Arena Magazine, Winter 2014 issue...

Christmas is coming... And we have your guide to everything festive in Rushmoor Enterprising Former barracks are now open to new business start-ups Aldershot in focus Town centre revamp and major new housing development set to begin PLUS “Mirror mirror on the wall. . . Where’s the funniest panto of all?” “Other pantos may be all that , But Princes Hall is where it’s at!”


Arena Magazine, Winter 2014 issue from Rushmoor Borough Council

Transcript of Arena Magazine, Winter 2014 issue...

Page 1: Arena Magazine, Winter 2014 issue...

Christmas is coming...And we have your guide toeverything festive in Rushmoor

EnterprisingFormer barracks are now opento new business start-ups

Aldershot in focusTown centre revamp and major newhousing development set to beginPLUS

“Mirror mirror on the wall. . . Where’s the funniest panto of all?”“Other pantos may be all that, But Princes Hall is where it’s at!”

Page 3: Arena Magazine, Winter 2014 issue...

News: Aldershot – town centre revamp is set tobegin in new year; and work begins on majorhousing development 4-5Building an accessible garden inCove Green 6The Skilled Up project marks asuccessful first year 7Everything you need to know about Christmasin Rushmoor, plus office opening hours 8-9We’ve got Christmas recycling allwrapped up, plus your cut-out-and-keep recycling and wastecollection calendar 10Our new design guide willimprove the look of our highstreets 11What’s On: It’s panto time; looking ahead to thespring season at the Princes Hall and weddingseason; plus your local eventslistings 12-13News: Dial-a-Ride scheme helpsthe housebound; new enterprisecentre opens for business start-ups 14-15

New era for our borough

Did you know that Arena is available as atalking newspaper? Each edition is recorded asan mp3 file and is available free. It is alsoavailable in large print.And if you have any problems receiving Arenaplease don’t hesitate to call. Tel: Gill Chisnall on 01252 398744 or [email protected]

Arena Issue 92 Winter 2014

Cover: Snow White, this year’s action-packedpanto at the Princes Hall, runs from Thursday11 December to Sunday 4 January. Be sure tobook your tickets!

Like us on Facebook orfollow us on Twitter@RushmoorCouncil Make us your favourite onyour browser or phone.


Produced by: Rushmoor Borough Council, Council Offices,Farnborough Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7JUTel: 01252 398399 Website: Email: [email protected] by: Deep South Media Spot on Media Ltd (0845 004 0683)[email protected] by: PCP Ltd (01952 585585)Each magazine costs less than 20p to produce. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, Rushmoor Borough Councildoes not accept liability for any error or omission. Rushmoor Borough Councildoes not endorse products or services advertised in Arena.




By Cllr Peter Moyle, Leader ofRushmoor Borough Council

Welcome to this festiveedition of Arenamagazine.

What a fabulous autumn wehad, culminating in the hottestHalloween on record. I hope youwere able to take advantage ofthe warm weather and get outand about to enjoy the lovelyparks and green spaces we have in the borough.

However, now that winter is upon us, there is stillplenty to look forward to. There are many activities forthe family to enjoy in both Aldershot and Farnboroughtown centres while you do your Christmas shopping.As part of our ongoing support for local businesses, weare once again offering free parking in council-run carparks (except Farnborough railway station) on the twoSundays before Christmas, 14 and 21 December. I hopeyou will take advantage to shop locally.

Shortly before Arena went to print, we weredelighted to confirm that architects Allies & Morrisonwill be working with us on the masterplans for bothtown centres, including the large space around theFarnborough civic quarter. We will tell you soon howyou can take part in the consultation.

Early new year marks the start of a £4.5 million towncentre improvement project in Aldershot. On page fouryou can see how the council has worked closely withSouth East Water to synchronise our project with theirplans to upgrade pipelines in Union Street and theHigh Street. This joined-up working will enable us tominimise disruption.

Work has also begun on the Aldershot UrbanExtension, which will eventually provide almost 4,000new homes for the town. More than a third of thesewill be affordable homes. Developers Grainger spellout what benefits this massive project will bring onpage five.

We are most grateful for the huge contributionvolunteers make in Rushmoor. A good example is theinnovative Farnborough Rotary Access Garden which isbeing built for disabled and vulnerable residents (pagesix). If you know of someone who deserves recognitionfor their voluntary work, read how you can nominatethem for a Local Hero award on page nine.

That only leaves me to wish you a happy Christmasand a healthy and successful new year.

Have a good one!


Page 4: Arena Magazine, Winter 2014 issue...

Our new £4.5 million poundAldershot town centreimprovement project is set tobegin early in the new year.

And to minimise disruption toresidents and business, we aremaking sure this work ties up with amajor improvement project SouthEast Water has planned for the centreof town.

Over the summer and autumn, wepresented our proposals on how themoney could be allocated to improvethe town centre.

This included restoring shop fronts,improving links to the new Wellesleydevelopment and better footpathsand paving in Union Street andWellington Street.

Other improvements will includebetter signage, visitor informationpoints, a new footway connecting theHigh Street car park and Court Roadand an amphitheatre stairway leadingpedestrians from that car park intotown.

Grainger plc, the developer ofWellesley, is providing £3 million ofthe funding and we are adding in£1.5 million.

Hundreds of you responded to ourconsultation and the majority of youwere very positive about the plans.

You also told us that you would likemore seating rather than less, moretrees, the steps in Union Street to belevelled, cycle schemes and theamount of vehicles using UnionStreet and Wellington Street reduced.

Now we’ve had your feedback wecan incorporate those views into ourplans – including the removal of thesteps in Union Street.

The first set of improvement worksto Union Street and Wellington Streetwill get under way in early 2015, withother work due to be completed bythe summer.

