April 3, 2001 Washington, DC 2001 EMS Users Group.

April 3, 2001 Washington, DC 2001 EMS Users Group

Transcript of April 3, 2001 Washington, DC 2001 EMS Users Group.

April 3, 2001 Washington, DC

2001 EMS Users Group

Manley Higgins PEPCO

Project Manager

Mark BruenKEMA Consulting

Principal Consultant

PEPCO EMS Migration

EMS Migration

• Migration Philosophy

• Overview of EMS

• Migration Phases

• Related Enhancement Efforts

• Future Phases

• Long Range Plan & Update Process

• Challenges for the Future

EMS Migration

Migration Philosophy

Migration Philosophy

• In 1995, PEPCO Adopted a Long-Term EMS Migration Philosophy to Keep the EMS “Ever-green”.

Migration Philosophy

• Migration Rationale:

• Keep the system technologically current to meet the terms of the financial lease

• To protect the investment in the operational procedures, EMS software, system design, & database.

• To avoid obsolescence of hardware

Migration Philosophy

• Migration Rationale (cont.):

• To support increased performance and capacity requirements

• To allow for the addition and enhancement of system functions as business requirements change

• Enhance the EMS to accommodate the implementation of large-scale Distribution Automation and Substation Automation projects

Migration Philosophy

• Migration Rationale (cont.)

• And, to avoid the extreme and expensive effort of another EMS “forklift” replacement, including:• Procurement costs• System Testing• Cutover• Software Quality Control• Staff time commitment

EMS Migration

Overview of the PEPCO EMS

Overview of the Original PEPCO EMS

• EMS is “Consolidated Control System”• Designed to support Transmission,

Distribution, and Generation Operations • (Generation sold December


Overview of the Original PEPCO EMS

• Interfaces with other critical PEPCO and external systems including:• New Outage Management

System• Corporate Systems• PJM

Overview of the Original PEPCO EMS

• Procured from ABB Network Management (formerly NMTI)

• Delivered in 1993

• Initially commissioned in 1994

Overview of the Original PEPCO EMS

• Full featured EMS including:

• SCADA• Graphical User Interface (not

workstation based Full Graphics)• Distributed System w/ Proprietary

Hardware Front-ends• Full Advanced Applications Suite

• Real-time and Study• PEPCO Specific Applications

Overview of the Original PEPCO EMS

• Dispatcher Consoles• Transmission Dispatchers• Load Dispatchers• Transmission Shift Supervisors• Distribution Shift Supervisors

• System Support Consoles

• Development and Testing Facility• Dispatcher Training Simulator

EMS Migration

PEPCO Migration Phases

Migration Phases

• PEPCO established a multi-year migration program:• To fully migrate the EMS every

seven years.

• PEPCO’s management committed to to fund the effort to avoid the high costs of another procurement.

Migration Phases

• Migration Phase I – 1995 – 1996

• Open Systems Platform Enhancements including:

• Introduction of Dec Alpha Hardware Platform

• Operating System Upgrades• VAX VMX to UNIX• Intel RMX to UNIX

Migration Phases

• Migration Phase I (cont.)

• Conversion of Code to C• (from less common/difficult

languages – PLM, Assembly)• FORTRAN not converted

Migration Phases• Migration Phase II – 1997-1998

• ICCP for standards-based communications with:• PJM• PEPCO to BGE (planned

merger)• Ranger Data Acquisition Server

• Compaq Alpha hardware and Unix operating system

• Bow Software Protocol Emulations

Migration Phases• Migration Phase II – (cont.)

• Addition of PI Historian Data Repositories

• Upgraded DTS• Increased Database Sizing

• Via System Master Parameters

Migration Phases• Migration Phase III – 1999 – 2000

• Workstation Based Graphical User Interface

• ODBC Interface Into EMS• NT Based Historian• Study Mode State Estimator –

Uses Historian Data for Studies• DNP Protocol

Migration Phases• Migration Phase III (cont.)

• Event Storage and Retrieval

• Updated Software Tools to Improve Maintenance and Support Environment

Migration Phases

• Migration Phase IV – 2001-2002

(currently in progress)

• Increase DB Sizing (1.5 x current)• Naming size increases• DNP Protocol Converter (Rockwell

5020 to DNP)• Transfer Existing RTU to RDAS• Graphical Data Engineering Tool

• CIM Based

Migration Phases

• Migration Phase IV – (cont.)

• Facilities and Support Systems• Console Voice Equipment

(integrates PEPCO’s radio and telephone requirements)

• Upgrade/Life Extension for Critical Power (UPS) and HVAC

Migration Phases• More to Come?

• Phase V – Commercial Display Generation Software

• Phase VI – Upgrade EMS Application Processors, storage devices, printers, Bow-Tie Equipment, LAN I/F

• Phase VII – SCADA System• Phase VIII – Advanced Apps.

• These phases are currently under review

EMS Migration

Related EMS Enhancement Efforts

Related EMS Enhancement Efforts

• RTU Protocol Conversion for existing RTUs

• Outage Management System/EMS Interface – using ICCP

• Source Data Management System – to improve data management process

• System Security Enhancements

Related EMS Enhancement Efforts

• PEPCO Substation Automation Initiatives:

• Increased data from smart relays and Substation Automation systems (4 kV, 13 kV, 69 kV, 230 kV substations)

• VAR Dispatch – using feeder capacitors.

Related EMS Enhancement Efforts

• PEPCO Distribution Automation Initiatives:

• Feeder sectionalization using fault detectors and Motor Operated Disconnects

• 69 kV MODs• 13 kV MODs• Utilinet Spread Spectrum Radios

EMS Migration

Future Migration Phases

Future Migration Phases

• Migration of Advanced Applications to support:

• New Business Needs• New ISO Support Requirements• New Corporate Information Needs• Corporate Reorganizations and

Industry Restructuring

EMS Migration

Long-Range Plan & Update Process

Long-Range Plan and Update Process

• PEPCO is currently reviewing the Long-Range Migration Plan• Looking at current operational and

business needs• Investigating current technology• Assessing impacts of restructuring

• To properly align the next migration phases with the overall long-term direction

Long-Range Plan and Update Process

• Goal is to provide an updated 10 Year Forecast for planning purposes.

• Also to more clearly define the near-term needs and associated migration projects.

EMS Migration

Challenges for the Future

Challenges for the Future

• Distribution Operations Optimization• Fault detection and automated

feeder reconfiguration• Other distribution functions

• Additional Expansion of Distribution Functional and Data Requirements• Smart Relays, MODs, etc.

Challenges for the Future

• Integration with Corporate Systems

• Corporate-wide Data Availability• For Maintenance Monitoring

System• Enterprise Application Integration

(EAI) Environment

EMS Migration

Questions and Comments?

EMS Migration

Thank You!