S vatara sailed at 1:55 a m. Gen. rida'j w- - safrly aboard about noon. iTnMer trom bom- - w tha vedtel .1 au hur and w a see m .limbed alishlMt nr A. lut. The (jo eral rentioir well lt uiahl. lrfirn remnral pxnll.-- i Iv ant ahon fr.. vessl ateamed slowly away was in at least as pood eonilitlnn aa lufnra home. Washisot v JmeSO ThePresiden his iirued the I idiB'i auprooriation nili. rhti Ciocicnatii Exoosiiion cmmiitee Have been inform d br tha Preitden ha: nn coonnt of measure of bnsn el. hf nt -- rceot Its ii vitatton to Mien-- 4 the Exnnsition st a 'imp. He btt now on his bunds 130 bills that ranst tw examined and disposed of during the o imintr week. Ni-- I'lins-wic- June 30. Gener 1 obu B. MflnKifb, 0 lied Siatea Arm etired, died lust in this eilv of benrt uiseuce, aged CO. B ii...-- ! Jane 30. Georse Godfrey tbe cul- - rrd iimreliHf. has asceotsd the abs leoco nf J rk-- os of Aatrli-- . the colored chmpion, to fliht at San Fiat,. Jiscoin Anuast. GErriBBcna Jane 80. Wisoonsin de- - dlCnit.-- .tr seven mouumrnts y ot Oettjahurg battle Held A irreat i,um b--r of of Wnoooaiu regimen were io attendnnce. Tbt monm-nt- s ere fi rmalty presented to Guttrebur,-Ba'tlrfisl- d Memorial A'ociati-- bt Grneml Luciu Fairoail 1 and were aa- - wp'ed by Governor Beaver, ex oflioit oresidei tot the Aaaocintion. General Longjtra nf the Confederate Army war in a tendance.' Wasrji.NOTox. June 30 In considers- - Mon of tLe atiffbill in tbe houe tbi- - mo ning to increase the duty rn flax reed snd liode-e- d nil tromlOtolScentr per Bolton, vu agreed to. L: xd K. June 30. Proosrtr has been I'S'rovtd by fires at H.n.trill ana Umea Sweden VhIum) a 945,000,003. A Krover twe'v- - tboasa-.- d person ar. modred bomelesa. Kiog:tcr is viit- - oit tbt dtetriotsengaedia reliarinir tha wants of tbe aeffenrs. IttDZAMAFotiia Jaoe 30. & delegaiior. repiesrnticg the Ma.quette olnb at Cfci liro, railed oa Ueberal liirri'on this Attetnoon and presented resolution' tUJUt'riitulBtin' him un securing the dob itiBtiun and pledging their bune.t sffortr o elect bm d President o! the Uoiten oiates. In the a boJy t vete -- nn suldters ot tbe union, not represrni- - ok'aoj particular org.mzttion c all-- d ai be UeneraiV ras denoe to pay their rts- - jfO'B. la reply to an sddres of tbei tpokestaan, General rpokr one'l), thanking tbrm and saying there i- - no cUas whoe confidence and rexpec be more highly prized than th t of tb. old soldiers, the fist in ou w. s united nnd welded, satr he, ere too hot for the bond ever to b iroken. No army was ever assembled in the world's history that gathered from hicher impulses than tbe army ot tbe union. We wet.t not as pArtiao, ont or pa riots, into thi strife which in lvts tbe nttural life. It was as 8 res' o ns muster out. rsoruiiani as ao) vork which ta been dooe io the field When the wur was over the soldier wn not left at a tavero. every rnsn had ii some bomb! - pUoa a chair by somafl'e- - side wlere be was loved, and toward 4hich bis heart wr-n- t forward with t- - qu ck step and so this ure&t army tba inJ rallied tor tbe defense and preser VHtton of tbo country wai dL'bst.d o without tumult or not or Any pnhli lintcrbA'iCe- - It had covered tbe oouo ry with the mantle ot ita proteotior when it needed it aa tbe soow ot sprint covers tbe early and whe , be wnimsun of peace shne upon it it disappeared a tbe soow suck into tb PKrih to rfreh ard vivify the rummer growth. Tbey fonnd their horaea, tbej trricd tb-- ir brnios and lotell-- ct into til th- - t Usui's of reace t stimulate be land and lift iham up They dde hir grest imonl o tn tba great wate t prosperity which bss awspi ovr onr untrj ever since. (Applanse.) But in noluins wa inia war greater ioa id at we led a rice into freedom aoe bronvlit those whom we 'iid conquered n tbe strutrwle into the ful enjoymen' ot ci'iz-'n-bi- and sbarpo cm them thereponMbiliticB and lu irfi "f a restored government. (Ap- - jlntl-e.- ) Pan FBAycisoo. July 2 Telegraph! timm ioi Mion witn th east, ovtr ins lentrai mute oas ben temporarily out ffby a file atO-.rIin- , ev, The Itortb -- rn null oonmeru ikdmhuu oick' -- oaie.i sip also interrupted. L,o Anosxes. Jnlr 2 Elli colIes was almost d. et'oyed by fl-- e tb s morn- ing, ool) a smell portion ot thebuildinv heme stved. Tbe fire is supposed tc has hsen ranged oy a aerective nue. fhe bai'dinf cost twenty thoasano dollar, and c mtained farnitnre valaed ni tit thoustod. Nearly all tbo turni- - nre wa destroyed, lotal e. lXteen thou3acd dollars. tr.ontvnTos-- . Jnlv 2 By a strict narti vnte the boufe committee decided th- - Cali'ornia contesied eieetioD case oi Snllivan vs. Felton, in favor oi me con testant Sallivan, od will report a reso- - ntion unseating relton. the repuou iii nrn-iMt- a minority report rhinn wtll Droosuu ireu'nwn ui of 11 iaois, favorable to Helton a oiaim- -. tr.outvriTns-- . Jnlv 2 In the House y among other things introduced and reported was one by of regulation of railroads aeqnired by the D, S ucder judicial fortcIosure or for i.iin.. Th i a bill introduced in April ljt hv Ander on. It is a very long measure, snd Anderson demanded reading in tallt Washisctok. July 2 The Senate nn l'ndieiarr has deotded to WWWIIItu . - report back the nomination Melville w TnUartabe Chief Justice without anv rpntnmec dation. ,. lnl.O. A Are was dis j -- 7 coveted ruusiAxfi at 30 tbu moraiag tn a falcon nn R.ilrotd Ave. Ane usmrs pr its of ...ui. past and west taking every thing from San Francisco t Gold Ava, Tbe loa will not do i i.A .r.nn.nd dollars. At one time thi gaUxs wsitsra poitiwa ct tha Iowa was in danger or baing destroyed bnt by the bard work of tha citizens tho nHiaeA were rested m that direction. Tbe fiimes rapidly awept e&atwird un- til tbe fine new Dinohaa building was reached whish in a few mi uips was a roaring furnace A saio-.- n buildiog ownea 07 jbp. a, veil wsb burned bat beicg oa a corner give tbe workers a ebneceto s7n the remainder nf the bus-in- -s portion of the town. Tho Signal Office almoi--t a total los. Tbo Cham- pion office savjd but the building and material bud'y damaged. The only in- surance was held by 8. Salzman on stock and general merchandise three: thousand dollars. All ether policies oc Railroad Avenje had been cancelled 3 days previous. The oauso ot the fire cot knnwo. OETXTSBnpa July 2, The second day nf rs-uu-ion opuntd clear aod beAatiful, no aloud meuso-'- tbe visitors and th terrible battle ot 25 years ago ajonlip of every ne. TrHiottwith thousands ot paaengpri rolled into tbe town and th crowd increased until tha place wss filled feller than at any time since the memo-rab- ls dayaot '82. Fortbxs Mosboe, Viv, Jnly 2 The Satarawith Uen. Ubertdan jd party silled at dAjligbi. There vm a Tiesl eastern breeze. Thermometer 70. Chablevoix. Miob., July 2 Ftp' fires are rnemz in this vioimtr. Two fireepzines from this plaoe have bet-wo'kia- g sin e yesterday afternoon tt save the lumberyards and mills. COPFS LAND REVIEW. Rlcbt Collar Liwi. the Bomcitud Unmarried w mHB. widows, mtidens and dtserted wivte, who are over twei. tv-o- ce yei-rs- . are entitled to aII tb rihte, privileges and beoefiis under th nomrstead laws that caa ba enjoyed bj men. i'ne mother ot a living child or obil-Ire- o, whether widow, ae.-erte-d wile oi aofor auale single person, may ccqiiii itir to latd as tbe bead of a f.u:h. Ibpusb ander the sge of twenty onr. WUo .e of de entrymi-- snr eed to the ricrhts nt their ba--b cd Aud may make fin-t- l prmf acd ik tit m their own nazals. It is not aImcIcI' - y n-- ce sry that tbey should rBtt aaoo tbe land after tbe dentb of id na-bn- as residence or o- - Itivatinn fc i the preset bed fms Is all that Is tit an d d of widows aod mil or betr. ThA widow of a per-o-n who served for ninety days or more do. rift? tbe wa t tbe rebellion id tbe United Stain Am ,N tj or Mtrine Corns and diet witnou' an entry, mav mrke st ntry tbe acao m ber huaban'f. if liv ing might d, and in making final pror.t receive credit in lien of residence on be land for tbe period of thb huband rviep,not tn exoeed 1 be deserted wire of h bnoe tesd m-i- make final hi g nt and have pa'eut issue io tb aame of her hnabnnd or she may rou es t his entry on the groucd of abn-'onme- nt ot the claim and after cance'-atin- n, enter the lacdin her own nam . rhe tatter in th wiber course, for mw reasons. a., utmarried woman (widow or otb rwjs ) having initiated an entry, may m-r- ry withoa aHentins ber right to tht Nnd, provided she oomplies with 1 e Ir-- ral requirements. Should sbimrr prior to tbe tirnp when she might mi.k aer proof and per'eet her sco save the land to reside with her bn- - band elsewi ere, tbe rbtr? would bell - ole to cancellation for abandonment nut not on account of the marria e. When a man and a woman encb maki 1 homestead entry atid mtrry befer m kin if final proof, one cf the pot'ie- - out be relioiraiahed or aommnnicntrd tt their choice. If tbey live together on ine homest ad, the entry covering thi ther homestead will be liable l cni et f-- r abandonment, even tbonsb ht 'and beculiivated aud improve-- . Tbe oumestead Iaw requires three 1 hints t. al title, first, bones' residenoe: se- - rond.BLO.l oultivatioo to crops or other- - eisp; snd third, fair improvement it. mailer of boildings, fences and tbe like. mplunco with only one or two o hene wid not satltv tb sw. r all 0 mplianoe with all three re quirements must be satisfaotorllv ahnwt r tbe ntire penod at tbe date whet tbe final pr-o- f is made. I be daughter or a deoensed soldier, ailor or marine, if otherwise qualified. may enter land in hr own right, not- - tithttandinff an entry may have bpsn mtde by her guardian and perfeced fot er benefit during her mson'.y. rJbe can thereby secure two bom-strai- 's. A widow, as tbe lagai reprssntAtivi of hor deceased haabacd. may oontmar caltivste bis home tesd nnd at the ace time make an entry in br iwr i'ne. A woman has this sdvntagr ver a man. Hhp can tha eenre two homesteads while he is allowed onlj np. Tha widow of a deceased entrvmse n-- naroh-s- -. under th set of Jcne 15, 1880. the lard smbrKCed in a homestead .'