“Transforming Lives Through the Good News of Jesus Christ” ARDMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:30 A.M., June 9, 2019 Day of Pentecost

Transcript of ARDMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:30 A.M., June 9, 2019...

Page 1: ARDMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:30 A.M., June 9, 2019 … · 5 Offertory, Chancel Choir Come Down, O Love Divine Arr. Daniel Gawthrop

“Transforming Lives Through the Good News of Jesus Christ”


Day of Pentecost

Page 2: ARDMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:30 A.M., June 9, 2019 … · 5 Offertory, Chancel Choir Come Down, O Love Divine Arr. Daniel Gawthrop


We welcome you warmly to Ardmore Presbyterian Church where we strive to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. We are especially thankful for visitors. If you require large print Bibles or hymnals, or bulletin’s for the children, please speak to an usher. Following worship, we invite everyone for Lemonade on the Lawn.

At the end of each pew by the center aisle is the Friendship Pad — Please take a moment to write down your name and address, e-mail address, and pass it along the pew. You may then pass it back for all to know who is sitting next to them.

If you have a prayer request, you may place it in the floral box (Narthex). Our Prayer Fellowship gathers each week to pray for those on our Hugs List and any special prayer requests. If you need to leave the Sanctuary during worship, you may continue to listen to the service in the chapel. Please silence all cell phones and beepers during worship service.

Do you want to get a head start in preparing for Sunday worship? The Sunday bulletin is sent out with This Week at APC by e-mail on Fridays. An audio recording of Sunday’s sermon is posted online at — Please spread the word to those who are interested in listening to the sermon.

The term “voluntary” is used to denote a piece of music or improvisation for instrument, played before, during, or at the end of a church service.

Pentecost Sunday is an end and a beginning. It is the culmination of the season of Easter. It is the day when the church senses the all-pervasive power of Easter as the Spirit is unleashed on Creation. It is also the dawn of a new day in the life of the church. For as the church is empowered by the Spirit, the message of the risen Lord is trumpeted around the world. The liturgical color for Pentecost is red: signifying the descending Holy Spirit in the form of tongues of fire upon the apostles.



The June/July issue of our newsletter APC Matters! has been sent out by e-mail. If you wish to have a hard copy, it is available in the narthex. If you’re interested in receiving our electronic monthly newsletter (except for January and July), please leave your e-mail address on the Friendship Pad. If you wish to receive a hard copy by mail, please call the church office at 610.642.6650.

Lectionary Readings for Today (Year C): Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:14-17; John 14:8-27

Class of 2020 Dick Corl Jeff Michaelson, Elder Elect Cathy Stewart Christian Terweisch

Class of 2021 Jody Brumbach Elaine Giese,

Elder Elect Don Poorman,

Clerk of Session Bill Toal

Class of 2022 Cathie Calkins Chip Cobb, Jr.

Jill Fowler Robie Lawlace

Class of 2020 Katherine Anne Matt, Moderator Jessie DiNome Kathy Toal Debbie Young

Class of 2021 Kevin Fowler

Graham Fuller Elizabeth Luff

Mary Schreiber Jill Fowler,

Session Representative

Class of 2022 Eliza Brooks

Dan del Duca Holly Frank

Viola Terwiesch



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Page 3: ARDMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10:30 A.M., June 9, 2019 … · 5 Offertory, Chancel Choir Come Down, O Love Divine Arr. Daniel Gawthrop


Standing for those who are able People’s response in bold & italic type


“But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid” (John 13:26-27).

Chiming of the Trinity Greetings & Congregational Life Shared Pastor Bill Teng

The Lord be with you. And also with you . . .

. . . The grace and peace of our risen Lord be with you. And also with you. Voluntary Prelude in F Major (Op. 6, No. 1) Andrew Hauze, Guest Organist Charles Villiers Stanford (1907) Call to Worship (from Acts 2:1-4)

On the day of Pentecost, seven weeks after Jesus’ resurrection, the believers were meeting together in one place. And on this day of Pentecost we also come together to worship as believers in Christ Jesus. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm in

the skies above them, and it filled the house where they were meeting. We stand in God’s presence knowing his Holy Spirit blows with mighty

power to fill this place. Then, what looked like flames, or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of

them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. We stand in God’s presence knowing his Holy Spirit rests on each one of us,

igniting our hearts to live out our calling with courage, power, and love!

