Archaea: Narrowing the gap between prokaryotes and eukaryotes · Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol....

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 92, pp. 5761-5764, June 1995 Commentary Archaea: Narrowing the gap between prokaryotes and eukaryotes Patrick J. Keeling and W. Ford Doolittle Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, Department of Biochemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS Canada B3H 4H7 In the last 30 years, our views on the nature of the relationship between pro- karyotes and eukaryotes have come full circle. In the 1960s we believed, with Sta- nier and van Niel, that the line of demar- cation between bacteria (including cya- nobacteria) and other cellular organisms was Life's "largest and most profound single evolutionary dichotomy" (1). This line was crossed only once, by the pro- karyote which first constructed a rudi- mentary membrane around its genome and cobbled together the first rudimen- tary cytoskeleton, an entity we used to call the proto-eukaryote. Whether we endorsed the then newly resurgent endosymbiont hypothesis for the origins of mitochondria and chloroplasts or envisioned a gentler prokaryote-to-eukaryote (cyanobacterium- to-"uralga") transition, we had to believe that there was once such a bridging organ- ism, whose genome gave rise to the nuclear genome of eukaryotes (2). For a while, this view seemed to be challenged by the three-kingdom reclassi- fication of living things forced upon us by Woese's exploitation of ribosomal RNA as a tool for phylogenetic reconstruction. Woese showed in 1977 that there are three fundamental cell types and no obvious way to establish which had given rise to which, or whether all three had emerged independently from a common ancestral state so primitive it deserved the special name progenote (3). This issue was appar- ently resolved in 1989 when Iwabe and colleagues (4) and Gogarten and his col- laborators (5) provided a root for the universal tree, allowing us once again to begin to reason rigorously about the evo- lution of major cell types. This rooting, since confirmed (6), showed that the archaebacteria and eu- karyotes are sister groups: the first branch of the tree of life separated the archae- bacteria/eukaryote lineage from that leading to eubacteria. In effect, archae- bacteria are the closest living prokaryote relatives of the eukaryotes. To mark this distinction, Woese, Kandler, and Wheelis (7) have now given the archaebacteria the formal name Archaea to discourage the common but seldom-voiced opinion that these organisms are really, all things con- sidered, just funny bacteria growing in strange places. A brief but vigorous essen- tialist debate with Mayr and Margulis ensued, over whether the prokaryote/ eukaryote split remains Life's most pro- found single evolutionary dichotomy, and indeed whether the words prokaryote and eukaryote retain meaning at all (8-10). They are of course only words. Some of the crucial defining characters of both cell types emphasized by Stanier and van Niel in 1962 would not pass muster today- archaebacteria lack many prokaryotic fea- tures which turn out to be strictly eubac- terial, while early diverging eukaryotic lineages lack some cytological features we once thought were universal among eu- karyotes. But Mayr and Cavalier-Smith insist that we keep the prokaryote/eu- karyote dichotomy anyway, that changes occurring in the eukaryotic lineage just after it diverged from the archaebacterial lineage (enclosure of the nucleus, inven- tion of the cytoskeleton, retooling of the chromosomes) were numerous and of an unprecedented and radical kind (8, 11). This may be sensible, and continuing to refer to the archaebacteria as prokaryotes provides many of us with a certain level of taxonomic stability and comfort. While it is true that the archaebacteria lack certain features originally used to define pro- karyotes (such as peptidoglycan), they do share a number of complex features with eubacteria, such as the presence of a single circular chromosome which contains genes arranged in polycistronic operons, often in the same order as their eubacte- rial counterparts (reviewed in ref. 12). But we must remember that they are pro- karyotes of a very different, little-known sort, and are the descendants of an organ- ism closer to the eukaryotes than any known eubacterium. Even before Woese's definition of the archaebacteria, microbiologists were no- ticing certain molecular features that can be seen in retrospect to suggest a special relationship between archaebacteria and eukaryotes. Among the first of these were the presence of N-linked glycoproteins, the lack of formylmethionine, shared re- sistance or sensitivity to various antibiot- ics, and the presence of tRNA introns (13-15). It is these features (unexpected in prokaryotes as we had come to know them) that arouse the most excitement, and as more and more molecular mecha- nisms are studied in the archaebacteria, it is becoming apparent that some of these shared similarities run very deep. Several detailed examples exist (16, 17), but the 5761 longest-studied and most thoroughly un- derstood is the similarity between eukary- otic and archaebacterial transcription. Archaebacterial Transcription as the Paradigm Case This likeness was first recorded in the early 1980s by Wolfram Zillig and col- leagues (18), who had discovered archae- bacterial DNA-dependent RNA poly- merases to be of eukaryote-like complex- ity. This initial observation has been expanded and confirmed many times over, mostly by work from the Zillig laboratory. That work is summarized, and three more subunits of the Sulfolobus acidocaldarius RNA polymerase are described in this issue, by Langer, Hain, Thuriaux, and Zillig (19). Of the 13 sequenced subunits of the S. acidocaldarius enzyme, the three largest (B, A', and A") are homologs of eubacterial 13 and g3' but still are much closer in sequence to the largest subunits found in each eukaryotic RNA poly- merase (I, II, and III). Of the 10 smaller proteins, 6 are homologs of eukaryote- specific subunits shared in some combina- tion among eukaryotic RNA polymerases. Langer et at (19) also review recent work on the consensus archaebacterial promoter which shows it to be similar in sequence and relative position to its eu- karyotic counterpart (20, 21). While de- tails of archaebacterial promoter/poly- merase interactions remain imprecisely known, recent studies have uncovered a number of tantalizing eukaryote-like characteristics. It is known for instance that the polymerase itself (like eukaryotic RNA polymerases) is poor at specific pro- moter recognition (22, 23) and requires at least two other biochemically defined transcription factors to do this in vitro, aTFA and aTFB (24). The identity of these factors is becoming clearer. A data base search revealed the presence of an archaebacterial homologue of the eukary- otic basal transcription factor TFIIB in Pyrococcus (25). This was followed by the independent discovery, by three separate groups, of the associated TATA-binding protein (TBP) of transcription factor TFIID, the central promoter recognition factor in eukaryotes (26-28). These stud- ies have all been linked together by the demonstration that Pyrococcus TBP is able to recognize consensus promoters

