Are You God's Anointed One by W. v. Grant, Sr

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  • 8/2/2019 Are You God's Anointed One by W. v. Grant, Sr


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  • 8/2/2019 Are You God's Anointed One by W. v. Grant, Sr


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    AGAINST GODI was told that President Truman went to an insane asylum

    to speak. As he arose he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I amPresident Truman." An old man in the back of the house aroseand said, "You won't be here long, until you get out of thatnotion. You will make a change. When I first came here, Ithought I was Napoleon."

    Some people would say the man had a loose screw, not mean-ing any offense. Many of the men there were one-time wealthycitizens or good businessmen. Some of them lost their mindsand lost all they had.

    Some were at one time devout Christians. When they back-slid and knew that they had sinned they were turned over toa reprobate mind. (Rom. 1:28). They no longer knew good fromevil. (Heb. 5:14).

    When Peter preached on the day of Pentecost, thousandsof people were "pricked" in their hearts, meaning they wereunder conviction for their sins. (Acts 2:37). The Lord told Saulit was hard for him to kick against the "pricks."

    In those days men changed ends with an ox goad, using thesharp end. He pricked the heels of the ox, causing him to pullthe load. The ox soon learned if he kicked the ox goad, it wouldonly stick deeper into his heels. 'I'he Lord, in this scripture,was speaking in their language, when He said, "It is hard foryou to kick against the 'pricks'."

    Today, we don't have ox goads, but in this machinery age,we all know what a screwdriver is. When the Lord wants toconvict us of sin, He calls things to our remembrance. He re-proves us. In one sense of the word, we could say he "tightensup the screw."

    God said of a wicked king that came against His anointedservant, "I will put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thylips" (Kings 19:28). He used the words hooks and bridle as


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    symbols of judgment. To the people of this generation He couldwell use the word "screwdriver."Paul explained it like this: "Gird up the loins of your mind,"or put a girdle on your brain, (IPeter 1:13).

    We can well say that when the Lord wants to set our think-ing straight, He tightens up the screw. Then, He makes usthink straight.

    We could say that Nebuchadnezzar had a loose screw afterGod brought him to a halt. He could not think right, (Dan. 4:33).This happened because he tried to take the glory away from God.

    Nebuchadnezzar was the first world ruler. At one time hewas used of God. God called Nebuchadnezzar His servant, (Jer.43 :10-11). He used N ebuchadnezzar to punish His people andto smite the Egyptians, who were enemies of God's people. Godused Nebuchadnezzar to perform judgment and to bring theenemies into captivity, war or destruction.

    Nebuchadnezzar trained and educated the Hebrew boys whilethey were in captivity.

    GREATER THAN GODIt came a time that Nebuchadnezzar was lifted up with pride.

    He took the glory that belonged to the Lord. He said, "This isgreat Babylon that I have built," (Dan. 4:30). In one verse, heused the letter "I" five times. "I" is the middle letter in pride.

    In this case, God knew exactly what to do. He took His longscrewdriver, so to speak, and reached past the sun, moon, starsand clouds. He reached down into the palace in Babylon, reachedpast the golden crown on the king's head, down through theskull of the world ruler, (and just for the sake of illustrating it)let's say he loosened a little screw in Nebuchadnezzar's brain.

    Immediately, Nebuchadnezzar did not think right. He thoughthe was a cow. When someone spoke to the king, he mooed likea cow. Something in him drove him out into the pasture withthe wild beasts. He ate grass with the oxen.

    When someone spoke to the king, he thought he was an eagle.He tried to flop his wings and flyaway. His nails grew out likebird claws, (Dan. 4 :33). For seven long years something drove


    him to have fellowship with beasts. He had beastly desires, andhad a beastly nature. He thought and acted like wild beasts. His.lustful desires were base.

    The Bible says that the last world ruler will have a beastlynature. He is called the "Beast," (Rev. 13:1).Out there in the cold, sleet, hail and rain, N ebuchadnezzarshivered, a man who had once been God's servant.People today, who were at one time servants of God, have

    become as natural brute beasts. They have eyes full of adultery,and are made to be taken and destroyed, (2 Peter 2:12). Theywere one time a servant of God and a brother to the church.Now they have committed the "sin unto death," (James 5:16).They have crossed the deadline. There is no use in praying forthem. Their well is without water; their cloud without rain.Eternal darkness is reserved forever for them, (Jude 13).

    LAST WORLD RULERSpace will not permit me to tell about other world rulers who

    went berserk after they defied the Lord and tried to rob Himof His glory. His glory He will not give to another, (Isa, 42:8).Belshazzar's days were numbered. He was slain the samenight he defiled the vessels of God. Alexander the Great diedin a drunken state.The last world ruler will sit in the temple of God telling

    people he is God, (II Thess. 4:2). He will go berserk and sit inGod's seat, there in God's temple. There is something wrongwith the thinking of all these great men. They are lifted up withpride; in some parts of the country, it is illustrated like this:"They have a loose screw."

    I imagine that I can see this last world ruler there in J eru-salem in the height of his power. The Jews will accept him astheir Messiah, (John 5:43). Itseems as though I can see God'slong screwdriver at work. He reaches down through the heavensto that new temple that will be built in Palestine. That screw-driver will loosen a screw in that man's head and he will actuallybelieve that he is God.

    The screw has been turned in the elements. God will beginto turn loose the hail. Each piece will weigh about as much asa hundred-pound block of ice. All the waters in the world will3

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    turn to blood. Men will have blood to drink because they havecome against the anointed one. The greatest earthquakes in his-tory will take place. The sun will be seven times hotter than itsusual strength. Itwill scorch men with fire. Men's tongues willconsume in their mouth. Their eyes will consume in their sockets.Their flesh will consume on their bones, (Rev. 16:16-20). (Zech.14:12) .The little screw is turned and the rocks and mountains will

    crumble. Another screw is turned and the islands will flee away.The elements will melt with a fervent heat, (2 Peter 3:10).

    .Jesus will come back. The screw will be loosened there onthe Mount of Olives and this mountain will break half in two.(Zech. 14:4). Tens of thousands of God's people will come backwith Jesus, (Jude 14).

    He will slay the wicked with the brightness of His coming.(2 Thess. 2:4-12). Every man in the world will be slain and fedto the fouls of the air, (Rev. 19:21).

