Arch 101 Spring 2013 Final Learning Portfolio Vivian Wong

Vivian Wong Final Learning Portfolio Spring 2013 Arch 101


Learning Portfolio

Transcript of Arch 101 Spring 2013 Final Learning Portfolio Vivian Wong

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Vivian Wong Final Learning Portfolio Spring 2013 Arch 101

Page 2: Arch 101 Spring 2013 Final Learning Portfolio Vivian Wong

Week 9- Research period

I looked at the links suggested by Jerry and a many of them were interesting but none of them really sparked inspiration. Inspiration in the way where I would get an idea of what I could do or take away from the installation. I looked at items for a while but nothing really clicked.

It was similar to when I was assigned to do research on our own and find inspiration from famous architects. It was hard for me because I didn’t feel that what I was getting out of it was “inspiration” so to speak but something visually entertaining. It was a good selection of work. I just felt I wasn’t doing something right.

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Week 9- Research period cont.

It wasn’t until much later I thought that rather than looking at the whole thing and trying to recreate it to fit into the design, why not just take little characteristics from them and incorporate it into something completely new.

The one instillation I found most inspirational was WF_091. The tessellation bench transitioned into different types of seating. The shape made it very unique and unconventional. I had a hard time thinking of how one would make a bench or seating area but have a bit more to it than just a plane or surface to rest on.

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Week 10 Research and Exploration Pallets are already structurally sound and can bear a large load too. It would be simple to use them as a frame/structure component.

One could use old fashion nails and hammers to put two pieces of wood together.

There will be the skills of knot tying as we plan on hanging the canopy. There will be some heavy lifting and such so it will be important.

The have an abundance of these and they are rather cheap to acquire too. Most super markets or warehouses sell them or give them out for free.

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Week 10 Research and Exploration cont.

If a large structure was needed to be built fast and structurally sound, this would be a great resource to go to.

For these reasons, Devin, one of my group members suggested that we should consider this in for the design. It can be easily recycled and or reused for other projects if needed.

If a large structure was needed to be built fast and structurally sound, this would be a great resource to go to. For these reasons, Devin one of my group members suggested that we should consider this in for the design. It can be easily recycled and or reused for other projects if needed.

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Week 11-13 Spring Break and Designing

After seeing Alex’s model, I was inspired by how she formed the shape of the instillation based on circulation.

Later that aspect was further pushed and became a theme in the design process.

Cathy Luis and I worked together to make a design so we could work towards finalizing the design. Focusing of the experiential nodes:

• Intimate with opportunities to note fleeting beauty,

• Meditative and serene

• A place for accidental encounters and the opportunity to socialize with others.

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Week 14 (25% Completion)

We were finalizing the plan of what our Over Hang was going to look like and how we would make our curvilinear forms with it.

We all had ideas and we even had suggestions from Jerry Lum (Arch 101 Professor).

We went back to the drawing board and talked about all the problems there were and we were going in circles. Our main problem was that the connectors (the component that would hold the hexagons together) were becoming an issue.

Together we came to an agreement that we would make it a flexible Overhang that would be able to bend and be shaped as we strung it up.

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Week 15 (50% Completion)

Cathy and I worked on building the Hexagons. She continued to build the hexagons that used nuts and bolts while I continued to build with the hexagons with screws. We originally started with nuts and bolts, but seeing that our connectors dictate 12 screws per hexagon, we were in great need for screws.

Cathy had originally thought that we should hide the connectors so we had been working towards that. I had made a mistake while putting the hexagon components and put the wood connectors on the side that would be seen. This was a mistake and I hadn’t realized it until Cathy had told me as I was half way finished with the component.

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Week 15 (50% Completion) cont.

Luis and Cathy came up with the same idea in which we would be able to do an assembly line with these hexagons.

One would slightly screw in the screws into the wood connector just enough for it to stay in place while another would take that piece, put the little sheet of canvas between the wood connector and the hexagon.

Once the corners are lined up, the screws can be drilled in with ease. It was a brilliant idea and it saved a lot of time. I could tell that it was helpful. I felt my pace speeding up and I had gotten more hexagons finished than I had before when I was working alone at home without this method.

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Week 16 (75% Completion)

I worked on mapping out the pieces (hexagon components) out so we would have a solid plan of what it will be once we lay out all the pieces and start screwing them in. Then once we do that, we can put it up!

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Week 17 (100% Completion)

I helped Luis and Cathy install the eyehole component so we will be able to string rope through the hole and up to the cable system. It was fast and easy to install, much more so than I expected.

We ran into the problem that we had some problems come up because the wood connectors and the self-drilling screws were coming out. Some of them were popping off and we haven’t even moved it anywhere either.

The day right after we hung the canopy! It went very well.

We started working from 3 and ended at around 8:30. This was what I expected.

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Week 18 Presentation

Monday was a bit of a hectic day.

Some group members were at each

other’s neck and it was getting very

tense. Some of us had different

interpretations of what was going to

happen and I unfortunately couldn’t

make sense about the ideas that were

being pushed for.

In the end we split up the work and I am the one working on the narrative.

When we met again on Tuesday we brought in what we had for our presentation. We just briefly went over each persons work to see if it would work. To see if there was any over lap so we wouldn’t talk about the same thing twice.

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Week 18 Presentation cont.

It didn’t go quite as planned but we were all busy with finals and everything else that has been going on at this time.