Transcript of Archaea: Narrowing the gap between prokaryotes and eukaryotes · Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol....

Page 1: Archaea: Narrowing the gap between prokaryotes and eukaryotes · Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 92, pp. 5761-5764, June 1995 Commentary Archaea: Narrowing the gap between prokaryotes

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USAVol. 92, pp. 5761-5764, June 1995


Archaea: Narrowing the gap between prokaryotes and eukaryotesPatrick J. Keeling and W. Ford DoolittleCanadian Institute for Advanced Research, Department of Biochemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS Canada B3H 4H7

In the last 30 years, our views on thenature of the relationship between pro-karyotes and eukaryotes have come fullcircle. In the 1960s we believed, with Sta-nier and van Niel, that the line of demar-cation between bacteria (including cya-nobacteria) and other cellular organismswas Life's "largest and most profoundsingle evolutionary dichotomy" (1). Thisline was crossed only once, by the pro-karyote which first constructed a rudi-mentary membrane around its genomeand cobbled together the first rudimen-tary cytoskeleton, an entity we used to calltheproto-eukaryote. Whether we endorsedthe then newly resurgent endosymbionthypothesis for the origins of mitochondriaand chloroplasts or envisioned a gentlerprokaryote-to-eukaryote (cyanobacterium-to-"uralga") transition, we had to believethat there was once such a bridging organ-ism, whose genome gave rise to the nucleargenome of eukaryotes (2).For a while, this view seemed to be

challenged by the three-kingdom reclassi-fication of living things forced upon us byWoese's exploitation of ribosomal RNAas a tool for phylogenetic reconstruction.Woese showed in 1977 that there are threefundamental cell types and no obviousway to establish which had given rise towhich, or whether all three had emergedindependently from a common ancestralstate so primitive it deserved the specialname progenote (3). This issue was appar-ently resolved in 1989 when Iwabe andcolleagues (4) and Gogarten and his col-laborators (5) provided a root for theuniversal tree, allowing us once again tobegin to reason rigorously about the evo-lution of major cell types.