    There are some things that God will not tolerate. When thenations around about Israel worshipped idols, He let them bedestroyed. There is a death penalty on idolatry. Incidentally, theBible says covetousness is idolatory, (Col. 3:5). When Achancoveted God's part, he was stoned to death. The first fruitsalways belong to God, (Josh. 7:18-26).

    The other day I flew thousands of miles to pray for a manto be healed. The Lord gave me a dream that this man wasliving under a curse. How could I bless whom God had cursed?This man had coveted and taken God's part. I found him onlysemi-conscious. He could not talk intelligently. He could notunderstand. We could illustrate it like this: A small screwdriverhad loosened a screw. A screw had worked loose He failed totighten it. God's glory He will not give to another. Covetousnessis idolatry. Paul explained it like this "When they knew God,they glorified Him not as God. Neither were they thankful.They became vain in their imaginations and God turned themover to a reprobate mind. He let them believe a lie and bedamned."

    A reprobate mind is to believe something that is not true.In one place the Bible says people come to the place they cannot


    discern good from evil. They call good evil, and they call evilgood. They change the truth of God into a lie. They interpretblack and make it mean white. They interpret white and makeit mean black.

    THE TOWER OF BABELJlist after the flood, men organized and tried to dethrone

    God. They said, "Let us make brick. Let us build a tower, whosetop may reach into heaven, and let us make a name," (Gen.11:1-5) .

    As they began to make themselves a name instead of givingGod the glory, the Lord moved. He would not give His glory toanother. It seems that I can see Him reluctantly take his littlescrewdriver and loosen a small screw in the people's heads. Themen couldn't think right. They started to ask for brick and theworkers brought them mortar. The boss, no doubt, grew angryand fired one after another. They couldn't talk right. They werescattered all over the face of the earth and they stopped buildingthe tower.

    UNITED NATIONSToday, people are trying to undo what God did. They are

    trying to form a one-world government, one-world court andone-world church. They want one race, language, and soon, aone-world ruler. But, they have left the rightful ruler on theoutside. The anti-Chr ist group have not recognized our God.

    While we were in the headquarters of the United Nations inNew York, we saw an image of the Greek god, which has therecord of adultery for thousands of years.

    There is no peace for the wicked, (Ps. 57:21). There "is nopeace at peace conferences when the Prince of Peace is left outand rejected.

    I see Daniel, as he looked down through the telescope of time,and saw the one world government. He saw, as it was revealedto him, in a symbol, the form of an image. The ten toes of theimage represented the ten kingdoms which will be formed. Theman of sin, who will take the reins of this anti-God organization


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    is called the beast. He will have a beastly nature, a reprobatemind and a seared conscience.One thing they are forgetting, that is God's screwdriver.

    We use the screwdriver as a symbol just as Daniel used theimage as a symbol. A small screw will be loosed. The ten toes willcrumble. Christ's kingdom will be set up. There will be no endto it.We will neither have a dictatorship nor a democracy. Both

    forms of government will vanish. We will have a theocracy.Christ will rule. He will rule and reign and we will rule andreign with Him. He will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    PROPHETS OF DOOMThere was a great famine in Samaria because Syria had it

    completely surrounded and besieged. People even ate their ownchildren. They paid eighty dollars for a donkey's head and fivedollars for a cupful of dove's dung.

    The king of Israel seemed to blame Elisha. Some peopleblame God's man when things go wrong. Others blame Godbecause He let it happen, but maybe the King of Israel had donesomething about causing this famine. He sent men to arrestElisha. Elisha saw them coming and the Word of Knowledgebegan to operate. Elisha said, "There comes men to an-est me."Elisha told this man that the war would be over in twenty-fourhours and there would be plenty of food for everyone.This unbelieving minister of the King, said that this was

    impossible for God to do such a miracle, (II Kings 7:1-3). Today,we are predicting there will be a great world-wide revival in theland. God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. His people willeat in plenty and be satisfied, (Joel 2:26). There is a faminein the land today for the Word of God, (Amos 8:11). The nega-tive prophets of doom say that the days of miracles are passed,that the last day New Testament revival is an impossibility.

    FOUR MEN MARCHA great, miraculous victory took place because four insignifi-

    cant men decided to march. They were sitting at the gate of thecity starving to death. They used wisdom and they used reason.6

    They said, "Why sit we here until we die?" They as much assaid, "We are going to die anyway. Why not die trying to dosomething?" (Verse 8).Isuppose the family of the woman with the issue of blood

    tried to get her to stay at home since the physicians had alreadysaid she was going to die. She reasoned within herself that shewould die sitting there and that she might as well die getting upand trying to do something. She did her best and God did the rest.

    These four men had determination. They had a backboneinstead of a wishbone. They did not sit there and do nothing.The road to hell is paved with good intentions. How shall weescape if we neglect this great salvation. If we know to do goodand do nothing, we are sinners. (James 4:17).

    As four men started to march, something took place. Some-one said that God put microphones on their feet as they marched.The sound went into every tent of the enemy. The people thoughtthat many nations had been hired against them. Fear fell uponthem. They fled, leaving all their food, clothing, beds, gold,silver, animals and transportation.

    The symbols of the microphones might be all right, but theBible didn't say that the four men made that much noise, (verse6). It could be illustrated like this. When He began to loosen alittle screw in their heads, they began to hear noises. Thousandsof people in the institution today hear voices.

    Many people out of the institution hear voices. Could it bethat some of them just rejected God until God withdrew hispresence of a sound mind? His glory He will not give to another.(Isa.42:8).We tried and tried to get a man to quit smoking. He said he

    knew it was wrong, but he kept smoking. Finally, he began tothink it was right. It fell to my lot to take him to the insaneasylum. He began to tell people how he heard voices. The doctorsaid they had thousands of people hearing voices like that.Maybe not all of them rejected God, but many, many of themused to be right with God and received a reprobate mind.

    These four men did not keep this blessing themselves. Theydivided it and brought salvation to a nation. If we will be un-


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    selfish and divide the blessings with the nations, this famineof the Word of God will be over. We will bring revival to ourgeneration.

    The prophets of doom saw it, but they did not share in it.They were trampled to death under the feet of the people whowere receiving the blessings.Something happened to them that they did not think right.

