NOTED EDUCATORS TO AID IN PROGRAM Sonoma County Institute Will Have Interesting Session This Month [Special Dispatch to The Call] SANTA ROSA, April I.—MiM Flor- j ence M. ?arne«, the county superinten- j dent of schools, lias announced the pro- gram for the annuar Sonoma county uaehere' Institute 10 be held in Santa nosa Easter week, beginning Monday afternoon, April 17. and continuing with two sessions daily through Thurs- day afternoon.- Among those who will participate In ; the instructive and Interesting program j arranged for the benefit of the 252 ; grammar school and 35 high school , teachers employed in the 149 district and 6 high schools of the county arc th* following'; President Frederick L. Burk of the San Fran- c!x>o state normal *'-li""l; I'r- l.int*«t Hnag. I medlctl director of the Berkeley school depart- ment: Ml»s Estelle C»rr*nter. minimi director •\u25a0f the San Francisco school department: Super- intendent F. V. Bunker of Berkeley: Superin- tendent -J, TV. MeClj-moods of Oakland; Presi- dent AlH»"n B. Wore Jr. of the Chlco state nr.r- mal school: Dr. Jackson Temple, health and 1 physical supervisor, and Mrs. Minnie C. Mills, musical doctor, of the Santa Kosa school de- partment, "v A feature o/ each session of the In- stitute will be the music and classes from the various Santa Rosa .schools who will participate in the program under the direction of Mrs. Minnie C. Mill?. Miss Carpenter will discuss methods and illustrate her work with selections to the delight of all. The de- tailed program follows: MONDAY AFTEENOON, 1:30 O'CLOCK Invocation Rev. Peter Colvln; music, (a) "Santa Lucia," (b) "The Lord is My Shep- herd." (ci "Lullaby" (Brahms), sixth and sev- enth grade*. Llaroln *ehool: (a) "Aloha" (Queen Liliuokalani), (hi "Oyp«!e*' Life" (second melo- dic readar), fourth grade, Lincoln school- iai "Slumber, Lively Child." 'hi Violet Hunting." fifth grade, Lincoln school: roll rail and distri- bution of report card*; address, '-The Profit and Lois Account of Our School System." Frederick L. Burk. MONDAY ITlirarO. 8 O'CLOCK Music; addre**, 'What is Scholarship?" Fred- erick L. Hurt. TUESDAY MOilflKG, 9 O'CLOCK Mnsle. (a) "nurrah for the Flag!* 1 (bl "But- ter Cup," South Park fchool; lai Swing Song, fourth grade. Bnrhank school; (a) motion song, '•One, Twe. Buckle My Shoe," second grade. Bur- .hank school; address. "The Health Index of Children." with aterenptieon slides, by Dr. Er- nest Bryant Haag; "The Child V«iee." E»telle Carpenter; afldrets, "Closer Articulation of the Tarts of Our School System," P. F. Bunker. TUESDAY ATTEJUrOON. 1:11 O'CLOCK Muilc, bays' chorus, directed by Aurelia Al- 1 T«res; (a) "Little Boy Blue." (hi "Jolly Boys," «<•» "My Own United States," third, fourth and fifth grade*, Burbank school: aridrei<s, "The Child and Hl* Environment." Dr. Ernest Bryant Hoa*-; "Sight Singing," Eatelle Carpenter; "Tlie Content and Method, of Geography," F. F. Bunker. , WEDNESDAY XOBNTNO 9 o'clock—Mnsle; mntlnn tons*; (a) "Poppy Bods." (b) "Grandma Told Me." high first , rrada. Fremont school; (a) 'Bonnie Baby Blue Eyes." (b) "The Honey Bee." low eer-und grade. Fremont »ehool: address. 'School Sani- tation." J. W. MeCiymnndsi; -The Adult Voice j of the Teacher and Children* *>bk«, and How , to Sing Them," Estelle Carpenter; addrc*;. "Laggards in Our Tub!!.- Schools." F. F. Bunker. \u25a0WXDJTESDAT AFTERNOON 1:15 o'clock—Moilc; motion songs; (a) "Dolly's Asleep ' (b) Big Bate Ih-um." (ct "Left, Left," retiring claaa. Vremont iehoftt; in "Happy Fanner." (hi "Soldiers' Chorua." third and fourth grade*. Fremont srhool; "The N. p;. A.." J. W. McOymond*: "Ear Training and the Effect of Music on the Backward Child." F«telle Carpenter; discuaiion of health super- vision as tried in the Santa Ro*a schools. Dr. J«ck»nn Temple. "Th» Content and Method of History," I. F. Bunker. THURSDAY MOKNIHG 9 o'clock—Mq*ie. 111 ••The Stream." ib\ 'Spring Song." Rnscland school; "Elementary and Grammar School Arithmetic." 3. W. Me- Clymoo/lii: "Rhythm." Eatelle Carpenter; ad- dress, "Educational Dividends," Allison Ware. THURSDAY AFTERNOON 1:15 1 else* "Vitalizing of the Child." K«- lelle Carpenter; "Unfinished Business." Allison Ware; report of <f>mni(ttee on resolutions; re- turn on repoit cards; adjournment. \u25a0 Patents for Californians [Special Dispatch lo The Call] WASHINGTON, April I—Patents hays been i lifornia inventors as- foii Edgar W. Allen, Sin Jwe, coin controlled chair. M. P. Brazil!. Kr<-sn". matchbox. Fred a. and W. F. Bright. Kaota Cruz, faucet opera d'vjce.- Charlen~H. Cornelius (assignor of half to .1 TVsrrinjtoni. Fresno, flying chine. W. 1.. Forward. West Berk.ley (assignor to Byron Jackson iron works, Berkeley), turbine pump. \u25a0 \u25a0u»-!e» A. Vn X . Taft. resilient tlr». J. 0. Gamin, Tropleo. aeale, ''"I" \u25a0 O. Gulock, San Diego, display appa- P. O. Hubert, (/« Anceles. open fireplace. Joseph Meklensek. Delmar. pump. . Charles W. Merrill. Alameda. container for pre^stiißf niter. Robert Moniua, San Diego, automatic wave *pparatu«. Edward.X. Moore, Oakland, heaving phi* for ©tl weils. w It G. Osborpe, T/» Angeles, railway tit W. Plttman Tarker. Baa Dieg«f vacuum claaa- Ing apparatus. - . Charles O. Pellftler (assignor 10 N. B. Doue- lass. Man Frarielsco), wall bed. Thonias E. Pop«. Alameda. expansible bit. ,ram»» G. Slavln, lx,» Angeles, airship. Luke A. Smith, Los Angeles, attachment for coking utensil?. Alfred L. Sohm. Whittler faMismor to Sohm ejeelrlc *l«nal and recording company 1, I/* An- f*le«. eleetrV-al »lgnal recording arataia Oeorte 8pal«1ln*. Storkton. wheel bearing Thoma* J. Thord, l/« Angeles, farm au'tomo- pik. wFri Thorn, Sin Francisco, restaurant par David E. Vallarlno, San Leandro, can switch James A. Walker, I/» Angeles, switch oper- ating mechanism and railway crossing Richard N. Walton, LoB Angelea', railway point. M. C. Warnock, Te»la, carpet cleaning appa- boiler be«lett San rrtnclg<:0 ' beddlns .\u25a0tool for DOJIer tube*. William G. Williams. Hi*.bland, saw, tooth fcbip?n. Jo*eptj E. Wyokotf. hot Angeles, ditching *». NEW CLINIC INSPECTED BY MAYOR AND PARTY Special Committee Approves Work Done cis of the city administration, accompanied by a special committee of citizens, inspected the new munici- pal clinic Friday and expressed their approval. in the party were Mayor thy. Attorney Cleveland L. Dam; Elmore I.efflngwell, the mayor's secre- tary. Chief Seymour; l>octor Katon. president of the board of health' Dr W. K. McNutt, <lty health officer; C. S. Krsntz, foreman of the grand Jury; H. 1* Morrison, chairman of ttie grand jury commute*' on public morals; An- drew J. Gallagher. SU ''lam- pett. Cabbi Xleto and Secretary Haajens of the Merchants' association Inspec- tion bureau. A visit was first paid to the munici- pal clinic in Commercial street near Kesrny. Subsequently, the Inclosed \u25a0ection was inspected. It was said that all the ordinances were being ob- served. Improved sanitation had been introduced, which was commended by members of the party. .As a result of the trip certain recom- mendations will be made for further supervision by the health and pollqe authorities. The mayor said It waa his .intention-,to. have the restricted district confined to a section east of Kenrtiy street." CONTRACTORS OR JANIZE PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION Body Includes Builders in Three Counties Article* of incorpor* oral contractors' association were filed with the county clerk of San Francisco yesterday. Its chief purposes are: (1) To join together all' general building contractors of the city and county of Ran Francisco and adjoining counties and establish and maintain a just and equitable system of dealing; (2) lo establish anil enforce » system- of ar- bitration "for the tettlement of dis- putes and controversies between stock holders of the association and persons contracting with them. \u25a0 The. association is capitalized at $125,000, of which $52,000 has been sub- scribed by, more than 100 contractors in San Francisco, Alameda and San Mateo counties. The directors are: A H. Bwfatiuui. Alameda: John Bllier. San rrancisci,: Charles A. Day, San Francisco: Kd- ward Ginley, San Francisco; C. W. (Jontpert^, Oakland; W. W. Hayes. San Francisco: Charles W. Lindsay. San A Francl«ci: Charles J. Llndgren, San I'ranclscoVPeter J. Lynch. San Francisco; Frank W. Marow. Berkeley, and J. J. Pratt; San Kranolaco. Attorneys, Alken & Alkcn.;. ' _ , , \u2666 | New Postmasters in State j '+: : _—: :—__: -». [Special Dispatch to The Call] WASHINGTON. April I.—California po»tmn« terit appointed: Castllia. Shasta, comity. J. A. Bell, vice I. Q. Smith, resigned: Greenville. Plu- mas county, I*. P. Mclntyre. vice -I. It. Mnrry. resigned: Hohart Mill 1 N>v«d» coupty. fiertmile E. Martin, rice 11. E. Martin, died: Johnsville, Plunias county. Mary A. Carter, vice C. H. Heath, died; Miranda. Hnmboldt county. Reuben Amrt«e. Rle» A. P. Monroe, removed; Ruth. Trin- ity county. Edward T. Manuel, vice J. V. Mr- Knight, resigned; SeqODla, Tiiolunmc county, Pearl Marrow, vice C. Y. Bartlett, resigned. THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL. SUNDAY. APRIL 2, 19U. 20 SCHRADER In this city. Apr!! I, 1911. August Schrader. a native of Braun«cliwel«r. Germany, aged 62 years and 2"i day*. A member of Spo- kane lodge No. 9, 0. d. H. i. '"\u25a0•• r= : F*riend* and acquaintances are respectfully In- vite.l to attend the funeral Tuesday, at 10:30 a. in., from the parlor* of Suhr * \u25a0Wleboldt. 13.5.-1 Valencia street near Twenty fifth, where •ervires will be held, under the snap! of North Beach lodge No. 0. O. d. H. 8, Inter- ment Cypress Ijiwn cemetery, by 11:30 a. m. train froia Twenty fifth and Valencia street*. SCHUITR— In this, city, March 31. 19}}.'?™}: lielmltie. v. dearly beloved wife of Hendrics Pcbuur, an.l loving mother of Minnie, Etta, Henry and Aglna Sehuor. and sister of Mrs. C Augusta Hoffmann, a native of Germany. aged \u25a0 39 year* 1 month and 10 days. \u25a0 I Friend* and acquaintances ar» respectfully In- 1 vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday). . April 3, at 2 p. m.. from her late resldetii-e. 34 Glrarri street near Sllllman off San Bruno road.. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, by carriage. \u25a0MHBBSB'BCBBiP*'! SHACKELTON In this city. March 11, 1911. Kliiaheth Kha<-keltnn. dearly beloved wife of John Shackelton, and loving mother of Edward. William and Lillian Rhaekelton. and sister e-f P. T. Gaffney and Mr». J. Sampson, a native of San Francisco. ( al. SHEAS— In thin city. March 81. 1911. David, beloved husband of Ida E. Shear, and devoted father of J: M., Luolll* T.. Mildred R. and Hnth K. Shear, a native of tJermany. aged 58 year*. (New York papers please copy. SHERMAN In thl»* city, March 11. ; 1811. Charles Heymour. dearly beloved \u25a0 husband of Klltabeth May Hiiermati, and lovlßt father of Clay ion 8. Khrrman, and inn In law nf Mr. anil Mr*. Jam** McAllister, a native of Con \u25a0I'M Cal., aged 3T years 0 month* and 13 days. .-. Remain*' at > hi* Isle residence, 1306 Fourth avenue, Sunfi district, '\u25a0'\u25a0"" STUCK In thl» city. March So. mil, John tieorpe Straek. beloved unrle of Mrs. Jacob HolUerer, a native of Uiyern, Oerro»n,T. aged 77 year* 8 months ami 21 days. A member of Eureka Haln No. \u25a0». D. A. <>. D. Friends and acquaintance* are res«»etf«illy vlted to attend the funeral today (Sunday. April I, at 1 p. in., from the parlors of H. X, Suhr * Co., 2U19 Mission street betweetj Twin- ty-Bftli and Twenty Incineration I. O. <>. K. cemetery. EUREKA GUOVB NO. 4. t'. A. O. D.—The offl ceni anil meraeber* and funeral committee of Eureka grove No, 4; U. A 0. P.. are hereby requested to a«»emble at the parlor* of 11. F. «uhr & Co.. 2019 Minion street, today (Sun- day), at 12:.H0 p. m . to attend the funeral or Brother John G. Strack. By order H. PAXTA. THOE?—In this city, March 31. 1811. Sybil Florence, only daughter of Clement B. anil Florence A. M. Thorp, and granddaughter of U." W. Thorp and T. M. and Minnie Holt, a native of San Francisco, aged 7 years. - Friend* are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (SundayV, at 3 o'clock p. m.. from the family residence, 3148 Twenty-second street. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, by electric funeral car from Twenty-eighth and Valencia streets. \u25a0 ' TOLMAN—In tola city, March 29. 1911, William Tolman. beloved husbnnd of Annie Victoria TolniHti, and son of Itnfns J. Tolman, and brother of Mr*. Minnie Stratton and Oustavwr' Tolman. a native of Placer county. Cal., aged 40 years 3 months and 5 days. Friends are respectfully Invited to :attend the funeral today (Sunday), April 2, at 1:30 p. m.. from the chapel of X. Gray t Co., 2100 4leary street corner of OevUadero. In- terment Cypress Lawn cemetery, by automo- bile*. ; , ' WALSH—In this city. March '31, 1811. 'Daniel j 0.. beloved I husband of Annie Walsh, I and ; brother of William Walsh,, and son in law of I " Mary ,1. Wren, a native of Canada, aged 20 ' years. \u0084 . ; WHIEIES In this city. March 31, 1911. now- ; *rd P. Wheeler, beloved father of Mrs. w. O. I l>sllimore of Pasadena, and brother of Mr*. Ma C. Payne, a native of New York, aged 51 years. - * Friend* and acquaintances are respectfully In- vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday), . at 1 o'clock p. m.. from Richmond hall. Cle- ment street and First avenue, under the ail"- pices of Richmond lodge No. 2"*; Y. & A. : M. VERB A Bt'EXA CHAPTER SO. 228. O. E. B.— nftir.>r(i and member-, are requested to attend the funeral of our late sitter. Anna H. Freyer- muth. today (Sunday), 111 3 o'clock p. 111.. from \u25a0 Grace Methodist Kpiscopal church. By order j cf AXNIE W." SPAULDIXG, W. M. M. A. UEYNOLDS, Sec. -- WOOD— rest. In this city. March SO. 1911. at her late residence. 20«3 Powell street. Wll- lelmlne. dearly beloved wife of George : C. Wood, devoted mother of Carrie Bergman, Ed C. nod William J. Hildebrandt, and aM«r of Afkoa Fisher and .Paul, Henry and William I Scnunr and the late John and Edword Schnur. I . » native nt (Jernuny. ni.'«'il .'!! year* .ri month" I BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS Birth, marriage and death notices sent by msiK will not be inserted. Tbey inurt be banded In at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of person" author- ised to hare the lime published. Notice* re- stricted dimply to the anaonnocmont of the event are published once In this colour.) free of charge. 