This rooting, since confirmed (6),showed that the archaebacteria and eu-karyotes are sister groups: the first branchof the tree of life separated the archae-bacteria/eukaryote lineage from thatleading to eubacteria. In effect, archae-bacteria are the closest living prokaryoterelatives of the eukaryotes. To mark thisdistinction, Woese, Kandler, and Wheelis(7) have now given the archaebacteria theformal name Archaea to discourage thecommon but seldom-voiced opinion thatthese organisms are really, all things con-sidered, just funny bacteria growing instrange places. A brief but vigorous essen-tialist debate with Mayr and Margulisensued, over whether the prokaryote/

eukaryote split remains Life's most pro-found single evolutionary dichotomy, andindeed whether the words prokaryote andeukaryote retain meaning at all (8-10).They are of course only words. Some of

the crucial defining characters of both celltypes emphasized by Stanier and van Nielin 1962 would not pass muster today-archaebacteria lack many prokaryotic fea-tures which turn out to be strictly eubac-terial, while early diverging eukaryoticlineages lack some cytological features weonce thought were universal among eu-karyotes. But Mayr and Cavalier-Smithinsist that we keep the prokaryote/eu-karyote dichotomy anyway, that changesoccurring in the eukaryotic lineage justafter it diverged from the archaebacteriallineage (enclosure of the nucleus, inven-tion of the cytoskeleton, retooling of thechromosomes) were numerous and of anunprecedented and radical kind (8, 11).

This may be sensible, and continuing torefer to the archaebacteria as prokaryotesprovides many of us with a certain level oftaxonomic stability and comfort. While itis true that the archaebacteria lack certainfeatures originally used to define pro-karyotes (such as peptidoglycan), they doshare a number of complex features witheubacteria, such as the presence of a singlecircular chromosome which containsgenes arranged in polycistronic operons,often in the same order as their eubacte-rial counterparts (reviewed in ref. 12). Butwe must remember that they are pro-karyotes of a very different, little-knownsort, and are the descendants of an organ-ism closer to the eukaryotes than anyknown eubacterium.Even before Woese's definition of the

archaebacteria, microbiologists were no-ticing certain molecular features that canbe seen in retrospect to suggest a specialrelationship between archaebacteria andeukaryotes. Among the first of these werethe presence of N-linked glycoproteins,the lack of formylmethionine, shared re-sistance or sensitivity to various antibiot-ics, and the presence of tRNA introns(13-15). It is these features (unexpected inprokaryotes as we had come to knowthem) that arouse the most excitement,and as more and more molecular mecha-nisms are studied in the archaebacteria, itis becoming apparent that some of theseshared similarities run very deep. Severaldetailed examples exist (16, 17), but the


longest-studied and most thoroughly un-derstood is the similarity between eukary-otic and archaebacterial transcription.Archaebacterial Transcription as theParadigm Case

This likeness was first recorded in theearly 1980s by Wolfram Zillig and col-leagues (18), who had discovered archae-bacterial DNA-dependent RNA poly-merases to be of eukaryote-like complex-ity. This initial observation has beenexpanded and confirmed many times over,mostly by work from the Zillig laboratory.That work is summarized, and three moresubunits of the Sulfolobus acidocaldariusRNA polymerase are described in thisissue, by Langer, Hain, Thuriaux, andZillig (19). Of the 13 sequenced subunitsof the S. acidocaldarius enzyme, the threelargest (B, A', and A") are homologs ofeubacterial 13 and g3' but still are muchcloser in sequence to the largest subunitsfound in each eukaryotic RNA poly-merase (I, II, and III). Of the 10 smallerproteins, 6 are homologs of eukaryote-specific subunits shared in some combina-tion among eukaryotic RNA polymerases.Langer et at (19) also review recent

work on the consensus archaebacterialpromoter which shows it to be similar insequence and relative position to its eu-karyotic counterpart (20, 21). While de-tails of archaebacterial promoter/poly-merase interactions remain impreciselyknown, recent studies have uncovered anumber of tantalizing eukaryote-likecharacteristics. It is known for instancethat the polymerase itself (like eukaryoticRNA polymerases) is poor at specific pro-moter recognition (22, 23) and requires atleast two other biochemically definedtranscription factors to do this in vitro,aTFA and aTFB (24). The identity ofthese factors is becoming clearer. A database search revealed the presence of anarchaebacterial homologue of the eukary-otic basal transcription factor TFIIB inPyrococcus (25). This was followed by theindependent discovery, by three separategroups, of the associated TATA-bindingprotein (TBP) of transcription factorTFIID, the central promoter recognitionfactor in eukaryotes (26-28). These stud-ies have all been linked together by thedemonstration that Pyrococcus TBP isable to recognize consensus promoters