    They died in the impact of the great revival. What will happento the prophets of doom in our day who say the days of miraclesare passed and that God cannot bring a revival to us in our time?God led me to begin a church. A pastor in a nearby churchgave me much trouble. In a few weeks he had to resign hischurch. He lost his mind.


    WITH GODIn Lubbock, Texas, a young man by the name of Don Sheets

    stood up in his college class, put his heels together and said,"Teacher, just a minute." All the class was tense. The teacherhad made this remark, "The Pentecostal preachers are nothingbut a bunch of jackasses." He had been fighting God's people.He had been fighting the church, and holy living for manymonths.

    Don Sheets said, "Teacher, I want to say one thing. I wantyou to know that you are the biggest jackass I know." He wentahead to explain that his father was a Pentecostal preacher andpastored one of the biggest churches in that city. Since then,Don Sheets has gone out and become pastor of a large Pente-costal church.Many college professors shake their fist in God's face. They

    breathe His pure air and spit it back in His face, defiled withalcohol, nicotine and blasphemous words. There is only one heartbeat between them and eternity. There is only on breath betweenthem and death.


    The filthy dreamers teach that their ancestors hung bytheir tail every day from a coconut tree, a half-billion years ago.They make God a liar. (John 5:10). God created Adam a full-grown man. Adam was the first man. (I Cor. 15:45). Adam fenand needed a Savior. (Acts 4:12). These professors, with a rep-robate mind, say they are growing better every day and will liftthemselves by their own bootstraps. They say they will savethemselves and they will need no Savior.

    Itis legal now to teach the "God is Dead" theory in school,but it is illegal to teach the Bible or prayer.I imagine that I can see a little screwdriver begin to work

    on those nine men who interpret the Constitution, which wasfounded on the Bible (rather they re-interpret it). Their mindshave become corrupt. They call white black and call black white.A reprobate mind cannot know good from evil.

    Itseems that I can see the little screwdriver turn a little.Itturns off all the blessings from the minds of these professors.Their conscience becomes defiled. (Titus 1:15). Professing them-selves to be wise, they become fools. (Romans 1:21). This wis-dom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish,(James 3:15). But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery,even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world,which none of the princes of this world knew: For had theyknown it, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory,(I Cor. 2:7-8). But the natural man receiveth not the thingsof the Spirit of God: For they are foolishness unto him; neithercan he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.(Verse 14).

    GOD IS HEREWho saw God die? Who preached His funeral? Who attended

    His funeral? Who read His obituary? Where was He buried?What grave is large enough to hold Him?

    The earth is His footstool. The heaven is His throne. Go fivemiles down into the ocean, into a submarine, and He is there.Go seven thousand miles high, in a satellite, into space, He isthere. Where can you flee from His presence? (Psalms 139:7-8).


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    . God is in ~r flesh. He is in my body, (ICor. 6:20). (Matt.6.~2_). These peanut-brain" professors have the anti-ChristSPIrIt, (Ps. 43:44)..~ost of these anti-Christ colleges were originated by some

    relIgIOUSgroups who have a form of godliness denying the powerthereof. Many of ~hem claimed to be started by churches, yetthey produce t~emIng thousands of agnostics, athiests, degener-ates, dope addicts, unwed mothers and free thinkers. Many of~hese would-be teachers and professors refuse to pledge alleg-ranee to the. flag. Many of their pupils burn their draft cardsand under~Illne. Americanism. Why should they be sheltered andprotected In this country? Ifthey have any doubt about whetheror not they should be loyal, true, red-blooded Americans, thenI h~ve a doubt whether they should be allowed to stay in thisnation.. Th.ere are men with loose screws, natural reason, with devil-Ish w~sdom. (Jam~s 3.:15). This wisdom comes from beneath.Why IS t~ere a price In the hands of the fools to get wisdomwhe~ their hearts are full of ignorance and blasphemy? (Pro17:16). The word "agnostic" comes from the word ignoramu::

    If a man is not in the Spirit, he is not worshipping God(~ohn 4:23). If he is in t~e flesh, he cannot please God, (Rom:8.8). A natural man receiveth not the things of God (I C2:14). ' or.

    COMMUNISM OR CHRISTEveryone in the world is either for Christ or the anti-Christ

    The anti-Christ is now in the world (I John 42) H ..,. e IS now Inyour city.A ~ew.years ago, the Communists drew a cartoon of some

    men ch~bIng up a high ladder. They had a hatchet in their hand.They. said they were going to dethrone God. They are like a dogbarking at the moon. After the dog is dead the moon is stillshining. '

    Khrushchev said, "We told you there was no God W tcompletely around the world hundreds of miles up in es;~:,


    there in the Sputnik. God is nowhere." Someone moved the letter"w" over just a little and this statement read, "God is now here."

    Khrushchev may die, but God will never die. Khrushchev,like Hitler, Mussolini. Stalin, and others failed to give God theglory. Like Nebuchadnezzar, they tried to take the place of God.It seems that I can see the little screwdriver at work again.A little screw became loose in Khrushchev's head. He made onewrong decision. Now he is under house arrest. He is in captivityfor the rest of his days, it seems.

    There will be no Communists in hell. One second after theyare there, they will know there is a hell, and they will know thatGod lives and that God is true.

    HARLOTS AND HIPPIESI went to the world headquarters of Hippiland in San Fran-

    cisco, where I saw beatles, hippies, and cockroaches. Isaw boyswho did not look like boys. I saw teenagers who looked like theywere forty. I saw them going to the welfare office to get agovel.nment check. They are degenerates who need a bath, ahaircut arrd a job.

    Not all of them are from poor families. Many of them arefrom wealthy families. Many of them come from God-defyingcolleges. They became "educated fools." When they failed torecognize God, a little screw was turned and they became agenius with a reprobate mind, (Titus 1:16). He let them believea lie and be damned, (II Thes. 2:12). They mocked the HolyGhost and denied the existence of God. Now they have a religionof their own. They have been turned over to seducing spiritsand doctrines of devils.

    They love one another, they say. They share equally, like theCommunists. They share with one another freely, whether it isfood. money, clothes. girl-friends, beds, or anything they desire.Fifteen of them may bunk up in one room. They do have basedesires. Many of them live like "brute beasts."

