Architecture. Urbanism and Building Sciences. Urbanism and Building Sciences Creating an inspiring...

Architecture. Urbanism and Building Sciences Creating an inspiring and sustainable living environment The MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences programme at TU Delft is underpinned by the renowned Dutch experience in architecture, spatial planning and the built environment professions, and has an international orientation drawing on the multinational faculty of staff and students. The teaching approach borrows from the Dutch tradition of working in a multi-disciplinary way with students collaborating in groups to create integrated solutions for the built environment. Our aim is to enable students to build the practical skills needed to make an effective contribution to practice, whilst also laying the foundations of understanding of principles that will guide long-term career development. This programme sets itself apart from other architecture programmes in the diversity of directions available. Blending knowledge and skills from design practice, from the physical and social sciences, technology and engineering, this programme explores innovative ways to create more sustainable development. Students can choose between five tracks: Architecture, Urbanism, Management in the Built Environment, Building Technology or Landscape Architecture. The faculty is keen to receive applications from ambitious and talented students in the Netherlands and other countries. International and home students benefit from the reputation of the faculty, which attracts students from all over the world, creating a truly cosmopolitan ambience. Teaching draws on a very wide variety of examples of the built environment from the Netherlands and many other countries, encouraging students to actively share knowledge and experience. Students are able to develop an independent and academic attitude and are given the opportunity to design their own projects in the specialty of their choice, supported by an excellent infrastructure of model-making facilities, studio spaces and frequent excursions, workshops and seminars. The master’s programme is taught in English Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment MSc Programme Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences Degree Master of Science Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences Credits 120 ECTS, 24 months Starts BSc Bouwkunde graduates can start every quarter. New students can only enrol in September Language of instruction English International students 43%

Transcript of Architecture. Urbanism and Building Sciences. Urbanism and Building Sciences Creating an inspiring...

Page 1: Architecture. Urbanism and Building Sciences. Urbanism and Building Sciences Creating an inspiring and sustainable living environment The MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences

Architecture. Urbanism and Building SciencesCreating an inspiring andsustainable living environment

The MSc Architecture, Urbanism andBuilding Sciences programme at TU Delft isunderpinned by the renowned Dutchexperience in architecture, spatial planningand the built environment professions,and has an international orientation drawingon the multinational faculty of staff andstudents. The teaching approach borrowsfrom the Dutch tradition of working in amulti-disciplinary way with studentscollaborating in groups to create integratedsolutions for the built environment. Our aimis to enable students to build the practicalskills needed to make an effectivecontribution to practice, whilst also layingthe foundations of understanding ofprinciples that will guide long-term careerdevelopment.

This programme sets itself apart from otherarchitecture programmes in the diversity ofdirections available. Blending knowledgeand skills from design practice, from thephysical and social sciences, technologyand engineering, this programme exploresinnovative ways to create more sustainabledevelopment.

Students can choose between five tracks:Architecture, Urbanism, Management in theBuilt Environment, Building Technology orLandscape Architecture.

The faculty is keen to receive applicationsfrom ambitious and talented students in theNetherlands and other countries.International and home students benefitfrom the reputation of the faculty, whichattracts students from all over the world,creating a truly cosmopolitan ambience.Teaching draws on a very wide variety ofexamples of the built environment from theNetherlands and many other countries,encouraging students to actively shareknowledge and experience. Students areable to develop an independent andacademic attitude and are given theopportunity to design their own projects inthe specialty of their choice, supported byan excellent infrastructure of model-makingfacilities, studio spaces and frequentexcursions, workshops and seminars. Themaster’s programme is taught in English

Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment

MSc ProgrammeArchitecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences

Degree Master of ScienceArchitecture, Urbanismand Building Sciences

Credits 120 ECTS, 24 monthsStarts BSc Bouwkunde

graduates can startevery quarter. Newstudents can only enrolin September

Language ofinstruction




Page 2: Architecture. Urbanism and Building Sciences. Urbanism and Building Sciences Creating an inspiring and sustainable living environment The MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences

Programme specialisationsOn application, students choose one offive tracks for the duration of theirdegree: Architecture, Urbanism,Management in the Built Environment,Building Technology or LandscapeArchitecture. Within each track studentshave the freedom to investigate differentspecialisations and themes, beforechoosing a specialisation for their finalgraduation project. Students from alltracks can choose to graduate in ExploreLab, a faculty-wide platform forinterdisciplinary graduation projects.

ArchitectureThe Architecture track draws on the richarchitectural culture of the Netherlands.Students learn how to develop innovativebuilding projects that use design as ameans to deal with the technical, socialand spatial challenges encountered inthe built environment.


• Architectural Engineering• Architecture and Public Building• Architecture and Dwelling• Interiors Buildings Cities• Complex Projects• Heritage and Architecture• Methods and Analysis• Veldacademie• The Why Factory• Transitional Territories - Water, Land and


UrbanismThe Urbanism track draws on the Dutchtradition of combining urban design,landscape architecture and spatialplanning. Students learn to integratesocial, cultural, economic and politicalperspectives with the natural and manmadeconditions of the site in order toshape and plan for more sustainabledevelopment.


• Urban Fabric• Transitional Territories - Water, Land and

Infrastructure• Urban Metabolism• Regional governance• International planning and developing

regions• Metropolitan spatial structures• History and heritage vector• Complex Cities

Management in the Built EnvironmentThe track Management in the BuiltEnvironment engages with themanagerial dimension and processes ofthe built environment and theconstruction industry. Students learn howto manage the urban development andconstruction process so as to guide themany stakeholders to achieve highquality and financially rewardingdevelopment.