. . ...... itry in oases waere toas act it ppuca- ble. HENRY N. COPP. Mrs. Florence T. Hlse, Mrs. Florence T. Htee was born ic oath B tod, Indiana 1348. Her partbt migrated 10 this oou try from tha Islr Mn nnd located in Iuiiaos. At tbe age of 12 years tbe family went to rk- -, Cil Tqh lather died in wnile tee bubiect of his fkttchwiu n ber teene. Tbe mother still renaior nd resides at . Oregon. Her tasrriaga to J. Henry Hi-- e took place hi Gbbe A 1. Der. 10, 1677 three child- ren, tw'nsand oaetwoand one-h- years o'd the is-n- e. I m iy be proper to state that th late Mrs. llie, by virtue ot ber parents ear It emizration to tbia country and ret- - tliug in ids men iron-ie- r town oc iuai-n- a, and afterwards to the state ot California and to Arziea, that her lite baa been spent almost en lrel) on the frontier which fully accounts fui her warm a laobment to friends, ber confiding nature and generoas hosiiiia- - lity eie:i-tll- to tbe needy. Her Jit baa been blameless ano ner nereit nus-bin- d and motherless ohildren have tru ly lost their beet friend. It His Post Day and Night The vigilant Imp. indieestion. pnd ns with his mAny-lasb- e l seen gp. E irh lash iJ a diabouo iimp om. NoCi.mfbtl in eating, misery afterwards, l it e ot broken rest at night, visitation nt tbe nightmare dunag fitful IntetvMs or sieec. an uprising unretreshed and with ont appetite, sleepiness and ynwrnnir dnrinz the day, nervoasnes- - and irrata- - hihtv of temper, even mcaomaniA in ex treme cases. Hard to bear, all tbL. Ne cessary? ttola thousand times no, so Ions as Hostellers Stomach Bitters, th nation's specific for indigestion, aonta or chroois. procurable. The oemmencement ot a course of this medicine is the com- mencement of a cure. Prompt relief first, absolute eradication subsequently. Tbe truth or this atatement, bscxea up by irrefragable testimony, is well know tn the American people. So are others. r.z that the Bitters avert aod cure fever acd ague aad bullous rtmiueat, ana re moves nervousness, bllioaintAS, consu-patio&- t A&d kidney treablsi. SO 2G A Great Irrigat-o- a Scheme. (w York Glebe. Major Powell, ot theU.B. Geological Survey, baa aabmitted to Congrets a scheme for damming the tntu ati 8 of the Miseoari ana Missifsirni, in order to store their waters tor the irrigation of the imminjo boay of mid l.nds lying east of the Uioty Moantaicr, srd be has asked an it 325O,0C'O wherewith to begin the wrrk. Tbe and lands ot tbe U red States which are now for tbe m .a cm treejeca deserts, embrace an iro of 1,300,000 q. milea. or more ibka one third ( ibo en- tire are, of the Uoited SAie. Major Powell behevrf that ab n- - l.OOO.a-- q. milpti of 'htse deserts may ba uliimituly aonvcrted into fertile frraiuir lands by means of irrigation, and ttat tbe vlue 01 tne land thus would bp thereby raised fr- - m 31.25 an tbeir present vs'ue ti 330 an t,cre. Of,eu.-a- e thif:iult iiiot attaiosbla u tht- - icd mediate-futur--. but Mjor Pew ell asye that it is poneible to rrciaim 150,000 quare mllee within a ocmora-titei- y brief penod of time. The im or-tn- ce f 'his statement becomes appa- rent when we oonib r that there are ool- - about 300 OOO rquare miltB' f 'aod under culuviioo In the (Jotted States Oatside of beyond and this cou-i- d erstton is the 'o'ther fsoi th t the reel uiAtion of 150,000 square mil ' 'lit n w itenert rrkinr. would ad S3 COO - 000000 to tba money value of tne na-int- ial domain, a sum nearly three tiuus ts great aa the i.aiionaI debt. ThA annuul precitiiAtion o moisture t"rouhoat tbe dtsert ren of 1 000.000 sqanrn miles, emb-nrin- c mun-in- t, vlJ- - nn.i pl.ins, raoBe- - frm dp iunhea on the drvest plains t- - it ir- - in-ha- en tin nnnt it-- , o-- d veo to Seventy five inches on the bules' m nn- - lli ,ea--- , ,inJ HlP aeiA-- r tte hole retrion isneirly fifiter i wnnld tn itriire l.OcOOO qnar- - roit s of ari-- i 'amis, bnt nf enctse usp ail th s water for irriwa'ii r pnr-oe- a would destrnv tre nAvtjhi tj nf he rivers, nod this in n tbn g ibat roust nt even tetmpeirrd, bnt rtn!! Ilisthi ot wh oh tei'n'-- a 'H- - tnnuct of reclimsble Innda In ISO.OrtO iqnnre mile, an acreajfe wrcb will be CiiMect f. r the nrxt bn'f c - nry M"j ir Powell sa)s in exp'anaiion and n?tf rt of bis -- cbf met "The WAteis wlich rrdiosri') fl-- -- to tbeocsD tbrrub 'he Mi-sr- .id : t.ibntKriea, aedtbr, nsn 'b A Uc-- s, the Reil, lh Ri . Gr"ode, e Cd-rd- o. tba Hhon-me- i to acd the to Ind mo-e- upattbeir fnnndati' n beda aid atn'ed in ver rrs--rvn- ir. We will thus hve it ol nin of ttnrehonsea in tbe mmniains fn n: He Caosd hu tn ibe Mex'reu 'td tbe water can be unlit d by leinrir it ut npon the land tbrrn.h rn. nticg jnnzla. This method of redtemibc Isod w no new. It bas been prc'irt for It nr six ibonskbd resrs. Ibe fcitiet agrieultur- - known by ly IrIgticn in the valley nf the Nil , rod .errly, cr ven enrlier irnk-- a w,s nown in be valley o' C tlts. Iu tbe einu of the five river it Ibdin re wis wholl d xrd-- ot np t n and tbe same m-- v be md ot Peru and Mexico Loig before tie hn-m- id region1 of enrtn were ralnva'sd the desert land- - were ri domed by iitun-tlo- n Al -ly tbeie are an-a- - it Cali- fornia, U'bb. Colorado a d tbr ari-- t states under irrijAtior., bat on y a very amall port! n cf the wsttr in used, aid coofeqaei.tly a small part of tbe ln is rede-n- it d. There are msaiy advi-ntatr- . a in irrigdticn. 'Ibe farmer dr lot de- pend on ipoon-tk- nl rainfbil. He has to dp 1 with an diook'tb. ro at.-im- po florals. Tbe woter is fti.-f- d npon bis ltud where it is s te utd clIj In nob quantitie" 8s ate ireJrd. "It will require At least two esrs to Ay on' tbe v'ound-rsr- k of this ener-mo- u- undertsxirr. The pnj ct ia ier-fecri- y Nn-ibl- e. Nn'ur,in ceavrplb olid rrk into oao,ds. hntt already made two ti lrs of rnr dr ms f r n, hvd ibder no other circum-tuni- -f a ci uld nr-rln-ial reservoirs bo onaiiD with economy si potibls 10 tbt? ewe. 1 be Mi of tbeir srt-ot- u ii nt.d mnintHioroce will be a very saall proportion of the value of tbe land redeemt d. So fnr irom sny irjnry beioir wronclit to the people livine; nlocg the Missouri nod iMiKni-cip- p: by tbe s'trace of tbe -- at plus waters of tbeir triontariee, iho valleys ot these rivers will be cretly nenefltsd, as Major Powell cltmly shows. He sas; The development ot irrigation along tbe base of tbe Ricky meantaina w f double importance because of ita in- - flounce on tbe Rcricnl'ure of ihelrwe; Mississippi. To store np tb- - water of tbe Mi'seuri ard lis mAin ffloei.ts for be nurpo-- e of irrigation is to ilian ish 0 Volume of tbatfljodof ibe Mississippi which ia moai des tructtp by ason of ltscocumnir in tbe beattot tbe rming season. Moreo er he grAt d ffisuliy of tbe problem of tbe lower pi ari-e- s fr m ibe fct 'bA he r:ver normally mbken a dep nt Here. that closg'-ti- iln coarse at-- givinir to cbaonel aa unstable poaition. Tre prito phl cf the re1icrent ie tte .Mn-ou- ri river. no is earned forwatd bii-fl- during tbe flood. Witb alnlilion rrreat Misaou'i fl d tb-- a dimD'sry InAd of the It wer Misi'sippi wonld be diminished, and the ar nn a tower cf tbo lei--s loaded flcods fr m tbe Or-i- and the upp-- r Mit-ji- it-t- t wonld b for tha loer Hisai'sipM a l"er grade and a deeper cbanctL For rery acre reolaimrd toasricn'tiire In Mo- - Nat ino'her rre will be rto'aEid in L- - na. tana; and, in gensrbl.n'l lands iiy urt ticn oa tbe i?rBt t lait s wu- - be qnsled by lbs lscd fr n Bonds in the creat vatiey utaei'wer Thn totrihle floods, whirh srp new rlpvataticg tbe fertile field" aba? tie MiaaiSfiop. des royinir milliona of prp- - erty, aat doistr nnspesxabie birm to the msny people who live upon 'b lew Isni's. sive tr tbe pres- - prt dica-sio- n ct this very important sub eat. 5EGOD3 Oil FOR HORSEMEN. 3 - ? On I? k m a a o s i o v o c3 rv5r 2 r CO Ss. o p rn fc 0 c 0" "7 a 3 s- - e - o ? o 1 I ? n V- - v 3 x A Uil '' 5.3 4V A : S 3 1 V S V; co I t E" I g2.aj o zr JH 3 2. S 7 p Iu pi 3 Q I V 3 33 rr w Z Sr st I 3 & 1 V 0 L? o I 3 3 3 ri a - ra. CVt Ouutss A. C. Balte-- , A

