Argan oil home benefits & uses


Transcript of Argan oil home benefits & uses

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Are you experiencing acne breakouts? Have you checked with your dermatologist? You should as you may be suffering from PCOS.

Ever heard of polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS? It is a health condition that affects women. With PCOS, the hormones are out of balance causing irregular menstruation periods and difficulty in getting pregnant. If you have it you may experience unwanted changes in your appearance. Over time it can lead to serious health problems including diabetes and heart disease.

Most women who suffer from PCOS grow a number of small cysts on their ovaries hence the name polycystic ovarian syndrome. These cysts are not harmful but they do cause hormone imbalances. Early diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome and treatment can help control the symptoms and prevent issues in the long run.

PCOS: Getting to Know More About HormonesSo let’s get to know more about hormones. Hormones are our body’s

messengers. They trigger a number of various processes such as energy

Do You Have PCOS?

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production and growth. Often one hormone’s job is to signal the release of another hormone. Up to this date the imbalance of hormones in PCOS is not well understood yet. What is known is that a change in one hormone causes a change in another which changes another hormone.Here are a few examples how things happen with PCOSo Sex hormones get out of balance. In normal circumstances, the ovaries

produce a tiny amount of androgens or the male sex hormones. However with polycystic ovarian syndrome, the ovaries start producing a higher amount. This can cause you to stop ovulating, experience acne breakouts, and grow extra hair on the face and the body.

o PCOS can also cause insulin resistance. This means that the body doesn’t utilize insulin well which causes the blood sugar levels to rise. Over time, this ups your risk of diabetes.

So what causes polycystic ovarian syndrome? Up to this date, the cause (or causes) of PCOS is not yet determined. However, genetics may play a major role. It seems that PCOS run in families so if other women in your family have it or they experience irregular menstruation periods or if they

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have diabetes, your chances of having it is greater. Both your mother’s side and father’s side can pass down this condition.

Symptoms of PCOSSo what are its symptoms? The symptoms at first tend to be mild. You

may experience only a few of the common symptoms or a whole lot of them. Here is a list of the most common symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome:o Acneo Weight gain plus difficulty losing weighto Extra hair growth on the face and body. Oftentimes women get

thicker and darker facial hair and more hair on the chest, belly, and back areas.

o Thinning hair on the scalp.o Irregular menstrual periods. In most cases, women with PCOS have

fewer than 9 periods in a year. However some women don’t get periods at all while some get heavy bleeding.

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o Fertility problems. Most women with PCOS have trouble getting pregnant.

o DepressionIt pays to visit your dermatologist regularly, at least once a year

to detect PCOS early on and treat it immediately.Do you suffer from PCOS? What are the symptoms that you’re

experiencing? Let us know by dropping in a comment. Feel free to share your tips and advice for managing the symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome.

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The occurrence of acne is a common concern not only by the younger generation but even those in their 30s.

If this condition is not treated, it can cause a negative effect on a person’s level of confidence and self-esteem, not to mention the risks associated with not treating the condition well. Although there are many products that promise to deliver the results, not many provide an all natural and organic solution that will pose no danger to the skin. This is the strength of argan oil. It is a very powerful beauty and skin maintenance product that has been relied on in Morocco for many years. This is the secret of many Europeans that is now revealed to the other parts of the world.

Argan oil has healing properties that also delay the aging process. Its Vitamin E component and essential fatty acids take care of the repair and restoration of damaged skin tissues. This is why the occurrence of wrinkles and facial lines can be minimized with the use of this oil. The natural oil helps in the decrease of acne breakouts because clogged pores are naturally freed to allow the release of the skin’s natural oil. Some use topical creams to address

Argan Oil for Acne

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the acne problem but they end up with drier skin with red marks that can look unpleasant. This is also smoothened and removed with the use of argan oil. Others tend to rely on the faster way of getting results by taking oral medications.

Although the results may be effective, there are side effects that can result to birth defects and other reactions that can create negative effects to health. Hence, it is still best to use an organic product to take care of your pressing acne concern. Rely on argan oil and your worries will soon be gone.

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In the world of skin care, there always seems to be some new, wonder substance that’s touted as having the power to solve all of your beauty problems. When experts stumble upon these natural ingredients that have skin-smoothing or anti-aging properties, you may be tempted to run out and try them immediately. But a little advance research on some of these skin care miracles might help you determine if they provide any real benefit. Argan oil — a natural product that’s gained popularity in recent years — is a great example.

Often called “liquid gold,” argan oil is derived from nuts found within the fruit of argan trees, which grow almost exclusively in a certain region of Morocco.

Primarily produced on small, female-run cooperatives, argan oil is high in vitamin E, essential fatty acids and antioxidants, and experts believe it can help with many skin conditions, from dry skin and wrinkles to psoriasis, eczema and acne

Can argan oil help my skin?

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These purported restorative and anti-aging benefits have led to a high demand for this difficult-to-produce oil.

Argan oil can be found in some lotions, though many people seek it out in its pure form. As such, the oil is easily absorbed and can be used on skin, hair and nails. Moroccans also put argan oil in their food — a tasty way to receive its health benefits.

While most experts agree on the benefits of using argan oil to revitalize and hydrate dull, dry skin, it isn’t the only natural product that will provide this relief. Other oils, such as olive, safflower, walnut, avocado and evening primrose oil, will provide similar benefits, helping to trap moisture into the skin and providing many of the same antioxidants and nutrients. Then again, Moroccan women have sworn by argan oil for years, so — though it can be a bit pricier than some other oils — it may be a worthwhile splurge for troublesome skin.

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One of the most astonishing assets of a beautiful woman is her nails. It is very important that our nails are well taken care off. This part of our body is often neglected but we have to keep in mind that just like the hair and skin, nails must also be maintained to look nice and well all the time. Great thing now also, we have the argan oil that assures us that our nails will be maintained to look good once we apply it to us.

There are also a number of girls who likes to have good manicured nails and keeping them but sometimes for a long grow is difficult.

Some others have difficult time maintaining for strong nails. Here is some of the important information you need to know about the composition of nails before you do some treatment to your nails. You have to know that a nail is usually comprised of two major parts which is called the nail plate and the cuticle. This are required to always be taken care based from the important guidelines of experts.

Argan Oil For Nails

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One of the most helpful ways for you to make your nails always well groomed is by applying argan oil to it. This special oil was made to make certain that you will always maintain well groomed nails. If you are people who always complain that your nails are becoming brittle and you have noticed some cracking on your skin around its edges, you better apply this special substance to your nails now. This will help your skin and nails become moisturized and strong all the time. You can effectively use this special oil to your cuticles if you want this become well groomed all the time. You can use this to dip your nails in it for some regular use.

You can also use this oil not just to your nails but also to your hair and skin. This is the best option for everyone who wants to maintain the great grooming all the time. In fact, this golden oil was extracted from the argan tree in Morocco which has seen to be a potential substance that really makes our skin soft, make our hair shine and most especially makes our nail strong. This oil has a lot of benefits unlike other oils which were formerly introduced in the market. The women from Morocco would peel out the layer from this fruit

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tree and extract the kernel from which the oil will come out. This will also help the women there to compensate their living.

A lot of researches would agree that this substance is really good. You can also directly apply this to your face, skin, hair and nails most especially without harm. So, by using it, this would assure you that your nail will really look the way you wish it to become. Do not forget that just like some other parts of our body; our nails need this proper nutrition and diet. When our nail grows faster and stronger, this would also increase the consumption of protein and vitamins so take care of it with the use of this special oil all the time.

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