Hymn #131 Wind Who Makes All Winds That Blow aberystwyth Prayer of Adoration Rev. Schaunel Steinnagel

MAKING OUR CONFESSION Call to Confession Prayer of Confession

Almighty God: You poured out your Spirit upon gathered disciples creating bold tongues, open ears, and a new community of faith. We confess that we often hold back the force of your Spirit among us — We do not always listen to your word of grace, speak the good news of your love, or live as a people made one in Christ. (Continued on next page)


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Have mercy on us, O God. Transform our timid lives by the power of your Spirit, and fill us with a flaming desire to be your faithful people, doing your will for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord; for we ask in his holy name.

Silent Reflection (Reflecting on the Prayer of Confession)

Assurance of Pardon . . . Friends, believe the Good News. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven.

Thanks be to God. Amen.

Response of Praise

Affirmation of Faith Article XXI from The French Confession (1559)

We believe that we are illuminated in faith by the unfathomable grace of the Holy Spirit. Because God imparts this gracious and distinctive gift to whomever he chooses, the faithful have no cause to glorify themselves. Instead, the faithful are doubly indebted that they have been chosen. Moreover, faith is not given to the elect merely to introduce them to the way of righteousness, but to enable them to persevere in faith to the end. God begins the way, and God brings it to completion.

GIVING TO GOD Children’s Time Pastor Teng

(Children PreK–5th grade are invited to come forward.

PreK–8th grade are invited to Children’s Church afterwards.

The children will be brought back to the Narthex at 11:40 a.m.)

Call to Offering Rev. Steinnagel

“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my

house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not

open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing

blessing” (Malachi 3:10).

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Offertory, Chancel Choir Come Down, O Love Divine Arr. Daniel Gawthrop (1989)

And so the yearning strong, With which the soul will long, Shall far outpass the power of human telling; For none can guess its grace, Till Love create a space Wherein the Holy Spirit makes a dwelling.

— Bianco da Siena (c. 1367), tr. Littledale

Doxology #592 old hundredth Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son,

and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Prayer of Dedication

READING AND HEARING GOD’S WORD First Scripture Reading, Romans 8:14-17, New Testament, p. 158. The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Hymn #316 Breathe on Me, Breath of God trentham

Second Scripture Reading, John 14:8-17, 25-27, New Testament, p. 108. Pastor Teng The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

Sermon “Holy Spirit: The Sequel!”

SEALING THE WORD - HOLY COMMUNION Communion Hymn #322 (sung twice) Spirit of the Living God living god

Invitation to the Lord’s Table Pastor Teng

Great Thanksgiving The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts, We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

It is truly right and our greatest joy to give you thanks and praise, eternal God, creator and ruler of the universe. With the majesty of your hand, you shaped this world and all that is in it.

Come down, O Love divine, Seek thou this soul of mine, And visit it with thine own ardor glowing; O Comforter, draw near, Within my heart appear, And kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing.

O let it freely burn, Till earthy passions turn To dust and ashes in its heat consuming; And let thy glorious light Shine ever on my sight, And clothe me round, the while my path illuming.

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By your Holy Spirit, you breathed life into human form, and set us on the earth to praise and serve you. When we wandered from your ways and were lost in sin’s wilderness, your truth burned in the hearts of prophets who called your people to return to the path of righteousness. In the fullness of time you sent your Son to be our deliverer. In every age your Holy Spirit has led us in your ways.

Therefore we praise you, joining our voices with choirs of angels and with all the faithful of every time and place, who forever sing to the glory of your name:

Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest.

You are holy, O God of majesty, Rev. Steinnagel and blessed is Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. At his baptism by John, your Spirit came with gentle wings, settling on him your blessing. In the wilderness of temptation, your Spirit stood by with power. In his life and ministry, your Spirit led him to serve the poor, proclaim freedom from sin’s bondage, open eyes with faith’s sight, and befriend the friendless and the outcast. In all he did and said, he announced the coming of your saving might. By his death on the cross and rising from the tomb, he broke the power of death, and led the way to eternal life. Ascended to rule from on high, Christ prays for us and promises the coming of peace and power. Remembering all your mighty and merciful acts, we take this bread and this wine from the gifts you have given us, and celebrate with joy the redemption won for us in Jesus Christ.

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Accept this our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving as a living and holy offering of ourselves, that our lives may proclaim the One crucified and risen.

Great is the mystery of faith: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

Gracious God, Pastor Teng pour out your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these your gifts of bread and wine, that the bread we break and the cup we bless may be the communion of the body and blood of Christ. By your Spirit unite us with the living Christ and with all who are baptized in his name, that we may be one in ministry in every place. As this bread is Christ’s body for us, send us out to be the body of Christ in the world.