Transcript of chroniclingamerica.loc.govARIZONA WEEKLY CITIZEN. VOL XVIII. WEEKLY CITIZEN. SATURDAY, JULY 7, 18S8...



    SATURDAY, JULY 7, 18S8

    Tte Citizen PriiiUns & Pnlsliine CoII K IS It K KT UK O TV -- ,

    General Manager.

    1 r Ydri Hen Ui?lum Months .

    ADTEETISIXa BATES:O.oSqunrn, tint insertion 200


    tekxs roa the cult:Ir-- yr J10


    Per Week

    OFFICESo. 19, 81 S3 Church Street.

    .t 3 OJ2 00



    00K M 5 00P.-- 1 W






    Interviews are being publisned aadassertions are being made by the Demo

    cratie press to the effect that GroverCleveland wi"l defeat Harrison m tbt

    West. To read these fallacious state-ments, an uninformed person wonld b.

    lead to believe that Cleveland stood toCalifornia as the Kmc Bee in a ChinesJoss House does to onr almond-eye- dservitors. To assert that the adminis-tration of Cleveland has Riven eatisfaolion to the silver states of the west, issublimity of c'atm that is creditableeven to Democrats, and ought to maksthem fall to,andhng themselves, thank-ing their lucky stars for their absoln'iunrpation of that unflinching stock intrade, deiznted as cheek,

    er Cleveland had scarcely warmer"timself in the White House, ntd filledti3 ' opacious premises with the wir.isad honey that flows within, when hsad his Secretary of the Treasury, thilate Daniel Manning, came boldly to tinfront as gold ba.s. in the interest o'the bondholders and moneyed men ofthe east. It ia true that CleveUrd tem-porarily posad ac an advocate cf silve .to the ex ent o! send ng an tmintaryabroad, in the person of Manton Marble,to make an arrangement as was alleged

    by which silver should once moreia its old place ia the fisca'

    realm.and this was to be accomplish? d barranging so tha. themints of the worlrBliould be again opened to the coinamof silver, as they had ever heretoforebeen from their inception. The marwho was selected to perform this gigon-ti- o

    task. Mmton Marble, was not a manwho believed thit si tit was a suitablemstal for money purposes. He was oniof the moet pronounced enemies of silver, be did not believe in its use hereor elsewhere, Was he a proper agentfor the President to send abroad to ac-complish a great improvement in mone-tary affairs with his prejudices, andbiased opinions? Is it for a moment tobe believed that if the President wosreally desirous of accomplishing themonetization of silver throughout thworld, he would select as his mediumthe worst enemy silver had, as be cer-tainly did in the person of Manton Mar-

    ble? No, it was one of the President'sbluffs, for which he has beoomo cele-

    brated, it was a piece off of the samestuff whence comes civil service and

    etc. Manning waspronounced agBiost silver, alleging Up

    and tbt it hd fallenin relative value to gold because it wntoo plentiful. It is true that silver willnot purchase as muoh gold as in 1873.

    but it will buy more wheat, corn, londFships and manufactures to day than wheu

    it was interchangeable 15 oza. of silverThere has bei nto one ounse of gold.

    no appreciable fall in silver, but a divergance between silver and gold. Tbuhas not been brought about by an over-

    production of silver, as Cleveland anManning asserted, but by a disorimin

    ntion asa:nst silver by its demonetizetion, and by the large use of gold ii

    countries form rly using paper. Now

    had Cleveland and Manning worked as

    honestly for a more satisfactory state ot

    affairs, in the coinage of pilver itEurope as they did to discard silver,

    they might have been appreciated in thsilver-producin- g states of the weft, butor them to tnke tber ground of on over

    production of thi? precious meUl, i the light of tho faot that tbrproduction of silver varies from 90,

    5100000,000 per annum, of000 000 towhich it is cetimated from 35,000,000 to

    ?40 000,000 is used for the arts, tableware

    and ornament", leaving an annual pro-

    duction of $00,000 000. much of whichdisappears iu Icdia, China and Turkey,

    and never appears again iu the hands ot

    civilization. But 'et us take it for emot-ed that 560.000,000 is coined annuallj

    for money purposes throughout theworld, its effect on the 53.500.000.000 saidto be a close estimate of the woild's sil

    ver, is like the effect of a rivulet on tbtooean soarcely a ripple is perceptibleby its addition. It is true that the hos-tile attitude of the present administra-tion towards silver, is not dissimilar tc

    that of some Republican administra-tions, but why Cleveland's friends shouldclaim that he has captured the PacificCoa9t in the coming election, is bard tounderstand. Certainly it ii not binsilver record, which would damn bis ad-ministration in states much le6S inter-acted in the absorbing topic of silverthan California, Nevada. Oregon, andColorado. What protection if to theindustries of the country, the generalmonetization of silver is to the entirewent, and tho people living in regionsrioh in mineral deposits will be prettypositive in November when they go tothe polls. Thy wi"l go there to votefor a better silver administration thanCleveland's.

    Da. Tagoebt, of Yuma, had on exhi-bition at the depot of that place, onBatnrday last, several very large bunch-- h

    of ripe grapes, grown :u ais vineyard.He stated that grnppe tad been in finemarketable oondition for tbt two previ-ous weeks, Yuma, notwithstandingwhat may be said to the c ntr ary by bercompetitors, can enter .the market withripe fruits all the way ffxm ten days totwo weeks earlier than r?Py other pointin the United States, Afterthis country shall have tjbsorbed ourEosthern neighbor then tnfl than only

    ill Yuma lose this enviable Utinolion

    The plank in the Republican platformfor home rule in the territories is vastly superior to the democratic resolutionfor home rule. Bfter the democratio convention failed to make it part and pareel of the democratio platform. The fbois apparent that Cleveland's four yearsin the White House has taught him alittle something. During his novitiatehe thought he wanted many things thatho found exceedingly inoonvenientwhsaplaoed at his disposal He wanted oivilservice reform and wanted it bad, theRepublicans extended all the aid inth?ir power in order that be might havacivil Eorvioe, but after making three orfour ridiculous attempts in connectionwith it he found it an elspbant on hihands Bnd in spite of his earnest assu-rances to the oivil servioe reformers, hethrust the whole thing from him andshowed bis real disposition in the matterHe bad no further use for civil service.Axoopt as a decoy to oatoh Toters for hiaggrandizement, Then he amusedhimself with an idea thBt he wanted hisiffloe holders to refrain from offensivejrtisanehip, This he was really inearnest about f t a couple of month1,and bo turned two prominent office holders out of office for meddling with poli-tical affairs, One of the ejected offleisle

    as a Republican, and one was a Dt mrat, After his counsellors had convinc

    ed him that he would not be able Indictate the personal oocdnct of his offi-cials, he reinstated the ejected Democraoat his outraged conecii noe would no'dmit ot the reinstatement ot the Ra- -

    oublican. The reason was culpable. onetbs working for him, and the other pre--tumtbly against him, Like a boy witli new toy, be soon tired altogether ofhe non partisan hobby, and told bit.

    henoanien to wade in, and he would dis-turb them no more, and the work thathas been done during the last threesontbs, shows oonclnsively, bo wreadilythey appreciated that he meant t?hmhe said. Then his pet theory forvhile was that he would not havei second term. This idea probibl

    -- iginated from b mometary desire trlo hh duty, and he conceived he coulrny do bis full duty by laying aide at

    aipirations tor o second term. Thi'lasted an exceedingly short time, nnrais thirst for nnother term became gr"Hie was willing, aye. anxious to do any- -hingto accomplish another nomination,ind every effort was directed to tha')id. He thus deceived himself untillis administration became a chapter oinconsistencies, and was a subject of

    "neral remark to people of all parties,out he was learning something by

    all the time. He had dreamtot home rule in the Territories as agood feature, under the Democraticplatform of '81, but it was only a dream.and the reality was never experienced,bat nevertheless be oonoeived that Ter--