The improvements will besynchronised with an £85,000 projectby South East Water to upgrade thepipelines in Union Street and HighStreet following a series of watermain bursts. This will meanpavements will only be dug up once,with our contractors following onimmediately from South East Water.

The work is planned to start inJanuary 2015 following the busyChristmas shopping period and is

expected to take around four monthsto complete.

Chris Love, Delivery Manager atSouth East Water, said: “It isunacceptable to us that businessesand residents go without water forshort periods when bursts occur.

“All businesses in Union Street andHigh Street will remain open asnormal and we’re working hard toensure that there will be as littledisruption as possible while the workis carried out.”

Click here for Christmas computer bargains

4 News

QueensroundaboutimprovementsWork aimed atimproving the Queensroundabout andhelping to keep trafficflowing aroundFarnborough andAldershot is alreadywell under way.

The work includesthe installation oftraffic lights on all fourapproaches, thewidening of theapproach roads andthe construction ofextra pedestrian andcycling facilities. Theproject is expected tobe completed in nineto 12 months.

You can keep up-to-date on the progress ofthe scheme by

PCs and laptops have neverbeen more affordable thisChristmas thanks toAldershot’s socialenterprise TechStart.

At TechStart, which isbased in The Galleries, youcan buy refurbished PCsfrom £55 and laptops fromjust £75.

The not-for-profit socialenterprise can also repairyour computer for just £35,plus parts, and offers partexchanges.

Techstart receivesdonated computers andlaptops from the businesscommunity, refurbishesthem and then sells themon at very affordable rates.

The aim is to make sureeveryone can be part of thedigital age.

And some people mayalso be entitled to receive free PCs if they are referred

to TechStart from supportservices, such as CAB, TheVine, Step-by-Step andsocial landlords.

So if a computer orlaptop is at the top of yourfestive gift list, make abeeline for TechStart.

Any business that hasunwanted computers canalso give an earlyChristmas present by

donating them now toTechStart.

TechStart is openWednesday to Saturday,10am to 4pm and will beclosed over Christmas from21-31 December.

Contact usFor more informationcall 01252 311660 or goto

Contact usFor the town centre improvementsvisit and for thewater scheme, go

Town centre facelift to begin

Page 5: Arena Magazine, Winter 2014 issue...


A simpler and fairer systemhas been introduced for allblue badge holders.

Everyone with a blue badgenow has to pay to park inour car parks – but theyreceive double the amountof time for their money.

We introduced chargingfor some blue badgeholders following a reviewand consultation in 2012.

However, followingfeedback that the scheme –which chargeddiscretionary blue badgeholders only – wasconfusing and unfair, webrought in a new scheme,which began in theautumn.

The old two-tier system

has been removed and allblue badge holders arenow treated the same.

And to recognise thatblue badge holderspotentially need more timeto get back to their cars, wedoubled the time they getfor their money. This, alongwith our over-65 parkingconcessions, means moreand more of our mostvulnerable residents areable to park more cheaply.

Work has now begunon what willeventually become adevelopment ofalmost 4,000 newhomes for Aldershot.

Phase one of thisambitious 15-year projecthas started with the first228 homes being built onthe former Aldershotgarrison site.

Eventually, the schemewill transform the wholesite into the Wellesleydevelopment, creating anurban extension toAldershot.

Overseeing this majorscheme is developerGrainger plc, which isacting on behalf of theDefence InfrastructureOrganisation – part of theMinistry of Defence, whichis the landowner untilconsented land has beensold to house builders.

This first phase has beensold to Bellway Homes Ltd,

with the new homesexpected to be completedby spring 2015.

Alan Chitson,development manager atGrainger, said: “We arekeen to ensure we developa thriving new communityat Wellesley, providing wellplanned new homes, newschools, green open spacesand amenities.

“The development will

also bring long-termeconomic benefits to thelocal area. We are verypleased Bellway hascompleted the first landsale. They shared ourvision for the site and havea good record in buildinghigh quality new homes.’’

The new homes, whichrange from one-bedroomflats up to five-bedroomhouses, will be next to the

recently refurbished SmithDorrien House – once usedas a Methodist soldiers’home. And more than athird of the new propertieswill be affordable homes.

Have your say on planningfor the future of Rushmoor

Contact usKeep up to date with theWellesley development

Contact usFor more informationon blue badge parkingand over-65concessions,

Breaking new ground: Alan Chitson (left) and Ed Bartlett of developers Grainger

Fairer system for blue badge parking

Next year will see a majorconsultation on planningfor the long-term future ofour borough.

A timetable has beendrawn up for thepreparation of a new LocalPlan for Rushmoor, whichwill guide development,such as the location andnumber of new homes,future sites for new jobs,further improvements tothe town centres ofAldershot andFarnborough, and detailedplanning policies forFarnborough Airport, foryears to come.

There will be severalopportunities for you tocomment on the new plan

as it evolves, with the firstchance to do so during aninitial consultation in June2015. To sign up to receivefurther information on thenew Local Plan [email protected], orcall our planning policyteam on 01252 398789.

In the meantime, ourCore Strategy (2011) andLocal Plan (2000) remain inplace to guide futuredevelopment in theborough until the newplan is complete.

New homes mark beginningof a new era for Aldershot

Contact usFor information

Page 6: Arena Magazine, Winter 2014 issue...

Vulnerable people andthose with disabilitieswill be able to use anew, accessiblegarden at Cove Greenallotments fromspring 2015.

The Farnborough RotaryAccess Garden will givepeople usually excludedfrom gardening the chanceto enjoy its many benefits.

Farnborough Rotariansand Rushmoor VoluntaryServices’ group BloomingMarvellous have beenbusily clearing a site at theallotments to make wayfor the garden. Twogarages have beendemolished, with anotherleft to serve as a gardenworkshop.

Raised flowerbeds,accessible to wheelchairusers, are being built tohouse an array of plants

and vegetables. Carparking will also be madeavailable.