    Using the symbol of the screw again, it has become loose intheir thinking. To these, Hippiland is their church; LSD is theirsacrament. These degenerate souls go off into trances. They call


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    it going off on "trips." Whil"trip" and killed his dad Onee ~ was th~re, one went off on aput a bottle into its bod; in thO ihem~l~led her own baby andsaid to us as we passed b "I' e pace. 0 Its heart. One of themI will squirt you." y, m an orange. If you fool with me,

    They do as Nebuchadnezzar di d hhis home. He became as a be, t H w en he wa~ driven out ofnails and a reprobate . d e~. e had long hall', long finger-beastly, defiled nature m~: li ~~~d a sear~d conscience and aanimal and acted like an animal. 1 e an animal, fought like an

    They are allowed to take thpublish their own propaganda ove~ d e town to a certain extent,them. How long will it be untila~1 % efy anyone wh~ tries to stopbelong to that group? Th 0 of the people in our nationpeople in that group' in Se:nsi the! have one hundred thousandthe majority can make their O~~ClSCO alone. I~ our democracy,and tell the other 49% what t d aws, elect thel: own president,devil plans to take over ado kO.You can plainly see that theby the man who has a beanstlma e

    ta one-world government run

    y na ure.John and Joel saw 200 rnilli ..,bottomless pits and out of th 1 .len CIea~Ul es come out of thehad long hair like women fee ~~ents in the last days. TheyThey will take over the c~u~~:s .1 e men .an? teeth like lions.way, (Joel 2'1-10) Th dY and run It in the anti-Christ. b .. ese are emons but c thIII oys, girls, men and women? When an ese demons belike creatures from hellv it k' en t?ey begin to look and act,1 rna es us think so.

    DAYS OF NOAHAs it was before the flood, so it will' .forgot God. They laughed at G d' be in our time. Peoplehear God's voice anymore Th 0 s man. T.hey said, "Noone canGod is dead." . e days of miracles are passed andI imagine that Ican see God's Ion . ..again as he t . g, invisible screwdriverurns on the water He f t 0the deep. Water came f bt un as ened the fountain of. tl rom a ove and from b 1 N~n .n e ark over a year. He had to I . e ow. oah was

    in order to save a few peopl If et the anti-God people perishe. you had a peach orchard, you12

    would destroy the 99 trees that had blight in order to save agood tree and get another start. Otherwise the blight woulddestroy all the trees of the orchard.Unless time is cut short, there will be no flesh saved. (Matt.24:22). I read that some of the men who worked on the atombomb commission resigned their jobs and went out to warn theworld that the world would not be standing within a few months.God still has some people who can hear His voice. I am writ-ing these lines to warn this war-torn, whisky-soaked, beer-guzzling, short-wearing generation to flee from the wrath tocome. I have heard His voice. I have prayed all night. I amnineteen stories high in a hotel in Cincinnati. It is ten minutesuntil five o'clock in the morning and I have not slept at all.Jesus went out and pI'ayed all night. (Luke 6:12).


    I was taking an offering in a convention in Houston, Texas.A newspaper reportel' did not like the method I used. He blastedme in the newspaper, telling falsehoods. Ididn't answer himback. I didn't pray for anything bad to happen to him. He wentto his car a few days later and started the motor. As he steppedon the brake, a bullet went through his head. He died suddenly.Someone had tied a pistol to his steering rod, which came upfrom the floor. They tied a string from the brake pedal to thetrigger on the gun.Will God do a thing like that? All he does is to withdraW hisprotection and the devil will kill a man. God is not obligatedto protect a man after he defies the Holy Ghost anointing onone of God's servants. It so happened that I was directed by theanointing of the Holy Ghost to take the offering that night.The man can say all he wants to against me, but when he speaksone word against the Holy Ghost, it will not be forgiven himin this world nor the world to come. (Matt. 12:32).


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    We only salute a captain when he has on the uniform. Werespect the man of God because of the anointing of the HolyGhost on his life.1t so happened that the reporter received a "loose screw"when he began to publish these ungodly falsehoods. His mindSUddenly became reprobate. Instantly, he no longer knew right

    from wrong. He became as a beast. His conscience was seared.When a man crosses the point of no return, why should he stayhere to tear down the work of God and keep people from beingsaved?

    MEN OF REPUTATIONThis newspaper reporter was a man of reputation, but therewere two hundred and fifty famous men of renown who decidedthat Moses was outdated. They decided that they had bettermethods and that they were more up-to-date. At this time Moseswas about 100 yeal'S old. They wanted to put him on a pensionand retire him. They wanted to take his place. If they had takenhis place, they would have had a big election. They would havevoted in someone.Moses begged them to be careful and not to intrude into thepriesthood and try to take the preacher's place. They wouldn'tlisten to Moses. Moses didn't argue or debate or call an election.

    He was out-numbered. He simply fell upon his face before theLord. He asked God to make the decision for him.I can almost hear the old man now saying, "Now, brethren,you know the Lord spoke to me from the burning bush. I heard

    His voice as he told me to go bring judgment on Phal'aoh. Iheard His voice as he sent me to bring His people out of bondage.I heard His voice as He led me aCl'OSS the Red Sea. Please becareful about seeking the priesthood." (Numbers 16:10).

    No doubt they answered, "People have heard His voice inyears gone by. He has performed miracles long ago, but we havea better Way now. We have a deeper life and We no longel' needmiracles. We have a more modern way of doing things."