    -- Morial homo rule wanld bo disagreeable to him. It wonld limit his powerto make gigantio mistakes, and commituopardonablo wrongs. He conld notend as the political scum, that wtsconroo of annoyance to him. Without

    ha Territories he bad no politicalewer, and ho had learned just enoughluring bis presidential career to appreciate the tact that there must be an out-- 1

    it for the rag, tag snd bobtail of theDamocratio party, hence no home rn!jlank in the Democratic platform, I

    as no oversight on Cleveland's part, iwas intentional. In the spirit of patriot

    m he wanted a further opportunity tcinflict more Zulicka on us. He wantedi convenient asylum for the politician'of mushroom growth, for the antiquatedfossils, that peBter tho life out ofPresident, and the helpless condition ffhe Territories reeommended them to

    ais narrow mind as affording the desira-bilities requisite for his foundling asy-lum. The DamoorBts might as well un- -larstand that the omission of a homrile plank was with malaoo aforethought,

    Cleveland's nightmares over the con- -tion of affairs in Now York must briiihtf nl. Harrison's and Morton a pop- -rity. coupled with the New Yorker- -

    (.trust of him. and his free trade pla -

    'orm, is enough to drive nway soundleen and peaceful fancies. Then again

    he Demoorata in their spirit of enthui&sm over Thurman s bandanna arr

    liable at uny minute to insist on hisvarmg one for a necktie, and the verybought of getting one around bis 23

    nek is suestivo ot straneuliti n.altogetb t tbe Czar's lot ii not a mereuaa.ii! one tban our own Cleveland's.

    Haii. to the Chief will nevr baplayed by a brass band, under

    be demncratio bandanna. The bassviol might bring forth a couple nasaljotes, but even they would die withrsnvy, in tho presence of the augustmnsio made by the Democratio nomineefor t, when he has anv usefor the baudanna, and that is all the useThurman has ever had for it, It wasleft to the peculiar genius ot the Demo-crati- c

    party to discover its further useand to tho great unwashed is duo itstransformation trom the nose, to theDemocratio flag stsff.

    The free trade policy has been aban-doned by the Island ot Tahiti acd a

    protection duty of fifty per cent placedon all goods shipped from English andAmerioan ports. Free trado will, whenfairly tried, bring the smallest as well as

    the largest ot nations into the ranks of

    the protectionists. To proteot homeindustry against foreign competition is

    the duty of all Amerioan loving citizens.

    TnE milk of human kindness floWH

    freely through the breasts of the good

    people of El Paso. Their contributionsto the sufferers by the recent disastrous

    floods in states of Mexico by which ao

    many people were rendered homeless

    and destitute, have been large and gen-


    The removal of General Sheridan to., : . otmnrr reminder ot theine BBBSIUO ia " d..last trip ot the lamented Garfield. The

    people's beat ffishog awompwiief liebrave eeldior,


    Tna recent disastrous fire at Hoibrook entails a loss of about 8100,000with but a nominial amount covered byinsuranoe. The worst feature of the affair is that the loss falls upon many batuttlo able to bearit.5

    The Prospector of the 80(h nit. in anarticle discussing printer's wages in tbeterritory, erroneously states that theTuoson offices pay but 25 cents perthousand ems. The Citizen pays itsjourneymen printers 40 cents and not25 oents as stated. And further theOmzKf takes pleasure In atating thatalthough a. non-Unio- n ofllci it pays ashigh wages as paid by the Union's officeswith tbe notable exception of the Journal-Mi-ner whioh olaima to pay SOcentr,and it farther takes pleasure in sayingthat it pays its employees, not on jawbone, but cash. Oa Saturday, tbe Crt- -xzxk's pay-da- y, it owes soman a dime.We sinoeroly trust that all the Unionoffices throughout the territory can sayth same, bnt we tear not,

    UxTOi the blood is cleansed of tmpuritios, it ia useless to attempt tbe cureot any disease. Rhenmatir m, whioh istraceable to an acid in the blr-n- habeen cured in numerous ea-e- s by thuse ot Ay era Sarsapanlla, externaltreatment being ot no avtil.

    Thctr feet a lt-ini- ro war in this llttbjple. I foand. of betrothing tie girls totho young men befors tho Utter Uajc thotown. As Ttuy fow of thea aro ablo toeither rad or write. Icair rtsra pus brwithout a word from tho lovor or reosaretching the patient girl at homo It Isnot a rao thing to meet hero yoosg eonpleo who wtsro engaged for ton. twtlrr or8Ta nftoen years boforo fortnno wisaufileienUy farorablo to allow them tomarry Ono cnnot tooa got rich onthirty eenta a day. and that is tho wagesof a man la Capri TLU Is. pcrLics. thoreason why co many men learnt he ulond.leaving tho women at homo to t&ko ciroof tho ineyardo and oliro grove.

    it la a very tricturr&qae acene. tbeiewomen with tnelr gar costumes, rich complexions. brigkt. fluViing oyn. at work Inthe fields, or leading their flocks of coatsup tha mountain side to pasters. Theirtvz ars always bar, and beoomo so hardthat it U simply wonderful what they canndcre They will walk over the road

    covered with sharp, flinty stons. climbthe ruggod mountain ndei. and bo quitas eoafortable as If walking cn the softut carpet In fact, fcr hardness, theirroot reoemble tnosa or tno western rtri.who. when told by bar motnor that therewas a red hot coal under her foot, drawledout. without raoring aa lack. "Whichfoot Is It under. minmrT" Yet the feetof these women are br ao means misshapen, but, oa the contrary, are perfectmodels or an artist. Woaiaa.

    ContoDU af a Tfenu'i Handbag- -"What do you carry In that barf said

    the big man to the basinets woman,pointing to tbe tittle black handbag &stIs ber Inseparable companion.

    "r--u shun ;." m&J aaa xlima a&took out two hsadkerchiefs. one for djmand one for show, a lead pencil with topoint broken, a stick or gum. nasnswed.a lump of gnat, chewed; Oeorgo WUlUatCurtis' editorial oa Haiti r- - Arnold'sdeath, out out of Harper's W &kly; threekeys that don't fit anything In particular,on latch key that does fit. a Bond streetlibrary card, three Daly's theatre see.tconpons, a tiny box of face powder, threeoapanlas of quinine, five visiting cards,seven letters, five of them from one man.spring suits cut out of the Sunday psper.a season ticket to ths American Art asso-ciation's prizo exhibition, aa unpostedletter to ber mother, three rubber (unds.three portal cards, a shoe buttousr dantist's appointment card, four hairpins, aaunpolished mots agate, coral brtxich withthe pin broken off. half a mustard leaf, a

    of paper with quotations from MasAvatsky on theoiepUy written on it. a

    sample of yellow ribbon to be raatched, acard photograph of another girl aud apurse containing one three cent piece ands ncstage stamp. Now fork Graphic.

    Th Sioallpax im Max!.There Is one peculiarity about tbe Mex-

    ican people which I do not raeoUect everhaving seen bo print, and that la their Ot-ter disregard of the dUeas eo dreaded bysno-lre- ns smallpnT I have bees laDuraago several years, aad It Is quitcommon there to see children In au advanced stage of the disease playing on thestreets with perfectly baslthV children.To say that I was sstounded but tsiatlyexpresses my feelings when I first westto that country, but 1 eoou learned thatthe dlseaso was considered au eaperialdispensation of Providence for the el can-al- e

    g sway of the wickedness of huzsaalty.and those who pass throcgh it are consid-ered as among the purified.

    Smallpox Is not nearly so rlroUct iaMexico as we bar It In this oouatry. andthere Is no such a thing as vaa illationthought of by native Msxicsas. I couldnsTcr find any vaccina virus there, sadhad to send to tbe Ststes for It Americans take tho precaution of vacdnsting.and I can call to mind but one fatal ceitoutside of natives during ay star la ilexleo that one a younfr fjoglith oQcer whofell a victim to tbe disease a abort timeafter arriving In tho country If tLre lasuch a place as a pest bouM In Marino 1aevw heard of It. Globe-Democra- t.

    J -Armour Packing C.

    Kassas Oitt, Mo., Feb, 9, 1688.JosFrn Dnan, Tucson, Ariz,:

    Dbaii 8ib: Desiring to quote you iaaccordance with tbe amount ot yourtrade in the provision line, behave takentbe liberty to place your name on oarJobbora' List, and will for the comingeenson furnish you with Jobbers' pitoee--Confidential.'' We believe priots quoted

    nd quality ot goods will secure us thebulk of your favors.

    Very truly,abhuCB Packtho Co.

    Col. Darr, tbe grandson ot bis mostgenerous and respected grandmother,was made inexpressibly happy thismorning by the arrival of aa fine a lot ofGilroy, California roll butter aa was everturned out of that famous creamery. Itis fresh, Bweot and choice.

    He baa also secured a fine lot ot Ar-mour's Kansas Oity pickle pork, withaour kraut to make the oouutry safe.This is a new article and has been spe-cially prepared for family nee,. Thoughnever before introduced in thisit is, wherever used, muoh relished, andwill no doubt beoome a favored dish oathe tables of Tucson families.

    On account of the near approach ofholidays, the Colonel's grandmotherwrete to one of her friends on the otherside ot the big fish pond, and the resultis an invoice of Holland HernngCMelck-


    iha 1R37 nark. They arrived ianrime condition and are now waiting lor . . u..1.11a M ranbe eaten, a large ioi oi owwiir, w- -..I .11 ma.kaklhlA deliaaOieflwere also received, The Colonel keepsevery kind ot oheese made, no matterwhat it may ie, me una iurwill be forthcoming.