• Design & Construction Management• Real Estate Management• Urban Development Management• Housing Management

Building TechnologyThe Building Technology trackencompasses a broad spectrum ofengineering and architectural designskills that lead to one of the dominantprofessions of the future: the sustainabledesigner. Through focusing on structural,façade and climate design, studentslearn how to contribute to smart buildingsthat are sustainable, comfortable andenvironmentally intelligent.


• Structural Design• Climate Design• Façade Design

LandscapeThe Landscape Architecture track dealswith design through all scales as anarchitectonic composition of natural andartificial materials. Students learn to seelandscape as a contextual underlay forunderstanding, ordering and acting inspatial transformations. We emphasisethe historical continuity of landscape as aprocess of time and flows.

Student Janne de HoopThe Netherlands

“After my bachelor’s in Delft, I decided to continue my studies there, and to take the master’s in Integrated Product Design (IPD), said to be the most technical of the three master programmmes offered at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, but there is much more to it than that. The word ‘integrated’ is actually the key, but it could also mean everything. So what do you integrate while studying this master’s? To me, the integration is in all the different subjects combined. During the two main courses of IPD, ACD and AED, all kinds of subjects are covered: ergonomics, cultural studies, simulations in SolidWorks, electronics, thermodynamics, presentation techniques

and a lot of information on how to combine user research in your design project. The thing that I find most interesting, is puzzle-solving. First, finding out what the target group needs, then coming up with ideas and finally putting everything together and verifying these ideas; both from the user point of view and from the manufacturing point of view. Although it is always really scary to show your ideas to the end user, I really love seeing how happy they are when they see my solution to their problem.

Page 3: Architecture. Urbanism and Building Sciences. Urbanism and Building Sciences Creating an inspiring and sustainable living environment The MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences


• Architecture and Landscape• Dutch Lowlands• Urban Landscapes• Flowscapes

CurriculumThe programme runs for two years, witha preparatory year focusing on coresubjects and studios followed by agraduation studio in the final year.Students choose to specialise in one ofmany graduation studios, giving them awide choice of options within theprogramme. Each year consists of twosemesters, and runs from Septemberthrough July. TU Delft has adopted theEuropean Credit Transfer System(ECTS). One academic year represents60 European Credits (1680 hours ofstudy).

Career prospectsGraduates from this programme have anintegrated, design-led approach totackling to complex issues of thecontemporary built environment allowingthem to take up a diversity of careerprospects in architecture and relatedfields. Given the university’s connectionto important industry figures, graduateshave good access to job opportunities inthe Netherlands and abroad

Page 4: Architecture. Urbanism and Building Sciences. Urbanism and Building Sciences Creating an inspiring and sustainable living environment The MSc Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences

For further informationPlease visit the webpage for all details,complete requirements, deadlines andcontact information:

For international applicants

[email protected]

Faculty of Architectureand the Built EnvironmentJulianalaan 1342600 GA DelftThe Netherlands




Many graduates from the Architecturetrack work in design agencies orestablish offices of their own. Graduatesof the Urbanism track may be involved inspatial planning, the development ofmetropolitan development strategies, orurban expansion or redevelopmentprojects. Graduates of the trackManagement in the Built Environmentfind positions with project developmentcompanies, real estate investors,housing associations, and governmentalagencies at all levels. Graduates of theBuilding Technology track findopportunities with engineering andarchitectural firms, in the supply industry,and in the contracting or projectdevelopment sectors. Graduates of theLandscape Architecture track areemployed by agencies specialising inlandscape architecture, or moregenerally focused architecture, urbanismand engineering firms. Graduates fromall tracks may also opt for an academiccareer and continue their studies at thedoctoral level.With a diploma of the Architecture,Landscape Architecture or Urbanismtrack you can - after completion of aprofessional traineeship(Beroepservaringperiode) - apply forregistration in the Dutch Register ofArchitects, which allows you to use theprotected title of Architect, LandscapeArchitect or Urban Designer in theNetherlands. The Building Technologyand Management in the BuiltEnvironment tracks do not allow you toregister in the Dutch Register ofArchitects.

Admission requirements and application proceduresThis is a summary of the requirementsonly. They are subject to change.Therefore, always consult the websitesindicated which give the latest anddefinitive instructions.

BSc degree from a Dutch UniversityIn most cases, if you hold a BSc degreethat is closely related to the master’sprogramme you are applying for, you willbe admitted. However, if the master’sprogramme does not follow directly fromyour undergraduate programme, you willbe required to complete a bridgingprogramme. To see which master’sprogrammes are open to you oncompletion of your bachelor’s degreefrom a non-technical Dutch university goto If youcompleted your bachelor’s at a technicaluniversity, go

Degree from a Dutch Univeristy of applied sciences (Dutch HBO)An HBO bachelor’s degree does notqualify you for direct admission to a TUDelft master’s degree programme. Tostart a master’s degree programme, youwill first need to complete asupplementary programme in order tobring your knowledge to the requiredlevel. This programme starts in February.Details can be found

International applicantsYou must:

1. hold a bachelor’s degree from a respected university (or proof that you are soon to complete one) in a main subject closely related to the MSc programme to which you are applying;2. have achieved a bachelor cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 75% of the scale maximum, unless specific requirements are defined for the country in which you obtained your bachelor’s degree;3. meet our English language requirements;4. submit a motivation essay, reference letters and an extensive curriculum vitae;5. include examples of your work.

The requirements are given on the TU Delft admissions and applications website:

More specific information about the requirements of each programme and track are given on the faculty website:

The application period starts on 1October and closes on 1 April. Allapplications are made online through theTU Delft website and require anapplication fee. It usually takes six toeight weeks before the admissiondecision can be communicated to you.You are advised to apply as early aspossible.


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