Michael Smailes ofFarnborough Rotary Clubcame up with the idea forthe garden.

He said: “I have anallotment and gain a greatdeal of enjoyment from it.The accessible garden willopen gardening up to alarge group of people who

can enjoy it too.“We are applying for

grants and are also lookingto local businesses fortheir help in creating thegarden. Once it is open,hopefully in the spring, wewill hand its day-to-dayrunning over to BloomingMarvellous, who willsupervise gardening in acontrolled and safeenvironment.”

6 Pride in Rushmoor

Everything came up roses in the latestSouth and South East in Bloomcompetition – with two top awards forRushmoor.

At a presentation day in Brighton,Aldershot Crematorium (pictured)received gold for the second yearrunning in the category to find theregion’s best cemetery/crematorium.

The judges assessed the crematoriumfor horticulture, the environment andconservation, pride of place, publicrelations and customer care.

Kelly Chambers, bereavement servicesmanager at the crematorium said: “Wewere thrilled to win gold again this year.

“A great deal of hard work goes intomaking the crematorium a beautifulplace.

“We have three full-time groundsmenwho work very hard. And they are partof a much wider team which is totallycommitted to the crematorium.”

Work takes place all year round tomake sure our public spaces meet thehigh standards set by South and SouthEast in Bloom.

The beautiful floral displays inAldershot town centre earned a silvergilt award after being scored highly onhorticultural achievement,

environmental responsibility andcommunity involvement.

South and South East in Bloom is alsoopen to community groups and thisyear Cheyne Way residents inFarnborough, Aldershot and DistrictAllotments and residents fromShaftesbury Court, Farnborough enteredthe It's Your Neighbourhood category,with each winning an ‘Outstanding’plaudit.

Shaftesbury Court, which also faredwell in Rushmoor in Bloom, received theadditional accolade of runner-up in theChampion of Champions category.

Aldershot scores double awards at SE in Bloom

DECEMBER15 Standards and Audit

Committee16 Licensing Sub-Cttee

JANUARY6 Cabinet7 Development

Management Cttee8 Licensing Sub-Cttee

(Alcohol &Entertainments)

12 Leisure and Youth Policy& Review Panel

13 Licensing Sub-Cttee15 Corporate Services

Policy & Review Panel19 Borough Services Policy

& Review Panel20 Environment Policy &

Review Panel22 Community Policy &

Review Panel26 Licensing and General

Purposes Cttee29 Licensing (Alcohol &


3 Cabinet4 Development

Management Cttee10 Licensing Sub-Cttee25 Licensing Sub-Cttee

(Alcohol &Entertainments)

26 Council MeetingMARCH

3 Cabinet4 Development

Management Cttee9 Standards and Audit

Cttee10 Licensing Sub-Cttee16 Leisure and Youth Policy

& Review Panel19 Corporate Services

Policy & Review Panel23 Borough Services Policy

& Review Panel24 Environment Policy &

Review Panel26 Licensing Sub-Cttee

(Alcohol &EntertainmentsCommunity Policy &Review Panel

30 Licensing and GeneralPurposes Cttee

31 CabinetThe public is welcome at allmeetings. Most start at 7pm,at the council offices inFarnborough Road. Cabinetmeetings start at 4.30pm.For more information, callKathy Flatt on 01252 398829or

Committee timetablePlan for accessible garden blossoms

Digging in: Volunteers help Rotary Club members,including Michael Smailes (right), clear the site

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Make sure you’re not a burglary statistic this Christmas

Our Skilled Up programmeaims to help long-termunemployed people back intowork – and 2014 has producedsome impressive results tobuild upon.

Since April 2014, the programmehas welcomed 24 course participantsand helped ten people into work.Nine people have passed theirConstruction Skills Certificate Scheme(CSCS) theory test, which they needto work on building sites.

Many of the people who join thepractical volunteer programme aredealing with challenging personalsituations that make findingemployment seem impossible.

But Skilled Up offers an effectivemix of practical construction skills,coupled with the support people needto build their confidence and find away back into the job market.

Course participants are taught touse relevant machinery andequipment, including pneumatic drillsand diggers. They also work on realenvironmental projects inFarnborough and Aldershot.

Course trainers work with traineeson their skills and aspirations and canflag-up jobs becoming available thatthey could apply for.

Local employers also offervolunteer positions and confidence-building courses can be provided.

Debbie Whitcombe, the council’sneighbourhood development officer,explained: “Skilled Up is notclassroom-based, it is very muchhands-on, and people respond verywell to this. Even those who have

been unemployed for a long time andfeel they have little to offer employersare seeing good results.

“One of our participants sufferedfrom severe anxiety and found itdifficult to even get to the firstsession. But he attended every day,came up with good ideas, workedhard and talked about his interests inphone and computer repairs.

“We then linked him to avolunteering opportunity in TechStart,he took his CSCS safety test andstarted stewarding at local events,and like many people who comethrough Skilled Up he is moving hislife forward.”

One Farnborough man, who hasbeen through the Skilled Upprogramme, agreed: “When the job

centre sends you volunteering younever get the chance to do it inconstruction – this has been brilliant.

“My kids think all dad does is stayhome and watch TV. I want to showthem there is a better life. I could nowapproach a site foreman and havesomething to offer, even though I leftschool with no qualifications.”

The programme is funded by theDepartment for Work and Pensions.You must receive Jobseeker'sAllowance or Employment andSupport Allowance to qualify forSkilled Up.


Whether you are going away for thefestive season, or spending it athome, follow our few simple tipsand make sure you don’t becomeyet another Christmas crimestatistic.

If you are going away, use timerdevices to switch on lights andradios regularly, and make sure youlock your garage and shed and

check doors and windows for weakspots.

Leave a spare key with a trustedneighbour and ask them to pick upmail and open or closecurtains/blinds at appropriate times.