    ForDifferent sized safes for sale, o the

    (n.tallnent lan. both fire and oarglarproof, FM Mti8lMi Ucfflflfi

    gales Sale,

    TELEGRAPHWashington, June 23. Mills contin-

    uing the dbbate ob the tariff bill aidthe platform of th Republican party de-clared, in favor of tbe repent ot all In-ternal taxea and that is what he under-stood as being in favor ut treo whieky.The Republicans hnd for the first timetakeu a positive step iu favor ot keepingtaxes on the necessities and demuudingthat the treasury be emptied by takingthe tax off whisky.

    Eelley, ot Pennsplvania, said tho gen-tleman from Texas oould not deny ihaitbe Democrats in 1SS4 promued tobcecuand distilleries ot tbe south should berrlieved (rem national eurveilance atidsupervision.

    Reed, ot Maine, said tbe gentleman(rom Texas did not mean to be believedwhen he said the Republican party warfor frte whisky because tae genilca;ianew inere weald not bo enongn ileaocrats left to mako up tbe eltctoruilicxet in half ot the states ot tLe Doi-.i- .it tner believed bis atatement. LauKb- -ter. The position of tbe Kepu ItciLparty on the sntj-o- t was too plain to btimed in lui ay, bat it Ibe Democratio party should ever oomnirnce

    without talsu atatement, itr-otr-fiiends wonld not know it.

    The report of tbe oommittee on pen- -tiocs upon eight pension hills veto--d tiPresident Cleveland whicb ccmmitttsrooamend be parsed uotwitbeiandioy.diusses veto power and says einoe J! a8, 18S6. 136 speoial acts granting pen-sions to individuals have been d Li h improved of by the Pre-idcn- t. In mos-cases on the grounds that Congrtrs erredin iu judgment upon mentant. It is impossible, tbe oommitte-

    )i, for the Preiaent to rxim nt tburidenoe in each ewe, nnd when be dis-agrees with Cong-es- s hia judgment muacot be based upon thj report ot tuoommittee bat on that ot some suboroiotlo in tbe bureau of pensions, and thushis bureau wbi-s- action Oiovie-- s re- -

    vored. is eoabled by express directionot the President to review tbe BCbon ofCongietH, while tbe power nf tho tz-oati- ve

    to disapprove any legislativemeaam exists it should not enorohcrawn the powers of olner departmtnisot th- - goverment. Tho commitlco stvin its judgment the power o so nthis exeoaiivo disapproval as to cbani;1tha o'dinary methods of legislative ac-tion by a vole on proper subjclt of Ieui-lnlio- rstel bucanse thi- -xeculive differn In m Uoccress on s IU- -

    cieocy of proof or expsndienoy ot rehec,doe not

    Baker s amendment was finally rejected and tbe emm-tte- o rose.

    Mills presented committee Bmecd--ments placing on the free list Germnlooking classes and plates and strikingout plum-- i aud prune. Adopted.

    Bynum, f Indiana, from toeon wars and mrans. moved to strike

    out pulp for paper makers. Adopted.Tbe oomm-.tte- e amendments auretd to

    striking from the freo list batters furs,linseed, flax se- - d and marble. All k ndnt plaster pari when ground was alsottroken from free list. Several otheramendments were lost.

    Conference report on oontulate anddiplomatin appropriation bill agreed to.Home adjourned,

    Hu FsAjrmnoo, 3aao 2S Oire-- rare being sent oat by a committee ofntizens to icnaenttal people tn all partsif the city, asking them to unite in n"ffort to reform the cit g- - von trentandassist In tbe "overthrow of bossism, andelevate to plaoes ot trust and

    hoaest and oompeient men." becircular asserts that national and statrpolitios will not be meddled with.

    Nooales, June 28. Under tn'trnc- -tion from President Diaz theM xicinofficials ia every town or village in tbeBtate ot Sonora will beam collrotiogsubscripti ns for tbo benefit cf stiff rersby tbe recent floods ia uiino exid Leon,

    Bklletce, Idaho, June 2S. Governoritevetison has Botitlnd the Department

    ot Interior that 300 Indians are csmoedin Juniper mountains, 30 mtlea from au-ra r City, killing cnttle and intimiditiogetilers, and neaad that they re com

    pelled to return and remain on tnoir reservation.

    Wahikotok. Jane 23 After severalamendmeniB to tbe rivrr and harbor billhad been adopted making appropriationsfor certain localities, tieoator Ed-munds said that hn bad eivanop tbe idea of persuading the msj irityin the senate (a udiiosh more wiso anapatriotio than be) that any item couldbe rejected that as supported earnctlby a member from thit locality. It wouseless perhaps for any one senator toresist the judgment ot the majority otthe senate in n gard to a bill wmoh noatamed so large a percentae e ot thingsthat ought not to be drne. Thr consid-eration ot tbe bill was half completed andit was then laid anide. Iho onfereacsreport on dipl maiio and consular billwas agreed to. ine oniy poioi u-ti-said where tbe oonfert-nc- railed toagree was on tbe provision for soio it;florv.Bimtttee on Upref Congo Bsstn, to

    btoh tho bons was oppnsr-a- . aneim n,UnMrun nd Edmonds SDikii on he grcalimportance ot such a command. Amend-ment to the army appropriation bill wasthen taken un, and amendments appronnatinr 1600.000 tT torpedo experimenu wss ndopttd, and tbe other am-endments offered, inolnding one for ap-propriation of 85.000,000 for the purchasof steel for bigb power coast defensttfuue, bat without aonon tnereon. Ane8eaate tben adjourned,

    Nooales. Jane 23. Work began to-,t- ounew lice of railway to ran from

    Fairband on New o and Arizonarailroad, branch o' the Fe tapi ingiho Southern Pso.flo at Bonson to Bis-b- ee

    whe'e tbe mines ot the Gnpo--rQueen Mining Company are iocted.ine diaiQDOO win oe bo' ih rj wumIt i said the road will be built by iht-Om-

    Mioioir Company tbonasin all probability it will be operated bySanta re company. una. Ohio. June 23 The oommittee ot notification, headed by GenCollins, of Mas, and rlon. otepnenWhite, of California, called on JndgrTnurman this afternoon. Gen. Collinsbriefly stated ths object of their visit,acd introdnw-- Major Jaeob-o- f Louis-ville, who read tbe letter of notification,whicb in patt said, inaiispouiBeuurijand emphatichlly demanding his returrto that political arena which Thurmanhas graced with so much assiduous dig-nity and vigor. Democracy in this countrr hftTft honored themselves by retrieving their party from a charge of :nroti-tud- e.

    and that in November people i'lefface sucb taint irom ine nepuono o;iMiirtir him to oreside over tbe moet

    - .V- .- tinnonat dsliDsratlvn oouy iu iuo muiiu.the Senate of the United States.

    Judge Thurman tendered his sincerettinnVa tn tha committee and profound

    rofrn.i fnr the honor conferred. Hsaid: "Oentlanien, with unMsned diff- l-denoe m my aoiiiT o ,uoUnna that lfni to my nomination, I feelit air dntr to accept and do all in my

    marked a dutinottontk. MKnin ; hlanaed with an able andhonist adminiatrotion or me generalgovernment. Applause. We havenruM.nt vin wisely, bravely, diligentyl and patriotically discharges the du-ties ot his high offlioe Applause IflrmU twltxre tbo beat interests ot theoouatry require hw and hope,I nay be able to contribute to bringing,ibont tola mult. Willi ibis stow?

    itud feeling I should labor for tbe reduo- -i u oi taxation and to put a atop to that

    uu.umi.on ,n De uea-ur- y which iny juogment is not only prejudicialojcr unauoiai weirare, but is in

    uibu aegree danserrns to hnnu.1 antconstitutional rovernment, indno-- s mpto accent th position on yonr ticket.x reoeotion and grand oollitinn followiu. rnotovrapbers then tookiotureof the gathering.

    a gronp

    iMEw Ioiik. June 29 Mrs. LHianuammersirv wis marriml n lh TViWa't Marl boron pb by Msyor Howitt at thowy nun this afternoon.

    NEW YoHK. Jinn 'JO Tha imtl. oflr.ied n dimilelo oaruer tn aruil n..fT- -

    id the Utfi hoar ot baKioirss atbe CLff-- eichnuire nrirM rlr,nf..l- " "-- c..tu a qasrier o nts p- -r pound. Opningat teelte and three-qasrt- -r cents t.

    -- Whtren cents bi-- J at noon and ni o fr- -(tonnd for sale. 1 he corner was contin-ued iu the a.fternoou Lu th brokers act- -ng tor IU bull homes fix-- d settling

    cricea at twent-on- o and twenty-on- etod five huodfdtb8 oents per pound.h,ushlc8 oi two points.Washinotok, Jint 29. Senate nmnd

    uei.t to the ixn film aporopriaMnu bill,ippmiT-Hfink- " a mi. lion dollars for audit'oocl force of lel'er whs con--arred by the committee to-dh-

    ill other im 'odmenis iond a conference will askid.rr JosEPa, Jnoo 29. Peter Broaok

    wis hanved iiere t"-d- ay for the murderof bis wife tbire eas ngo.

    New Bzcfoud, Moss.. Juoa 29 O n.iberidinVonldreu and mcuhira of hitaff, and, catiH to thii ci'y In

    p Of car nt ach-- d to tha reanlarrain to-da- v. and wre forwarded by enr-tC0- 3

    lo Nnqaitt, here tbey willwait theGrorra'a arrtv I by steamer,

    tie will not Attempt to leive WusMrstonboacvor, until ttf weather clears.

    LrTPViiiLB, Jn'-- e 29 -- Ia the eouref lii- - sp cb ut the prest democratio

    T.eftine In t niffht, Hery WaltHronisi-- t that it tbe term of the repubiioitn

    la'form c iu'd b- - ctrri-- d on? m would oulmiriHte in such a ulntit home ma-k- et nod such coim. qnmos of emplovaent to American ouer- -

    as would fU'elr brinz the wholedidci cf th prntective syaiem down

    upon its aaihors. Hp e id like theirttfionl ordionnce which wr.tiiteadi'd 'o preserve elsvsry, th repuh-ica- n

    rla'form was the first step tona'dhp complete overthrow of the easternsys'em.