Page 2: Archaea: Narrowing the gap between prokaryotes and eukaryotes · Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 92, pp. 5761-5764, June 1995 Commentary Archaea: Narrowing the gap between prokaryotes

5762 Commentary: Keeling and Doolittle

and facilitates the binding of TFIIB (27),and that human or yeast TBP can replaceaTFB (29). The emerging picture is thatpromoter recognition and transcription ini-tiation in archaebacteria resemble thoseprocesses in eukaryotes: in the words ofLanger et at, "the specifying factors arebound to the corresponding promoters and'hold the door open,' as it were, for the RNApolymerase to attach."While the actual events of initiation are

becoming less of a mystery, no one knowsyet what the role of the basal transcriptionfactors is in vivo, where promoter recog-nition is only now being studied (28).There are also a number of other factorswhich are important in eukaryotes thathave not been identified in archaebacte-ria, and some, like TFIID, that are part ofa very large multisubunit complex ofwhich only one component has been iden-tified. The demonstration that two solublefactors are sufficient to promote accuratetranscription initiation in archaebacteriasuggests that the initiation complex maybe somewhat simpler that its eukaryoticcounterpart. If this is the case, then thearchaebacterial initiation complex couldprovide some useful details about thenature of the eukaryotic complex, both byclearly defining the roles of the factors inarchaebacteria and by identifying whichfactors are not present.The decades of work on archaebacterial

transcription have certainly paid off hand-somely. On the other hand, there arenumerous processes about which wehaven't even begun to ask questions: infact, most of the biochemical criteria thatwe use to distinguish prokaryotes fromeukaryotes are only superficially under-stood in archaebacteria. In each of thesecases a thorough understanding wouldlikely yield as many interesting surprises astranscription has.

Translation: More of the Same?

One example worth considering is theprocess by which protein synthesis is ini-tiated. Eukaryotic and eubacterial trans-lation initiation involve analogous stepsbut often differ in how they are accom-plished. In eubacteria three initiation fac-tors, IF-1, -2, and -3, are sufficient todirect events in a particular order. First,mRNA is bound to the free small subunit,guided by base pairing between the leaderand the 16S rRNA (Shine-Dalgarno andother interactions). Then, formylmethio-nyl initiator tRNA is imported as part of aternary complex with IF-2 and GTP. Ini-tiation finally takes place with the bindingof the large subunit (reviewed in refs. 30and 31). In eukaryotes the many commonfunctions are carried out by a different setof factors which number into the dozens,only one of which is homologous (but verydistantly) to a eubacterial IF. The order ofevents and the underlying strategy are also

different in eukaryotes, the most obviousdifference being the presence of a 5' capand the absence of any Shine-Dalgarnointeractions. Instead, the ternary complexof eIF-2, GTP, and initiator methionyl-tRNA first binds the dissociated ribosome.This complex then binds to the mRNAthrough interactions with factors assem-bled around the cap. The ribosome thenscans along the leader, using the tRNA torecognize the first start codon it encoun-ters, and begins protein synthesis (re-viewed in ref. 32).At first, it seemed reasonable to guess

that archaebacteria employ a eubacterial-like process of translation initiation.There is no 5' cap on archaebacterialmessages (33), and sequences that couldform base pairs with 16S rRNA are foundin the leaders of many of them (34).However, as more and more transcriptionstart sites are mapped, it is becomingapparent that a large number of archae-bacterial messages have very short lead-ers, perhaps too short to interact with the16S rRNA (sometimes they have no leaderat all). To account for this, it has beensuggested that base pairing may still takeplace, but does so downstream of the startcodon, within the coding region itself (35).Unfortunately, there is little direct evi-dence with which to assess the relevance ofthese potential interactions.No archaebacterial translation initia-