Don’t advertise on social mediasites such as Facebook that you aregoing away.

If you are at home, keep presents

out of sight in your home and car.And do not feed extension cables

through partially open windows –criminals know to look for this.

Skilled Up project marks successfulfirst year helping people back to work

Contact usFor more seasonal crimeprevention tips

Contact usFor more details, ring 07831528383 or [email protected]

Skilled Up offers practical work on real construction projects

Page 8: Arena Magazine, Winter 2014 issue...

A special memorial treefor people to remembertheir loved ones thisChristmas is now in placeat the Park Crematoriumin Aldershot.

Christmas can be a verydifficult time for peoplewho have lost a lovedone and the memorialtree gives people theopportunity toexpress their feelingsby writing a messageon a card and tying it ona branch of the tree.

In the 14 years that thememorial tree has beenavailable, its popularityhas grown substantially –from 500 cards in the firstyear to more than 3,500last year.

The memorial tree is inthe crematorium’s hall ofremembrance and thecards for people to write

on are provided free ofcharge.

Over Christmas, thecrematorium is openduring the weekends ofDecember 13-14 and 20-21,between 10am and 2pm.

It is also open onChristmas Day, BoxingDay, December 27 and 28and New Year’s Day from10am to midday.

The crematoriumgrounds will be openbetween 10am and 4pmon Christmas Day, Boxing

Day, New Year’s Day,Saturdays andSundays.

Our cemeteries atRedan Road, Aldershot;

Ship Lane and VictoriaRoad, Farnborough willbe open every day from9am to 4pm.

8 Christmas

Our town centres havepulled a real Christmascracker this year witha whole host of festivetreats.

From Christmas carols tofree parking, there is morereason than ever to shoplocally for your yuletidegifts.

Our council-run car parksin Farnborough, Aldershotand North Camp will befree on Sunday 14 and 21December (apart fromUnion Street East andUnion Street West,Farnborough).

And there’s a choice ofSanta grottos for yourchildren to get an earlyglimpse of FatherChristmas.

The Princes Meadshopping centre grotto inFarnborough is free andopen every weekend, aswell as on 22, 23 and 24December, from 11am to3.30pm.

Aldershot’s TheWellington shopping centrehas a grotto based in theLower Mall, open everySaturday from 11am to4pm and Sundays between11am and 3pm. It will alsoopen on Tuesday 23December and onWednesday 24 December.

A special feature forChristmas in Farnboroughis the Tree of Memories atPrinces Mead, wherepeople can leave messages

about a loved one andmake donations to thePhyllis Tuckwell Hospice.

Christmas gift stalls willalso feature in the mallthroughout December.

Over at The Meads inFarnborough, there will beChristmas huts selling tastyfoods, a festive fayre sellinggifts, novelties and aChristmas trees; a carousel,face painting andworkshops for children.

Christmas wouldn’t be

Christmas without carolsand you can enjoy yourfavourites as they are sungat The Meads in the run-upto Christmas and also inUnion Street, Aldershot,every Saturday inDecember between middayand 2pm.

There will also be twofestive performances in TheWellington shopping centrefrom a local theatre schooland church choir onDecember 13 and 20.

At Westgate Leisure Parkin Aldershot, the festiveperiod will see free familyentertainment, seasonalmovie releases, deliciousfood, great Christmasparties and a visit fromFather Christmas himself.

Don’t getstuffed by foodpoisoningTurkey is the centrepiece formost of our Christmas dinners– but fail to prepare or cook itproperly and your festivitiescould be truly stuffed.

Ensure your turkey isdefrosted thoroughly in afridge or cool room beforeyou cook it and avoidspreading bacteria by notwashing it. These are some ofthe top tips for a healthyChristmas from the NHSLivewell campaign.

Contact usTo keep up to date witheverything going on thisyuletide,

Contact usTo find out more you are eating out thisChristmas, check out theestablishment’s FoodHygiene Rating by visiting

Festive cheer rings through our town centres

Memorial tree helps you remember loved ones at Christmas

From carols to carousels – there’s something for everyonein your local town centre this festive season

Contact usFor information or contactthe crematorium on01252 321653 [email protected]

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Christmas 9

Pride of Joy after poppypic chosen for calendarA stunning photo of poppieson the A325 was one of 12top-notch images taken bylocal people and selected forthe 2015 Aldershot calendar,which is now on sale.

The annual calendar competitionattracted a bumper crop of 125entries this year, so thank you toeveryone who sent in their photos.

Twelve superb shots taken bylocal people, throughout theseasons, were chosen.

Joy Cross, 55, from Farnboroughwhose photograph of poppies wastaken in the central reservation ofthe A325 in Aldershot, was amongthe winners.

We had planted the poppies inhonour of the WW1 centenary andMrs Cross was thrilled to hear herphotograph is being used forNovember in the calendar, whenRemembrance Sunday falls.

She said: “I took the picture on anear perfect summer's morning inJune.

“I saw the poppies in thesunshine and made a split seconddecision to pull off the main road. Ididn’t have a good camera with meso I used my iPad. But I was verypleased with the clarity of thepicture when I got home.”

Mrs Cross added: “This was myfirst submission to the competitionand I was truly delighted to hear Iwas one of the lucky 12.

“As for being the Novemberentry, I feel very humble and couldnot be more honoured to be chosenduring the WW1 centenary year.”

The calendar, sponsored byGrainger plc, is now available to

buy at the Princes Hall, the counciloffices in Farnborough, and fromselected town centre shops. Pricedat £5 each, all proceeds aredonated to The Vine Day Centre.

The charity supports homelessand vulnerable adults aged 25 andover and is one of the charitiesbeing supported by the Mayor ofRushmoor, Councillor DianeBedford.