By the fire of your Spirit, O God, forge us into one church, many and different people, together in Christ’s embrace. Set our hearts aflame with a love for the truth and the desire to do your will, that our witness to Christ may burn brightly in lives of joyful discipleship. Keep us faithful in your service until Christ comes in final victory and we shall feast with all your saints in the joy of your eternal realm.

Through Christ, all glory and honor are yours, almighty Father, with the Holy Spirit in the holy church, now and forever.

And now, with the confidence of the children of God, let us pray: The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

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Breaking the Bread and Blessing of the Cup

Communion of the People

Anthem, Quartet I Will Not Leave You Comfortless Everett Titcomb (1934)

I will not leave you comfortless; I will come to you yet again, and your heart shall be joyful. — John 14:28

Prayer After Communion Gracious God: May we who have received this sacrament live in the unity of your Holy Spirit, that we may show forth your gifts to all the world. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

BEARING THE WORD IN THE WORLD Hymn #129 Come, O Spirit, Dwell Among Us ebenezer

Charge and Blessing Go forth in the power of the Holy Spirit! Proclaim the gospel throughout the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness in the power of the kingdom and with deeds of justice

and mercy. We are sent in the name and power of the Lord! May the God who raised Jesus from the dead bless you. Amen. May the God to whom our Lord ascended make his face shine upon you and be

gracious to you. Amen. May the Spirit who is the unity of love between Father and Son, grant you peace

forevermore. Amen. Thanks be to God!

Congregational Response Breathe on Me, Breath of God trentham

Breathe on me, breath of God, Fill me with life anew, That I may love whate’er you love, And do what you would do.

Voluntary Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit Adolphus Hailstork (2003) ____________________________________

Our Music Director Gary Garletts is on leave today, and we welcome guest organist Andrew Hauze — A conductor, pianist, and organist, Andrew has taught at Swarthmore College since 2006. There he directs the College Orchestra and Wind Ensemble, and does classroom teaching. In 2014, he was appointed Conductor of the Delaware County Youth Orchestra. Additionally, he collaborates frequently with Astral Artists. Andrew earned de-grees at the Curtis Institute of Music and at Swarthmore College.

EVERYONE is invited to stay for the closing Voluntary, and for Lemonade on the Lawn.

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Lift your prayers this week to the Throne of Grace for: Kate Brooks and Aunt Regina, James Hodsden, Mary Schreiber, Boots Sheckard, Alexandra and Nathan Solt; Friends/Family of APC members: Fran, Finar and family, Aunt Regina, Valentine Schreiber, Bill Slingsley; APC Mission Partners:

APC Vacation Bible School, Lower Merion Summer Cafe, Caring Hands Ministry (India), Kuwadzana Hunger Relief Ministry (Zimbabwe). Members and Friends of APC: George & Jane Koser, Sarah Kozak, Bruce & Diana Kozak, Nancy Larson, Robie Lawlace & Dave Mullen, and Randy Lawlace & Isla Grant.

DAILY LECTIONARY READINGS FOR THIS WEEK Monday Morning: Psalms 57, 145; Evening: Psalms 85, 47 Deuteronomy 11:13-19; 2 Corinthians 5:11–6:2; Luke 17:1-10 Tuesday Morning: Psalms 54, 146; Evening: Psalms 28, 99 Deuteronomy 12:1-12; 2 Corinthians 6:3-13 (14–7:1); Luke 17:11-19 Wednesday Morning: Psalms 65, 147:1-11; Evening: Psalms 125, 91 Deuteronomy 13:1-11; 2 Corinthians 7:2-16; Luke 17:20-37 Thursday Morning: Psalms 143, 147:12-20; Evening: Psalms 81, 116 Deuteronomy 16:18-20, 17:14-20; 2 Corinthian 8:1-16; Luke 18:1-8 Friday Morning: Psalms 88, 148; Evening: Psalms 6, 20 Deuteronomy 26:1-11; 2 Corinthians 8:16-24; Luke 18:9-14 Saturday Morning: Psalms 122, 149; Evening: Psalms 100, 63 Deuteronomy 29:2-15; 2 Corinthians 9:1-15; Luke 18:15-30 Sunday Morning: Psalms 103, 150; Evening: Psalms 117, 139 Deuteronomy 29:16-29; Revelation 12:1-12; Matthew 15:29-39