1 Notable Deaths I •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ~... - ' \u25a0*\u25a0 JAKES ALEXANDER McGOWAH—Los Angeles, April I.—James Alc?nu<l<»r M«i'i»n. <*• years old. and a pioneer tod wealthy resident of Plains, Mont., died last night at a loc»l hotel. MAETIN GREIF, POET—Kufsteln. Austro-Hun- tary, April I.—Hart la Greif. the Bavarian poet, died today. JOHN A. SCOTT. RAILBOADMAN,-Mempbi*. ' T.'nn.. April I.—John A. Scott, recently ap- pointed from the pout of district passenger agent of the Ililnol* Central railroad to that '•' general passenger agent of the line* of that road south of the Ohio,' \u25a0lied suddenly at his Lou- Uere t«xsay of heart failure. 1 \u2666 . . .-\u2666 ' I Marriage Licenses [ j The following marriage licenses were issued in San Francisco, Saturday, April 1: AKASHI—TAKAYAMA—Korn Aka«hi. 37. and I Turn Takayama. 27, both of .'.24 (Srant avenue. CAI.KINS-- \u25a0• Hal M. Calkins. 24. «3 Carl street, and Cordelia E. Powell, 17. 1221 ole street. CARXKSF.CCA—GIAMPAOLI—Oiacomino Cam* secca. 21, and Vittorla Glampaoll, 19, both of j 387 Chestnut street. JACONO—GOMEZ—Eugene Jaeono, .-. 14 Hill street, and Rose Gome*. IS. 119 Broad street. Mel-UN— MII.VIHIIJ.- Irving J. McLain. 28. Portland, and Margaret MulTlliill. 23, Denver.. A}*—MSYERFKLD— Richard Newman. \u25a0"\u25a0• '. 344T Clay street, and Elsie 1. Mryerfcld. 22, 2751 Clay street. ROWLAND—ALDRIDGE —WiIIiam A. Rowland. 41. 8 Kotlls street, and Clyde B. Aldrldge, I 3». 1450 Washington street. RII-RY—Joseph J. Smith. 30. and Mary j E. Riley. 28,-both of 60 Cotton street, ' BIRTHS ABRAHAM- In thi* city. March 21, 1011. to the wife of Harry Abraham (nee Gottlieb), \u25a0 daughter. > . . ALBERS—In this city. March 31, 1911. to the \u25a0wife of Frank H. Alber*. a son. trortland. (\u25bare., papers please copy. I BRANSON—Ia San Mateo. fa!.. March 24, 1811. to the wife of Thomas. J. Branson, a ton. K1.1.1S In this city. March 31, 1011. to the wife of O. Elli' (formerly Gertrude Gannon), a daughter. LEAVITT—In this city: March 27, 1911. to the wife of William C Ix-«vJtt (nee Ryan), a eon. .SPREE— In this city, February 24. 1911, to the •wife of Harry Spree, a daughter. ' deaths' AicheTich. Savo .... 4S|Morrison, Samuel .. 04 Benjamin. Rath M.. 7S Nicholson, Lawrence Bnilm. Anna A 71 O'Cnnnell, Timothy.. 57 Bnrns. 'William O'Keefe. Arthur ...4 Burton. Mr». Emily Schneider, Barbara.. «9 ravivsa. "Teresa ... 63 Sc"hra<l«T, August .. *>2 Colin. 'Itora '.:.....; SI S'-huor. Wilhelmlne. o3 Claw?. Henry ...:. MjSnackeltoa. Elizabeth Crowell. Koln-rt .... 35 Shear. David .'. 5S lieuwn. franklin .. is Sherman. Charles *. 37 Duffy. Thomas "..:'.. S4 Strack, John '<J 77 Edgar. Emily C Thorp. Sybil F..;.» 7 Krcycrniutli, Anna 11.30 Tolman, William ... 4" Ford. Jatnf* I" 48 Walsh, Daniel <;. . . 2!» <.>u«ler.. Maria E... «0 Wheeler. Howard I". SI liiliiland, Laura A.. Wood. Wllhelmlna.. 59 Gorte. Robin R.;:.. S| '','.——• '" Kelly, Lawrence \u0084. T8 Costello .... (Removal i Krattlger. Mar; G.. 23 Liggett. William A. fwt Allison (Card) McCabe, Fred A SO »*c4e (Card) McCabi'. Margaret... 74 Widmar (Card) AICHEVICH -In this city. March 31. 1911. Savo > AiebevU-h. brother of Vldo Aicherlch and Mrs. S. Gerunoviib and Mr*. John Radulovlch, and cousin of Paul. Mllo* and Ri«to Alcherich, a native of Kameno, Austria, aged 48 years 1 month and in days. A member of and past grand of Wallace lodge No. S3, I. 0. 0. F., Wallace. Idaho. Friend* and acquaintances are respectfully In- vited to attend the funeral services today iSmidayi, April Z. 1911. at 12 .o'clock m.. from th» chapel of Julius 8. Godean. 41 Van \u25a0 ll* avenue near Market street, under tbe I auspices of General Relief Committee of I. 0. <•. F.. thence to Trinity cathedral. Van Xesa | avenue and Green street, for terrices. Inter- i merit Rerrijt! oemctfry. BENJAMIN In this city. AprTl 1. 1911, Ruth M. henjamln.. wdnw of the late Hon. W. T. Benjamin of Ro-ifbiirc tire., and mother of Mrs. Frank W. Ben»on of Salem and Dr. R. W. Benjamin of rtlsnd. Ore., and grand- mother of Mrs. T. i;. Crothers and Cbwley'L. Benjamin and W. B. Benjamin., a native of Buffalo, N. V., aged 7S years 1 mouth and 29 j days. Funeral it Coteburg. Ore. BRUHN At rest, in this city, April 1. 1911. at her residence. 59 Roudfl place. Anna A..' be lOTe<l wife of Prter F. Bnibn. ami loTine ' mother of Peter Jr. and Andrew K. Bruhn and Mrs. -Wilhelmlne Mcl.yon and Mrs. Annie Thorn, a native of Germany, aged 71 years. BURNS la this city. April 1, 1011. William, dearly beloved bu*band of the late Ellen Burns, and father of William .Jr.. Ro«r E. and Peter J. Burns, and brother of Mrs. t'aro- mody. a native of Ireland. A member of Court Golden Era No. 3«. V. of A. Friend* and acquaintance* are respectfully in rlted to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday), April 3. at 8:30 a. in., from his late residence. MS Hampshire street near Seventeenth, thence to | St. Charles Borroni"o's church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the rep<-i«- of bis >oul, at 9 o'clock a. m. , Inter ment Holy Crow cemetery, hy carriage. BURTON In this city. -April 1. 101 Mrs. Emily Burton, a native of Edinburgh, Scot land. Friend* are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services tomorrow (Monday). April 3, Km. at 11 o'clock a. id., at the parlors of Ashley & McMullen company,' 325 Sl^th ave- nue l»r?'wii Geary and Clement streets, 'n- terment Mount Olivet cemetery, by automobile. CABAB6A—Id this city. March 30, 1911. Teresa ('aaa»«a, beloved mother of Frank and Rolando Leveroni. and beloved sister of Rolando Ca- aassa, and beloved grandmother of Edward, Peter. Frank, Mario and Zelie Leverool, a na- tive of Italy, agtd 63 years. Friend* and acquaintances are respect fully In- vited to attend the funeral today (Sunday), April 5, 1011. at J p. m.. from her late resi- dence, 4.">11 2 Green street between Kearny street and Grant avenue, thence to Sts. Peter and Paul Italian church, corner Grant avenue and Filbert street, for service*. Interment Italian cemetery, by carriage. CLASCT—In this city, March 31. 1911. Henry, beloved husband of Mary Clancy, and loving father of Mary and Alleen Clancy, a native of County Cork, Ireland, aged GO years » months and II days. A member of the Widows' and Orphans' aid association of San Francisco police department. Friends and acquaintances are resp»c»fully vlted to attend the funeral tomonwv (Mondavi.*" April .1. at 0 a. m., from his late . residence. 1440 Slitb aTenue, Smiset district, thence to St. Ann's church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for th«« repose of -hi* soul at 9:30 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. COKH— In this city. March 30. 1911. Dora Conn, beloved mother of George, Mark and Abraham Cohn. and sister of Moses and Charles Marks, a native of Germany, aged Slyears. , - \u25a0 Services today (Sunday), April 2, at 10 (\u25a0'clock a. m.. at 312.Walnut street. Funeral and luterment private. CBOWELL—la Alameds. March 29.» 1911, Rob- .ert Crowell. a native of Nova Scotia. aged 55 . years (i months ami 29 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In- vited to attend the funeral service^ today (Sunday), April 2, 1911. Nt 2 o'clock p. m.." at 1. O. <>. V. hall. »Irvlnstou. Interment I. O. O. F. cemetery, trrln| .• I DEKXEH—Ia tUla city, March 30, 1911, Franklin Elmer, , beloved - husband of the late Laura Itennen. father of Alice, Clarence,, Chester, Clara. Raymond,: Milton, Leonard and Veroon bennen and Mrs. Hazel Chrlgpbei'iuiQ, and son , of Mrs. Sarah Demten, a native of Grass Valley, aged 4N years. Setriceii will be' held today: (Sunday). April 2. at 10:30 o'clock a. m., at the parlors of H. ; K. »nbr tc Co., 2919. Mission street between Tweuty-flfth and Twenty-sixth. \u25a0.; Interment strictly private. DUTTT- In -Oakland. March'Sl, 191! Thomas Duffy, a native of Ireland, aged M yean. .-- Friend* and aniuaintancex are respectfully In- vited to attend funeral, which'will take place Immediately after a requiem liijth man whirl, will celebrated for the repose of his soul commencing at 9 o'clock a. m.. at the cfaai>el if Our U«7'i Home, 1810 Thirty-fourth ave- nue. F>ui;val». > Interment St. Mary's ceme- EDGAR—In this city. March SI. 1911, Kmilr C dearly beloved wife of the latn Daniel .1' Ed- Ear., and mother of George B. and Emily C. Ewto^XlMt ri';iipl> G> Edßar- \u25a0 native of I Funeral will be held from h»r late residence ! I<s( 4 J Pag« street near Ashbury. tomorrow (Monday>. April .:. 1911. -at 2 o'clock I) •m" , 1. O." 0. F. cemetery, city (private). \u25a0'- FORD-In "this city. April 1. 1911. ' am F Ford, dearly b«love<l husband of Nonle E Ford, and loving father of Uiretta <T.." Mary X., Fram-es «nd Alice N, i-onl, and brother of Thomas J. Ford, a native of San Francisco, Cal.. aged 4& years i; months and '£> day*. A member of I/iyola council .No. 1. Yonng Men's Catholic Cninn, and Gas and .Steam Fitters' Union, local No. 442. - k Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in- vited to attend the funeral Tuesday, April 4. 1911. at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from bis late rest- dence. 2240 Fulton street between Parker ave- nue and .North Stanyan street, thence to St. Agnes church. Masonic avenue and Page street. truer* a requiem-"high mass will lie celebrated for the repose of his seal, commencing at 9 \u25a0'.lock a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. FSEYZKHUTH—In this city. March 30. 1011, Anna Helen, beloved wife of Dr. Otto 0. ' Kreyeruiuth. and mother of Carolyn B. and George U. Freyermuth. and daughter of Her man and the late Helen Schrader, a native of San Francisco, aged 36 years 8 month* and 22 days. A member of Yerba Bnena chapter No. 228. Order Eastern Star; Mission court No. 8. Order of the Amarantii, and Mission Rebecca lod;e V 225. Friend* and acquaintances are respectfully I"* Tlt»d to attend the funeral eervtce* today I (Sunday). April 2. 1911. at 3 o'clock p. in., from Grace Methodist Episcopal church, corner Twenty-flrst and Capp streets. Remains at the chapel of the Truman undertaking company. 1919 .Mission street between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, until 3 p. m.. today (Saturday), after which the remains will be at her late residence, 1133 Guerrero street between Twen- ty-third and Twenty-fourth. Interment Cypres* Lawn cemetery, by automobile. GENSUEB— (1, this city. March 30. 1311. Maria Eva Gensler, beloved mother of Goudie, Jake. Julius and Myer Gentler. Mrs. I. Salllnger and the late Mrs. Lena Coosius. a native of London. England, aped 80 years »'. months and 23 days. (Fresno. Cal., papers please copy.) Friends in! acquaintances are respect fully invited to attend the funeral today (Sun- day 1. April 2. at 12:30 o'clock p. m.. from the parlor* of Theodor Dierks & Co., 900 I'evisai'.ero street corner of McAllister. Cre- mation Odd Fellows' cemetery. GILLILAKD -In East Oakland. April I, 1911. Laura Alhreeht. beloved daughter of Adam and Ottilia Gilliland. and sister of Mrs. Wal- lace M. Hussey and Edith. William and .lack Gilliland, a native of California, aged 2.( years. Funeral services tomorrow (Monday), April •'>. 1911, it 2 o'clock p. m.. from her late home, 14C0 East Fifteenth street. East Oak- land. Interment private. .. ; J GORIE--In Oakland. April 1. 1911, Robin Roy , «orie, eldest son of Edwin T. and Florence '.•rie. a native of California, aged 8 year* 9 month* and ,15 day*. \u25a0I Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in- vited to attend the funeral services tomorrow I Monday), April 8. 1911, at 10 o'clock a. in.. the residence of his parents, 12 Vernnl ave- nue. Piedmont. Incineration 'Oakland crem»- tory (private). KRATTIGER In Oakland. April 1. "011. Mary Gertrude, beloved wife of J. .'. Krulii. and loving daughter of Patrick E. and Elizabeth >lanagan, and sister of Frank M. and C. .1. Flanagan, a native of San FrancUco, Cal., aged 0 year* and 25 days. KELLY In this city, March 31, 1911. I.awrene«. ilearly beloved husband of the late Ellen Kelly. and loving father of James H,. John .1.. lliomat F. and Fred L. Kelly ami Mr-. John Ky«u and Mr*. Ed Ufrray, a native of Dublin. Ireland, aged 7!> years and 7 months. (Boston paper* please copy.) Frionilg and acquaintance* are respectfully in- vited •\u25a0\u25a0 attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday). April '\u25a0. at 9 a. 111.. from his late residence, IK.'ii Gulden Gate avenue, thence to Holy Cruaa cluireh. Eddy street near DevUatlero, where a requiem ma»ii willbe celebrated for the rcpo«e of his soul, commencing m 9:f>o a. m. Inter- ment Holy Cross cemetery, by electric funeral mr from Valencia and Twenty street*. LEGGETT In Elmhurit. March 31. 1911, Wil liam A. Leggett. beloved husband of Mrs. Agnes Lepgett. a native of Penn»y!vani». aged ' 00 year* II month* and 8 day*. ' Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in- vite/1 to attend the funeral services Tuesday. April 4. 1911, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at his late residence, in Sunnyside avenue between Nine- ty-second and Ninety-fourth avenues, uuder the auspices of Hlmburst lodge No. 354, I. 0. O. F. Incineration Oakland crematory. . McCABE— Killed la S»n Mateo county, March J ao, 1911. Fred A. MeCsbe, dearly beloved husband of Lulu McCabe. loving ion of Mr aud Mr*. W. W. McCable vt Vancouver, Wash., and brother of Louis. Harry and Rob- ert UeCaba, a native of St. Joseph. Mo., aged 'SO year*. A member of San Francisco lodge .No. 26. Loyal Order of Moosa; aUo 1. I. S. X.. I local 59. and secretary and treasurer of Asso- ciated Union of Steam Shovel Engineers. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Sun- day), from the funeral parlors of Mouahan ft C0..'2X39-41 Mis-ion street near Nineteenth. where services will be held ender the anspi.es of Ban Francisco lodge No. 26. L. it. O. M.. conimenclnc- at 2 p. m. Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery. THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OK SAN Francisco lodge r No. 20, L. 0. 0. M., are hereby requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, Fred A. McCabe. today (Sun- rtryi, at 1:30 p. m.. from tin funeral parlors I of Monahan 4 Co., 2339-41 Mi" street near Nineteenth. Ky order. /-WALTER E. DORS, Dictator. Attest: L. A. EATON, See. MeCABE - In this city. April 1. 