Monday 22 December and Tuesday 23 December 8.30am - 5pm

Christmas Eve – Wednesday 24 December 8.30am – 3pmChristmas Day – Thursday 25 December ClosedBoxing Day – Friday 26 December ClosedMonday 29 December to Wednesday 31 December 8.30am – 5pmNew Year’s Day – Thursday 1 January ClosedFriday 2 January – (normal opening hours) 8.30am – 4.30pm

If you know a local hero, whose superpower is serving their community,then why not nominate them for theRushmoor Community Award 2015?

The annual award recognises theachievements of local people who arecommitted to helping others.

It isn't difficult to see why Walter(Wally) Clift from Farnborough and TedParker from Aldershot both wonCommunity Awards in 2014 –combined, the men have been lendinga hand for over 50 years.

Wally Clift moved to Pinewood Park30 years ago and since retiring fromthe army some 11 years ago, hasspent around four hours a day pickingup litter while out walking his dog.

Ted Parker has clocked up animpressive 40 years of volunteeringand has been the driving force behindParkside, the Aldershot charity thatprovides a wealth of support servicesto children and adults with learningdifficulties.

The Rushmoor Community Award2015 is open to all residents and isjudged by councillors on our Licensingand General Purposes Committee.Thecommittee looks for people who, asindividuals or representatives of anorganisation, have made anoutstanding contribution to thecommunity of Rushmoor.

Copies of the nomination form areavailable online or from Kathy Flatton 01252 398829 or byemailing [email protected]

Joy Cross, from Farnborough,with her winning photograph ofpoppies on the central reservationof the A325

Opening times at council offices

Do you know a localhero who deservessome recognition?

Wally Clift (left) and Ted Parkerreceived their awards from the MayorCllr Diane Bedford

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10 Recycling

Raise (and recycle) your glass for Christmas

Give yourself an early Christmaspresent and accept our special all-year-round gift box for your glassrecycling.

You should already have a boxfrom us where you can keep yourempty glass bottles and jars forthe recycling collection.

And there’s no better time of theyear to make sure you are usingyours or to double check that youhave one.

With lots of empties expected tobe generated over the festiveperiod, we are urging ourresidents to make use of theseboxes – or if you don’t have oneto get in touch with us now.

Anyone who does not have abox for their glass recyclables cancall us now on 01252 398399 andwe’ll arrange for it to be deliveredto you in time for Christmas –cheers!

We’ve got your rubbish andrecycling all wrapped upIt’s that time ofyear when welook forward tolots of presents –but the extrawaste theyproduce can bethe downside.

But never fear –because here inRushmoor we haveyour festive rubbishand recycling allwrapped up.

Use our nifty cut-out-and-keep calendar (below)to remind you of anychanges to your collectionsover Christmas and thenew year.

Although there will bechanges to collection daysto take into account thebank holidays that fall overthe festive period, you’ll be

pleased to know, you canleave out extra recycling ifyour wheelie bins are full.

So what can be put inyour blue bin for recycling?Here’s your checklist:4 Paper4 Tins and cans, includingbiscuit and chocolate tins4 Cardboard (don’t forgetthose toy boxes)4 Plastic bottles

And when thefestivities are over,we can also compostyour real Christmastrees.

We will collect realtrees that are put outon collection daybetween 12 and 23January. They mustbe put out on yourrubbish collectionday – on the oppositeweek to recycling.

They must be out by 7amand large trees over fivefeet should be cut in half.Please remove alldecorations as thesecannot be composted.Like us on Facebook,follow us on Twitter andlook at our recycling pagesat updates and remindersthroughout Christmas.

Don’t bulk upthis ChristmasHands up if you haveordered a new sofa, washingmachine or TV in time forChristmas?

And is Father Christmasdue to replace your child’sold bike with a spankingnew model?

If that sounds like you thenyou might be wonderingwhat to do with your soon-to-be-old furniture, whitegoods or rusty bikes.

We offer a bulkyhousehold waste collectionservice to take away yourunwanted large goods.

For just £38, we will takeup to three bulky items.

Or, you can take theseitems to your localhousehold waste recyclingcentre for free.

Your rubbish andrecycling calendarChristmas 2014/15

Wed 24 Dec

Thurs 25 Dec

Fri 26 Dec

Mon 29 Dec

Tues 30 Dec

Wed 31 Dec

Thur 1 Jan

Fri 2 Jan

Mon 5 Jan

Tues 6 Jan

Wed 7 Jan

Thur 8 Jan

Fri 9 Jan

Mon 12 Jan

Normal collection

Sat 27 Dec

Mon 29 Dec

Tues 30 Dec

Wed 31 Dec

Fri 2 Jan

Sat 3 Jan

Mon 5 Jan

Tues 6 Jan

Wed 7 Jan

Thur 8 Jan

Fri 9 Jan

Sat 10 Jan

Normal collection

Cut out and keep to remind you ofchanges in your collection day.


Contact usTo find out more, or call 01252398399.

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Getting women cycling for fun is a Breeze

Christmas can be a difficult time if youare having relationship difficulties.

If you are worried these couldescalate into violence or abuse,contact any of the followingorganisations for support andguidance about keeping Christmassafe for you and your children:l National Domestic Abuse 24-hour

helpline – 0800 2000 247l Mankind helpline (for male

victims) – 01823 334244l Broken Rainbow (for LGBT

victims) – 0300 999 5428l Respect helpline (for those who

are worried about their ownbehaviour) – 0808 802 4040

l Rushmoor outreach support –01252 338835

l Victim Support – 0845 3030 900l In an emergency call 999For a full list of local services,

The Vine Day Centre in Aldershot isadding a new initiative to its supportfor homeless and vulnerably-housedpeople with its Winterwatch NightShelter scheme – could you be avolunteer?

From late November until March2015, the night shelter will beproviding a hot meal, warmth andshelter for homeless people when thetemperature is forecast to be belowfreezing. It will operate from TheSource Café on the ground floor.