It was a real mess the evening of the


No one heard what the other persons script and once we got on “the stage” it was very difficult. Everyone seemed to have past their 2min limit. Someone had mentioned things that I had written in my narrative so then there was some overlap.

That made me very nervous. We never rehearsed it together as a group so I wasn’t sure what to expect.

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Week 18 Presentation cont.

My head was now spinning and I was worried that the audience would hear my nervousness in my voice.

I started reading bits from my script and later I got cut off by Andrew Chandler because he suggested that it would be better if we were to go outside to the site as I describe it so they won’t have to imagine.

That was a good idea. I felt that it was more appropriate.

Continuing from where I left off, I explained what it would feel like to be in the space and described what the canopy is doing and what the meditative space is like.

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Week 18 Presentation cont.

When I tried to continue, to talk about the other parts of the space, there were still in the meditative space and I wasn’t sure if I should continue to talk as they were experiencing the space.

I really wanted to explain the bench but couldn’t find a smooth enough transition. When they walked out the meditative space, they started their critic.

The Judges talked about how the canopy felt like it could have been a whole project on its own and it really felt separated. The two projects were just so different that the language of it all was speaking differently.

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Week 18 Presentation cont.

There was an area in the canopy where the hexagons dipped in the middle separating the two areas. Andrew felt that curve was very forced and seemed to hold a lot of tension.

The pallets weren’t very good either. The pallets made going in and out of the space very dangerous and with that in mind, it took away from the canopy. There were other students and people who too felt this way. It really hurt the overall project.

This was apparent to the whole team and we were told that there wasn’t anything we could do about it.

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Week 18 Presentation cont.

The color of the pallets had mixed reviews. Andrew had said that it doesn’t really work for him, while another judge said that it did. It was just a matter of opinion in reality.

Another point that was brought up was that the hexagons could have been woven in and out of the pallets to further reinforce the “growing out of” detail rather than just touching the pallets in two places. The way it just touches the pallets isn’t enough to relate it back to the free standing structure.

I felt like this was a very good point.

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Week 18 Presentation cont.

There was a long talk about how we shouldn’t have spent so much money on the project. There were comments about how the hexagons are really the main focus of the project. It was clearly articulated that the students shouldn’t take away the message “more money doesn’t mean a better grade” after seeing our project despite the budget we worked with.

I did feel like this project’s budget was getting a bit out of hand and that there should not have been so much money spent on the canopy and the pallets.

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Life can be fast paced and we can easily lose track of time and take the smaller things in life for granted in this highly populated urban city. It’s often difficult to find an abundance of nature and because nature can activate the more peaceful, meditative side of people, it is necessary. In this society we are encouraged to always move. But all things in life require a balance which is what our installation’s core ideas were planted.

As one glances at the installation, there is complex shape that catches their eyes and tickles their curiosity. Now there is more incentive to leave the work environment of the class room and to explore the wonders that lie just on the other side of the window.

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Narrative cont.

The bench to the left of the entrance takes the shape of an asymmetrical trapezoid with two different levels. In the way it is angled, orients you towards the concrete faces on the curved walls, away from the building.

The first largest level is at a height where one can easily access and seat a group of three easily. The second smaller level is twice the height that can act as a table or a high chair. Similar to how an auditorium has two spaces, the stage and everything else. The height separates these two spaces.

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Narrative cont.

Walking towards the space where the canopy seems to have originated and is growing out from, a tree is fully revealed to you and there are no longer vertical pallets that restrict ones sight.

As one approaches the instillation, one will be able to come closer to the complex shape and be able to break it down to a couple of components.

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Narrative cont.

They will also notice a bright cream bench and grey pallets lined up adjacent from the tree. Some are flat on the ground while the others that a sit on its sides to make vertical barrier that starts to imply and separate spaces.

One step up onto the pallet and you are enclosed in a dome consisting of hexagons. The whole form of the canopy undulates making curvilinear shapes that one will wonder “how is it possible”. This canopy acts as a guide that takes you from the entrance, through the instillation and into the meditative space.

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Narrative cont.

When one walks into the meditative space takes a step up to the space making this much more grand and special rather than if one were to just walk into the space. As one sits down in this space with high pallet walls the walls grow taller and the canopy high above, lingering in the peripherals as one enjoys the view of the tree moving ever so slightly in the wind.

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“Quantity leads to quality”. It was mentioned a couple of times in class and I found that this was true. It’s very similar to how “practice leads to perfect”. I have always thought this way but never enforced it upon myself.

Often I gave excuses of why I wasn’t practicing and why I’m not where I would want to be. Simplest way of getting the destination is to just work at it. Forgetting about all the excuses and working not for others, but for you, I feel is a major turning point in thinking that will help me achieve my goals.

“Communication is key”. From what I have experienced, this was where most of the tension came from. Some were not properly informed and there was miscommunication. As we progressed we had a system where we would type up semi daily reports of our findings and our progress. The system was a little faulty and was not thoroughly enforced.

The willingness and patience to listen to others thoughts and opinions are great qualities to have when working with others. The ability to not get fixated on little issues is another that comes in handy when there are more important matters at hand. These may be a bit obvious but it’s a whole other thing when you are experiencing and in such great proximity of the situation it gets hard to filter ideas and emotions out.

With this group project, it further enforced these thoughts I have only really heard of. Those traits are what I am working on because it is just helpful in any field of work or any relationships two or more people will have with one another.

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Vivian Wong –End- Final Learning Portfolio Spring 2013 Arch 101