    Moses separated himself from them. He was meek, but hewas not weak. They mistook his meekness for weakness. Mosesasked all the people to get away from their tents because he


    ted them to. to happen. He wan . .felt like somethmg was about d not to have fellowship WIthshow which side they were on anthe wrong crowd. .' .t seems that I can see

    To speak of this in a sym~?1 ~i:I;~e:Us as though the earthGod's screwdriver at work ag:I~o' slide under the feet of thesewas taken apart. Rocks ?ega b to slide! They screamed. Their feet egan . Th weremodern theologians. TI had (Tone too far. eyfor help, but it was too late ~ tl~od' They had crossed the linenot fighting Moses, but ag~ms ne to pray for them, (I Johnwhere there is no need for anyo

    5'16). d all the people who were. The earth swallowed thesed men ahnthe priesthood. They hadtl They ha soug , lacinfluenced by tern, . d t take the preacher space.Th had trie 0offered incense. ey . . h tl m because they were00 s mpathizers died WIt 1eOver 14,0 ~ with modern methods. .influenced by the men . re found riding in this car WIth me

    IfIsteal a car and you a . 'It also IfIrob a bank' e counted gui y. killwhen r am caught, ~ou ~r et-away car with me. IfI I .ayou had better not ride III~he g food and shelter, or you Willman you had better not grve me . If I have a controversy, . to the CrIme. cbe counted an .accessOlY etter withdraw yourself from me,with God's anomted you ha~ b Y had better not even., II hip with me. ound have no fe ews 1 h . I'S wrong but you are. M be the preac er , ldsympathize With me. ay hi to your hands. You shout . to take t IS mIdwrong also by rymg. . me that I might be as lame,not have any fellowship with(Numbers 16:20).

    THE EARTH OPENS TODAY.d "I am going to tearA lady called on the telePhonbe. She StaIh'ave prayer ~eetings. "She egan 0that church all to pieces. .. t th church I did not argue. pposition 0 e .from house to house mOd I f 11on my face, as Moses.I did t say one wor. e .with her. 1 no. . The turned. against theirSome people sympathized WIth h~r. . y

    f II hip WIth this friends and had e ows allowed into the earth.Well, the earth opened and she ithizers backslid and quit theI preached her funeral. Her sympa I


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    church. In a vision, I saw her later dwel1ing with the demonsforever. She had now become just like one of the demons. Oh,people who get away from God always come back-unless theycross the deadline. Then a screw becomes loose and they can nolonger discern right from wrong. Ifthere is no coming back, thenwhy shouldn't God withdraw His protection and let Satan havethe people who are fighting His work in order to let the churchroll on and let people go to heaven? Why should God continueto give them life and health and let them tear down His king-dom?

    God is merciful, but when it comes to choosing between onesoul and a thousand souls, He will take the thousand. After aperson falls away, there is no way to renew him to repentence,(Heb.6:1-6).

    I would rather play with forked lightning. I would rather huga big rattlesnake or to walk out into the path of Hurricane Hazel,than to hear "second-hand" talk about God's anointed man andcarry it on. God commands us to "Touch not my anointed anddo my prophets no harm," (Ps. 105:15). Receive not an accu-sation against a preacher unless you have the evidence, (I Tim.5:19).

    GOD CAN READThe King of Assyria sent a letter to Hezekiah. He told

    Hezekiah that he might as well surrender, for he would be takeninto captivity. King Hezekiah merely spread the letter out beforethe Lord. The Lord read the letter, (2 Kings 19:15). God senta messenger to Hezekiah, telling him that his prayer had beenheard.

    That night one angel of the Lord went to meet the Assyrianarmy. Itseems that Ican see this angel silently turning a littlescrew that caused the heart to beat in those soldiers. Anyway,their heart stopped beating. The next morning there were185,000 corpses lying there! God fought the battle for Hezekiahand all the nation.

    The Lord does not need to kill the enemy. Al1 He needs to dois to stop the flow of life. His glory He will not give to another.16



    Why would He keep giving a man the right exercise of mindwhile that man is using all his energy to destroy the church andGod's people. His kingdom would be divided. It would have tocome to an end.

    The other night a lady started into the church. She met me.Suddenly, she cursed me publicly, Itdid not hurt me, but it hurther. A screw came loose in her head. She began to haveimaginations. She is now in the institution.It seems that I can see God's little screwdriver making oneturn. One time Saul began to do things that he had preachedagainst for years. He received a reprobate mind and went to awitch. Saul felt big in his own sight. God could not use him. Hetried to take the preacher's place, (I Sam. 13:]2-13). Godanswered him no more. God let him go, and quit str-iving withhim. Then, the spirits of envy, murder, hatred, lying and witch-craft took over. Next, he was possessed by a suicide spirit andkilled himself. He was a man who had a new heart and wasturned into another man and preached for years, (I Sam. 10:6-9;28:6; 31:4).The devil laughed at him. No doubt the devil said, "You haveplayed the fool. Fall on the sword, just one time. Itwon't hurtanything. Go ahead and fall on that sword." Saul did. He didbecause he couldn't think rig-ht. He couldn't discern right fromwrong anymore.

    Saul had gone too far. Why? Because he had touched God'sanointed. You SEe, Saul did not like David because David hadslain 10,000, (I Sam. 29:5). Had David only slain two or threethousand, things would have been different.

    David made a decision that showed the spirit of Christ. Hehas been an example to people for centuries. He said that hewas not going to speak against God's anointed, (I Sam. 24:10).He believed that God would take care of that himself. He saidit would come Saul's time to die or that something would happenwithout him having to do the job, (I Sam. 26:10).

    Some people think they have the ministry of straighteningout preachers. They say they have the "g-ift of discerning" butthey have the "gift of imagination." They have a reprobate mindand they don't discern right from evil. God will take care of His


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    h t . b not even Kingoone is entrusted to do t a JO,own men. ibilitDavid would take that responsi 11 y. . gainst David. DavidSaul made the m!stake. o~ ;u~~~~~:g n~t an elder, (I Tim.happened to be God s anom e .

    5:1). .' Id r without the evidence,Don't accept a rumor against ~n e eon lest you play with(I Tim. 5:1~). Don't carry ht~ ~~:~: is due, (Rom. 18:7).dynamite. GIve honour to w 0 .

    THE SAME MEASURE. re that you use on one of God'sWith exactly the same measu With the same judg-. t . t Jesus the same way. .ministers, you lea . d d (Matt. 7:1). If you receivement you judge, you shallfb~ JU . g\~t you receive a prophet'sa prophet in the name 0

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    THEY THAT BE WITH US no ~eal's. They were put into the zround as '1 Leastbur'ied. < > would be. I was preaching in Louisiana. A zirl who used to be f"1I dwith the Holy Ghost b . t t < > I CSh ,.... egun 0 remble under the power of God.e wa.s . .~ I'.mk sinner- .. She turned and went the other wa . Sheh :~ ~< leI e was no such

    ,11llga~ tl~e Holy Ghost. Peter happened to be operating undert te anollltmg of the Holy Ghost P t 1God, (Peter 4:11). . eel' spa ;ed the heartto beat right, was loosened a little bit. In three weeks, they wereall in their graves. God will take care of his own men.