Volunteers are needed to prepareand serve meals (6pm to 10pm) inThe Vine and help on overnightsleepovers in The Source Café (10pmto 7.30am). Full training will be given.

To register your interest or to findout more, [email protected] orcall 01252 400196.

The centre, in Station Road, offers asafe environment and a range ofpractical support, from advice onmental health issues to help findinghousing. The charity also offersclasses in budgeting and IT skills andbasic life needs, including a hotmidday meal, laundry facilities andthe opportunity for social interaction.

A new design guidewill make surethere are more,good-quality shopfronts and signageacross Aldershotand Farnborough.

The new guide willapply to all buildingsused as shops,restaurants, cafés,takeaways, pubs andprofessional services. Itwill help shop owners,architects and planningagents raise the designquality of the shopfronts, improving theshopping environmentand helping to protecttraditional features.

One of the mainprinciples of the guideis to make sure all newshop fronts accuratelyreflect the character ofthe building.

We will encourage theuse of hanging signswith traditional metalbrackets and will onlyconsider modern shopfronts if they are ofexceptional orinnovative designs andmake use of highquality materials.

The guide will alsoencourage the use oftimber fascias onhistoric buildings andthere will be strict rulesfor shop units in

conservation areas, inlisted buildings or inbuildings of localimportance.

By the time you havereceived this issue ofArena, residents andother stakeholders willhave been consulted onthe proposals, whichwill be used alongsidethe Local Plan.

The guidelines willalso support our shopfront improvementgrant scheme, beinglaunched as part of our£4.5 millionregeneration scheme toimprove the look andfeel of Aldershot towncentre (see page 4).

New design guide will makesure shops put on a good front

Are you a keen femalecyclist? Would you liketo become a BreezeChampion and lead aseries of new andinspiring ‘Breeze’ cyclerides for ladies?

Breeze Rides aim toget more women intoriding bikes for fun,and this initiative hasbeen set up by BritishCycling to help morewomen feel confidentand comfortable aboutgoing on a ride.

Research shows thatwomen are oftendiscouraged fromcycling because of alack of time andconcerns over safety.So local Breeze‘champions’ are beingrecruited to helpfemale ridersovercome these issuesby organising safe, funand social local bikerides.

Rides go at speedsthat suit everyone, andwill often start or finish

at a café so riders cansocialise over a cakeand hot drink.Champions are givenfull training andvolunteer to lead rideson a rota system.

To find out more,contact Martin Sterio,our health and physicalactivity officer, on01252 398763 or emailhim at [email protected]

Domestic abuse – helpis just a phone call away

Volunteers needed forwinter shelterprogramme at the Vine

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12 What’s on

Wednesday 10 December Rapunzel – A hair-raising, foot-tapping, high-flying ‘wash and blow dry’ of a show, withmusic, puppets, gravity-defying actors and aguarantee of bad hair daysWest End Centre, Aldershot. Suitable forages 5+. £7.50 (£25 for a family of 4)

Thursday 11 December to Sunday 4 January Snow White – An action-packed pantomimethat's fun for all the family.Princes Hall, Aldershot. £14 to £18.50

Thursday 11 December - end of MarchHecklers – One of the best comedy clubs inthe south. West End Centre, Aldershot8pm. £9.50 (£10.50 table seats)

Saturday 13 December Painting with Felt – Enjoy the sensoryprocess of felt making. Create a stunningscene or colourful abstract patterns usingwool in its raw form to draw, make marksand mix colour. Experience the magic offelting with your own hands – no brushesrequired!West End Centre, Aldershot10.30am. £3. Ages 3+.

Wednesday 17 December Belshazzar’s Feast – Mix traditional folkmusic, add a touch of classical and jazz,throw in a bit of pop and music hall, and topit off with lashings of wry humour – and youhave a wonderfully entertaining evening withBelshazzar’s Feast.West End Centre, Aldershot8.15pm. Tickets £13/£11.

Friday 19 December Sara Pascoe – With a comedy brain thatleaps from stimulating arguments on toabstract confabulation, Sara shares herromantic history, existential theory andcultural insightsWest End Centre, Aldershot8pm. Tickets £12.

Saturday 20 December China Drum - The legendary China Drumreturn with their 25th Anniversary tour, withspecial guests 4ft FingersWest End Centre, Aldershot. 8pm. Tickets £10

Sunday 11 JanuarySing A Long A Frozen – The brand new sing-along screening of the hit Disney film.Princes Hall, Aldershot. 11am and 3pm. £13.50-£15

Wednesday 14 January Frank Vignola & Vinny Raniolo West End Centre, Aldershot. 8pm.

Friday 23 January SNAP Disco.Princes Hall, Aldershot. 7pm. £6-£7.

Sunday 25 January Wedding Fayre - Meet and chat to a widerange of wedding specialists and suppliers.Princes Hall, Aldershot. Free. 11am-3.30pm.

Wednesday 28 January Songhoy Blues – Damon Albarn’s favouritenew band. West End Centre, Aldershot. 8pm. £10

Wednesday 4 February Lee Nelson – Suited and Booted. An intimategig as Lee prepares for his highly-anticipatednationwide tour. West End Centre, Aldershot. 7.30pm. £15.

The listings

Mirror, mirror on the wall –which is the best panto ofthem all?

Snow White and the SevenDwarfs at the Princes Hall thisChristmas of course!

The classic fairytale of the tragicprincess cared for by seven littlemen will be getting us all in thefestive spirit this winter.

Prepare for fabulous sets,stunning costumes, fantasticdancers and a great script, alongwith the catchy songs and musicand dance numbers we have allcome to love from this greatfamily Christmas panto.

Aldershot’s favourites RobertHopkins and Donovan Christian-Cary are back for anotherknockout pantomime season.

