Archaeology at the Chapman - Beverley Mill Historic Site


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Transcript of Archaeology at the Chapman - Beverley Mill Historic Site

Page 1: Archaeology at the Chapman - Beverley Mill Historic Site

Archaeology atThe Mill

Page 2: Archaeology at the Chapman - Beverley Mill Historic Site

When stabi l ization of

the historic Chapman –

Beverley Mil l was completed in 2006, Turn

the Mil l Around Campaign turned its

attention to archaeology.

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And a crew of dedicated, ski l led archaeologists began work.

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To date, over 230 shovel test pits have been dug.

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With STP’s sunk al l across the eastern portion of the site.

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The pi ts have y ie lded approximately 15,000 art i facts and fragments.

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These are just a few of our finds.

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These are just a few of our finds.

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These are just a few of our finds.

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Since 2013, our archaeologists have been hard at work cata loguing the p ieces found at the

Mi l l .

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We’re p leased to announce

that in September

2015, cata loguing

was completed.

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We now look forward to

analyz ing the art i facts ,

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Learning what they can te l l us about the h istory and prehistory of Thoroughfare Gap.

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And shar ing our findings wi th the publ ic .

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Stay tuned as we learn more!