1911. at St. -To- Kpph's Home. Margaret McCabe. dearly be- loved wife of the late Eugene McCabe. a na- tive of Ireland, aged 74 year* and in month*. MOHEISON—In Oakland. (.Hi.. April 1. 1911. Samuel Morrison (of Santa Rosa. Ca!.), beloved husband of the late Mahala Morrison, and lov-', ing father of Mrs. ljiura H. Rue of Oakland and the late Oscar Morrison of Santa Roaa. ! and grandfather of Dick. Dwlght. l-aureoe, Walden. Raymond. Winfleld and Hower Rue nf Oakland and Hal and Edith Morrison of Sebaßtopol. ral., »nd J«ne Morrison of Santa i Ho«a. a native of Pennsylvania, aped 91 years. ' NICHOLSON— In Calient*. March 31. 1911, Law-i rence Nicholson, beloved husband of Maryj Nicholson, and beloved son cf John Nicholson. I a native of Boston, Mans. A member of Mu- sicians' I'nipn. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in- vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday), at R:3O a. m.. from the parlors of Barry' & Scully. 1*27 Valencia street, thence to . St. James church, where a requiem high mass will be. celebrated for the repose of his soul, com- mencing at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. . \u25a0 O'CONWELL— In this city, March 31. Mil. Tim- othy O'l.'PTjneU (late commissioner of Tonopaht. dearly beloved husband of Emma O'Connell. and loving father of Elbert W.. John T.. Law- rence J., Marie. Kugene and Thomas 0. O'Con-* nell, a native of New Orleans, La.. ' aged'AT year* 4 months and "7 days.,-A member of Catholic Knights of American, branch No. 408. Remains at the parlors of H. F. Buhr A Co.. 2919 Mission street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty -sixth. , . O'XEETE— In this city, March 31. 1911. Arthur, dearly . beloved son of John and Catherine O'Keef*. and loving brother of Eileen and Jo- . sephlue O'Keefe, a native of San Francisco, aged 4 years. . . '!\u25a0 *\u25a0\u25a0-,\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•« -•\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 .*.. -.\u25a0•- - Friend* and acquaintances are respectfully in- vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday) April 3. 1911, at 11 a. m.. from the residence of his parents, 1349 Hliode. Island street near - Twenty-fourth. Interment Holy Cross ceme- tery. SCHNEIDER thU city. March 31, 1911, Bar- bara, beloved wife of John N. Schneider, and " devoted mother of Paul, Albert. Peter. -Emll and Uosalin Schneider and Mrs. John Walton Mrs. Frank Dillinan, Mrs. Elizabeth Lees. Mr*. Samuel , Case, Mrs. E. R. Case and the late 1 Virginia Schneider, a native of Lorraine, France,'aged 69 years 10 months and » day*. •Friend* anil acquaintances are respectfully in- ; vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday) nt 2:30 p. in., from the parlors of Mcßr»arty . & MeCormtrk. 915 Valencia street near Twen- : tieth. Remain* at the parlors of Mcßrearty 4 ! ' McCormlck. 015 Valencia street ii«-ar Twen- tieth. Interment cypress Lawn-cemetery by | automobile. ' " DoYou (S Want a y |B " 9 W IB; II LmTK ;~ Tj' IK^a [eMWPTSiI L"*« A A"? I Eft A»H i- gfy - «jw ' BtMMhl^MfMMßOay \u25a0 4Kwßffi i JULIUS S. GODEAU Independent of the Trust. For $T5 Will Furnish Hearse, 3 C«r- . rlases, Kmhalmlng, Shroud and Cloth Covered ~ Casket Caiket* at $35. a* good as «old by Trust Undertaker* for .............. $*3 Caskets at $50. a* good as sold by tbc Trust Undertakers for '.....;,.. $90 Caskets at $100. a* good as sold by Trust Undertaker* for $150 41 Van »\u25a0» Are. I MARKET 711 60S Montß'y Aye. I HOME M3IIX. 1805 Franklin Street, Oakland Auto Ambulance and Carriage* for Hire. , Autos at Same Price*- ' I »nd 2." dar». - A member nt r>wit«<-her Franco ' Intprstntzimnjii Verela, K"l*ieK Kr»ui: Alrntmi ! rircle No. . 1, Friend* of Golden Stati-: Mlotion Turn Scbwestero and HoffDUDgs lodge No. 1. '.O. D. H. I. \u25a0 -•"\u25a0 :•. \u25a0 "\u25a0 ,-,-\u25a0- \u25a0;•.; i,r ' FrlendK and «r«iun'ntanre«, fre r»"»ect fully inTiteil to attend tho funeral today. (Sun •lay). April 2. at 2:30 p. in., from tin- parlors of H. K. Btihr & Co.. 291» Mission *»ree{ b«. twr«o -; Tweoty-fiftli am! Twenty slstli. Re- ' malna' will be it. her borne until tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Incineration I. O. O. F. cemetery. , s . REMOVAL/ NOTICE. { - COBTELLO Mr*. Ellen ."tVwitelli* 1; slid Henry J. Coatello of United Btate« xt*rT announce: the , rpmovnl of late husband and; family from Lai- vary to Holy <Yo*« cemetery, on April 4, IHII. j i Ann OF THANKS. : At.USON—We desire to ulno'rrli- IhMh onr [ ' many, friends nud; inl(thtK-.ri< who f\l<:i(l^cl «o ; nuinj- wllliifM of ttvlr li^artfplt b"'' comfort- | ins »-ym|>atliy ami l*autiftil floral offprlne* i. im in nor late bereavement, iv tin* I"-- of.our llttir dirllns. : \+T-j*m*&mgaß&'/\u25a0' JIB. AND MBS. .ARCHIBALD ALLISON'. i Ai;i> OF THANKS. BODE— V\> liprcwiih drstr* to fiprws onr ilncfrc and hmrtfrlt Ciank" to the'-r»latlvw. I j frl«"n*i i and! u<>lislihnrs. and »»p*^li"lt.r ito fhe firm and employ** pt W. IVFuller * Co,, for . th» r many . n't* pi : klniln»sii.: sympathy, anrt beautiful floral »ff«rln«t* 'it«-n'l"i to in l:it.' I>'reßvcni«'nt in th*- 1""« of n tlfur'.T Ml', loved daußhler sod sister," Mlnnlp'A.. Rode.^Bm MU..AXU MRS. F. BODE and Family.'^' V CARD OP THANKS Wo > dPsir» to <>r;«r"ji» <mr «lnwr» thank« '> our many friends and; n»lßhhnrit and the mem-, b<»m of the Ijull*1 * of. St. Mary's Austrian So- , Try for their,: lifwu.tifnl floral offerinjjg and kind ajrmpath.v extended 'to In oar lite N»- reaTPnwnt, th*>- lew of *\u25a0 a lovinit . wife . and . mother..; / - JAOOB.WIPMAK'and: Family. Annual Stock-Taking In Our San Francisco Store Is Completed Now. comes the great Bargain Opportunity. Goods in some cases are to be sold at cost and less than . ' **\u25a0 —. cost. And tremendous discounts will be made in every \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"'' , j^^^*^ i-"' department to effect a genuine \u0084^-_ ** CLEAN - \J P m^Msp 7NjgsacJ^=gr-.|"' ROGERS SILVER PLATED Semi-Porcelain Dinner Set— 42- FORKS AND SPOONS FourwPlece Glass Sets—Sugar, piece cottage and apart- jo 95 Windsor Satin, Beaded \y Off Creameo-, PpeonhoKJer. CQ C merit service; reg. $4.so^^'^** - mna Violet Patterns. ?3 VI » Butter: reg, 75cr-_—. OUC ... \u25a0•. \u25a0 : \u25a0\u25a0 , Silver; Plated Bar Spoons—3*4 to 5 «•>». Austrian C I l'd™ a Vu™ \u25a0 \u25a0'" -c— -=» in. long; reg. $2.25 do*. 15C (S 2p~)i China , i-*' 10c /^lh \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0''^fali" /6 to S'4 in. long. n»g. 30c to OQr —-_Jf =3k»L cups and Shalt Shaker Cisai®2^^^ iVory Handle Dinner Knives—Si I- ***^^^s==£^^^ reg. 25c! —Xon - corrod- Sk. Vl?r plated blade, medium, *>r Oft k^»sb»= = =»Jßp*^ i Be- ing, loaded HD«W reg. *18 doz.. half dor./ *>/.*U 15c bottom, ft- K~_--«w_--y-' Plated Blade Re*. Dinner Knives— Bowl . reg. 15c. *'*- ""Mfc!^ Ivory handle; rep. $12 dor.. *.4 an and -««„«—___»„_™___^-_—__^__ half doz . __— «P**«OU Pitch- flj^ Plated Blade Res. Dinner Knives— «, ' w»??l£^A Sink Strain- Reg. »15 dor. - *C qq fine yf *? }] '\u25a0\u25a0'jtSSfoXlYi - ! half dO2-.--...-_,.4-."— -..»"«wv whita , B M /I v M«K«W l" f^^»O Strong, Same, Desserts, re*. $IS.BO #c i/\ tleco- E'i Wi, iJ• Ifi&'.'.'i Ji^^ h«lf <loz J^O.IU rated ir/j TKl^lt-BssssSw^ blue enam- \iekel Salts and Peppers—Glass Eng- _^P*/' . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0^a»" 'Kf.,. . '\u25a0'i'.'/?y lined and glass bottom. *>£,» "Bh tf"^-\ M Inli^*^ WM / i-g al, rcg. 20c, pair _.^»3C semi- (JS^^Mi^S^^^^ \a^i*\ 7 MeUel Striking- and Alarm *1 AC porce- fsi?iW« l»l»*^}'.-W^rw' TKs£' \u25a0/ *1 /\ \u25a0'\u25a0 i<" Clocks— $^T5 _„. V *«*'*> lain, >^'> " 'js^ fc^vA^i/' M | 1/t Quadruple Silver Plated Tea Sets. r? f; * TnnK-w«rSa'Sn?E v **®aOstfP^ B 111. Fruit Bowli, Not Bovrln. \y ACC 1-50- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 , Flower Dowla, Bread Trays.. "rl $1.00 -H^Tfr.nn!lM»B9i GU"«'» rbelr" .-^—"°. Pout. Fryin«"^"- In. high, extends to|^^^^^^^^^ ReX- '•' -5 doz- j*s&r§ k** BtroDl. wov»n - 2CcBKH ?or -45c ro^:/.!':.. 25c ;;|||||| Mechanics Tools and Hardware Wlr. T«.t« "Marvel" 1 12-in. Strong Claw Carpen- «-ln. Good 12-!n. 10-in. ri^v-I^S-.— -"' iS;-f c car sr s.« r- H»« sr «-» -«• ?.-. mn;°'»-.9Qe §»£* 25c 15c 25c 5c $3.75 35c 15c 15c 50c jte, f^ Rer 75c. \u25a0 ' \u25a0 n ' n Tom« : pT_. Joe » -pro ' no c Ship T«»la, Plumhers', Cement Warkera', Carpenters' Tools and biers, yWTT B^ia IW. n.-a { Tools for all other trade* mt clean-up discount prices. plain or «J , «(Hf W B>Uy I*-"1. MECHANICS' BOOKS FOU AM. TRADER ONE-HALF OFF. etched 1| I'.ifl Er:J ' Reg. \u25a0\u25a0'-'' i ' \u25a0——i \u25a0\u25a0"'\u25a0' "' I." ,__ : F««d' Chopper— T*B- \u25a0 U«n»fc ggir-^). 11.75, 14-qt. Dlshpaa w-^—r^r^ —3 .. _ , _*•» •~.^»'j!rFt)ti*^ Household alia, *or 35c, lggggg|P "" >1-2il- -Straneky quad- $I*oo._. 75c 25c ruple coated blue iVHBf] Et^^c<u\lll r-i- "«."" n ——— —i——.—__ i^^ 77*BBi*^« nißna/vrifsA AoiaiM &«n uiass Jb.firar neater mi«h —w^^ enamel ste.lware; fi^»»H»^«K3»lß M*«anrt»« Glaaa— cA *J&£ K_ '»w reg. 90c rrfE Bj><^B St'^JSZ Keg. 75c dUC \^__^y 11.25 VJH HBBBrjIT Mo.d Chappl,, Bowl. Leather Chair Seats, tufted, or -- - «^>W^S2^^^^^^^. -" ' —Oblong, reg. —-^"C rJtSfM :' Leather Chair Seats, tufted or lB H^ '°»-"-V""'iT""^: £j|3»f plain, patent hooks, no nails, CQf. fc|^^^m3fe#Sj 5c X' w"»klna —Reg.* "7P| reg. 85c »*wv %3tiK!j)E^ttfwr9&tfyp&BrStt , . ' 10r* I^s W^ yJHß^y»^SMa^yjJ^qiV^^J|p%^^nS 3 flOlpn m */C O"**^ SO 117 D" J. <r^Bsar^ ,_««\u25a0\u25a0" ™*'«aJfiL -- _\u25a0 spohtiwo GOODS ;,-, . & W. ramts J=^^ r T^sa vi a R r h! baU..:.M e? fl »**V. »» * %r**»*fc«^ «W r| a^ffi>j" UlEr Jo 13 yfl Quarts, regularly sold at oe. . -. Boys' Baseball "complete 80c i. ',_...„—.„_„_— A' genuine Set t'p Free. Has oven heat regular $1.50 _; . 91.00 Enamelold For fine' inte- 'Hub," with indicator and Handsome Baseball Caps, 3 rlor work; 150 and 25, -I A- detachable \u25a0S;ifAW:X: imDroved COL or '^^ —- -- -—*5« cans - *"c nickel trim- rSOfiB improvea SpUt Bamboo Trout Rod* Him rßAifr itaim nvr mlngsand •P^jy sheet flue. __._., WeV _:——Me and Tsc HA^D-CHAFTT STAINS O>E- removable , 4hd %J heating oven Trout Files, special, per doxan HALF OFF grate. p on nve sides, up from .. ---.;-...-..i..2gg decorated„ r^Ai I jjTT^ft •4 j &^-' Q I!® 1 Aluminum Ware $2.09 Chocolate Set. *1.2H OWL 11 1 1 l^ft 1%% Tkitt A TnfdVJ 1165 Teapot 91.00 20c Bonbon Dishes,._lOe 1 IIU/lV mflri *8c Washbasin .—— 45<- Silver Plated 1, OFF £* IXCOIIPOTiATt.©'" 50c Cakepan'. 9 in.. 88c Toilet Sets ,7%V* * MARKET MA SOX STS.. SAN FttAXCISCO. Oard*»n Hose_6e to 20* ft. Monday Will Be a Great Day in Our Suit Department A*ik /k^^ 300 Sample Tailored Suits j| «E Just in Time for Easter Seliing /^^ mMsm^ %im El / X Secured of a Leading New York Manufacturer. - Act- (\vjk \\i 7 w§PBSKi 'I^EsLsa ual $2500 and $3000 Values at :About Half^sß <i 1 WL \u25a0 -\u25a0 . fi^jf Beyond all question the largest, most important and if* I+ U\ J?§fe|ifii| best purchase of Tailored Suits we ever secured in time M / ij^i) 7$ Kfl| & \u25a0 for Easter selling. A sale that no woman who appreciates a stylish suit fir f-« ~^^t. ilsiljS can afford to miss. Not alone are the garments of high character and su- V |! \ llsSpl perior workmanship, but the prices are far lower than you ever would 'j! I -^ife 3181 expect to pay for such stunning models. . i' I W^':3Ei The Widest Possible Variety, Both in Fabric and Design I I [ fe':illi Comprising navy and white serges; black and navy with white hairline stripes; v ,| j Hnfifirrfrlnl white with black hairline stripes; shepherd checks; tan and gray mixtures; stylish short- ! 4if BMRaKjflS] coat models. Some have sailor collar effect, and all are strictly hand /ft <g JF* *Jf* IVi 'ill •^P^Braffiui tailored. Don't fail to be on hand early and secure your choice. JK I *\u25a0% £ || ' ' IS" l^i| Pi Ladies' and misses' sizes, $25.00 and $30.00 values * .... *r * *"'• •*^ ' ilj | ' . §K^W^^n| ' WW Our Tailored Suits Excel at $25.00, $35.00 and $45.00 "^8 Hj If m\\ B^ We claim the finest showing in the city at these prices. With our low rent, spot cash iT^^ s^^ - -^^jp 1^ buying and our larger volume of business, we can give greater values than any other store. ?& InM^--" No lady can afford to buy a suit at any of the above prices without first seeing our lines * a^^ and comparing our prices. ' " " Two many models- -7 ~ ' - f - ' \u25a0 , \u25a0'\u25a0"•. ' *t $15.75 ' . \u25a0 Silk Dress Sensation Wash Goods Specials Monday 8:30 tO 12 O'CIOCk OnlY W* These Two Monday and No Longer -*g| A—— wa tt - i. , 10c Dress Ginghams Hydegrode Galatea C^f CA Hero we announce a remarkable Large assortment 7| , c And other Leading 1 o|/,c tB /••Jll purchase permitting a remarkable plaids and checks in /2yd Makes. You know /2yd I #nn Bale -price:; all the best colorings. Nurses': \u25a0 'ought^bt -Thi^'i? 1 besn* m Dm 300 fashionable Silk "dresses IgO Stripes =< in all si^c?- . Great variety p»^enis*and ecolorl! iH Each on sale, and remember, they will be Specials Monday and Ail This Week at 15c Yard sold under these positive conditions: . Ne^ Voile Marquisettes—The latest spring novelty. Dotsi and None sold before 8:30 a. m. None sold " " ngured patterns on blue,-.lavender and black \u25a0 grounds A useful None sold before 8;30 a. m. None sold dress material, full 27 inches wide. \u25a0 ; grouna-: -vuselul . after 12 O'clock. None Set aside. Dimity, Swiss and Lawn—New and pleasing designs, in floral, None altered. None Sent 0. O. D. . \u25a0 I dott! d ' and; small figuredeffects on- white grounds. By far the ,—— —— \u25a0•_ , - ; must varied assortment jUiown this ; season. 30 inches wide. If you appreciate.good;value, "~ ~ ——— \u25a0 \u25a0 ; —- New Wash Foulards— A. new by all means get here early to, j^"> 'i \u25a0 '^-^ mercerized wash fabric, 29 morrow. The-assortment in- /Tfy4 -r '•jujf''-- : -."jtfjrF inches ' wide. Blue lavender: eludes women's and misses' *<-S^£l&ffllT&dsfo®%J WJkLfrfV{^ black and lj&rllt grounds with sizes in pongees, mcssalines, j^t *M t: SiHy§&§&f%pEM small scroll ami figured pat- dSdioifla'rds^hf dbts^anVf r" "*co*PQ*AT£D J*e^ tenis- Good to wash and wear, ures; colors: brown, navy, Go- M .,, order, MSB HSJ:J Jf!!!fA J,l 'VtfS3j .„ , Above Three 1m n penhagen. gray and black. r«™i»t!r riu»d iq^^fcim^ig^iWW^ lw^ Xei|lo £*;™. Items i^*% *-* " Sizes up to 44. '•. - \u25a0 \u25a0 . '". ' \u0084 \u25a0\u25a0• -. ' * , - Your Choice '-A'^.yd -