What Happened on This Day in Christian History On June 9, 68, Nero Claudius Caesar, 30, the Caesar to whom the Apostle Paul appealed for justice in Acts 25:10 and the first Roman emperor to persecute Christians, under whose rule Peter, Paul, and a multitude of other Christians were reportedly martyred, died by his own hand rather than be captured and executed by his enemies after he alienated the entire nation

of Rome. St. Columba, pioneer missionary to Scotland, died in the early hours of Sunday, June 9, 597. Born in Ireland in 521 to a noble Irish family, Columba founded several churches and monasteries in his own country before departing in 563 for the Scottish Isle of Iona. From

this base, he evangelized the mainland of Scotland and Northumbria. On June 9, 1549, the

Church of England adopted The Book of Common Prayer, compiled by Thomas Cranmer. June 9, 1717, marked the death of Madam Jeanne Marie Guyon, French mystic whose life

and writings displayed intense love for Christ. On the morning of June 9, 1790, Robert Robinson, English Calvinist clergyman and author of “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” was found dead by friends in the guestroom of their house. As a 17-year-old, Robinson had been convicted of sin while drinking with buddies. He later came to Christ under the preaching of evangelist George Whitefield, and spent his life pastoring churches in Great Britain.

“Come, Thou Fount,” was written as a concluding poem to one of his sermons. The father of modern missions, William Carey, died at the crack of dawn, 5:30 a.m., on June 9, 1834. One of his last requests was for the following lines from Isaac Watts to be inscribed on his tombstone: A wretched, poor, and helpless worm / On Thy kind arms I fall.

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THIS WEEK AT APC Sunday, June 9 9:00 a.m. Adult Sunday School: Gospel of Luke (MCR) 10:30 a.m. Lord’s Day Worship — Day of Pentecost 11:45 a.m. Lemonade on the Lawn (weather permitting)

Prayer Fellowship (Green Room) 4:30 p.m. APC’s Presbyterian Power Softball Team

vs. Good Samaritan Church, First Avenue Park softball fields, 720 First Ave., Berwyn 19312 (Eastown Twp. Library)

6:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Study (Library) Youth Group (Parish House)

Monday, June 10 1:00 p.m. Summer Café Volunteer Training (Mill Creek Room) 7:00 p.m. Session Meeting (Mill Creek Room)

Tuesday, June 11 7:00 p.m. Summer Café Volunteer Training (Mill Creek Room) Grief Care Support Meeting (Green Room)

Saturday, June 15 10:00 a.m. AA Meeting (Mill Creek Room and Library) 7:00 p.m. AA Chapter 9 Meeting with Childcare (Mill Creek Room)

Sunday, June 16 9:00 a.m. Adult Sunday School: Gospel of Luke (MCR) 10:30 a.m. Lord’s Day Worship — Men’s Chorus 11:45 a.m. Lemonade on the Lawn (weather permitting)

Prayer Fellowship (Green Room) 3:30 p.m. APC’s Presbyterian Power Softball Team

vs. Delaware Valley Church, First Avenue Park softball fields, 720 First Ave., Berwyn 19312 (Eastown Twp. Library)

6:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Study (Library)

Online E-Giving — You may now give to APC at any time by going to the

church’s website ( and click on the green “GIVE NOW” button on the top right corner. Or, you may simply scan the QR code on the

left here with your phone. Set up a new account and start e-giving today!

Travel to China with Pastor Teng

Co-led by Pastor Bill Teng, travel with The Outreach Foundation from 10/21–11/6/2019 to learn more about God’s work in China. To increase your exposure to the ways in which the church is thriving in China today and the endurance that carried them through the challenging circumstances of past generations. You will visit the cities of Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing, as well as Xi’an, Beijing, and Hong Kong; with special attention given to Presbyterian heritage and opportunities for continued partnership. Trip cost: Approximately $3,800 including airfare and all in-country costs: room, board, transportation, and other fees. The deadline for reservations is extended to June 21. For more details, go to or see Pastor Teng.

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Summer Sunday School in the Garden

Calling all kids! Our summer Sunday school will be held in the James K. Young Garden in back of the Parish House. We will be planting a butterfly garden, raising butterflies and doing lots of fun activities. We will also be learning about God’s creation and the role we play in caring for the world. You can come join us (all ages welcome) every Sunday in the summer. We will meet in the sanctuary and go together to the garden during the service. You are welcome to bring a change of clothes or you can wear garden-friendly attire. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Sherina Poorman at [email protected]. See you in the garden!

