ARDD at Rio+20: Vegetable gardens a nexus for agriculture, nutrition and health

34 The World Vegetable Center vegetables + development 1 / Vegetable gardens: A nexus for agriculture, nutrition & health Robert J. Holmer Regional Director AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center in East and Southeast Asia Learning event 9: From field to fork to field: nutritious food and nutrient recycling to enhance health, wealth and resilience


Presented as part of ARDD Learning Event 9: From field to fork to field - Nutritious food and nutrient cycling to enhance health, wealth and resilience 18 June 2012, 11.30 – 13.00 Agriculture and Rural Development Day at Rio+20 Room A, Mezzanine Floor Speaker: Dr Robert Holmer, AVRDC The World Vegetable Centre Organisers: SIANI, SLU, IFAD, AVRDC and Sida Case: Allotment gardens Cagayan d Óro in the Philippines. This project was implemented to address some socio-economic and environmental challenges caused by the rapid growth of Cagayan de Oro which is representative for the Philippines being classified among the world’s fastest urbanizing countries. Among the major challenges that urban areas in the country are facing are: Availability, accessibility and affordability to safe and nutritious food for its residents. The poorest sector of the Philippines, which comprises almost 40% of all households, spends about 60% of its income on food. 20% of Filipinos are regularly suffering from hunger and about one third of all children are underweight with iron deficiency anemia and low vitamin. In 2003, the first allotment garden was established as part of a European Union funded project following a period of agronomic and socioeconomic researches in cooperation with universities, local government units and non-governmental organizations. As of 2008, this number has grown to ten self-sustaining gardens located in different urban and peri-urban areas of the city, three of them within the premises of public elementary schools enabling more than 100 urban poor families the legal access to land for food production. Each allotment garden has a compost heap where biodegradable wastes from the garden as well as from the neighboring households are converted into organic fertilizer, Urine diverting toilet systems were introduced to facilitate urine harvesting and improve the hygiene in the plots. Studies on the urine revealed application of urine increased the yield of sweet corn by an average of 14%. Similar experiments were also carried out for non-food crops in cooperation with commercial growers in different areas of Cagayan de Oro. The urine application resulted in earlier and increased flowering of different ornamental plants with subsequent better marketability. Robert Holmer – AVRDC The World Vegetable Centre. His areas of expertise are in sustainable vegetable production, postharvest and marketing as well as environmental management in Southeast Asia. He manages and coordinates regional development projects for AVRDC in East and Southeast Asia, with major responsibilities for developing partnerships, training programs and new projects. He holds a PhD in Agriculture from the TU München, Germany.

Transcript of ARDD at Rio+20: Vegetable gardens a nexus for agriculture, nutrition and health

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Vegetable gardens:A nexus for agriculture, nutrition

& healthRobert J. Holmer

Regional DirectorAVRDC – The World Vegetable Center in East and Southeast Asia

Learning event 9: From field to fork to field: nutritious food and nutrient recycling to

enhance health, wealth and resilience

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Research to promote development

• Founded in 1971 as the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center with a regional research focus on Asia.

• Our research and development is nonprofit.Our research outputs are international public goods.

• Re-branded in 2008 as AVRDC - The World

Vegetable Center. • We have an expanding global role with a growing

network of regional offices

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AVRDC in 2011

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4 / The world’s largest public sector collection of vegetable


No. of accessions 59,294No. of species 435No. of countries of origin 155Total lines dispatched 6,119

We now need: Not a Green Revolution, but a Revolution with Greens!

We now need: Not a Green Revolution, but a Revolution with Greens!

AVRDC Genebank

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Imbalanced Food Systems

27 % of adults overweight or obese

“Double burden of disease”

26 % of children underweightSource: FNRI 2008

For example in the Philippines:

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= HUNGERDeficiency in calories + protein

≥ 1.02 billion underweight


Deficiency in vitamins & minerals

2 – 3.5 billion




≥ 2.0 billion overweight


Source: FAO (2009); WHO (2006)

Imbalanced Food Systems

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• Vitamin A deficiency– causes blindness and impairs the

immune system of about 40 % of the children under the age of five in developing countries, causing about one million child deaths annually

• Anemia– Every day, 300 women die in childbirth

as a result of iron deficiency anemia, accounting for 20 % of global maternal mortality

– Anemia among children can impair health and development, limit learning capacity, impair immune systems and reduce adult work performance.

Normal concentration and size of red blood


Decreased concentration and size of red blood


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National vegetable availability vs. health/nutrition status:

Health status indicator:Children under 5 mortality rate

Nutrition status indicator:Children under 5 underweight

CountriesVeg availability (g/ person/day)

Mortality rate (1/1000) Underweight (%)

Cambodia 85 93 36Lao PDR 397 75 37Viet Nam 230 30 20

Source: FAOSTAT (2010), WHO (2010)

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Relationship between malnutrition and infection

Source: Brown (2003)

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Malnutrition and the link to sanitation

• Effects of malnutrition – mortality, impairment of cognitive development and educational performance - can cost up to 9% of a country’s Gross Domestic Product.