Transcript of APRIL NOTED EDUCATORS AID - Library of Congress · 2017-12-17 · NOTED EDUCATORS TO AID IN PROGRAM...

Page 1: APRIL NOTED EDUCATORS AID - Library of Congress · 2017-12-17 · NOTED EDUCATORS TO AID IN PROGRAM Sonoma County Institute Will Have Interesting Session This Month [Special Dispatch


Sonoma County Institute WillHave Interesting Session

This Month

[Special Dispatch to The Call]SANTA ROSA, April I.—MiM Flor- j

ence M. ?arne«, the county superinten- jdent of schools, lias announced the pro-gram for the annuar Sonoma county

uaehere' Institute 10 be held in Santanosa Easter week, beginning Monday

afternoon, April 17. and continuing

with two sessions daily through Thurs-day afternoon.-

Among those who will participate In ;the instructive and Interesting program jarranged for the benefit of the 252 ;

grammar school and 35 high school ,teachers employed in the 149 districtand 6 high schools of the county arcth* following';

President Frederick L. Burk of the San Fran-c!x>o state normal *'-li""l; I'r- l.int*«t Hnag. Imedlctl director of the Berkeley school depart-ment: Ml»s Estelle C»rr*nter. minimi director•\u25a0f the San Francisco school department: Super-intendent F. V. Bunker of Berkeley: Superin-tendent -J, TV. MeClj-moods of Oakland; Presi-dent AlH»"n B. Wore Jr. of the Chlco state nr.r-mal school: Dr. Jackson Temple, health and 1physical supervisor, and Mrs. Minnie C. Mills,musical doctor, of the Santa Kosa school de-partment, "v

A feature o/ each session of the In-stitute will be the music and classesfrom the various Santa Rosa .schoolswho will participate in the programunder the direction of Mrs. Minnie C.Mill?. Miss Carpenter will discussmethods and illustrate her work withselections to the delight of all. The de-tailed program follows:

MONDAY AFTEENOON, 1:30 O'CLOCKInvocation Rev. Peter Colvln; music, (a)

"Santa Lucia," (b) "The Lord is My Shep-herd." (ci "Lullaby" (Brahms), sixth and sev-enth grade*. Llaroln *ehool: (a) "Aloha" (QueenLiliuokalani), (hi "Oyp«!e*' Life" (second melo-dic readar), fourth grade, Lincoln school- iai"Slumber, Lively Child." 'hi Violet Hunting."fifth grade, Lincoln school: roll rail and distri-bution of report card*; address, '-The Profit andLois Account of Our School System." FrederickL. Burk.

