Aptis SpeakingAptis Speaking - Part 2 Model Answer

Creating Opportunity Worldwide Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials Level AnyModule number: N/A (but using the picture p.1 Eft3 course boo. L!ngu!ge point: "pe!ing p!rt # APTIS PICTUE !ESCIPTIO" *Using the picture on p.1 Eft3 course book. In this picture# we see a young# dar$-haired wo%an in act o& reading' She see%s (uietly a)sor)ed in the sto al%ost o)li*ious to her surroundings# e*en though the are a couple o& other wo%en present in the li)rary to right o& the picture' She is wearing a red# slee*eless out&it with a polo-n )lac$ sweater underneath and she see%s to )e standing in &ront o& a shel& containing )oo$s with colour&ul t the )ac$ground# there are shel*es cra%%ed with )oo$s as you would e+pect to see in any pu)lic li)rary' ,. words/ $ontributed by: %eter !nd Lind! & 'he ritish $ouncil) #*1+ 'he ritish $ouncil is the ,nited -ingdom s intern!tion!l org!nis!tion for cultur!l rel!tions !nd educ!tion opportunities. ritish $ouncil M!l!ysi! is ! br!nch ( 0#3# A2 of the ritish $ouncil) registered !s ! ch!rity in Engl!nd !nd !les (#* 1312 !nd "cotl!nd ("$*3


Aptis SpeakingAptis Speaking - Part 2

Transcript of Aptis SpeakingAptis Speaking - Part 2 Model Answer

Creating Opportunity Worldwide

Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials

Level Any Module number: N/A (but using the picture on p.1 Eft3 course book. Language point: Speaking part 2APTIS PICTURE DESCRIPTION

*Using the picture on p.1 Eft3 course book.

In this picture, we see a young, dark-haired woman in the act of reading. She seems quietly absorbed in the story, almost oblivious to her surroundings, even though there are a couple of other women present in the library to the right of the picture.

She is wearing a red, sleeveless outfit with a polo-neck, black sweater underneath and she seems to be standing in front of a shelf containing books with colourful titles. In the background, there are shelves crammed with books as you would expect to see in any public library. (93 words)

Contributed by: Peter and Linda The British Council, 2014The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and education opportunities.

British Council Malaysia is a branch (995232-A) of the British Council, registered as a charity in England and Wales (209131) and Scotland (SC037733)