• Health impacts can be prevented by reducing environmental health risks (e.g. improved sanitation, water and hygiene) and improved nutrition

• Multiplier effect: for every death prevented from an environmental health intervention, additional deaths from other diseases are averted (Mills-Reincke phenomenon)

Source: World Bank (2008)

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Food and Nutrition Security

• Nutrition security:– “secure access to

appropriately nutritious food coupled with a sanitary environment, adequate health services and care, to ensure a healthy and active life for all household members”

Source: DFID (2009)

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Why vegetables?

• High value crops• Relatively easy to grow in different

environments• Provide employment, especially for

women and other vulnerable groups• Generate income• Provide micronutrients, vitamins,

dietary fiber, phytochemicals and protein

• Contribute to balanced diets Vegetables

3-5 servings a day

1 serving = 80g

240 – 400g a day

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Vegetable production can take place in

small spaces and can still be productive.

Ingenuity is the key!

Why vegetables?

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Indigenous treasures

Spider plant


Slippery cabbage CowpeaAmaranth

African eggplant

Butterfly pea

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Many indigenous vegetables have high nutritional content, they are relatively very high in calcium, vitamin C and iron as compared to onions and tomatoes














































Slide source: adapted from Dalberg Report for BMGFData source: "Advancing urban agriculture through use of indigenous vegetables: African experiences 2009; Chapter 3”, by Ray-Yu Yang and Gudrun B. Keding

Indigenous treasures

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Why home gardens?

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Berlin, 1946

Anything new?

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... preparing the land

Allotment Gardens Philippines

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Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD)

Jeannette M.E. Tramhel. 2010. Using Participatory Urban Design to "Close the Nutrient Loop" in the Philippines. Urban Agriculture Magazine 23 - Urban nutrient management, 30-31.

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Closing the loopbetween

sanitation and agriculture


Pathogen destruction

Ecological Sanitation

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Urine 2.3 – 4.0 0.3 – 0.4 0.9 - 1.1

Faeces 0.3 – 0.6 0.1 – 0.2 0.3 - 0.4

Total 2.6 – 4.6 0.4 – 0.6 1.2 – 1.5

Estimated annual excretion of nutrients per person (500 l of urine and 50 kg of faeces)*:

Ecological Sanitation

* flushed away with about 10,000 liters of water as medium of transportation

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Monetary equivalents (PhP/capita and year) of annual excretion of nutrients: per person:




Complete (14-14-14) 6.53 35.60 232.47

Urea (46-0-0) 3.65 33.20 121.18

MoP (0-0-60) 0.96 38.00 36.48

Total 390.13

Multiplied by 90 million Filipinos:

35.1 Billion Pesos (580 Mio Euro) worth of fertilizer equivalents go down the drain every year polluting

water bodies.

Ecological Sanitation

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How a “waterless” urine diversion dehydration toilet works

Ecological Sanitation

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Ecological Sanitation

How a “waterless” urine diversion dehydration toilet works

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6 months 1 month

Primary treatment (storage)

Ecological Sanitation

How a “waterless” urine diversion dehydration toilet works

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Diluting urine with water

Side dress application

Preplant application of composted faeces

Ecological Sanitation

Reuse of ecosan products

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Ecological Sanitation

Secondary treatment (aerobic & vermicomposting)

How a “waterless” urine diversion dehydration toilet works

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Ecological Sanitation

• International guidelines are available, but:

• Lack of R&D investment to develop local protocols that best suit the agronomic requirements of the crops grown as well as the specific socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental realities of many developing countries

• “Nexus”: another catchphrase or real commitment?

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Healthy diets begin with knowledge

• A school usually is the center of each community

• A place where programs on good health practices can be taught and implemented to achieve behavioral changes at home.

Potential of School Gardens

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Advantages of school-based programs

• Promoting good health and nutrition before and during school age is essential to effective growth and development

• The pre-existing infrastructure of the educational system offers a cost-effective route for delivery of simple health interventions

Good health and nutrition are prerequisites for effective learning

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Philippine “Vegetable Gardens in Schools” Program

• Establishment of vegetable gardens in all 42,076 public primary and secondary schools of the country

• To be complemented by home & community gardens

Earlier successful lessons of vegetable gardening have to be re-learned by a new generation

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Strategies for successful implementation

• Successful school garden programs cannot be created in isolation, but have to be linked with education and environmental interventions

• Communication and synergy between the health, agriculture and education sectors is indispensable

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Promotion of vegetables…

…. sanitation, and healthy lifestyles

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Prosperity for the Poor and Health for All

AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center