MONDAY ITlirarO. 8 O'CLOCKMusic; addre**, 'What is Scholarship?" Fred-

erick L. Hurt.

TUESDAY MOilflKG, 9 O'CLOCKMnsle. (a) "nurrah for the Flag!* 1 (bl "But-

ter Cup," South Park fchool; lai Swing Song,fourth grade. Bnrhank school; (a) motion song,'•One, Twe. Buckle My Shoe," second grade. Bur-

.hank school; address. "The Health Index ofChildren." with aterenptieon slides, by Dr. Er-nest Bryant Haag; "The Child V«iee." E»telleCarpenter; afldrets, "Closer Articulation of theTarts of Our School System," P. F. Bunker.

TUESDAY ATTEJUrOON. 1:11 O'CLOCKMuilc, bays' chorus, directed by Aurelia Al-1

T«res; (a) "Little Boy Blue." (hi "Jolly Boys,"«<•» "My Own United States," third, fourth andfifth grade*, Burbank school: aridrei<s, "TheChild and Hl* Environment." Dr. Ernest BryantHoa*-; "Sight Singing," Eatelle Carpenter; "TlieContent and Method, of Geography," F. F.Bunker. ,

WEDNESDAY XOBNTNO9 o'clock—Mnsle; mntlnn tons*; (a) "Poppy

Bods." (b) "Grandma Told Me." • high first ,rrada. Fremont school; (a) 'Bonnie Baby BlueEyes." (b) "The Honey • Bee." low eer-undgrade. Fremont »ehool: address. 'School Sani-tation." J. W. MeCiymnndsi; -The Adult Voice jof the Teacher and Children* *>bk«, and How ,to Sing Them," Estelle Carpenter; addrc*;."Laggards in Our Tub!!.- Schools." F. F. Bunker.

\u25a0WXDJTESDAT AFTERNOON1:15 o'clock—Moilc; motion songs; (a) "Dolly's

Asleep ' (b) Big Bate Ih-um." (ct "Left,Left," retiring claaa. Vremont iehoftt; in"Happy Fanner." (hi "Soldiers' Chorua." thirdand fourth grade*. Fremont srhool; "The N. p;.A.." J. W. McOymond*: "Ear Training andthe Effect of Music on the Backward Child."F«telle Carpenter; discuaiion of health super-vision as tried in the Santa Ro*a schools. Dr.J«ck»nn Temple. "Th» Content and Method ofHistory," I. F. Bunker.

THURSDAY MOKNIHG9 o'clock—Mq*ie. 111 ••The Stream." ib\'Spring Song." Rnscland school; "Elementary

and Grammar School Arithmetic." 3. W. Me-Clymoo/lii: "Rhythm." Eatelle Carpenter; ad-dress, "Educational Dividends," Allison Ware.

THURSDAY AFTERNOON1:15 1 else* "Vitalizing of the Child." K«-lelle Carpenter; "Unfinished Business." AllisonWare; report of <f>mni(ttee on resolutions; re-

turn on repoit cards; adjournment. \u25a0

Patents for Californians[Special Dispatch lo The Call]

WASHINGTON, April I—Patentshays been i lifornia inventorsas- foii

Edgar W. Allen, Sin Jwe, coin controlledchair.M. P. Brazil!. Kr<-sn". matchbox.Fred a. and W. F. Bright. Kaota Cruz, faucetopera d'vjce.-Charlen~H. Cornelius (assignor of half to .1TVsrrinjtoni. Fresno, flying chine.W. 1.. Forward. West Berk.ley (assignor toByron Jackson iron works, Berkeley), turbinepump.

\u25a0 \u25a0u»-!e» A. Vn X. Taft. resilient tlr».J. 0. Gamin, Tropleo. aeale,''"I" \u25a0 O. Gulock, San Diego, display appa-

P. O. Hubert, (/« Anceles. open fireplace.Joseph Meklensek. Delmar. pump. .Charles W. Merrill. Alameda. container for

pre^stiißf niter.Robert Moniua, San Diego, automatic wave*pparatu«.Edward.X. Moore, Oakland, heaving phi* for©tl weils. wIt G. Osborpe, T/» Angeles, railway titW. Plttman Tarker. Baa Dieg«f vacuum claaa-Ing apparatus. - . .»Charles O. Pellftler (assignor 10 N. B. Doue-lass. Man Frarielsco), wall bed.Thonias E. Pop«. Alameda. expansible bit.,ram»» G. Slavln, lx,» Angeles, airship.Luke A. Smith, Los Angeles, attachment forcoking utensil?.Alfred L. Sohm. Whittler faMismor to Sohmejeelrlc *l«nal and recording company 1, I/* An-

f*le«. eleetrV-al »lgnal recording arataiaOeorte 8pal«1ln*. Storkton. wheel bearingThoma* J. Thord, l/« Angeles, farm au'tomo-pik.

wFri Thorn, Sin Francisco, restaurant parDavid E. Vallarlno, San Leandro, can switchJames A. Walker, I/» Angeles, switch oper-

ating mechanism and railway crossingRichard N. Walton, LoB Angelea', railwaypoint.M. C. Warnock, Te»la, carpet cleaning appa-

boiler be«lett San rrtnclg<:0' beddlns .\u25a0tool forDOJIer tube*.

William G. Williams. Hi*.bland, saw, toothfcbip?n.Jo*eptj E. Wyokotf. hot Angeles, ditching *».


Special Committee ApprovesWork Done

cis of the city administration,accompanied by a special committeeof citizens, inspected the new munici-pal clinic Friday and expressed theirapproval. in the party were Mayor

thy. Attorney Cleveland L. Dam;Elmore I.efflngwell, the mayor's secre-tary. Chief Seymour; l>octor Katon.president of the board of health' DrW. K. McNutt, <lty health officer; C. S.Krsntz, foreman of the grand Jury;H. 1* Morrison, chairman of ttie grandjury commute*' on public morals; An-drew J. Gallagher. SU ''lam-pett. Cabbi Xleto and Secretary Haajensof the Merchants' association Inspec-tion bureau.

A visit was first paid to the munici-pal clinic in Commercial street nearKesrny. Subsequently, the Inclosed\u25a0ection was inspected. It was saidthat all the ordinances were being ob-served. Improved sanitation had beenintroduced, which was commended bymembers of the party.

.As a result of the trip certain recom-mendations will be made for furthersupervision by the health and pollqeauthorities. The mayor said It waahis .intention-,to. have the restricteddistrict confined to a section east ofKenrtiy street."


Body Includes Builders in ThreeCounties

Article* of incorpor*

oral contractors' association were filedwith the county clerk of San Franciscoyesterday. Its chief purposes are: (1)To join together all' general building

contractors of the city and county ofRan Francisco and adjoining countiesand establish and maintain a just andequitable system of dealing; (2) loestablish anil enforce » system- of ar-bitration "for the tettlement of dis-putes and controversies between stockholders of the association and personscontracting with them. \u25a0

The. association is capitalized at$125,000, of which $52,000 has been sub-scribed by, more than 100 contractorsin San Francisco, Alameda and SanMateo counties. The directors are:

A H. Bwfatiuui. Alameda: John Bllier. Sanrrancisci,: Charles A. Day, San Francisco: Kd-

ward Ginley, San Francisco; C. W. (Jontpert^,

Oakland; W. W. Hayes. San Francisco: Charles

W. Lindsay. San AFrancl«ci: Charles J. Llndgren,San I'ranclscoVPeter J. Lynch. San Francisco;Frank W. Marow. Berkeley, and J. J. Pratt; San

Kranolaco. Attorneys, Alken & Alkcn.;. '


, , \u2666

| New Postmasters in State j'+: : _—: :—__: -».[Special Dispatch to The Call]

WASHINGTON. April I.—California po»tmn«terit appointed: Castllia. Shasta, comity. J. A.Bell, vice I. Q. Smith, resigned: Greenville. Plu-mas county, I*. P. Mclntyre. vice -I. It. Mnrry.resigned: Hohart Mill 1 N>v«d» coupty. fiertmileE. Martin, rice 11. E. Martin, died: Johnsville,Plunias county. Mary A. Carter, vice C. H.Heath, died; Miranda. Hnmboldt county. ReubenAmrt«e. Rle» A. P. Monroe, removed; Ruth. Trin-ity county. Edward T. Manuel, vice J. V. Mr-Knight, resigned; SeqODla, Tiiolunmc county,Pearl Marrow, vice C. Y. Bartlett, resigned.

THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL. SUNDAY. APRIL 2, 19U.20SCHRADER In this city. Apr!! I, 1911. August

Schrader. a native of Braun«cliwel«r. Germany,aged 62 years and 2"i day*. A member of Spo-kane lodge No. 9, 0. d. H. i. '"\u25a0•• r= :

F*riend* and acquaintances are respectfully In-vite.l to attend the funeral Tuesday, at 10:30a. in., from the parlor* of Suhr * \u25a0Wleboldt.13.5.-1 Valencia street near Twenty fifth, where•ervires will be held, under the snap! ofNorth Beach lodge No. 0. O. d. H. 8, Inter-ment Cypress Ijiwn cemetery, by 11:30 a. m.train froia Twenty fifth and Valencia street*.

SCHUITR— In this, city, March 31. 19}}.'?™}:lielmltie. v. dearly beloved wife of HendricsPcbuur, an.l loving mother of Minnie, Etta,Henry and Aglna Sehuor. and sister of Mrs. CAugusta Hoffmann, a native of Germany. aged \u25a0

39 year* 1 month and 10 days.\u25a0 I Friend* and acquaintances ar» respectfully In- 1

vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday). .April 3, at 2 p. m.. from her late resldetii-e.34 Glrarri street near Sllllman off San Brunoroad.. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, bycarriage. \u25a0MHBBSB'BCBBiP*'!

SHACKELTON In this city. March 11, 1911.Kliiaheth Kha<-keltnn. dearly beloved wife ofJohn Shackelton, and loving mother of Edward.William and Lillian Rhaekelton. and sister e-fP. T. Gaffney and Mr». J. Sampson, a native

of San Francisco. ( al.SHEAS— In thin city. March 81. 1911. David,

beloved husband of Ida E. Shear, and devotedfather of J: M., Luolll* T.. Mildred R. andHnth K. Shear, a native of tJermany. aged58 year*. (New York papers please copy.

SHERMAN In thl»* city, March 11. ; 1811.Charles Heymour. dearly beloved \u25a0 husband ofKlltabeth May Hiiermati, and lovlßt father ofClay ion 8. Khrrman, and inn In law nf Mr.anil Mr*. Jam** McAllister, a native of Con• \u25a0I'M Cal., aged 3T years 0 month* and 13days..-. Remain*' at > hi* Isle residence, 1306 Fourthavenue, Sunfi district, '\u25a0'\u25a0""

STUCK In thl» city. March So. mil, Johntieorpe Straek. beloved unrle of Mrs. Jacob

• HolUerer, a native of Uiyern, Oerro»n,T. aged77 year* 8 months ami 21 days. A memberof Eureka Haln No. \u25a0». D. A. <>. D.

Friends and acquaintance* are res«»etf«illyvlted to attend the funeral today (Sunday.April I, at 1 p. in., from the parlors of H. X,Suhr * Co., 2U19 Mission street betweetj Twin-ty-Bftli and Twenty Incineration I. O.<>. K. cemetery.