Snow White will mark Robert’s21st consecutive pantomime atthe venue as producer anddirector, alongside the talentedJames Barry as writer.

This will also be DonovanChristian-Cary’s 11th consecutiveshow.

Donovan’s accomplishmentsinclude winning Encore's ‘BestDame’ award and being named"one of the best dames in thebusiness” by the Stage in 2011.

Serena Giacomini, JamesFranklin, Rachel Lea-Gray andBryn Lucas also star.

Will the dwarfs overcome thewicked queen’s magic spells?

Will Snow White meet herPrince Charming?

Will the wicked queen end upthe as fairest in the land?

All will be revealed betweenThursday December 11 andSunday January 4.

Tickets start at £16.50 forchildren and seniors, and £17.50for adults, with discounts availablefor groups. Call the box office on 01252329155 or to book.

Spring into a new season at the Princes HallSome top comedy acts are linedup as the main highlights of thePrinces Hall programme as wintermoves into spring.

German comedian HenningWehn (25 February), Edinburghfringe favourite Tim Vine (30April) and pub landlord Al Murray(16 May), bring their owndistinctive brands of laughter,

while TV favourite Lee Nelsonarrives with his ‘Suited andbooted’ tour on 1 May.

Grumpy Old Women Live,featuring Jenny Éclair, SusieBlake and Kate Robbins (15 April)should also prove a big draw.

Music shows include The Magicof Motown (9 May) and AnEvening of Dirty Dancing (22

May), while children’s showsinclude Milkshake! Live (28February) and Sing A Long AFrozen, a new version of Disney’sthe hugely popular animatedmodern classic (11 January).

For more details or call thebox office on 01252 329155

Hi ho, hi ho. . . it’s off to panto we go!

Christmas wouldn't beChristmas without theFarnborough Rotary ClubChristmas float!

The much-loved paradewill be touring theborough’s streetsuntil ChristmasEve, collectingmuch-neededfunds for localcharities.

Made possible by thehard work and dedicationof the Farnborough RotaryClub, the float bringssome of the magic of theChristmas – and, of course,Santa himself – right to yourdoor.

Over the festive period, thefloat will be touring the streetsand making scheduled

appearances in our towncentres.

The Farnborough,Aldershot andRushmoor Rotary Clubswill also will be holding

static streetcollections inthe run upto

Christmas,with every pennycollected going tocharitable causes.

You can find detailsof the Rotary ClubChristmas floatroutes and otherstreet collections at

Santa’s aboard the Rotary float

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What’s on 13The listings

BOX OFFICE & BOOKING: Farnborough Library and Learning Centre –01252 [email protected] Library & Learning Centre –01252 [email protected] Hall – 01252 West End Centre – 01252

Thursday 12 February Psychic Sally on the Road – Star of SkyLIVING’s Psychic Sally On The Road, Britain'sfavourite TV psychicPrinces Hall, Aldershot. 7.45pm. £12.50

Wednesday 18 February Little Frankenstein – A little horror for littlehorrors! The great Lempen Puppet Theatrereturn with the story of struggling puppeteerFrank Stein, who, with the help of theaudience, creates a new real, live puppet thatis destined to change his live forever!West End Centre, Aldershot. 2.30pm. 50mins, suitable for ages 5+. Tickets £6.50

Saturday 21 February 100 Watt Club – exotic, authentic belly danceWest End Centre, Aldershot. 8pm.

Wednesday 25 February Henning Wehn – EINS, ZWEI, DIYPrinces Hall, Aldershot. 7.45pm. £14 and £15.

Wednesday 25 February Lee Nelson – Suited and Booted.West End Centre, Aldershot.7.30pm. Tickets£15.

Friday 27 February SNAP DiscoPrinces Hall, Aldershot. 7pm. £6 and £7.

Saturday 28 February Milkshake! Live – Characters from Channel5’s Milkshake! along with a Milkshake!presenterPrinces Hall, Aldershot1pm and 3.30pm. £11 and £13

Sunday 8 March Moscow Ballet, Swan Lake - The mostpopular of all classical balletsPrinces Hall, Aldershot3pm. £21.50 and £23.50.

Thursday 19 March Richard Digance - Many people sing, playguitar and tell stories but not many havesupported Steve Martin, Robin Williams orplayed a guitar duet with Brian May ofQueen. ‘A national treasure,’ (Bob Harris).West End Centre, Aldershot8pm. Tickets £16.50.

Friday 20 March SNAP DiscoPrinces Hall, Aldershot. 7pm. £6 and £7.

Thursday 26 March Richard Herring – Lord of the Dance Settee.After covering weighty issues like death,love, religion and spam javelins, ‘The King ofEdinburgh’ returns with a show aboutdaftness, being uncool and bouncingjoyously on the sofaWest End Centre, Aldershot8pm. Tickets £15.

If you are planning to get married in2015, the Princes Hall Wedding Fayre isthe place to be on Sunday, January 25.

The fayre, which is open between11am and 3.30pm, is an excellentopportunity to meet and chat to a widerange of wedding specialists andsuppliers, who will all be gathered underone roof.

Anyone looking for their dreamwedding cake, ideal photographer orultimate wedding car, can come along,see what's on offer and plan their perfectday. There will also be the chance to lookaround the suites which will be set up asexample wedding receptions. Don’t miss: l Two fashion shows in the main hall at

midday and 2.30pm l Free tea / coffee for brides and grooms l Free prize draw to win tickets to a showIf you are interested in having a stand at the fayre or would like moreinformation, call 01252 327671 or email [email protected]

Spring into a new season at the Princes HallSome top comedy acts are linedup as the main highlights of thePrinces Hall programme as wintermoves into spring.

German comedian HenningWehn (25 February), Edinburghfringe favourite Tim Vine (30April) and pub landlord Al Murray(16 May), bring their owndistinctive brands of laughter,

while TV favourite Lee Nelsonarrives with his ‘Suited andbooted’ tour on 1 May.

