Arcavias - High performance e-commerce in TYPO3

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Arcavias is an e-commerce framework integrating natively into TYPO3 or other CMS. It's optimized for high volumes of visitors and orders while it can be adapted to almost every need (not only web shops). Presented at #t3cmallorca

Transcript of Arcavias - High performance e-commerce in TYPO3

  • 1. Stand Juli 2012 1/53 ARCAVIAS high performance e-commerce in TYPO3

2. NORBERT SENDETZKY 3. Stand Juli 2012 3/53 Metaways Infosystems GmbH Speicherstadt, Hamburg TYPO3 affine full service provider since 2001 ca. 50 employees METAWAYS 4. ? 5. 6. e-commerce framework 7. Why? 8. Must be flexible not only web shops 9. Must be fast several 1000 orders per day 10. Must be easy to integrate in TYPO3, custom applications, etc. 11. The result: An e-commerce library 12. Key features 13. Optimized for speed 14. 100 000 products ~ 250 550 ms 15. Optimized for flexibilty 16. Everything can be extended or replaced Almost everything can be configured 17. Optimized layers 18. Config Logger Session DB I18n View Data access (MShop library) ExtJS Controller Admin interface Front-end client Frond-end Controller 19. Arcavias TYPO3 extension 20. Config Logger Session DB I18n View Data access (MShop library) Admin interface Admin Plugin Front-end client List ... Basket ExtJS Controller Frond-end Controller PHP TYPO3Backend TYPO3Frontend 21. Provides some plug-ins 22. Catalog related: Filter List Detail Quick search Stage 23. Order related: Basket Checkout History 24. Can be placed everywhere 25. Can be configured via TypoScript 26. Provides an administration interface 27. Performance 28. 100 000 products ~ 900 1200 ms 29. TYPO3 Ext Zend demo 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Arcavias performance Arcavias RealURL URL builder Extbase Framework Milliseconds 30. Performance tips for e-commerce in TYPO3 31. Use APC 32. cached no cache 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 APC performance with APC no APC Milliseconds 33. TYPO3 4.5 is fastest up to now 34. 4.5 4.7 6.0 6.1 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TYPO3 performance cached not cached Milliseconds 35. Don't use RealURL to fetch the product name add it manually as #my-product-name 36. Keep CHash as part of URL storing in database is slow 37. RealURL CHash bug prevents caching the page use 38. Less products (default: 48) creating links is expensive 39. Current status 40. Arcavias TYPO3 extension is still beta 41. not complete yet ... 42. but already used in projects for our customers 43. Interested? 44. Questions? Ideas? Suggestions? 45. Stand Juli 2012 53/53 Norbert Sendetzky [email protected] THANK YOU!