Architectural Design IVA



A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n I V T h e E d g e a n d t h e H o r i z o n t a l S p r i n g 2 0 0 9 P r o f e s s o r W a t t e r s A S i t e M o d e l w a s a l s o b u i l t t o v i e w t h e i n t e r a c t i o n b e t w e e n n e w a n d o l d .

Transcript of Architectural Design IVA

A site on Valencia Community Coleges Campus was chosen for the Edge and Horizontal project. Located on Lake Horizontal project. Located on Lake Pamela and set to be the future center of the VCC campus. The programs were taken from future development expected to take place on the lake’s edge. They

included a Black-Box theater, a Bat-House, an Arboretum, and an Social Bat-House, an Arboretum, and an Social Center. How the site interacted with the lake was of upmost importance. In the design a sense of ‘tease and

denial’ is present at specific entry points. In addition to the framed views of the lake, the water is further

controlled bu moving through elements controlled bu moving through elements in the design.

Architectural Design IVThe Edge and the Horizontal

Spring 2009Professor Watters

A Site Model was also built to view the interaction between

new and old.

The Black-Box Theater isolated and the floor for public spaces.

The path to the Bat-House is a prominent feature, but once inside, a private

space ensues.



Due to the contour of the surrounding landscape, the lake can be seen from the existing building, but upon decending to the new design, it is only visible from selected viewpoints. A series of spaces create a sequence enhancing the ‘tease

and denial.’

A layered set of Mylar Plan drawings showing the interaction at different levels between the ground and structure. The Procession between street and strucure is also displayed.

The Entrance to the Black-Box Theater. There is a change of scale, due to the diminutive scale of the Black-Box Theater.

The Social Center on the Lake’s Edge.

Controlling the water through the lake, while

redefining the edge.