    When Ananias and his wife lied to Peter, Petel' told themthey had not really lied to him, but they had lied to the HolyGhost, (Acts 5:3). Within a few minutes, they were both in theirgraves without a funeral. There were no songs, no sermon and

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    THE CASE OF GEHAZI driver, rio doubt, began to turn. She suddenly set her eyes andbegan to scream. She left this world. I see her now as shescreams, "My feet are burning. My feet are burning."

    I would like to remind you that God did not send destructionand death. All God had to do was to just loosen the screw thatc~ntrolled the hedge that kept back destruction. How could HegIV: her the blessings of life, health, strength, food, and raimentwhile she was tearing up the church? He would b. .' e an accessoryto the crime. Well, after this happened, revival came and thechurch almost doubled within a few rna! lift hi.s fist in God's face and get by with it fora .whlle. GOd.IS mer.clful, long-suffering and kind, but He will

    wlthd.raw HIS ~er~les from a man who hinders His work ofrescuing the perishing. The line is drawn. A man can cross thatline.

    Naaman wanted to give Elisha money after he was healed.Elisha refused any gift. Elisha's servant ignored the man whowas anointed of God. He did not seem to realize that he wasdealing with the Lord. He did not realize that a man who hadbeen used of God to bring healing can receive a revelation.Elisha knew where Gehazi went. Gehazi lied about it. He lied toGod when he lied to God's man. Gehazi followed Naaman andaccepted money from him for the healing when Elisha had toldhim not to. Suddenly, this spiritual screwdriver was turned.The hedge that kept back the disease automatically, was torndown and this same disease that left Naaman took hold of Ge-hazi. There was no turning back. He had crossed the deadline.The leprosy that came on him followed him to his grave. Therewas no healing, (II Kings 5:27).

    Elisha said that was no time for him to be thinking abouthouses, land and personal property. There are some ministerswho are sent by the Lord to bring deliverance to the sick. Theyare going to get into serious trouble simply, because they wantmoney for their service. Instead of investing that money backinto God's work as they should, they invest it in houses andland, to use it for themselves, (II Kings 5:26).


    APPLIES TO PREACHERSOne preacher may think that he can blast another preacher

    and get by with it, but not for long. God's Word works for thepreachers as well as lay m b 1 h hem ers. ave eard preachers preachg~~d sermons to their members. They would teach against back-biting, envy, jealousy and unforgiving spirits. Then I have heardth:s: same preachers backbite other preachers. Itwas the samespirit of en~y in them that was in the lay members. Even Jamesand John .dldn't know what spirit they were of when they actedas they did, (Luke 9:55). They were forbidding other ministersbecause they didn't follow them.if Maybe a preacher does do you wrong. You can do as David1 y?U have enough of God. You can say "I'll t lift haga t G d' . , no I my andins 0 s anomted. God will take care of him."f An e~angelist heard another evangelist was coming to a cityor.\re~lval. He set his tent close to where he knew this revivalwa~ 0 ~. The evangelist in the auditorium did not say onewor d against the tent evangelist. He left it all in God' h. d~engeance belongs to God. On an almost clear day a Stor

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    A lady preacher told me to get rid of a certain pastor of achurch of which I was overseer. She called me up and told mehe was a whoremonger.

    [ asked for the evidence. I stood on the Scripture, "Recei~enot an accusation against an elder except by two or three wit-nesses." Both Moses and Jesus required eye-witnesses beforethey would receive any evidence whatsoever, (John 8:10, 17).

    This preacher should have done like David, left it up to Godto discipline His anointed. She had no evidence except wh~t shesaid was a revelation from God. The pastor prayed, but did notfight back.One day this lady preacher, in her resistance and stubborn-ness, began to hemorrhage. She was prayed for, but there wereno results. She grew worse. She came to me crying. She said shewas sorry for what she had done and wanted me to forgive her.But I wasn't the one she should have been asking to forgive her.I told her that she should go to the man she had talked about.He happened to be God's anointed. She stubbornly refused. An-other preacher told her that she should go to the man she hadtalked about. She phoned him, but she would never go to him.She never said she was sorry. She would never confess that shewas wrong. She never confessed that she was lying about it.

    She kept hemorrhaging. How can you do what God can't do?How can you bless the one who has walked under a curse? Hisglory He will not give to another.

    Well, this lingered on and on and on. Finally this lady preach-er went out to meet God in this condition. Well, I am not herjudge. I don't keep the Lamb's Book of Life. I do know what theBible says. If we do not forgive men their trespasses, neitherwill our Heavenly Father forgive us. The Bible says that whenyou go to the altar and pray, God will not accept your prayerunless you go back and be reconciled to the man that has oughtagainst you, (Matt. 5:24). So, at the day of judgment we willmeet the Scriptures, not our church book, but the book called theBible. We will be judge by it according to our works.


    When I was a teenager growing up, there was an evangelistwho came through our country. He preached, played the guitar,shouted and sang. Thousands of people flocked out to hear thisbrother. He built churches all over the country.

    Within a few months he came back. He had changed. He waspreaching that the resurrection had already taken place, thatJesus had already come.

    Somewhere down the line, a screw had turned in his because he had sinned and walked out of God's presence?Because he wilfully, maliciously, and purposely disobeyed God?Was it because he had received a reprobate mind'? He had thesymptoms of it. Well, the shine had gone from his face. Thebeam had gone from his eye. The joy had gone from his souLThe shout had left him. He had received seducing spirits anddoctrines of devils. Soon, he was out of the ministry. He waslying under cars, in Hot Springs, trying to make a living as amechanic.

    He was not the first one who had preached that the resurrec-tion had passed already. There were two preachers in Paul'stime who erred in this truth, saying that the resurrection hadpassed and overthrew people's faith, (II Timothy 2:18). Paulturned such people over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh,(lTimothy 1 . :20). They did not believe his message. They tooka leap in the dark and made a shipwreck of life .To keep themfrom overthrowing the faith of others, he turned them over toSatan and let them be destroyed.