Grumpy Old Women Live,featuring Jenny Éclair, SusieBlake and Kate Robbins (15 April)should also prove a big draw.

Music shows include The Magicof Motown (9 May) and AnEvening of Dirty Dancing (22

May), while children’s showsinclude Milkshake! Live (28February) and Sing A Long AFrozen, a new version of Disney’sthe hugely popular animatedmodern classic (11 January).

For more details or call thebox office on 01252 329155

Hi ho, hi ho. . . it’s off to panto we go!

Planning your dream wedding? ThenPrinces Hall Wedding Fayre is a must

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Two volunteer-run busschemes are helpingmore and moreRushmoor residentsget out and about.

Thanks to the RushmoorVoluntary Services (RVS),there is no need for anylocal resident to behousebound or forcommunity groups to berestricted to one place.

Its community transportscheme boasts a fleet ofaccessible minibuses,operated by volunteerdrivers, available to hire forgroups throughout theborough.

One group that tookadvantage of the schemewas Farnborough mentalhealth support organisationSUGS (Service UserSupport Group).

SUGS hired one of thebuses for the day to take its

members to Portsmouthon the sunny south coast.

Brian, who helps to runSUGS, said: “Thanks toRVS and to our great driverRoger, we were able tohave a fantastic day awayfrom our strains andworries.

“Roger was extremelyhelpful to all involved. Healways made a point ofconsulting with SUGS staffand was the perfect host toour members – he madeour day out all the morespecial.”

As well as day trips, thecommunity transportscheme can also be used tohelp groups get theirmembers to and frommeetings.

And it’s just not groupsthat can benefit. The RVSalso runs a ‘dial-a-ride’scheme for individuals whofind it difficult using public

transport. This door-to-doorservice on speciallyadapted minibuses ischeaper than a taxi.

You will need to registerfirst before using dial-a-rideby calling 0845 6024135.

Improved playing fields are in another league

14 News

A daytrip is just aphone call away

Day trippers: Farnborough’s SUGS group took advantageof our community bus for their visit to Portsmouth

Young footballers inAldershot can nowcompete on a levelplaying field.

Thanks to funding fromthe Football Foundationand TAG FarnboroughAirport’s community fund,young footballers atAldershot Boys and GirlsFC will be able to enjoyrefurbished playing fieldsat Ivy Road recreationground.

All three pitches will belevelled and re-grassed toprovide a surface that willimprove the playingstandard and theexperience for the club’syoung members.

The football foundationis providing £57,000 andthe TAG fund £5,000 tomeet the project costs of£62,000. The total cost

originally was estimatedat £180,000, but thecouncil has been able tonet this substantialsavings by importing

recycled top soil fromother local projects.

Now that’s a save anygoalkeeper would beproud of!

We can helpyou stay warmthis winterThe last thing you need toworry about this winter isyour boiler packing up –particularly if you are on alow income.

But help could be athand because if you areon a low income youcould be entitled tofinancial assistance fromus to replace or repairyour defective boiler. Weoffer grants andsubsidised loans for thisand a whole range ofenergy efficiencymeasures.To find out if you could beeligible [email protected] orcall 01252 398980.

Football fever: The grass will be greener at Ivy Road

Contact usFor more information onRVS communitytransport and dial-a-ride,visit orcall 01252 540162.

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A new system for electoralregistration means eachindividual person nowregisters to vote rather thanthe ‘head of household’registering everyone wholives at an address.

It’s easy to registeronline at, but youcan also do it by phoningour elections team orfilling in a form. You’llneed to give a few moredetails to register –including your nationalinsurance number anddate of birth. This helps tomake the electoral register

more secure. If you don’t register, not

only will you not have asay at the nextparliamentary election on7 May, but also, ifhouseholds or electorsdon’t respond to requestsfor information from thecouncil, they could be atrisk of being fined and losethe option of a postal orproxy vote. You can find out more For more information onthe new election systemcall 01252 398826/28.

If you’re thinking ofstarting your ownbusiness in 2015, thenew AldershotEnterprise Centrecould be just theticket.

The business start-up hubwill provide space, adviceand training for bothformer forces personneland civilian entrepreneursto launch and develop theirown businesses.

The Victorian brickbuilding, in LouiseMargaret Road, is part ofthe old Mandora Barracksand has been convertedinto more than 30 officesafter lying partly vacant forseveral years.

Enterprising Office, anarmy-based charity, will runthe centre day-to-day.

The name MandoracommemoratesWellington’s victory at theBattle of Mandora in Egypt

in 1801 during theNapoleonic Wars.

The enterprise centre hasbeen opened by theHampshire-based, not-for-profit business supportcompany WSX Enterprisewith help from HampshireCounty Council. As well asthe physical space, the

centre has experiencedmentors and otherbusiness support expertson hand to help with adviceand input.

The office space includesweekly single-desk hire anda choice of rooms to rentmonthly – ranging from142 square feet for up tothree people, to 270 squarefeet for up to six people.

Office space is availablefrom £30 a week and atraining room/meetingroom is available for hire.Onsite facilities include acanteen, high-speedinternet access and freeparking.

Left to right, Peter Grant (Chief Executive, WSXEnterprise), Lorna Oldham (Centre Manager, EnterprisingOffice) and Bob Beattie (Director, Southern AssembliesLtd). Bob owns the first Farnborough-based business thathas signed up to use the Aldershot Enterprise Centre. Hefound out about the facilities on offer at the centre at arecent Southern Entrepreneurs networking event held atRushmoor Borough Council offices.

New enterprise centre is open for business

Contact usFor more informationand to enquire about anyavailable office space,contact 0800 30 77 008.

Start-up hubprovides space andadvice for buddingentrepreneurs

Are you registered to voteunder the new election system?