EUREKA GUOVB NO. 4. t'. A. O. D.—The offlceni anil meraeber* and funeral committee ofEureka grove No, 4; U. A 0. P.. are herebyrequested to a«»emble at the parlor* of 11. F.«uhr & Co.. 2019 Minion street, today (Sun-day), at 12:.H0 p. m . to attend the funeralor Brother John G. Strack. By order

H. PAXTA.THOE?—In this city, March 31. 1811. Sybil

Florence, only daughter of Clement B. anilFlorence A. M. Thorp, and granddaughter ofU." W. Thorp and T. M. and Minnie Holt, anative of San Francisco, aged 7 years. - •

Friend* are respectfully Invited to attendthe funeral today (SundayV, at 3 o'clock p. m..from the family residence, 3148 Twenty-secondstreet. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, byelectric funeral car from Twenty-eighth andValencia streets. \u25a0 '

TOLMAN—In tola city, March 29. 1911, WilliamTolman. beloved husbnnd of Annie VictoriaTolniHti, and son of Itnfns J. Tolman, andbrother of Mr*. Minnie Stratton and Oustavwr'Tolman. a native of Placer county. Cal., aged40 years 3 months and 5 days.

Friends are respectfully Invited to :attendthe funeral today (Sunday), April 2, at1:30 p. m.. from the chapel of X. Gray t Co.,2100 4leary street corner of OevUadero. In-terment Cypress Lawn cemetery, by automo-bile*. ; , '

WALSH—In this city. March '31, 1811. 'Daniel j0.. beloved I husband of Annie Walsh, I and ;brother of William Walsh,, and son in law of I

" Mary ,1. Wren, a native of Canada, aged 20 'years. \u0084 . ;

WHIEIES In this city. March 31, 1911. now- ;*rd P. Wheeler, beloved father of Mrs. w. O.

I l>sllimore of Pasadena, and brother of Mr*.Ma C. Payne, a native of New York, aged 51years. - *Friend* and acquaintances are respectfully In-vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday),. at 1 o'clock p. m.. from Richmond hall. Cle-ment street and First avenue, under the ail"-pices of Richmond lodge No. 2"*; Y. & A.: M.

VERBA Bt'EXA CHAPTER SO. 228. O. E. B.—nftir.>r(i and member-, are requested to attendthe funeral of our late sitter. Anna H. Freyer-muth. today (Sunday), 111 3 o'clock p. 111.. from \u25a0

Grace Methodist Kpiscopal church. By order jcf AXNIE W." SPAULDIXG, W. M.

M. A. UEYNOLDS, Sec. - -WOOD— rest. In this city. March SO. 1911.

at her late residence. 20«3 Powell street. Wll-lelmlne. dearly beloved wife of George : C.Wood, devoted mother of Carrie Bergman, EdC. nod William J. Hildebrandt, and aM«r ofAfkoa Fisher and .Paul, Henry and William IScnunr and the late John and Edword Schnur. I. » native nt (Jernuny. ni.'«'il .'!! year* .ri month" I

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHSBirth, marriage and death notices sent by msiK

will not be inserted. Tbey inurt be banded In ateither of the publication offices and be indorsedwith the name and residence of person" author-ised to hare the lime published. Notice* re-stricted dimply to the anaonnocmont of the eventare published once In this colour.) free of charge.

1 Notable Deaths I•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ~... - '


JAKES ALEXANDER McGOWAH—Los Angeles,April I.—James Alc?nu<l<»r M«i'i»n. <*• yearsold. and a pioneer tod wealthy resident ofPlains, Mont., died last night at a loc»l hotel.

MAETIN GREIF, POET—Kufsteln. Austro-Hun-tary, April I.—Hartla Greif. the Bavarianpoet, died today.

JOHN A. SCOTT. RAILBOADMAN,-Mempbi*.'T.'nn.. April I.—John A. Scott, recently ap-pointed from the pout of district passengeragent of the Ililnol*Central railroad to that

'•' general passenger agent of the line* of thatroad south of the Ohio,' \u25a0lied suddenly at hisLou- Uere t«xsay of heart failure. 1

\u2666 . . .-\u2666 'I Marriage Licenses [ jThe following marriage licenses were issued in

San Francisco, Saturday, April 1:AKASHI—TAKAYAMA—Korn Aka«hi. 37. and I

Turn Takayama. 27, both of .'.24 (Srant avenue.CAI.KINS-- \u25a0• Hal M. Calkins. 24. «3

Carl street, and Cordelia E. Powell, 17. 1221ole street.

CARXKSF.CCA—GIAMPAOLI—Oiacomino Cam*secca. 21, and Vittorla Glampaoll, 19, both of j387 Chestnut street.

JACONO—GOMEZ—Eugene Jaeono, .-. 14 Hillstreet, and Rose Gome*. IS. 119 Broad street.

Mel-UN—MII.VIHIIJ.- Irving J. McLain. 28.Portland, and Margaret MulTlliill. 23, Denver..

A}*—MSYERFKLD—Richard Newman. \u25a0"\u25a0• '.344T Clay street, and Elsie 1. Mryerfcld. 22,2751 Clay street.

ROWLAND—ALDRIDGE—WiIIiam A. Rowland.41. 8 Kotlls street, and Clyde B. Aldrldge, I3». 1450 Washington street.—RII-RY—Joseph J. Smith. 30. and Mary jE. Riley. 28,-both of 60 Cotton street, '

BIRTHSABRAHAM- In thi* city. March 21, 1011. to the

wife of Harry Abraham (nee Gottlieb), \u25a0daughter. > . .

ALBERS—In this city. March 31, 1911. to the\u25a0wife of Frank H. Alber*. a son. trortland.(\u25bare., papers please copy. I

BRANSON—Ia San Mateo. fa!.. March 24, 1811.to the wife of Thomas. J. Branson, a ton.

K1.1.1S In this city. March 31, 1011. to thewife of O. Elli' (formerly Gertrude Gannon), adaughter.

LEAVITT—In this city: March 27, 1911. to thewife of William C Ix-«vJtt (nee Ryan), a eon.

.SPREE— In this city, February 24. 1911, to the•wife of Harry Spree, a daughter.

' deaths'AicheTich. Savo .... 4S|Morrison, Samuel .. 04Benjamin. Rath M.. 7S Nicholson, Lawrence —Bnilm. Anna A 71 O'Cnnnell, Timothy.. 57Bnrns. 'William — O'Keefe. Arthur ...4Burton. Mr». • Emily — Schneider, Barbara.. «9ravivsa. "Teresa ... 63 Sc"hra<l«T, August .. *>2Colin. 'Itora '.:.....; SI S'-huor. Wilhelmlne. o3Claw?. Henry ...:. MjSnackeltoa. Elizabeth —Crowell. Koln-rt .... 35 Shear. David .'. 5Slieuwn. franklin .. is Sherman. Charles *. 37Duffy. Thomas "..:'.. S4 Strack, John '<J 77Edgar. Emily C — Thorp. Sybil F..;.» 7Krcycrniutli, Anna 11.30 Tolman, William ... 4"Ford. • Jatnf* I" 48 Walsh, Daniel <;. . . 2!»<.>u«ler.. Maria E... «0 Wheeler. Howard I". SIliiliiland, Laura A.. Wood. Wllhelmlna.. 59Gorte. Robin R.;:.. S| '','.——• '"Kelly, Lawrence \u0084. T8 Costello .... (Removal i

Krattlger. Mar; G.. 23Liggett. William A. fwt Allison (Card)McCabe, Fred A SO »*c4e (Card)McCabi'. Margaret... 74 Widmar (Card)

AICHEVICH-In this city. March 31. 1911. Savo> AiebevU-h. brother of Vldo Aicherlch and Mrs.

S. Gerunoviib and Mr*. John Radulovlch, andcousin of Paul. Mllo* and Ri«to Alcherich, anative of Kameno, Austria, aged 48 years 1month and in days. A member of and pastgrand of Wallace lodge No. S3, I. 0. 0. F.,Wallace. Idaho.

Friend* and acquaintances are respectfully In-vited to attend the funeral services todayiSmidayi, April Z. 1911. at 12 .o'clock m..

from th» chapel of Julius 8. Godean. 41 Van\u25a0 ll* avenue near Market street, under tbe Iauspices of General Relief Committee of I. 0.<•. F.. thence to Trinitycathedral. Van Xesa

| avenue and Green street, for terrices. Inter-i merit Rerrijt! oemctfry.BENJAMIN In this city. AprTl 1. 1911, Ruth

M. henjamln.. wdnw of the late Hon. W. T.Benjamin of Ro-ifbiirc tire., and mother ofMrs. Frank W. Ben»on of Salem and Dr. R.W. Benjamin of rtlsnd. Ore., and grand-mother of Mrs. T. i;. Crothers and Cbwley'L.Benjamin and W. B. Benjamin., a native ofBuffalo, N. V., aged 7S years 1 mouth and 29 jdays.

Funeral it Coteburg. Ore.BRUHN At rest, in this city, April 1. 1911. at

her residence. 59 Roudfl place. Anna A..' belOTe<l wife of Prter F. Bnibn. ami loTine' mother of Peter Jr. and Andrew K. Bruhn andMrs. -Wilhelmlne Mcl.yon and Mrs. AnnieThorn, a native of Germany, aged 71 years.

BURNS la this city. April 1, 1011. William,dearly beloved bu*band of the late EllenBurns, and father of William .Jr.. Ro«r E. andPeter J. Burns, and brother of Mrs. t'aro-mody. a native of Ireland. A member ofCourt Golden Era No. 3«. V. of A.

Friend* and acquaintance* are respectfully inrlted to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday),April 3. at 8:30 a. in., from his late residence.MS Hampshire street near Seventeenth, thenceto | St. Charles Borroni"o's church, where arequiem high mass will be celebrated for therep<-i«- of bis >oul, at 9 o'clock a. m. , Interment Holy Crow cemetery, hy carriage.

BURTON In this city. -April 1. 101 Mrs.Emily Burton, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Friend* are respectfully invited to attendthe funeral services tomorrow (Monday). April3, Km. at 11 o'clock a. id., at the parlors ofAshley & McMullen company,' 325 Sl^th ave-nue l»r?'wii Geary and Clement streets, 'n-terment Mount Olivet cemetery, by automobile.

CABAB6A—Id this city. March 30, 1911. Teresa('aaa»«a, beloved mother of Frank and RolandoLeveroni. and beloved sister of Rolando Ca-aassa, and beloved grandmother of Edward,Peter. Frank, Mario and Zelie Leverool, a na-tive of Italy, agtd 63 years.

Friend* and acquaintances are respect fullyIn-vited to attend the funeral today (Sunday),April 5, 1011. at J p. m.. from her late resi-dence, 4.">11 2 Green street between Kearnystreet and Grant avenue, thence to Sts. Peterand Paul Italian church, corner Grant avenueand Filbert street, for service*. IntermentItalian cemetery, by carriage.

CLASCT—In this city, March 31. 1911. Henry,beloved husband of Mary Clancy, and lovingfather of Mary and Alleen Clancy, a nativeof County Cork, Ireland, aged GO years »months and II days. A member of theWidows' and Orphans' aid association of SanFrancisco police department.

Friends and acquaintances are resp»c»fullyvlted to attend the funeral tomonwv (Mondavi.*"April .1. at 0 a. m., from his late . residence.1440 Slitb aTenue, Smiset district, thence to St.Ann's church, where a requiem high masswill be celebrated for th«« repose of -hi* soulat 9:30 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery.

COKH— In this city. March 30. 1911. Dora Conn,beloved mother of George, Mark and AbrahamCohn. and sister of Moses and Charles Marks,a native of Germany, aged Slyears. , - \u25a0

Services today (Sunday), April 2, at 10(\u25a0'clock a. m.. at 312.Walnut street. Funeraland luterment private.

CBOWELL—la Alameds. March 29.» 1911, Rob-.ert Crowell. a native of Nova Scotia. aged 55. years (i months ami 29 days.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfully In-vited to attend the funeral service^ today(Sunday), April 2, 1911. Nt 2 o'clock p. m.."at 1. O. <>. V. hall. »Irvlnstou. Interment I.O. O. F. cemetery, trrln| .•

IDEKXEH—Ia tUla city, March 30, 1911, FranklinElmer, , beloved - husband of the • late LauraItennen. father of Alice, Clarence,, Chester,Clara. Raymond,: Milton, Leonard and Veroonbennen and Mrs. Hazel Chrlgpbei'iuiQ, and son, of Mrs. Sarah Demten, a native of GrassValley, aged 4N years.

Setriceii will be' held today: (Sunday). April2. at 10:30 o'clock a. m., at the parlors of H.

; K. »nbr tc Co., 2919. Mission street betweenTweuty-flfth and Twenty-sixth. \u25a0.; Intermentstrictly private.