APC will recognize all graduates — whether from high school, college, or graduate school — next Sunday, June 16. Please send in the names of your children or relative who are graduating this year to the church office ([email protected]) as soon as possible, so we won’t miss them on that Sunday. Thank you!

Lower Merion Summer Cafe

Below you will find the link to begin the sign up process to volunteer again for the Lower Merion Summer Cafe. This year for the purpose of continuity, we are requiring at least a 3 day commitment. These can be three consec-utive days, or three days on three different weeks—whatever works best for your schedule. Other things to keep in mind:

• If you obtained your 3 clearances last year then you do not need to get them again this year.

• If you volunteered last year then you do not need to attend another training session.

If you would like to recruit a friend/family member as a new volunteer, they must attend one of the training sessions on either June 10 @ 1 p.m. or June 11 @ 7 p.m. Both sessions will be at Ardmore Presbyterian Church. More things to note:

• Now that we have a better handle on the program, we will be limiting the number of volunteers each day so there will be less standing around on your part!

• We secured a grant from Philabundance to provide all the meals for us which will allow us much greater flexibility in serving etc.

• NEW this summer: we will be providing each family with a weekend meal bag on Thursdays in order to assist them over the weekend. We will need some driving assistance on Wednesday afternoons/evenings in order to get the bags to APC, so please let me know if this is some-thing you may be interested in.

And last but not least, Beth has been hard at work planning lots of new and amazing program-ming for each day!

We can't wait for this year's Cafe!

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CHURCH DIRECTORY Rev. William C. Teng, M.A., M.Div., Interim Pastor, [email protected]

Gary Garletts, M.M., AAGO, Director of Music/Organist, [email protected]

Rev. Graham Robinson, D.Min., Parish Associate, [email protected]

Michelle Butera, M.B.A., Director, Weekday Preschool, [email protected]

Raelyn Harman, M.S.W., Church and Preschool Administrator, [email protected]

Scott Welden, M.B.A., Financial Secretary, [email protected]

Bob Peters, Building Manager, [email protected]

5 W. Montgomery Avenue, Ardmore, PA 19003-1599

[email protected] l 610.642.6650 l

VBS 2019 — June 17-21 UPDATE

This year’s theme is “Deep Sea Adventures” and we will be exploring the depth of Jesus’ love. Vacation Bible School will run from 9-12 a.m., Monday – Friday. This will be a week of fun, learning, friendly competition, music, and fellowship. The children will need to register for the week so we can be properly prepared for all activities.

Teachers and helpers to date: Registration: Karen Tolbert Opening and Closing Music: Gary Garletts, Denise Peters Eliza Brooks and Alex Kozak (Need helper) Bible Story: Pastor Bill Teng Games: Eliza Brooks, Ashley McGrory (Mon. & Tues.) and Colin Deiger Crafts: Emily Hassler, Gwen Deiger, Mary Schreiber, along with Stephanie McGrory on Mon. & Tues. Snacks: Jody Brumbach and other church helpers. Memory Verse/Skits: Karen Simmons (and a greeter) Missionary Story: Karen Teng (and a greeter) Crew (Guides who lead the children to one station to another):

4-year olds: Tyler Deiger, Colin Pfister and Abby Spencer Kindergarten: Tyler Cobb and Maria Reynolds 1

st & 2

nd grade: Jane Boyle (T, TH), Emeline Lignowski, Alex Kozak (W, TH, F) and Denise Peters


& 5th grade: Eric Hibbs and Laura Goetsch

My apologies to anyone that I may have forgotten. Please contact me. All are important, and we need all the help we can get from our church family. God Bless.

Director of VBS 2019, Denise Peters

484-619-7530; [email protected]

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the gospel! (Romans 10:15)


Join us on Sunday mornings at 9 a.m. for the Adult Sunday School Class. We are currently studying the Gospel of Luke. As Luke puts it, since he “had traced the course of all of it (accounts of the original eyewitnesses) scrupulously from the start, he thought it a good idea to write an orderly account so that you may have secure knowledge about the matters . . .” NT Wright begins his commentary on Luke, ‘Luke for Everyone’ by calling Luke’s Gospel “one of the most brilliant writings in early Christianity. Luke was an educated and cultured man, the first real historian to write about Jesus.” He talked with the eyewitnesses, read the early writings so his version of the events of Jesus birth, life and death can help us to “know the truth.”