tion factor has been identified on the basisof its activity, but there are now severalintriguing candidates. The identificationof a hypusine-containing protein in sev-eral archaebacteria led to the eventualidentification of a homologue of eIF-5A(which is distinguished by the presence ofthis modified amino acid) in Sulfolobus(36). In vitro, this factor was thought to beinvolved in the formation of the first pep-tide bond in eukaryotes, where it isthought to mask the charge of the un-formylated methionine (32). This would atfirst seem to fit the previous observationthat archaebacteria, like eukaryotes, alsouse methionyl-tRNA (14). However, yeastcells depleted of eIF-5A continue to syn-thesize proteins at an only slightly de-creased level, arguing that it is not ageneral translation factor at all (37).A homologue of eubacterial IF-2 has

also been recognized in Sulfolobus acido-caldarius (H. P. Klenk, S. L. Baldauf,P.J.K., W.F.D., and W. Zillig, unpublishedwork). Although this might be taken tomean that translation initiation in archae-bacteria is like that of other prokaryotes,the situation is complicated by the recentidentification of a eukaryotic homologueof IF-2 (not to be mistaken with eIF-2),which is even more similar in sequence tothe Sulfolobus open reading frame (ORF).It is not known what this protein does ineukaryotes (38), but if it is part of thetranslation initiation complex, then it hasrepeatedly escaped detection, which

makes it difficult to decide just what thearchaebacterial IF-2 homologue may bedoing in vivo.To further complicate this matter, IF-2

is part of a larger family which includeselongation factors EF-la, EF-Tu, EF-2,and EF-G, as well as the -y subunit of theeukaryotic analogue of IF-2, eIF-2y. Aphylogenetic tree of representatives ofeach of these proteins is shown in Fig. 1,where it can be seen that eIF-2-y is actuallyonly distantly related to IF-2 sequences.Note that all the proteins on the left-handside of the tree (IF-2, EF-2, and EF-G)recycle GTP by themselves, while the oth-ers (eIF-2y, EF-la, and EF-Tu) require aguanine nucleotide exchange factor. Atsome point there was a switch in theproteins used in translation initiation, sothat eubacterial initiation complexes in-clude a member of the recycling subfamily(IF-2), whereas the eukaryotic factorarose from within the nonrecycling sub-family (eIF-2-y). The position of eIF-2,y assister to eubacterial EF-Tu is also strange,and perhaps it implies that eIF-2y is ac-tually derived from a mitochondrial EF-Tu, but the resolution of this part of thetree is not sufficient to conclude this. Inany case, the nature of the factor used bythe ancestral initiation complex is unclear;whether it was of the recycling or nonre-cycling subfamily is impossible to say, butdetermining which factors are used by thearchaebacteria in protein synthesis initia-tion would be a great help.These questions and contradictions on

the nature of the initiation complex re-cently led us to conduct data base homol-ogy searches for other archaebacterialORFs that could code for proteins similarto known IFs. Surprisingly, we found evenmore. The most compelling similarity isbetween an ORF upstream of the Ther-moplasma RNA polymerase operon andeIF-1A (40). The function of eIF-lA (alsoknown as eIF-4C) is to promote dissocia-tion of the ribosomal subunits (it does soby binding free small subunits and reallyacts by antiassociation), a function whichis carried out in eubacteria by IF-1 and 3(41).Another as-yet-unidentified ORF in

Sulfolobus acidocaldarius is similar toGCD1 and GCD6 (H. P. Klenk andP.J.K., unpublished work), two subunits ofyeast eIF-2B, the guanine nucleotide ex-change factor associated with eIF-2 (42).This example is significantly complicatedby the fact that these proteins are alsorelated to a yeast protein, Psal, that isthought to play a role in protein glycosy-lation (B. Benton and F. Cross, personalcommunication), and more distantly to ahost of NDP-hexose phosphorylases. TheSulfolobus ORF is slightly more similar toPsal than to the subunits of eIF-2B, andthis being the case, it would be unwise toassign a role in translation initiation to thisSulfolobus protein without direct evidence

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995)