    God didn't do it, but Satan did it. God did not kill thesereprobates. He just let the screw begin to turn, so to speak.When the blessings are cut off people have no protection. Theyare open for any kind of spirit to take hold of them, suicidespirit, insanity spirit, lying spirit, or a deceiving spirit. Satanwas free to come in and destroy this man. The Lord won't al-ways furnish a man protection when that man is sending men'ssouls to destruction. God would be an accessory to the crime.

    In the early church, a man committed fornication. Paul said,


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    Forty-two of these teenagers, who rebelled against God andcrossed the line of no return, decided to have a demonstrationand march against a plowboy who had been called to preach.Itwouldn't have made any difference, except that this plowboyhappened to be God's anointed.

    They screamed out blasphemous words against the doctrineof the rapture. They rejected the message of the country preach-er. They began to scream, "Go up old bald head : go up old baldhead." They made fun of the man, his doctrine and beliefs, (IIKings 2 :24) .

    It seems as if I can see this little screwdriver begin to turn.The angels that had protected these children dropped their headsand slowly went away; the wan of protection crumbled! Soon,some bears came out of the woods and destroyed everyone ofthese children. That should be a lesson for all of the boys andgirls who go on demonstrations against right and truth today.Don't rise up against the message of God.

    "By the anointing of God, the church could turn the screw whichwould turn the blessings of God off from that .man." Paul com-manded them to do it, (ICor. 5:1-5). A man should not get bywith it when he sets out to tear down God's work and keep soulsout of the kingdom of God.

    Today 1 received a letter. When the stamp was cancelled,there was a motto printed on it, "Pray for Peace." I thought thatwas a good idea until I opened the letter, attacking God, God'speople and God's Word.He said blasphemous things against the Bible. He wantedto destroy preachers, the Bible and churches; and solicit moneyto carryon his satanic work. Then, 1 remembered that therecan be no peace for the wicked. As long as men like that arepermitted to breathe God's pure air and spit it and beer backinto His face and curse Him, they have a controversy with God.No doubt this man was raised by good parents. When herejected God so long, when he received not the love of the truththat he might be saved, he received strong delusions that hemight believe a lie and be damned, (II Thes. 2:1.1). Itprobablyhappened around some old-fashioned meeting when the spiritof God was striving with him and the preacher was dealing withhis soul. He thought it was the preacher, but it was God. Hegrieved the spirit of God away. Since the little screw was turned,he will never know right from wrong again. God withdrew theblessings. The man sold himself to Satan. Now the man is de-ceived and trying to deceive others, because he is a messengerof Satan.There will be no infidels in hell. One second after a mansteps inside hell, he will know, good and well, that God's Wordis true. He will know that God told the truth when he spoke ofhell.

    COLLEGE STUDENTSTeenagers today have been taught by their elders to blas-

    pheme God and to mock God's messengers. They attack the truthand try to make His Word void. They can cross the deadlinewhere they can never come back. They should be warned.

    THE ANOINTED ONESWhen God moved on Gideon, He actually "clothed Himself"with Gideon. Now, you can understand how Gideon could winthe battle. It was actually God going to battle, (II Chronicles20:15). God clothes Himself with men today. We become God'stemple, (Cor. 3:16). Your body becomes the habitation of God,(Eph. 2:22). It becomes the temple of the Holy Ghost, (I Cor.6:19). We go in Christ's stead (11 Cor. 5:20). The only bodythat Christ has in this world is our body. We are His hands,His feet, His eyes, and we follow in His footsteps, (Peter 2:21).

    As He is, so are we in this world, (l John 4:17). We do theworks of Christ, (John 14:12).From Paul's body, which was full of virtue and the glory ofGod, was taken handkerchiefs and aprons which had touchedhis body. These handkerchiefs and aprons healed people, or thepower in them did, (Acts 19:11).Can you say these words, "Jesus is in me?" (John 14:17).God is manifested in my flesh, my whole body is full of light,(Matt. 6:22). God is that life. The Spirit that raised up Jesusfrom the dead dwells in my mortal body, (Rom. 8:11). God is

    in my bod ynow. I am His dwelling, (I Cor. 3:16). That is26 27

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    power, His love and His mercy. I have His life, (John 3:16).He is the resurrection and the life, (John ]1:2!1). He is dwellingin me at this moment, (IJohn 4:15)."

    You can say the Name of Jesus all clay long with your mouthwithout Him dwelling in you. You cannot cast out devils withoutthat, (Acts 19-]3). If he dwells in you, the devil will flee with-out you saying a word with your mouth, many times, (Acts19:12). Itis because you go in Jesus' name, (Prov, 18:]0).

    If you have confidence in an anointed man of Goel, He canget you out of debt, (II Kings 4:7). If you wi Il COOpel"He withan anointed man, He can cause yOUI"meal barrel to never beempty, (I Kings 17:14). He can bring life and deliverance to yourfamily because the Word of Cod dwells in His mouth, (l Kings17:24). He speaks as the oracles of God, as if it were God speak-ing, (I Peter 4:11). We arc men of like passion as Elijah. Ourprayers availeth much, (James f):16-18).

    All the walls of opposition will come tumbling down beforean anointed man, (Josh. 6:5). Nothing shall be impossible withhim. Nothing shall be able to stand before him all the days ofhis life, (Josh. 1:5). All things are mine. (11 Peter 1:3). He cansay, "1 cast out devils and cause the sick to recover," (lCor. 3:21;Luke 9:1; Mark 16:17-18). 1 can speak in a heavenly language,(1 Cor. 14:5). He can say, "Lhave power over serpents and overall the power of the enemy, (Luke 10:] 9). I have power to getwealth," (Acts 1:8; Deut. 8:18).

    .A whole nation fled before Gideon's pitcher. The Red Seadivided before Moses' rod. Four nations were defeated whenGod's people began to say, "Praise the Lord." (II Chron. 20:19-23). A lame man walked as Peter shook hands with him, (Acts3:1-6). The sun was shifted into reverse as Joshua spoke thewords of God, (Joshua iO:12).Hunger left the lions as Daniel walked into the den. TheHebrew boys had more power than the fire. Elijah lived threeand one-half years without a ration book.