    NewYrk Janp29 A delsosfiin oftudeut- - f b Utlveri-i- - o O'foni

    '.'smbridgiDahlin,and U'.rinh,H Handrnved here to-d- ay on te steompr

    Sn'ttanie. from Liverpool. Ibey csm-- oInto part in s coufetenrp on d

    if Corislian work and in Bible study, aof D. L. Mooty, Moc'v

    mkey fame, at Nfrtbflld, Miv Jrlilot. will also be in attendancetbout 40) from vriou bran- -abes ot the Young Men's Christian Association of AnicrioA.

    Waejiisoiok. June 29 Uouso to-d-ent into committee of tbe who p.

    Springer of Illinois in the chair, on tbetariff bill. Dmley of Mi ine moved to"'nke trom tho free list raps, of what-ever material composed. Mo'ion lot.

    On motion of of A kn- -ia, psiotiDRStn oil or water cmo'O, suaatuary not otherwise provided for,were s tnoken from tbe free list.

    Wamh sotos. June 29 After somedobbte ilawlc)'e amendment tn rmy t- -propriation bill appropiltinir SCSLO.uXiCor tbo constrnotirn if a beuvy ordi--

    ance factory in NdW i rk. tbe matteixr.s dropprd to adopt tb-- joint resoln- -lon recortrd by Allison eitrrdinc tte

    appropriation for tbe pre-e- it A.chI yeatfor ih'rty days from Juue30, in the departments for wbich appropriations bill.--or the next year eubll no: have bcoiutaw.

    Hawley e amendment neoin lakes nr.So sroke earnestly ia support of it Hesaid w .h an appropriation ot five mil- -ion dollars '270 goes could bo built and

    the Aoproprirtt'oa wnnld lat five or sixve a Stewi.rt rp xe ci ine untied8t e bnia "good fit roc to to be(ducked by v-- ty bony, and referred tcalarm fel at Han Francisco a few yearsrtffo when trouble with Chi i was oppie--

    ndfd.Cock-el- l. of Missouri, spoke sarcatn- -

    eai y nf the fears displaced by tbe se- n-tors from Unnnecttout and rtevada. tiepersisted that tbe British nnd North

    merioans reg'efed the burning ot ineoaoitol at Wbthinelon in the war ot1S12 Whn pressed by btewart of --vndatosay whether or not he up provenot the of tbe S m inn Is-land" by Garmaoy, C-c- ell rvpondedthat it was none of the s natoi bui-ne- ss

    want be tbongbt. The Anwicat.peop?e fear nobody. They wrshipMbe shrine cf the everlasting Aimigmy

    Jehovd Ki,d not a tbe feet of nny si glesower on eartb, or nil armbmtri. lilvabout f rtiflcatiocs wa not inly womsc-l- y

    but ch lli-- h. The senator from N --vada ned have no fetr Bbnnt foreicrDowers ard a- - for Canula if ber forcescrossed thc;barder io rotile arjy tvertfoot oT thai country would oe un-er- iuDower and jnriliot'on of the UnitedStates wi'hio s xty days. W.tbout voteun the bill the senate adjourned.

    8k F Avoiflo Jnne 29. Goneral WElliott aud sadJenly of hi-a-- t disene

    hia aft-rno- in thei-ffle- of the o-f- eand 1 rust Oompnuy of whrh

    institution he was nae-pte-ie- Gtn-er- alElliott was a nat.veof P nnsrivacm

    and abent sixty-bv- e vea-- s ciee. lieenteted the Army from U a. alilitsrAcsdemr arul servrd ibroucu v e o.tx -can and 0vll wvs. In the Inter hAttained ibermkof B evc Mf.ior-Gene- -ral of vdno'eers. lie era inerpgulsr services at tbe close of be warn't was plaoed on 'he retired lit Mar.

    1879. being at that time colonel of thirdcavalry.

    Daoostt June2C TbP preliminary eihmmaiion of J. eph Sullivan isbMna htld here. Hp is chireeJ withthe murder of f how Qmnc a Coin-m- arand witn murder ore nnenocxwhom he shot In the le at Hhsleit lajtWMnesdav. Sullivan hadwith Chinese laborers and kn- - eked oceseosplees with a pick handle acd then.ti.mntnl tn fttmanlt conductor an-- i en- -mnapr nf n fneffhl train on wnicu meothers took refnge.

    WiRirrvoTos. June 23-S- sve ral amendmsntfl tn the tar ff bill, Biiinnir oiaero,

    i,r Tini..naii of New lcrk. provtding tbnt whenever any of the articles

    in the free lit arp imrorted ini.t forpion registry toev sunn py

    rinliu innnaMl liV hCt of 1S3, WhB te--jsoted; and one adopted placing primitive dye used in oonun uuuiu...ea tha IfdJ 1IJ11 Ujx,tt u mwuu a aa f - . i:tif...A t;,t rln uh e DOrilOD Ol U- - OUIi tl Jl" "uu s . -ensme in ra.e oTbe clause piovidingautiss tKKicBenci jui uover Dincley of Maine m vea i" my

    a m Aanv in iirrria. I 1:1 l .a aaiy or uiireu ' TAdams of moved tostnke

    n t,A nlanaAS 11X102 rate Ol uuiji . - threw ivnm a douuu.

    nl .tt. m.a and house concarred in... nf mnt resolution

    PXtending appropnaiions wrww jasnd took a recess oniuruwtaideration of pension bills.

    t, i t .Tnns 29 Geo. Helm.i .Atr driver, was founddradW;i.haV;mVry-laranumt.,,i-


    . j -SSm-- toto He baa been drink

    Vlng bsafily ot late.

    Washisotos June 29 Tbe post officeestabl shed at Crown K'nir, Yovapai Oo.Ariz. Geo. P. H.trriciton postmastrr,and offic at Ash, Fork, sane couoty.will be discontinued fiom the tenth ofJuly.

    Washisotos Jane A letter of theSecretary of Hie Tmriinpt vm tothe bon Io-J- eadariloir theolmm nfJo. H Cumibell.H. AI. Alexander andL. (1. tlh mhl fnr tnx trassi via rflaiaf.anU to Uniteo

    tStates. Attorney in certain

    uiuruer iriaj in Arizoua,WAntNOT-'- June 30, General 8her- -

    Wai rdHiOtPd hnnoAids


    nwHtara aoonr ii ''clock this mornini'.na



    I rum hta in Ihn

    Uo.Shorldan was carried f rr m bla bedom on a smell cot by five orderliaa


    out placed in an ambnlence



    noon nnd

    hidt ids at me door where a sm-.l- l oroad

    fl lAAltrf ' 'ha IimKr. lnnn .ven tn the navy yard and followed by

    oarnnge iu wnicn wer airs nceridnnnnmflv (ion .Qhrtrln .nnr ir.n

    freely wiih the attendants while on hi- -i i , .war io ao jura hua appeared to be in

    excellent nnirila. Tti nit si. earria.t nr.tbe vessel by six ltra and placed iome oaptaio cabin. Liitiie time as los-whe-

    Castatn JicGowan curt. ordefH anet un ler wr.y. Tlie ateier sung outfrocan


    tne dock and proceeded dosrn tbeKm.

    The S vatara sailed at 1:55 a m. Gen.rida'j w- - safrly aboard about noon.

    iTnMer trom bom- - w tha vedtel .1au hur and w a see m .limbed

    alishlMt nr A. lut.The (jo eral rentioir well lt uiahl. lrfirnremnral pxnll.-- i Iv ant ahon fr..vessl ateamed slowly away was in atleast as pood eonilitlnn aa lufnrahome.

    Washisot v JmeSO ThePresidenhis iirued the I idiB'i auprooriation nili.rhti Ciocicnatii Exoosiiion cmmiiteeHave been inform d br tha Preitdenha: nn coonnt of measure of bnsn el.

    hf nt -- rceot Its ii vitatton to Mien-- 4the Exnnsition st a 'imp. He bttnow on his bunds 130 bills that ranst twexamined and disposed of during theo imintr week.

    Ni-- I'lins-wic- June 30. Gener 1obu B. MflnKifb, 0 lied Siatea Armetired, died lust in this eilv of

    benrt uiseuce, aged CO.

    B ii...--! Jane 30. Georse Godfreytbe cul- - rrd iimreliHf. has asceotsd theabs leoco nf J rk-- os of Aatrli-- . thecolored chmpion, to fliht at San Fiat,.Jiscoin Anuast.

    GErriBBcna Jane 80. Wisoonsin de- -dlCnit.-- .tr seven mouumrnts y otOettjahurg battle Held A irreat i,umb--r of of Wnoooaiu regimenwere io attendnnce. Tbt monm-nt- s

    ere fi rmalty presented to Guttrebur,-Ba'tlrfisl- dMemorial A'ociati-- bt

    Grneml Luciu Fairoail 1 and were aa- -wp'ed by Governor Beaver, ex oflioitoresidei tot the Aaaocintion. GeneralLongjtra nf the Confederate Army warin a tendance.'

    Wasrji.NOTox. June 30 In considers- -Mon of tLe atiffbill in tbe houe tbi- -mo ning to increase the duty rn flaxreed snd liode-e- d nil tromlOtolScentrper Bolton, vu agreed to.

    L: xd K. June 30. Proosrtr has beenI'S'rovtd by fires at H.n.trill anaUmea Sweden VhIum) a 945,000,003. AKrover twe'v- - tboasa-.- d person ar.modred bomelesa. Kiog:tcr is viit- -oit tbt dtetriotsengaedia reliarinir thawants of tbe aeffenrs.