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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92 (1995) 5763

elF2-Homo 1 00


EFTu-yeast mtn




EF1 a-Desulfurococcus

EF1 a-S.solfataricus

EF1 a-Methanococcus

EF1 a-Pyrococcus 73

EFI a-Giardia 54

EF1 a-ArabidopsisEFl a-Homo

Non-Guanine Nucleotide Recycling

- EFG-Thermus

- EFG-E.coli

EFG-ThermotogaG-rat mt



I IGuanine Nucleotide Recycling

FIG. 1. Phylogenetic tree of selected G proteins involved in translation. Four blocks comprising 111 residues of unambiguously aligned aminoacid sequence were subjected to parsimony analysis using PAUP 3.1 (39). A single shortest tree was found in 10 random addition replicates; thenumbers represent the percent occurrence of that node in 100 bootstrap iterations. Factors on the right half of the tree are able to recycle GTP,while those on the left require a guanine nucleotide exchange factor. Note that eubacterial IF-2 arises from the former, whereas its eukaryoticcounterpart, eIF-2-y, is derived from a nonrecycling factor similar to EF-Tu. mt, Mitochondria; E. coli, Escherichia coli; S. solfataricus, Sulfolobussolfataricus; Diche., Dichelobacter nodosus; nu, nucleus.

(but if it is involved in protein glycosyla-tion it is just as interesting!).How can we reconcile our current in-

formation on translation initiation in ar-chaebacteria? Given the lack of evidencefor almost everything, it may not be pos-sible. While the proposed base pairingbetween 16S rRNA and mRNA may havean important role (34), this has not beendirectly addressed, and there is growingevidence that the process is not exactly likethat ofE. coli. The absence of a 5' cap alsoexcludes a system entirely like eukaryotes,but the use of nonformylated methionineand the presence of eIFs hint that themechanism may in certain ways resemblethat of eukaryotes. It is also possible thatdifferent messages initiate in differentways, some by base-pairing and others bya scanning mechanism that does not re-quire cap recognition. A quick survey ofseveral leaders reveals that most do notcontain the tripletAUG before the properstart site (which may lead to prematureinitiation by a scanning ribosome), but thisis also because many are very short. Asystematic analysis of more leader se-quences could reveal much, but the bestpossible evidence will come from a de-tailed study of the initiation process itself.

Other Interesting Processes-A Few Suggestions

Among the other things that distinguisheukaryotes from prokaryotes there are

many of which we know nothing at all inarchaebacteria, such as translation termi-nation and chromosome segregation, andothers for which there are only tantalizingsuggestions as to what the analogous pro-cess in archaebacteria may be like. Ge-nome replication is a good example; thesize and circularity of the archaebacterialchromosome implies that it may be underthe same functional constraints as eubac-terial chromosomes (reviewed in ref. 12),but that does not necessarily mean that themechanisms are homologous.The deeper study of cell division also

holds great promise, but it may be com-plicated by the fact that different kinds ofarchaebacteria have different means ofcontrolling cell shape (reviewed in ref.43). It has been suggested that cell divisionin Methanocorpusculum is at least partly aresult of irregularities in the crystalline Slayer (44). On the other hand, some spe-cies do not have rigid S layers, and severalappear to have the ability to alter theirmorphology in a controlled way (45). Thishas prompted the idea that (at least some)archaebacteria have a cytoskeleton com-posed of the same components as that ofeukaryotes (45, 46). In an interesting cor-relation, the eukaryotic homologue ofhsp60 (cpn6o), TCP-1, which is devotedexclusively to folding cytoskeletal proteins(47), is much more similar in sequence(and thus perhaps in function) to its ar-chaebacterial homologues than either is totheir eubacterial counterparts.

