Are you ready to Feel Your Most Vibrant Self? ISH Flyer for Talk 3.pdfAre you ready to Feel Your...

Are you ready to Feel Your Most Vibrant Self? Thursday, May 18 at 6:15pm What if you could access powerful tools to truly heal from the inside out?•What if yo What if you began to purposely tap into your innate power to improve your mind body spirit health and create your life by design and not just by default? Learn the 3 powerful steps that will help you to generate clarity on what's next for you; what's truly standing in your way, and holding you back; and how to overcome your challenges so that you achieve your goals in a powerful and effective way. Health and Vitality comes with a broad perspective on healing Holistically by addressing your health problems and reaching your health goals using a mind/body/spirit approach to healing and living a life you love. It is to your benefit to learn how to take advantage of this relationship and bring together a team that will help you create the vibrant life you deserve. When you make the choice for healing mind body and spirit, you reclaim your power and become an active participant in your healing process. You no longer have to just wish for freedom from your ills with no hope of true healing. Join our integrative workshop with Naturopathic Doctor Pina LoGiudice and Life Empowerment Coach Maria Gavriel to infuse your mind, body, spirit approach to wellness where you will be taken through simple and proven steps to help you design the life you really want, and are MEANT to live. Mind body spirit health and healing starts with you. It is not a magic pill, but rather a journey that may take you where you would have never thought or known to go. It is so much deeper, so much richer, than you could ever imagine when you take those first steps. And that is why it brings with it the possibility and promise of healing. Through the powerful process of life coaching, and physical health care, you gain access to this possibility. It's time to step out of your own way.

Transcript of Are you ready to Feel Your Most Vibrant Self? ISH Flyer for Talk 3.pdfAre you ready to Feel Your...

Are you ready to Feel Your Most Vibrant Self? Thursday, May 18 at 6:15pm

What if you could access powerful tools to truly heal from the inside out?•What if yo What if you began to purposely tap into your innate power to improve your mind body spirit health and create your life by design and not just by default?

Learn the 3 powerful steps that will help you to generate clarity on what's next for you; what's truly standing in your way, and

holding you back; and how to overcome your challenges so that you achieve your goals in a powerful and effective way. Health and Vitality comes with a broad perspective on healing Holistically by addressing your health problems and reaching your health goals using a mind/body/spirit approach to healing and living a life you love. It is to your benefit to learn how to take advantage of this relationship and bring together a team that will help you create the vibrant life you deserve. When you make the choice for healing mind body and spirit, you reclaim your power and become an active participant in your healing process. You no longer have to just wish for freedom from your ills with no hope of true healing. Join our integrative workshop with Naturopathic Doctor Pina LoGiudice and Life Empowerment Coach Maria Gavriel to infuse your mind, body, spirit approach to wellness where you will be taken through simple and proven steps to help you design the life you really want, and are MEANT to live. Mind body spirit health and healing starts with you. It is not a magic pill, but rather a journey that may take you where you would have never thought or known to go. It is so much deeper, so much richer, than you could ever imagine when you take those first steps. And that is why it brings with it the possibility and promise of healing. Through the powerful process of life coaching, and physical health care, you gain access to this possibility.

It's time to step out of your own way.

when: Thursday, May 18 at 6:15pm at InnerSource Natural Health

where: 11 Stewart Ave. Huntington, NY.

please call 631-421-1848 to reserve your spot. Space is limited.

cost: free

Dr. Pina LoGiudice, is the Cofounder of the naturopathic clinic Inner Source Health, vice-president of the New York Association of Naturopathic Physicians, & author of her most recent book, The Little Book of Healthy Beauty. She was awarded the Health Care Heroes Award in 2011 for Complementary & Alternative Medicine & is an honored member of the American Association for Naturopathic Physicians. Dr. Pina has taught at NYU, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, and is on the adjunct faculty at the Natural Gourmet Institute for Food & Health. She’s a frequent expert guest on the “Dr. Oz Show”, as well as numerous other media. @DrPinaND

Maria Gavriel is a Certified Life Coach, the author of the award-winning book, Love Centered Parenting, Speaker, Parent Advocate, and the voice behind She’s been invited to share her message on various outlets such as NPR, Arianna Huffington’s Thrive, Magazines, & local communities. Through her integrative coaching, her talks, & organized events, Maria empowers parents to create a heart-driven, purposeful life, while consciously raising their children. With 20+ years influencing positive change and personal transformation, she continues to support women to break down barriers that have restricted their ability to create the conditions for their best and highest self to emerge.