DUTTT- In -Oakland. March'Sl, 191! ThomasDuffy, a native of Ireland, aged M yean. .--Friend* and aniuaintancex are respectfully In-

vited to attend funeral, which'will take placeImmediately after a requiem liijth man whirl,will b» celebrated for the repose of his soulcommencing at 9 o'clock a. m.. at the cfaai>elif Our U«7'i Home, 1810 Thirty-fourth ave-nue. F>ui;val». > Interment St. Mary's ceme-

EDGAR—In this city. March SI. 1911, Kmilr Cdearly beloved wife of the latn Daniel .1' Ed-Ear., and mother of George B. and Emily C.

Ewto^XlMt ri';iipl> G> Edßar- \u25a0 native of

I Funeral will be held from h»r late residence! I<s(4

JPag« street near Ashbury. tomorrow(Monday>. April .:. 1911. -at 2 o'clock I) •m", 1. O." 0. F. cemetery, city (private). \u25a0'-

FORD-In "this city. April 1. 1911. ' am e« FFord, dearly b«love<l husband of Nonle EFord, and loving father of Uiretta <T.." MaryX., Fram-es «nd Alice N, i-onl, and brother of

Thomas J. Ford, a native of San Francisco,Cal.. aged 4& years i; months and '£> day*. Amember of I/iyola council .No. 1. Yonng Men'sCatholic Cninn, and Gas and .Steam Fitters'Union, local No. 442. - k

Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in-vited to attend the funeral Tuesday, April 4.1911. at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from bis late rest-dence. 2240 Fulton street between Parker ave-nue and .North Stanyan street, thence to St.Agnes church. Masonic avenue and Page street.truer* a requiem-"high mass will lie celebratedfor the repose of his seal, commencing at 9\u25a0'.lock a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery.

FSEYZKHUTH—In this city. March 30. 1011,Anna Helen, beloved wife of Dr. Otto 0.

' Kreyeruiuth. and mother of Carolyn B. andGeorge U. Freyermuth. and daughter of Herman and the late Helen Schrader, a native ofSan Francisco, aged 36 years 8 month* and 22days. A member of Yerba Bnena chapter No.228. Order Eastern Star; Mission court No. 8.Order of the Amarantii, and Mission Rebeccalod;e V 225.

Friend* and acquaintances are respectfully I"*Tlt»d to attend the funeral eervtce* today

I (Sunday). April 2. 1911. at 3 o'clock p. in.,from Grace Methodist Episcopal church, cornerTwenty-flrst and Capp streets. Remains at thechapel of the Truman undertaking company.1919 .Mission street between Fifteenth andSixteenth, until 3 p. m.. today (Saturday),after which the remains will be at her lateresidence, 1133 Guerrero street between Twen-ty-third and Twenty-fourth. Interment Cypres*Lawn cemetery, by automobile.

GENSUEB— (1, this city. March 30. 1311. MariaEva Gensler, beloved mother of Goudie, Jake.Julius and Myer Gentler. Mrs. I. Salllngerand the late Mrs. Lena Coosius. a native ofLondon. England, aped 80 years »'. months and23 days. (Fresno. Cal., papers please copy.)

Friends in! acquaintances are respect fullyinvited to attend the funeral today (Sun-day 1. April 2. at 12:30 o'clock p. m.. fromthe parlor* of Theodor Dierks & Co., 900I'evisai'.ero street corner of McAllister. Cre-mation Odd Fellows' cemetery.

GILLILAKD-In East Oakland. April I, 1911.Laura Alhreeht. beloved daughter of Adamand Ottilia Gilliland. and sister of Mrs. Wal-lace M. Hussey and Edith. William and .lackGilliland, a native of California, aged 2.( years.

Funeral services tomorrow (Monday), April•'>. 1911, it 2 o'clock p. m.. from her latehome, 14C0 East Fifteenth street. East Oak-land. Interment private. . .; J

GORIE--In Oakland. April 1. 1911, Robin Roy, «orie, eldest son of Edwin T. and Florence'.•rie. a native of California, aged 8 year* 9month* and ,15 day*.

\u25a0I Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in-vited to attend the funeral services tomorrowI Monday), April 8. 1911, at 10 o'clock a. in..a» the residence of his parents, 12 Vernnl ave-nue. Piedmont. Incineration 'Oakland crem»-tory (private).

KRATTIGER In Oakland. April 1. "011. MaryGertrude, beloved wife of J. .'. Krulii. andloving daughter of Patrick E. and Elizabeth>lanagan, and sister of Frank M. and C. .1.Flanagan, a native of San FrancUco, Cal.,aged 0 year* and 25 days.

KELLY In this city, March 31, 1911. I.awrene«.ilearly beloved husband of the late Ellen Kelly.and loving father of James H,. John .1..lliomat F. and Fred L. Kelly ami Mr-. John

Ky«u and Mr*. Ed Ufrray, a native of Dublin.Ireland, aged 7!> years and 7 months. (Bostonpaper* please copy.)

Frionilg and acquaintance* are respectfully in-vited •\u25a0\u25a0 attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday).April '\u25a0. at 9 a. 111.. from his late residence,IK.'ii Gulden Gate avenue, thence to Holy Cruaacluireh. Eddy street near DevUatlero, where arequiem ma»ii willbe celebrated for the rcpo«eof his soul, commencing m 9:f>o a. m. Inter-ment Holy Cross cemetery, by electric funeralmr from Valencia and Twenty street*.

LEGGETT In Elmhurit. March 31. 1911, William A. Leggett. beloved husband of Mrs.Agnes Lepgett. a native of Penn»y!vani». aged '00 year* II month* and 8 day*. 'Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in-vite/1 to attend the funeral services Tuesday.April 4. 1911, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at his lateresidence, in Sunnyside avenue between Nine-ty-second and Ninety-fourth avenues, uuderthe auspices of Hlmburst lodge No. 354, I. 0.O. F. Incineration Oakland crematory. .

McCABE—Killed la S»n Mateo county, March Jao, 1911. Fred A. MeCsbe, dearly belovedhusband of Lulu McCabe. loving ion of Mraud Mr*. W. W. McCable vt Vancouver,Wash., and brother of Louis. Harry and Rob-ert UeCaba, a native of St. Joseph. Mo., aged

'SO year*. A member of San Francisco lodge.No. 26. Loyal Order of Moosa; aUo 1. I. S. X..

I local 59. and secretary and treasurer of Asso-ciated Union of Steam Shovel Engineers.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfullyinvited to attend the funeral today (Sun-day), from the funeral parlors of Mouahan ftC0..'2X39-41 Mis-ion street near Nineteenth.where services will be held ender the anspi.esof Ban Francisco lodge No. 26. L. it. O. M..conimenclnc- at 2 p. m. Interment CypressLawn • cemetery.

THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OK SANFrancisco lodge r No. 20, L. 0. 0. M., arehereby requested to attend the funeral of ourlate brother, Fred A. McCabe. today (Sun-rtryi, at 1:30 p. m.. from tin funeral parlors

I of Monahan 4 Co., 2339-41 Mi" street nearNineteenth. Ky order.

/-WALTER E. DORS, Dictator.Attest: L. A. EATON, See.

MeCABE - In this city. April 1. 1911. at St. -To-Kpph's Home. Margaret McCabe. dearly be-loved wife of the late Eugene McCabe. a na-tive of Ireland, aged 74 year* and in month*.

MOHEISON—In Oakland. (.Hi.. April 1. 1911.Samuel Morrison (of Santa Rosa. Ca!.), belovedhusband of the late Mahala Morrison, and lov-',ing father of Mrs. ljiura H. Rue of Oakland

and the late Oscar Morrison of Santa Roaa. !and grandfather of Dick. Dwlght. l-aureoe,Walden. Raymond. Winfleld and Hower Ruenf Oakland and Hal and Edith Morrison ofSebaßtopol. ral., »nd J«ne Morrison of Santa iHo«a. a native of Pennsylvania, aped 91 years. '

NICHOLSON—In Calient*. March 31. 1911, Law-irence Nicholson, beloved husband of MaryjNicholson, and beloved son cf John Nicholson. Ia native of Boston, Mans. A member of Mu-sicians' I'nipn.

Friends and acquaintances are respectfully in-vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday),at R:3O a. m.. from the parlors of Barry' &Scully. 1*27 Valencia street, thence to . St.James church, where a requiem high mass willbe. celebrated for the repose of his soul, com-mencing at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Crosscemetery. . \u25a0

O'CONWELL— In this city, March 31. Mil. Tim-othy O'l.'PTjneU (late commissioner of Tonopaht.dearly beloved husband of Emma O'Connell.and loving father of Elbert W.. John T.. Law-rence J., Marie. Kugene and Thomas 0. O'Con-*nell, a native of New Orleans, La.. ' aged'ATyear* 4 months and "7 days.,-A member ofCatholic Knights of American, branch No. 408.Remains at the parlors of H. F. Buhr A Co..2919 Mission street between Twenty-fifth andTwenty -sixth. , .

O'XEETE— In this city, March 31. 1911. Arthur,dearly . beloved son of John and CatherineO'Keef*. and loving brother of Eileen and Jo-. sephlue O'Keefe, a native of San Francisco,aged 4 years. . . '!\u25a0 *\u25a0\u25a0-,\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•« -•\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 .*.. -.\u25a0•-- Friend* and acquaintances are respectfully in-vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday)April 3. 1911, at 11 a. m.. from the residenceof his parents, 1349 Hliode. Island street near- Twenty-fourth. Interment Holy Cross ceme-tery.

SCHNEIDER thU city. March 31, 1911, Bar-bara, beloved wife of John N. Schneider, and

" devoted mother of Paul, Albert. Peter. -Emlland Uosalin Schneider and Mrs. John WaltonMrs. Frank Dillinan, Mrs. Elizabeth Lees. Mr*.Samuel , Case, Mrs. E. R. Case and the late 1Virginia Schneider, a native of Lorraine,France,'aged 69 years 10 months and » day*.

•Friend* anil acquaintances are respectfully in-; vited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Monday)nt 2:30 p. in., from the parlors of Mcßr»arty. & MeCormtrk. 915 Valencia street near Twen-: tieth. Remain* at the parlors of Mcßrearty 4 !

' McCormlck. 015 Valencia street ii«-ar Twen-tieth. Interment cypress Lawn-cemetery by |automobile. ' "

DoYou (SWant a y

|B " 9 W IB;IILmTK ;~ Tj' IK^a

[eMWPTSiI L"*« A A"? I Eft A»Hi- gfy -«jw 'BtMMhl^MfMMßOay\u25a0 4Kwßffi i

JULIUS S. GODEAUIndependent of the Trust.

For $T5 Will Furnish Hearse, 3 C«r-. rlases, Kmhalmlng, Shroud and

Cloth Covered ~ Casket

Caiket* at $35. a* good as «old by TrustUndertaker* for.............. $*3

Caskets at $50. a* good as sold by tbc TrustUndertakers for '.....;,.. $90

Caskets at $100. a* good as sold by TrustUndertaker* for $150

41 Van »\u25a0» Are. I MARKET 71160S Montß'y Aye. I HOME M3IIX.

1805 Franklin Street, OaklandAuto Ambulance and Carriage* for Hire. ,

Autos at Same Price*- ' I

»nd 2." dar». -A member nt r>wit«<-her Franco 'Intprstntzimnjii Verela, K"l*ieK Kr»ui: Alrntmi!rircle No. . 1, • Friend* of Golden Stati-: MlotionTurn Scbwestero and HoffDUDgs lodge No. 1.

'.O. D. H. I. \u25a0 -•"\u25a0 :•. \u25a0 "\u25a0 ,-,-\u25a0- \u25a0;•.; i,r 'FrlendK and «r«iun'ntanre«, fre r»"»ect fully

inTiteil to attend tho funeral today. (Sun•lay). April 2. at 2:30 p. in., from tin- parlorsof H. K. Btihr & Co.. 291» Mission *»ree{ b«.twr«o -; Tweoty-fiftli am! • Twenty slstli. Re-

' malna' will be it. her borne until tomorrow(Sunday) morning. Incineration I. O. O. F.cemetery. , s

. REMOVAL/ NOTICE. { -COBTELLO Mr*. Ellen ."tVwitelli*1; slid Henry J.

Coatello of United Btate« xt*rT announce: the ,rpmovnl of late husband and; family from Lai-vary to Holy <Yo*« cemetery, on April 4, IHII. j

i Ann OF THANKS.: At.USON—We desire to ulno'rrli- IhMh onr [' many, friends nud; inl(thtK-.ri< who f\l<:i(l^cl «o ;nuinj- wllliifMof ttvlr li^artfpltb"'' comfort- |

ins »-ym|>atliy ami l*autiftil floral offprlne* i.

im in nor late bereavement, iv tin* I"-- of.ourllttir dirllns. : \+T-j*m*&mgaß&'/\u25a0'


i Ai;i> OF THANKS.BODE— V\> liprcwiih drstr* to fiprws onr

ilncfrc and hmrtfrlt Ciank" to the'-r»latlvw. I

jfrl«"n*i iand! u<>lislihnrs. and »»p*^li"lt.rito fhefirm and employ** pt W. IVFuller * Co,, for .th» r many .n't* pi : klniln»sii.: sympathy, anrtbeautiful floral »ff«rln«t* 'it«-n'l"i to u» in _«

l:it.' I>'reßvcni«'nt in th*- 1""« of n tlfur'.T Ml',loved daußhler sod sister," Mlnnlp'A..Rode.^Bm

MU..AXU MRS. F. BODE and Family.'^'


dPsir» to <>r;«r"ji» <mr «lnwr» thank« '>our many friends and; n»lßhhnrit and the mem-,b<»m of the Ijull*1* of. St. Mary's Austrian So-,Try for their,: lifwu.tifnl floral offerinjjg andkind ajrmpath.v extended 'to n« In oar lite N»-reaTPnwnt, th*>- lew of *\u25a0 a lovinit . wife . and.mother..; / - JAOOB.WIPMAK'and: Family.