    God can do things through an anointed man. It is not alwaysHis will to divide the Red Sea, make the iron to swim, or raisethe dead, but it is always His will to forgive all of our iniquities,and heal all of our diseases, (Ps. 103:1-3).

    why people can be set free from sin and wickedness, whenI come in contact with them. That is why they are healed.It is God that dwells in me that does the work. That is the anoint-ing. This anointing stays in me all the time, (I John 2:27)."No burden or yoke can remain where the anointing is,(Is. 10:27). No prison doors can remain shut where the anoint-ing is. (Luke 4:18). Captives are always set free where theanointing is. I can comfort nll that mourn. With this anointing,Ican bind up the broken heart, set at liberty those that arebruised and encourage people, (Isa. 61:1-3). I am the son ofconsolation, (Acts 4:36). 1 have the ministry of reconciliation,(11 Cor. 5:18). No one can be discouraged with this anointing.I have the Comforter. I can walk into a funeral and say, 'Whydo you sorrow as they that have no hope?' (1 Thes. 4:13). I cansay, 'What maketh you to weep? This person is not dead, justasleep,' (Mark 5:39). That will make the people in this funeralprocession feel like shouting and praising God because they willfeel the consolation and comfort. That is what the Comforterdoes .. The Word of God worketh mightily in me, (Col. 1 :29).1 can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me,(Phil. 4:13). He supplieth all my need, (Phil. 4:19). Nothingshall be impossible unto me, (Matt. 17:20). I am more thana conqueror, (Rom. 8:37). I always triumph in Christ," (II Cor.2:14) .

    If you say these words, you are only confessing what Godconfesses. He that is of Goel speaks God's words, (John 3:34).It is not wrong to say what God says. YOll are only boasting inHim, (Ps. 34:2). He that is of God speaketh God's words,(John 3:34).

    There is none good but one. That is God, (Matt. 19:17).Without Him, I can do nothing, (John 15:5). Joseph, Barnabas,and many others were good men, (Acts 11:24; Luke 23 : 50; Heb.11:39). It was because they were dead and their life was hidwith Christ in God, (Col. 3:3).

    Can you say these words? "I am God's anointed. As theFather sent Jesus, so sends He me, (John 16:17). I have Hisrepresentative. I go in His name, (Mark 16:17). 1 have His

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    TIGHT SCREWS WALK WORTHYWe are not a group of silly people with our heads grown in

    the crack of the fence in "pumpkin' hollow," way back in thefoothills of the Ozarks. We are in God's family. We are His chil-dren. We are kings and priests unto God, (Rev. 1:6). We haveroyal blood. We are it chosen generation, a royal priesthood,a holy nation, (lPeter 2:9).

    We are called-out ones. As we pray in a heavenly language,we are edified, (I Cor. 14:4). We are built up as no nerve medi-cine can build people up. As we pray in a heavenly language, ourfaith is built very high, (Jude 20).

    The anointing brings all things to our remembrance, (John14:26). Since the average man forgets 90% of what he learns,that makes our mind seven times better than the natural mind.I have the mind of Christ, (I Cor. 2:16). God has given me asound mind, (II Tim. 1:7). 1 have no loose screws.

    I am redeemed from the fall. Jesus came to redeem me fromthe curse. He came to bring us all the way back. vVe werecreated before the fall in the image of God, and we had dominionover all things. 1 have a heavenly language. The Holy Ghostalways prays through me according to God's will, He hears andanswers, (1 John 5:14).

    Paul says, "Gird up the loins of your mind, (IPeter 1:13)."If he can say that, I can say, "Tighten up the loose screws."Meditate on His law day and night, (Psalms 1:2). I am led bythe Spirit. He guides me in the way of all truth, (.John 16:13).

    The worldly wisemen said, "How can this man know lettersbeing that He has never learned." Jesus even taught the doctorsand lawyers. A college graduate called Peter and John ignorantand unlearned men, (Acts 4:13). Yet they confounded the wisewhen they wrote several books of the Bible. They had no loosescrews. They spake as the oracles of God, (I Peter 4:1).

    The first time in your life that you are normal is when youhave the Holy Ghost Baptism. He is the Comforter. A police-man, schoolteacher, merchant, or even the president of theUnited States is not qualified to do their jobs without the Bap-tism of the Holy Ghost and the anointing.

    Since you are entrusted with so much, since you have "thistreasure in earthen vessels" (II Cor. 4:7), be sure and walkworthy of the vocation in which you are called. Wait on yourministry. Prophesy according to the proportion of your faith,(Rom. 12:6). Fast often, (II Cor. 11:27). Wait on the Lord,(Isa. 40:31). Get out of the natural. He that is in the fle~h can-not please God, (Rom. 8:8). A natural man cannot receive thethings from God, (I Cor. 2:14). Spiritual gifts work onlythrough the Spirit.

    Go with the anointing. Keep the anointing. Don't depend onpast experiences. Don't disappoint God. Don't disappoint the menof God who have ordained you and trusted you. Don't disappointthe neighbors who are.watching you. Don't disappoint your chil-dren who have confidence in you. Don't disappoint the poorpeople who are looking to you for deliverance.

    You are God's anointed. You are God's representative.Have a regular time to pray. Do personal work every day.

    Win souls everywhere you go. Stay converted. Stay connected.Don't be a ball of fire. His ministers are a "flame of fire,"(Reb. 1:7). A ball of fire will soon burn out. A "flame of fire"stays burning because it is continually connected to the sourceof supply.

    Keep connected and you will resemble the son of a king,(Judges 8:18; Rev. 1:6). That is what you are.The other day, the maid in my hotel room said she felt dif-

    ferent when she came to the room. I shook hands with her. Shewas instantly saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. She washealed of a growth. The next day she was there with her sisterand her mother. Both of them were saved, filled with the Spiritand healed within five minutes.

    Itis only because of the anointing. There will come a timewhen God's people will be put to death, (Matt. 24:9), but not ahair of your head will perish, because God will give you a mouth


    B O O K S B Y R E V . W . V. G R A N T

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    and he will give you wisdom, (Luke 21:15). It will be the HolyGhost that speaks through you, (Mark 13:11). It won't be youthat speaks.

    "Dear heavenly Father, help this dear reader to begin nowto walk, talk, and to go only as the anointing directs. Send fortha double portion now. In Jesus' Name. Amen and amen."

    (Write and tell me what this message did for you).




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