    IttDZAMAFotiia Jaoe 30. & delegaiior.repiesrnticg the Ma.quette olnb at Cfciliro, railed oa Ueberal liirri'on thisAttetnoon and presented resolution'tUJUt'riitulBtin' him un securing the dobitiBtiun and pledging their bune.t sffortro elect bm d President o! the Uoiten

    oiates. In the a boJy t vete-- nn suldters ot tbe union, not represrni- -ok'aoj particular org.mzttion c all-- d aibe UeneraiV ras denoe to pay their rts- -

    jfO'B. la reply to an sddres of tbeitpokestaan, General rpokrone'l), thanking tbrm and saying therei- - no cUas whoe confidence and rexpecbe more highly prized than th t of tb.old soldiers, the fist in ou

    w. s united nnd welded, satrhe, ere too hot for the bond ever to biroken. No army was ever assembled

    in the world's history that gatheredfrom hicher impulses than tbe army ottbe union. We wet.t not as pArtiao,ont or pa riots, into thi strife which in

    lvts tbe nttural life. It was as 8 res'o ns muster out. rsoruiiani as ao)vork which ta been dooe io the fieldWhen the wur was over the soldier wnnot left at a tavero. every rnsn had iisome bomb! - pUoa a chair by somafl'e- -side wlere be was loved, and toward4hich bis heart wr-n-t forward with t- -qu ck step and so this ure&t army tbainJ rallied tor tbe defense and preserVHtton of tbo country wai dL'bst.d owithout tumult or not or Any pnhlilintcrbA'iCe- - It had covered tbe oouory with the mantle ot ita proteotior

    when it needed it aa tbe soow ot sprintcovers tbe early and whe ,be wnimsun of peace shne upon it

    it disappeared a tbe soow suck into tbPKrih to rfreh ard vivify the rummergrowth. Tbey fonnd their horaea, tbej

    trricd tb-- ir brnios and lotell-- ct intotil th- - t Usui's of reace t stimulatebe land and lift iham up They ddehir grest imonl o tn tba great watet prosperity which bss awspi ovr onruntrj ever since. (Applanse.) But in

    noluins wa inia war greater ioa idat we led a rice into freedom aoe

    bronvlit those whom we 'iid conqueredn tbe strutrwle into the ful enjoymen'

    ot ci'iz-'n-bi- and sbarpocm them thereponMbiliticB and

    lu irfi "f a restored government. (Ap- -jlntl-e.- )

    Pan FBAycisoo. July 2 Telegraph!timm ioi Mion witn th east, ovtr inslentrai mute oas ben temporarily outffby a file atO-.rIin- , ev, The Itortb

    -- rn null oonmeru ikdmhuu oick'--oaie.i sip also interrupted.

    L,o Anosxes. Jnlr 2 Elli colIeswas almost d. et'oyed by fl-- e tb s morn-ing, ool) a smell portion ot thebuildinvheme stved. Tbe fire is supposed tchas hsen ranged oy a aerective nue.fhe bai'dinf cost twenty thoasanodollar, and c mtained farnitnre valaedni tit thoustod. Nearly all tbo turni- -nre wa destroyed, lotal e.lXteen thou3acd dollars.

    tr.ontvnTos--. Jnlv 2 By a strictnarti vnte the boufe committee decidedth-- Cali'ornia contesied eieetioD case oiSnllivan vs. Felton, in favor oi me contestant Sallivan, od will report a reso--ntion unseating relton. the repuou

    iii nrn-iMt- a minority reportrhinn wtll Droosuu ireu'nwn uiof 11 iaois, favorable to Helton a oiaim-


    tr.outvriTns--. Jnlv 2 In the Housey among other things introduced

    and reported was one by of

    regulation of railroads aeqnired by theD, S ucder judicial fortcIosure or fori.iin.. Th i a bill introduced in Aprilljt hv Ander on. It is a very longmeasure, snd Anderson demandedreading in tallt

    Washisctok. July 2 The Senatenn l'ndieiarr has deotded toWWWIIItu . -

    report back the nomination Melvillew TnUartabe Chief Justice withoutanv rpntnmec dation.

    ,. lnl.O. A Are was disj --7coveted

    ruusiAxfiat 30 tbu moraiag tn a falcon

    nn R.ilrotd Ave. Ane usmrs pr



    ...ui. past and west taking everything from San Francisco t Gold Ava,Tbe loa will not do ii.A .r.nn.nd dollars. At one time thigaUxs wsitsra poitiwa ct tha Iowa was

    in danger or baing destroyed bnt bythe bard work of tha citizens thonHiaeA were rested m that direction.Tbe fiimes rapidly awept e&atwird un-til tbe fine new Dinohaa building wasreached whish in a few mi uips was aroaring furnace A saio-.- n buildiogownea 07 jbp. a, veil wsb burned batbeicg oa a corner give tbe workers aebneceto s7n the remainder nf the bus-in- -s

    portion of the town. Tho SignalOffice almoi--t a total los. Tbo Cham-pion office savjd but the building andmaterial bud'y damaged. The only in-surance was held by 8. Salzman onstock and general merchandise three:thousand dollars. All ether policies ocRailroad Avenje had been cancelled 3days previous. The oauso ot the firecot knnwo.

    OETXTSBnpa July 2, The second daynf rs-uu-ion opuntd clear aod beAatiful,no aloud meuso-'- tbe visitors and thterrible battle ot 25 years ago ajonlipof every ne. TrHiottwith thousands otpaaengpri rolled into tbe town and thcrowd increased until tha place wss filledfeller than at any time since the memo-rab- ls

    dayaot '82.Fortbxs Mosboe, Viv, Jnly 2 The

    Satarawith Uen. Ubertdan jd partysilled at dAjligbi. There vm a Tiesleastern breeze. Thermometer 70.

    Chablevoix. Miob., July 2 Ftp'fires are rnemz in this vioimtr. Twofireepzines from this plaoe have bet-wo'kia- g

    sin e yesterday afternoon ttsave the lumberyards and mills.


    Rlcbt CollarLiwi.

    the Bomcitud

    Unmarried w mHB. widows, mtidensand dtserted wivte, who are over ce yei-rs- . are entitled to aII tbrihte, privileges and beoefiis under thnomrstead laws that caa ba enjoyed bjmen.

    i'ne mother ot a living child or obil-Ire- o,whether widow, ae.-erte-d wile oi

    aofor auale single person, may ccqiiiiitir to latd as tbe bead of a f.u:h.

    Ibpusb ander the sge of twenty onr.WUo .e of de entrymi-- snr

    eed to the ricrhts nt their ba--b cdAud may make fin-t- l prmf acd ik titm their own nazals. It is not aImcIcI' -y n-- ce sry that tbey should rBttaaoo tbe land after tbe dentb of id

    na-bn- as residence or o- - Itivatinn fc ithe preset bed fms Is all that Is titan d d of widows aod mil or betr.

    ThA widow of a per-o-n who servedfor ninety days or more do. rift? tbe wa

    t tbe rebellion id tbe United StainAm ,N tj or Mtrine Corns and dietwitnou' an entry, mav mrke stntry tbe acao m ber huaban'f. if liv

    ing might d, and in making final pror.treceive credit in lien of residence onbe land for tbe period of thb huband

    rviep,not tn exoeed1 be deserted wire of h bnoe tesd

    m-i- make final hig nt and have pa'eut issue io tb

    aame of her hnabnnd or she may roues t his entry on the groucd of abn-'onme- nt

    ot the claim and after cance'-atin- n,enter the lacdin her own nam .

    rhe tatter in th wiber course, for mwreasons.

    a., utmarried woman (widow or otbrwjs ) having initiated an entry, may

    m-r- ry withoa aHentins ber right to thtNnd, provided she oomplies with 1 e Ir--ral requirements. Should sbimrrprior to tbe tirnp when she might mi.kaer proof and per'eet her scosave the land to reside with her bn- -band elsewi ere, tbe rbtr? would bell -ole to cancellation for abandonmentnut not on account of the marria e.

    When a man and a woman encb maki1 homestead entry atid mtrry beferm kin if final proof, one cf the pot'ie- -out be relioiraiahed or aommnnicntrdtt their choice. If tbey live together onine homest ad, the entry covering thither homestead will be liable l cniet f--r abandonment, even tbonsb ht

    'and beculiivated aud improve-- . Tbeoumestead Iaw requires three 1 hints t.

    al title, first, bones' residenoe: se- -rond.BLO.l oultivatioo to crops or other- -eisp; snd third, fair improvement it.mailer of boildings, fences and tbe like.

    mplunco with only one or two ohene wid not satltv tbsw. r all 0 mplianoe with all three re

    quirements must be satisfaotorllv ahnwtr tbe ntire penod at tbe date whet

    tbe final pr-o- f is made.I be daughter or a deoensed soldier,

    ailor or marine, if otherwise qualified.may enter land in hr own right, not- -tithttandinff an entry may have bpsnmtde by her guardian and perfeced fot

    er benefit during her mson'.y. rJbecan thereby secure two bom-strai- 's.

    A widow, as tbe lagai reprssntAtiviof hor deceased haabacd. may oontmar

    caltivste bis home tesd nnd at theace time make an entry in br iwri'ne. A woman has this sdvntagrver a man. Hhp can tha eenre two

    homesteads while he is allowed onljnp.Tha widow of a deceased entrvmse

    n-- naroh-s- -. under th set of Jcne 15,1880. the lard smbrKCed in a homestead.'. . ......itry in oases waere toas act it ppuca-ble.


    Mrs. Florence T. Hlse,

    Mrs. Florence T. Htee was born icoath B tod, Indiana 1348. Her partbtmigrated 10 this oou try from tha Islr

    Mn nnd located in Iuiiaos. Attbe age of 12 years tbe family went to

    rk- -, Cil Tqh lather died inwnile tee bubiect of his fkttchwiu

    n ber teene. Tbe mother still renaiornd resides at . Oregon. Her

    tasrriaga to J. Henry Hi-- e took place hiGbbe A 1. Der. 10, 1677 three child-ren, tw'nsand oaetwoand one-h- yearso'd the is-n-e.