Annual Stock-Taking In Our San Francisco Store Is CompletedNow. comes the great Bargain Opportunity. Goods in some cases are to be sold at cost and less than. ' **\u25a0 —. cost. And tremendous discounts will be made in every \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"''

, j^^^*^ i-"' department to effect a genuine\u0084^-_ **

CLEAN - \J P m^Msp7NjgsacJ^=gr-.|"' — ROGERS SILVER PLATED —Semi-Porcelain Dinner Set— 42- FORKS AND SPOONS FourwPlece Glass Sets—Sugar,

piece cottage and apart- jo 95 Windsor Satin, Beaded \y Off Creameo-, PpeonhoKJer. CQ Cmerit service; reg. $4.so^^'^** - mna Violet Patterns. ?3 VI » Butter: reg, 75cr-_—. OUC... \u25a0•. \u25a0 • : \u25a0\u25a0 , Silver; Plated Bar Spoons—3*4 to 5 «•>». AustrianC I l'd™ a Vu™ \u25a0

\u25a0'" -c—-=»in. long; reg. $2.25 do*. 15C (S 2p~)i China ,

i-*' 10c /^lh \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0''^fali" /6 to S'4 in. long. n»g. 30c to OQr —-_Jf =3k»L cups and

Shalt Shaker Cisai®2^^^ iVory Handle Dinner Knives—Si I- ***^^^s==£^^^ reg. 25c!—Xon - corrod- Sk. Vl?r plated blade, medium, *>rOft k^»sb»= ==»Jßp*^

i Be-ing, loaded HD«W reg. *18 doz.. half dor./ *>/.*U 15cbottom, ft- K~_--«w_--y-' Plated Blade Re*. Dinner Knives— Bowl .reg. 15c. *'*- ""Mfc!^ Ivory handle; rep. $12 dor.. *.4 an and-««„«—___»„_™___^-_—__^__ half doz . — __— «P**«OU Pitch- flj^

Plated Blade Res. Dinner Knives— «, ' w»??l£^ASink Strain- Reg. »15 dor. - *C qq fine yf *? }]

'\u25a0\u25a0'jtSSfoXlYi - ! half dO2-.--...-_,.4-."— -..»"«wv whita , B M /I vM«K«Wl" f^^»O Strong, Same, Desserts, re*. $IS.BO #c i/\ tleco- E'i Wi, iJ•Ifi&'.'.'i Ji^^ h«lf <loz J^O.IU rated ir/jTKl^lt-BssssSw^ blue enam- \iekel Salts and Peppers—Glass Eng- _^P*/' . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0^a»"'Kf.,. . '\u25a0'i'.'/?y lined and glass bottom. *>£,» "Bh tf"^-\M Inli^*^WM / i-g al, rcg. 20c, pair _.^»3C semi- (JS^^Mi^S^^^^

\a^i*\ 7 MeUel Striking- and Alarm *1 AC porce- fsi?iW« l»l»*^}'.-W^rw'TKs£' \u25a0/ *1 /\ \u25a0'\u25a0 i<" Clocks— $^T5 _„. V*«*'*> lain,

>^'>" 'js^

fc^vA^i/' M | 1/t Quadruple Silver Plated Tea Sets. r? f; * TnnK-w«rSa'Sn?Ev **®aOstfP^ B 111. Fruit Bowli, Not Bovrln. \y ACC 1-50- \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0

, Flower Dowla, Bread Trays.. "rl $1.00

-H^Tfr.nn!lM»B9i „GU"«'»rbelr" .-^—"°. Pout. Fryin«"^"-In. high, extends to|^^^^^^^^^ ReX- '•'

-5 doz- j*s&r§ k** — BtroDl. wov»n- 2CcBKH ?or -45c ro^:/.!':.. 25c

;;|||||| Mechanics Tools and Hardware

Wlr. T«.t« "Marvel" 1 12-in. Strong Claw Carpen- «-ln. Good 12-!n. 10-in. ri^v-I^S-.—-"' iS;-fc car sr s.« r- H»« sr «-» -«• ?.-. mn;°'»-.9Qe

§»£* 25c 15c 25c 5c $3.75 35c 15c 15c 50c jte, f^Rer 75c. \u25a0 ' \u25a0 n ' n Tom« : pT_. Joe» -pro ' noc Ship T«»la, Plumhers', Cement Warkera', Carpenters' Tools and biers, yWTTB^ia IW. n.-a { Tools for all other trade* mt clean-up discount prices. plain or «J , «(Hf

W B>Uy I*-"1. MECHANICS' BOOKS FOU AM. TRADER ONE-HALF OFF. etched 1| I'.iflEr:J ' Reg. \u25a0\u25a0'-'' i ' \u25a0——i \u25a0\u25a0"'\u25a0' "' I." ,__ : F««d' Chopper— T*B- • \u25a0

U«n»fcggir-^). 11.75, 14-qt. Dlshpaa w-^—r^r^—3 .. _ , _*•» •~.^»'j!rFt)ti*^ Household alia, *or 35c, lggggg|P"" >1-2il- -Straneky quad- $I*oo._. 75c 25c

ruple coated blue iVHBf] Et^^c<u\lll r-i- "«."" n ————i——.—__

i^^ 77*BBi*^« nißna/vrifsA AoiaiM&«n uiass Jb.firar neater mi«h —w^^enamel ste.lware; fi^»»H»^«K3»lß M*«anrt»« Glaaa— cA *J&£K_ '»w reg. 90c rrfE Bj><^B St'^JSZ Keg. 75c dUC\^__^y 11.25 VJH HBBBrjIT Mo.d Chappl,, Bowl.

Leather Chair Seats, tufted, or -- - «^>W^S2^^^^^^^. -" '—Oblong, reg.

—-^"C rJtSfM :'Leather Chair Seats, tufted or • lB H^ '°»-"-V""'iT""^: £j|3»fplain, patent hooks, no nails, CQf. fc|^^^m3fe#Sj 5cX' w"»klna —Reg.* "7P|reg. 85c »*wv %3tiK!j)E^ttfwr9&tfyp&BrStt , . ' 10r* I^s W^yJHß^y»^SMa^yjJ^qiV^^J|p%^^nS 3 flOlpn m */C O"**^

SO 117 D" J. <r^Bsar^ ,_««\u25a0\u25a0" ™*'«aJfiL -- _\u25a0 spohtiwo GOODS ;,-,. & W. ramts j»J=^^r T^savia

Rr h! baU..:.M e? fl• »**V. » » • * %r**»*fc«^ «W

r|a^ffi>j" UlEr Jo 13 yfl

Quarts, regularly sold at oe. „ . -. Boys' Baseball "complete80c i. ',_...„—.„_„_— A' genuine Set t'p Free. Has oven heat regular $1.50 _; . 91.00

Enamelold — For fine' inte- 'Hub," with indicator and Handsome Baseball Caps, 3rlor work; 150 and 25, -IA- detachable \u25a0S;ifAW:X: imDroved COLor

'^^ —----—*5«cans - *"c nickel trim- rSOfiB improvea SpUt Bamboo Trout Rod*HimrßAifr itaim nvr mlngsand •P^jy sheet flue. __._.,

WeV_:——Me and TscHA^D-CHAFTTSTAINS O>E- removable , 4hd %J heating oven Trout Files, special, per doxanHALF OFF grate. p on nve sides, up from .. ---.;-...-..i..2gg

decorated„ r^Ai I jjTT^ft•4 j &^-' Q I!® 1 Aluminum Ware$2.09 Chocolate Set. *1.2H OWL 11 1 1 l^ft1%% Tkitt ATnfdVJ 1165 Teapot 91.0020c Bonbon Dishes,._lOe 1IIU/lVmflri *8c Washbasin .—— 45<-

Silver Plated 1, OFF £* IXCOIIPOTiATt.©'" 50c Cakepan'. 9 in.. 88cToilet Sets ,7%V* * MARKET MASOX STS.. SAN FttAXCISCO. Oard*»n Hose_6e to 20* ft.

Monday Will Be a Great Day in Our Suit Department A*ik /k^^300 Sample Tailored Suits j|«E

Just in Time for Easter Seliing /^^ mMsm^%im El / X Secured of a Leading New York Manufacturer. - Act- (\vjk \\i 7 w§PBSKi'I^EsLsa ual $2500 and $3000 Values at :About Half^sß <i 1 WL \u25a0

-\u25a0 .fi^jf Beyond all question the largest, most important and if* I+ U\ J?§fe|ifii|

best purchase of Tailored Suits we ever secured in time M / ij^i) 7$ Kfl| & \u25a0

for Easter selling. A sale that no woman who appreciates a stylish suit fir f-« ~^^t. ilsiljScan afford to miss. Not alone are the garments of high character and su- V |! \ llsSplperior workmanship, but the prices are far lower than you ever would 'j! I -^ife 3181expect to pay for such stunning models. . i' I W^':3Ei

The Widest Possible Variety, Both in Fabric and Design I I [ fe':illiComprising navy and white serges; black and navy with white hairline stripes; v ,| j Hnfifirrfrlnlwhite with black hairline stripes; shepherd checks; tan and gray mixtures; stylish short- ! 4if BMRaKjflS]coat models. Some have sailor collar effect, and all are strictly hand /ft <g JF* *Jf* IVi 'ill •^P^Braffiuitailored. Don't fail to be on hand early and secure your choice. JK I *\u25a0% £ || ' ' IS" l^i| PiLadies' and misses' sizes, $25.00 and $30.00 values

* .... *r**"'• •*^ ' ilj | ' . §K^W^^n| '

WW Our Tailored Suits Excel at $25.00, $35.00 and $45.00 "^8 Hj If m\\ B^We claim the finest showing in the city at these prices. With our low rent, spot cash iT^ s^^ - -^^jp 1^

buying and our larger volume of business, we can give greater values than any other store. ?& InM^--"No lady can afford to buy a suit at any of the above prices without first seeing our lines — * a^^and comparing our prices. ' " " Two <£ many models--7 ~ ' - f - ' •

\u25a0 , \u25a0'\u25a0"•. ' *t $15.75 ' . \u25a0

Silk Dress Sensation Wash Goods SpecialsMonday 8:30 tO 12 O'CIOCk OnlY W* These Two Monday and No Longer -*g|

A—— wa tt - i. , 10c Dress Ginghams Hydegrode GalateaC^f CA Hero we announce a remarkable Large assortment 7|, c And other Leading 1 o|/,ctB /••Jll purchase permitting a remarkable plaids and checks in • /2yd Makes. You know /2yd

I #nn Bale -price:; all the best colorings. Nurses': \u25a0 'ought^bt -Thi^'i? 1 besn*m Dm 300 fashionable Silk "dresses IgO Stripes=<in all si^c?- . Great variety p»^enis*and ecolorl!

iHEach on sale, and remember, they will be Specials Monday and AilThis Week at 15c Yard

sold under these positive conditions: . Ne^ Voile Marquisettes—The latest spring novelty. Dotsi andNone sold before 8:30 a. m. None sold

" " ngured patterns on blue,-.lavender and black \u25a0 grounds A usefulNone sold before 8;30 a. m. None sold • dress material, full 27 inches wide. \u25a0; grouna-: -vuselul

. after 12 O'clock. None Set aside. Dimity, Swiss and Lawn—New and pleasing designs, in floral,None altered. None Sent 0. O. D. . \u25a0 I dott!d 'and; small figuredeffects on- white grounds. By far the

,—— — —— \u25a0•_ , - ;must varied assortment jUiown this ; season. 30 inches wide.

If you appreciate.good;value, "~ ~ ——— \u25a0 \u25a0 ;—- New Wash Foulards— A. newby all means get here early to, j^"> 'i \u25a0

'^-^mercerized wash fabric, 29morrow. The-assortment in- /Tfy4 -r '•jujf''-- : -."jtfjrF inches ' wide. Blue lavender:

eludes women's and misses' *<-S^£l&ffllT&dsfo®%JWJkLfrfV{^ black and lj&rllt grounds withsizes in pongees, mcssalines,

j^t*Mt:SiHy§&§&f%pEM small scroll ami figured pat-

dSdioifla'rds^hf dbts^anVf r" "*co*PQ*AT£D J*e^ tenis- Good to wash and wear,

ures; colors: brown, navy, Go- M.,, order, MSB HSJ:J Jf!!!fA J,l 'VtfS3j .„ , Above Three 1m npenhagen. gray and black. r«™i»t!r riu»d iq^^fcim^ig^iWW^lw^

Xei|lo £*;™. Items i^*%*-* "Sizes up to 44. '•. - \u25a0 \u25a0 . '". '


\u25a0\u25a0• -. ' * , - Your Choice '-A'^.yd -