Another process where progress is be-ing made is motility. Archaebacteria havea rotary motor and rigid flagella, likeeubacteria, but the actual flagella arecomposed of multiple glycoproteins whichare more like members of the eubacterialtype IV pilin-transport superfamily inboth sequence and posttranslational pro-cessing than they are to other flagellins(48). The presence of a processed leaderpeptide implies that flagellins may betransported by the same pathway as othersecreted glycoproteins, rather than throughthe actual core of the filament as in eubac-teria (48). The motor itself also has manyphysical characteristics of a eubacterial ro-tary motor, but so far none of its compo-nents have been identified. The nature ofthe motor is a point of special interest, asthere has been a great deal of work on asensory reception pathway in halophiles thatgoverns the direction of the motor's rota-tion. In phototaxis, light-absorbing seven-helix receptors analogous to eukaryoticopsins are coupled to a transducer homol-ogous to the transducers found in eubacte-rial chemotaxis pathways (reviewed in refs.49 and 50). In eubacteria this transducermodulates the activity of a histidine kinase,CheA, which was recently characterized inHalobacterium salinanium, where it also ap-pears to play a general role in taxis (51). Thepresence ofCheA implies that the switchingmechanism in archaebacteria and eubacte-ria may be of common origin, which wouldbe interesting, as the effects of switching are

Commentary: Keeling and Doolittle


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5764 Commentary: Keeling and Doolittle

quite different. In eubacteria motor rotationleads to either free swimming in a certaindirection or random tumbling, while in ar-chaebacteria switching merely changes thedirection of swimming (52), a distinctionthat results in very different demands on theswitching mechanism and motor.

Where Do New Processes Come From?

As sequence data accumulate, it is becom-ing more and more apparent that manyproteins, protein families, and molecularprocesses are common to all life: considersuch recent findings as ubiquitin and pro-teasome-like homologues in bacteria (53,54), CheA in eukaryotes (55), further evi-dence of bacteria polyadenylylatingmRNA (56), and the growing number ofclaims for homology based on secondarystructures and weak sequence similarities.This latter kind of analysis has providedpossible links between tubulin and FtsZ,and between actin, hsp70, and FtsA (57-60), and it is changing the way we thinkabout the evolution of new processes.While cellular processes themselves differbetween eukaryotes, eubacteria, and ar-chaebacteria, the components involved incarrying them out seem seldom to havebeen purposefully built: Jacob's metaphorof evolution as tinkerer is as apt for mol-ecules as for morphology (61).So at the moment, archaebacteria may

give us a better glimpse of the proto-eukaryote than any other creatures stillalive on Earth. But we must broaden ourknowledge base for organisms in all threedomains before we can draw any realconclusions about what the ancestor ofany domain looked like. For instance,processes such as transcription and trans-lation initiation are poorly understood inthe deepest branching eukaryotes (al-though a few things can now be inferredfrom what we know about archaebacte-ria). It would be useful to see whether theyuse capped mRNA, or a large multisub-unit TFIID, or whether they have a fullydeveloped cytoskeleton and chromatinstructure. The same principle applies toeubacteria, where a great deal of ourunderstanding centers on a very few or-ganisms. The possibility of overgeneraliz-ing and missing some of the most fasci-nating relationships between the majordivisions of life is real and unfortunate.

We thank C. J. Daniels, J. L. Spudich, and C.Barns for critical reading of the manuscript; B.Benton, R. L. Matts, and H. P. Klenk for shar-ing their unpublished observations with us; S. L.Baldauf for the EF/IF alignment; and A. J.Roger for his ideas on TCP-1.

1. Stanier, R. Y. & van Neil, C. B. (1962)Arch. Microbiol. 42, 17-35.

2. Cavalier-Smith, T. (1975) Nature (Lon-don) 256, 463-468.

3. Woese, C. R. & Fox, G. E. (1977) Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74, 5088-5090.

4. Iwabe, N., Kuma, K.-I., Hasegawa, M.,Osawa, S. & Miyata, T. (1989) Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA 86, 9355-9359.

5. Gogarten, J. P., Kiblak, H., Dittrich, P.,Taiz, L., Bowman, E. J., Bowman, B. J.,Manolson, N. F., Poole, R. J., Date, T.,Oshima, T., Konishi, J., Denda, K. &Yoshida, M. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 86, 6661-6665.

6. Brown, J. R. & Doolittle, W. F. (1995)Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 2441-2445.

7. Woese, C. R., Kandler, 0. & Wheelis,M. L. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA87, 4576-4579.

8. Mayr, E. (1990) Nature (London) 348,491.9. Margulis, L. & Guerro, R. (1991) New Sci.

129 (1761), 46-50.10. Woese, C. R., Kandler, 0. & Wheelis,

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