    I m iy be proper to state that th lateMrs. llie, by virtue ot ber parents earIt emizration to tbia country and ret- -tliug in ids men iron-ie- r town oc iuai-n- a,

    and afterwards to the state otCalifornia and to Arziea, thather lite baa been spent almost en lrel)on the frontier which fully accounts fuiher warm a laobment to friends, berconfiding nature and generoas hosiiiia- -lity eie:i-tll- to tbe needy. Her Jitbaa been blameless ano ner nereit nus-bin- d

    and motherless ohildren have truly lost their beet friend.

    It His Post Day and NightThe vigilant Imp. indieestion. pnd

    ns with his mAny-lasb- e l seen gp. E irhlash iJ a diabouo iimp om. NoCi.mfbtlin eating, misery afterwards, l it e otbroken rest at night, visitation nt tbenightmare dunag fitful IntetvMs orsieec. an uprising unretreshed and withont appetite, sleepiness and ynwrnnirdnrinz the day, nervoasnes- - and irrata- -hihtv of temper, even mcaomaniA in extreme cases. Hard to bear, all tbL. Necessary? ttola thousand times no, soIons as Hostellers Stomach Bitters, thnation's specific for indigestion, aonta orchroois. procurable. The oemmencementot a course of this medicine is the com-mencement of a cure. Prompt relieffirst, absolute eradication subsequently.Tbe truth or this atatement, bscxea upby irrefragable testimony, is well knowtn the American people. So are others.r.z that the Bitters avert aod cure feveracd ague aad bullous rtmiueat, ana removes nervousness, bllioaintAS, consu-patio&- t

    A&d kidney treablsi.

    SO 2G

    A Great Irrigat-o- a Scheme.

    (w York Glebe.

    Major Powell, ot theU.B. GeologicalSurvey, baa aabmitted to Congrets ascheme for damming the tntu ati 8 ofthe Miseoari ana Missifsirni, in orderto store their waters tor the irrigation ofthe imminjo boay of mid l.nds lyingeast of the Uioty Moantaicr, srd behas asked an it 325O,0C'Owherewith to begin the wrrk.

    Tbe and lands ot tbe U red Stateswhich are now for tbe m .a cm treejecadeserts, embrace an iro of 1,300,000 q.milea. or more ibka one third ( ibo en-tire are, of the Uoited SAie. MajorPowell behevrf that ab n- - l.OOO.a-- q.milpti of 'htse deserts may ba uliimitulyaonvcrted into fertile frraiuir lands bymeans of irrigation, and ttat tbe vlue01 tne land thus would bpthereby raised fr- - m 31.25 an tbeirpresent vs'ue ti 330 an t,cre.

    Of,eu.-a- e thif:iult iiiot attaiosblau tht-- icd mediate-futur--. but Mjor Pewell asye that it is poneible to rrciaim150,000 quare mllee within a ocmora-titei- y

    brief penod of time. The im or-tn- cef 'his statement becomes appa-

    rent when we oonib r that there areool- - about 300 OOO rquare miltB' f 'aod

    under culuviioo In the (JottedStates Oatside of beyond and this cou-i- derstton is the 'o'ther fsoi th t the reeluiAtion of 150,000 square mil ' 'litn w itenert rrkinr. would a d S3 COO -000000 to tba money value of tne na-int- ial

    domain, a sum nearly three tiuusts great aa the i.aiionaI debt.

    ThA annuul precitiiAtion o moisturet"rouhoat tbe dtsert ren of1 000.000 sqanrn miles, emb-nrin- c mun-in- t,

    vlJ- - nn.i pl.ins, raoBe-- frmdp iunhea on the drvest plains t- - it ir--

    in-ha- en tin nnnt it-- , o-- d veo toSeventy five inches on the bules' m nn- -

    lli ,ea--- , ,inJ HlP aeiA-- r ttehole retrion isneirly fifiter i

    wnnld tn itriire l.OcOOOqnar- - roit s of ari-- i 'amis, bnt nf enctse

    usp ail th s water for irriwa'ii r pnr-oe- awould destrnv tre nAvtjhi tj nf

    he rivers, nod this in n tbn g ibat roustnt even tetmpeirrd, bnt rtn!!

    Ilisthi ot wh oh tei'n'-- a 'H- -tnnuct of reclimsble Innda In ISO.OrtO

    iqnnre mile, an acreajfe wrcb will beCiiMect f. r the nrxt bn'f c - nryM"j ir Powell sa)s in exp'anaiion and

    n?tf rt of bis -- cbf met"The WAteis wlich rrdiosri') fl--

    -- to tbeocsD tbrrub 'he Mi-sr- .id: t.ibntKriea, aedtbr, nsn 'b A Uc-- s,

    the Reil, lh Ri . Gr"ode, e Cd-rd- o.tba Hhon-me- i to acd the

    to Ind mo-e- upattbeirfnnndati' n beda aid atn'ed in ver rrs--rvn- ir.

    We will thus hve it ol nin ofttnrehonsea in tbe mmniains fn n: HeCaosd hu tn ibe Mex'reu 'tdtbe water can be unlit d by leinrir itut npon the land tbrrn.h rn. nticg

    jnnzla. This method of redtemibc Isodw no new. It bas been prc'irt forIt nr six ibonskbd resrs. Ibe fcitiet

    agrieultur- - known by lyIrIgticn in the valley nf the Nil , rod.errly, cr ven enrlier irnk-- a w,snown in be valley o' C tlts. Iu tbeeinu of the five river it Ibdin re

    wis wholl d xrd-- ot np t nand tbe same m-- v be md ot

    Peru and Mexico Loig before tie hn-m- idregion1 of enrtn were ralnva'sd the

    desert land- - were ri domed by iitun-tlo- nAl -ly tbeie are an-a- - it Cali-

    fornia, U'bb. Colorado a d tbr ari-- tstates under irrijAtior., bat on y a veryamall port! n cf the wsttr in used, aidcoofeqaei.tly a small part of tbe ln isrede-n- it d. There are msaiy advi-ntatr- . ain irrigdticn. 'Ibe farmer dr lot de-pend on ipoon-tk- nl rainfbil. He has todp 1 with an diook'tb. ro at.-im- poflorals. Tbe woter is fti.-f-d npon bisltud where it is s te utd clIj Innob quantitie" 8s ate ireJrd."It will require At least two esrs to

    Ay on' tbe v'ound-rsr- k of this ener-mo- u-undertsxirr. The pnj ct ia ier-fecri- y

    Nn-ibl- e. Nn'ur,in ceavrplbolid rrk into oao,ds. hntt already

    made two ti lrs of rnr dr ms f r n, hvdibder no other circum-tuni- -f a ci uld nr-rln-ial

    reservoirs bo onaiiD witheconomy s i potibls 10 tbt? ewe. 1 beMi of tbeir srt-ot-u ii nt.d mnintHiorocewill be a very saall proportion of thevalue of tbe land redeemt d.

    So fnr irom sny irjnry beioir wronclitto the people livine; nlocg the Missourinod iMiKni-cip- p: by tbe s'trace of tbe-- at plus waters of tbeir triontariee, ihovalleys ot these rivers will be cretlynenefltsd, as Major Powell cltmlyshows. He sas;

    The development ot irrigation alongtbe base of tbe Ricky meantaina w fdouble importance because of ita in- -flounce on tbe Rcricnl'ure of ihelrwe;Mississippi. To store np tb-- water oftbe Mi'seuri ard lis mAin ffloei.ts forbe nurpo-- e of irrigation is to ilian ish

    0 Volume of tbatfljodof ibeMississippi which ia moai des tructtp by

    ason of ltscocumnir in tbe beattot tberming season. Moreo er he grAt

    d ffisuliy of tbe problem of tbe lowerpi ari-e- s fr m ibe fct 'bA he

    r:ver normally mbken a dep nt Here.that closg'-ti- iln coarse at-- givinir to

    cbaonel aa unstable poaition. Treprito phl cf the re1icrent ie tte.Mn-ou- ri river. no is earned forwatd

    bii-fl- during tbe flood. Witb alnlilionrrreat Misaou'i fl d tb-- a dimD'sry

    InAd of the It wer Misi'sippi wonld bediminished, and the ar nn a tower cftbo lei--s loaded flcods fr m tbe Or-i-and the upp-- r Mit-ji- it-t- t wonld

    b for tha loer Hisai'sipM a l"ergrade and a deeper cbanctL For reryacre reolaimrd toasricn'tiire In Mo- - Natino'her rre will be rto'aEid in L- - na.tana; and, in gensrbl.n'l landsiiy urt ticn oa tbe i?rBt t lait s wu- - beqnsled by lbs lscd fr n

    Bonds in the creat vatiey utaei'werThn totrihle floods, whirh srp new

    rlpvataticg tbe fertile field" aba? tieMiaaiSfiop. des royinir milliona of prp- -erty, aat doistr nnspesxabie birm tothe msny people who live upon 'b lewIsni's. sive tr tbe pres- -prt dica-sio- n ct this very importantsub eat.


    3 - ? On I? k

    m a a o s io v o c3 rv5r2 r CO Ss. o p rn fc0 c 0" "7 a3 s-- e - o ? o1 I ? n V--

    v 3 x A

    Uil '' 5.3 4V A: S 3 1 VS V; co I t

    E" Ig2.aj o zr JH3 2. S 7 p Iupi 3 Q I V3 33 rr wZ Sr st I3 & 1 V0 L? o I3 3 3 ria - ra.

    CVt Ouutss A. C. Balte-- , A